HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2013-09-18, Page 15/31/2019
Week 39 Issue 220
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10 SHARE 0y®...A Sept. 18, 2013 Vol. 5 Week 39 Issue 220
Jamie Thomas (left), a librarian at the Bayfield Library, accepted a cheque for $500 from Joyce McIlwain,
president of the Optimist Club of Bayfield recently. The money will be used to purchase preschool aged toys
for the new library as the larger children's space allows for a place for little ones to play while their older
siblings check out the books. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder)
Wow! The jointly hosted Bayfield Lions' Club and
Albion Hotel First Annual Golf Tournament and Raffle
held on Sept. 6 raised over $10,000.
The tournament had over 70 golfers and was won by
the team of Dean Lawrie, John Graham, Curly
McMann and Jim Fleming.
Don Neil was the lucky winner of the framed Maple
Leaf Hockey Team Jersey.
"This record amount of over $10,000 was due to the
generosity of all our hole sponsors and our major
sponsors, The Dale Group and The Albion Hotel,"
said Lion Larry Simpson. "Thanks to all the
merchants and private individuals who donated items
for our prize table and silent auction. We could not
have done it without all of your help."
The Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
(BACC) Annual General Meeting is scheduled for
Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Little Inn.
The meeting will include the past BACC year in
review, priorities for the coming year and financial
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Week 39 Issue 220
a I, An internationally recognized
E% I author is coming to town at the
C behest of The Village Bookshop
� � � � and the Bayfield Historical Society
A NARRATWE,Beldon Butterfield will be the guest
PAST AN() PRESENT I F s eaker at the u comin monthl
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MASKl BHS Speakers Series evening set
I���jl IK for Sept. 23. This special evening,
co -hosted by the Bookshop and the
BHS, will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the
Bayfield Town Hall. Everyone is
invited to attend the event. There is
no charge but donations are
welcome at the door.
Butterfield is the author of the
recently released, "Mexico Behind
the Mask".
According to evening organizers,
the book is especially timely in light
of current events related to US -
Mexican immigration issues, the
drug war along the border, and the
North American Free Trade
Butterfield went to Mexico with
Time Inc. in 1962 and has lived there ever since, enabling him to provide a unique perspective
on the country's history, culture and economy.
The author traces Mexico's tangled history from the early arrival of the Aztecs to their fall at the
hands of Hernan Cortes, from the Mexican Revolution to the disastrous agrarian reform
measures, and from Mexico's standing as one of the wealthiest countries in the world to its
status, until recently, as a member of the third world.
Butterfield was born and raised in Argentina but
attended school in the United States. He has
represented the Financial Times and Business
Week in Mexico for more than twenty years. He
has also published two novels in Mexico "The
Crystal Bull" and "The Line/La Linea". He lives
in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
Mary Brown, owner of The Village Bookshop is
pleased to see another international author
coming to speak in Bayfield.
"These kind of events enrich our village life,"
she said.
The BHS membership is excited that Butterfield
has agreed to come to Bayfield and encourages
villagers to attend this interesting evening.
Beldon Butterfield
update. All business members and prospective
members are welcome to attend, however, only
current 2013/2014 members in good standing are
able to vote.
Anyone who would like to serve on the board should
forward their name to Steve Baker at
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Celebrity writer Barbara Heartland is having a
birthday party celebration. But all is not as it seems...
With guests arriving from all corners of the world, one
of them has murder on their mind!
"Murder at the Bollywood Bash" is the next
installment of theatrical fundraisers for the Bayfield
Town Hall Heritage Society written by Judy Keightley.
With a stellar cast of many well-known Bayfield
residents, including the return of the invincible
Inspector Morsell and his trusty sidekick, Sergeant
Day -Lewis, guests are invited to help them solve the
The evening to be held on Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. in the
Town Hall will include a three -course dinner and a
special "birthday surprise" presentation display of
"Bollywood" dancing.
Tickets at $35 each are limited so people are advised
to book early. Tables for four or more can also be
For tickets please call 519 565- 2572 or 519 565-
4404. They can also be obtained online at:
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5/31/2019 Week 39 Issue 220
Since their decision to form this partnership just this
People are warmly invited to spend an evening "Just
Council of Canadians. She will take the stage at 7 p.m. in the Bayfield Town Hall. Tickets are
Between Friends" on Sept. 29 when the Bayfield
Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) presents "two
Barlow's newest book will be released that day and will be available at the evening event as
seasoned performers, both alike in musical tastes"
well as at the Bookshop.
on the stage of the Bayfield Town Hall.
