HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfield Breeze, 2010-05-19, Page 15/27/2019 Week 21 Issue 46 BAYFIELDBREEZE Home Advertise Contact Archive ILVV ;W/Mh& Wz 1 s 4D PHMMA AV E IAN MATTHEW CA. IIIII II 111111111 IIIII IIII ��� ROYALLEPAGE ,►, illu MA HNDA rF �J / BAWIELD BREEZE SHARE MOM May 19, 2010 Week 21 Issue 46 LADIES' NIGHT CROWD ENJOYS SOME LAUGHS WITH ELVIRA KURT 102un- M ORI " Along with spring flowers, the fifth month of the year also brings the annual May Pole Luncheon hosted by St. Andrew's United Church LICK The luncheon will be held on May 19 at the church starting at 11:30 a.m. Tickets cost $10 and are available by calling 519 565-2479. Proceeds from the meal will go to the Weekend to End Breast Cancer Walk-a-thon and a purchase from the United Church Hope Book. BACC NEWS On May 21, the directors of the Bayfield Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) would like to invite their membership to enjoy a cup of coffee and some breakfast with the mayor and others. Mayor of Bluewater, Bill Dowson, and Bluewater council members are scheduled to attend the breakfast as is MP Ben Lobb. It is hoped that MPP Carol Mitchell will also take part. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week2l lssue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 1/11 5/27/2019 Week 21 Issue 46 A local belly dancing group was part of the entertainment provided during the Bayfield Optimist Club's Ladies' Night held at the Bayfield Community Centre on May 7. (Photo by Dianne Brandon) Over 130 women took part in the Ladies' Night hosted by the Bayfield Optimist Club on the evening of May 7. Due to the closeness to Cinco de Mayo a Mexican theme was chosen for both food and decor — the fact that it was Mother's Day weekend was also not lost on organizers. Featured entertainment for the evening included a local group of Belly Dancers in addition to comedienne Elvira Kurt. Part of the fun of Ladies' Night is trying new things, here several of the women who attended take a belly dancing lesson. (Photo by Dianne Brandon) Kurt is currently the host of MTV's "My Fabulous Gay Wedding" and she had her own TV show on the Comedy Network known as "Popcultured".Organizers were extremely pleased to have this highly sought after performer, who was also voted Funniest Female Comedian at the Canadian Comedy Awards, grace the stage at the Bayfield Community Centre. "The evening was a success and the ladies had a great time," said Optimist Dianne Brandon. "We had beautiful centerpieces donated by TE -EM Farm and they were given away as door prizes. We would like to thank all that came out and to all who donated to the silent auction and the elimination draw." The profits from the event will go toward youth related local projects which is the mandate of the Bayfield Optimist Club, "Friends of Youth". Interested BACC members may have two tickets to the breakfast; these are available at no charge on a first requested, first given basis. The event will be held at the Bayfield Town Hall with coffee being served at 7:30 a.m. followed by breakfast at 8 a.m. The guest speaker will be Mike Pullen, senior economic development officer for Huron County. His topic is entitled, "Creative Potential: Bluewater and the Economy". To reserve tickets please email Roger Lewington at rlewington@tcc.on.ca or info@villageofbayfield.com The event is sponsored by OLG. NEW BUSINESS What's your favorite number? For Judy M. Roth, glass artist and owner of the newest art gallery to grace Bayfield's business section, it is the number 22. JMR Art Gallery is now open for their first full season in the Shops on Charles Street. A reception to open "Exhibit 22" will be held on May 22 from 12:22 to 2:22 p.m. All of the art on display has been supplied by Ontario artists and all the pieces feature a 22 element to celebrate the new gallery space Gallery Twenty2. The exhibit will close on June 19. YARD SALES FOR CHURCHES Two of the village's churches will be hosting upcoming yard sales and would encourage all in the community to keep them in mind for donating the contents of cupboards and closets from spring cleaning. Trinity Anglican Church will be holding their yard sale, combined with a plant sale, on May 21-22. If anyone has toured the church's lovely gardens they should be thoroughly excited about the plant portion of the sale as the more "green thumbed" in the congregation will be sharing their plantings. The sale will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. Then on June 19, St. Andrew's United Church will hold their yard sale and bake sale. Antiques and treasures will be featured in the sale and those who work up an appetite while shopping will not be disappointed. An Egg `N Bagel Breakfast will be offered as well as hot dogs and coffee. St. Andrew's sale will run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. For information regarding the event call Joan at 519 263- 2404 or Gordon 519 524-1284. Anyone wishing to cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week21 Issue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 2/11 5/27/2019 