HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-09-03, Page 8Huron Poultry Association will be held THE WI -NMI TIMES, SEPTEMBER 3, 1903 '�M�1!'!1�,'O!1'�r"ill✓0.'�1•'1kO•'4#'i.�''�✓gM'fr�M!'`''�''�Ilr''�r'r.!�„ RITCHIE 81 CAMPBELL. • Bargain Day Every Saturday will be Bargain Day at our store for the next season, commencing SATURDAY, SEPTEM1;ER 5T11 • On our First Bargain Day we will give you the following extra values : 4 pieces of extra Milton Dress Goods, • colors red, green, grey and black, regular 3oc and 35c, for - - .25 10 pieces Wrapperette, suitable for Dressing Sacks, Waists, Wrappers, etc., regular 121c and 15c, for - .10 5 pieces Flannelette, 30-i11. wide, at .05 6 pieces Linen. Towelling, roc and I 2;,;C, for 2 cans Maple Leaf Salmon for regular - .08% .25 We are showing a very large stock of new Fall Dress Goods, Trimmings, Mantles, Furs, etc., etc. Highest prices paid for Butter, Poultry. • Eggs and RITCHIE & CAMPBELL. ��rr •--Harriston. High School was des troyed by fire on Tuesday nloruing. •-Mr. John Taylor is having a stable erected at the rear of hie butcher shop. -The trains from Toronto have been late every day trots 'week, and this will likely be in order until the close of the fair.. -Those wishing to secure couveyauce to the. Maecabee picnic at Teeswater will call at J. Button d; Co's shoe store, or at Seli's barber shop. -The railways aro offeriug single fare rates for the Labor Day holiday, good going on September 5th mud i th, good to return on September Stl1. -Mr. A. E. Stewart, representing the Seaforth Milliug Co. is now in Wingham and is prepared to pay the highest mar- ket price for all kinds of grain delivered at Gregory's storehouse, -Mr. H. Rutliven McDonald,tho well- known singer who is to be iu Wingham on both the evenings of the fall fair is now filling a three weeks' engagement at De Funiak Springs, Florida. -The Street Committee are doing a wise piece of work in having a good coat of gravel placed on a number of the back streets, These streets were badly in need of the gravel. s:44-•'=' •4.3 i•;..,a }-4-e. f-4.4• MINOR LOCALS. 4- 4. 4. . • 4. • Everybody loves r • The School Boy •1' ,,, with his bright and happy .;- 'I' face, his original speech, his genial manner, his smile, his .1. whistle, his cheerful disposition, IS and every business man is glad 4. when holidays are over and boys 4. ea and girls are seen making their • way to and from school, chatting 4. • and whistling away the happiest •: ` -The annual fall fair of the East Wa • - days of their life. ;, i wanosh Agricultural Society will be held It is our business to help the •r' I at Belgrave on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd. 4. scholars make school days pleas- -The TIMES this week received a corn- * • ant and profitable by securing .; • books and helps of all kinds, and 4. 1 plimentary ticket to the Harvest Festi- 4 also the most attractive supplies 1 val to be held in Formosa on Tuesday, we can secure. Sept. Sth. eas Just how well we Have sue- ! WANTED -Good strong young men, to ceedod may be seen by our shelves learn the moulding and stove-mountingand counters. 'iy. trades. Apply at once, We claim to be in a better 4. THE WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., • position to supply your wants t j Wiugham. than other stores. Try us and see. ,. ; -The next regular meeting of Camp Strong manilla book covers ,'f1, 1 Caledonia, Sons of Scotland, will be held esi 'free with all school books. . on Monday evening next. All members - - .1. are requested to attend. I' ra li 4(ff. 1 ,I ! t Tjj(Vil rm(-�m ;•••' "'�'. J.,: s'r+�«_.uIM?^ "e � •t CrC.1PY f3-�Gt-0T� .,...:�rr+%n//if.