HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2012-01-04, Page 15/28/2019 Week 02 Issue 131 BAWIELDBREEZE • rtneAMAV Accour& ttdAtticmc Gd1tdBioside• 5d0hg R,ygal m .� Sail �� 1 V Discover the Magic of 54 1 Ei ) .PremlerCreaIiveFestiml IAN MATTHEW CAI Kt+fri 519- 65-533E I C'S`]` l'F �li:� r17M171A.7F#VE �IIq�INIIIgMpIIIIINIIIIIIII - - ROYAL LEPAGE �IlgNrplllpMllUIUMIIIIIpM �""��"�'�'""""" - BAWIELD BREEZE ,...s rhe v0vye's grvn grrhne neves scwrCe y Q SHARE M10121 4, 2012 Vol. 3 Week 2 Issue 131 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SHOWS STRENGTH IN VOLUNTEERS PUBLIC SKATING Got new skates for Christmas and need a place to test them? Or just looking for a fun, free family activity over the holidays? Look no further than the Bayfield Arena. Public Skating times are set as follows: Jan. 4, 3 to 5 p.m. and Jan. 5, 2 to 4 p.m. TAKE TME IN 2012 January and February days often seem longer than they are short so once again the congregations of the village's four local churches have joined together to cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel3l/tabid/542/Default.aspx 1/12 5/28/2019 Week 02 Issue 131 Bob Merrimen, Ray Letheren and Dave Maclaren searching for possible trail routes on Mavis' Trail. STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER (PHOTOS SUBMITTED) The membership of the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) has recently completed their biggest project to date - a 55 -foot bridge on Mavis' Trail at Varna. (Photo by Peter Westwood) The volunteers with the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) have established three walking trails within the village proper since the association was first envisioned in 2006. The Woodland, Heritage and Sawmill Trails have become an integral part of village society. In fact it is hard to remember a time when they weren't apart of the landscape. So beneficial have these trails proved to local folks that the volunteers with the BRVTA were encouraged to increase trail access within Bluewater by revitalizing two neighboring trails. The BRVTA Development Team knew that several years ago the Turner and Taylor families were instrumental in building two walking trails at the Stanley Township Recreation Complex in Varna but these trails had to be abandoned because of maintenance and erosion problems. In 2008, during the time while they were actively constructing the Woodland and Sawmill Trails a group of the BRVTA volunteers went to Varna, explored the old trails and scouted out possible future, lower maintenance trail opportunities. The Taylor Trail at one kilometer in length proved to be fine, only some minor rerouting, bridges and boardwalks were required to return it to usefulness. When Rob Milligan, the owner of West Coast Property Care, stepped forward and said that he wanted to contribute to this project by using his equipment to cut the meadow grass, the volunteers knew that there might be a chance that this project could work. "Once we received approval from the Municipality of Bluewater, we started the task of trying to figure out how we could build and restore two trails for very, very little money. There were several small bridges and boardwalks to be constructed and one problematic 65 -foot ravine (on the 2.5 KM Turner Trail) that had to be somehow bridged," Twenty-five residents from Varna and Bayfield worked together to continue the development of the two nature trails at the Stanley Complex in Varna in July of 2010. Trail workers from Varna included: (BR I -r) Angie Cooper, Marlene Holman, Stephanie Peck and Jeanette Hill. FR: Mitchell Cooper, Jenna Peck, Luke Hill, Blake Cooper and Rachel Hill. offer an interesting series of programs designed to combat the winter blahs. The fourth year of the "Take Time in 2012" programs will run from Jan. 9 to Feb. 6. They are a perfect opportunity for friends and neighbors to learn and share with one another. The programs will be held on Mondays from 1:30-3 p.m. Each participating church will host one event. In the past a registration coffee has been held to get the program going but this year that has been dispensed with. The cost will be $3 per session. Want to attend but don't have the transportation needed to get to the location of the presentation? Rides can be provided, just call the coordinator of that session. Bayfield's own Lynn and Dave Gillians will be the presenters at the first session to be held at Knox Presbyterian Church