Tricia Gooding, (left) travelled all the way from her home in Cambridge to attend the Bayfield Optimist Club's Ladies' Night so that she could see her favorite comedienne, Elvira Kurt. (Photo by Dianne Brandon) Week 21 Issue 46 ATTENDEE AT SAIL AND CANVAS FESTIVAL IS NIARINE HERITAGE Bayfield's Sail and Canvas Festival is about one month away. This unique festival to be held in the village on June 19 and 20 highlights both local marine heritage and art. So there is no better person to be featured at the event than Paul Carroll of RR2 Goderich. Paul Carroll, of RR 2 Goderich, was recently honored with the 2010 SOS Marine Heritage Award. His latest book, The Wexford, will be unveiled at a book launch in Bayfield on June 20 during the Sail and Canvas Festival. (Submitted photo) Not only will he be at the festival in his role as local artist but on June 20 he will be guest of honor at the book launch for his most recent work at a reception hosted by The Village Book Shop. Carroll has combined a talent for writing, a skill for watercolor and an enthusiasm for the Great Lakes into an award winning opportunity. He was recently announced as the winner of the 2010 Save Ontario Shipwrecks (SOS) Marine Heritage Award. The SOS Marine Heritage Award is presented to an individual who demonstrates a special effort promoting marine heritage awareness and conservation in Ontario. The award was created in 1981 by Ian L. Morgan, a marine historian and artist. The shipwreck model that forms part of the award is an artist's rendition of a shipwreck upright on the lake bottom. The master award will be on display at the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston, ON, for donate to the bake table should contact Joan at 519 565-2730. CI'LIM ' I WE"1001 "Rubber Duckie, you're so fine And I'm lucky that you're mine Rubber Duckie, I'm awfully fond of you." Three lucky people will be singing this old Sesame Street classic on May 23 when their rubber ducks are the first to cross the finish line in the Bayfield Optimist Club's Rubber Duck Race. This race is a first for the village and will be held between the piers at the harbor's mouth at 11 a.m. on the Sunday of the Victoria Day weekend. Only 500 ducks are available and tickets are on sale now for $5 each at Brandon's Hardware, local restaurants and club members. Three prizes will be awarded to the fastest ducks: 1st place, a barbecue valued at $500, donated by Bayfield Garage -Auto Pro; 2nd place, $200 gift certificate to Bayfield Foodland, donated by Janet and Marty Maidment; 3rd place, a $200 gift certificate to Walmart, donated by Brian Coombs-Remax. HISTORICAL SOCIETY Marg Garbarino and Charlie Kalbfleisch will be the featured lecturers in the next installment of the Bayfield Historical Society's Speaker Series on May 24. They will describe what Bayfield was like the decade after World War II and talk about the fire at the Ritz Hotel on Labour Day weekend 1947 which almost destroyed the whole village. This was one of the most significant events in Bayfield's history and it changed the village for ever. And they were there! The evening will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building. BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS The Blyth Festival singers have been delighting audiences with their captivating music for 30 years and they will be showcasing their special talents at an event to be held at the Stanley Recreation Complex in Varna on May 29th. "Hot Jazz! Cool Licksl" is the title of their popular cabaret concert which includes dinner, and a silent auction. The Blyth Festival Singers will be performing jazz and blues favorites from the golden age of jazz. Special guest is the Howlin' Dog Jazz Band. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week21 Issue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 3/11 5/27/2019 Week 21 Issue 46 the foreseeable future. TOWNHAT,L Tickets are available now: adults, $25; and children, the first two weekends of June. 12 years and under, $12. They are available in Carroll is the co-author of Four Years on the The Historic Bayfield Town Hall, built in 1882, has Bayfield at The Village Bookshop. Great Lakes: The Journal of Lieutenant David a variety of unique experiences for music lovers. moved to that location in 1920. Wingfield, Royal Navy (Dundurn, 2009). The — an eclectic mix of Bach to Broadway, featuring piano -duets performed by Ralls and Ubukata book tells the story of the War of 1812 through and songs by visiting artists. ensures the building's ongoing care. The meeting will the eyes of David Wakefield, who joined the be held on May 31 at 4:30 p.m. in the basement of BOOKS AND BRUNCH Royal Navy in 1806 at the age of 14. For more information please contact Margo Robeson He is also sole author of the soon to be released at 519 565-2827. Drew Hayden Taylor will be the guest author at the book The Wexford (Dundurn, 2010) which will be perform on piano, "Schumann in the Morning". Songs from visiting artists will also be on the next Books and Brunch event, sponsored by The the focus of the upcoming book launch. Village