-f.U�'� *mut% Ca uo--Iu Morris, on Angled 24th, the Wife of Wm. Craig; of a Son, Hove -In Iiullett, on August 25th, the wife of iltr. Wm, Hoye; of a daughter. S1tolimar:Eft-Ill Morris, on August 24th, the wife of John Shortreed, jr. ; of a daughter. RoEvrac-In Howiek, 011 August 20, the wife of Conrad Roeder, a daughter. TOuNSTON-In Howiek, o11 August 23rd, the wife of A. Johnston: a daughter. HOi.T--In Grey. on August 2.2, the wife of Wm. Holt: a daughter. Ontintsoea-In Teeswater, on August 20, the wife of Jos, ()theism.; a daughter. it[A1t1tIl;la 111CI)ONAI.n--COIJJNi, At the residence of Mr. T. T. McDonald, Winglrnm,on Wednesday, Sept 2, by lief T N. McLean, B. A , M1'.Lorn0 McDonaltl,of Turnber•ry, to Miss Mabel Collins, of llowlek. M CLEon--Mt'11 ONAt.J,-A t the residence of the brides parents, Grey, on Aug. ltltil, by Rev. At r. Hazlewood, of Hamilton, 111r, Henry Mc- Leod, of the N. W. T., to Miss Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald, 2nd con., Grey. , ANn r: 1040N-1111•liIAY-At Knox clnlreh, Kincardine, O'1 Aug. 25th, by Rev. J. L. Murray - D. D , father of the bride, assisted by Rev. P. J. McLaren, 13. .A., brother-in-law of the groom - Bev. Fredet ick W. Anderson, M. A., of Winni peg, to Miss Alberta Murray. DIED F iSHER-Iu Wallace, on Aug. 11th, Annie Fidler, aged 31 years. GownY-In Clifford, on Aug. 19th, Margaret Ann Nay, wife of Isaac Gowdy, aged 38 years 0 months and 19 days, COJ.VIN-In Teeswater, on Aug. 23, 1903, Wil- liam John, eldest son of Dr. and firs. Colvin, aged 2 years, 4 months and 23 days. WATSON-In Senfortlt, Ont., on Aug. 30th, Anne Thorbnrn, beloved wife of W. N. Wel- son, 119111 (35 yearn. -Geo. Hayward has received the ap- pointment as assistant Superintendent of agencies of Chilton, Goderich, Sea - forth and Wingham of the Metropolitan Life Assurance Co. -Owing to scarcity of Manitoba old wheat it is now selling at $1.00 per bus- hel in car lots. This high price of wheat will necessitate a raise in flour until the „pew wheat is on the market. -The 0. P. R. will run Harvest Ex- cursions to Manitoba and Northwest points on September 15th and 20th. Get full particulars from advt. in another column of this issue. -The Toronto Fair is in full swing for this week and next. Many from this section are attending it. The cheap excursion days from Wiugham are Sop- tember 3rd,•5th, 9th and llth. -Mr. Geo. B, Roe, of the Queen's hotel intends creating a windmill which will furnish power to pump water to the different rooms of the hotel. The Queens hotel is always up-to-date. -The Post -Master General has author- ized the issue of $10 postal notes. The commission on these postal notes is only 5 cents, and this is a convenient and safe way of sending money, a receipt being given. -Monday will be Labor Day. -Stores and business: places will all be closed. -The TIMES and Weekly Sun till Jan nary lst, 1004, for 35 cents. -Remember Wingham's fall fair ` on September 24th and 25th. -The Brussels Post staff is having the annual holiday this week. -Mr. Andrew Linklater is having his house on Victoria street veneered with brick. MONEY TO LOAN at 414 per cent. on easy terms of renaynient. Apply to A. Dulmage, Kent Block, Wingham. -The regular monthly meeting of the School Board will be held on Tuesday evening next. -The Government has fixed Thurs day, October 15th, as Thanksgiving Day for this year. 3 FARM FOR S THE undersigned ,offers or sale a choice 100•acre farm \rr sir miles of Wingham. 80 acres cleared and it od state of cultivation, 15 acres good hard od bush, balance well timbered with cedar and basswood. On the premises are erected a new brick house and bank barn. For further particulars apply to ALF. GLOVER, Wingham. 'l" -The annual winter show of the t Cooper Cant , a weer: of January. (.'ueeo:sors to Alex. Ross.) •1• r -The Wingham school re -opened on 4.444.4.4. f'?r3o `r? r r+ +,1„:.+4.,44.1.+4.4.4. '"� t t dP "�" ' 4 4:: ; Tuesday morning with a good attend- ance. All the members of the teaching staff were present. -A number of the Chesley business men have entered into an agreement not to buy booksfrail agents Anyone OUR PRICES flu --- ■,i PEACHES, 25e, 50c and 75c. PUTS, all sorts, 60e bushel. PEARS, 1:5e a peek. TOMATOES, 30e a peck. 1"lt 'MTARS.---Pints G5c, Quarts e, Bali Gallons 070c. Iry XEIti SETS.