HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-09-03, Page 1THS WINGHAM TI
New Gooris
We have now a full stock
of Gents' Furnishings, and
can assure you that any-
thing bought from us is
right -up-to-the-minute and
at right prices.
" .. TIES
and everything in connec-
tion with the Gents' Fur-
nishing department.
In Tweeds you will always
find our stock new and up-
to-date, and we can assure
you a perfect fit, and at
right prices.
'Remember, we sell cheap
Homuth Bros.
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $2,980,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,330,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 300. June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
R. Vanstone. Solicitor.
Early Peaches come along ou
the first of August,
the end of
Late ones last until
But there is probably only one
week duriug that time when every
condition is favorable for canning.
Early fruit isn't firm; it spoils
quickly, and hasn't the proper flavor.
Late fruit is hard, small, and o
inferior quality.
In between them is a time
the fruit is large, ripe, cheap.
We think that time is this wee
Buy it here and get the best ther
is grown.
R. A, Hutchison
Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000,00.
Reserve Fund, $f,700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of 'choice farm n
for sale, in 60, 75, 100, 160 and 200 acres, to , n
Kinloss, Greenock. Bruce, Kincardine, Hu
and Ashfleld Townships. Good lands it
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy t ms,
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a ong.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for Bale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale the
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cont. For further par.
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent, Holyrood.
Real Estate
You cannot invest your money in anything
better than a good farm or business property
in town.
I have some excellent value in farm pproper-
ty'at the present time. For those who are
looking for farms to buy, I might just say that
it will pay you to have a look at what I have to
offer you.
Just a word to those who have property to
dispose of: Letine find that "other man for
you, I have ten chances to your one. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed.
C. .7. rnseEstate Agent.
(Office upstairs iiVanueblc
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
Message i
A fine of $10 was
office inspector M
young man, aresi
although aware t
the law, had inc
a newspaper pre
President-• HON. WM. GlnsON.
Viae-Pteriident and
General manager •-J, TURNBIILL.
eooReeneeJhnS. Hendee, Ge. Ruthfod.
Aeeistant General Managor,-H. S. STlrgirr.
inspector—H. M. WATsoN.
1Atringd Bank—Bourg 10 to 11: Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, and. Computed on the 80th No-
vember and 81st May each year and added to
Hlleoial Deposits also received et current
rotes of interest.
Drafts on ,Ireat Britain and the MTnited
Stated Bouglitand sold.
Trevellord ro notified that the Bank of Rain -
Ilion and It Branches issue Circular Rates of
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
'which can be cashed 'without charge or trout..
ble in any;)Itart ante world.
W. GOR]tiOtYLI, .Agent
VIDItllltbON•& B OIXTLES, Solicitors.
imposed by the post-
nday morning, on a
ent of London, who,
t it was contrary to
sed correspondence in
id at newspaper rates
The up-to-date farmer uses the Verity
plows, because they are the best. Sold
by Alf. Glover, Wingham.
The Times and Weekly Globe sent to
any address until January 1st, 1904 for
35 cents.
A Seriou Accident.
Mrs. J. Gallagher Howick townshi
met with a very serio s accident in Wing -
ham on Saturday orning. In com-
pany with Mrs. Bry s, Mrs. Gallagher
was driving in a bu y and •in turning
the corner at St. Paul's church the
horse fell and Mrs. allagher was thrown
from the buggy to he hard sidewalk.
In the fall she brok one of her knee
caps. The unfort ate woman was re-
moved to the ho of Mr. T. L. Jobb
and medical aid immoned. As Mrs.
Gallagher is well in years it will take
some time for her o recover from the
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Property ransfer,
Mr. W. F. YauSt , ne has sold his st• e
property next to the Macdonald block ` o
Mr, H. H. Wightm n. The price pa
was $2000 which is everal hundred morn
than Mr, VanSton for the proper -
t some time ag. It is a g bu8ixresa
stand. Mr. ' anS • ne will continue to
coup • part of the building as an office.
A few of the Wm. Gray & Sons cele-
brated baggies must be sold. ,Call an
get a bargain at Alf. Glover's implem
Tannery w I Re -open
Our many reader will be pleased o
learn that Mr. W. ' Chapman's tanne
is about to re -open or business, Messr
W. D. Pringle and Robt. Groves hay
leased the propert and will , .men
i .e course of a +:w da ... _.oth these
gentleme i e or. er residents of Wing -
ham and they will .e welcomed bank to
town by a large c ale of friends. We
wish them succes
Fon SALE.—Three buggies, good as
new; one light spring wagon; one steam
engine and boiler—engine 18 h. p. and
boiler 28 h. p. Apply to Geo. McKenzie.
