HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-09-03, Page 6,> 3 TRE WINGUAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 3, 1903 ST. JAMES WAFERS gAKS10E STREHGTHTO`�fAK'. CUR UNCTION LW !SGr EY ENRICH THE BLOOD f 5TtiG THE CONSTITUTION nden,En9montreal,Can B�to 'PRICE, era--; PRICE. BRITAI N'4/- AMERICA alI Druggists & Chem: >`io•remedy covers so large a field of usefulness as ,51`. JAMES W 1 ERS. They are indicated whenever there is a weak condition, as they tone up the different organs and bring strength to the tissues. Palpitation of the heart, poor di- gestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves, anmmia, and chlorosis, are quickly relieved by ST. Tab= ` ArElis ; they also repair the waste caused by ar work and fatigue. ST. JAMBS WAFERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health andstrength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes much. "st. lames Wafers furnish a most powerful evidence of the vastly increased power of medi- cament by combination of judi- cious pharmaceutic prepara- ggood success when say patients ueeded strength." Dr. Charles Hall, Eng. Price in Canada: $1.00 ; "Six bottles for $5.00 St. James Wafers are not a secret remedy: tothe numerous doctors re- conaniending ts ue mail Me folrmutem laa upon request. Where dealers are not selling tce Wafers, they are mailed upon tract h:f St, Junes Wafers Ce..Canadiance at the 728 St. Catharine 5t., siontreal. nt.....— a �.. -... ...- . �.....- .•..�. �. _ -- at _-sir•••.-.-^�'"'s'.--•-^ y�,r.�.v.x�C- rW In pr del da co: the lenvals frm the Sanctum ill interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges 111r. Geo. Zilliax, whorecently sold his I Cue of the prettiest and most stylish 1 THE AGiLE OSPREY. hotel in Hanover, has purchased a hotel weddings Kiaoardine has seen for many i --- --- business, at Orangeville sill id nary iu a day tank Iliacs au 1'uNaday of last week i w ilanary airs and a Tragedy of a possession. Cy ..A.1911141 3C .E'a-. Bears the Tho Kind You BaseOhms Bough( Bigaaturo �.�c,���:��;'' �•d%G�eafze,if of + Peter Erb who leased bis WO acre farm last season owing to i11 health, stud ball knot was Berl by Rev. J. L. Murrey, moved to Ethel, has rented. Rory Mc D. D. father of the bride, assisted by Nfchol's GO acres, on the 4th con. Carey, Rev. P. J, McLaren, M. A., of Strabane, and �� ill 'neve there shortly. He was Out.,a brother-in-law of the bridegrco4, recently offered w 50O for his bra l: team be says, but will not sell as Ill+ ash 6C0 A sail and fatal aooident occurred on Ch1 Tuesday, August w5rb, wm,()'A'eil, Thursday evening, Aug. 20th, on the 8th of Ashfield, passed to his reward, aged eau. of Ctltriclr. the victim of which WAS Mr. Frederick Rubaolt, who owned 84 rears and 10 months. He bad been ill 1 at 26 Due mile east of Daeinertau, Mr. For just au instant he seemed to hang but a few days, and his passing away Rubach lead just finished threshing, and poisedlit t tho e air tllebut it was directionl of his still further limits the living pioneers of while in^the act of hauling the • machine motion; then down he went with a Trona Streain.. at 10 a. ni., in Knox Churoh. Tile tel A Uig brown and white laird came muted young people who were united in I sailing. np the trout stream, his long the holy bowls of wedlock were Miss 111, wings sttetebed far out to right and Alberta, eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr. left. He new slowly, for 11e was look- anwl airs. Murray, and Rev. 1 rederiek Ing for somethlug_soiuething that he Wilt. Anderson, M. A., assistant pastor wanted very much. He was (Wing bis to Dr. DuV til, of Winnipeg. The noir family marketing. Up In the top of a big pine tree a Mlle away his wife was sitting on a nest full of eggs, and it was both bis duty and his pleasure to find a supper for her, Suddenly he stopped short. He had caught sight of the thing for which lie was searching -- a dusky, shadowy shape, with an out- line like that of a submarine torpedo boat, lying moveless 1:i the clear water. Ashfield. For sixty-three years he was an honored resident, and leaves a grown up family iu various parts of the world. A FAMILY MEDICINE:. Mrs. D. Williams, Gooderhnm, P. 0., Ont., writes: "I have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for burns, scalds, sprains and bruises, and it has always given e,ntisfae- tion. It is 0 splendid family medicine, it can it be put to so many different uses." Price 23c. out of his barn, the lines which he was rush and a swoop. holding became eutanglod in his feet. The brook trout saw him coming and 2,Ir, Rubach was thrown to the ground, tried to dart away, but it was too late. directly under the wheel of the machine With a mighty splash the' osprey which struck him on the right side of struck the stream and `vent clear un - his body, and passed over his chest and der and out of sight, while the water boiled and surged over him. He could not see for the commotion about him, but his aim had been true, and his out- stretched feet touched a slippery, slimy, wriggling body that was' just beginning to gather headway. Quicker than a wink his toes closed about it and his sharp talons sank deep Into the trout's flesh. Then up he definite political views. A uewspaper came, rising out of the stream like is r of a living, writirg creature. It is some fabled monster of old and shak- simply the month -piece of its owner. tug the water from his feathers in a If its owner is a Liberal, his paper will shower of flying drops. Every thread give expression to Liberal views, will of muscle itt his wings and breast was working with all its might to lift that advocate a Liberal pohoy and supporta heavy trout. Up went the bird's great Liberal party. But there is no reason Pinions tin they were straight above why the owuer should not be an tilde- him; then clown they came, lashing the Pendent man—speaking and acting as he air like whips. Up again and down, up may thiuk best iu the interests of the and down, up and down, harder and hood slave of no man fester and fiercer, and little by little community—the Ire and his victim rose from the stream and of no party. And just in so far as till at last they were clear of the tree As he is honest And independent his tops, then straight away to the nest paper will be an i:idei.endent paper. in the old pine, ~where the wife was In this sense, we believe there are inde- waiting to make them both welcome.— pendent papers on both the Liberal and W. D. Hulbert in Leslie's Monthly. Conservative side of politics. True independence of this kind pays a man in the long run, and it pays a news- paper." The following dispatch from Melton appeared in the Torouto Star ou Monday last: "Residents here are experiencing the same difficulty that Toronto citizens The Wellington Fieldl�atnralists'Club experience by having a similarity in the reports the fall migration as now in pro- names of the streets. Letters and par - Owing to poor beth Fletcher Roe, of McKillop, has disposed of his farm to his brother, Edgerton, for the suer of $4,250. There are b3 acres. Mr. Rce will remove to Brussels and take a rest for a wbile hoping to regain his forint r vigor. He may not move for a few mouths yet. After reaching a depth of 1,700 feet tbe oil well contractor at Walkerton de- clined to go any further, and decided to jump the job, load up the machinery and get out. Mr. Richardson on behalf of the company applied for an injunction to restrain the contractor from remov- ing the machinery but the judge refused to grant it. NICE 1PORN. 111EDIC1NE ial _ sirs. Wm. Graham, Sheppardton.Ont, Pa- a ge dhands. , John Knox, who bus been appointed writes: "I have given my boy Dr. Low's jut• .*rhe wiarton Tycho ha.. chair' Worm Syrup, and find it an excellent• the The new proprietor is Rev. A. Lagan of turnkey at the Goderich jail in place of medicine. It is Hire to take, and a x Cheslsey who rt signed from the Presby- I the late Robt. Henderson, will enter up- does not make the child sick. Price 25c. .,a' terian ministry to enter journalism i ou his duties this month. fonTravellers' hendachpF ire quickly re- i C ..des. j `1' © -�- - > it, Iieved by Milburn's Sterling the Bears the Tha K;sd 'PA Haan than Batoht Pia Powders. They do not ups Signatureo¢��i������-,¢ , vol sell or tvesl:en the Inert. Price 10c and D lila 25c at all dealers, or by mail. The T. Tar Milburn Co.., Limited, Toronto, Ont. R. 13eith, 3I.P.Bowmanville:—"There Go We learn that Mr. Higgins, of T;s- is a great market to -day for the high- nokborne l'as threshed from 12 acres of stepping horses that have lots of action f land 375 bushels of wheet which he and •a pet'. spirit. Canadian farmers might spend their time in rearing such horses as these and make a good profit." eec are sold at 70 cents per bushel. Who .ay gum that farming does not pay? son Mr. Fred Illerepp, of the Black Horse, Mr. T. H. Rolls, of the Grand Cen goo• sent to the Luaknow Sentinel office o Listowei,has sold his entire lot of ex Silver Lake. They for the neat sum of $4,000, being almos pike,. lver Wednesday last, a cnti le of beautiful cattle, 50 head in all, to Mr. John S et ien from i a head. Theyare three -year-olds, OS were beauties,one of them weighing over $ and are expected to average 1,400 lbs. font and a half Pounds. s - evil Lifebuoy sap—drsin.ectant is strongly iii "Keep the head cool and the bowels g open" is sensf'ele advice to follow during recommended by the medical profession as '' tt ,1,:'aiul weather. If the bowels do a safeguard against infectious diseases. n_ b,6, not move regularly once a day use Lasa- eapLiver Pills. They are easy