HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-09-03, Page 4!ME WI G11A : TIMES, SEPTEMBER 3, 1903. WC, ARE $OL.E AGENTS Drs tlesse's Stock Goods G• C. A. Campbell The Druggist WINGHAM. CHURCH NOTES. I HU Rev. N. S. Burwash preached in the Methodist church at Blyth ou Sunday last. The pastor, Rev. IL Holmes, is away on hie holidays. Rev. John Reyaclds, a superannuated Methodist minister, aged 70 years, died suddenly at Walkerville on Friday. He had occupied different charges in West - era Ontario. C TO ADVERTISERS The regular Sacramental services in connection with the Wiughaui Presby- terian church will be held. on Sunday morning next. The usual preparatory services will be held on Friday evening at 7.30 oclock. The improvemeuts to the Vroxeter Presbyterian church cost nearly $300. The collection at the re -opening services amounted to $112, The iuduotiou of Rev. Mr. Perrin, the new pastor, will take place ou Thursday, Sept. 17th. RON COUNTY W. C, T. U. CONVENTION. The sixth annual convention of Huron Couuty Women's Christina Temperruce Union was held in the village of Zurich on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 25.2G. The meeting opened ou Tuesday after. noon with a. eouseoratioti service, con- ducted by Mrs. G. Acheson, provincial secretary, of Goderich, and Mrs. (Rev.) Greece, Clinton. At 2,20 the convention was called to order by the president, Mrs. E. P. Paulin, of Dashwood. The roll of officers and supertutendeuts be- ing called, the corresponding secretary and treasurer presented their reports, the latter showiug a balance of $1.5.88 after meeting all demands of the year. Next came the president's address, which was brimful of eucourageuient regarding the past, and full of hope for the future. The election of officers was then proceeded with, resulting as fol- lows:—President, Mrs. E. P. Paulin, re- elected by au overwhelmiug majority; vice president, Mrs. G. Achesou, Gode;r• ieh; recordiug secretary, Mrs. H.Hooper, Exeter; corresponding secretary, Miss B. M. Steinbach, Zurich; treasurer, Mrs. J. G. Seale, Clinton. The public nieeting on Tuesday even- ing was one et very great interest; the pastor of the church, Rev. W. J.Yeagor, occupied the chair and expressed his great pleasure in meeting with the W. 0. T. U. workers, welcoming them cor- dially to the village and ohurch. One of the trustees read a very suitable and touching address of welcome whish was responded to in a most comprehen- sive address by Mrs. Hooper, of Exeter. Then came a solo, entitled "Won't you sign our pledge," by Master Percy Pau- lin, after which the address of the even- ing was given by Rev. R. Hobbs, of Strathroy. Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Heusall, was advertised for the occasion, but at a late hour toned that it was im- possible for him to be present. Mr. Hobbs on very short notice came to the rescue and delivered one of his telling lectures. He gave the testimony of the jail inspector for Ontario to the effect that of all the male prisoners,nine-tenths, and of the females nineteen -twentieths, were there through drink. He also gave statistics to show that 4,000 go down to death annually in Canada alone, and in the United States 70,000 through drunk- enness. He closed his address with a stirring temperance solo, entitled, "Let Canada be free," after which Mrs.Baid- win, of Seaforth, sang a solo. At nine o'clock on Wednesday morning the convention opened with devotional exercises, conducted by Mrs.J.P.BrOwu, of Goderich. The principal part of the forenoon was taken up with reports by the county superiuteudeuts of the work done iu the different departments. These reports elicited considerable discussion and brought out many features of im- portant work being carried on. Encour- aging reference was made to the W. C. T. U. missionaries, Mr. Leckie and Miss Sproale, who are laboring among the lumbermen and scattered settlors in Algoma and Muskoka. These haye not been forgotten, comfort bags and liter- ature to a considerable extent having been set through the year,and douatious 'of money towards the payment of salar- ies. The juvenile departmeut is being vigorously pushed, and many Sunday School scholars are reported as having signed the pledge. The pulpit of the Methodist Church was acceptably filled on Sunday last by Rev. C. P. Wells, B. A., B. D., of Ethel, who preached both morning and evening. Rev. Mr, Wells is one of the younger ministers who has a promising future be- fore him in his chosen calling. Rev. Dr. Gundy was preaching anniversary mo s on the Ethel circuit. t 1„a ERSONALS. atice of changes must be left at t p office not later