- -1 TS._- 8X10 for other fellows' $10.00 ones. TOILET SETS -All prices. and all sorts of good fresh Groceries. We have the goods at right prices. Special delivery during the fruit n1 which insures promptness. Try its. We'll treat you right. ho Turd and GroGkery -Mr. W. J. Haines of town, who has been tanner for Bointon Bros. at Blyth will be raft on hLPTE;5Ii3EIt 15th and for the past year, has accepted a similar -eta, returning until :NOVEMBER position iu the Arnold glove factory at 10811 and 30th respectively, 1903, Georgetown and left for that place last RETURN FARES TO week. YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SALE THE undersigned offers for sale l08 thor- oughbred Improved Yorkshire Boar, " Summer Hill b1a to the 0th." This boar is three years old and was bred by D. C. Flatt & Son, Mill Grove, Ont. He is sired by Budding - ton Lad 8rd, 3035, bred by P. L. Mills, Rudding- ton Hall, Nottingham, Eng. His clans was Summer Hill Holywell limp,) 8547, bred by S. Spencer, St. Ives, Eng. For terms apply at farm, Wingham Junction, G. DAVIDSON, 'W1119111011 P. O. YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE D. M. Gordon v We are showing now the largest, finest and most up -to- • date stock of THE undersigned will keep for service on his farm at win"hair Junction, the thor- oughbred Improver} rYorkshire Boar, " Lake- view Premier." Lakeview Premier was bred by R. F. Duck & Son, Port Credit, Ont. His sire was Summer Hill blaster, 4080, bred by D. C. 1ilatt & Son, Mill Grove, Ont. His dam, Lakeview Daisy 10558, bred by R. F. Duck & Son. Terms,:31.00, at time of service, with privilege of returning. G. DAVIDSON, Winghmn P.O. • • • •• • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• O • • • artiest Exdursiolls -Mr. D. M. Gordon has a new advt. in another column of this issue. The advt. is of special interest to our lady readers and it will pay them to read it and then pay a visit to Mr. Gordon's store. -The stock shipments from Wingham on Monday were as follows : -D. Stewart, car load of lambs to Buffalo; W. F. Van - stone, car of hogs, McDonald & Shiell, car of cattle, and C. McClelland, car of cattle to Toronto. --Mr. Chas. Knechtel has this week moved. his harness shop to the vacant Istore in the Vanstone block, next to 1 the Brunswick House. This will make Dominion Industrial Exhibition a better place for business for Mr. l , TORONTO Kneohtel. August 27 to Sept. 12 -The Forester, the official paper of I Winnipeg, Man. Waskada, Man Estevan, Assn • Elgin, man Arcola, Assa Monson sin Assa Wawanesa, Man Miniotn,Assa Biitscarh, Man Grund View,Man Swan River, Man Regina, Assn Moos aw Assn, $30 el rk n Assn Yo to 1 i Prilic0 Albert, $28 sask, $35 MneLeod, Alba Calgary, Alba llecl Deer, Alba $4,0 Strathcona " Ladies' and Misses' New York and Berlin (Germany) Goats aps ever shown by this store. And the purchasing public will agree that no house in the town ever carried better or more seasonable goods than this store. The most tempting feature of these beauti- ful, stylish and valuable goods is that the prices are remarkably low considering the excellence of these lovely garments. • • • • •• • • • • • • • Z • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • Eggs rile. Butter and Dried Apples • highest prices. D. M. Gordon • ••• • • • • • •••••••••••••••••0••0••••• C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE -In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. From all points in Canada, Azilda, Sault Ste. Marie, Windsor and etlst. Apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent for pamphlet. Tickets are not good 021 "Imperial Limited " A. N. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East, Toronto GR ►N TR;U SY!ST E M Life Assurance The Mutual fife of Canada breaking the agreement must forfeit V. -Mr. W. T. Dulmage,• formerly of the Brunswick House, has rented the Allison hotel at Gorrie to Mr. Thos. Ma- lin, of Listowtl. Mr. Malin is also a former well-known resident of this town. Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office op- posite St. Andrew's church, London, Ontario. -The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held on Monday evening next. The question of parches. ing the electric light plant will be c sidered. -The Trams staff this week reeeiv a treat from Mr. Jas. Fyfe, of Dorris in the shape of a basket of good eating apples for which we return hearty thanks, The Tuns and Weekly Globe sent to any address until January 1st, 1901 for 35 cents. -The following dateshave'been Book - cd for the Winghant Opera house: --- Sept. 21th and tli, Wingaiarn's fall fair concerts; October 30th, Guy Bros. Min - Store stress; :November 5th, Merchant of btu reticle Delivery Venice. the Canadian Foresters, came to hand j Wingham to Toronto and return this week in a new form. It has been changed from a book form to an eight page paper. The change should be ap- preciated by the members. -Monday's Toronto papers give the information that the Gurney Foundry Co. has issued a writ against theWestern Foundry Co., of Wingham for au in- junction restraining the defendants from enticing away the Toronto Company's workmen. -The followimr. item, which is of local interest appeared in Friday's Mail and Empire: -"The engagement of Miss Grace Martin, daughter of Mr, John Mar- tin, formerly of Hamilton and Luckuow, to Mr. C. Garfield Van Stone, only son of Mr. W. F. Van Stone, is announced in Wingham." -The Wingham Electric Light Co. have given their poles on the streets a . coat of paint, leaking a great difference in the appearance of the poles If the G. N. W. Telegraph Co. would - follow the example of the Telephone and Electric Light Co. all the poles in town would then be painted. -Mr. Geo. Town went to Wingham on Wednesday and enjoyed a few hours fishing for bass. He got ono fine fish about three pounds, but, as usual the bigfish got off the hook a six pounder that wrecked George's tackle, then flap- ped his tail and disappeared iu the epths of the Maitland, ---Wroxeter Star. -The following is taken from the August number of the Stine and Leather Journal: ---"Ono or our handsomest re• tail stores in Western Ontario is that of Jesse Sutton & Co. at Wiugham. The attractive lippearance of these premises is the subject of favorable comment among tho travelling fraternity, who have advantages in making eompari• sons." J. Button & Co, have aiiow advt. in this issue of the Trak,'S. $3.65 • None Safer None Better Fire Insurance Tickets on sale daily until Sept. llth. Going Sept. 1st, 3rd, 3t11, Oth and llth, - - - $2.70 O All tickets valid. returning on or before Sept. 15 Labor Day, Monday, Sept 7, 1903 Single fare for round trip, good going Sept. 5th, iithand 7th ; valid for return until Sept 8th. Between all stations in Canada on Grand Trunk Railwav, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Suspension Bridge and Buffalo, N,Y. Western Fair, London, Sep.II to 19 82 25 to London and return; good going Sept. 12th to 18th inclusive. h. X1.,0 --good going Sept. 15th and 17th. All tickets valid for return until Sept. 23rd. Purely Canadian Stock Companies. Rates adequate but not excessive. -Claims promptly settted. ABNER COSENS. Import Glass Just arrived from Belgium 1 ! ! HARVEST EXCUR.SI'f Ns $28.00 to 840.00 to points in Nhuitoba, Assin- iboia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Good going Sept. 15th, valid returning until Nov. 1301h. Good going Sept. 29811, valid,:, for return until Nov. 30th. For further information apply toants. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. EXECUTORS' SALE Of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Morris. • It pays best in tl We are in a position to quote you very low figures on glass for house build- ing, barns and stables., Call and get our prices. The Canada Business College We also handle all kinds PLOW POINTS such as Verity, Wilkinson, 0 Fleury, Frost ..� Wodd, Cockshutt, 'Teeswater, Patterson, Percival, Port Hope, Ayr, Tolton and Essex Centre. CHATHAM, ONT., With its 27 years of successful work to its credit, stands without a neer in Canada in the line of BUSINESS or SHORTHAND training 346 students placed in good positions in the past eleven months shows what we do for our students when graduated. College Reopened for Pall Term, Sept. 1, Our catalogue is the handsomest issued by any business school in the Dominion. Copy sent by addressing, D. McLACHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. Pursuant to the power vested in the under - t 4igm d its the Executors of the last v i11 of James Maxwell, late of the