to take, and fail do not gripe, weaken or sicken. Price patt2ii°` f t Walkerton is now rid of smallpox. rrillThe tents used by the smallpox patients tioabave teen taken clown and the patients �nd diseharged. The loss of trade to the contlnerchants was heavy and the expense "considerable to the town. the side at his face. His ribs and chest were badly crushed and he died on the following Sunday afternoon. Deceased was 52 years of age and had been a resi- dent of Carrick for many years. The London Advertiser says :—"Real Independence is not incompatible with gression. On August 17 bands of Myrtle and Black -poll Warbles wore observed; and yesterday flocks of Redstarts. Cana- dian Warblers and Red -breasted Nu- thatches were noticed as having arrived from the north and passing throu: on t ,eir journey to their winter quarters. Mr. R. H. Knox has sold the north half of lot 9. con. 12, Hallett, containing 50 acres, to his brother, Mr. Wm. Knox, for $2600. %here are no buildings on the place and th- and is JIr. Knox still has 100 acres to sell, on which there are good buildings and which wonld make an excellent farm and home for someone. Mr. David Hoggart, of the 6th con. .A. determined fight is to be made by Hallett had two good milch cows and the Agricultural Department of the two spring calves killed by lightning 011 province to annihilate the Canadian Monday evening, Aug, 24th, during the thistle. If every municipality did its storm that prevailed all night. The duty in looking after pathmasters or four of' them were found lying dead other officers, whose business in part, is within a rod of each other under a tree. to eradicate the weed growth, the ques- At the age of 67 years the Base Line tion of curtailing the spread of thistles Goderich township, loses one of its oldest and other noxious weeds would soon be solved. In many cases the statute is a residents in the person of Isabella Wat- xsr. The best way to remove marks made kins, beloved wife of Jos. Watkins. faotcl)y hot water jugs on polished trays or She has been suffering for the past six Atallies is to make a thin paste of salad months from cancer and it was a happy oil and salt and leave it en the mark or relief to her when she bid them good-bye ftfcjngfor an hour. Then polish with a in death. dry cloth, and the mark will have dis-t To Provo to you that, Dr, appeared. tosi Chaco s Ointment is n curtain Pi! and absolute t es curs for each he It C •A• `� s'i' ®7R X ,Pa- . and every form of itching, The Kid 'in Hae Always Betels i bleedingand protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Sce tes• imonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors what they think of it, You can use it and , get your money back if not cured. 60c a box. at s11 dealers or B EDMt.t4ov,A•ros & Co.,Toronro, salt The following Goderich veterans of ? r. Ohase's Ointment ILLi`465 have received deeds for their land- ; 0 sPgrants in New Ontario, which are locat-A company of gypsies passed through reed ' Conreee township, 25 miles from ", Listowel recently having with them hitt Bears the opt Signature rod. of dead letter and the careful farmer is handicapped again and again •by this neglect. cels addressed to Melton are constantly going through the mails to Walton, -and much inconvenience is being experienced. It quite frequently happens that letters aro written in Melton that ask for an immediate reply, and owing to the writ- er of the reply not making the M vary rom the W, letters are passed ou to alton. Mallon people are now adding stscripte to their letters asking their lends to be sure to make a plain letter Recently several presents were sent to a Maltou young Iady, but it was three weeks after when she was apprised of the generosity of her friend. The M had not been distinctly made, and the presents were forwarded to Walton where they were delayed sufficiently long enough to give ample opportunity for the owuer to claim them." Death came to Hugh Radford on Fri- day last Aug. 21st and brought to a close the sufferings of one of Hullett's best citizens. He had been ailing for the past two years with a complication of diseases that defy medical skill, but it was only the past month that he was compelled to give up the reins of his active farm life. He was born in Bur- ford township in 1849, and moved into Hullet township with his parents when but a small boy. Twenty-eight years 116 :Port A.rthurt --John Bropbey. J. J. 1 something In the way of a freak, it being ago be married a Miss Vodden, another ell Wriglit, Wilson. Salkeld, John Mitchell a colt without a tail. Evidently nature resident of Hallett township, to whom nd A Straiton. Postmaker McCready of Harriston is tting np a new office—certainly not before it was needed. He intends to looking animal. have it atrially np to the times in all