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Bayfield Breeze, 2011-03-16, Page 1
5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 �BAYFIELDBREEZE rt "---'se Contact Archive IAN MATTH3-96 I� �/"W �nrre.-.0mnr — — U J tir Y f y BAWIELD BREEZE r, SHARE ®V®... March 16, 2011 Vol. 2 Week 12 Issue 89 D PHARMASAVE _ _ �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _ ROYAL LEPAGE ti.•r-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII JAPAN DISASTER HAS RIPPLE EFFECT AUTHOR VISIT Roy and Lynne Price visited their son in Japan last September. Here the couple pose for a picture in front of The Golden Temple in Kyoto. (Submitted photo) On March 19, Brentwood on the Beach, in St. Joseph, will play host to the next author brought to the area by The Village Bookshop. The author, Paula L. Tutman, will read from her latest novel, "Deadline! Second Block", part two of a serial thriller about a television reporter being stalked by a murderer. Tutman is an Emmy winning, high profile Detroit reporter. The reading will begin at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 and includes coffee and gourmet dessert. Limited space is still available for more information call Joan at Brentwood on the Beach, 519 236-7137. BAYFWLD GUIDING Bayfield Guiding will be hosting a "Just Books Sale" on Apr. 2 in the Trinity Anglican Church Parish Hall from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. To make the sale a success the girls are now accepting gently used books of all genres with the cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl 21ssue89/tabid/493/Default.aspx 1/11 5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 To ensure a safe and fun time for all participants the STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER exception of textbooks, encyclopedias and Plus the national power grid has taken a big hit and is reporting a lot of damage to a lot of magazines. The earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan on March 11 has had a ripple effect jacket; and participants must be 16 years or across the world and touched many close to home as several folks have, or know someone Books can be given to members of Bayfield Guiding who has, loved ones living and working in that country. or dropped of at the Bayfield Village Inn from now don't believe we're talking about a melt-down, but radioactive material has definitely been until Apr. 1. For more information call 519 565-2443. Roy and Lynne Price, of Bayfield, are two such individuals. Their son Jordan has lived in Recreation Committee with proceeds going to Tokyo, Japan with his wife for three years. On March 12, the couple received an email update support minor sports in the community. from their son and they were kind enough to forward it to the Bayfield Breeze to share with our CANOE RALLY subscribers. Hopefully, his first hand account of the situation will help others in this area EAR'T'H HOUR understand better how people are coping as the crisis continues to unfold. The 26th Annual Stanley Canoe Rally is set to run power outage, but we are really lucky where we are. It's relatively warm here (expected to be Apr. 10. His correspondence dated March 12 follows: climate change by marking Earth Hour on March 26. Seems the worst is far from over. Whole towns have been literally erased by the water. Only The cost to enter is $20 for one poker hand. hearing about them now as first contact is only now being made. The news is just talking about Registration will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 a town where 10,000 people are unaccounted for. It's impossible to describe - the town is just p.m. gone! They're showing before and after images of a few places, and it's like a giant shovel was Participants enter the race at Tyndall's Bridge on scraped across the ground where buildings and streets used to be. The death toll could get Airport Line (2nd of Stanley) and enjoy a five -mile run dramatically higher. on the Bayfield River ending at the Varna Bridge. We're also bracing for trouble. A lot of the agriculture in Japan comes from the north, so a lot of For more information please call Pete Walden at 519 food production, companies, etc. are off line. As a result, the store shelves in Tokyo are getting 233-7525 or Jeff Brandon at 519 565-2878 thin, with signs apologizing that the store has not been able to get new shipments and are not sure when they will be able to restock. To ensure a safe and fun time for all participants the getting supplies, walking with their heads down. We rented a movie for the first time in a long following rules will be enforced: no motorized Plus the national power grid has taken a big hit and is reporting a lot of damage to a lot of vehicles, everyone in the canoe must wear a life systems. We're being asked to limit power usage as much as possible because they don't jacket; and participants must be 16 years or believe they will be able to meet expected demand over the next few days. Have you seen the accompanied by an adult. news about the two nuclear reactors that are having trouble? There was an explosion at one. I at 8 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. The musical selections will don't believe we're talking about a melt-down, but radioactive