HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2011-01-26, Page 15/27/2019 �BAYFIELDBREEZ rt "---'se Contact Archive Week 5 Issue 82 NAPA • .. IAN mATTHEw CA I�CII1'� ,,J-�� ►'� c' PHAFiiA,SIf ,�-" �IIIIUIIIIIIIAIIIIIIIpUIIIUD HON1�A ROYAL LEPAGE "MOO r �r fi BAYFIELD BIEEE rhe vrl;rrrye's own --2Rhnenev:s %ourre O SHARE o V[] Jan. 26, 2010 Vol. 2 Week 5 Issue 82 FROZEN COAST FTLIVI SOCIETY The Bayfield Film Society is taking a break for the month of February but will be starting a brand new film series on March 10 with the film, "Get Low". This film will be followed by the documentary "Force of Nature", April 14; and movies, "The Trotsky', May 12; and "Incendies", June 16. For just $35 you can purchase a series of tickets for all four films. Series tickets are now on sale and can be purchased from Jane Rowat 519 565-5838 or Lynne Gillians 519 565-5884. The Bayfield Film Society wants to continue to bring the latest and greatest films to Bayfield, and with your series purchase this goal can be achieved. The films are shown at the Bayfield Town Hall starting at 7:30 p.m. I U t The members of the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) would like to encourage everyone in the community to get outside and enjoy what winter has to offer. With this in mind they are cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek5lssue82/tabid/486/Default.aspx 1/10 5/27/2019 Week 5 Issue 82 x Jan. 23 was a perfect winter's day filled with sunshine and very little wind, so even a windchill of -25 couldn't keep hearty Bayfield residents indoors. These folks were seen checking out the frozen landscape along the coastline. (Photo by Dennis Pal) MERRIlOEN TO SHARE STORIES OF HIS LIM : ► MaII Y. a, \" W10 -ME" STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER Snow and cold are four-letter words to a lot of people but the congregations of the village's four local churches have joined together to ward off the negativity that winter can bring by offering a series of stimulating programs plus some fun social interaction. The third year of the "Take Time in 2011" programs will run from now until Feb. 14. They are a perfect opportunity for friends and neighbors to learn and share with one another. hosting a Snowshoeing Party and Potluck Lunch at the Varna Nature Trails on Jan. 30. A pleasant walk to the scenic lookout at the Bayfield River will kick off the event at 10:45 a.m. Snowshoes can be rented at Outside Projects, 6 Main Street, Bayfield. Those who attend are invited to bring some food and, following the walk, share in a potluck lunch at the pavilion. The site has hydro if any food items need warming. For more information please call Dave Gillians at 519 565-5884. People are invited to support the trails financially by joining the BRVTA. Yearly memberships are $20 per individual and $25 per family. These memberships will be available at the event. Or cheques for memberships can be made payable to the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association and mailed to P.O. Box 531 Bayfield, ON. NOM 1GO. Memberships are also available from Outdoor Projects. ANGLICAN CHURCH Looking out the window at all the snow on the ground doesn't exactly conjure up images of the Bayfield Antique Show and Sale hosted each August by the congregation of Trinity Anglican Church. However, the event coordinators are hoping to get people thinking about it and maybe even considering volunteering at the event to be held Aug. 5-7 at the Bayfield Community Centre. The Antique Show and Sale now in its 26th season is a wonderful boon to the village and help from both residents and summer folk is needed to make it a continued success. There are a variety of tasks to choose from when volunteering, helping with set up, serving in the tearoom, security and front door admission sales are but a few examples. The programs will be held on Mondays from 1:30-3 p.m. Each participating church will host one To learn more about this great community event event. please call Joan Cluff at 519 565-2974 or email her at cluffy@tcc.on.ca Even if people didn't preregister they can still attend any or all of the remaining sessions that they would like. They can register at the door or call the church coordinator of the session they Vendors that specialize in antiques are also currently wish to be a part of. The cost will be $2 per session. being sought for the August show and sale. Anyone with an interest can use the above contact Want to attend but don't have the transportation needed to get to the location of the information to find out more. presentation? Rides can be provided, just call the coordinator of that session. Knox Presbyterian Church will host the Jan. 31 session but participants should note that the talk is being held at the Bayfield Town Hall. Bob Merrimen will present the topic, "Working Dogs for London Police". Those wishing to learn more about this session should contact coordinator Deb Amos at 519 565-5238. Merrimen can boast of more than a 40 year career in policing but when prompted he will probably say that the six years he spent with the London Police Canine section was one of the areas he most