Wingham'- Fall Fair.
The directors are putting forth every
effort to make the ,11 fair a success this
year. The list of tractions are the best
ever offered by the i rectors. The direc-
tors havo sent at invitation to R. R.
Gamey, M. P. P. or Mauitouliu to be
resent on one of he days of f the fair,
H. ' iveu i c1.ia and o
SALE or FURNITURE—The following
articles will be offered for sale by private
sale:—Two bedroom suites, bedstead,
extension table, lounge, sideboard. parlor
organ, kitchen sink, heating stove and
pipes, number of glass jars, and other
articles. Terms cash. R. C. Kittson,
west end of John street.
The financial me
District of the Me
held in the church
this week. At the
ports were read sho
ous churches in the
very good finauci
afternoon the minis
a convention in the
ley Bioontenary. It was decided to hold
versary in Ootober
nniversary early In
ont churches of the
a very good attend•
eetiff in the sw'a'n,
presiding. Eice1'
delivered by 'ger.
of Kincardine and
s, of Gorrio. The
shed music at that
class talent is be
Certs to be held
fair. Remembe
ber 24th and 25t
g secured for the con -
both evenings of the
the dates are Septem-
A Good Pa
Mr, Johu Martin
and five team of hon
oats off the stook and
hels of grain, cut the
ame in the barn
to Separat
cutter attached was
extraordinaril;,y good
c%w beat it?
s Work.
ith twelve men
8, drew 45 acres of
hreshed 2,800 bus-
traw and put the
iu one
wer and straw
ed. This is an
ay's work. Who
—See the ne
Coopers'. „see'"`
Farmers bring along yo wheat, oats,
peas, and barley to re" ry's storehouse
which will be open • ry business clay
and where you will receive the highest
market price for all kinds of grain.
strict Meeting.
ting of the Wingham
hodist Church was
lore on Tuesday of
orning meeting ro-
ving that the vari-
district were in a
1 position. In the
rs and laymen held
nterest of the Wes,
the Bicentenary ant
and the missionary
January in the diffe
district. There vval
p t
ing,Rev. Dr. land'
lent addresses Were
Jos. Philp, B. D.,
Itev. J. W. Holm
church choir fur
evening meeting.
Messrs Cassels
number of chang
since they took p
ago. The interior
brightened with a
whitewash. Sev
added, including
age, with rubber
bus is being give
The new firm ha
ber of good driv
one of the best
and bus lines i
are always sur
Cassels & Carr
& Co. will give prizes for September
eggs as follows :—First prize, tailor made
skirt, value $3.00, to customer bringing in
the greatest number; 2nd prize, pair boots
value $2,00; 3rd prize, ladies' waist, value
m Livery.
Carr have made a
in the livery stable
session a few weeks
of the stable has been
resh coat of paint and
al ue* rigs have been
new two -seated carrz-
ires. This week their
a fresh coat of paint.
also purchased anum-
ug horses and have now I
quipped livery stables
Western Ontario. You
of a good turnout from
livery stable.
A Busine s Change.
Mr. A. H. Carr h
fit ur and feed busi
do- ice on Minnie roti
e have u•
Carr intends doin
s this week sold hi
ess and also his resi-
Zr. Tosnw-
learued what MT.
The up to -date farmer uses the Verity
plows, because they are the best. Sold
by Alf. Glover, Wingham.
. New Ho el Stable.
1 $oaks at
Mr. Ales Orr, ge ial proprietor of that
pular hotel, tb' runswick, will com-
nce erection of stable iu .t few days.
7. building will b 40 x G0ft,built of ne-
t stone blocks a d finished through -
n the most.mo tat style. Mr. Orr
be commended for his enterprise.
structure will of his own design.
Labor Pay oliday.
Next Monday been- Labor Day will
be a public holiday, a will go by with-
out any effort on the .: rt of our citizens
o have a celebration a d keep our poo-
ls at home and s.entheir money iu
t. Here is where . e town is a oser
a good many dollar in the course of
year in not holden celebrations on
ub '. holida' = All .: aces o biTilness
will be clgsed ;for the . y and no doubt
many of the local bow -rs will spend the
day on the green. ' e Maccabees o
Teeswater and Wing am will hol
union picnic at Teesw ter.