Sept. 28 will be a very active day in the village when the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association
of Canada in July.
(BRVTA) host the Bayfield Water, Art and Fitness Festival in support of the Alexandra Marine
Marlene Fagan, of London, ON, a
and General Hospital Foundation (AMGHF).
pianist/accompanist and well-known Metropolitan
kilometre than the oceans. It is the source of drinking water for 45 million people and the
Opera Bass -Baritone John Avey have collaborated in
This celebration of local waters and trails will begin at 9 a.m. with a 5KM Run hosted by the
a new scintillating cabaret partnership. This duo,
Virtual High School (proceeds of which will go to Childcan). An Art Show and Silent Auction will
known as, "Just Between Friends", will showcase the
run in the afternoon along with an Urban Pole Walking event scheduled for 2 p.m.
timeless classics of Broadway and popular music.
Rounding out the day's events will be a presentation by Maude Barlow, former senior advisor
Since their decision to form this partnership just this
on Water to the 63rd President of the United Nations General Assembly and chair of the
past April, they have performed concerts for their
Council of Canadians. She will take the stage at 7 p.m. in the Bayfield Town Hall. Tickets are
peers as well as for Laureen Harper, wife of Prime
sold out for her presentation — a waiting list is being compiled at The Village Bookshop.
Minister Stephen Harper, and most recently at The
Barlow's newest book will be released that day and will be available at the evening event as
Huron County Cultural Awards Ceremony. They were
well as at the Bookshop.
also featured in a concert at The Bach Music Festival
"We often take for granted this magnificent resource that sits to our west," said Ray Letheran, a
of Canada in July.
festival committee member. "The reality is that it is threatened by invasive species and human
Their program includes favorites, such as, 'Time After
activity. The Great Lakes contain more microscopic particles of toxic plastic per square
Time', 'Who Can I Turn To', 'Misty', 'Hey There', 'This
kilometre than the oceans. It is the source of drinking water for 45 million people and the
is All I Ask', and `Old Man River' to name a few.
dumping ground for sewage discharge for the same number.
From the light-hearted to the passionate, the
"We can ignore these and many other issues related to lake quality or become engaged. The
program promises a memorable evening. The doors
Bayfield River Valley Trail Association is engaged and invites you to partner with us in working
of the town hall will open at 7 p.m. with the
towards remediation and protection of our lakes, rivers and streams."
performance starting at 8 p.m. A cash bar (wine and
cheese) will be available.
Barlow, a leading figure worldwide on water issues, along with her husband, Andrew Davis, will
be leading the Urban Pole Walking event scheduled to depart from Clan Gregor Square at 2
Tickets are available now for $20 each by calling 519
p.m. on the Saturday. People don't need poles to join in the walk all are welcome to don their
565-2572 or from Ernie King Music, Goderich or
sneakers and take part.
Before the walk and beginning at 11:30 a.m. people are invited to bid art on display at the
Bayfield Town Hall. Fourteen artists, potters, painters, photographers etc. have taken the
ii 7 err C
theme water and created some stunning pieces of work. After the walk participants will have
time to check on their bids as the auction will end at 4 p.m.
There is just five days left to visit JMR Gallery on
Visit www.flickr.com/photos/10#6A5848 to view all the art up for auction.
Main Street to bid on the delightful painting of the
Clan Gregor Square Splash Pad. Katerina Mertikas'
All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital
colorful depiction of children playing in the water is
Foundation to assist in the purchase of an anesthetic unit.
part of a secret, silent auction for the Bayfield
Optimist Club.
"These are our waters and this is an opportunity to become active rather than passive in the
task of taking care of this most valuable resource. If not now, when?" said Letheran.
Mertikas was the artist behind the coloring page for
the Bayfield Optimist Club's Splash Pad grand
opening contest held back in June. The bids will be
opened on Sept. 22.
The gallery will host its final 2013 the Artist"
Series reception on Sept. 28 from 6-10 p.m. David
Zurich has been chosen as the location for the 1 st Annual Industry Connects: Huron's Career
Haskell will be the visiting artist — his medium
Fair and Business Trade Show on Oct. 3.