Mr. Henry Eickmeier has purchased 19 days. The deceased had been a soresnects. One feature will be "keyless sufferer with tuberculosis for five chimes," the locks of which are operated Peter Dippers farm on the 10th concis- months. The disease was acquired Wince those on a safe. This should be an1 slot el Carrick, The farm contains 108 from the effects of a bad cold, and stuck to the patient with all its fell destroying power until the last. Mrs. Gowdy was a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Nay, of Clifford, and had for nsver provided it with a caudel append- age, there being no bone where the tail should be. It is a yearling gelding, and but for the want of a tail is a promising was born four children. There died in Clifford on Wednesday evening, loth August, Mrs, Isaac Gowdy, aged 38 years,' 9 months, and PiTH AND POINT. The more culture the less jewelry. Night is only a tunnel to .111m who travels toward bops. What some folks call luck is in real- ity disaster to them. It is love of virtue, not fear of law, that makes civilization. A. plan's business may be a success and yet the man a failure. Don't weep over a bad crop. Get your laud ready and sow again. You can conquer your cares more quickly if you do not continually carry a long face. Whatever you may have in your purse, carry hope in your heart and spend it freely. There is no law against laughter, my friend. You are here on earth and en- titled to its sunshine. What fortunes are wasted by men and women who are struggling to know those who are hardly worth knowing! Keep on trimming your lamps, till- ing your soil, tugging and pegging away. You never can tell when the messenger of success will come.— .Schoolmaster. THE SHORTER COURSE. • Hurry the baby as fast as you can, Hurry bim, worry him, make him a man; Off with his baby clothes, get him in pants, Feed him onbrain foods and make him advance. Hustle bim, soon as he's able to walk, Into grammar school; cram him, with talk. Fill his poor head full of figures and facts. Keep on'a•jamtning them in till it cracks. Once boys grew up at a national rate: Now we develope a man while you wait. Rush him through college, compel him to grab Of every known subject a dip and a dab. Get him in business and after the cash All by the time he can grow a moustache. Let him forget he was ever a boy, Make gold his god and its jingle his joy; Keep him a -hustling and 'Blear glut of breath Until he wins—nervous prostration, and death. a4jmproyement on lock boxes, as it is pro - 621 bably easier to lose a key than to for- gei aCombination. CASTOR 1A For Infants tio Kind You Have Always Bought Dears the gnatttre of �1Cr. John McLeod, south of town, has rchased Mr. John Galbraith'S farm on ti 9th con. Mr. Galbraith has put. Mr. John Weir's farm on the ore road. We also understand. Ur. Chas Irwin has purchased Mr. s it con, form lOt the , and that . Frank Clegg, who has disposed of riff on the 13th eon., has purchased FMllahfty+ prarery and will moves town in the near future. Mrs. 11'bM said bet farm on the 10th . to Mr. Baronet Ferguson.— Gerrie acres and brought a very good price. Mr. Eickmeier's sons will work the farm. Mr.Dippel expects to move to Wallace township, where he will pro- bably buy a smaller farm. nearly all her lifetime lived in the town- `—"".."`— ship of Howiok, at and near Lakelet.. TOO rIISCEIE 2 DAYS. Her husband about a year ago disposed The Baily Star, Toronto Mr. Fred. Nedden, EI River Crossing, of his blacksmith shop hi Lakelet, an Tne Montreal Family herald and X. B., says: "I had toothache for two I moved to Clifford. A husband and fiveStar • • ' • .... 1 '15 days, and could get nothing to stop it small cVlildren aro loft to mourn her The Weekly Sun.. .. .. , 1' '5 until I got Lows Toothache Gam, which quickly oared me." Price 10c. loss. The Farmers' Advocate1 S Toronto Daily News ....... , 800 The Montreal Witness, Weekly.... 16(1 World Wide 1 50 Northern Messenger . 6 41 4 .. 120 The Daily World, Toronto........ 800 Montreal Daily Herald .., .. 200 • Farming World ............. t l 0 London Advertiser, weekly........ 1 50 Dailylobe ... 