HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2011-07-06, Page 15/27/2019
Week 28 Issue 105
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SHARE July 6, 2011 Vol. 3 Week 28 Issue 105
Sue Burton explains the proper way to approach an intersection to Hope Wilson, 6, a Bayfield summer
resident, during the Bayfield Optimist Club Bike Rodeo held at the Bayfield Arena on July 2. (Photos by Melody
Falconer -Pounder)
A new library for Bayfield, combined with public
washrooms as well as post office box access, has
been a dream of village residents for a number of
years. This dream draws one step closer to reality on
July 9th when a public meeting to unveil the
proposed design of the new Bayfield Library will be
The proposed plans for the new library to be located
on the village's Main Street will be available for
viewing starting at 10 a.m. at the Bayfield Community
The Municipality of Bluewater will be hosting the
If everywhere you look this weekend you think you
see a Corvette, don't worry you're not experiencing
delusions — it's Bayfield Vettefest and Corvette
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SHARE July 6, 2011 Vol. 3 Week 28 Issue 105
Sue Burton explains the proper way to approach an intersection to Hope Wilson, 6, a Bayfield summer
resident, during the Bayfield Optimist Club Bike Rodeo held at the Bayfield Arena on July 2. (Photos by Melody
Falconer -Pounder)
A new library for Bayfield, combined with public
washrooms as well as post office box access, has
been a dream of village residents for a number of
years. This dream draws one step closer to reality on
July 9th when a public meeting to unveil the
proposed design of the new Bayfield Library will be
The proposed plans for the new library to be located
on the village's Main Street will be available for
viewing starting at 10 a.m. at the Bayfield Community
The Municipality of Bluewater will be hosting the
If everywhere you look this weekend you think you
see a Corvette, don't worry you're not experiencing
delusions — it's Bayfield Vettefest and Corvette
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William Samuell, of Bayfield, works
his way through the course set out
for the annual Bike Rodeo
organized by members of the
Optimist Club of Bayfield. Optimist
Heidi Martin keeps track of his
Week 28 Issue 105
Hope Wilson navigates one of
several tests laid out on the arena
floor as part of the Bike Rodeo.
James Wilson, 11, a Bayfield summer resident, demonstrates his hand signals during the Bike Rodeo.
Blue Flag recognition is helping Bayfield's Main Beach get the attention it deserves. An article
published this week reflects what locals have known for years - that Bayfield's beach is among
the very best.
An article written by Laura Bly and published in a recent issue of USA Today shows Bayfield to
be one of the top five beaches on the Great Lakes and the only Canadian beach featured.
enthusiasts from far and near will be descending on
the village starting on July 8th for a Summer Night
Participants in the Summer Night Cruise are asked to
gather at Clan Gregor Square at 7 p.m. to head out
on a little road trip.
Registration for the car show to be held in Clan
Gregor Square on July 9th will begin at 8 a.m. in the
park. Those who take part are invited to park their
cars for display in the square.
The firefighters in our village will be up bright and
early on July 9th to prepare for their annual
Firemen's Breakfast which will have people lining up
for the 7 a.m. start of food service at the Bayfield Fire
And who wouldn't line up for pancakes with real
maple syrup, eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, toast
and juice, plus let's not forget the Tim Horton's
coffee, generously donated by the Tim Horton's of
The cost for the breakfast is adults, $7; and children,
$4. The event will conclude at 11 a.m.
Every square foot of Clan Gregor will be appreciated
in an upcoming gallery exhibition at JMR Art Gallery
on Main Street in the village.
The "Clan Gregor Square Foot Show" opens this
Friday July 8, in honor of the popular park, often
referred to as the heart of the village. The history of
the square will be on display along with park inspired
12" x 12" original artworks by Ontario artists.
All are encouraged to drop by for the Friday evening
reception. The show will be on display until July 20.
July 10 is the date set for the Parish Picnic for Trinity
Anglican Church, Bayfield and St. James, Middleton
and therefore service time and locations are not the
Trinity Anglican Church will offer their 8 a.m. church
service on that date but Trinity's 9:30 a.m. service
and the 11 a.m. service at St. James will be
combined and instead, a combined Parish Picnic
Service will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the pavilion on
Pavilion Beach Road, just 5 KM South of Bayfield.
Following the service, a picnic will be held.