Municip; I Ownership
Acton's tax rat
4 less than last y
did showing of th
the probable recei
penditure uy $600.
did showing in fa
ership of electric
ham's council wil
at the next coup
bably submit a b
to declare for or
ership of the ale
is 19 mills this year
r • ue
specie r -
estimates i$ the splen -
electric light plant,
• is exceeding the ex -
This is another spleu-
or of municipal own -
light plants. Wing -
deal with this question
1 meeting and will pro-
-law to the ratepayers
gainst municipal own-
tric light plant.
Fon SALE the town of Wingham,
lots 4 & 5 on the est side of Josephine
St., on which is tooted a cider mill
with all equipmen s; will be sold very
cheap. Apply to,
C. J. MAGUin1 Real Estate Agent,
I. 0. O. F.
On Thursday e
Messrs. T. 3, Ellie
J. D. McEwen, J.
E. H. Kaiser, Jas.
heed, F. G. Sparli
Jas. Carr, T. Nett
Math, J. P. Grove's,
Elliott, and Dr. J.
bars of the I. 0. O.
'visit to Western Sta
The visitors were N
the Brussels brother
pleased with their
brethren have the
how to entertain vis
degree team put o
manner that was v
visitors. Arrangem
made for the h01di
Instruction in Wi
giving' LDa3`, when,
0r some other Gran
be present as well
I. O. O. P. from
and 'Wroxeter. ro
t Brussels.
ning of last week
t, Win. Robertson,
Dodd, John Elder,
roadway, D. Long -
g, Robt. Johnston,
rfield, R. J. Mae-
ohn Moore, H. B.
Chisholm, mem-
. paid a fraternal
Lodge at Brussels,
ell entertained by
and all were Nvell
isit, The Brussels
Hack of knowing
tors. The Brussels
two degrees in a
ry pleasing to the
nts are now being
ig of a Lodge of
ham on Thanks -
he Grand Master
Lodge Officer will
nimbus of the
russols, ,I eeswater
Eggs 14c. 100 tubs Butter 'wants
weekly. Earners' pork for sale.
Medical Men t London.
he doctors atte ding the annual
me ting of the Domi ion Medical Assts.
cia'ion at London la week were the
gu sts of Park, Davi & Co. for one day
au were given a tri to Windsor and
D troit. The train as composed of six
stibuled coaches., It was occupied by
about 380 passenger , and took two hours
and a half to make lie run from. London
to Detroit. The n xt annual meeting of,
the Association wi 1 be held at Vancou-
ver. The Wingh m medical men who
attented the mea legs in London last
week were Drs. J E. Tairlyn, H. E. W.
Tamlyu and J. P Kennedy.
Misses Graham and Cummer, hay -11g
taken the ;cantle lat;•ly.00copied. l lir.
Ohisholin text to Drug Store vouldcall
the attention of the ladie• Wingham
and vicinity to the anno cement ,that
they will do dress and mantlemaking at
charges as low as possible for first class
work. A trial respectfully solicited.
The best Scr.b
ers and Pencils are
The Trans and Family Herald and
Weekly Star sent to any address until
Jauuary 1st, 1904,,fotefettrantses
Fishways n Dams.
We nuderstand t at the Wingham
Council intend putti g the fishway in
dam in the 00 •,};s 3:tf.,,a—E ow, --wee
ow weaIutereste. parties ii 'orm us that all
dams from Goderich p the river are to
be provided with fis ways and if the
work is not proceede with, the neces
sary steps will be to n to have the work
A ,00k Snap
35c. Postpaid. .
This is the regu'ar c. ed'.t'ron of
this work. One of tie s.roe_ s'
books of the year.
First come, first served.
Wt, L E Manual]
10c, 25c, 35c and 60c
Once eat " Lowney's
and you will have
no other .
Walton' McKlhbon
Next door to post dine.
NOTICE.—The question is: How can
Robt. Melurloo loan his money so cheap
on notes and mortgages? Call and See.
League Exec tive Meeting.
The Wingham Di trict Epworth Exec-
utive met in Wingh m on Saturday,Aug.
29tH. Arrangemen s were made for
holding the annual c invention at Brus.
sets on Friday, Oct. 9th. An excellent
program is iu course f preparation and
all Epworth League in the Distriet are
asked to keep this d te in Mind. Full
particulars will be pu fished in the TiuEs
in good time.
A few of the Win. Gray & Sons cele-
brated buggies titbit be sold. Call and
get a bargain at Alf. Glover's implement
Soft Elm Sump Growing.