Bookshop, to be held at the Little Inn on May 30. Carroll has published numerous articles on the Originally from the Curve Lake First Nations, in local history of Huron County and maintains The master version of the SOS Marine Heritage Central Ontario, he has spent the last two decades www.ShipwreckWexford.ca which documents Award shown here is on display at the Marine the history and loss of the Wexford in the Great Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston, ON. traveling the world and writing about it from the (Submitted photo) Aboriginal perspective. An award-winning playwright, Storm of 1913. author, columnist, film maker and lecturer, he has Save Ontario Shipwrecks is a Provincial Heritage Organization dedicated to the study, managed to bridge the gap between cultures by preservation and promotion of marine heritage. tickling the funny bone. He has recently published his first adult novel, Motorcycles and Sweetgrass. ��TT�� n� BACH, SC AND MORE Tickets are $30 and are available now at The Village FEATURED AT FESTIVAL OF SONG Bookshop. The Bayfield Town Hall will once again be filled with the sound of world renowned musical TOWNHAT,L talents when the fourth annual Bayfield Festival of Song returns to the village for concerts on the first two weekends of June. The meals are served at noon Thursdays t the measure of humor and sympathy, come into play as they coach young singing students The Historic Bayfield Town Hall, built in 1882, has The Aldeburgh Connection Artistic Directors Stephen Ralls and Bruce Ubukata are offering up graced the edge of Clan Gregor Square since it was a variety of unique experiences for music lovers. moved to that location in 1920. The festival kicks -off on June 5 with Coffee Concert: SLEEPERS, WAKE! This concert will offer It is now time for the annual meeting for the Bayfield an eclectic mix of Bach to Broadway, featuring piano -duets performed by Ralls and Ubukata Town Hall Heritage Society, the committee that and songs by visiting artists. ensures the building's ongoing care. The meeting will A Celebrity Recital will be held on the evening of June 5 at 8 p.m. Two dazzling singers, be held on May 31 at 4:30 p.m. in the basement of Virginia Hatfield, soprano; and Lauren Segal, mezzo, will perform favorite songs, arias and the town hall. duets under the accompaniment of Ubukata on piano. These two women are stars with the For more information please contact Margo Robeson Canadian Opera Company and have also been busy performing for audiences in Europe and at 519 565-2827. across North America. On the afternoon of June 6 at 2:30 p.m. a concert to celebrate the arrival of early summer, 7T11��TT�L�� T7��CC�� T TD entitled, "A Harvest of Song" will be held. Four brilliant young singers, Leslie Ann Bradley, Dil�lERS� CLUB soprano; Erica Iris Huang, mezzo; Frank Mutya, tenor; and Vasil Garvanliev, baritone; will share their talents while evoking the splendors of both countryside and gardens. They will be accompanied by Ralls and Ubukata on piano. The concert will be followed by an audience The Bayfield Diners' Club was recently featured in party with the artists. the Bayfield Breeze demonstrating just how much they appreciate their volunteers, well now they are in For the second half of the festival a long weekend is in the offing with a Singers' Masterclass search of some new helpers. being held on Thursday, June 10 at 4 p.m. In this new event for the festival, the combined expertise and wisdom of Mary Lou Fallis and Peter Tiefenbach, mixed with a generous The meals are served at noon Thursdays t the measure of humor and sympathy, come into play as they coach young singing students Bayfield Community Centre. There are two shifts of preparing for their careers. Audience goers are invited to join the singers afterwards for a Bistro volunteers that work to ensure the meal is produced Night at the Little Inn of Bayfield. Seating for this meal is limited so please contact the inn at each week. The first shift runs from 9:30 a.m. to 519 565-2611 for reservations and details. 11:30 a.m. while the second goes from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. It is the second shift that could use The soprano, Fallis; accompanied by Tiefenbach on piano will return to the hall on June 11 at 8 additional hands. p.m. for the "Primadonna Sails In!" This evening should prove to be a unique vocal recital - Bayfield will be treated to an affectionate send-up. This is a great opportunity to experience at If you could help in this time slot or would like some first hand the personality that has delighted millions on radio, television and around the world! more information please contact Pearl Hartman at 519 482-5283. Another Coffee Concert is scheduled for 11 a.m. on June 12. This time Ralls and Ubukata will perform on piano, "Schumann in the Morning". Songs from visiting artists will also be on the BR` 7TA 1 program. This concert will be a birthday celebration of one of the most romantic of composers. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week2l Issue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 4/11 5/27/2019 Week 21 Issue 46 The concert will highlight Schumann's Spanische Liebeslieder or Spanish Love Songs, for four voices and piano -duet. Susan Platts, mezzo, will be the featured performer for the Celebrity Recital to be held on June 12 at 8 p.m. She will be accompanied by Ralls on piano. Platts is one of Canada's most acclaimed singers, with an international reputation. She has been invited to open the Toronto Wild Turkeys and hikers beware it's hunting season again. The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) would like to let the community know that the Woodland Trail will be closed from now until June 1 Symphony's new season. Included in her recital will be a tribute to composer, Robert for the Wild Turkey Hunt. Schumann, in honor of the 200th anniversary since his birth (June 8, 1810). countryside. The other two BRVTA trails remain open, the Young artists, Bradley, Huang, Mutya and Garvanliev will be performing, accompanied by Ralls Heritage Trail, through the village, as well as the and Ubukata in approximately ten schools in Huron and Perth counties during the week Sawmill Trail, on the north side of the Bayfield River. between the scheduled concerts. They will be performing for over 2,000 students under the Other local trails, such as, Bannockburn and Naftel's auspices of the Foundation for Education. Creek do not permit hunting and are available to The Bayfield Festival of Song is proud to have as its Honorary Patron, author Alice Munro. walkers throughout the year. According to organizers, this is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the festival for the performers. They are delighted to be able to visit so many smaller centers across the countryside. u CHAP The young artists will return to the hall on June 13 at 2:30 p.m. for an encore performance of "A Village residents may be surprised to learn that they Harvest of Song". Following the concert the artists will join in a party with the audience. don't have to drive to a larger centre for heart healthy The Bayfield Festival of Song is proud to have as its Honorary Patron, author Alice Munro. care. Blood pressure measurement and monitoring Since its inception in June 2007 when four concerts were held over one weekend the festival sessions are being held right here in Bayfield as part continues to grow. of the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP). It is presented by the Aldeburgh Connection, a concert organization based in Toronto, which was founded by Ralls and Ubukata in 1982. Aldeburgh, on the East coast of England, is the The goal of CHAP is to promote cardiovascular small town where Benjamin Britten, Peter Pears and Eric Crozier founding the Festival of health in the local community and to raise awareness Music which flourishes to this day. Ralls and Ubukata have visited and worked there for many about the importance of blood pressure monitoring. summers, as have many of the artists who appear with them. Trained volunteers will help participants measure For the Bayfield Festival of Song tickets are available locally by calling Gail Grant at 519 565- their blood pressure and complete a heart and stroke 2435. They cost $25, Saturday mornings; and $35, Saturday evenings, Friday evenings, risk profile. A copy of these results will be given to Sunday afternoons. The Masterclass on June 10 will cost $15. There is also a subscription the participant and, with their permission, sent to price: if buying tickets for more than one concert, please deduct $5 from each ticket. their family physician and regular pharmacist. The sessions are run from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the third Thursday of every month, at Pharmasave THINK OF PIONEER PARK WHEN Michael's Pharmacy. SPRINGCLEANING To learn more please call local CHAP Coordinator, Kelly Webster, at 519-236-4373 ex 632 The annual Pioneer Park Rummage Sale doesn't happen over night, organizing this large fundraiser which benefits beautiful Pioneer Park takes a lot of time and planning, and that is why organizers are asking people to think of the sale when spring cleaning. FITNESS FUN They are looking for unique, nearly new, antique or quality cast offs for the 63rd annual sale to be held on July 9 from 7-9 p.m. in the Bayfield Arena. There are plenty of ways to get in shape for summer in Bayfield. Anyone requiring an early drop off of items can contact Terry at 519 565-2972 or Bud at 519 565-5322, otherwise items can be dropped off at the arena on July 8-9 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you are an early bird the Tuesday sessions of Pole Walking may be perfect for you. Those experienced The following items cannot be accepted: clothing, shoes, magazines, encyclopedias, large at this fitness activity can join in the 8 a.m. trek. Or if appliances, building materials, mattresses, soiled or broken items. Please note that baby you'd like to learn how to properly practice this furniture, sports equipment and electrical items must be approved by the CSA. popular activity plan to attend the introductory lessons held at 9:15 a.m. Items