Participants are asked to bring a potluck dish to
share, their own lawn chair, plates, cutlery and
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5/27/2019 Week 28 Issue 105
Stephen P. Leatherman, a Florida International University professor and coastal expert, made PIONEER PARK
the determinations. Leatherman is also referred to as Dr. Beach.
Every year, Leatherman, releases his list of Top 10 U.S. Beaches located along the east and
The annual Pioneer Park Rummage Sale doesn't
west coasts of the country. This year, he is starting a new tradition: a list of recommendations
happen over night, organizing this large fundraiser
for beaches along the Great Lakes. Coastal communities were asked to complete a survey and
which benefits beautiful Pioneer Park takes a lot of
submit sand samples and 30 communities did so. He assessed overall beach quality based on
time and planning, as well as the generosity of the
60 freshwater criteria including, sand and water cleanliness, safety, environmental quality and
community in donating gently used items to sell.
management. Leatherman conducted the judging with input by Michigan State University's
Ontario when the most proven route to Hollywood
Despite its diminutive size, the Bayfield Library is one of the most heavily used branches of the
The organizers are looking for unique, nearly new,
aquatics expert, Erin Dreelin.
Brimming with love, comedy and a staggering work
5. Oak Street Beach, Lake Michigan, Chicago, IL
antique or quality cast offs for the 64th annual sale to
The top five Great Lake beaches were determined to be:
be held on July 8 from 7-9 p.m. in the Bayfield Arena.
FOBL believes that libraries play an integral role in people's lives. The Bayfield Library is a very
Anyone requiring an early drop off of items can
1. Sleeping Bear Dunes, National Lakeshore, Lake Michigan, MI
Melody A. Johnson is coming to the Bayfield Town
Bayfield Library with the specific aim of promoting the Bayfield Library as an essential element
contact Terry at 519 565-2972 or Bud at 519 565-
2. Presque Isle State Park, Lake Erie, PA
Johnson tells the story of farm girl, Peggy Ann
intends to enhance the profile of the Bayfield library in the community and to advocate for the
5322, otherwise items can be dropped off at the
3. Sand Point Beach, Pictured Rock National Lakeshore, Lake Superior, MI
Ontario when the most proven route to Hollywood
Despite its diminutive size, the Bayfield Library is one of the most heavily used branches of the
arena on July 7-8 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
4. Bayfield Main Beach, Lake Huron, ON, Canada
Brimming with love, comedy and a staggering work
5. Oak Street Beach, Lake Michigan, Chicago, IL
The following items cannot be accepted: clothing,
library in Bayfield.
shoes, magazines, encyclopedias, large appliances,
In the article, Dr. Beach does admit to never having visited Bayfield but perhaps his findings
building materials, mattresses, soiled or broken
might encourage him to do so in the future. To see the article in its entirety or to find a link to
their calendars so as not to miss every chance to
items. Please note that baby furniture, sports
Dr. Beach's website visit: http://travel.usatoday.com/
equipment and electrical items must be approved by
the CSA.
Organizers note that several wonderful items have
also been collected for the Silent Auction — so go
What does a librarymean to you? y
prepared to bid!
This is a question being put to the public by a newly formed community based group known as,
General inquiries about the event, including,
Friends of the Bayfield Library (FOBL).
volunteer information can be directed to Julie at 519
One person commented, "The Bayfield Library is a hub of our community. It is quaint -
reflecting a historical town yet up-to-date with access to computer technology. It is quiet on a
snowy winter day curled up in the high back chair reading a new magazine. It is noisy on a
warm summer day when full of happy and busy children taking out their books."
FOBL believes that libraries play an integral role in people's lives. The Bayfield Library is a very
Miss Caledonia, a comedy written and performed by
busy gathering spot. All libraries need friends. Thus the FOBL has been created to support the
Melody A. Johnson is coming to the Bayfield Town
Bayfield Library with the specific aim of promoting the Bayfield Library as an essential element
Hall on the evening of July 9.
to the community's quality of life. As enthusiastic supporters of the Bayfield Library, FOBL
Johnson tells the story of farm girl, Peggy Ann
intends to enhance the profile of the Bayfield library in the community and to advocate for the
Douglas' quest for stardom. The tale is set in 1950s
enhancement of library services and programs.
Ontario when the most proven route to Hollywood
Despite its diminutive size, the Bayfield Library is one of the most heavily used branches of the
was to enter as many pageants as possible.