A resident of T rnberry visiting in
Carrick township n Sunday last noticed
a soft elm stump 'hick showed signs of
being alive. On close examination it
was found that tl stump was perfectly
green on the top •d had grown snmb
three inches. TI ': tree ha;1 been cut
some sixteen yearago and our inform-
ant tells us that t, is is the first time he
ever knew of a st imp growing after a
tree had been cut own. There was not
the sign of branc'. ever having been on
the stump.
Barn Bur ed in Morris.
The barn on r. John Fowler's farm'
on the Bluevale 'road was struck by
lightning on Sat day night about 11
The Wingham
arrauged for a fast
park on Friday of t
Craig Stars will b
The Stars havo def
team and the touri
Detroit, The Sta
through Michigan
defeat. The Wing
good ball this seaso
good game on Frid
last game of the se
called at 4,30 p. nz.
baseball club has
'ante of ball on the
is week. The Ailsa
the visiting team.
ated the Irish Niue
g Ben Hur team of
have been touring
d have not yet met
am team have played
and they promise a
v. This may be the
sou. Game will be
—In the seini•fiei.1 lacrosse game at
Olintou on Friday la t, Kiucardi a won
from Clinton by a s •re of 5 to 1.
—At the competiti 11 for the first priz
in local bowlers toe rnameut, the riuk
skipped by Chief V: • uorman was suc-
—The Winghani b• viers who went to
rriston ou Wedne ay of last week
m t with defeat. T.: total score for the
t nee rinks was 65 to 2.
—Walkerton and D rham, champions
of C. L. A. districts 2 nd 3, played off
at Walkerton on Frid, r , Durham win-
ning by a score of 11 to 1.
—The Wiugham bas ball club will go
to Lucius on Monday i •xt and play two
games with the Irish 'rue club. They
then go to Ailsa Craig- ud play a game
on Tuesday.
—The quarter cent y baseball club
will play a game wit the Walker &
Clegg team, champi.•es of the factory
league, on Saturday i ext, on the park.
Game called at 5 o'cl . ek sharp.
Special Pr zes at Fair. -
Since the prize li.. s for Wingham's fall
fair were printed t o special prizes have
been received by , e Society. One is
for the best single rriage horse in harn-
ess, 1st prise $3, 2 d $2, given by Mr.
Geo. Cruickshank. The second special
will be for a chichi) plunking competi-
tion, when prizes o ' $2 and $1 will be
given. The chieke s for this competi-
tion will be supplie by Mr. F. C. El-
ford, of the Derain u Poultry Experi-
mental Station at Holmesville. Full
particulars of the mpetition will be
given in a future is rte.
House and lot on Francis street for
sale, Good location, comfortable house.
Wood shed, ice house, hard and soft
are guaranteed to give sat-
isfaction in all forays of
stomach troubles—or money
The Druggist.
I have room for two students in
the Telegraph Office.
All Business Colleges
are not alike. A school with a repu-
tation like ours is a safe one to
patronize. If you wain to get a first-
class position. then got a first-class,
baeiness ed rice tion. Oftentimes .
students cone hundreds of miles
solely to attend this College.
Our Catalogue is free. Enter now=.
W. 'd. ` ELL,,!OT �.
Change in ' reamers.
Several changes h. 'e been made in
running of the stea ers on the Lake
Huron route. We are inforznted the
S. S. Ossifrage li been transferred.
from the Toledo, S.. division. The fine
water, good fruit trees, owner leaving sidewheel steamer,
town. Appy to J. J. SLLLIVAx. A. C. S. S. line is st
time and will conti
both ways between
calling at Detroit,
erich, Kincardine,
Shore and Manitot
connecting for Mu
Parry Sound.
From C
Mr. J. J. Mclndo.
of Peterborough, w
sive orauge-growe
at Fresno, Califo
visitors to the Dom'
still retains a tear.
for his native land,
the giant strides s
clock and was om ictal destroyed. ronto News. Mr.