on Jan. 9. "Two Years Down South on a Small Boat" is the title of their presentation and should know doubt be filled with several very entertaining anecdotes. The coordinator for this session is Barb Harkins and she can be reached at 519 565-2098. According to Dave, "Every year about 500 boats leave the Great Lakes and head south to pursue their dreams. A boat becomes a "magic carpet" as it transports sailors from one adventure to another." In 2002, Dave, and his wife Lynne, boarded Picaroon 11, their CS 36 sailboat, and for the next two winters they lived aboard and explored the east coast of the United States and the Bahamas. Dave said, "The intensity of the friendships and adventures during this trip are unlike anything we have ever experienced and we'll never forget this trip. It'll be fun sharing some of the good and bad times with those who attend the first session of Take Time." The beauty of exotic flowers will be explored at the session hosted by the Church on Way on Jan. 16. "Exotic Orchids made Easy" will be the topic shared by Master Gardeners, Leigh Selk and Sue Beatty. This presentation will be held at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building and the coordinator is Anne Laviolette, she can be contacted by calling 519 565- 2454. The following week, Jan. 23, the Take Time in 2012 programs will take a break to encourage everyone to go to the Bayfield Historical Society Dinner meeting to be held at St. Andrew's United Church at noon. For more details and also for tickets people are invited to call Pat or Bud Langley at 519 565-2894. On Jan. 30, thoughts will turn to spring rejuvenation when Helen Varkamp of Huron, Hearth and Home, presents the topic, "Spruce Up for Spring" — a new look for your home. This session will be held at St. Andrew's United Church and Flo Keillor is the cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel31/tabid/542/Default.aspx 2/12 5/28/2019 Week 02 Issue 131 recalled Dave Gillians, past -president of the BRVTA. "We knew that a project of this magnitude would cost about $250,000 if done by professionals and the BRVTA Board of Directors knew that our financial resources were so small that we'd have to be creative and build something special on a 'shoestring."' Ron Milligan from West Coast Property Care told the BRVTA that he wanted to help but couldn't participate in workparties because of his customer responsibilities. He asked, "Can I cut the meadows for you on the Varna Nature Trails with my equipment as my contribution to the trail development efforts?" Milligan's query proved to be a well-timed solution to a big challenge for the BRVTA. According to Gillians, this was the crucial period. The BRVTA needed money, encouragement and support. A great many individuals from Bayfield contributed, the Optimist Club of Bayfield and the Bayfield Lions' Club immediately stepped up and the Municipality of Bluewater also contributed. "And out of the blue in 2009, Mavis Govier, a Varna resident and community activist, obtained a Bluewater Community Foundation grant for us," said Gillians. Perhaps even more important than the money was the encouragement that came with it. "Quietly behind the scenes, she supported our vision of reopening and rerouting the old Varna Trials which had been started by the Taylor and Turner families. This support and encouragement was important. As volunteers, any obstacle is enormous because it's so easy to say, I don't need this hassle or stress and walk away from a community project. Mavis came to us at precisely the most critical time. In a way she was the project's "guardian angel". Her death at such a young age was a terrible loss to everyone," said Gillians. With her sudden death in April of 2010 at the age of 40, it was decided that the Turner Trail would be renamed the Mavis' Trail in her honor. The Taylor Trail is named in recognition of Bill and Mark Taylor, who helped start the nature trail program. Volunteers when spurred on can often achieve great things so with the Varna Trails ever present in their mindset these people slowly started to acquire materials that would someday be needed to fix the trails up all the while diligently working to complete the Woodland and Sawmill Trails. The bridge project alone would take over three years to complete and over 30 community volunteers would step in at precisely the right time to help make it happen. In 2009, Mavis Govier presented a cheque to Roger Lewington and Dave Gillians (far left) of the BRVTA from the Bluewater Community Foundation to help support the trail association's efforts. contact. For more information she can be reached at 519 565-2640. The final session will be held on Feb. 6 at Trinity Anglican Church with Kate Lloyd -Rees and Judy Keightley. The duo will share their knowledge on the creation of quick and tasty appetizers. "Small Plates for Sharing" is the topic of this presentation. To learn more contact the session coordinator, Helen Latimer, at 519 565-2792. 