enjoyed. He was one of the original dog handlers for this section. It was the first Canine Section for a municipal police force in Ontario. It started as a trial experiment in 1970 and still exists today. ARCHIVES ROOM The Bayfield Historical Society is planning to keep the Bayfield Archives Room open at least five afternoons per week this coming summer by enlisting volunteers and hiring a summer student. In previous summers, the Archives Room has only been open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. The expanded hours will accommodate the increasing interest by both residents and visitors in cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5lssue82/tabid/486/Default.aspx 2/10 5/27/2019 Week 5 Issue 82 Participants at the Feb. 7 session can learn more about "Hospice and Palliative Care in Huron" with guest speaker Gail Trewhitt. St. Andrew's United Church will play host to this session and Flo Keillor is the person to get a hold of for more information. She can be reached at 519 565- 2640. Gail Trewhitt will be the guest speaker at the third Take Time 2011 session to be held at St. Andrew's United Church on Feb. 7. (Submitted Photo) Trewhitt has been a nurse for more than 40 years and worked for more than half of those years as an Emergency Room nurse in Toronto. She moved to Huron County in 1999 and joined Saint Elizabeth Healthcare as a visiting nurse working in the community for 11 years. She joined the Healthy Hearts Cardiac Rehab nursing team in 2000, supervising classes and teaching whenever the opportunity arose. In 2004 Trewhitt became a facilitator of The Fundamentals of Hospice Palliative Care. As a facilitator she teaches this eight week course twice a year to nurses, personal support workers volunteers in hospice, social workers, pastoral care workers (including clergy) and other healthcare providers of hospice palliative care. The final session in the series will be held at The Bayfield Lions' Community Building and hosted by The Church on the Way. Participants will learn about "Adventures in Nature" with Tom Dunbar. Anne Laviolette is the coordinator of this session and she can be reached by calling 519 565-2454. THE GOOD FOOD BOX CAN HELP YOU GET YOUR FRUITS AND VEGGIES Are you getting your recommended servings of fruits and veggies this winter? Are you longing for some fresh produce? The Huron Good Food Box (HGFB) can help you with both of these concerns. coo FOO The HGFB is a volunteer -based program that provides a monthly box of a40►x fruits and vegetables to all Huron County residents for only $15. The Good Food Box also provides an introduction to delicious new products and recipes. "The program runs year-round to offer fresh vegetables and fruits at an affordable price to all Huron County residents, not just low-income families," said HGFB Coordinator, Brittany Fry. "We continue to purchase locally -grown foods throughout the year, but in the winter months, we purchase about half of the box items from a local grocery store." The HGFB offers great value because the program is able to purchase produce in bulk and pass the savings along to the customers, often saving up to 40 per cent off of grocery store the displays, programs and publications at the Archives. The historic building itself has become a central tourist attraction during the summer months. To carry out this expanded summer service, the Historical Society will create a roster of volunteers to staff the Archives from early June to Labour Day. Volunteers would be expected to do the following: respond to questions from drop -ins, sell publications, plus complete some modest archival activities. Interested individuals, who can commit to one afternoon per week for the summer, are asked to contact Bill Rowat at 519 565-5838 or wjrowat@tcc.on.ca The Society has also applied for assistance from Young Canada Works to hire a summer student to work five days per week, 6 hours per day. Senior high school and university students who have an interest in local history are encouraged to register on the Young Canada Works website by Feb. 1 to be eligible to apply for the position. A job description can be obtained from Bill Rowat at the contact information listed above. TOWNHALL "Soups On, Bayfield" is guaranteed to provide participants with some comfort food on a cold winter's day. Set for Feb. 20, this fundraising event for The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage Society will allow participants to sample favorite soups prepared by local restaurants, church and community groups. The event, to coincide with the Family Day long weekend, will be held from 3-5 p.m. at the Bayfield Town Hall. As the event draws nearer more details will follow. FITNESS FUN Folks can keep the winter doldrums at bay by staying active, opportunities abound to do just that here in the village. Bayfield residents can join the Zumba craze as classes have now started in the village. Zumba is a dance fitness class that combines Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves, creating a calorie burning dance party suitable for all ages. The classes will be held on Mondays from 7-8 p.m. at the Bayfield