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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
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Nov. 11, 2009
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As this issue of the Bayfield Breeze is published on Remembrance Day, Bayfield Historical
Society President, David Gillians, was kind enough to provide us with a history he compiled
regarding the connection this village, and particularly Clan Gregor Square, has had with
Week 46 Issue 19
Christmas celebrations commence in the
heritage village on a great lake this coming
weekend, Nov. 13-15.
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Bayfield will be decked out in holiday
splendor for the tree lighting ceremony which
will be held in Clan Gregor Square at 7 p.m.
on Friday. The jolly old elf, himself will make
his first appearance in the village for 2009
and the Hullett Public School Choristers will
add to the flavor of the evening by
serenading the crowd with Christmas carols.
To cap things off festive treats will be served
on Main Street.
The following morning at 11 a.m. the Santa
Claus Parade will make its way along Main
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
The cenotaph, a focal point in Clan Gregor Square, was completely refurbished and rededicated in July 2008.
(Dennis Pal photo)
The Village of Bayfield and surrounding Stanley Township have a long and proud history of
military service and sacrifice. Clan Gregor Square is the heart of the community where
generations of Bayfield residents have come to celebrate and mourn. It's appropriate that
our Remembrance Day Ceremony takes place there every year. If you look around the
village from the perspective of the Cenotaph there are a great many reminders of the men
and women who have sacrificed so much to enable us to enjoy the quality of life we have
During the village's very first year of existence in 1837, when the old growth forest was still
being cleared around the square, all 15 of the men in the settlement joined the Militia and
were sent to spend the winter in tents at the junction of the Huron and London Roads, at
present day Clinton, to defend against a possible rebel uprising.
In June 1865, a false alarm was issued about seven boat loads of well armed and trained
Fenian invaders that had purportedly landed at the Wallace farm just north of Bayfield. As a
result, over one hundred men from the area led by W.W. Connor, who lived in the yellow
brick home on the south east corner of the Square, passed by, with their hunting rifles and
any weapon they could find, on a suicidal mission to defend their homes and country.
Although it was a false alarm and many stories must have been told at the ensuing
celebrations at the Albion Hotel that day, it's important to remember that most of the men in
the area headed into danger when the alarm was raised and they met the test of courage
when they could just have easily run east to safety.
Street complete with pipe bands, floats,
horses and the Shriner's mini cars.
Then on Sunday, the Main Street shopping
experience will be enhanced by some festive
The Christmas in Bayfield Weekend is only
just the beginning as The 12 Days of
Christmas will continue on Main Street with
special shopping events from Nov. 21 to
Dec. 13.
It has been 20 years since a committee was
formed to save the Bayfield Town Hall from
demolition. Since that time a number of
fundraising efforts have been held in an
effort to preserve it and make it a vital part of
the community social scene.
Now The Bayfield Town Hall Heritage
Society is looking to improve the entrance to
the building to make it more visibly appealing
for weddings, festivals, concerts and
business meetings.
The latest fundraiser will be the sale of
commemorative bricks to be installed in the
front walk, at the hall entrance and a new
walk leading to the property's "great lawn".
The paving stones can be engraved to
showcase a family name, honor loved ones
or celebrate a special occasion such as a
wedding or an anniversary. They could even
make a unique family Christmas gift.
According to the fundraising brochure,
"These stones will be placed along the
walkway so that generations to come will
enjoy this wonderful legacy left in honor of
the revitalization of the town hall."
There are three stone styles to purchase: a
large stone, 8X12, with one line of engraving
up to 12 characters, $250; a medium stone,
8X8, with one line of engraving up to 12
characters, $100; and a place holder, 4X8,
no engraving, $50. Tax receipts will be
provided. Cheques can be made payable to
The Bayfield Town Hall and mailed to PO
Box 2078, Bayfield ON, NOM 1GO.
Organizations, school classes, businesses
and corporations are encouraged to be part
of this worthwhile community project.
The society hopes to have the brickwork
installed in the spring of next year.
There is room for more people to join in the
fun of badminton on Tuesday nights at Huron
Centennial School near Brucefield.
Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
At the beginning of World War One, residents burned Kaiser Wilhelm in effigy around a
Organizers state that it is basically backyard
huge bonfire in Clan Gregor Square. The men, who had enlisted in the army from this area,
badminton, played inside and is great
drilled in the Square before they were dispatched to training camps. Over 45 men and
exercise and lots of fun.
women from an area that had a population base of less than 1,000 people enlisted and
after they had left, a Home Guard was formed and drilled each week in the Square. War
The games are played from 7 9 p.m.
Bond fundraisers were held in the Town Hall and villagers met there frequently to prepare
For those looking for something to exercise
bandages and other supplies for the war effort. Although the village was far from wealthy,
the mind — Mah Jongg is played on Thursday
after the War it was honored for its very high percentage of War Bond purchases.
afternoons in the Bayfield Lions' Community
From the Cenotaph you can see the Gairdner family home and the old Post Office on Main
Building. If Mah Jongg isn't your game bring
Street. The family must have been very proud when a grandson, Dr. Francis Scrimger was
one that is — Scrabble or Crib anyone?
awarded the Victoria Cross. The many friends and family of Nursing Sister Maud Stirling,
Games are played from 1-3 p.m.
who lived for many years on the corner of Victoria Place and Ann Street, just behind the
Gairdner House, must have been very proud when she was mentioned three times in
dispatches for heroism and was awarded the Royal Red Cross by King George V.
Paschendale is the third of four films brought to the village
The local churches were busy during both great wars and it's not difficult to envision the
for the fall series by The Bayfield Film Society. It will be
sadness when a memorial service for one of the dead was held. When the ceremony for
shown at the Bayfield Town Hall on Nov. 12 at 7 p.m.
Victor Evans was held in May 1918, St. Andrews United Church was filled and the crowds
of mourners spilled over Into the Square.
The final theatrical offering for the season will be Stone of
Destiny on Dec. 10.
During the Second World War, farewell ceremonies for the men who enlisted were held in
the Town Hall and when the sons of two local Main Street business owners, the Weston's
Individual show tickets may be purchased at the door for
and the Hopson's, were killed the whole town shared their pain.
$10 each.
Brigadier General Fred Clift, who purchased the large yellow brick home on the north east
For ticket inquiries please contact Lynne Gillians at 519
corner of the Square, was a World War Two hero and one of the Canadian Army leaders in
565-5884 or email lynnegillians@hotmail.com
One of the most poignant old photos in the Bayfield Archives is a newspaper clipping of a
The Bayfield and Area Horticultural Society (BANS) will
smiling Eric Earl, in his Lions' Club attire, tapping the maple trees in the Square for maple
hold their Annual General Meeting on Nov. 16. Elections
syrup. The affable Earl worked at Brandon's Hardware. Few in the village knew that he had
will be held to put into place a slate of officers to oversee
been a prisoner of war and that he had endured indescribable hardships and suffering.
the 31st year of the organization. The membership can
Everyone in Bayfield has stories about family and friends who have served their country
look forward to another great season of gardening both in
and sacrificed so much. When you look around the village from the Cenotaph, it is easy to
the community and at home.
remember the terrible sadness and feeling of loss in the community while savoring the
The meeting will be held at the Bayfield Lions' Community
many scenes of joy and happiness that this wonderful spot has given villagers for
Building starting at 7:30 p.m. The guest speakers will be
Leigh and Jerry Selk who will share their knowledge of
Major the Rev. George Youmatoff C.D. (Ret.) is a staple of Bayfield's annual ANGLICAN CHURCH
Remembrance Day services. His determination to remember those who fought to give our Operation Christmas Child is a tradition at Trinity Anglican
country freedom is an evident part of the event each passing year. Church and the latest campaign will wrap up this Sunday,
His daughter, Olga Palmer, was kind enough to share with the Bayfield Breeze the story of Nov. 15. Filled boxes should be returned to Trinity on or
this officer and a gentleman's amazing career. ' before this date as they will be blessed at the church
service that morning.
This year boxes from Trinity and churches throughout
Southwestern Ontario will go to Argentina, Equatorial
Guinea, Guinea Bissua, Haiti, Cote d'Ivoire, Nicaragua,
Senegal, Sierre Leone and Uruguay.
The congregation hopes to fill 100 shoeboxes as part of
this Samaritan's Purse project.