The Councilors and staff of the Municipality of Bluewater are pleased to hosting this event and
Haskell is an internationally recognized photographer
are rolling out the welcome mat for Huron's business and industry. The Zurich Arena Complex
who was born and raised in Clinton. He has traveled
will be the location for the day long event that will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
the world and is known for his "edgy" celebrity
"We are pleased that Bluewater was selected to host this county -wide event," said Mark
Cassidy, coordinator Economic Development, Municipality of Bluewater. "Bluewater Council
His exhibit of new photos from Bayfield and area will
has established that assisting local business is a high priority for economic development. The
open on Sept. 25 and run until Oct. 15. Visit
Industry Connects initiative helps to further that goal."
www.jmrgailery.com for more information.
"Helping our existing businesses is the primary objective of Industry Connects," said Mayor of
Bluewater Bill Dowson. have employers who have jobs to fill and job seekers eager to
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work. This event brings them both together."
Week 39 Issue 220
Mayor Dowson introduced the "Industry Connects Partnership" as a newly created
collaboration between the county's Chambers of Commerce, skills and employment agencies
and local business and industry that will harness the power of partnerships to tackle the skills
gap in Huron County.
The Province's Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities provides funding for Industry
Connects. For a full list of sponsors and partners or for more information go to:
Tom Prout, general manager and secretary -treasurer of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority, is shown in
front of the office of the administration centre at Morrison Dam Conservation Area, east of Exeter. After more
than three decades in the top job at the local conservation authority, and four decades in the conservation
field, Prout has announced he will be retiring at the end of the year. His resignation was accepted, with regret,
on Sept. 12 at the board of directors meeting. (Submitted photo)
The general manager and secretary -treasurer of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority
(ABCA) announced on Sept. 12 that he will retire at the end of the year, after more than three
decades at the top job of the local conservation authority.
"I give credit to everybody I've met along the way," Tom Prout, said in an interview, outside the
office at Morrison Dam Conservation Area, east of Exeter. "I've learned something from all of
He looked back on his career and called it satisfying and he said he "owes a debt of gratitude"
to the people he has met and with whom he has worked.
Prout has devoted forty years to work in the conservation field and 32 of those years have
been spent as General Manager at ABCA.
"I have had the pleasure of working with very supportive board members, very committed and
passionate staff, and very interested and exciting community groups," he said in a letter to the
board of directors. He congratulated the board and staff for programs and projects that have
made people more aware of their local environment and have improved the health of the
Some people are voted "most likely to succeed" in their yearbook. Prout's Grade 8 yearbook
actually said he was "most likely to be manager" of the conservation authority. He attended one
This fall is the 100th anniversary of the Great Lakes
Storm of November 1913. This storm was the
deadliest and most destructive natural disaster ever
to hit the lakes. The storm killed more than 250
people, destroyed 19 ships and stranded 19 others.
Immense cargoes of coal, iron ore, and grain were
lost. Pieces of the wrecks have surfaced along our
coast for the past 100 years.
The Great Lakes Storm 1913 Remembrance
Committee has organized a series of nine media
presentations and talks about the storm to take place
every Thursday from now until Nov. 7. The nine
events will be held at the Huron County Museum in
Goderich starting at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments and
snacks will be served beforehand. The price is $5 at
the door or $30 for the series.
The Bayfield Historical Society is sponsoring one of
these presentations on Oct. 3, entitled, "The Weather
Bomb of Early November 1913" presented by Jay
Campbell, noted meteorologist.
Other titles in the series are: Sailing Blind, Sept. 19;
Discovery of the Regina & Price, Sept. 26; Lake Fury,
Storms of the Century, Oct. 10; Images of Goderich
Harbour, Oct. 17; Overview of the November Storm
of 1913, Oct. 24; and finally, the Edmond Fitzgerald
Investigations on Nov. 7.
Also in support of the 100th year Storm
remembrance, Barb Durand, a BHS board member,
is using her graphic arts skills to create an authentic
shipwreck map of Lake Huron showing the vessels
lost in the Great Storm. The map will be on display at
the Bayfield Archives in late September.
Bayfield Guiding has openings for Sparks, aged 5-6
years; Brownies, aged 7-8 years; Guides aged 9-12
years; Pathfinders, aged 12-15 years; and Rangers,
aged 15-17 years. Women interested in becoming
leaders are also welcome to contact the number
listed below for more information.
The groups meet, with the exception of the
Pathfinders and Rangers, on Tuesday afternoons
from 5:30-7 p.m. at Trinity Anglican Church, 10 Keith
Cres. (doors open at 5:15 p.m.) The Pathfinders and
Rangers will meet twice monthly at the Bayfield
Village Inn on the second and fourth Thursdays from
6:30-9 p.m.
