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Bayfield Breeze, 2011-12-07, Page 1
5/27/2019 Week 50 Issue 127 BAYFIELDBREEZE rinrArldet• Atxm*L*tdAttrwai GMUd hhhW i■ sc 3aItWg Rwyadta■ r �.t -� .&scorch -,cot., . ] June 15 1 ` V Discover the Niaglcof 1JJly /�■ )remleCcreative t'ctl1 nvas ,,�, , ■ �, �Ahl MATTHEW CAI iwmwJK P}�iI,R14'1,14 �dVE NAPA s,ssssH �IIII[IpIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU ROYAL L€PAGE I30ND-A �IUDIpUUIMIIIgIIMIIIgqM "'""'""-"' .'""-P" BAYFIELD BREEZE `s- rhe vMagre"5 own orphne news source SHARE © 0.- Dec. 7, 2011 Vol. 3 Week 50 Issue 127 GUESS WHO'S COMING TO BREAKFAST? L PIONEER PARK In 1945, Lucy Woods Diehl, a life-long resident of Bayfield, enlisted the aid of several friends of the community to preserve the last piece of undeveloped lakefront property on the bluff overlooking the Bayfield River and Lake Huron. Woods also decided that the land should be owned and operated by an association and not by individuals. The original directors chose the name Pioneer Park as a tribute to the early settlers of Bayfield. Their vision remains today and is still driven by the support of volunteers. The Pioneer Park Association is currently looking for volunteers to join the board of directors. They are looking for a secretary as well as a treasurer. The secretary will be responsible for recording the minutes at the board meetings held four or five times per year) as well as the Annual General Meeting. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week50lssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 1/12 5/27/2019 Week 50 Issue 127 Danika Dykstra, of Clinton, wished Santa a very Merry Christmas at Breakfast with Santa hosted by the Bayfield Optimist Club in 2010. This coming Sunday, Dec. 11, area children will once again have that opportunity as the club hosts its sixth annual event at the Bayfield Village Inn. (Photo by Melody Falconer - Pounder) BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER The Bayfield Optimist Club will be holding a Holiday Raffle featuring special toys for a boy or a girl this festive season. The two prizes offered are sure to fill someone's wish list this year when the draw is made Dec. 11. "Sandie" is shown in one of her many wardrobe pieces made by Jan Kuntz, of Bayfield. The doll, her amazing collection of clothing and a cradle that converts into a child's stool are first prize in the Holiday Raffle being held as a fundraiser for the Optimist Club of Bayfield. Be sure to get your tickets soon as the draw is this Sunday, Dec. 11. The club is holding a raffle on a hand painted wooden doll cradle that can also double as a child's stool. This will be the perfect bed for "Sandie" an 18" Our Generation Doll who is sure to be the best -dressed playmate a child could ever have. She comes with nine hand knit outfits (including a Santa's suit) and four beautifully sewn ensembles as well as a number of accessories - even clothes hangers! Her cradle will also be a cozy place to sleep with handmade bedding. The combined creative efforts of Jan Kuntz, Mike Dixon, Joan Schilbe and Reid Kinnear have made this prize possible. An amazing remote controlled Chevy SSR will be raffled as second prize. The raffle prizes were unveiled at the Christmas in Bayfield Tree Lighting Ceremony. Tickets are available now from Optimist members and at the Bayfield Village Inn. The Holiday Raffle tickets are $2 each or three for $5. The draw will be made at Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 11. This fun family event will be held at the Bayfield Village Inn from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is 12 years and up, $6; five to 11 years, $3; four and under free. "NARCISSE" EARNS ST. JOSEPH HISTORICAL SOCIETY AN AWARD With a cast of 55 Huron County residents, locals in St. Joseph, ON starred in their own true heritage tale of one of the most colourful residents of their rural French-Canadian settlement. The St. Joseph and Area Historical Society (SJAHS) presented 10 performances of this outdoor production from July 19-30. The treasurer will be responsible for dealing with the financial transactions that will include writing cheques and making bank deposits. The treasurer does not need to be an accountant but needs to have good attention to detail. Please contact Neil Duffy at duffyne@gmail.com if you would like to learn more about either of these positions. LIONS' CLUB An important holiday tradition for many shut-ins and octogenarians in the community is their annual visit from a member of the Bayfield Lions' Club. The Lions have been spreading Christmas cheer to seniors and the home bound for over 40 years. People in the community who may know of individuals who qualify for a visit, or who has turned 80 years young this year, should call Lion Penny Overboe at 519 565-5786 or call and leave a message at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building (BLCB) at 519 565-5170. Anyone wishing to become involved in the Bayfield Lions' Club, that has both male and female members, are invited to call the number listed above for the BLCB. One of the members will be only too glad to give you a call. RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION Ainslie Willock is the new president of the Bayfield Ratepayers Association (BRA) and she would like to encourage village residents to come and observe the monthly BRA meetings. "I'll make time on the agenda for visitors to bring up any issues they would like us to comment on," she said recently. The BRA meets on the first Saturday of the month at 9 a.m. at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building with the exception of their next meeting. It will be held on Saturday, Dec. 10. The BRA does not meet in January. So their first meeting of 2012 will be held on Feb. 4. Reminders of the monthly meetings can be found on the Post Office Notice Board and on the BRA website: http://bra.camp8.org/. TOWN HALL Back in February, the Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society (BTHHS) held a very successful fundraising event for the Clinton Food Bank to coincide with the Family Day Weekend. "Soups On, Bayfield" was guaranteed to provide participants with some comfort cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week50lssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 2/12 5/27/2019 Week 50 Issue 127 The children from St. Joseph and area perform in Narcisse, a new play about St. Joseph by Paul Ciufo. (Photo by Amy Rau) "Narcisse" is a play about Narcisse Cantin (1870-1940) written by playwright Paul Ciufo and directed by Duncan McGregor. Cantin is best known for his audacious plan to create a canal linking Lake Huron to Lake Erie. He turned St. Joseph into an early 20th century boomtown on the speculation of the canal's construction. Along the way, he won the support of prime ministers, giants of industry, local folk and even the recently canonized Brother Andre. The SJAHS spearheaded this production with local folks assuming the lead roles, stitching the costumes and building the props. For fostering community pride and enhancing civic memory, the SJAHS will be the recipient of the newly created Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Community Programming (GGHAECP). Created by Canada's History Society, the GGHAECP celebrates programming developed by volunteer -led heritage, community and cultural organizations at the grassroots level. Members of the SJAHS will receive this prestigious award from His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, governor general of Canada on Dec. 12 in Ottawa, ON at 10 a.m. at Rideau Hall. The announcement and presentation of the award is part of the newly constituted Governor General's History Awards. "Canadians most often get their first taste of the 'stories' that make up our history through local and community initiatives such as these. They provide important texture and context to the food on a cold winter's day and now those soup samplings prepared by local restaurants, church and community groups can provide comfort all winter long as the recipes have been compiled into a first edition cookbook. The cookbook entitled, "Soup's On in Bayfield" is said to be a delectable collection of soups from the event as well as village restaurants, friends and neighbors. There are still a limited number of cookbooks remaining and they can be purchased at the bookshop. All proceeds from the cookbook will be used for the maintenance of the Bayfield Town Hall as well as cultural outreach by the BTHHS. The book is selling for $20. READING FOR FOOD On the afternoon of Dec. 18, The Bayfield Town Hall and The Village Bookshop are teaming up to present a unique family Christmas event where people can share in some Christmas cheer and help feed those who may otherwise go hungry over the holidays. "Home for Christmas in Story and Song" will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall starting at 3 p.m. The event will feature a reading of Jan Brett's new Christmas book, "Home for Christmas" combined with music by The Glee Sisters. The readers will be village residents, Mary Wolfe, Judy Keightley and Erin Roy. Those who plan to attend this afternoon should plan to come early as the first 20 families to arrive will receive a free copy of "Home for Christmas" due to the generosity of local friends of youth, the Optimist Club of Bayfield. Tickets are available now for $5 for adults and children under the age of 12 years are free. Please call The Village Bookshop at 519 565-5600. A monetary donation or non-perishable food items will also be accepted at this event as all proceeds and donations will be shared between the Huron history we learn at school and read about in books or watch on television," said Deborah County Food Bank Distribution Center (HCFBDC) in Morrison, president and CEO of Canada's History Society. "We're delighted to have this Exeter and Bayfield's Trinity Anglican Church locally opportunity to highlight some of the country's most extraordinary community -led efforts to based outreach program known as Feed My Sheep. commemorate the past and hope they will inspire others to do more as well." In total, 17 Canadians will be honored along with the SJAHS at Rideau Hall as part of the Governor General's History Award presentation. The Governor General's History Awards bring together students, teachers, historians, museums and community organizations, writers and media producers to celebrate as well as learn from each other. The day prior to the award ceremonies, recipients will participate in a public history forum at Library and Archives Canada. This year's forum, "Speaking of History: How History is Explored Beyond the Classroom" is open to the public to attend onsite or online by registering at www.CanadasHistory.ca/HistoryForum2011. Canada's History Society is a national charitable organization devoted to popularizing Canadian history. In addition to presenting the Governor General's History Awards and publishing Canada's History (formerly The Beaver) magazine, as well as Kayak: Canada's United Communities Credit Union and the Optimist Club of Bayfield are the sponsors of this event. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY This is your last opportunity to purchase a wreath handmade by members of the Bayfield Agricultural Society (BAS). They are the perfect "spot of green" to decorate your front door all winter long. There are a limited number of wreaths on display at John and Kathleen Siertsema's home, 34541 Mill Road. They cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5Olssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 3/12 5/27/2019 Week 50 Issue 127 History Magazine for Kids, the society also produces a number of educational and online programs to encourage more discovery, celebration, and understanding about our rich history and culture. More details can be found at www. CanadasHistory. ca. GRIFFITH PRESENTED WITH DISTINGUISHED MEDALLION Bayfield resident, Dorothy Griffith was a recent recipient of the Distinguished Toastmaster Medallion. It was presented at the Toastmasters District 86 Fall Conference held in London ON. (Submitted photo) Bayfield resident, Dorothy Griffith recently returned from the Toastmasters District 86 Fall Conference, in London, ON sporting a Distinguished Toastmaster Medallion (DTM) around her neck. Griffith was one of 20 other members from District 86 presented with the medallion. She is a member of Clinton Communicators Toastmasters Club #9498. According to the organization, DTM recognition is the greatest honor that can be earned by a member of Toastmasters International. The DTM award is given only to those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and communication skills and who have used these skills to help others in their self -development efforts. Of all members that join Toastmasters, less than one per cent ever achieve this award. To attain this award, members must complete both the leadership and communication tracks, earning many awards prior to reaching DTM status. The projects leading up to the DTM award require the Toastmaster to assist their club, district and community, giving a greater perspective of the value of being a good communicator and an effective leader. Toastmasters is an organization dedicated to assisting individuals to improve their communication, listening, public speaking and leadership skills in a mutually supportive environment. Members work at their own pace, guided and encouraged by their fellow members. Currently, there are over 250,000 members in over 13,000 clubs in 113 countries worldwide. Clinton Communicators Toastmasters meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the library of Clinton Public School, 27 Percival St., Clinton, ON. Guests are always welcome. To learn more about Toastmasters, visit www.toastmasters.org. For more information on Clinton Communicators Toastmasters, visit http://9498.toastmastersclubs.org or call Griffith at 519 565- 2879. BLUEWATER BEGINS QUEST FOR BLUE FLAG IN 2012 can also be obtained by calling Don Brodie 519 263- 2404. UNITED CHURCH A holiday tradition for many in the community is attendance at the Candlelight Cantata Service held at St. Andrew's United Church. This evening of song and readings will be held on Dec. 11 at 7:30 p.m. It will feature the church choir joined in number by members of the community, soloists as well as the Elliott's Liquidation Band. All are welcome to come and celebrate Christmas. HISTORICAL SOCIETY After a successful foray into local theatre with the "Murder at the Albion Hotel" the Bayfield Historical Society is preparing to launch another production starting with auditions on Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. Auditions for "A Woman at War — The Maud Stirling Story", will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall. The play will be performed in May of 2012 and rehearsals will begin in April. This event will be a BAS fundraiser. The play which has been written by Judy Keightley has four parts for women and seven parts for men. HEARING CLINIC Have you heard the news? A new monthly hearing clinic is being established in the village at Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy. The next date for the clinic is Dec. 20. The Kincardine Hearing Clinic will be offering their services on the third Tuesday of every month from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The clinic will offer: hearing aid adjustments and repairs to all makes and models, no cost hearing tests, new prescription of hearing aids, wax removal, hearing aid battery