Trinity will also be helping those in need on a local level as
well. Gifts of food, toys and clothing will be collected for
the Huron County Christmas Bureau on White Gift
Sunday, Nov. 29. In addition, there will also be a Children's
Clothing Tree set up in the parish hall on which people can
attach mitts, hats, scarves and pajamas, all of which will
be donated to the bureau.
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
The Officer: Major the Rev. George Youmatoff C.D. (Ret.) salutes. The Gentleman: Youmatoff shares a moment
with his daughter, Olga Palmer. (Dennis Pal photos)
George Youmatoff was born in 1918 on a British ship in the Port of Helsinki, Finland as his
parents fled from the Russian Revolutionary forces. His father, an Imperial Russian Ship's
Captain, and his mother, traveled to France where they remained for eight years. At that
point, they emigrated to Canada, settling in Montreal, where George learned to speak
As a young man, he gave up an opportunity to study music professionally in New York, and
enlisted in the army, in the 6th Hussars, Montreal. He was shipped overseas where he
became, among other things, a motorcycle dispatch rider. He attended Sandhurst for
officer training and graduated ready to serve in the armored regiment. However, due to his
fluency with the Russian language, he was seconded to the British Forces Intelligence
Corps where he served for the remainder of the war.
He returned to Canada with his wife, Florence and two young daughters, Olga and Theo at
the end of World War Two. In the following years, he served in the Army Intelligence Corps
in Canada and overseas, until he left to become ordained into the Anglican Church.
His first civilian parish was in Hardisty, Alberta; however, after two years he was called
back into the army as a chaplain. After a number of postings, he retired from the Clinton
Air Force Station in the early 1970s and became the parish priest at Trinity Church,
Bayfield and St. James', Middleton. Before retiring to Bayfield, he served at the churches
of St. John's & St. Luke's, Brantford.
A few years after his wife's death, he remarried and moved to Goderich where he and his
wife Terry Boa-Youmatoff reside today.
He is a long serving Canadian Legion member and was the Legion Chaplain at Branch 140
in Clinton for many years.
HGTV is looking for three families in Bayfield to compete in a "friendly, festive decoration
face off".
The next Men's Breakfast has been schedule for Nov. 14
at 8:30 a.m. at the church.
Looking ahead, the next Sundays at Eleven Program will
be held in the parish hall on Nov. 29. A representative from
Rural Response for Healthy Children will speak about the
community action program they offer for youngsters in our
Lighten the Load for a Loonie-a-day is an initiative of
Trinity's Fundraising Committee. The congregation is
encouraged to pick up a little paper bag from the basket in
the parish hall and place a loonie in it each day until the
return date of Dec. 6. This project was run successfully
last year and it is hoped that this season's venture will be
just as lucrative in assisting with the parish finances.
This year spectators at the upcoming Santa Claus Parade
will be well fed due to the efforts of Knox Presbyterian
The church will be holding a barbecue on their lawn at the
top of Main Street across from Clan Gregor Square from
10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The parade will pass by this
location shortly after 11 a.m.
Barbecued hot dogs and sausages, plus chili and a bun,
popcorn and hot drinks will be on the menu. Popular
condiments, fried onions and sauerkraut will also be
The St. Andrew's United Church Women will hold their
annual Christmas Holly Bazaar on the Christmas in
Bayfield Weekend.
The event will be held at St. Andrew's on Nov. 13 from 11
a.m. to 8 p.m. and Nov. 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Organizers report that there will be a wonderful selection
of items available made and donated by the talented
members of the Bayfield Sunshine Coast Quilters Guild.
Items include dolls, pillows, table runners, scarves, quilts,
and bags — certainly something for all on your shopping
The choir at St. Andrew's United Church is now holding
holiday practices for their Christmas Carol Service on
Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. It is not too late to join the choir for
the special candlelight service performance to be held on
Dec. 13 at 7:30 p.m.
St. Andrew's will host their annual Hanging of the Greens
party on Dec. 5 starting at 4:30 p.m. At this event the 3Ms
Group presides over the decorating of the church for the
Christmas season. A potluck supper and sing -a -long of
Christmas carols follows the decking of the halls.
White Gift Sunday will be held on Dec. 6 at St. Andrew's.