Community Centre. The class will run until Jan. 31, at $10 per class. There will then be a two-week break and the second session of Zumba classes will move to Thursday evenings starting Feb. 24. Licensed Zumba instructors, Alison De Groot and Lorraine Dietz, will teach the class. For more information email De Groot at bayfieldzumba@gmail.com cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5lssue82/tabid/486/Default.aspx 3/10 5/27/2019 Week 5 Issue 82 prices. It provides consumers with access to healthy, nutritious food products while supporting local farmers and suppliers, the local economy and the sustainability of a healthy community. "As outlined in the County of Huron's 'Take Action' report, the Good Food Box is a great initiative to support the long-term health of our communities as well as the local economy", said Huron's Sustainability Consultant, Lindsey Goodchild. Bayfield and area residents can purchase the Good Food Box at their neighborhood host site, Trinity Anglican Church by calling Nancy Scotchmer at 519 565-2596. Orders must be placed by the first Friday of every month and must be pre -paid in cash ($15) at the time that orders are placed. The pick-up location is also Trinity Anglican Church. Pick up is scheduled for the third Thursday of each month, from noon to 4 p.m. Orders for the upcoming month need to be placed by Feb. 4 and are to be picked up Feb. 17 at Trinity Anglican Church. Participants are asked to bring a bag or a box to take their items home in. "There is no obligation to order every month, but we do encourage customers to try boxes over a two or three month period because box contents vary according to season and availability", said Fry. The HGFB program has distribution sites throughout Huron County including: Blyth, Clinton, Exeter, Goderich, Grand Bend, Seaforth, Wingham and Zurich. A complete list of order and pick-up sites in Huron can be seen at www.huroncounty.ca/health/food/gfb.php. If you have any questions about the HGFB program or how you can get involved, please contact Brittany Fry, HGFB Coordinator at 519 482-3416 x 2244 or goodfood@huroncounty.ca. ABCA SEEKING CONSERVATIONIST OF THE YEAR +_ Do you know a person or organization that is improving the natural health �k of Ausable Bayfield watersheds? If so, the Ausable Bayfield Conservation i Authority (ABCA) invites you to nominate them as Conservationist of the Year. The following activities are scheduled to run from now until Apr. 21. Indoor Walking sessions will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Bayfield Community Centre on Mondays and Wednesdays. For the more adventurous among us, Pole Walking will also begin again. Walks for women will start at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while the men can venture out on Mondays and Fridays at 8:30 p.m. All walks begin from 6 Main Street and poles are provided for those who require them. Dancefit and Toning classes continue on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m. The Sit and Get Fit Classes take place on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. On Fridays at 10 a.m., April Hulley will teach a Stretching Class, participants are asked to bring a yoga mat. These three classes are held at the Bayfield Community Centre. A Yoga Class will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall starting at 7 p.m. on Mondays. Badminton is also being played at Huron Centennial School in Brucefield starting at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays. Ann Smith and Robert McFarlane were the high scorers when the Wednesday Evening Bridge Club met on Jan. 19 at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building. The club will meet next on Feb. 2. The decks will be The ABCA has presented this award to a deserving recipient every year for more than 25 shuffled at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend. years. The award recognizes people or organizations from your watershed community who have demonstrated outstanding conservation achievements. Their positive actions might be improving forest conditions, bettering local water quality and quantity, supporting environmental education, implementing best management practices, restoring wetlands, or protecting fish and wildlife habitat. "This award is our way to thank those people who build environmental conscience and take positive action in their community to benefit land and water," said Tom Prout, general manager and secretary -treasurer of the ABCA. Nominations will be accepted until Feb. 17. Information and nomination forms are available at the ABCA online at abca.on.ca or by phone at 519 235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610. The Conservationist of the Year will be named at an annual early -evening awards ceremony hosted by the ABCA Board of Directors on March 17 at Ironwood Golf Club on Morrison Line, just east of Exeter. This year's early -evening event celebrates the International Year of Forests and features keynote speaker Terry Schwan. He is a Registered Professional Forester and District Forester with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR). He will speak on "Sustainable Forestry: Is It Happening in the Ausable Bayfield Watershed?" Landowners and organizations help keep your natural environment healthy. Now you can honor that individual, business, family or organization by nominating them as the Conservationist of the Year. Last year's Conservationist of the Year winners were Patricia Down (posthumously) and Robert Down. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5lssue82/tabid/486/Default.aspx 4/10 5/27/2019 Week 5 Issue 82 To be eligible for the award, recipients must be located within the jurisdiction of the ABCA. Current ABCA staff and directors are not eligible. Integrity Everytthing! LAKE f URON HLAL ES'Wt,.' L1kil76C} 1\ 010l oldI. 111405 I SHEAR QV TALENT" There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions" or you can email the archivist directly at bayarchives@tcc.on.ca. This week, we feature an image taken in 1900 at a place called White City. Today it is known as Jowett's Grove. The people in the photo are members of the Jackson and Van Egmond families. Make your comm ents... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks ISSUE 80 In Issue 80, our photo took us down to the Bayfield River as it looked in 1920. Billie Sturgeon was the gentleman pictured displaying his catch. ISSUE 81 In Issue 81, Jack Parker was the man pictured with his team of horses in the image taken in 1955. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreezelWeek5lssue82/tabid/486/Default.aspx 5/10 5/27/2019 Shannon mcclenaghan'i HEARING U SPECIALIST 0 SHARE ®1a'®... STORY OR ICUBBLE *•uplah. Ont. 0ESI GNfBIJILID LANDSCAPING SALES & INSTALLATION GARDEN CENTER 74199A BRONSON LINE ZURICH, ONTARIO 519 236 7373 J 519 565 7970 Week 5 Issue 82 re r,,:ai i7 �i t•c=t•I optometric BAYFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY LARONE SHARES CHALLENGES AND TRIUMPHS OF 50 YEARS IN JOURNALISM WITH HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERS Bayfield resident, Ken Larone, an integral part of Canada's journalistic scene during the past 50 years, was the guest speaker at the Bayfield Historical Society Annual Meeting and Luncheon held on Jan. 24 at St. Andrew's United Church. (Photo by Melody Falconer -Pounder) STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER Bayfield resident, Ken Larone, an integral part of Canada's journalistic scene during the past 50 years, was the guest speaker at the Bayfield Historical Society Annual Meeting and Luncheon held on Jan. 24 at St. Andrew's United Church. Larone began his career in Seaforth helping Dr. James Scott research his book, entitled, "The Settlement of Huron County'. With some encouragement from Scott and A.Y. McLean, then owner of the Seaforth newspaper, The Huron Expositor, he decided to pursue a career in journalism beginning with an education at Ryerson in Toronto. Following graduation he worked as a reporter at three newspapers, The Stratford Beacon Herald, The London Free Press and the Vancouver Sun. It was during his time on Canada' west coast that he was invited by a friend and fellow journalist for a long weekend out in California to see a new trend in the newspaper business. One of the papers in his suburban community group was a Scarborough publication. As the automobile maker, D.W. Volkswagen, was looking to start a new plant in Scarborough, Larone was invited, along with three other journalists, to spend a week in Wolfsburg, Germany to see how the factory operated. During the week the company planned an outing with lunch served at the Berlin Wall. Everyone had been told not to touch the wall but one photographer with Paris Match got caught up in the experience and absentmindedly put his foot up on the wall. Almost instantly a shot rang out and the journalist was hit in the head and killed. "It was a terrible experience and one that shook me very badly," recalled Larone. Another stressful time came at the helm of the Toronto Star when one of his top reporters was sent to interview Yasser Arafat and disappeared. "Earlier that year, I had a young woman of Palestinian descent interview for a job. I had told her to try and get a job at the Guelph Mercury or the Galt Reporter and get to know people at that level and learn about the country first and then come back and see me. She had checked in a couple of times with me to keep me up-to-date of her progress," he said. "When my reporter went missing I was very concerned I would never see him again. Arafat wouldn't return my calls." So Larone made a phone call to the Galt Reporter where the young woman, who turned out to be Arafat's niece, was working "I asked her to come in and see me and make the call to her uncle and ask him to let my reporter go" The woman required some convincing but she did eventually come in and make the call, the reporter came home the next day. The Toronto Star position wasn't without excitement. Another story Larone told featured the cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5lssue82/tabid/486/Default.aspx 6/10 5/27/2019 Week 5 Issue 82 "The captain didn't know what to do when our His friend introduced him to a suburban newspaper that would become his prototype