than Saturday noon. ti The copy for changes must be left n ` not later than Monday evening. o. Casual advertisements accepted up tr to noon Wednesday of each week. 13. $i ESTABLISHED 1872. nt t`1IIE WINat1AM TIMES. „ B.ELLIOTT. PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR Pt . at THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1.903. Itt It NOTES AND COMMENTS. ptThe present session of Parliament dated 17,5 days, which is three days long dathan that of 1485, the longest Parlia- Matery session in Canadian history, 13o far the departmeut of Crown Lands s registered 9,700 applications for land Pe im the veterans entitled to the grants hider the act passed by the Legislature. aft less than 3,000 of these have asked hahhave their quarter sections all located. fore others may take up their land any _elite within two years. It is expected wait about 12,000 grants of 150 acres for val'lt will be made all told. That means the90,000 acres of Iand to be dispose Tam the unoccupied lands of the o Mr. T, H. Ross returued home Manitoba on Friday last. Mr. Morris Ross, of Ottawa is ing at his home in town. Mrs. (Dr.) Lenuan of Ripley was the guest of Mrs. A. H. Hamilton this week. Miss Nora Holmes, of Brussels has beeu visiting with relatives in Wingham. Mrs. Prince, of Walkerton is visit- ir,�; with her brother, Mr. Percy Hill. Mrs W. Barrand, of Detroit, is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. W. G. Patter- son. ser - from visit - great assistance rendered the conveutiou by the presence of Rev. J. Greene, of Clinton, whose moral courage iu taking the stand he does against the iniquitous traffic, will prove a power for good in the advancement of the cause. 'Ave Stock Markets. Toronto, Sept. 1.—Business was very quiet to -day at the western cattle market, the total number of cattle received being only 508. The day's run was 45 cars, including 1,293 sheep, 322 hogs and 32 calves. Exporters were weak and iu poor de- mand, though the few loads offered were sold. The top price quoted was $4,80 per cwt., and others of the same class sold down to $4,40. There were not a great many butchers' cattle on sale. Lambs were dull and sheep steady. Business was brisk at the Union Stook Yards, Toronto Junction, today, and fairly good prices were realized. The run was 115 cars, inoluding 1,975 cattle, 407 sheep, 125 pigs and 45 calves. The hog market was weaker to -day, with a light run. Prices were 85c per cwt. lower than the quotations of the previous market day. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. $4 60 tip 5 00 4 50 8 75 8 50 •••••••••••*SS••e.S.sa•rNro•oN•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••es THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE , + • • Mrs. D. E. McDonald is spending a week with relatives and friends in Mil- tsm. Miss Millie McGillivary has returned from her visit with Detroit and Windsor friends. Mr. P. J. Laver, of Mansfield, Ohio is visitiug at Mr. Geo. P. Wells' in Lower Wiugham. Mr. A. Waite, of Toronto, was visit- ing at Mr. D. Campbell's,Frances street, over Sunday. Mrs. R. G. McGuire of Rydal Bank, Algoma is visiting with her parents Mr. c�nd Mrs. L. Fyfe. The Misses Louisa and Mande Fleuty of Wingham are visiting friends in town. Kincardine Reporter. Miss Nettie Linklater has ,returned home after a mouth's visit with friends in Chatham and Ridgetowu. Mr. A. M. Fralick has returned home from his trip to the West. Mr, Fralick went as far west as Edmonton. Mrs. A. Waite and son, Campbell, of Toronto are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. D. Campbell, Frances st. Mr. John Anderson and son, Arnold, of Detroit, were visiting his brother-in- law, Mr. C. Knechtel, a few days this week. Mr. R. H. Crowder made a business trip to Toronto and Montreal this week, purchasing new goods for the fall and winter. Mrs. F. McCracken, of Morris town- ship, near Brussels was visiting with her sister Mrs. John McCracken, Frances street for a few days last week. Mrs. D. J . Geddes returned to her home iu Detroit on Saturday after a two weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ohn McCracken, Frances st. J. Wilson, V. S., accompanied by Mrs. Wilson, was in Ottawa this week, attending the annual meeting of the Dominion Association. Mr. and Mrs. A.. K. Gifford and son left for London on Tuesday, where they Goice. floc feeEche Ontario Bureau of Mines has 41% are its report for 1903. The first 5 a.