Financial gifts will be shared with the Bluewater Centre for
Youth and the Huron County Christmas Bureau. Gifts may
be brought in suitable bags but should be unwrapped.
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
A little inspiration for potential contestants from a decorator's perspective: "Actually we had over 40,500 lights. I
fell short of my goal of 50,000, but it seemed like several things were against me this year for setup. The weather
/ snow set me behind on the roof. Then I got the flu which took me out of action for a couple of days. I got most of
the display up by the first of December and started my shows that night. There were a couple of things missing. I
noticed, but most people didn't. About a week later everything was as finished as it was going to be." (click image
to link to website)
A new series of holiday specials entitled, "Holiday Battle on the Block" is now being cast.
Two episodes will be shot in Ontario and two in the United States.
"We're looking for three Bayfield families who love to go crazy and pull out all the stops
when decorating the outside of their homes for the holidays," said Sue Skinner, a casting
director with SMS Concepts Ltd. of Toronto. "It would be wonderful to do an episode in
Bayfield. It is a very special place and so beautiful at Christmas."
Each episode will feature families in one community who pride themselves in decorating
the outside of their homes for the holidays. Each family is provided with a healthy budget
and asked to create something super -special from scratch within 48 hours. They may keep
only their lights and controllers from previous years. In a race against the clock, each family
works together to design, shop, source and build their holiday home masterpiece.
At stake are the bragging rights and the honor of being awarded the title of Best Holiday
House in front of the local community.
On the Sunday evening of filming, crowds will gather in the neighborhood and the show's
hosts, Kim Myles and Steve McGillivray, will ask each family for their home's big reveal,
"Hit that switch!"
The hosts, and a local panel of judges from the area, will carefully deliberate their final
decision based on beauty, originality and execution. And at the end of the episode the
winner will be announced.
Holiday Battle on the Block will begin shooting on Nov. 27 and each episode shoots for four
days. The families will be provided with an honorarium.
If your family would like to be considered for participation in the show please contact
Skinner at 416 690-2390 or email smsconcepts@rogers.com
The members of the Bayfield Agricultural Society are preparing for their annual fundraiser:
the making of wreaths for the Christmas season.
The wreaths are hand made from at least four different greens collected and donated from
the surrounding area.
"We always have a good
time there is lots 000d
in the form of pot -luck
lunches and it has been
known to be warm enough
Chocolatey Mint Girl Guide Cookies have arrived in
Bayfield. These cookies are now available for $4 a box
from members of Bayfield Guiding or the Bayfield Village
The Centenary Celebration Calendar 1910-2010, created
by members of Bayfield and Clinton Guiding, and for sale
in Mid -western Ontario, is also available. The calendars
are selling for $10 each.
Locally, calendars are available for sale from members of
Bayfield and Clinton Guiding as well as The Village Book
Shop, Bayfield Village Inn, Interior Trends and Drs. Haney
and Van Maanen's Dental Office in Clinton.
Also this Christmas in Bayfield Weekend the girls will be
selling cookies and calendars at a location on Main Street
so please stop by and say hello.
A beautiful handcrafted chest filled to
overflowing with toys for boys and girls of all
ages may sound like a holiday dream but for one
lucky person it will be reality come Dec. 13.
The Bayfield Optimist Club is once again holding
a raffle on a hand made and hand painted
wooden toy chest filled with Christmas wishes.
The chest replete with toys will be unveiled at
the Christmas in Bayfield weekend festivities but
tickets are available now from Optimist members
and at the Bayfield Village Inn.
Toy chest tickets are $2 each or three for $5.
The draw on the chest will be made at Breakfast
with Santa on Dec. 13.
Looking for an evening of cards?
The Wednesday Evening Bridge Club will meet
next on Nov. 11 at the Bayfield Lions'
Community Building. The cards will be dealt at 7
p.m. and new members are always welcome to
The Bayfield Euchre Club is now enjoying their
fall session.
The club meets on alternate Wednesdays at the
Bayfield Lions' Community Building at 7:30 p.m.
They will meet next on Nov. 18.
New players are invited to come and join
returning regulars. The cost is only $1.50 per
person. For more information contact Lee at 519
565-2765 in the evenings.
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The wreaths created by the members of the
Bayfield Agricultural Society for their annual
fundraiser can last the whole winter long
Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
in the greenhouses that
participants can wear
These wreaths are made by society volunteers, and anyone else who would like to join in,
during the weeks leading up to, and after (depending on orders), Christmas in Bayfield.
Tails or swags are also made.
A wreath making session will take place at Te -Em Farms on Nov. 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
People are invited to help for as much time as they can spare. A pot -luck lunch will be
served with tea and coffee supplied by Te -Em Farms.
Wreaths and tails include red bows. Extra bows are available for $3 each. The wreaths sell
for: regular size, approx. 18 inches wide, $25; large size, up to 24 inches wide, $35; tails or
swags starting at 24", $20 and up. Custom sizes can also be created and are priced
Anyone wishing to volunteer to help or place an order should contact VanderWouden by
email at evanderwouden@tcc.on.ca or call her at 519 482-3020. Wreaths will also be for
sale in front of St. Andrew's United Church during the Christmas in Bayfield Weekend.
There are less than three days left for individuals to purchase their raffle tickets on a one -of -a -kind work of art and
support the Bayfield River Valley Trail Systems in the process.
From now until Nov. 13, raffle tickets will be sold giving people the opportunity to win a valuable, signed publisher's
proof Bateman print entitled, "First Arrival — Killdeer." There are only 20 of these prints in existence. The proceeds from
the raffle will go to the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA) for trail development. Tickets are $10 each or
three for $25.
Tickets are available at Marten Arts, Plover's, Outside Projects, Sugar, Pharmasave Michael's Pharmacy and Brandon
The draw will be made at the "Lighting of the Lights' ceremony in Clan Gregor Square on the Friday night of the
Christmas in Bayfield weekend.
For more information on the raffle and to help sell tickets please email Helen Varekamp, trail association fundraising
and membership chair at hvarekamp@tcc.on.ca .
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
This signed publisher's proof print entitled, "First Arrival - Killdeer," by Robert Bateman, will go to one lucky
individual after the draw on Nov. 13.
HLAL E7A;t. L;M1`xFC9
Glorious sunshine and uncharacteristic warm
temperatures blessed the Service of
Remembrance held in Clan Gregor Square on
the morning of Nov. 8.
The fine weather encouraged a large crowd to
gather around the cenotaph to honor our
fallen heroes.
Bayfield's services are held on the Sunday
prior to Nov. 11, when musicians and clergy
can avail themselves to the smaller centres.
The ceremony began with a parade of legion
representatives, local politicians and members
of Bayfield Guiding and Zurich Scouting
making their way up Main Street to the park.
The parade was led by Parade Marshall, Ed
Hoekstra. Representatives from The Royal
Canadian Legion, Clinton Branch #140 carried
the Canadian flag; The Royal Union Flag, the
provincial flag and the legion flag. Members of
Bayfield Guiding represented their units by
also carrying flags. They were: Jordan Berard,
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
Bayfield's Remembrance Day Service not only honors soldiers from the two :..... ,..
The wreath for soldiers of the Afghanistan war was placed by Gary Brandon.
for Bayfield Pathfinders; Fiona Brands,
Bayfield Girl Guides; Fatima Palacios, for
Bayfield Brownies; and Johannah Palacios,
for Bayfield Sparks.
The following wreaths were laid by: Gary
Brandon, Royal Canadian Legion; Gregg and
Hugh Lobb, Government of Canada; Dianne
Denomme, Province of Ontario; Dave
Johnson, Municipality of Bluewater; Olga
Palmer, Trinity Anglican Church; Eleanor
Coutts, St. Andrew's United Church; Ed Kelly,
Knox Presbyterian Church; Tyler Hessel,
Bayfield Optimists; Lloyd Huffman, Bayfield
Lions; representatives of Zurich Scouting;
Shari Evans, Brayden Knox and Harmony
Palacios, Bayfield Guiding. Additional wreaths
were laid for soldiers for the war in
Afghanistan by Gary Brandon; and Bosnia,
Capt. The Rev. Dwight Nelson C.D.