are also being sought for the Silent Auction. If you would like to provide an article or service to be bid upon please contact Bud at the number listed above. There is also a Pole Walking session held on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. All groups depart from 6 Main General inquiries about the event, including, volunteer information can be directed to Julie at Street. The session incorporates an hour of walking 519 824-0141. with an ending cool down stretch. Exercise classes will continue through the summer RON SEXSMITH ADDED TO SERIES months. Dancefit and Toning classes are held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m. The Sit and Get cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week2l Issue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 5/11 5/27/2019 Week 21 Issue 46 The Bayfield Concert Series designed to provide springtime entertainment is now segueing right into summer, with the aptly titled, Bayfield Summer Concert Series. On June 3, Basia Bulat, along with Fourth Avenue, will perform at the Bayfield Town Hall. Then on July 22, Six Shooter recording artist, Justin Rutledge, will take to the town hall stage, along with Andy McGuire. Tickets are available for $25 per person per show. Headliner, Ron Sexsmith was recently added to the summer concert schedule. Tickets are sure to sell out for this well- known artist. Tickets are available now for $30 per person. Tickets are available at the Black Dog Pub, Ernie King (Goderich) and at www.ticketscene.ca. For all three concerts the doors open at 8 p.m. with the concert to follow at 8:30 p.m. The Bayfield Summer Concert Series is pleased to support Childhood Cancer Awareness. "Cure Childhood Cancer" silicone bracelets will be available for purchase at all of the concerts. Donations are greatly appreciated. The concerts are being presented by Meades Bros. Productions and The Little Inn of Bayfield. Overnight packages are now available at The Little Inn; to learn more please call 1-800-565- 1832. NINE PIANISTS TO PLAY GRAND Music lovers will delight in an evening of the tinkling of the ivories when St. Andrew's United Church hosts a "Concert on the Keys" on June 20. This evening of piano music will feature nine pianists from Huron County playing a variety of different musical selections on St. Andrew's baby grand piano. The music will begin at 7:30 p.m. and admission is a free will offering. Integrity Is Everything! LAKE HUROPf REAL ESfA';f LlMYTED REMEMBER ME? SHEAR TALENTX 11 There are countless photographs of people in the Bayfield Historical Society's Archives collection, but sadly their names were never recorded. In this section we will showcase an image with the hopes that one of our subscribers might be able to identify the individual(s) in the photo. Please email your information to the Editor's attention at the address listed near the bottom of the page in "Submissions". This week, a photo taken in March 1956 showing members of a Bayfield family whose name is still quite well known today. Can you tell us who is who? Fit Classes take place on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. Both classes are held in the Bayfield Community Centre. 19 7 IZ01 D["111 Jean Bowman and Alice Brandon were the high scorers when the Wednesday Evening Bridge Club met at the Bayfield Lions' Community Building for an evening of cards of May 12. The next games will be played on May 26. The decks will be shuffled starting at 7 p.m. and all are welcome. ISSUE 44 In Issue 44, Joan Cluff recognized the lady in the photo to be Gertrude Gaylord Gairdner. We are cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze/Week2l Issue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 6/11 5/27/2019 Week 21 Issue 46 Make your comments... click on any image and it will take you to Flicks Me ni t1i r� �tl•��t optometric; n.. �n,� ae..w. v u •b 9 J O SHARE o�r�:..1 PHOTO STORY still searching for the identity of her companion in the photo. ��*9J�1 In Issue 45, a pastoral photo dating from the 1920s is featured of two men, a little girl and a horse. Anyone remember them?? KAYFIELD FINANCIAL G r we BAYFIELD GUIDING ATTENDS RALLY DAY 2010 "I'M SO GLAD I'M A GIRL GUIDE ON THIS DAY." - HAILEY BRANDON, AGE 9. ITE SQ,_ 1 RE! CON F rLt PHOTOS AND STORY BY MELODY FALCONER -POUNDER May 15 was Girl Guide Day in Canada and members of Bayfield Guiding joined in on the celebrations marking 100 years of Guiding in this country. The party started at 5:10 a.m. on Signal Hill in St. John's and Gander Lake, Nfld where 5,000 girls gathered for sunrise ceremonies. Rallies, sleepovers and gatherings took place across the nation. Four rallies were held in Ontario the largest being in Toronto at Ontario Place and that is where the Bayfield girls and women joined in the festivities. Other events were held in Sudbury at Bell Park, in Ottawa on cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week2l Issue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 7/11 5/27/2019 Week 21 Issue 46 Some of the Ontario Place rides like Free Fall were available for the girls to try. The ride