1W 1 I P NO WA me 1 1 ' Last year two local women started a unique initiative to raise money for their participation in the Walk for Memories that raises funds for the Alzheimer Society. By collecting empty beer cans and bottles, pop cans, wine and liquor bottles, as well as some other fundraisers; their team "For the Love of Elane and Doris", was the top fundraising team in the county. It is a title Dianne Brandon and Carrie Courtney would like to maintain this year during the 2012 Walk for Memories to be held on Jan. 28. It is, of course, hoped that everyone will celebrate responsibly this festive season and when doing so plan to donate the empties to the cause. The ladies being honored are currently living with Alzheimer Disease, Elane Brandon, Courtney's grandmother, and Doris Schilbe, Dianne's mother. Empties of all sorts may be dropped off at Brandon's Hardware in Bayfield after Jan. 5. Empties can also be taken directly to Bayfield Convenience, just mention you'd like to donate "For the love of Elane and Doris" Courtney and Brandon will even come to your door on Jan. 9 to pick them up just call Brandon's Hardware at 519 565-2677 or 519 565- 2545 to make arrangements. Please note that due to dwindling attendance, the alternate Wednesday Evening Bridge has been discontinued. Organizers also state that there would be no reason to think at some point this activity could not be restarted if there is demand for it. They would also like to thank all those who joined in some very fun and competitive games over the years. FITNESS FUN One Care is sponsoring several programs for both men and women to keep up with their desire to stay fit. Please note these programs will return on Jan. 4. Dancefit and Toning classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m. The cost is $40 for four months or $3 per class. The Sit and Get Fit cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel31/tabid/542/Default.aspx 3/12 5/28/2019 Week 02 Issue 131 With help from other volunteers, Kim Muszynski used his ATV to pull dozens of logs to the top of the hill on the Sawmill Trail. • Dave and Susan Bender gave the BRVTA permission to clear some of the dying cedar trees in their woodlot on the Sawmill Trail. classes are offered on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. The cost is $1 per class. Both of these fitness opportunities are held at the Bayfield Community Centre. For the more adventurous among us, there is Pole Walking. Walks for women are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays while walks for men are held on Monday and Friday mornings All walks begin from 6 Main Street and begin at 8:30 a.m. Poles are provided free for those who require them. A Yoga Class will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall starting at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays. The cost for is $3 per class and participants are asked to bring a yoga mat. Starting on Nov. 1, a time of quiet reflection and meditation will follow the yoga class starting at 11:15 a.m. All in the community are invited to take part. Indoor badminton is played on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at the Varna Complex The cost is $3 each and no experience or equipment is required to play. Call 519 565-2202 for more information on the above exercise opportunities. Kim Muszynski used his ATV to pull dozens of logs to the top of the hill on the Sawmill Trail. For those people looking to exercise their minds, These logs then sat there for a year. Women's Bridge is played every Wednesday at 1 • Dave Bender then used his tractor to load the 25 -foot logs that were to become bridge p.m. No partner needed to play the cost is $1.50 per beams onto a flat bed trailer lent to the BRVTA by Ron Reder at Bayfield Marine Service game. For more information call Brenda Blair 519 • The beams were then transported to Varna and Bill Steenstra used his small tractor to pull 565-2881. them through the woods to the site of the future 65 -foot bridge. There the logs sat for over a year. Mah Jongg games are also offered on the first and • Murray Purdue from Parr Line in Varna has a portable Sawmill and in 2010 on a sweltering third Thursdays of the month starting at 1 p.m. Call hot day, he along with a group of trail volunteers milled enough cedar decking to cover the 519 565-2468 for more information. (Please note day future 65 -foot bridge. change for the New Year — the new session will begin • A number of trucks were hand loaded and the decking was carried on the shoulders of the on Jan. 5.) trail workers to the site of the future bridge where it too remained for over a year. Meanwhile with the help of equipment lent to the BRVTA by Hayter's Excavating and Hill & Hill Farm the volunteers continued to build small bridges and boardwalks on the Taylor Trail. This is just an overview of the beginning of the gathering of the necessary wood, manpower and expertise required to reestablish the Varna trails with the primary focus being the construction of the 65 -foot bridge on the Mavis Trail. There is more to the story and we will share it with our Subscribers next issue. Can't wait to learn how it all came to be? Well then, plan to attend the Grand Opening of the Varna Nature Volunteer Jim Beatty kept the supports on the level. Trails on Jan. 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In addition to hiking the trails, hotdogs and refreshments will be served at the Varna Complex. COME EXPLORE THE VARNA TRAILS The following is a little insight into the Varna Nature Trails as provided by the BRVTA website. Both Bridge and Mah Jongg are played at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building. Huron Ridge Acres would like to invite all in the community to participate in their Winter Walking Program - a terrific way to escape those winter "blahs". On Tuesdays and Fridays during January, February and March the owners open the greenhouse from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for people to come and walk on the ice -free, snow -free sidewalks. Those who take part can enjoy the smell of things growing, and the sunshine on days when it shines, along with some relaxing background music. There is no charge — it is the Steckle's way of saying thanks to the community for their support of Huron Ridge. Are you ready to dance yourself into SHAPE? ZUMBA is a Latin inspired, easy to follow, calorie burning dance fitness party and participants say it is so much fun. ZUMBA classes are held Wednesday evenings at the Bayfield Community Centre from 7-8 p.m. Drop -ins and beginners are welcome. Drop in rate is $10. Please contact Jamie Thomas at TAYLOR TRAIL: The one KM Taylor Trail features a variety of landscapes. From meandering zumba.bayfield@gmail.com for more information. paths in a pine reforestation project of decades past, to a deciduous tree lined trail, joggers, Classes will resume Jan.4. fitness enthusiasts, cross country skiers and pet owners will appreciate the flat terrain and the scents of pine and colorful meadow grasses. Although this isn't a strenuous trail with hills that cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel3l/tabid/542/Default.aspx 4/12 5/28/2019 will get your heart pumping fast, it is a peaceful and tranquil stroll through a varied woodland setting. This is a looped trail. For those who are more ambitious, there are numerous exercise stations along the route. MAVIS' TRAIL: Named after area community activist Mavis Govier, this 2.5 KM looped trail offers a slightly more challenging walk to the Bayfield River and back. Its terrain varies greatly at each turn. This is a four seasons trail Week 02 Issue 131 Wan sucn a viae vaneiy Oi IanascapeS inai R The members of the Bayfield River Valley Trail will delight visitors at all times of the year. As Association invite everyone to the Grand Opening of you make your way to the tranquil scenic the Varna Nature Trails on Jan. 