425 G If yon do not see what you want in the list let us hear from you. We can give clubbing rates on any newspaper or magazine. Address or call at TIMES OFFIOI, ngham " t i'i —Boston Transcript. Clubbing Rates The Travels of a Jewel. Fanny Kemble when in the United States years ago was persecuted by the attentions of a wealthy lunatic. When finally rejected by her he flung a pack- age upon the table, exclaiming, "Well, at least take this!" and disappeared. The parcel proved to contain a very beautiful jewel. The actress was not long permitted to retain it. She saw no more of her persecutor, but did not remain under any sense of obligation to him. The gem was stolen from her before she quitted ibe United States. She forgot all about it in the course of the years that followed. A very long time afterward she was in Italy. A peddler displayed the contents of his pack before her at Sorrento. There lay the long lost jewel. Through whose hands it had passed there was nothing to show. The %I:.i>:s clubs with the papers mentioned below at a reduced rate: For one year. The Times and The Weekly Globe The Weekly Mail ,.....,...ii160 155 2 25 It is recorded of Cornelius Vanderbilt that before he died he said to a friend; "I don't see what good it does me --all this money that you call :nine. I can't eat it, I can't spend it, I never saw It, and I never had it in my hands for a mo- ment. I dress no better than my private . as much secretary and I cannot eat e as any coachman. I live in a big servants'' boarding house, ant bothered to death by beggars, have dyspepsia, cannot drink champagne, and most of my money is in the bands of others,who' 'mit mainly for their own benefit."--Excbange. Authorized Life of rope Leo XIII MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy lady or gentleman in ea& district to manage our business and start agents in the sale of the Official and Au- tho4zed Life of Pope Leo XIII. Book Jested under the imprimatur of Cardinal reed bythe leading and endo Gibbons t Archbishops and priests tlrrotigleent the United Stated and Canada; printed in both English and French; $20.00 straight cash salary and expenses paid each week direct from headquarters; expense money advanced; position 'permanent. Address DAM $. Cr..5.1t1tsoii, 324 Doar• born Street, Chicago. r. FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans. Tabules. Theyare easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans. Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people --but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. tea :.i Peppermint Droprl. To make peppermint drops take a cupful of sugar crushed fine and just moistened with boiling water; then boil five minute"; take from the fire and add cream of tartar the size of a pea; mix well and add half a teaspoonful of essence of peppermint; beat briskly until mixture whitens, then drop quick- ly upon white paper; have cream of tartar and essence of peppermint meas- ured while tbe sugar is boiling; if it sugars before it is all dropped add a little water and boil a minute or two. Wintergreen drops are made the same way by using half a teaspoonful of essence of wintergreen. o.` re ti .. DON'T BE AN ASS. cloth s you areou are yparticularrof as to tithe honor esty d reputation of the. merchant. Your health is of 11 more importance than either, yet you let quacks, medical fakirs and other humbnre deceive you by , their deceptive offers of something, for nothing. +.e +rAfter being defrauded by these medical sharks you ? • ter-�, think all doctors are rogues, whereas, you alone � ,Y, • ' are to cels blame. eiryhonestyr andeiresponsibilityand mthem evis specialists. We have been located in Detroit 25 years and can give best of bank references. READER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you. contempla- ting marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for jou. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treateds you, write for an honest opinion free of charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FR,... —"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), On Dieeases of Neu. C;a'No Hames used without written consent. Private. No Medicine sent C. O. D. No names on boxed or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat- ment FREE. �7g�; DRS. KENNEDY & KERaAN, No. 148 SHELBY EITIZEET. DETROIT, MICR. A • • . feet All work promptly executed at most reasonable prices. IF YOU W The White Nan In Africa. "The footprint of the white plan is like the footprint of the elephant," says a Swazi native proverb; "it re- mains in the ground," Another proverb: "White men are like and yet unlike quails. When you see one in your country you will soon see.a flock. Ent the quails leave yowl again, the'white men never." GOO jo Comparing Notes. "So Mr. Smilax told you his heart was broken when you refused him," said Maud. "Yes," answered 3tarnie. "The !Impudence of hint to offer ane damaged goods the next dayl"• tempi:roes. "To tell you the truth"-.. "Sh-sh-relit Don't try it, old tnani George Washington did that once, and look at him now—he's dcad1"—Baltl• . e i P ii Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads, Statements, Calling Cards,. Tickets, Hand Bills, Notes, Order Blanks, Booklets, Circulars, Or anything else in the printing line, you will make nor• mistake by leaving your order at this office. We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time. Call at, or address THE TINES OFFICE MANED, BLOOI OSErIIINE STEEET - s. WINGHAM.