material has definitely been The event is organized by the Bluewater Stanley released. A 10 KM radius around the facilities has been evacuated, and there is concern about Recreation Committee with proceeds going to rain on Monday dropping that material further than that radius depending on the wind. And support minor sports in the community. these facilities carry a lot of the national load to meet energy demands, so it's hard to say what to replenish trees in the village's public spaces, as the full impact will be. EAR'T'H HOUR In any case, we're as well prepared as we can be and could easily ride out even an extended support of the tree program. For more information power outage, but we are really lucky where we are. It's relatively warm here (expected to be Communities around the world will demand action on mid -teens next week) so even without the heater on we're OK as long as we bundle up. But up climate change by marking Earth Hour on March 26. north, it's still around zero in many places, and even snowing in some, so I can't imagine how All are encouraged to turn their lights off for 60 cold and scared and hungry the many people who are still stranded must be. minutes starting at 8:30 p.m. (local time). For me, I think the full scale of this is still sinking in. It's been impossible to get my head around This year, Bayfield's version of Earth Hour will have a it. Too much like a movie, too surreal to understand. The damage is so epic in scale; none of theme: "Restore Bayfield's Trees". what we are seeing on TV makes sense. There was an eerie heaviness in the atmosphere in Tokyo, really quiet in the streets for a Saturday. People only out for essential business, like To celebrate Earth Hour in Bayfield everyone is getting supplies, walking with their heads down. We rented a movie for the first time in a long invited to turn off lights at home and head to St time - something to get away from the news images for a while - and a lot of others had the Andrew's United Church for a concert given by the same idea as the video store was packed. Glee Sisters choir, and their sister organization, building started swaying back and forth. I started to get worried when I saw the looks on my Elliot's Liquidation Band. The evening will commence We've been feeling little rumbles and rollers every once in a while. In fact as I was writing the at 8 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. The musical selections will last paragraph, there was another aftershock in the same area as the original quake, and I reflect the evening's theme. could feel the sofa moving under me for a few seconds. It's not scary, we know the building is built to stand up to a major quake, but it makes you feel that the ground itself is taking a long In addition, there will be a presentation on a new plan time to get settled. to replenish trees in the village's public spaces, as the older ones die off. Donations will be accepted in Plus these aftershocks are nothing compared to the original. I probably didn't give a good support of the tree program. For more information sense of it yet, so I'll try now. email Leslie Bella, Ibella@tcc.on.ca. It was a typical mid-afternoon workday. I was at my desk, which is at a corner of the building, Organizers suggest participants bring a flashlight, with an unbelievable view both to the south and the west from the 30th floor. It started slow - a candle or hurricane lamp to the event because for kind of rolling sensation like on a boat. There have been a few of those little tremors since I've one hour the lights will be off in the church as well! been here, so at first I didn't think much of it. But then it stared to get bigger, and the whole building started swaying back and forth. I started to get worried when I saw the looks on my �T T� ANGLICAN CHURCH Japanese colleagues' faces. And it went on for what felt like ages. I'm sure it was more than a minute, maybe even two, which is very unusual for a quake. As the building got into full swing, cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Weekl21ssue89/tabid/493/Default.aspx 2/11 5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 stuff started falling over and off desks, and by then everyone was crouched down or under their desks. After the shaking stopped, the building continued to sway from its own momentum, making a deep creaking sound like you'd hear being in the hull of a huge ship. From my view I could see the fire in Odaiba as a huge plume of grey smoke. I could also see smoke stacks (perhaps from power plants or refineries) towards Yokohama spewing flames from their tops. I assume it was a normal response, like a pressure valve release, because those flames quickly disappeared. Then someone started calling instructions for us all to move to the hall towards the center of the building, so people grabbed their coats and bags and left the office. Huge safety doors had closed off access to the elevators, and we all sat along the inner hallway waiting to hear what to do next. Someone came around with bottled water for everyone (an automatic precaution as you never know when you might find yourself short of water in these types of situations), but as it was calming down and the building was gently rocking by this point (say about 