garnered different reactions from Bayfield Pathfinder Beth 011ey and Guides Sydney Pitt and Nicole Greidanus. Waiting for the campfire to begin were Bayfield Guides Nicole Greidanus, Hailey Brandon and Sydney Pitt. Diedre Gerritts, of 2nd Clinton Girl Guides, was all smiles at the campfire. Parliament Hill, and Thunder Bay at Current River Park. According to unofficial attendance reports, Ontario Place saw 14,463 girls and women descend on the park enjoying a number of the site's amenities as well as stations set up and ran by Guiding volunteers. Girls had the opportunity to explore several themed Guiding "Zones" including: Go Green, Girls Shout Out and Cre8, Global Rhythms, BP (Baden-Powell). Chill Out and Activ8. Activities included: graffiti art, morse code, temporary tattoos, Bollywood and Bharatha Natyam dance lessons, as well as a camping skills competition. The day began with opening ceremonies and closed with a giant campfire sing - along. The National Service Project for the centenary is to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty, units were asked to bring in non-perishable food items and packets of vegetable seeds to support this project. It was reported at the close of the event that 6,500 lbs of food was collected along with 5,000 seed packets. Nationwide 47,800 girls took part in Rally Day. The cross country celebration ended at sunset in Vancouver, B.C. with 8,000 girls participating in a sleepover. in Bayfield Brownie Julie Chun took part in the creation of the Rally Day Graffiti Art Mural.® In the Cre8 and Girls Shout Out Zone girls could watch a graffiti artist at work and try cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week2l Issue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 8/11 5/27/2019 Week 21 Issue 46 The closing campfire in the Molson Amphitheatre was a terrific way to end the anniversary celebrations. Mackenzie Kelly Ingram, of 2nd Clinton Guides, had a busy day trading crests and camp hat crafts with girls from across the province. yi} y Bayfield Mews q2 Y,` Exclusive 55+ Carnmunity One Floor Townhomos 519 • 565 •4592 L www_baylieldmewr.ca SUBMISSIONS their own hand at the skill. One of his finished works depicted Guides of yesteryear. A more modern depiction of Girl Guides created by the graffiti artist. My mind and body are so tired I feel like I just celebrated my 100th birthday. And in a way I kind of did... In the wee morning hours of May 15, 1 boarded one bus among a Fleet of 214 from across the province that was bound for Ontario Place. Our bus and a second one were filled to near overflowing with girls and women from Bayfield, Clinton, Goderich, Brussels and Lucknow who joined 14,463 others in participating in Rally Day. A day marked across the country to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Guiding in Canada. The first Girl Guide Unit was established in this country in St. Catharine's, ON in 1910. cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week2l Issue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 9/11 5/27/2019 Week 21 Issue 46 Melody Falconer -Pounder Overall it was an excellent day with a few moments as overcast as the sky. I was disappointed that we missed the majority of the opening ceremonies due to traffic; it would figure they would close the Gardiner Expressway for maintenance on Rally Day — thus overloading Lake Shore Blvd. However, we were sure to get to the Molson Amphitheatre early for the closing campfire to secure great seats — and this Guiding sing -along was truly amazing. And of course there was the craziness of keeping up with and track of several very excited girls that could easily disappear into a sea of other very excited girls. I was very pleased to see that our young ladies delighted in meeting and trading crests with others from across the province. And then 15 hours after it all began it was over. The bus rolled back into Bayfield about 11 p.m., I had reached official giddy status somewhere around 9:45 p.m. so a good sound sleep was not really in the cards especially with the song "Sisters for a Century", written in honor of the day, still echoing in my ears. Yep, I'm still tired but I'd do it again after all I will only be 92 when the 150th comes around. - Melody Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p. m. Please email me at be - ield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443. Hope to see you online soon at www.villageofbayfield.com tiles vnvx.l okuhuranchrgslorcom 519-5247195 BAWIELD BREEZE --ZFA.J"-- = the v0kjgei own wibnenewssour¢e 10 SHARE 19 WE] Credits: S I C K u P r a R BAYFIELD BREEZE .r CLICK HERE Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of Commerce cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week2l Issue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 10/11 5/27/2019 Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login Week 21 Issue 46 Breeze Committee: Ian Matthew, Roger Lewington, Mike Dixon, John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder cc.villageofbayfield.com/Members/BayfieldBreeze[Week2l Issue46/tabid/297/Default.aspx 11/11