for future crew of a freighter. They had gotten off the vessel newspaper success stories. when it was docked to complain that the captain, streets." And in a short period of time he got some friends to back him and he started his own who was also the ship's owner, had not paid their "The paper was in Garden Grove, a suburb of 60,000 homes at the north end of Los Angeles. It wages in quite some time. However, the crew was published three times a week at 100 pages with 70 per cent advertising and handed out for knew that he was about to come into some money free. I couldn't believe this new idea for community journalism; it was big business in a small owed to him. The Port Authority refused to allow town," Larone said. the freighter to leave until the crew had been paid. He went on to say that he then stole the idea and with some financial backing from Andy "Next thing we heard the freighter was heading MacLean, of the communication's company Maclean -Hunter, brought the idea back to Toronto. down the St. Lawrence toward the Atlantic with "After having dinner with Andy, I had gone to school with his son, he suggested that Don Mills, a only the captain aboard and other vessels were suburb of Toronto had the potential to be a Garden Grove and we should try a similar paper being told to stay clear of it because no one knew there," said Larone. what he was going to do," said Larone. To keep the new endeavor affordable Larone also introduced the use of off -set printing which It was then that Larone decided to drop a reporter was a cleaner, better quality system of printing and far less expensive than the cast lead printing via helicopter onto the vessel to get the exclusive that was the norm for the time. story. The Don Mills Canadian was Larone's first suburban newspaper although it was primarily owned "The captain didn't know what to do when our by MacLean. According to Larone, the pair locked horns on a number of occasions and when he reporter got on board, he had to continue to steer attempted to buy MacLean out they couldn't come to terms. So Larone said, "See you on the the ship. So when he got past Quebec City he streets." And in a short period of time he got some friends to back him and he started his own stopped the boat and we got the exclusive story newspaper. and pictures that increased our circulation for a couple of days," he said. "Andrew only lasted for three months on his own," said Larone. Larone's time with TV Guide also afforded him Over the next decade Larone's one newspaper grew into ten, four were published three times a opportunities to interview such individuals as HRH week; four, two times a week; and two, once a week. Prince Charles and Pope John Paul II. "It was a successful business but we ran out of money at the sixth paper level," he said. "I attended the Royal Wedding of Prince Charles to Lady Diana Spencer but before hand I was able His solution was to unite his suburban newspaper group with the Toronto Star. to talk to the Prince of Wales at Buckingham "By then we had a good formula in place and we were able to grow along with the suburbs," he Palace. He was wonderfully helpful in setting up said. "And it was around this time that the Toronto Telegram stopped publishing and there were the coverage for our magazine and told us the good opportunities for both the Star and the suburban papers without the competition." good places to be along the route. I then organized the coverage and the special edition we Larone was attempting to establish commuter newspapers for the Hamilton to Oshawa and turned out set a sales record for us," he said. Toronto to Barrie corridors when the Toronto Sun came on the scene and his supporters at the Toronto Star decided not to back his efforts. Larone explained that when the Pope came to Disappointed by their decision he asked if the Toronto Star would buy him out. They agreed Canada in 1984, the first Pope ever to do so, it under the condition that he accept the position of Assistant Managing Editor of the Toronto Star. was going to be a huge spectacle. The magazine He held the role for nine years. needed a gimmick to increase sales the week prior. He wanted to do a story leading up to the A fall doing home repairs caused him to temporarily lose his sight but led to an exciting new trip and to do so he had to have a conversation change in direction with regards to his journalism career. with the Pontiff to determine what he was trying to achieve through his visit. "After the accident the doctors warned me that I, and perhaps even my eyesight, could no longer stand the pressure of a daily newspaper," he said. At the end of the conversation the Pope said he would be in touch but Larone just assumed he What came next was an opportunity to become publisher of a fledgling magazine known as was being polite until he received a call from one Canadian Living. In 1975, while its third issue was on the press, Labatt's purchased this of his colleagues requesting they meet for lunch. women's service magazine and Larone was hired. Under his direction the magazine became the This gentleman informed Larone that the Pope largest and most