10 minutes later), we all went back into the office to look out the windows and turn on the TV to see what had happened. Probably less than 10 minutes after that, another small tremor hit, causing the building to pick up speed again, and we all moved back to the hallway. Then a few minutes after that, a really big, and again surprisingly long-lasting after -shock hit, and it was time to leave the building. We all made our way down by the stairs, and by the bottom, I couldn't tell if my legs were shaking just from the 30 -story climb, or from post -adrenaline. I suspect both. We gathered in the square in front of the building with the flood of other people coming out and milled around a bit, everyone trying to contact loved ones. I wasn't getting a response. Not a nice feeling. A little later, our CFO cleared people to go back to the office if they needed anything, but that obviously we wouldn't be going back to work. I had forgotten some key documents I need to mail this weekend, so I gave my name (with instructions to check in when I got back) and set off with some colleagues to climb back up to the 30th floor. The stairwell was packed with people going both directions, so it was slow going at times. And there are restaurants on the 38th and 39th floor of the building, so we passed a fair number of elderly people, who had probably just been finishing their lunch, trying to make their way down. It must have been hellish. It was bad enough for relatively in -shape and much younger people. After a brief rest in the office, and a check in on the people who had been too afraid to evacuate by the stairs to make a list of names of people still there, we headed back down. My legs are still aching! Checked in back on the ground and to see if there was anything I could do, or if I could offer a place to stay for anyone who would have trouble getting home, and was told that everyone had made arrangements, so headed home. It was 5 p.m. (I know because in Japan, a song plays from loud -speakers in public spaces across the country at 5 p.m. every day.) It was strange to see so many people walking. It takes me about 20 minutes to get home. It was here that he was much relieved to find his wife waiting for him. Jordan is no stranger to Bayfield. He spent most of his childhood summer holidays in the village. His grandfather, Ford Steadman (Lynne's father) built three cottages in the village between 1946-48 and it was a favorite destination for their clan. LOCAL YOUTH TO PERFORM IN EPIC PRODUCTION ON BLYTH STAGE It is a Lenten tradition at Trinity Anglican Church to join in fellowship over a hearty bowl of soup while delighting in a great cinematic work. "Soup and a Bun and a Movie Night" will continue over the next four weeks from 6-9 p.m. A free will offering is asked to cover the cost of soup and buns and all in the community are welcome. The schedule of movies is as follows: Secretariat, March 21; The Blind Side, March 28; Joyeux Noel, Apr. 4; and Finding Neverland, Apr. 11. CONCERT SERIES Hannah Georgas performed at the Bayfield Town Hall on March 11. (Photo by Richard Fitoussi) The musical entertainment scene in the village is kicking into high gear this spring with some well- known performers coming to play The Bayfield Town Hall. Colin James will headline at the hall on March 17 as part of his Up Close and personal: An Acoustic Tour with Special Guest Chris Caddell. Not surprisingly this concert has been sold out for sometime. On April 9, John K. Samson of the Weakerthans with special guest Andy McGuire will play the hall. Tickets are available now for $35. Hall doors will open at 8 p.m. with the show starting at 8:30 p.m. For tickets visit: http://www.ticketscene.ca/events/3520/ III035LY9Z-IONVd There are three shows remaining in the Bayfield Film Society's spring series. Next on the docket is the documentary, Force of Nature, to be shown on Apr. 14. Also scheduled are the films: "The Trotsky", May 12; and "Incendies", June 16. The films are shown at the Bayfield Town Hall starting at 7:30 p.m. To learn more about tickets for these productions please contact Jane Rowat 519 565-5838 or Lynne Gillians 519 565-5884. CHAP Village residents may be surprised to learn that they don't have to drive to a larger centre for heart healthy cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Weekl21ssue89/tabid/493/Default.aspx 3/11 5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 Fifteen Huron County young people will take to the stage at the Blyth Festival in early April to present, Bertolt Brecht's "The Good Soul of Szechuan". Bayfield's own, Hugh Lobb (pictured rear centre) is one of the youth involved in the project. (Submitted photo) Bayfield's own, Hugh Lobb, is one of 15 dedicated youth from across the county that are now in the final rehearsals for Huron EPIC Youth's production of Bertolt Brecht's "The Good Soul of Szechuan". The play is being mounted on the Blyth Festival stage from Apr. 1-3. Since early January, youth from Wingham, Egmondville, Zurich, Brussels, Goderich, Clinton and Bayfield have gathered in the rehearsal hall of the Blyth Festival to rehearse and prepare for the upcoming production. It has been a large undertaking but not one they have had to go alone. Three Canadian theatre professionals: Director, Roger Shank; Costume and Set Designer, Sarah Armstrong; and Lighting and Video Designer, Rick Rose, have been providing guidance and expertise throughout the process. As the production dates draw near, preparations have grown more hectic as the youth involved pull all of the final production elements together and get ready to present their exciting multi -media theatre production to the public. "The Good Soul of Szechuan", is a modern translation by David Harrower of Bertolt Brecht's 1943 original script of the same name. The action of the play explores one central question: what does it mean to be "good" in a world filled with hunger, self-interest and poverty? It is a complex question with many opposing view -points that Brecht's script never tries to clearly answer; leaving it to the audience to decide for themselves what is good and moral. Huron EPIC Youth's production incorporates current and timely themes and events pulled from today's global front-page headlines. Combining live performance with real time video and digital projections, the production takes a close look at how youth are using technology to express their discontent and advocate for political and social change via the internet and social media sites such as Facebook. The play's Director, Roger Shank said, "The youth participants have taken on this project and play with gusto and vigor and have created an exciting multi -media production that will be both memorable and moving for audiences." Performances take place at the Blyth Festival on: Apr. 1-2 at 8 p.m. and Apr. 3 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students. They are available through the Blyth Festival Box Office, 519 523-9300. Huron EPIC (Engaging People In Culture) Youth is a free, annual arts enrichment program for Huron County youth between the ages of 13 and 20 years of age. The program is produced in partnership by; Huron Arts & Heritage Network, Huron County Library and The Blyth Festival along with community stakeholders and financial assistance from the Ontario Arts Council's Arts Education Program, Goderich and Clinton Lions' Clubs. care. Blood pressure measurement and monitoring sessions are being held right here in Bayfield as part of the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP). The goal of CHAP is to promote cardiovascular health in the local community and to raise awareness about the importance of blood pressure monitoring. Trained volunteers will help participants measure their blood pressure and complete a heart and stroke risk profile. A copy of these results will be given to the participant and, with their permission, sent to their family physician and regular pharmacist. The sessions are run from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the third Thursday of every month, at Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy. To learn more please call local CHAP Coordinator, Kelly Webster, at 519-236-4373 ex 632 FITNESS FUN The countdown to Spring is on and so it is the perfect time to get more active, opportunities abound to do just that here in the village. Bayfield residents can join the Zumba craze as classes are now being held in the village. Zumba is a dance fitness class that combines Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves, creating a calorie burning dance party suitable for all ages. A ten -week session of Zumba has begun at the Bayfield Community Centre on Thursdays from 7-8 p.m. The cost to attend is $90 for a ten -week pass card or there is an $11 drop-in fee. Ten -week pass cards are also honored at the Seaforth Zumba classes held every Monday evening from 7-8 p.m. at the Seaforth Community Centre. The Seaforth classes run the same weeks as the Bayfield Zumba classes. Licensed Zumba instructors, Alison De Groot and Lorraine Dietz teach the classes. For more information email De Groot at bayfieldzumba@gmail.com The following activities are scheduled to run from now until Apr. 21. Indoor Walking sessions will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. Dancefit and Toning classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m. There is also a Stretching Class held on Fridays at 10 a.m., participants are asked to bring a yoga mat. All of these fitness opportunities are held at the Bayfield Community Centre. For the more adventurous among us, there is Pole Walking. Walks for women will start at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while the men can venture out on Mondays and Fridays at 8:30 p.m. All walks cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Weekl2lssue89/tabid/493/Default.aspx 4/11 5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 ALZHEEMIER SOCIETY STARTS begin from 6 Main Street and poles are provided for those who require them. PROGRAM JUST FOR YOU A Yoga Class will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall starting at 7 p.m. on Mondays. The Alzheimer Society of Huron County is looking for volunteers across the county interested in becoming a volunteer companion for their Just For You: Volunteer Companion Program. Badminton is also being played at Huron Centennial School in Brucefield starting at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays. Getting involved is easy. The Just For You: Volunteer