Huron County Library system, particularly during the summer months when extended hours are
Brimming with love, comedy and a staggering work
needed. Top of the immediate agenda for FOBL is to take part in the discussions for a new
ethic the production is a delightful exploration of
library in Bayfield.
optimism and reality down on the farm.
According to Roma Harris, who chairs FOBL, "We love the old library but it is too small to meet The 8 p.m. performance is a fundraiser for the
the demands of our growing community. There is little room to sit and there is nowhere to offer ongoing upkeep of the Bayfield Town Hall by the
programs. We are excited about the plans for a new library on Main Street that will take the
Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society.
village's heritage into account, while providing the necessary space for collections and the
Tickets are $35 each. A cash bar will be available
programs for people of all ages that a community should expect in a contemporary public
and complimentary hors d'oeuvres will be served.
Tickets are available from Jane Rowat, 519 565-
FOBL also expects to organize activities and events to promote Bayfield Library's important
5838; Ernie King Music in Goderich, 519 524-4689 or
role in sustaining the educational, recreational and cultural life of our community. Libraries
at ticketscene.ca
make a difference and so can people in the community. If you are interested in sharing a story
The evening is sponsored by OLG.
about what a library means to you or becoming a FOBL member, please contact the group at
Book lovers will want to mark the following dates on
their calendars so as not to miss every chance to
meet and greet several talented authors.
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Week 28 Issue 105
For the second consecutive year, the Municipality of Bluewater is proud to be a part of the
A book signing with a Huron County author is set for
Provincial Communities in Bloom Program competition. There are new dates for the judges'
July 9 from 1-3 p.m. at the The Village Bookshop.
visit. They will be coming to Bluewater July 20-22.
Kim Burgsma, author of "Almost Eden" will be on
hand to sign copies of her book.
Last year, the Municipality of Bluewater printed a pamphlet that explains the program. This
highly recognized program is not just about floral displays. It promotes environmental
And finally, on Aug. 21 The Little Inn of Bayfield will
responsibility and beautification through community participation and friendly competition!
play host to a Books and Brunch with Alissa York
starting at 12:30 p.m. Tickets for this event are $30.
The judging criteria is based on eight categories:
They can be purchased at The Village Bookshop, 20
• Tidiness
Catherine St. or by calling 519 565-5600 or emailing
• Environmental Awareness
• Community Involvement
• Natural and Cultural Heritage
• Tree/Urban Forest Management
• Landscaped Areas
• Floral Displays
July 9 is the date for the Bayfield Optimist Club's
• Turf and Groundcovers
annual Play Day extravaganza. This day of good old-
fashioned fun for the children will run from 11 a.m. to
The color scheme for this year's "Bluewater Blooms" is red, purple, pink and blue. People will
1 p.m. on the lawn beside the Bayfield Fire Hall.
notice these colors in planters on the streets of Hensall, Zurich and Bayfield.
Magician Daniel Steep, of Clinton, is scheduled to
perform and a talented face painting clown will also
offer her skills to shiny faced youngsters. Fire truck
tours, games and crafts are also on the docket.
All this frivolity is sure to create an appetite — hotdogs
Bayfield will be the place to run, walk, cycle or purchase art in support of a full -field digital
will be served up hot from the barbecue.
mammography unit for Huron County on Oct. 1.
This is a free event. Members of the Bayfield
Although most people aren't thinking of things to do in the fall with summer just beginning but
Optimist Club, who are proud to have the mandate,
now is the time to mark calendars for what is sure to be an amazing day of events held in an
Friends of Youth, are the organizers.
effort to raise a minimum of $10,000 toward the cause.
In fact the event is so big this article is the first of a series describing what will be happening at
the Festival of Fitness and Art in Bayfield. This week we learn about the Bayfield Cross
Country Classic, open to runners and walkers of all ages.
Summer is here and there is no better time to kick
There will be two courses open to people depending on their fitness level. The event will begin
back and enjoy the music.
at 11 a.m. with registration check-in being held from 9-10:30 a.m. Runners interested in their
One of the performers who played on Parliament Hill
time will require watches.
for Canada Day in the presence of the Duke and
The 8 km Course begins in the village and enters the Woodland Trail before returning to the
Duchess of Cambridge will soon grace the stage at
village. The Woodland Trail passes through mixed forest and meadows and offers a variety of
the Bayfield Town Hall. Jenn Grant, with opening act,
terrain on earthen paths. Medals will be awarded to first place finishers in a variety of age
Wsg, will be featured on July 14 as part of the
categories, both female and male.