sales as well as hard of hearing assistive devices. To book an appointment please call The Kincardine Hearing Clinic at 1-855-396-6026. FITNESS FUN The season of indulgence and merriment is upon us, the perfect time to focus on exercising both the body and mind. One Care is sponsoring several programs for both men and women to keep up with their desire to stay fit. Dancefit and Toning classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m. The cost is $40 for four months or $3 per class. The Sit and Get Fit cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week50lssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 4/12 5/27/2019 Week 50 Issue 127 Extra attention in 2011 was spent on the education aspect of the criteria for Blue Flag achievement. And for that reason a number of youth were asked to take part in the flag hoisting ceremonies held in June. The Municipality of Bluewater is now working toward getting their accreditation for the third year as a Blue Flag beach and fourth year as a Blue Flag marina. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) With beaches along the Huron shoreline either flying a Blue Flag in 2011 or working in the direction of getting accreditation, Blue Flag has become the program that many area beaches are striving to attain for their communities. "Bayfield along with many other Huron County beach communities want to promote healthy and clean outdoor pursuits that allow locals and visitors peace of mind when visiting the area beaches and marinas," said Tyler Hesse], councilor -at -large for the Municipality of Bluewater. There has been a Blue Flag flying at Bayfield's Main Beach in the Municipality of Bluewater for the last two years. This program makes sure safety devices are available and informs the public swimmers of any hazards in the water. The program also has an educational component that helps inform local residents, students and visitors to the region of the benefits of what a Blue Flag beach can offer. Bluewater's Blue Flag program involves many community groups including the Bayfield Chamber of Commerce. According to Hessel, these groups are of the belief that Blue Flag status helps as an economic driver for area tourism. Environmental Defence is the coordinator of Blue Flag Canada. They work with beach and marina managers, their partners, and community stakeholders to achieve the international Blue Flag award. The Blue Flag International program is managed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), a non-governmental, non-profit organization promoting sustainable development through environmental education. The concept of the Blue Flag was born in France. In 1985, French coastal municipalities were awarded with the Blue Flag for complying with sewage treatment and bathing water quality criteria. Since 2001, many organizations and authorities outside Europe wishing for cooperation on spreading the Blue Flag Program have made applications to FEE. With the expansion of the program, the criteria became more rigorous and unified. As of 2006 an international set of criteria is used with some variation within to reflect the specific environmental conditions of certain regions. "The Blue Flag program as monitored by Environmental Defense of Canada has been an asset for the Municipality of Bluewater and Huron County," said Hessel. "Through community initiatives and the hard work of the municipality and community support, Bluewater looks forward to getting their accreditation for their third year as a Blue Flag beach and fourth year for a Blue Flag marina." DON'T FORGET THE BUREAU WHEN HOLIDAY SHOPPING classes are offered on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. The cost is $1 per class. Both of these fitness opportunities are held at the Bayfield Community Centre. For the more adventurous among us, there is Pole Walking. Walks for women are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays while walks for men are held on Monday and Friday mornings All walks begin from 6 Main Street and begin at 8:30 a.m. Poles are provided free for those who require them. A Yoga Class will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall starting at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays. The cost for is $3 per class and participants are asked to bring a yoga mat. Starting on Nov. 1, a time of quiet reflection and meditation will follow the yoga class starting at 11:15 a.m. All in the community are invited to take part. Indoor badminton is played on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at the Varna Complex The cost is $3 each and no experience or equipment is required to play. Call 519 565-2202 for more information on the above exercise opportunities. For those people looking to exercise their minds, Women's Bridge is played every Wednesday at 1 p.m. No partner needed to play the cost is $1.50 per game. For more information call Brenda Blair 519 565-2881. Mah Jongg games are also offered on the first and third Mondays of the month starting at 1 p.m. Call 519 565-2468 for more information. Both Bridge and Mah Jongg are played at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building. Are you ready to dance yourself into