Companion program is an one-on-one visiting program for individuals with Alzheimer's disease or related dementia. Volunteer BRIDGE CLUB companions are matched with a person with the disease and visit once a week, during their preferred time, to provide socialization and meaningful activity to the individual. These visits give the caregiver opportunity for respite and assist them in keeping their loved one at home The Wednesday Evening Bridge Club members will longer. gather to play cards at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building on the evening of March 16. The hands will Volunteers receive free training and support from the Alzheimer Society of Huron County, be dealt starting at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend. which is scheduled to not interfere with other responsibilities and commitments. The training program is designed to teach volunteers more about dementia, communication strategies, and D RSA rLT7D D11�L` C VB visiting tips so they feel prepared for their role as volunteer companion. "Volunteers are vital to the success of this program," says Kirsten Passchier, Community Anyone who is 55+ years of age is invited to join the Outreach Coordinator. "This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants a meaningful members of the Bayfield Diners' Club for their weekly volunteer experience and it is beneficial for all parties. The rewards for the person with the Thursday lunches. disease, the caregiver, and the volunteer are tremendous". Don't hesitate to become a volunteer companion today. For more information contact the The meals are served at noon at the Bayfield Alzheimer Society at 519 482-1482 or 1-800-561-5012 or by email at Community Centre. The cost for the lunch is $8 per kirsten@alzheimerhuron.on.ca person. Anyone who wishes to enjoy the meal but cannot make it to the community centre is invited to The Alzheimer Society of Huron County provides information, education, and support through order a take-out lunch. individual counseling and support groups to persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, their caregivers, families, health professionals, and the general public. Participants should call Betty Brodhagan at 519 565- 4123 on the Monday prior to the Thursday lunch to BAYFIELD ARCHIVES ROOM NEEDS inform organizers of their intention to attend or not to attend the luncheon. VOLUNTEERS TO OPEN DOORS FIVE The Bayfield Diners' Club is also looking to add to DAYS A WEEK IN SUMMER their roster volunteers to assist in the kitchen each Thursday — aa nyone interested in helping out should contact Brodhagen at the number listed above. The Bayfield Historical Society is planning to keep the Bayfield Archives Room open at least five afternoons per week this coming summer by enlisting volunteers. In previous summers, the Archives Room has only been open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. The expanded hours will accommodate the increasing interest by both residents and visitors in the displays, programs and publications at the Archives. The historic building itself has become a central tourist attraction during the summer months. To carry out this expanded summer service, the Historical Society will create a roster of volunteers to staff the Archives from early June to Labour Day. Volunteers would be expected to do the following: respond to questions from drop -ins, sell publications, plus complete some modest archival activities. Interested individuals, who can commit to one afternoon per week for the summer, are asked to contact Bill Rowat at 519 565-5838 or wjrowat@tcc.on.ca Integrity Everything! LAKE H[Jf;iON ra ni ESWt-.. SHEAF TALENT T cc.vil lageofbayfield. com/Mem bers/Bayfield B reeze/Week 121 ssu e89/tabid/493/Defau It. aspx 5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 REMEMBER ME? There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on. ca. In Issue 86, we recognized Girl Guide and Boy Scout Week with a picture taken of Girl Guide leaders in full regalia. Thanks to subscribers' efforts we have now identified three of the four women. Jackie Thompson wrote in to say that the lady between Lillian Higgins and Commissioner Monteith is Mrs. Cru Jones (second from left), the wife of the Trinity Anglican Church minister at the time. This week, we feature a young woman looking every bit from the 1920s era. Does anyone remember her? iD SHARE M%Om... PHOTO STORY BAYFIELp FINANCIAL ISSUE 87 In Issue 87, Jessie Blair was shown in a photo taken in 1962 working in the Gemeinhardt Sugar Shack during maple syrup season. ISSUE 88 In Issue 88, we showed brothers, Eddie and Billie Sturgeon. The image was taken in 1950. Make your comments ... elick on any image and it will take you to Flickr A. LIII.LL5.fWIRRLL r��ar €rra cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Weekl2lssue89/tabid/493/Default.aspx 6/11 5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 BAY r WLD OPTLVIIST CLUB SPICY CHILI, ICE CREAM SUNDAES AND BALLOON ANIMALS CAN MARCH BREAK GET ANY BETTER? John Graham, of Bayfield, helped himself to a sampling of one of the seven chili dishes entered in the Bayfield Optimist Club's Chili Cook -off held on the afternoon of March 13. The seven chili creations entered in the cook -off were