<sees are devoted to statistics for the sonrtr 1902. The statistical tables tell a gooey of steady developement, and of in - ase both in the quantity and value of , yield. The number of joint stock nin; companies organized during 1902 Ts 58, with a capital of $48,650,000, as eve, pared with 47 in 1901, with a capital i'n e$27,716,000. The total mineral pro- fieeetion, metallic and non-metallic, was Th ,3`1I,t3.1, against $11,831,086 in 1901. cap: full'A North Huron Pioneer,” writing patTT$e Wingham TIMES, suggested. the 4f 'tmation of an historical society to wilfserve the memory of the Huron tlOutaeers. He seems to have North matron especially in mind, but we be- cen4e it would be well to have such a OC?iety embracing the whole county in rS�C 8C0pe. Huron is rich in material fo actk historian, and the present genes is lin should recognize as a pleasant duty A, collection and compiling of iufor- itfotion relative to the early settlers of trs tract, who laid so good a foundation rgsl thnse who were to come after. Some- fineng might also be done in the preser- he lion of historical spots, such as the hetinlop tomb on Saltford hill. It is oyirphatieally a case in which "a stitch rodtune saves nine." With the lapse of entire and the departure one by one of ul ft older people it will become constant - 0 8liharder to secure reliable data regard- orre the pioneers, and we commend "A he We Huron Pioneer's" suggestion as ell a, which be acted upon at onoe.— Signal. heavy Light Bulls do., light Feeders light,800 pounds and up- wards 3 25 Stockers 3 00 900 lbs 3 00 Butchers'— Choice Medium Picked Bulls Rough Light stock bulls Milk cows Hogs— Best Lights Sheep— Export Bucks Culls Spring Lambs Calves, each 4 40 3 50 8 00 JOHN & JAS. H. KERR • e••••••••••••o••t••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••eaestme••••••••••••••••••••• • r 385 3 40 3 50 4 00 4 25 3 50 3 90 4 25 4 65 3 00 8 25 3 00 225 800 30 00 45 00 6 25 6 25 600 600 erich OS itAnse tr.. Y - afir a "My hair canis out by the hard r,i� rul, and the gray hairs bean to 14 relsin. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. �i ,(#u ii et.ap ed the hair from co ing out and restnrel tire color.' Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Salem, lMisrs, There's a pleasure in offering al ch a p r, P ara- ion aAyer'sHairVigor. t gives to all who use it uch satisfaction. The air becomes thicker, _tiger, softer, and more lossy. And you feel so secure in using such an d anti -citable prepara- tori. SI.o a bottle. All drat}Isis. rf vane dtnUIet oxt,nnt entkply Yon, „e � 0u wt end we W IIIR- exptees !` bottle. Be sato end live the exam ibM.r`lt sitrro�be *Mee. Ad,lrexs, J. C. A,m Co„ Lowell. Muse. The afternoou session was opened with a prayer and testimony meeting conducted by Mrs. Greene. Mrs. Aches- on presented the report of the committee on recommendations and resolutions, as follows: That the year's work be open- ed with earnest prayer iu all the Unions for deeper spirituality among the mem- bers, and that greater efforts be made to increase the membership. 2, That officers in the different departments pay particular attention to all correspon- dence from county officers, and endeavor to reply promptly to all communications. 3, That we heartily express our grati- tude to the proprietors of newspapers who have kindly placed a column at our disposal. and request that all press sup- erintendents avail themselves of the privilege thus offered. 4, That to view with anxiety the growing tendency throughout the land towards the desecra- tiou of too Sabbath, and to depreciate the more public violation of the law re- specting the day, we are especially pain- ed to know that so many connected with the churches are implicated. The habit of driving to, and spending hours of the Sabbath at different points on the lake and elsewhere, involving in many cases hiring of rigs, etc, thus neglecting the services of God's house, we deeply de- plore. We desire also to express our sincere sympathy with the Lord's Day Alliance in their blessed work, and call upon our sisters everywhere to unite with us in prayer that God may prosper more and more. These recommenda- tions were enthusiastically endorsed by the convention. •t A peculiarity of this business is its absolute regard for the truth n advertising. We intend. that you shall accept our store • literally, which means that we will stick to facts and use plain English. You will find goods and prices in this storeexactly • g represented in our advertisement. • SoSo®on should know about • • fashions in •FALL • • • it DRESS GOODS r • • • Zibeline Cloths, plain and fancy • are certainly'leaders for the fall sea- • son. 3 25 8 35 2 50 2 75 225 300 4 00 4 25 2 00 8 00 • • • • • • • • F.VINGTJA11I MA.ILHET REPORTS Wingham, September 2, 1903. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank. Flour per 100 lbs. 1 65 to 2 25 Fall Wheat .. 0 68 to 0 72 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, Bar Pea Tur intend residing and where Mr. Gifford will attend the Western Medical College. • • • • • • • • • • • • Cheviots come in a good second, while other fashionable goods come in the following order: Snow Flake Mixtures Fancy Fleck Tweeds Camels Hair Mixtures Broadcloths Venetians Friezes Homespuue Plain Tweeds, etc. We will be pleased to show you these goods and quote prices. • • • • • REMNANT SALE •• • • We have been going through our •stock and have taken out all short ends and pat them on sale as remnants • Most of them are Prints regular 10c • and 12 4c goods and the lengths are from 3 to 8 yards. All good lengths. • We're selling lots of things below • the market. But everybody doesn't • know yet the money to be saved • buying here. • • Children's Handerchiefs, our spec- • ial price 3 for 5c. • .- IVIALT VINEGAR We have it in stock. Its the best vinegar to use for pickles. You'll like your pickles much better if you use Malt Vinegar. PICKLINC SPICES We carry a fall line of Pure Spices, whole and ground. Whole mixed Pickle Spice, Mustard Seed, Tamer - lc, Coriander Seed,Mace,Anise Seed, Cayenne, Celery Seed, Cloves, Chili Peppers, Cinnamon, Curry Powder, Allspice,RoOt Ginger,Whole Pepper, eto. RIPE TOMATOES It will pay you to leave your order at this store for Ripe Tomatoes, PEACHES Early Crawford Peaches are now ready. We will be pleased to fill your orders. Don't delay. MEN'S RUBBER COLLARS Will wear for months, always ready. Will keep pure white. They are very comfortable and always look well. Price 25e each. r • .��.0 • MENS' FURNISHINGS When yon want a New Suit , of Clothes come here for it, We make it pay you to come here. We carry a good line of Imported and Canadian Tweeds, Serges, Wor- steds, Fancy Worsteds, Overcoating, etc. We guarantee quality of goods, workman6liip and perfect fit. A Suit made to your order from strictly High Class Pure Wool Fab- ric with best first class trimmings is the kind that brings satisfaction to the wearer. UNDERWEAR r • 0 • • • 0 • 0•0 r • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Our men's and boys' Fall Under- • wear is all in stock and values are • better than ever. That is saying a a a great deal in the face of a rising • market. • • 00• • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • Men's Wool Fleece Shirts and Drawers, only 50c each. Men's Heavy Ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers each 50o. Men's All Wool Unequalled, Un - shrinkable Underwear. You can't shrink them. The most comfortable and satisfactory Shirts and Drawers for fall and winter. Price 500 to $1.00 each. • y •.• ......• 0 25 to 0 40 Bari 025t0030•sett•••tt••••••••O•e••••e•••e••••ette••e••00••••••m•••0e••e•tt••••••••O®••••Oe••e• • • s 065to070 • nrkey8, drawn011 to 012 JOHN & JAS. H. KERR se, 0 07 to 0 08 • Due per pair o 11000000000000001110110001110004 10000 CD 00000 • BLOCK, •S0Sooa settDose•a••o••o•ososese••••e••eesse•••o•oosseee0•••• • • 0 060to075 • 0 Chicken .. 0 30 to 0 75 • - - WINOHAM• Butter 0 15 to 0 15 Eggs per doz 0 14 to 0 14 Wood per cord 2 00 to 2 50 Hay , per ton 6 00 to 7 00 Potatoes, per bushel new0 35 to 0 35 Tallow per lb 0 05 to :0 06 Lard ... . ,. 0 131 to '0,13 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 4e - Wool .. 0 16 to 0 18 Live Hogs, per cwt. 5 75 to 5 75 Mr. James Fleuty, who has been visit- ing with his son, Mr. W. J. Fleuty, of the Southampton Beacon for the past two mouths, returned home on Satur- day. Mr. O. E. Robinson, of Ingersoll, was in town ou Tuesday, Mr. Robinson was in Wingham to see how things were looking for the starting of an evaporator here. M'r. and Mrs. Peter Campbell have re- turned home after a very enjoyable driving trip. They visited with friends in Crosshill, Milverton and Mornington Township. Mr. Frank Hill is visiting with his 'parents in Lower Wingham. He sang a solo in the Methodist church on unday evening that was much preciated by the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grierson, of Wing - ham were guests of b NJ. L. Aitken one day this week. They were on a driving tour through the dis- trict,---Goderich Signal. Mr. Wm. Mason, of Dundas, has been visiting with old friends in Wingham this week. Mr. Mason is a former resi- dent of Wingham and ran a tanning business here nearly thirty years ago. Mr. R. Holmes has returned from an extensive upper lake and Mackinac Isld. ALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINDHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. The closing meeting