HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2012-04-04, Page 15/28/2019
Week 15 Issue 144
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0 SHARE MtiI It' ... Apr. 4, 2012 Vol. 3 Week 15 Issue 144
Holy Week is here and Trinity Anglican Church will
offer a variety of worship opportunities for those in
the community.
A Good Friday service will be held on Apr. 6 starting
at 10 a.m. and Easter Sunday will be celebrated at a
9:30 a.m. church service on Apr. 8.
And in keeping with tradition, a Maundy Thursday
service will be held at St. James', Middleton at 7:30
p.m. on Apr. 5.
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Week 15 Issue 144
The congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church is
}� opening their doors to all in the community who
would like to celebrate Easter with them.
Ontario Good Friday will be observed at Knox with a service
at 11 a.m. on Apr. 6. This somber service will be
followed by the joy of Easter morning, to mark the
un i c i pa r Heritage Com m iftees occasion an 11 a.m. service will be held on Apr. 8.
tablishing and sustaining an effectiv! UNITED CHURCH
iniciplal heritage committee
St. Andrew's United Church will hold an Easter
Sunrise Service in the lovely back yard of Bill & Rose
Dundass starting at 7:00 a.m. on Apr. 8. This uplifting
_p outdoor service will be followed by a potluck
r breakfast at the church.
Communion will be served at the traditional Easter
Service that will follow at the church at 11 a.m.
Cultural heritage properties might include such things as monuments, statues, natural features, In addition on June 2, Clinton Guiding will host their
landscapes, spiritual sites, cemeteries, ruins, and archaeological sites, including marine 2nd annual "Family to Family Sale" from 8 a.m. to 2
archaeology. p.m. at the Clinton Legion. Anyone wishing to
purchase a table can learn more by contacting Kathy
"You don't always know what is important by just looking with your eyes only," said Duclos. Kelly -Ingram at kathykingram@gmail.com. Tables
"The values based approach shows what you can't see." are $15. There is no admission fee for shoppers.
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Heritage Outreach Consultant, Bert Duclos, with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport presented a
workshop open to all Municipal Heritage Committees in Huron County on the afternoon of March 30 at the
Bayfield Town Hall. The event was hosted by the Bluewater Heritage Committee. (Photo by Melody Falconer -
The 2012 season for the Bayfield Garden Club will
begin on Apr. 16 with a presentation by Master
Gardeners, Leigh Selk and Susan Beatty.
The Bluewater Heritage Committee hosted a workshop by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and
They will present on the topic, "Orchids, Exotic and
Sport (MTCS) open to all Municipal Heritage Committees (MHC) in Huron County on the
Easy". Those who attend will learn easy tips on
afternoon of March 30 at the Bayfield Town Hall.
growing these exotic beauties, including myths and
Members of the Bluewater Heritage Committee, Mayor Bill Dowson, a councillor, municipal
truths about their care. Selk will also demonstrate
staff and interested parties from sister organizations attended as did representatives from
floral displays with a "wow" factor!
heritage committees in Huron South and Huron East.
People will be encouraged to ask questions and
Heritage Outreach Consultant, Bert Duclos, of the MTCS presented the workshop that focused
share their own experiences at this meeting to be
on three main topics: What is cultural heritage value? What roles and responsibilities do MHC
held at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building
have to be effective? And how to best follow the inventory, evaluation and designation process.
starting at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
In his presentation, Duclos stated that the MTCS defines Cultural Heritage as everything from
the past that a community values in the present and wishes to pass on to the future.
He noted that those people who volunteer on MHC are more than likely doing so to make the
Bayfield and Clinton Guiding are teaming up to host
place where they live a better place.
a "Mostly Books Sale" on Apr. 21 in the Trinity
"You want to conserve the things in your communities that will benefit the people in your
Anglican Church Parish Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
communities," Duclos said. "Cultural heritage includes iconic symbols that help to identify a
To make the sale a success the girls are now
place, as Canadians some examples would be maple syrup, the Toronto Maple Leafs or Tim
accepting gently used books of all genres with the
exception of textbooks, encyclopedias and
He explained that cultural heritage is comprised of both the "intangible" and "tangible".
magazines. They are also collecting music CDs, VHS
Examples of the intangible would be language, family histories and traditions; the tangible
or DVD movies in good condition. Please no
would be property, artifacts and photographs. Such items may have more than one heritage
cassettes, records or older forms of media.
value; may be valued for different reasons by different communities of people and may change
Books etc. can be given to members of Bayfield and
over time.
Clinton Guiding or dropped of at the Bayfield Village
In the interest of MHC, however, the Ontario Heritage Act, which was established by the
Inn or Drs. Haney and Van Maanen's Dental Office in
provincial government, deals only with real property and all the buildings and structures
Clinton from now until Apr. 19. For more information
thereon that are subject to protection for their cultural heritage value.
call 519 565-2443.
Cultural heritage properties might include such things as monuments, statues, natural features, In addition on June 2, Clinton Guiding will host their
landscapes, spiritual sites, cemeteries, ruins, and archaeological sites, including marine 2nd annual "Family to Family Sale" from 8 a.m. to 2
archaeology. p.m. at the Clinton Legion. Anyone wishing to
purchase a table can learn more by contacting Kathy
"You don't always know what is important by just looking with your eyes only," said Duclos. Kelly -Ingram at kathykingram@gmail.com. Tables
"The values based approach shows what you can't see." are $15. There is no admission fee for shoppers.
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Week 15 Issue 144
He used The Comfort Maple Tree in Pelham, ON as an example. To someone driving past it
may just look like an unusually large tree but further exploration will uncover how important the
history of this 500 year-old tree is to the people of the region. It is named after the Comfort
family, Empire Loyalists who lived there since the mid 1800s and the tree is a community
landmark. The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority accepted the tree for preservation in
Duclos than asked everyone in the room to share one special place in their community that
stands out to them. A place that would help explain the cultural heritage of their community to a
first time visitor.
The workshop participants named such places as Bayfield's Pioneer Park and the views of
Lake Huron at sunset, the Bayfield Town Hall, Van Egmond House in Seaforth, The Old Town
Hall in Exeter, the Huron Historic Goal and Huron County Museum in Goderich; the county's
abundance of Carnegie Libraries, and the Heritage Main Streets in rural communities.
"Many of you named places that were significant because of an event or from childhood
memories, others chose examples of natural heritage," said Duclos.
He went on to note that once you understand the value of cultural heritage it is important to
understand the role of MHC.
"The role of MHC is to advise and assist municipal councils," he said. "Councils have authority
and can choose to take or not to take your advice. They make the final decision. The council's
role is defined in the Ontario Heritage Act, the MHC' is not. Councils, however, must make use
of the MHC if they have one. They must consult with them first before making decisions."
The concept of MHC is not a new one. They were once known as the Local Architectural
Conservation Advisory Committees (LACAC). LACAC was very much about preserving the
built environment. The name was changed in 2002 and the Ontario Heritage Act changed in
The first committee was established in the late 1960s in Kingston, ON under the City of
Kingston Act. The Ontario Heritage Act was proclaimed in 1975. There are currently 151 MHC
in 414 Ontario municipalities.
"This may seem like not very many MHC but they represent 90.2 per cent of the population of
the province," said Duclos.
MHC can be found in the areas of the province that were first settled and are now the more
populated areas. Duclos explained these areas are at greater risk of losing what they have and
need to have MHC to help identify the need for conservation.
There are currently 151 MHC in 414 Ontario municipalities.
The money raised from these events will go toward
their combined year end adventure to the Ontario
Science Centre in Toronto to take part in a Guiding
Members of Bayfield Guiding also have cookies for
sale. These classic chocolate and vanilla creme filled
cookies sell for $5 a box. They are available from
local Guiding members or at the Bayfield Village Inn.
Another exciting series of Toronto Film Circuit films
brought to you by the Bayfield Film Society at the
Bayfield Town Hall have begun. The films will be
shown on the second Thursdays of the month at 7:30
Those without a subscription can still attend as a
limited number of tickets can be purchased at the
door for $10 per film.
The spring schedule of films includes: Margin Call,
Apr. 12; Sarah's Key, May 10; and The Guard, June
14. The final film will begin with a wine and cheese
celebration at 6:30 p.m.
For more information contact: Lynn Gillians, 519 565-
5884 or by e-mail lynnegillians@hotmail.com; or
Margo Robeson, 519 565-2827 or e-mail
Margo 10510@comcast. net.
Have you heard the news? A new monthly hearing
clinic is being established in the village at
Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy. The next date for
the clinic is Apr. 16.
The Kincardine Hearing Clinic will be offering their
services on the third Tuesday of every month from 9
a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The clinic will offer: hearing aid adjustments and
repairs to all makes and models, no cost hearing
tests, new prescription of hearing aids, wax removal,
hearing aid battery sales as well as hard of hearing
assistive devices.
To book an appointment please call The Kincardine
Hearing Clinic at 1-855-396-6026.
The Bayfield Ratepayers Association (BRA)
Executive would like to encourage village residents
to come and observe their monthly BRA meetings.
The BRA meets on the first Saturday of the month at
9 a.m. at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building.
Their next meeting will be held on Apr. 7.
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Week 15 Issue 144
Duclos noted the MHC grow at a rate of four to five a year on average. West Nipissing, Reminders of the monthly meetings can be found on
Leamington, Quinte West, Prescott, Wasaga Beach and Muskoka Lakes are all communities the Post Office Notice Board and on the BRA
where MHC have been formed of late. website: http://bra.camp8.org/.
"The biggest visible statement that a council can make about heritage in their municipality is to ��i���1��T7��C C L�TT1�T
have a MHC," said Duclos. h111�IL' SS FUN
The statutory role of MHC is to advise and assist council on:
One Care is sponsoring several programs for both
• Designation of individual properties and heritage conservation districts men and women to keep up with their desire to stay
• Alterations to designated property fit.
• Demolition or removal of designated property
Dancefit and Toning classes are held on Mondays,
• Repeal of a designation bylaw
Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m. The cost is $40
• Municipal register of cultural heritage properties
for four months or $3 per class. The classes are held
• Easement or covenants
at the Bayfield Community Centre.
"In larger municipalities, like Toronto, the MHC only do this type of work (listed above). In
The Sit and Get Fit classes are offered on Mondays
smaller communities the need may not be as great. The role of the MHC is what you as
and Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. On Fridays a
volunteers have the capacity and resources to do but it is important to never lose sight of your
Stretching Class is offered at 10:15 a.m. for approx.
statutory role," said Duclos.
45 minutes. This class is suitable for everyone. Both
At a municipal council's discretion MHC may also take on such responsibilities as:
of these fitness opportunities are held at the Bayfield
educated, timely advice and then take a step back," Duclos said. "MHC contribute to the
Community Centre and cost a $1 per class.
• Survey, inventory and research
Please note that on Friday, Apr. 27, the Dancefit and
• Community involvement and liaison
Toning Classes will be temporarily moved to the
• Information and education
Stanley Complex in Varna. The Stretching Class will
• Heritage -related municipal planning
be cancelled. Also there will be no classes on Apr. 6
• Keeping council informed
or Apr. 30.
Duclos sited establishing good communication between council and the MHC as a very
For the more adventurous among us, there is Pole
important tool in their combined success at heritage conservation.
Walking. Walks for women are scheduled for
Tuesdays and Thursdays while walks for men are
"You are an advocate for what is important. You need to provide council with objective, well -
held on Monday and Friday mornings All walks begin
educated, timely advice and then take a step back," Duclos said. "MHC contribute to the
from 6 Main Street and begin at 8:30 a.m. Poles are
sustainability of a community. You make it a better place for today and tomorrow. Your role is
provided free for those who require them.
not secondary to `police, pipes and pavement' your role is a necessary component of a viable
A Yoga Class will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall
starting at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays. The cost for is $3
ills 11lJlr 1 1 COMMUNITY 1 i�1J111 lr
per class and participants are asked to bring a yoga
mat. A time of quiet reflection and meditation follows
the yoga class starting at 11:15 a.m. All in the
community are invited to take part.
Sixty-eight pounds of chocolate, molded into the shape of Easter eggs, will be worth its weight
Call 519 565-2202 for more information on the above
in gold to countless youngsters when it is tossed on the lawn in Clan Gregor Square for the
exercise opportunities.
annual Easter Egg Hunt.
For those people looking to exercise their minds,
Hosted by the Bayfield Optimist Club the hunt will begin precisely at 1 p.m. on Apr. 8.
Women's Bridge is played every Wednesday at 1
Those youngsters who participate in the event are reminded to bring a container to collect their
p.m. No partner needed to play the cost is $1.50 per
chocolate treasures in and remember the hunt happens very quickly so be sure to be on time.
game. For more information call Brenda Blair 519
565-2881.Mah Jongg games are also offered on the
Tickets will also be sold for the raffle of a basket filled with Easter treats and toys. Tickets will
be $2 each or 3 for $5. The sale of these tickets helps cover the hunt expenses and the
first and third Thursdays of the month starting at 1
p.m. Call 519 565-2468 for more information.
ongoing work the Bayfield Optimist Club does for youth in the community. This fabulous basket
is now on display in the window of Main Street Optometric for all to see.
Both Bridge and Mah Jongg are played at the
Bayfield Lions' Community Building.