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In addition to hiking the trails and an lookout at the river, you will pass through opportunity to enjoy the scenic overlook of the peaceful groves of pine trees, a steep ravine Bayfield River, hotdogs and refreshments will be that is bridged with steps that will slow cross served at the Varna Complex. country ski enthusiasts and mountain bikers and a towering deciduous forest 10 is I 111101 WAM-1-11011 011Q, k"A"I THOUSAND DOLLARS IN SHOPPING Members of the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Christmas in Bayfield Committee gathered recently to draw the winning names of three very valuable monetary certificates redeemable at several Bayfield businesses. The committee was comprised of from I -r: Mary Ann Rowat, Lorraine McDougall, Janet Snider, Judi Milligan and Judy Stephenson. Committee member Gayle Beuermann was unable to attend. (Photo by Scott Bradford) As part of the Christmas in Bayfield celebrations kick started on the weekend of Nov. 11-13 with the annual lighting of the lights and Santa Claus parade participating merchants have been entering shoppers into a Christmas in Bayfield Draw. Thousands of ballots were entered into the draw for a change to win gift certificates redeemable at the 31 local businesses that participated in the Christmas In Bayfield promotion. The draw was held on Dec. 23 and the winners were: Cathy Webb, $500 gift certificate; Diane Nicholson, $300 gift certificate; and Judy Drysdale, $200 gift certificate. "These three excited winners were delighted to be getting an extra special treat this Christmas and a chance to come back to Bayfield for a shopping spree, dining out or staying at an Inn," said Janet Snider, past president of the BACC. "The Christmas in Bayfield Committee would like to extend thanks to all the participating businesses and to all the visitors who entered the draw. We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year." PCOB The Photography Club of Bayfield will hold their next meeting on Jan. 5 at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building starting at 7 p.m. The theme for this month's assignment is "Red and/or Green"... perfect for holiday snapping! PIONEER PARK In 1945, Lucy Woods Diehl, a life-long resident of Bayfield, enlisted the aid of several friends of the community to preserve the last piece of undeveloped lakefront property on the bluff overlooking the Bayfield River and Lake Huron. The original directors chose the name Pioneer Park as a tribute to the early settlers of Bayfield. Their vision remains today and is still driven by the support of volunteers. The Pioneer Park Association is currently looking for volunteers to join the board of directors. They are looking for a secretary as well.The secretary will be responsible for recording the minutes at the board meetings (held four or five times per year) as well as the Annual General Meeting. Please contact Neil Duffy at duffyne@gmail.com if you would like to learn more about either of these positions. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel31/tabid/542/Default.aspx 5/12 5/28/2019 Integrity -" Everything! LAKE HURON RLAc LSIAVt.i.rrKr'�F:lr REMEMBER ME? Week 02 Issue 131 re r1la n r;tl-e*e.t c)ptometric There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. You can view the entire Collection of Remember Me Photos: Volume 2 on Flickr as well. This week, according to records this is an image of the Baptist Church as it looked in June of 1955. Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks HAV MUTUAL I-' Iwsurcw>A; . ILL I h, I! 519-236-4381 BAtYFIELD S OPTIMIST Bayfield Mews :PL &r L 0 , -Mk Nclu5iue 55+ Community One Floor lowrlheme5 519 • 555 - 4542 www_bayfieldmews.ca A. IIITES IRRIE ryes rms ISSUE 129 In Issue 129, members of the Bayfield Lions' Club prepare to embark on their annual Santa visit to village Octogenarians and the homebound in this picture taken in Dec. 1956. Records indicated that the men pictured were: Grant Sterling, Spinny Irvine, Alf Scotchmer (Santa's helper) and Les Elliott. �Y 1 -mill In Issue 130, members of the Bayfield Lions' Club took part in a fun little contest at one of their meetings. A few of the contestants have been identified from this picture taken in March of 1960. They are I -r: Grant Sterling, Grant Turner, "Miss Bayfield" Alf Scotchmer, ?, ?, and Les Elliott. Does anyone know where this meeting was held? Thanks to Barbara Beecraft and others for their help. BAYFIELD FIC TI�FI At ics 1 Spray Foam ;1M '.I 0Ea0IO0 l�- s- cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week02Issue131/tabid/542/Default.aspx 6/12 5/28/2019 Cil SHARE ®+�®... PHOTO STORY Week 02 Issue 131 A RETROSPECTIVE OF VILLAGE HAPPENINGS FROM MAY 11 TO AUG. 24 "BREEZE" MORE THAN JUST CONMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD MAY 11 - ISSUE 97 - BAYFIELD OPTIMISTS' LADIES