on Wednesday evening was most inspiring, the church being well filled. The chair being occu- pied by the president, who was in her happiest mood. Prayer was offered by Mr. E. P. Paulin, and the Scripture lesson read by the pastor. Mr. Rennie jr., rendered a beautiful solo, after which Mrs. Acheson, in her clear and ex- pressive manner, gave a sketch of the origin, design and progress of the work of the association. A short but eloquent address by Rev. J. Greene, was followed by a speech by Rev. R. W. Knowles, of Credition, who is a forcible and eloquent speaker; he in a most logical manner showed the illegality of legalizing the liquor traffic on the grounds that is is the function of law to make it easy to do right and difficult to do wrong. Treasurer's Sale of Lands For Taxes. TOWN OF '1VINDHAM, COUNTY OF HURON, TO WIT : DY virtue of a warrant under the hand of 13 the Mayor and seal of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham, in the Comity of Huron, bearing date the twenty-third day of July. 1903, and to me directed, commandin • me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list for arrears of taxes due thereon and costs therein set forth, I hereby give notice that unless the said arrears and hosts are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof as shall he necessary for arrears and costs, at the Town Hall in the said Town of Wingham, on Saturday, the seventh day of November, in the year 1903, at the hour of four o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance with the provisions of the Assessment Act. Arrears. Costs. Totals. Lot No. 10, on the north side of Albert street, Jane Sadler's survey, patented Lot No. 10, on the west side of Catherine street, Leet and Mc - Hay's survey, patented trip, and is now in Toronto with Sts family at their fine Lakeside residence for the two weeks of the Exhibition. They expect to return to Wingham about the middle of this month. Mrs. Thornley, Principal President, of London, was to have addressed the meeting, but on account of illness could not be present. A resolrttion tendering thanks to the trustees of the olinrch, the Zurich friends for their hospitable entertainment of the dele- gates, the two little pages, and to all who in any way contributed to the success of the convention, was moved by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Greene. The meeting was brought to a close by singing "God be with you till we meet again.” At both evening meet- ings the pledge card was circulated, and a number of signature obtained. On account of the place of meeting be- ing sornewhatout of the way, and the weather on Tuesday morning being showery, many were prevented from attending; notwithstandingg it was one of the most profitable yet held, and we have reason to believe that the fluenco'+pon those who attended, upon the place where held, will prove lasting and helpful. Special mention was made of the 858.22 88.50 Special Prices IN... 861.78 6.31 2.25 8.50 Dated, Treasurer's Wingham,uly 30th, li .L B. FERGUSON, Treasurer. --RINGS --WATCHES —BROOCHES --BRACELETS and all lines of Jewelry until further notice. From centre to crust The Market Bakery. Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rieh, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A EPEC'ALTY We have all the latest machin- ery, and there is no need of sending to the pity for your bread or pastry, D, LOUGHEED Opposite Presbyterian ()parch. Halsey Park �sVVVYYYYY'VVVYYYYVYYYVYYVY yYVVVVYVVVYVVVVYYVYYYYVYYV. 4 F. 4 4 1:i wE HAVE 4.4 4 4 ► 4 • 1 O.F.:THE STOCK . II ' ► 4 OP 4 4 Io. 4 4 0. to.r P' -ome d: our '- - - �. __�� -.a it see 4 Jeweler and Optician. isagiSato••: MR II mm�un, Juup. ASK U$ QUESTIONS S 4 [Wrappereffes. ► 4 C In all colors ; beautiful goods at 10c per 1 C yard. .a ► 4 VP4 [FIanneIIeUes . ► Wide and heavy, regular 121c, for lOc. w White Shaker, special. at 6c. - 4 4 4 — the ques- tions q about our 11 g tions you like. 'You're interested. Scrutinzie everything carefully— critically arefully-- bbitom - if inside A d out rem top to See that everything is as it should be. Our reputation guarantee the unseen parts—and the whole gar - went will be the ontcome of paved, and skill is snaking. Our prices couldn't be lower. Re MAXWELL. Mart ART TAltOR. :Cheap Plaid Goods for Comforters r r r Muslins, Prints, 1 f 4 4 4 t Basket Cloth, 1 Ladies' Vests and Cotton Hosiery all go at cost. 4 Beautiful Black Underskirts at a reduc- 810 n. Handsome Cushion Tops We sell Butterick Patterns. 4 IT• A. MILLS] 5. aa`uAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i►AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA