HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-09-10, Page 1VOL XXXIL—NO. 1645. • 4' WINGIIAM, ONTARIOI TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1.0, 1903. 1 SIGN OF THE BIG BEAR New Coods We have now a full stock, of Gents' Furnishings, and can assure you that any- thing bought from u's is right -up-to-the-minute and at right prices. NEW UP-TO-DATE SHIRTS ar TIES .i ss [i 4; .4 HATS COLLARS HOSIERY BRACES and everything in connec- tion with the Gents' Fur- nishing department. In Tweeds you will always find our stock new and up- to-date, and we can assure you a perfect fit, and at right prices. Remember, we sell cheap llomuth Bros MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria street, W iugham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINOHAM Peach Week wasmommomismsame Early Peaches come along about the first of August. Late ones last until the end of September. But there is probably only one week during that time when every condition is favorable for canning. Early fruit isn't frm • it spoils s quickly, and hasn't the proper flavor. Late fruit is hard, small, and of inferior quality. In between them is a time when the fruit is large, ripe, cheap. We think that time is this week. Buy it here and get the best there is grown. R, A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59. Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 60, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold oheap ou easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale oheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap, Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent, For further par- ticulars apply to J. A. MacKENZIE, Insurance Agent, Holyrood. Capital paid up, $.2,980,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,330,000 Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Wingham G Mr, A. E, Stewart presenting the Seafo ports that large qua being delivered t week he has been farmers of this vicin will receive the high their grain on the W Real Estate You cannot invest your money in anything bettor than a good farm or business property in town. I have some excellent value in farm proper• ty:at the present time. For those who are looking for farms to buy. I might just say that it will pay you to have a look at what I have to offer you. Just aword to those who have property to dispose of : Lot me find that "other Winn for yu, I rve ten chances to your one. Stttisfac- oaC. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent. (Office upstairs in Vanstone block.) Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st • December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. R. Vanstene, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey Park's advertisement. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President— Box. Virg, GinsON. Vice -President and General Manager —.T. TUaNnrn r.. D.tREUTORS George oat i, R I John Proctor A B. Lee, John S. Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford, Assistant General Manager—H. S. S''`v t. Inspector—H. M. WATSON. Savings Bank— Hours 10 to 8; 9atur��l1__l�y, to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards recoil, terest allowed, and computed on the sss th N vember and 31st May each year and added to principal. Special Depobits also received at current rated of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States Bought and sold. Travellers are Branches 990 CirBlink l r Rates of Nati and its Br National al Preva shed without England, ba B or trou- litei can be lnie in any part ofthe twor3d, W. cOR11011LD, Agent DIC81NsON et ROUSES, Solicitors. in Market. who is in town r th Milling Co,, re� tities of grain ar Wingham. This quite busy. The ty will find they st market pace for'. Wgham market. Eggs 14c. 100 tubs Butter wanted weekly. Farmers' pork for sale. GEO, E. KING. FOR SALE.—Three buggies, good as new; one light spring wagon; one steam engine and boiler—engine 18 h. p. and boiler 28 h. p. Apply to Geo, McKenzie. Live Stock The following shi were made from Wii On Saturday, one lo alo by D. E. McD cattle to Toronto, t Clegg,of Belgrave; for of Belgrave; o McGregor, of Culr Burchill & Roberts lambs to Buffalo by Belgrave: On W Donald shipped a Toronto. Wiugha centre for the ship / Mr. Game is Coming. The secretary of the Tnrnberry Agricultural Soci y has received word from R. R. Gam y, M. P. P. of Mani- toulin, accepting the invitation to be present on the s Gond day of Wingham fall fair Septe er 25th. No do bt a large number people will be an'a to see and hear . Gamey,/ Imported FancyW ina at Cooper's. MONEY To Low at 434 per cent. on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A, Dulmage, Kent Block, Wingham. A Success Dr. Kennedy, ass of Belgrave, perfor operation on Mrs. Whitechurch, a we removing a large tui 25 pounds. Althou was very weak and u bad for some time pre she is now gaining at expects to be up and or ten days. 1 Operation. ted by Dr. McAsb, ied a very critical hos. Davidson, of k ago Wednesday, our weighing over h Mrs. Davidson cable to be out of vious to operation, ength rapidly and round in a week hipments. ents of live stook gham this week:— d of lambs to Buff- nald; on Monday, o car loads by Jos. o car load by J.Tay- o car load by Alex. ss; one car load by n, and a car load of John Armstrong, of nesday D. E. Mc., ar load of cattle to is becoming a lit• ly ent of live s FARMERS ATTENTION! F ,II);R. ATT plums, picked to yo a basket; 8 baskets STER, near the school. hoice ripe r qp der for 20 cents aE50c. A. W. Wax - SALE OF FURNI articles will be offer sale :—Two bedrooi extension table, lou organ, kitchen sink pipes, Ruznber of articles. Terms c west end of John s The up-to-date farmer uses the Verity plows, because they are the best. Sold by Alf. Glover, Wingham. Excursions For the 30th anus t Grand Trunk have u rates for round trip 12th to 18th inclusio rate good going S All tickets valid ret 21st. Splendid tra accommodation wil joyable visit and attractions and fea fair promise to mak point of excellence. and tickets from agents. to London. zl Western Fair the rranged special low good going Sept. and a very low pt. 15th and 17th. rning until Sept. service and good make this an. en - the many special res of this great it the best yet in Further par;;ieulars RE—The following d for sale by private suites, bedstead, e, sideboard. parlor , heating stove and ass jars, and other sh. R. 0. Kittson, reet. Late M On special occas public are always ance for late train ary times some a to keep the tservi summer our G.T. in fact, it is the ronto mail arriv quently from on During the t the evil is agg the lines are at care of the incre try, but more equipment and one. it Service. ns of heavy traffic the Ming to make allow - service but in ordin- empt should be made up to schedule. All .txai1)8 have bleu late, 'ception when the To - on time and it is fre- to two hours late. me of the fall fairs rated. No doubt all heir wits' end to take sing traffic of the coun- raffic calls for bettor tter service, not a worse E. Pauline Johnsoi Miss E. Pauline John of her unique and b recitals of her own poe on the evening of Thu under the auspices of committee of the 1< Mies Johnson will be Walter McRaye, in Ili sonations of the "Ha of Frenoh Canada. in Wingham. on will give one autiful costume s in Wingham sday, October 1st, the Pipe Organ ethodist church. assisted by IIr. delightful imper- tant" Characters Wall Paper and Wjv Shades at Cooper's. The up-to-date farmer uses the Verity plows, because theyare the best Sold by Alf. Glover, Winbam. Died From From the Luoknott of the death of Mr. that village, a brothe Mr. Charles Barber, "Some two weeks ag working at a new at ing, stepped upon a 1 sticking through a The nail entered the in depth, and for a f was very sore and peered to heal up, a be around, as usual. fore his death, how lock-jaw developed, efforts of the two atte thing could be done t. Barber was Bao was engi woiks plant hero for and was an excellent be a difficult matter find a man as compe portant position. He age and had lived in all his life, aria wa much esteemed." ock-jaw. Sentinel we learn amuel Barber, of of our townsman. re Sentinel says:— , Mr. Barber,while le he was build• rge spike that was iece of scautling. oot nearly an inch Farmers in need he ess, harness repairing or anythi g se in my line will find me in my stand next to CN. Griffin. SC. KNECHTEL. BRING IN YOUR EGGS.—H. E. Isard & Co. will give prizes for September eggs as follows :—First prize, tailor made skirt, value $3.00, to customer bringing in the greatest number; 2nd prize, pair boots value $2.00; 3rd prize, ladies' waist, value $1.25. Fancy Goods and '`iv 3"atCooper*s. Labor ay Holiday. The weather Monday was very holiday. . Day o aborY L teL to for disagreeable It was raining n arly all day and the day vas spent i a quiet way by nearly r citizens. Several loads of people went to Teeswat r to attend the union Mtt ocabee picnic, lit were e lbt able to have shelter. The Windham base- ball club went to 'mean and were de- feated by the Iris1 Nine by a score of 10 to 4. A number f our townsmen spent the day bass fishi g, and some of them report a tory suc ssful catch. Wingham St Monday's Globe say of Wiugha bition at' Toronto Foundry Co., Lt although not in e established an e their unexcelled 1 which are the Huron Steel Plat Steel Oven Woo Huron Chief Stee Range, which lat people say exceed its kind in eonve completeness. of the company' presentative, Mr. es at Toronto. has the following to 's stoves ou exhi- Fair:—The Western , of Wingham Ont„ istence one year, have fable reputation for o of goods, among rown Huron Range, Range, Royal Huron Cook, and the big Plate French Hotel r equals, and many , any other range of ience, durability and e exhibit is in charge genial and efficient re - Arthur B G.Tisdale. See J. Button & C ' s > • ots and Shoes SEPTEMBE WEDDINGS. itUGII— trronaLL. A happy union vas consummated at the home of Mr. = d Mrs. J. J. Mitchell, Charles street, Wingham, at 12.30 o'clock en Wedne day afternoon of this week, when their .econd daughter, Miss Edith, and Mr. F ed N. Rush, son of Mr. David Rush f this town, took the matrimonial vo The nuptial knot was well and seeur: y tied by Rey. J. R. Gundy, D. D., i the presence of the immediate relati es and friends of the contracting parti s. The young couple wero unattended Misses Etta Hart and Marie Wachsmu h acting as flower girls. The bride was .ecomingly attired iu bine and white, nd wore the customary veil. After the eremony and congratu- lations the coin any enjoyed a dainty repast. Many sefnl and valuable gifts testified to the e is held by her couple left on th for a short lion days the wound, and Niagara Fa inful, but it ap- he was able to A few days be - ver, symptoms of nd despite all the ing physiciaus no - check the disease. ser of the water - ie past six years fflcial, and it will or the Council to jut to fill that im- was 54 years of lis section nearly well known and I have moved to my new stand, next to C. N. Griffin's where you ill find a complete stock et harne s, nkets, rugs, dusters, whips, etc. be pleased to have a call fromp arti s requiring any- thing in my line,C KNEt,IITEL, Misses Graham and Cummer, having taken the rooms lately occupied by Dr. Chislibim tient to Drug Store, would call the attention of the ladies of Wingham and vicinity to the. announcement that they will do dress and mantlemaking at charges as low as possible for first class work. A trial respectfully solicited. Farmers bring along your wheat, oats, peas, and barley to Gregory's storehouse which will be open every business day and where you will receive the highest market price for all kinds of grain. SEAT'ORTH MILLING CO. Good Shoo Our readers wi mention some wee shooting by Color at Winnipeg. La Winnipeg visited in the matches in seven teams ente men, and Color highest of the shooting, his sat 47 at 900 yards, o was in second pia Will be Manitoba' Beeley team. Mr. weli•ltnown reside has been spending with his parents, Youhill. Mr. Yon peg sixteen years a ing here had harp Some months. He in Wingham and have hint make a ing at Ottawa. remember of our s ago of the good 3ergt. Wm. Youhill t week a team from sttawa and took part that city. There were ed, composed of eight ergt. Yonhill was the whole fifty-six Igen being 49 at 800 and t of a possible 100. He 0 in Winnipeg and representative on the IYoubill is a former it of Wingbam and s few days this week r. and Mrs. Same. ill wont to Winni- o and prior to leav- of the TIMES for sees many changes 0 were pleased to 11 at this office. \isitinA Gards Engraved or Printed. With the opening of September comes the social season. We make a specialty of engraved or printed calling cards for ladies or gentlemen. Write for samples. Last week we supplied quite a number with wedding invitations. May we not send you samples and prices ? W. J. F. Mallagh BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER BRANTFORD, - CANADA. P. S.—Have you read " CASTLE CRANEYOROW ?" We are selling it for 330 postpaid. will take up th We join with th ing Mr. and Mrs of happiness an the voyage of llf COUNCIL MEETING. The regular me lug of the town couuoil was held on onday evening,the members all present, Mayor Vanstone 1n the chair, The minutes of previous meeting were read and oonfir ed. A petition numerot :ly signed, was re- ceived, asking for the removal .of the grout building on the east part of lot 9. on the north side of ictoria street, as it is considered dange ous to the public safety. The Executi e Committee with the name of Coun. B. nett added, will report on the matter. The following acco uts having been recommended for pay nent by the Fin- ance Committee, w• e ordered to be paid, on motion of Cuns. Dululage and I Vauatone:— Goldie & McCulloch, xpenses AIr. Brown, re wate works ma- chinery Teets 14 10 reets ..-28 13 , 1 60 5 'lits 33 74 tering and W. Moore, labor ou s Sas. Brock, labor on b teem in which the bride W. Pattison, Braying uy friends. The happy , Bell Telephone encon Electric Light Co., li C. P. R. afternoon train A Sanderson, street w moon trip to Toronto work R. Armstroug, work n streets.. u, hauling Is, and on their return. ir residence in town, ir many friends in wish - Rush a large measure prosperity throughout WADLAN The home of Kinsman was the at noon ou We youngest daughte Kinsman, was ma Wadland, G. T. Sarnia. The cern by Rev. Dr. Grind number of invit —KINSMAN. . and Mrs. Richard cene of a happy event nesday, when their Miss Margaret E. McMaunus & Davids gravel 87 70 1 00 53 401 R. Rankin, salary o 67 . Vmn, 1 ......... 42 00 W. . J. annorScott, amealssalar 1 20 W. G. Gray, draying .... 50 Mrs. Watson, labor i , hall 12 00 Geo. Ross labor on $e eats 2 00 On motion of Coun . Bell and Van- 1 Stone the mayor a treasurer were autocredit authorized t 0 place to thecredit of the School Board the balice of levy for 1003 as the same may be collected and ied to Mr. Geo, E. S. required. ' . ticket agent, of Coun. Ilenuett drat ony wan performed dilapidated condition in the presence of a between his property guests. The bride and was given permiss •d • 1 • ^� The mayor brought was very becoming ly attire zn a c re of white silk orgar die, and Miss Lilla the contemplated repai •s to the road. on Kinsman, sister of ho bride, acting as the fiats south of the t, wn by the town - bridesmaid, wore t dress of blue silk ships of Morris and Ea Wawanosh, and organdie. The gr ern was assisted by stated that the town w Auld probably be Mr. Eb. Thornton of Berlin. After the asked to bear a share the cost of such ceremony the hap y party partook of an repairs. The matter ill be heard of elegantly preparei dinner. The bride further at next meetiu of council., was the recipien of many handsomeThe question of the purchase of the and useful press is and the groom's ©leetrio light plant a putting in a eys- gift to the bride w s a gold watch and d sewerage, was chain and to the bridesmaid au opal ring. The young couple left on the afternoon train wi'1 the best wishes of attention to the part of the fence rid the town park on to remove it. p the matter of IF YOU WANT Good Drugs At Right Prices Go to Walton McKIbbn DRUGGIST Ncstt door to past eine6 many friends on a London, Brantford fore returning to th A number of the gu side points among Wadland, of Sarnia of Lansing, Mich.; Law, of Sarnia; Mr of Moorefield; Mr. of Blyth, and Mr. a Brantford. ip to Niagara Falls, ud other points, be- ir home in Sarnia. sts were from out - them being: Miss Mr.Will Kinsman, Ir, and Mrs. John and Miss Kinsmau, d Mrs. A. Lundy, d Mrs. Sheppard, of W i ngham's As the dates for ti —September 24th a er everything point greater success this been in. the past. tions are away ale,' year and Secretary enquiries from parti able distance from ulars in connection tractions and other Tho special prize o" road race, with the harness by C. Ku Wingham the larg horses ever seen in of $25 for single di J. J. Elliott, V. S. should bring out a driving horses. T cured a large tent the roots and vege leave more room i ing. A number rid melte town intend goods. This is a f pleasing and profit as well as to the al en plucking com farmers, sons and will be awarded 1 fowls for the Briti kets and the neck The directors are class talent for th the opera house on tember 25th. Mr. aid, of Toronto wi tem of waterworks a introduced, and after some discussion it Was moved by Couns. Bell and Mclndoo, and carried, that th clerk prepare a by- law fur the purchas , of the Wingham and for the putting rks system, and a e system, to be sub - at a special meet - mayor, as soon as •om the engineer as ry alterations ill Electric Light plan in of a new waterw by-law for a sewera, mitted to this counc ing to be called by tl a report can be had t to the cost of necess waterworks system. Council adjourned 'clock: 0 $1 A YEAR, IN AIN EVERY BOX OF Douglass' Dyspepsia Tablets are guaranteed to give sat- isfaction in all forms of stomach troubles—or money refunded. DOUG LAS The Druggist. I bare room for two students in the Telegraph Office. BE CAREFUL. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. All Business Colleges are not alike. A school with a repu- tation like ours is a safe one to patronize. If you want to get a first- class position, then get a first-class busiuess e d u c a t i o n. Oftentimes students conte hundreds of miles solely to attend this College. Our Catalogue is free. Euter now. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL. their electric 1' ht system has .been a success this y r, financially as well as otherwise, th e being a nice little sure,, plus of receip .s over expenditures. Add- ed to this f et that they have had tl•e1 best of light and plenty of it, the outleo is very euco raging. We are now con' vinced that Tilton ratepayers commited% i blunder when they a good size voted' down the well -matured and feasibley y the town could have taken ton Electric Light Company'A. an it as a towu institution; wnershi p is a live question y as it ever was, along the ilio utilities, and the sealant? takes up the question agaila' 5 to its legitimate conclusions all concerned. t '1 hortiy after ten plan where over the Mi A few of the Wm. Gray & Sons tale- plant anti 1 25th—draw near - Fail Fair. orated buggies must be sold. Call and unicipalI e Wingham fall fair get a bargain at Alf. Glover's implement as live to - the emporium. WANTED—Good strong young men, to linesMof psi towu to the fair being a learn the moulding and stove•mouuting and pushes ear than it has ever trades. Apply at once, the better t he special attrae- THE WESTERN FOUNDRY Co., 1 of any previous tobertson has had Wingham. s living a consider- Municipal Ingham for partic- At the meeting of with the special at a Monday evening eatures of the fair. strutted to prepare $50 for gentlemen's mitted to the rate p lst prize a $30 set of of the electric light wnership. the Town Council the Clerk was. in - y -laws to be sab- ers re the purchase , lent, and the put- I itel, will bring to ting in of system of waterworks for do - for a sewerage sys- pleased to learn that n this step so that have au opportunity • elves on these ques- y-laws have passed three public meetings the ratepayers given ation so that they may n these questions, and have been clearly pre- , should be carried ty. If the town own - ht lit P Taut we t etter lighting service it is now we have t lights and they are eet. We know of no Here the streets are so in Wingbam. We t twelve street lights of the town and this oulcl receive attention is purchased by the wel has twenty-four e placed in. different nd we feel sure Wing - pleased to have at lights. Wingham of the akemoue out y Nearly every town owned by the cor- g money. We hope fully discussed be- en. one the Milton Re• nterest to the Wing- 'ent time; The rrae The Shoe Man. to for the statement st number of road mestic purposes an die town and the prize tem. The TIMES i ring horse, given by the council has tak ad Currie & Rintoul, the ratepayers ma- arge number of good of expressing the •� o directors have pro- tions. When the -hick will be used for the council, two o ables and this will should be held an. the exhibition build- all possible inform, vote intelligently when the schemes sented, the by -la f the merchants of g adisplay of their ature that should be ble to the spectators with a good major i ed the electric c li surely be given a ou the streets. A only six large stre all ou the main st. rcliauts. The c]nck- etition is open for aughters. The prizes r the best plucked It or Canadian mar - f the fowl dislocated. 1 town in Ontario t miring some high- i poorly lighted a concert to be held in I should have at le the evening of Sep- on the back street H. Ruthveu McDon- 1 is a matter that sl 1 be assisted by Mr. I whether the plant W. McLeod, con' , of Seaforth, and'; town or not. Lis Miss Susie McGill of London, champion street lights that 1 Scottish, Irish, Spinislz and Gypsy dao- parts of the town ser and singer. 15 ore particulars of con- hamites would b pert will be ]dreg Our condors shoul this year's fair is and we hope to s with people on Se We understand tl me have liagreBt c.a of business on the day of the show petition will be c business people tt this were done it larger attendance 0 in our next issue. least twelve mo bear iumind that should Oi1 be Al le to oing to be a hummer electric light plant e the town crowded whore the plant tember 24th and 25th, poration is maker at some of the mer- to see these matte dto close theirit places fore the roto is to afternoon of the last The following f nom 1 to 5 o'clock. A former will be of reulated asking all the If ham makepo would m ites at the pr close theirstores. much Press is resns at the fair. that Acton's ria SCHOOL, SUOES ; er We're out for the School Shoe Trade of the town. All the boys and girls know that this is the place 7 styles, to get the proper .tyleza, 'but if there's a family' in this town that does not buy their Boys' at•d Girls' Shoes here and we ran get the head of teat family to read this ad. and to come here just to take a loop at our School Shoes -- we'll get that family's trade, sure. No father or mother can resist such tempting values as we are offering in $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $L75 Cczool Shoes for boys and girls. 1 �Ir �T W J. W. nicipal ownership of `.�W--•�"'^�° �'