The service was presided over by chaplains
Capt. the Rev. Dwight Nelson C.D. and Major
the Rev. George Youmatoff C.D. (Ret.). Paul
Dearlove performed The Last Post and The
Reveille on the trumpet and the piper was
Keith Crittenden. Dianne Alexander, Bayfield
Chairperson for the Royal Canadian Legion,
Clinton Branch #140 coordinated the event.
Bill Higgs gave a reading and songs were led
by Janice Nelson.
Following the service at the cenotaph the
color party and parade participants marched
to St. Andrew's United Church for an indoor
service. Lunch was served after worship.
One of the chaplains to preside over the service was Capt.
the Rev. Dwight Nelson C.D.
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
Liam Pal, John and Sheila Orrell, all of Bayfield, placed
their poppies in wreaths following the service.
Bill Higgs and Olga Palmer chat following the service. Higgs participated in the service by giving a reading.
Ed Hoekstra acted as the Parade Marshall for the service with a large contingent of legion members from Clinton
Branch #140 taking part
Sunshine and warm temperatures were a pleasant
surprise for attendees to the service held on the morning
of Nov. 8. Jean Bowman and Coble Love took a moment
to soak up some sunshine.
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
Major the Rev. George Youmatoff C.D. (Ret.) was chaplain
for the Clinton Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion and
he continues to assist with the Bayfield service.
Members of Clinton Legion Branch #140 salute.
Capt. the Rev. Dwight Nelson C.D. at the microphone.
All ages took part in the services including Liam Pal, Doug Grant, Major the Rev. George Youmatoff, C.D. (Ret.);
Geordie Palmer and Janice Nelson. Here, they join together in the singing the National Anthem.
Gregg and Hugh Lobb placed the wreath for the
Government of Canada.
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
A generous crowd stood among the fallen autumn leaves to remember.
Representatives from i ne Royoi Canadian Legion, Clinton
Branch #140 carried the Canada flag; The Royal Union
Flag, the provincial flag and the legion flag.
Barb and Tom Beecraft, of Bayfield, participated in the
wreath laying ceremony.
Keith Crittenden, piper; and Paul Dearlove, trumpeter, provided music during the service.
Following the service at the cenotaph, the color party and
parade participants marched to St. Andrew's United
Church for worship.
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
Members of Bayfield Guiding understood the solemnity surrouncing the service. They took part by laying a wreath and
marched in the parade with their own color party.
Members of The Royal Canadian Legion, Clinton Branch #140.
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
� party and legion „.a move toward St. Andrew's.
O nE51GN —
519 236 7373 1 519 565 7373
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I have had quite the whirlwind of a week ... on Saturday I had the pleasure of watching my handsome step -son marry his
chosen bride. It was a time for family and festivity on the seemingly enchanted grounds of Hart House and Knox College
Chapel at the University of Toronto.
For that reason, I enlisted some help in collecting the content for this week's Bayfield Breeze. I would like to thank the
very capable Dennis Pal, for providing us with the images for this week's photo story, and Dave Gillians and Olga
Palmer for sharing their words so that we could honor Nov. 11 in a way that it deserves to be recognized.
The date is symbolic of those freedoms that we take for granted the other 364 days of the year. The freedom to watch
two people very much in love pledge their lives to one another and the freedom for me to sit in the front pew, albeit a
little teary eyed, watching.
Ideas and contributions to the Bayfield Breeze are always welcome. Deadlines for submissions are Sundays at 4 p.m. Please email me at
bayfield.breeze@villageofbayfield.com or call 519-565-2443. Hope to see you online soon at www.villageofbayfield.com - Melody
Bayfield Mews
ti r�rE il.`.-a5d'Z
ExClu5iuq i5+ Carnmunity
One Ploor Townhomes
514. 555 •4542
L wwav_hayEieldmews.ca
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Bayfield Breeze Week 46 Issue 19
pSCr. UP ruii
Copyright 2018, The Bayfield Breeze Login
Writer, editor, photographer: Melody Falconer -Pounder
Web publisher/Graphic Designer: Dennis Pal
Advertising Sales: Mike Dixon
Logo Design: Kyle Vanderburgh, Goderich Print Shop
Special thanks to the Bayfield and Area Chamber of
Breeze Committee: Ian Matthew, Roger Lewington, Mike Dixon,
John Pounder, Dennis Pal, Melody Falconer -Pounder
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