all very unique. Some were mild, others spicy and a couple were even kind of sweet. Dan Iellamo, of London, enjoyed sampling from the variety offered. PHOTOS AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER Bobby Snell, of Bayfield, took home the silver ladle for the People's Choice Award handed out at the Optimist Club of Bayfield's annual Chili Cook -off. This fun, family event was held at the Bayfield Community Centre on the afternoon of March 13. Tyler Hessel's chili recipe came in second. Following close behind and tied for third place were the offerings submitted by The Brew N' Arms and The Docks Restaurant. The winners of the two door prizes handed out were McKayla Hahn and Kendra Penhale. While the estimated 70 adults were busy sampling from the seven chili entries their children were kept busy with crafts, face painting and balloon making. All were treated to hot dogs and ice cream sundaes. The perfect way for many youngsters, and their parents, to officially start their March Break holiday! You really can't separate the men from the boys when it comes to spicy chili - 18 month-old Hudson Hessel, of Bayfield took his first few tastes of the meaty treat very seriously. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Weekl2lssue89/tabid/493/Default.aspx 7/11 5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 Several r i_ -nool students were called into service at the Optimist organized event. Faren Goos and Alex Ladd (right) were kept busy dishing out ice cream for avid sundae makers. Three year-old, Kyler Caldwell, of Clinton, kept busy decorating a face mask at the craft table. Avery Simpson, 6, of London, sported a show stopping balloon hat when she stopped by the craft table. Nichola Hahn, 3, of Bayfield, was very interested in the stars used for embellishing offerings at the craft table. Vanessa Chisholm, 11, of Goderich, was all smiles while Snippety the Clown worked her face painting magic. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl 21ssue89/tabid/493/Default.aspx 8/11 5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 Snippety the Clown's tremendous face painting skills are always in demand at the event. I 1, y� Bayfield Mews IbKlmiwe 55+ Community ,One PI"r Townhomes 515. 555 •4542 www_baylieldmews.ca ,/1 4 1WON 4 , N N me I DWATA 0101 ,rCRW_2369.Jp9 WINTER'S LAST BREATH by Dennis Pal Balloon swords were very popular with the youngsters at the Chili Cook -off. Snippety's fellow clown was kept busy twisting throughout the afternoon. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Weekl2lssue89/tabid/493/Default.aspx 9/11 5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye — please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued vmx .I o kn h u r©n c h rpx I n rs om 519-524-71S5 '.'.i r1-R6i13. FMJrlll. Jffi,oa-mC SUBMISSIONS It's hard to watch yet at the same time difficult to look away. It's been looped on television news channels since Friday. That powerful wave of black water destroying everything in its wake reminding us how fragile everything mankind holds dear really is — reminding us we are only guests on this planet. The earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan has been at the forefront of my thoughts this week. As many of you do, I too know someone who lives on the island, in Tokyo. Some years ago, an old Holmesville Public School classmate went to Japan to teach, ended up establishing a home and is now raising his family there. Melody Falconer -Pounder Shortly after the quake happened he had the presence of mind to post a message up on Facebook letting all his friends and family know that he and his clan were okay and he has since posted little updates. Apparently the city store shelves are emptying fast of food items but there still are plenty of beer and potato chips available to purchase. I was glad to see he hadn't lost his good old Huron County sense of humor. I was also quite honored to have Roy Price contact me offering to share his son Jordan's correspondence with our readership. I thank them for their generosity. I think it will help those at home understand a little better how folks are coping in the crisis. Maybe this disaster is also a reminder that advances in travel, technology and communication have made our world so much smaller. It is a reminder that your neighbors don't just live down the street they live in all parts of the globe. Let's all try and look out for one another — for we may be guests but we are resilient ones. - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443. Hope to see you online soon at www.villageofbayfield.com cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Weekl 21ssue89/tabid/493/Default.aspx 10/11 5/27/2019 Week 12 Issue 89 / BAYFIELD BREEZE A—SHARE C � ®lj S r C R` 'uv Tare BAY'FIELD FREEZE CLICK: HERE Founding Members Goderich Honda Bayfield Garage Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy Bayfield Foodland The Dock's Restaurant Outside Projects Ian Mathew CA Brad's Automotive Heartland Realty Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze login Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce Breeze Committee: Ian Matthew, Roger Lewington, Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Weekl2lssue89/tabid/493/Default.aspx 11 /11