Pathfinders and Rangers will have their first meeting
on Sept. 26. Anyone interested in joining is welcome
to attend to learn more about what being a senior
member of Guiding is all about.
If you would like to reserve a spot for your daughter
please phone Melody Falconer -Pounder at 519 565-
2443 or email her at bvi@tcc.on.ca. Registration to
be a member of Girl Guides of Canada is now
exclusively on-line. Parents are encouraged to
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Week 39 Issue 220
of the very first conservation programs at Camp Sylvan as a young camper and he would later
coordinate the program there. He planted trees over the years, cut grass and worked at
conservation area gatehouses and was part of the writing of the first report for the Bayfield
River Watershed.
The Chairman of the ABCA Board of Directors, Dave Frayne, said the board accepted Prout's
resignation "with regret." He said one of Prout's many strengths as a manager is hiring people
who combine positive attitude with job skills.
"Tom has helped to build an organization where staff members work effectively together and
with the community," Frayne said. "He will be retiring with the knowledge that there is a strong
and experienced staff in place, clear direction from the community through the Conservation
Strategy, and a responsible long-term approach to financial management through the five-year
budget planning process."
A human resources committee will recommend how to proceed to fill the position and the board
plans to advertise for a replacement before the end of the year. "It is impossible to fully replace
the knowledge and experience that Tom brings but the board is confident he has helped
cultivate a positive and well-functioning organization that has the tools and capacity to make a
smooth and successful transition to a new era," Frayne said.
ABCA works closely with landowners and residents in the watershed to protect soil, water, and
living things by creating awareness and taking positive action in partnership. ABCA is an
independent, corporate body established under Ontario's Conservation Authorities Act. Local
municipalities identified the need for such an organization in 1946 to deal with serious
problems of flooding, soil erosion, water supply and quality. Twelve member municipalities
name the members of the local board of directors that governs ABCA.
This local conservation agency was the first of 36 conservation authorities formed across
Ontario. ABCA's area encompasses the drainage basins of the Ausable River, Bayfield River,
Parkhill Creek, and the gullies that drain directly to Lake Huron, from an area north of Bayfield
to an area south of Grand Bend. The 2,440 -square -kilometre area of jurisdiction is largely rural
with a population of about 45,000.
A group of 34 community members met every month for a year to create a Conservation
Strategy to guide the organization. As part of that process, they carved out a mission and
vision for the agency: Mission - Protect, improve, conserve, and restore the watershed in
partnership with the community. Vision - Healthy watersheds where our needs and the needs
of the natural environment are in balance.
After more than 20 years of service to the Bayfield Town Hall, Alan Wilson has retired from his
position as Caretaker.
"Over the years Alan has not only taken exceptional care of the building, often performing tasks
which were well beyond the scope of his role, he has also been a font of information for
newcomers to the Board on the history of the hall and the many events that have taken place
there over the years," said Kate Lloyd -Rees, president of the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage
"We are sure that both past and present Board Members will join us in thanking Alan for his
dedication and loyalty to the Town Hall and in passing on our best wishes for his retirement,"
she added.
The BTHHS is now in the process of seeking a replacement for Wilson. They would welcome
enquiries from anyone who may be interested in this part-time position. For more information,
please contact Lloyd -Rees at 519 565-4404 or Sandy Scotchmer at 519 565-2830.
register their daughters prior to the first meeting by
visiting https://register.girlguides.ca/ use the postal
code NOM 1 GO to find the Bayfield branches.
The Childhood Cancer Research Association
(Childcan) and Virtual Highschool.com (VHS) are
pleased to announce their partnership to deliver a
new program that provides Online Learning
Bursaries for children coping with cancer.
Together they hope to offer a solution that enables
children to continue their education and helps
families to deal with the difficulties associated with
cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. With this
partnership they hope to enhance the quality of life
for children affected with childhood cancer — this
means helping to provide education that is available
at any time and in any place.
With this partnership, VHS and Childcan will be
hosting the first annual Run4Kids 5 km run/walk in
Bayfield on Sept. 28 to create awareness and lend
support to children and families coping with
childhood cancer. All funds raised will be donated
directly to Childcan to help provide educational
support and opportunities. VHS will be covering all
costs associated with organizing the race and will
donate all course and administrative fees free of
charge to children in the Online Learning Bursary
Program. The bursaries will cover all teacher fees
associated with enrollments through the partnership.
There are opportunities for all of our supporters to be
involved as participants, volunteers, or donors.