Bayfield Concert Series
The 3 km Course is designed for those people wishing to participate while avoiding a more
The concert will be held in the Bayfield Town Hall
strenuous run through the trail. The course is within the village on flat paved roads.
with the doors opening at 8 p.m. and the show
starting at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $30 each and are
Walkers can opt for either the 8 km or 3 km course.
available now at www.ticketscene.ca
Participants who register in advance will pay a fee of $20. This fee increases to $25 on the day
Sadly for those yet to get tickets, Ron Sexsmith's
of the event. Youth under the age of 16 can register anytime for $10. Registration forms are
Summer Show to be held on July 22 is now sold out.
available online at www.amghfoundation.ca/festival.php
This portion of the festival is sponsored by Virtual High School and sanctioned by Ontario
Long-time residents have often talked fondly of going
to Pioneer Park for a movie night on a warm
summer's eve and this year the tradition is returning.
For two Saturdays in July as dusk settles over this
lakeside park a film will be shown under the stars.
The quest is now on to discover the great trees of Bluewater. As part of the Bluewater Blooms,
Families are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and
Communities in Bloom initiative people are being encouraged to join in the Great Tree Hunt
blankets to cuddle up and watch Tangled, on July 16
and nominate a heritage or native tree in the municipality for recognition.
and Despicable Me on July 30.
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Week 28 Issue 105
A Heritage Tree is considered to be a specimen of note, a part of a generation of photographs
or associated with an historic person or community landmark. Or nominate a Native Tree,
remarkable specimens of the Tulip Tree, Silver Maple or Red Oak varieties are but examples.
The Great Tree Hunt is running from now until Aug. 12. The winning trees will be researched
and recognized in a future publication.
For entry forms, contact thyra.knudsen@gmail.com or www.town.bluewater.on.ca
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Photography is a passion best enjoyed when work can be shared with others and a talent best
improved when surrounded by like-minded individuals. For these reasons some local
photographers are exploring the idea of establishing a photography club in Bayfield.
"There are obviously a large number of good, and even great, photographers here and we
could all benefit from each other's skills and talents, share interesting photos, set up
challenges and hold workshops; whatever such a group might want to do," said Jack Pal.
Anyone who might like to join a local photography club and/or anyone with insights on how one
might be best established here are invited to contact Jack Pal or Gary Lloyd -Rees.
The Bayfield and Area Horticultural Society (BAHS) recently purchased
and planted four new planters to beautify the entrance to the Bayfield
Community Centre on Jane Street. The Municipality of Bluewater helped
out by offloading these aggregate containers and getting them arranged
on the ground. The municipality employees will also be keeping them
watered. Members of the BAHS planned for and purchased the
containers and material. The flowers were planted just in time for
Canada Day due to the efforts of (1-r): Sue van Baardwick and Leigh
Selk. (Submitted photo)
The fish will be frying on July 30th when the
congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church holds
their first annual Fish Fry at the Bayfield Community
The meal will be served from 4:30-7 p.m. Two
salads, tomatoes, rolls, and a baked potato are sure
to compliment the Lake Huron white fish. Delectable
homemade desserts will finish things off nicely.
Tickets are $17 for adults; and $10 for children 11
years and under. Take-out will also be available. For
tickets please call 519 565-2435, or email
ggrant@tcc.on.ca, or consult any member of the
Knox Church congregation.
Anyone who is 55+ years of age is invited to join the
members of the Bayfield Diners' Club for their weekly
Thursday lunches. Newcomers and summer
residents are most welcome to join in the meal.
The meals are served at noon at the Bayfield
Community Centre. The cost for the lunch is $8 per
person. Anyone who wishes to enjoy the meal but
cannot make it to the community centre is invited to
order a take-out lunch.
Participants should call Betty Brodhagan at 519 565-
4123 on the Monday prior to the Thursday lunch to
inform organizers of their intention to attend or not to
attend the luncheon.
The Bayfield Diners' Club is also looking volunteers
to assist in the kitchen for the summer months.
Anyone who can donate two hours of their Thursday
morning to help prepare or serve the lunch would be
most welcome and should contact Brodhagen at the
number listed above.
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Pat Wolfe and Roy Price were the high scorers when
the Wednesday Evening Bridge Club met on June 22
at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building.