'i.th thea d.eo
aefil •R :. - p!`e who hap- above is a brother o
pened to be closnt hand Mr. Fowler o of this town. Mr.
succeeded in savi'g most of his imple- visiting his brother ere before return-
meuts, harness, te. The horses and ing to his home in alifornia.
cattle were in th a', field at tho time, but
eleven young ho were burned. The Methodist C
threshers have jut left Mr. Fowler's
that afternoon an all the grain, hay and We gave below a
straw were burue . The barn had just the total monies ra
recently been enla gad and placed on a Methodist church
stone foundation. The loss will be a May 31st last. Th
very heavy one. hero was a small in- shortly and will gi
insurance on the b rn and contents. The Methodist chu
successful financi
past year $2,000 w
gage, reducing it t
total of the iudebt
that another $2,00'
mortgage in Octo
place the church
Tho statement:—
Pastoral Support
ltvnngelist Russell
a former resident
is now an exten-
witb headquarters
iia is among the
ion Exhibition. He
spotis in his heart Fon SALE— . fa m of 33 acres oat!,
is delighted with side the corporatio Buildings all new
and everything in rat -class order. Ap-
e making —To- ply to M. Lamont Box 107, Wingh
Indoo referred to
Mr. Robt. McIudoo #--- _
Molndoo intends !
King Edward of the
11 running on regular
ue her weekly trips
oledo and the "Soo"
indsor,Sarnia, God -
Southampton, North
in Mand ports and
oka Lake district at
Sweet ripe pion
Picked every day
not require Half t
preserve therm th
fruit requires to
few days which is
as many of you h
when too late.
choice fruit only
s, all fresh and sound.
o your order;-- Will
o quantity rya -Sugar to
stale, of ;fermented
aka i stable for a
the longest it will keep
vo found to your loss
and picked plums all
cents a bushel.
Scarcity .f Houses.
There is a searci y of dwelling houses
in Wingham, and t the present time al-
most all the room . that are available for
dwelling purpose are occupied
in tcati n o prosperity and
an evidence of he growing time, it
is rather indene ent for those who are
in :search of hobs t: to rent. The increase
in the number of orkmen employed by
the Western 1i'ou dry Co. will create a
still further den.: d for dwellings; and
li0 doubt if th e were twenty now
houses now read , occupants could easi-
ly bo f0llnd fort em. It is now rather
late in the seasoi to commence building
operations, but s rely the erection of a
number of sui•.blo, moderate -priced
dwelling house would prove ve a Pro-
fitable iavestm: t for some of our
men 0f means. he town is prosperous
and growing; le , us catch a fresh Bold of
the spirit of pro-. essiveness and keep up
with the deinan., of the tildes.
urch Finances.
statement showing
sed by the Winghatn
or the year ending
report will re issued
e fuller particulars.
oh has had a very
1 year. During the
s paid on the mort-
$6,000, which is the
ness. It is expected
will be paid on the
er which. will then
'n a proud position
81111 00
142 58
Special Collecttons 84 14
1 or Epwo, th Lea e 28 :3;1
kor Sn nday Selwot ! - 11 83
uiitiing Fund
krone Laches' Aid -
i ttnday Srlioo
Epworth tea les
other contrib ora
Pow Bents
- 5'22 701
- +i5 00
- 13000
- 2470 18
• 48.1 *Os
Pi ee Ori:an Fund 2-
From Sunday Soho 1•
Ladies' Aid - - 25 00
" Epworth Lea. nos - :15 00
" other contribi tors - :330 00
Piano Fitted
From Sunday Sehoo - - - 1?2 41
Ladies Aid • - 25 00
" Epworth Lea., e, Junior - 5 00
" other eontriiitors - - 07 76
Missionary bund
Froin Epworth Lea nes - 101 20
:touchy tichco - - - 7 49
'R'oman's Mis. ovary Society. 49 00
" 'Church in gest rat • . - 200 11
Educational Fund
Froin Sundny Sehoe
SttpOhurch in gene
eranneetion Fund
l renin Epworth lei
s ti 00
li 1 0 iii 5e oO
tin a
rte r l Pk, R4
utrrfvi in e
Gl g
Other Cennexienal Pani 400
tit. James Glinreh - 60 :41
OtherPlate Coliretions- 1140 Ladies' Aid, other than above - 43 Sunday tlrleool " -591
Epworth Leagues " .. - _ :i7 60
Total raise+. $C
_ 9220
al • - - 27 12
We're out for the
School Shoe Trades
of the town. All the boys and
girls know that 1111s is the place
to get the .proper .styles, but if
there's it family in this town that
does not buy their Boys' and
Girls' Shoes here abil we can get
the head of that family to read
this ad. and to cotne here just to
take a look at our School Shoes—
we'll get that family's trade,
No father or mother can
resist such tempting values as
we are offering in
$1.00,- $1.25, '$ 1.50
and $1.75
School Shoes for boys and girls.
The Shoe Maar.