After the chocolate eggs have been collected, hunt participants are invited by The Village of
Bayfield to head down to Main Street to take part in a Scavenger Hunt hosted by the shops of
All are invited to join Zumba Bayfield! The group
meets every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. in the
Bayfield Community Center. The cost is $10 per
Scavenger Hunt cards will be available at Main Street Optometric, Sweets N' Treats and The
class. Zumba is a Latin inspired, easy to follow and
Little Inn. With cards and baskets in tow families can begin their search for eggs hidden around
calorie burning dance fitness party. For more
town. Completed cards can be dropped off at Sweets N' Treats to be entered into a draw for a
information contact Jamie Thomas via email at
"sweet" prize.
zumba.bayfield@gmail.com or join the Facebook
Can't take part in the Scavenger Hunt on Sunday afternoon? Not to worry, the hunt runs all
weekend long during shop hours.
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5/28/2019 Week 15 Issue 144
A small group of dedicated gardeners is developing a map featuring gardens in Huron and
Perth Counties open to the public for tours.
Garden businesses with display gardens as well as businesses selling garden based
merchandise will also be highlighted.
Anyone who is 55+ years of age is invited to join the
Bayfield Diners' Club members for their weekly
Thursday lunches at the Bayfield Community
Initially for 2012, the plan is to have a one -day garden tour on July 14 as a trial run with the full
season garden tours to begin in 2013.
To pre -register or for more information contact: Linda Henhoeffer, 519 335-6235,
Ihenhoeffer@wightman.ca; Rosemary Rognvaldson, 519 335-3850, kennari@hotmail.com;
Shirley Koch, 519 335-6175 or Carol Reinink, 519 527-0761.
519 565 2420
There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives
collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an
image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in
the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the
bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at
bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. You can view
the entire Collection of Remember Me Photos: Volume 2 on Flickr as well.
This week, we learn that the band featured in Issue 143 is actually the Goderich Girls Band.
Here they are seen marching into Agriculture Park during the Fall Fair Parade. Records
indicate the old arena is also in the photograph.
mr-kin Street
Bayfield Mews
U- rra ut stsRk
Fxdusive 55+ Curnmun""nty
One floor Townhomes
519. 555 •4542
L www_bx0ieldrnem.ca
In Issue 142, the float entered into the 1962 Bayfield
Fall Fair parade by the Bayfield Lions' Club is
featured. Does anyone remember any of the people
on the float?
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Participants should call Betty Young at 519 565-2502
An information meeting about this project is being held Apr. 12 at 7 p.m. at the Huron County
no later than 10 a.m. on the Monday prior to the
Health Unit, London Road, in Clinton. Brenda Sutherland, who is president of Discover Rural
Thursday lunch to inform organizers of their intention
Gardens of Grey and Bruce, will be the guest speaker. Sutherland is a founding member of the
to attend or not to attend the luncheon. Or if Young is
Grey Bruce garden tours and co-owner of Earthbound Gardens in Red Bay. She will share her
not available please contact Jane Davidson McKee
experiences of having a garden open to the public and her expertise in organizing garden
at 519 565-2653
Initially for 2012, the plan is to have a one -day garden tour on July 14 as a trial run with the full
season garden tours to begin in 2013.
To pre -register or for more information contact: Linda Henhoeffer, 519 335-6235,
Ihenhoeffer@wightman.ca; Rosemary Rognvaldson, 519 335-3850, kennari@hotmail.com;
Shirley Koch, 519 335-6175 or Carol Reinink, 519 527-0761.
519 565 2420
There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives
collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an
image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in
the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the
bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at
bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. You can view
the entire Collection of Remember Me Photos: Volume 2 on Flickr as well.
This week, we learn that the band featured in Issue 143 is actually the Goderich Girls Band.
Here they are seen marching into Agriculture Park during the Fall Fair Parade. Records
indicate the old arena is also in the photograph.
mr-kin Street
Bayfield Mews
U- rra ut stsRk
Fxdusive 55+ Curnmun""nty
One floor Townhomes
519. 555 •4542
L www_bx0ieldrnem.ca
In Issue 142, the float entered into the 1962 Bayfield
Fall Fair parade by the Bayfield Lions' Club is
featured. Does anyone remember any of the people
on the float?
cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl51ssue144/tabid/555/Default.aspx 5/10
Week 15 Issue 144
1 111 ESS FUN
In Issue 143, Band Leader Carl Houston is shown
leading his band through the new gates at the
Bayfield Agricultural Park during the Fall Fair Parade
in 1956. Could this be the Seaforth All Girls
Marching Band?
jr+El l'r I Sfu)[ F1IJ L
Roger Lewington moves toward the net to retrieve the birdie while Gayle Detenbeck looks on.