The club will meet next on July 6. The cards will be
dealt starting at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
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I IN 010 1010 1 INA 01 11140y
Week 28 Issue 105
There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives
collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an
image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in
the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the
bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at
bayarchives@tcc.on.ca or click on the image and make a comment on Flickr. You can view
the entire Collection of Remember Me Photos: Volume 2 on Flickr as well.
In Issue 102, a photo from the Bayfield Fall
Fair taken in 1973 is featured. Nancy
Scotchmer was kind enough to let us know
that Bert Dunn is the gentleman wearing the
white shirt in the photo.
This week, we go back a few decades to when
swimming attire was the utmost in discreet.
Yes, these young ladies are sitting in the water.
Records indicate that Lucy Woods is second
from left, while her sister, Jean, is on the far
right. Does anyone remember any of the other
girls pictured?
Make your comments... click on any image and it will
take you to Flickr.
Bayfield Mews
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One Floor Townhomes
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In Issue 103, with summer vacation fast
approaching for area school children we featured a
photo taken of students in the Junior Room at the
public school in 1955. Mrs. Vina (Will) Parker was
the teacher. Jackie Thompson (Weston) recalled that
the teacher used to bring Rock, her dog, to school
and he would lie under her desk all day. She was
also able to identify a number of the students in the
room that was on the first floor of the old school. The
Senior Room for Grades 5-8 was located upstairs.
Seated in the desks on the left side of the picture
are: Doug Telford and Garfield Merner; behind them
are Bud Jamieson and Tutor Wain; behind them,
Terry Fitzsmons; and then Pat Snyder and Susan
Adams. On the right she recognized: Mary Elizabeth
Irwin, Ted Heard, Janice Merner, Linda
Gemeinhardt, Joyce Scott, Ellen Lindsay, Shirley
Darnbrough (Boyce), Gayle Turner (King) and Phil
Turner (under window).
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Week 28 Issue 105
C.'.0 i' .
In Issue 104, we saluted the upcoming Canada Day
holiday with a picture taken on Main Street in 1966
during "Christmas in July". Records show the men in
the picture are Santa and Reeve McFadden.
Jill 1i I_ IIIIlam
The BICC currently boasts close to 90 members. Elaine Kennedy (far right) is the President of the BICC she
enjoyed a social game with Margo Robeson (far left) and Jane Rowat mid-day on July 4.
Croquet became popular in Bayfield
in the 1950s but didn't really become
formerly established until 1973 when
an application for membership and
the associated fee were sent to the
CA at the Hurlingham Club in
England. Best wishes were sent from
the Croquet Association in England,
expressing enthusiasm at receiving a
Canadian inquiry. The Bayfield
International Croquet Club was
established in 1974 with 11
members. The club crest was
designed by Jim Day.
The Bayfield International Croquet Club (BICC) is
the largest croquet club in Canada.
An impressive fact born of rather humble
According to the archives compiled by Don Cook
for the BICC website, much anecdotal evidence
indicates that backyard croquet was popular in
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Week 28 Issue 105
The BICC is the largest croquet club in Canada. The season runs from Victoria Day weekend through until the
end of October. Jane Rowat (centre) makes a shot while Margo Robeson (left) and Elaine Kennedy look on.
New members are sponsored and mentored by existing members. Classes are held for for all levels of skill. Jerry
Selk was out on the pitch Monday morning perfecting his game.
BICC Members often give of their time to get tasks completed for the betterment of the club. Here Bev Earley
Bayfield for many decades prior to the actual
formation of the BICC, becoming especially
popular during the 1950s. Jim Day recalled that a
croquet tournament held during this decade on
their cottage lawn on Tuyll Street began with eight
teams and a few spectators and eventually grew
to an event comprising 30 teams and the addition
of floodlights for night play.
In 1973, an application for membership and the
associated fee were sent to the CA at the
Hurlingham Club in England. Prospective
members soon came to the realization that this
form of croquet represented a vastly different
game than the one they had been playing
recreationally over the previous summers. The
BICC was officially form in 1974.
"It is not the same garden club game people may
be familiar with," said Mary Beth Larone, BICC
The BICC play two types of croquet, Association
and Golf. Both types follow the Oxford University
of England Rules, however, Golf is considered to
be more of a social game.
Today the club has a membership of nearly 90
members; most are full members while a few
maintain social status. A full member may play in
any of the Association games and tournaments. A
social member is welcome to play Golf Croquet
every Thursday. A full member must accompany
him or her.