Please visit www.vhsrun4kids.com or contact
Childcan or VHS directly to learn more. An Ipod
Shuffle will be awarded to one lucky person who
registers for the run before Sept. 19 as a draw will be
Jack Pal was the photographer behind the March calendar
The 2014 Bayfield calendar was released recently.
The Bayfield Lions' Club sponsored the calendar this
year working jointly with the Photography Club of
Bayfield (PCoB).
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October 5`0 & 6111, 2013
-ir ,ti at waft amiaw
Week 39 Issue 220
The Photography Club of Bayfield (PCoB) will be bringing a number of well-known
photographers to Bayfield to make presentations, hold workshops and host photo walks over
the weekend of Oct. 5-6 as part of their inaugural Bayfield Fall Foto Fest (FFF). The event,
themed "A Celebration of Fall", is being promoted to photographers of all abilities.
Gary Lloyd -Rees, co -president of the PCoB said, "As we approach the FFF event weekend,
now less than two weeks away, we continue to work closely with the local community groups
partnering with us on the afternoon photo walks: the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association;
Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce; Friends of the Bayfield River; and the Bayfield
Lions' Club."
Local restaurants and accommodation providers are also preparing to welcome the more than
70 photographers each day from across Southwestern Ontario who will be attending the event.
Lloyd -Rees added, "A number of the workshops are now at, or near capacity; however, we do
still have several spaces in the "Capturing the Image: Beyond the Auto Setting" option on the
Sunday. The workshop for this particular option will be given by Bill and Deb Hall and, although
suitable for photographers of all abilities, would be particularly beneficial for any local resident
who wants to get a better understanding of how they can use the various settings on their
digital camera to better "capture the image". You can attend the event on just one day and
even if you have never attended a photography course or workshop before you will be very
quickly put at ease in this one."
In the afternoon, a guided themed photo walk led by the Halls and partnered by the Bayfield
Lions' Club will enable the workshop participants to put their newfound skills into action.
Further information on the festival, including registration details, can be found at
http://phototourtrekkers.com/news/bayfield-foto-festival/foto-fest-registration/ or by contacting
the PCoB at bayfieldpc@gmail.com. Further details on the Halls can be found at
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There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives
collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an
image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in
Thirteen photographs selected for the 2014 Calendar
— one for each month and one for the cover - are
extraordinary images of various scenes and subjects
around the village and are identifiably Bayfield.
The calendar is now on sale for $10 at the Bayfield
Archives, The Village Book Shop and at various
stores throughout the village. The proceeds from the
sale of calendars are shared equally between Lions
and the volunteer organizations and merchants who
sell the calendar. The Bayfield Lions' Club will use its
share of the proceeds to fund its various projects in
the community.
1frN SS1 U
One Care fall sessions in Bayfield have begun.
Stronger Seniors Classes will be held on Mondays
and Wednesdays at 10:20 a.m. These classes
address developing better balance, flexibility and
strength as well as cardio endurance. The class
finishes at approximately 11:15 a.m.
A Gentle Yoga Class is held at the Bayfield Town Hall
starting at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays. The cost is $4 per
class and participants are asked to bring a yoga mat.
First time attendees are asked to arrive ten minutes
Mah Jongg will be held on Sept. 26 at the Bayfield
Lions' Community Building at 1 p.m. This game is
becoming quite popular in Bayfield. It is an easy
game to learn and great brain exercise.
The Bayfield Euchre Club will start its fall session on
Oct. 2. The group meets on alternate Wednesdays at
the Bayfield Lions' Community Building at 7 p.m. The
cost is $1.50 and everyone is welcome. For more
information call Lee at 519 565-2765.
Attics d Spray Fcmm
MM�J. wL4C-4J
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Week 39 Issue 220
the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the
bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at
bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. You can view
the entire Collection of Remember Me Photos: Volume 2 on Flickr as well.
This week, an image of an accident that took place in front of St. Andrew's United Church in
1968. Records note that a truck loaded with corn rolled over. Does anyone remember this
Make your comments... click on any image and it will
take you to Flicks
q*U ClV0
In Issue 218, we feature another pair out for a stroll
this time along Main Street in August 1966. Records
with the photo state Lucy Diehl's grandson is in the
picture along with a Martin boy. Can anyone provide
more details?
In Issue 219, records indicate the people in this
photo are Rev. and Mrs. Smith. Does anyone
remember them?
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Week 39 Issue 220
A young group of cyclists enjoyed supporting the 33rd annual Terry Fox Run (and Bayfield's 5th) on the morning
of Sept. 15. A stop at the water station on Tuyll near Howard Street was a highlight for the boys.