successful in terms of both circulation and profit of any Canadian magazine wished him to be his guest at a Laying on of save for one — TV Guide. Hands Ceremony for Cardinals being held at St. When Labatt's decided to sell the magazine a couple years later Larone sold the idea to Peter's in just two days time. Telemedia, then owners of TV Guide, to also purchase Canadian Living. "Now I'm not a Catholic but I knew this was a big He remained with the company for 13 years leaving Telemedia at the age of 60. Not quite ready deal. So two days later I found myself sitting next to retire, he and his wife Mary -Beth, sold their harbor front condo in Toronto and moved to their to Lech Walesa, a good friend of the religious farm in Seaforth. However, Larone was not quite ready to retire. For the next eight years he leader, and the two of us were sitting right up front worked as a consultant, commuting regularly to the city. with the Pope. The mass of people and the choir were amazing — I had never experienced anything "It was good work, hard work and very competitive," Larone said of his career. "Three years ago else like it," he said. we sold the farm and moved to Bayfield. Now this is living!" One of Larone's proudest achievements was serving as a member of an advisory group for the cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5lssue82/tabid/486/Default.aspx 7/10 5/27/2019 Week 5 Issue 82 Anecdotes from his SO year career Larone shared with those gathered a few anecdotes from his 50 -year career including encounters with both famous and infamous individuals. Bayfield Mews Exclume 55+ Cflmmunity One floor Townhomes 515 - 555 .4542 L www_bayEieldmews.ca PIXILATED - IMAGE OF THE WEEK CRTC alongside such distinguished Canadians as Pierre Burton, Gordon Sinclair and Betty Kennedy. "I thought this was a fine thing to be able to do for the people of Canada and we gave the government some good advice. They were really sharp, super people to work with," he concluded. A BAYFIELD WINTER FIELD— by Gary Lloyd -Rees Email your photo in Jpeg format to bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com with the subject line Subscriber Photo of the Week. or ... Upload your photo to Flickr. I am looking for the Bayfield that is a delight to the eye – please share photos with a touch of whimsy, beauty, humor or a sense of fun. If you are to include people in your photos be sure to have their permission to publish their picture on-line and also send in their names and where they are from. And don't forget to tell me who took the photo for proper credit to be issued cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5lssue82/tabid/486/Default.aspx 8/10 5/27/2019 Week 5 Issue 82 wwx.l a kn h urn n claryslm�u;.®rr 51 &524-7195 eum-emr�rta � rwna-� SUBMISSIONS Sitting in a back pew at St. Andrew's United Church on Monday afternoon, I had the great pleasure of hearing Ken Larone speak about his 50 years in journalism and the remarkable opportunities it afforded him. The stories he shared, in front of the members of the Bayfield Historical Society attending their annual meeting, were made all the more astonishing perhaps because he is a Huron County boy at heart. I, perhaps better than anyone there, could understand the hard work and long hours that would have gone into such a career. And I appreciated hearing the stories of a time in journalism that I just got a glimpse of at the very start of my own career. A time before the communication world began revolving at break neck speed. Melody Falconer -Pounder When I started at journalism school we were working on electric typewriters and Liquid Paper was a good but messy friend. Just before graduation they introduced desktop publishing — something the papers I worked for wouldn't achieve for a few years yet. Cut and paste meant a whole different thing at layout time. How people get their news may have evolved in the 50 years since Larone began his career, and the 20 years since I began mine, but one thing hasn't changed. There will always be amazing people accomplishing the extraordinary whose stories need to be heard. And it was my honor to write about one such individual this week. - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443. Hope to see you online soon at www.villageofbayfeld.com _BAWIELD BREEZE - - - rhevrJlue°sawrrrandanenewsscaurte cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5lssue82/tabid/486/Default.aspx 9/10 5/27/2019 s( SHARE _1111311G] SIGN up rOR BAYFIELD BREEZE CLICK HERE Founding Members ........................................................................................................... Goderich Honda Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. Bayfield Foodland Outside Projects Brad's Automotive Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week 5 Issue 82 Credits: Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Bayfield Garage Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce The Dock's Restaurant Breeze Committee: Ian Matthew, Roger Lewington, Mike Dixon, John Ian Mathew CA Heartland Realty Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week5lssue82/tabid/486/Default.aspx 10/10