The BICC has been on the site of their current
court since 2006. They leased property, once
used as a quarry, from the Municipality of
Bluewater in 2005 and rehabilitated it to its
present form.
"The municipality is thrilled to death as to how this
site has evolved," said Elaine Kennedy, president
of the BICC.
This is the second location for the BICC. The first
pitch was created on farm land through the
generosity of George Cantrick, who owned a farm
known as Foamy Acres just 5 KM east of the
village. Construction began on a full-sized croquet
court adjacent to the farmhouse in the fall of 1974.
The BICC credits a gentleman by the name of
Tom Coils for introducing BICC members to the
correct way to play Association Croquet in 1975.
Coils was a croquet player from England, who
was at that time living in Ottawa. He was quite
enthusiastic about the Bayfield endeavor and
visited a couple of times to help the membership
hone their skills. Due to his significant
contribution, he is remembered to this day
through the Tom Coils Cup, presented to the
annual bisque champion of BICC.
The BICC membership has fun on and off the
court. There are regular Thursday Cocktail Parties
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5/27/2019 Week 28 Issue 105
and Scott Robeson piece together a frame for one of the shelters that provide shade near the pitch on a sunny
summer's day. Other volunteers such as Terry Lazarvitch and Bud Robinson (not pictured) really keep the club
The current croquet pitch has been
in use for four years. The site is
located in a very beautiful and
peaceful location on the eastern
edge of the village. The BICC
membership had an abandoned
quarry rehabilitated into what is
now an impressive pitch. In this
photo, Toni Kemp studies her next
The BICC play two types of
croquet, Association and Golf. Both
types follow the Oxford University
of England Rules, however, Golf is
considered to be more of a social
game. In this photo, Margo
Robeson, watches to see where
her ball will finish.
Jerry Selk prepares to roquet an opponent's ball during a game played
Monday mid-day at the BICC.
as well as larger events like an annual Pig Roast.
They also run tournaments including the
Founder's Cup that will be played on July 15-17.
This invitational event has participants coming
from London, ON as well as the State of California
to play.
Association games can range from 90 minutes to
four hours to play. Golf games can last anywhere
from 30 to 90 minutes.
"It is a very strategic game," said Kennedy. "You
need a little dexterity and some hand eye
coordination to play but it is simply a delight to be
out on the court."
Anyone interested in learning more about the
BICC can contact Larone at larone@tcc.on.ca or
visit their website at www.bicc.ca
Gayle Waters lines up a shot
during a match at the BICC on
Bud Robinson, is one of the BICC
members who is very hands on
when it comes to maintaining and
improving the club property that is
leased from the Municipality of
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Croquet is a very strategic game.
Week 28 Issue 105
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Week 28 Issue 105
After the Storm - by Bob Bender
Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your
photo to Flickr.
I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you
are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where
they are from. Any images that include minors should have the parent's permission for publication prior to submission. And don't forget to tell
me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued
( 519.5654711
HEAL E."i'1ATe..'
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Week 28 Issue 105
Our baby is now a toddler! With the publication of this issue the Bayfield Breeze celebrates its second birthday. I must pass
along my sincere gratitude to all our subscribers many of whom approach me when I'm out and about in the village to share
how much they appreciate our weekly issues. We have become a Wednesday morning ritual for a lot of you and that keeps us
inspired to continue to bring you all of the village happenings plus stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Many of you comment that you share the issues with family and friends who live out of town. This is terrific! I encourage you to
invite them to subscribe to receive their own regular issues. It is as easy as scrolling to the bottom of this current issue and
clicking on the button to the left for more info.
Melody Falconer -Pounder
I also encourage everyone to support our sponsors by visiting their websites and thinking of them first when needing a service
or going shopping. If it were not for their ongoing financial support we would cease to exist. New advertisers are always welcome just email me for details.
Happy Birthday, Bayfield Breeze! - Melody
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome.
Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m.
Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443.
Hope to see you online soon at www.villageofbayfield.com
9oaN OF root
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
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5/27/2019 Week 28 Issue 105
Founding Members Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Godetich Honda Bayfield Garage Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy
Bayfield Foodland The Dock's Restaurant Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce
Outside Projects Ian Mathew CA Breeze Committee: Ian Matthew, Roger Lewington, Mike Dixon, John
Brad's Automotive Royal LePage Heartland Realty Brokerge
Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder
Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login
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