SHAPE? ZUMBA is a Latin inspired, easy to follow, calorie burning dance fitness party and participants say it is so much fun. ZUMBA classes are held Wednesday evenings at the Bayfield Community Centre from 7-8 p.m. Drop -ins and beginners are welcome. Drop in rate is $11 or you can purchase a Ten Pass for $90. Please contact Alison de Groot at bayfieldzumba@gmail.com for more information. BRIDGE CLUB The Wednesday Evening Bridge Club will meet next at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building on Dec. 7. The cards will be dealt starting at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend. GIRL GUIDES Got milk? Bayfield Guiding has the cookies to go with The chocolatey mint Girl Guide Cookies are back for a limited time this autumn. They are selling now for cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5Olssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 5/12 5/27/2019 Week 50 Issue 127 Almost 50 years ago, the Huron County Christmas Bureau (HCCB) was organized around the ideal that no child should be forgotten at Christmas. The HCCB is an independent, community- wide, volunteer organization, but it could not function without the support of community churches and generous citizens as well as such entities as the Huron -Perth Children's Aid Society. The society provides office space, phone lines, and administrative assistance to help the HCCB operate. Every year, about 1000 children have a Christmas made merry through the generosity of county residents. According to Gail Grant, HCCB Central Committee public relations chair, "We can all be Santas! 2011 is a critical year: the economic downturn continues and the widespread damage from the tornado was not just local or physical. Former donors may need to request help this year, a difficult reversal; we hope that anyone in this situation will remember that to give and to receive are both acts of gratitude." The HCCB is a county -wide volunteer group that organizes five gift "bureaus" for disadvantaged families. They are located in churches in Clinton, Exeter, Goderich, Seaforth and Wingham. The members of these churches donate many, many hours collecting (each community has drop boxes), sorting, organizing, displaying... then helping clients choose their children's gifts. In Bayfield the drop boxes will be located at Nip N' Tuck, Bayfield Convenience and Brandon Hardware. Also local residents with a penchant for reading will be pleased to note that if someone purchases a children's book for the HCCB from The Village Bookshop the store will match it. Toys, clothes, non-perishable food and food vouchers are donated, or purchased with cash donations, for which the donor can receive a tax receipt. There is an increase in teenagers in need who are living on their own, so such items as socks, undergarments, feminine hygiene products and toiletries would be especially appreciated. Custodial parents that need help with Christmas this year should call "Christmas Central" at 519 524-7356 x3271 or 1-800-265-5198 x3271 on weekdays from now until Dec. 9. When parents call, they should have ready the ages and clothes' sizes of their children. They will be given an appointment during the week of Dec. 12-15 at their closest bureau. They will privately choose suitable gifts for their family at the scheduled appointment. The five bureaus established for 2011 are: Clinton Christian Reformed Church, 243 Princess Street; Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle, 70670 London Road; Knox Presbyterian Church in Goderich, 9 Victoria St.; Seaforth Agriplex, hosted by St. James Roman Catholic Church; and St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Wingham, 281 Josephine St. ] THE fir/, l�r,'F E 2018-19 IWIIITF SQPIRREL EAS O r,(Xk k1A REMEMBER ME? There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at $4 a box and are available from Bayfield Guiding members or at the Bayfield Village Inn. Profits from the cookies are used to support the girls in their varied activities and to subsidize outings. r � Bayfield Mews '?&r ut- s eta. €xdu5iue 55+- Cwnmunity One Floor fownhcmes 514. 555 •454'2 L www_baylieldmews.ca ISSUE 125 cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5Olssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 6/12 5/27/2019 Week 50 Issue 127 bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. You can view the entire Collection of Remember Me Photos: Volume 2 on Flickr as well. This week, parked outside of the Bayfield Town Hall on Election Day in July 1955 were vehicles owned by Spin Irwin and Had Stinson as well as the local School Bus and the Bayfield Hardware truck. Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks BAYFIELD © SHARE o 01E] PHOTO STO integrity . , Everything! LAKE H( RUN� •4'tl�rr Ea. uaasrrR:• In Issue 125, the Dedication Ceremony concludes with a tour of the new Bayfield Public School. ISSUE 126 In Issue 126, Ed Weston, Mel Davidson, Ben Rathwell and Jack Stuart sit around the ballot box in the Bayfield Town Hall on Election Day in July 1955. BAYFIELD LIONS' CLUB SHEAR tTALENTA � LARGEST CROWD IN RECENT MEMORY PLAYS FOR TURFY One of the largest crowds in recent memory took part in the Bayfield Lions' Club's Annual Turkey Bingo on Dec. PHOTOS AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER This time around the weather cooperated for the Bayfield Lions' Annual Christmas Turkey Bingo with one of the largest crowds in recent memory turning up at the Bayfield Community Centre to try their hand at winning a turkey. Those gathered were heady with friendly competition during several games multiple Bingos were called, in fact during one straight line match five folks shouted out at once — an unusual occurrence perhaps but none went home empty handed as an exciting "Bingoff' ensued. The person with the next number called on their cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week5Olssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 7/12 5/27/2019 5. In 2010 the event was cancelled due to very stormy weather. F � Week 50 Issue 127 F_ k— Wayne and Deanna McBride, of Kippen, concentrate on their cards during a Share the Wealth game. _ AP • S 20 A 71 A _ _B�. az 4 7► ITA 179 O�L The old-style Bingo cards come out for the annual Christmas Turkey Bingo hosted by the Bayfield Lions' Club on the first Monday in December. winning card went home with a turkey, the others $5 to put toward the family feast. Share the wealth prizes proved to be for the most part generous as well. Many people enjoyed the exhilaration which comes with shouting "Bingo" and even those who did not enjoyed taking part in a fun Bayfield tradition on a dark December night helping the Bayfield Lions' Club raise some funds for their many community projects in the process. Donna Smale, of Hensall, watches carefully as Lion Tom Grasby reviews her card. She would later win a turkey during a "Bingoff". It was a very lucky night for Norah Eckert, of Bayfield, as she took home a turkey and the winnings from one Share the Wealth game too. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek5Olssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 8/12 5/27/2019 Week 50 Issue 127 Lion Tom Grasby checks over a card played by Kathy Roelofsen, of Bayfield (left). The letter " L" game proved lucky for Roelofsen as she went home with a turkey. Lion Tom Dawe sells Share the Wealth tickets to attendees at the Bingo. Mary Murphy, of Bayfield, celebrated with friends as Lion Lloyd Huffman determined her Bingo card was a winner, unfortunately, she wasn't the only one with a good card that game and lost out on a turkey in a "Bingoff". She didn't go home empty handed, however, as she earned $5 for her efforts. Lion Lloyd Huffman came out of self-proclaimed retirement to call the first half of the Bingo games. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week50lssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 9/12 5/27/2019 re T1'litill -,tt-e—e- optometric Week 50 Issue 127 _ BAYFIELD FIi ANCIAL C,YourItiC PDOLATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK 049 A'tics t Spmy Fcmm �� tiOZ_Ma0G` Bayfield's final November sunset... By Gary Lloyd -Rees Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week50lssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 10/12 5/27/2019 Hill {{tdIr�rrx M'�.IUIVIMI�I�iCr 5 10'565 2420 Melody Falconer -Pounder MASSAGE THERAPY 519.565.4711 SUBMISSIONS Week 50 Issue 127 CCIBBLE GiVES1IGN iM Zurich. Ora. DESIGN. BLIILO LANDSCAPING SALES & IN TALLATION GAP.DEN r,ENT ER 74190A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 73'3 J 519 565 7173 Years ago, when I worked as a reporter at the Goderich Signal -Star I got to do a feature on the Huron County Christmas Bureau, spending an afternoon with the church ladies at the Goderich Bureau learning how the whole process worked. It was one of the stories that really resonated with me. It is important to remember that in this great big world of ours there is hunger and need all around us even close to home. Please take a moment this week and buy one extra gift or item of clothing when you are out checking off your holiday lists or throw a few extra non-perishable items into the old grocery cart. There are drop boxes for the Clinton Bureau here in the village. They are located at Nip N' Tuck, Bayfield Convenience and Brandon Hardware. Or if you buy a book for the Bureau at The Village Bookshop the store will match it. I always buy the one thing I might like for Christmas if I was still more than just a kid at heart — donations will be accepted until Dec. 11. - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443. Hope to see you online soon at www.villageofbayfield.com BAWIELD BREEZE — -- the yr age's DWVgr onbmenews source I',, SHARE 0.7 ED cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week50lssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 11/12 .r -r 1 _ 5/27/2019 5 1 c N u I r e R BAYFIELD BREEZE CLICK HERE Founding Members ........................................................................................................... Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week 50 Issue 127 Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy The Dock's Restaurant Ian Mathew CA Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee: Ian Matthew, Roger Lewington, Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek5Olssuel27/tabid/538/Default.aspx 12/12