Township of Mor- ris, in the County of Huron, farrier, deceased, there will be offered for sale by tntblic auction, by F. t1. Scott, auctioneer, at the Brunswick Hotel, in the Town of Wingham, on Saturday September 12th. 1903, at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon, the following valuable Farm Pro- perty, viz : -North halt of lot I7, in the lat COnees(don of the said Township of Morris, eopmining 50 acres of land, more or 1018. This fa0hi is wtuato about two miles from the Town of Wingham, in one of the very best Wining districts of the County of Huron,about 44 tere1 are cleared and in a good state of cul- tivation, and the balance is hardwood bush. There is ata, a very good orchard. There are on the rrtrenl0ReS a good brick house, a fraise barn anis eutbuiklings. The buildings and fences are in good repair. Pot'°ession will be given to do 01111 ploix Sting. TERMS or SAu,E-,-Ten per cent. of the pur- 01111se money 021 the day of the sale, and the b.tlanee within thirty da, s thereafter: The property Will be put up stl ij0et to a reserve price. further ttarticalat'tt and conditions of sale 11131 be made known on the day Of sale, or may had on application to the Executors. Wit. 31i.txwi r,r., Winglntm, Ont. HUen Ross, BIuovale, Oat. F!teeutors, Dated this 21st day of August, 1903. To the Public FISHLEIGH'S HARDWARE STORE Smith & •Pethick's old stand. We're wide awake TO YOUR INTERESTS 1 ! f Our Furniture is easily sold because of the good value. there is in every article. See our medium price Bed- room Suits, at $11,5o, $14.75. and $15.25. For Sideboards, they are so conveniently made that you. will little wonder at their pop- ularity. Don't buy without seeing our $15.00 and $17.75. Boards, Couches - Just ask your neighbor about her $7.00 or $8.00 Couch. BALL BROSI, The People's Furniture Store, TELEPHONE 51 UNDERTAKING Rricic residence, lith ]louse west from Hamilton's Corner Drug Store, where night calls will receive prompt attention. vavvvvvavvvvvvavvavvvavvar vvavvavvavvavvavvvavvvvavv w• i FURNITURE for any room in the house, in different kinds of wood, all well made and well finished, Prices as low as can be had, e' r.F• 4 4, .4 You are cordially invited to look through our stock before purchasing furniture elsewhere. , • 41441 ' 41 41 41 41 r Furniture and Undertaking. ► The Furniture Store opposite the Post Office. - A AAAAAAAA41IJAA1AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAt, ► ► 0. As successor to John Ames in the MASSEY-HARRIS Agency, I wish to inform the public that a full line of the Massey -Harris farm appliances will be kept on hand. I have also secured the agency for Kemp's 20th Century Manure Spreader and the Waterloo Engines and Separators. Four only of the Wm. Gray & Son Buggies, must be sold. Now is your time for a bargain. ALF. GLOVER, AGENT,. - WINGHAM Vasbillder & Rodwell INTEND MANUFACTURING ► 0. ► ► ► ► i 0. ► ► ► 0. ► 0- 0- 0- 0 - As 0 - ► The Stewart Patent Blower and Cutter Attachment for any make of • Separators Orders Ieft with them will be promptly attended to. Threshers will do well to consult them for repairing and supplies of all kinds. SEE OUR BELTING 4, e have of Curtain Poles in all shades. Picture Framing promptly attended to. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON ANNAN SAAMAI •AA NNMNAAAAA AAAAA AAA NNAAA NNNNMAs - C C Shoes!1 Shoes,Shoos, G. CI JUST ARRIVED f A large shipment of g P Fall Boots, Shoes &Rubbers J: Oh, yes! and we have a few good cheap Bicycles for sale yet. Come and be convinced. T11 SAME OLD PLACE Victoria, Street WINGTIAM. AT J. BUTTON & CO.'S A THIRTY or BOOTS, S 1 Will commence SaIQray, YS' SALE �. ES AND RUBBERS S Sept. 5 in shoe leather ! The greatest bargains ever offered c u No old stock to offer o but you, up-to-date, at lowest prices. r thin eve y g new and • COME and see our swell Don Shoe. The great- est leather ever known. Made from imported Don Bright Colt Skins. Pure Rubber Heel on every had at any Nothing better in shoes can be pair. v price. Give us a call before you buy elsewhere. i i, WBUtt011 C0 INGHAM BUTTON BLOCK.. AN/ mAmmeit ovvomM MAPA #VNVOeV w.vv V.vW'VWVW.