The history and evolution of Badminton goes back
hundreds of years. Children in Greece, India and
England first played versions of the sport. It would
seem that interest in the game began in earnest
for adults in the late 1800s. The Duke of Beaufort
officially named the game after the Badminton
House in Gloucestershire, England in 1873. It was
at that time that use of the net was introduced.
Shortly thereafter, an exclusive group known as
the Bath Badminton Club standardized a set of
rules for badminton.
The sport was born into organized competition
when the International Badminton Federation
(IBF) was established in 1934. The nine original
member countries of the IBF were Canada,
Denmark, England, France, Ireland, Netherlands,
New Zealand, Scotland and Wales.
After serving as a demonstration sport in previous
Olympic Games, Badminton finally made its
official Olympic debut at the 1992 Summer
Games in Barcelona, Spain.
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Shelagh Sully (left) and Pat Lewington keep their eyes on the birdie
Week 15 Issue 144
Brent Hulley (foreground) and Bob Merrimen take part in a game of Badminton. Adults have been enjoying this
sport since the late 1800s.
W All
Most games played at the Stanley Complex are mixed doubles games with eight to 12 people attending when
they are able.
Here in the Municipality of Bluewater, players
don't have to belong to IBF or be Olympic caliber
competitors to enjoy a few games of Badminton.
In fact players of all skill levels are invited to meet
at the Stanley Complex in Varna on Monday
nights at 7 p.m. during the fall, winter and spring
Most games are mixed doubles games with eight
to 12 people attending when they are able.
According to Pat Lewington, of Bayfield,
"Badminton is a great game to get in shape in a
fun way. The skills are easy to pick up and soon
you are in the game."
One Care has provided the equipment for the
games and racquets are available or players can
bring their own. There are two courts available.
"All are welcome, with a wide range of playing
abilities. If you have not played, or not played in a
while, come out to give it a try and enjoy some fun
and great exercise," she said.
The cost per evening is $3 per person. For more
information please call Lewington at 519 565-
Bill Steenstra keeps the birdie in play while Barry
Detenbeck waits for the return.
Dennis Pal (left) and Shelagh Sully are just
two of the people who attend the Monday
night Badminton Games offered during the
fall, winter and spring at the Stanley
Complex in Varna.
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5/28/2019 Week 15 Issue 144
One Care has provided the equipment for the games and racquets are available or players can bring their own.
There are two courts to play on.
Those folks who came out to play Badminton on the evening of Apr. 2 took a moment to pose for a picture. BR
I -r: Roger Lewington, Brent Hulley, Dennis Pal, Bill Steenstra, Bob Merrrimen and Barry Detenbeck. FR I -r: Pat
Lewington, Gayle Detenbeck and Shelah Sully.
According to Pat Lewington (foreground),
"Badminton is a great game to get in
shape in a fun way. The skills are easy to
pick up and soon you are in the game."
Shelagh Sully makes contact with the birdie as Pat
Lewington stands by.
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5/28/2019 Week 15 Issue 144
L, P3317848 -1
Spring flowers... By Dave Rooker
Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your
photo to Flickr.
I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you
are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where
they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued
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519 236 7373 1 519 565 7973
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The egg is often referred to as the universal symbol of Easter celebrations throughout the world. Over the centuries it has been
dyed, painted, adorned and embellished in the celebration of its special symbolism.
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Melody Falconer -Pounder
Week 15 Issue 144
Last night at Bayfield Guiding's Easter Party the egg took centre stage. We sang about it. We hunted for the modern plastic
version in the churchyard. And then we colored our fingers blue, green and yellow as we tried various art techniques while
dying an abundance of the hard-boiled variety.
Each colored creation was as unique as the artist that dipped it. I am always amazed that like snowflakes, no two eggs designs
are ever alike. And I delight in how pretty and vibrant they wear their colors. The girls were kind enough to leave a few behind
for me to decorate my family's Easter table this weekend and I look forward to arranging them at its centre.
They may be far from Faberge eggs but they certainly are golden to me. Happy Easter one and all! - Melody
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome.
Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m.
Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443.
Hope to see you online soon at www.villageofbayfield.com
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Founding Members
Goderich Honda
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd.
Bayfield Foodland
Outside Projects
Brad's Automotive
Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login
Bayfield Garage
Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy
The Dock's Restaurant
Ian Mathew CA
Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
Breeze Committee: Ian Matthew, Roger Lewington, Mike Dixon, John
Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder
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