NIGHT OUT: Lori Baker, Judy Sparks and Sherrie Garton toasted to a fun night out with the ladies. MAY 18 - ISSUE 98 - BAYFIELD TREE PROJECT: Verbeek's Farm and Garden Centre of Clinton was given the task of planting and staking the trees. Despite the threat of rain, they made steady progress planting the Sunset Red Maples along the East side of the street. PHOTOS AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER The New Year now suitably rung in we continue our look back on all the wonderfully amazing events that could only happen in a small town like Bayfield. This week Part Two: May 11 to Aug. 24; filtered throughout are some of the lovely comments sent in by our subscribers. Thanks to all those people who have taken the time to share their thoughts, they are greatly appreciated. JUNE 8 - ISSUE 101 - BAYFIELD LIONS' CLUB PURINA WALK FOR DOG GUIDES: Margo Robeson was one of the people who participated in the walk. This is probably the best coverage our club has received in a very long time, and I thank you for helping to get the word out. D. G., Bayfield, ON (May 25) JUNE 15 - ISSUE 102 - SAFE HARBOUR RUN: These two runners in the 2 KM event had their eyes on the finish line. Congrats on your hundreth issue Melody! This cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel31/tabid/542/Default.aspx 7/12 5/28/2019 Week 02 Issue 131 77 -- f- MAY 25 - ISSUE 99 - DUCK RACE: A very large crowd gathered on the South Pier to cheer on their ducks in the Second Annual Bayfield Optimist Club Duck Race. The event was a near sell-out with close to 500 rubber ducks making their way down the river. JUNE 1 -;SUE 100 - HISTORIC FUNDRAISER: Theatre -goers exonerated a Bayfield boy of a murder committed 114 years ago - twice. And then they convicted him once. Sounds like a very questionable judicial system, doesn't it? Well, that's "life" on the stage. "Murder at the Albion Hotel: The Retrial of Fred Elliott" was an original production put forth by the Bayfield Historical Society. It featured Travis Corben as the accused and Bob Merrimen as the court policeman. JUNE 29 - ISSUE 104 - BLUE FLAG STATUS: Extra attention in 2011 was spent on the education aspect of the criteria for Blue Flag achievement. And for that reason a number of youth were asked to take part in the flag town is so busy when I read The Breeze it is hard to believe all that is going on in this community.. and such quality and worthwhile activites. J.L., Bayfield, ON (June 1) June 22 - ISSUE 103 - SAIL AND CANVAS: Marten Arts had five guest artists sharing their works on Main Street during the festival. Greg Sherwood worked on this piece over the course of the weekend. The rolling landscape and depth of sky drew many visitors to examine the piece more closely. When you first started publishing the "Breeze", my feeling was that this would be a good way to disseminate community news and act as a bulletin board. It has become so much more! D. G., Bayfield, ON (June 1) JULY 6 - ISSUE 105 - BAYFIELD INTERNATIONAL CROQUET CLUB: Jerry Selk prepares to roquet an opponent's ball during a game played Monday mid-day at the BICC. First I would like to say how much I enjoy receiving the Bayfield Breeze via email. It keeps me up on what is going on in our local community. C.P., Bayfield, ON (July 27) cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel3l/tabid/542/Default.aspx 8/12 5/28/2019 Week 02 Issue 131 JULY 20 - ISSUE 107 - PLAY DAY MAGIC: The members of the Bayfield Optimist Club held their annual Children's Play Day on the lawn behind the Bayfield Town Hall mid-day on July 9. Magician Daniel Steep of Clinton entertained the crowd with his very entertaining magical style. He also delighted the youngsters with his stellar balloon creations. JULY 27 - ISSUE 108 - WATERCOLORS REVISITED: Twelve watercolor paintings of early Bayfield masterfully created around 1895 by well-known local artist, Agnes Metcalf were recently rediscovered at the Bayfield Archives by members of the Bayfield Historical Society. This reproduction depicts the west side of Dr. W. F. Metcalfe's House, "The Old Rectory". AUG. 3 - ISSUE 109 - PIONEER PARK FUN: A humid morning didn't prevent people and their pets from registering for the 25th annual 5 KM Fun Run, Walk and Roll on Aug. 1. The event is held on the Monday of Civic Holiday Weekend each year and raises funds for the upkeep and maintenance of Pioneer Park. JULY 20 - ISSUE 107 - CAR SHOW: All Thunderbird enthusiasts