Participants in the Terry Fox Run kept volunteers, Livian Gould Gerber and Tara Hessel, busy during
Terry Fox famously said about his Marathon of
Hope that, "Even if I don't finish, we need others
to continue. It's got to keep going on without me".
On the morning of Sept. 15 several people joined
together to keep hope alive in Bayfield raising
$3,500 for the Terry Fox Foundation. The
Foundation is responsible for supporting close to
$20 million in research each year in Canada.
The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association
(BRVTA) sponsored the Fifth Annual Terry Fox
Run in the village.
In the five years for the Bayfield run an inspiring
$19,000 has been raised. Participants ran,
walked, wheeled and cycled a choice of 2 KM,
5KM or 10 KM routes — the longer route taking in
the picturesque Sawmill Trail maintained by the
We had a great turn out for the Terry Fox run
again and a lot of new participants that was great
to see!" said event organizer, Heidi Hessel.
"Thanks to all for the generous donations and to
the people working to collect various pledges."
She also acknowledged the many volunteers that
help each year with the event from the registrars
to the Marshalls.
Volunteers Tamara Hein -rich (left) and Taryn Siertsema
kept Terry Fox Run participants hydrated when they
stopped at the water station at the corner of Tuyll and
Howard Streets.
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Week 39 Issue 220
Heidi Hessel, run organizer for the BRVTA, outlines the route choices to participants.
It was an overcast day but not too cold for the 33rd annual Terry Fox Run and Bayfield's fifth. Cyclists, bladers,
walkers and runners all departed along their route of choice from Clan Gregor Square to aid in the raising of
funds for the Terry Fox Foundation.
It is the Terry Fox Foundation's single mission to fund
innovative cancer research. It funds research in many
types of cancers such as lung, ovarian, colorectal,
pancreatic, oral, and liver. Those who participate in the
annual run aid in this mission.
Terry Fox's run lasted 143 days from Apr. 12 to Sept. 1,
1980 - but his dream of finding a cure for cancer keeps
bodies in motion 33 years on during the annual event held
in his memory.
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Week 39 Issue 220
Five kilometres is really far - especially with training wheels - but Brennan Erb proved to be up for the
challenge. Terry, himself, would have been proud of his effort.
Members of the Vanderhaar family walked together along the 5 KM route during Bayfield's 5th Annual Terry Fox
Money raised from the Bayfield run will go to the Terry Fox Foundation. It is responsible for supporting close to
$20 million in research each year in Canada.
Participants could choose from 2 KM, 5KM or 10 KM
routes. The longer route taking in the picturesque Sawmill
Trail maintained by the BRVTA.
Every year, millions of people in close to 25 countries
participate in The National School Run Day, The Terry Fox
Run, and Terry Fox fundraising events.
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Week 39 Issue 220
HLAL ESWf- LfM1'(E1)
Morrison Trail... By Janette Baillie
Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your
photo to Flickr.
I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you
are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where
they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued
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Zwick Oat.
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Melody Falconer -Pounder
Week 39 Issue 220
So today I think my husband and I are going to venture to the International Plowing Match in Mitchell. It's kind of sad but I can't
remember if I've ever been to one before — I asked my Mom if she could recall. She couldn't. I do, however, have a silver
charm on my charm bracelet from the event when it was held in Wingham. I don't think I went to it though — I think my parents
brought me back the charm as a present when they went as I had school. I couldn't find the year for the Wingham match on-
line but if memory serves it was in the late 70s or early 80s because I feel like I was nearing high school when I got that
particular charm.
I am hoping that my attendance at the event will trigger some memory of being at a Plowing Match — it is hard to believe that a
girl who was raised on a dairy farm has never been to one. My "city boy" husband thinks he's been to two! I really shouldn't
tease him about his roots as he has lived in a lot of places both big and small. And after all he has milked a cow! So have I for
that matter. That is one part of country life I do remember - vividly! Here's hoping for a memorable 100th match whether it is my first or not. - Melody
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome.
Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m.
Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443.
Hope to see you online soon at www.villageofbayfield.com
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Founding Members
...._ ..........................e. ..
Goderich Honda
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd.
Bayfield Foodland
Outside Projects
Brad's Automotive
Bayfield Garage
Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy
The Dock's Restaurant
Ian Mathew CA
Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
Breeze Committee: Ian Matthew, Roger Lewington, Mike Dixon, John
Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder
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Week 39 Issue 220
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