were welcome to this largest single gathering of the Southern Ontario Thunderbird Club (SOTC) for the year. Participants didn't have to be SOTC members; anyone with a T - Bird could come into the park and join in the celebration of the club's 32nd anniversary. Love the Breeze and all the town news - it has replaced and gone way beyond the one to two page Bugle that used to be in the Clinton News - Record. And 1 can get the Breeze from anywhere! I have been enjoying all the tidbits. Keep it coming! — B.S. ( Aug. 3) AUG. 10 - ISSUE 110 - BAYFIELD ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE: Joan Ashley, of London, looked over an assortment of vintage costume jewelery on display by Treasures and Memories, of London. What a great job you do Melody! I really enjoy getting this email and seeing all the wonderful people in Bayfield. E.K., California (Aug. 24) AUG. 17 - ISSUE 111 - BAYFIELD FLEA MARKET: cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel31/tabid/542/Default.aspx 9/12 5/28/2019 Week 02 Issue 131 AUG. 24 - ISSUE 112 - F3 TORNADO STRIKES: In a matter of minutes our little corner of the world has been changed forever. Goderich, our closest neighbor to the north, was ravaged by a F3 tornado at approximately 4 p.m. on Aug. 21. (Photo by Bill Sinnamon) MASSAGE THERAPY 519.565.4711 PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK Emma and Hailey Rolston, of Toronto, got a jump on their back -to -school shopping when they visited the Flea Market on Sunday afternoon with their grandparents, Judy Rolston and Bruce Jones, of Bayfield. AUG. 24 - ISSUE 112 - BAYFIELD FALL FAIR: Juggler Craig Douglas entertained both young and old with his humor and talent. J _ ' 2018-19 SEASON cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel3l/tabid/542/Default.aspx 10/12 5/28/2019 Week 02 Issue 131 New Years Eve ... By Gary Lloyd -Rees Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued Melody Falconer -Pounder Speciali�t� 344L7 Meldd Rd. 519-555-5959 SUBMISSIONS _D ODBBLE DESIGN � Fueech, owl. DESIGN: BLIILID LANDSCAPING ?.LES # 111 T LL;TION G;PDEN CENTER 74190A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 1 519 565 7373 COPEi4HAGENS So it is the time of year when we all resolve to do something or other better than we have in the past year. So here goes... On this day, Jan. 4, 2012, 1 resolve to get my office organized and... here's the hard part... keep it that way! Well, now it is a matter of public record and judging from the number of people who backed away from me when they saw me last week (I made the mistake of writing how bad a cold I had over the holidays in last issue's Submissions) it would seem people actually scroll all the way down the page and read this section. So I'm sure a number of you will probably hold me to my resolution. Problem is my office isn't just the headquarters of the Bayfield Breeze. There is much multi -tasking going on within its square footage. It is also a family and personal archives and home to remnants of many of my past photo shoots including weddings cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel3l/tabid/542/Default.aspx 11/12 5/28/2019 Week 02 Issue 131 etc. Yet perhaps its primary function is its role as the official office of Bayfield Guiding with about 12 tubs of craft supplies and two filing cabinets bursting with program materials crammed in the crevices. Don't think I know where the pipe cleaners or the foam sheets are? Well, I do. All the bins are labeled and I have trained myself to put things back after I use them — well, within a month or two anyway. But I know I can do better. I want my office to be my pride and joy, not something that stresses me out when I open the door. I want it to be a creative haven not just a storage space. I have given myself until Easter to get everything accomplished so I will let you know how it goes. Oh and my cold is much better this week. Thanks for asking. - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at Bayfield.breeze@yEggeofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443. Hope to see you online soon at www.villageofbayfield.com .r _r BAWIELD BREEZE - .. Ir, _•v,Jrayr•�c ir,:i.^,i�•;i� � �...L sc;r:d SHARE M V E9 .,, SIGN up FOR BAYTIELD BREEZE -C CLICK HERE Founding Members Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee: Ian Matthew, Roger Lewington, Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week02lssuel31/tabid/542/Default.aspx 12/12