HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-27, Page 6n•u rut o�c Off` ratio:' ruk Writ t 'Sims wn • , rllt oaf nW act= 9'4 9 ow, nrih n t' s. ,an, ens , t, fxY ens he'd, tin pate" a , he; ni on df, ha• alai 11.4 ti 821 w�Yfi1Y�jC $ineresT3LEFtfiili i0V4El� KCl �i�K 3T9tiAfH 4fEAI(t�i'ARI V4Eh e� e� �tY Rrrs ICHTNE8 6 STRfl. pHs CONST I.TTUTLON • ndpn.Enl 1130 Bost, dolt•v+ BEAT 6RLTAIN 4/_AMERICA e, kz.all Druggists & Chemist..* TIENCEI A remedy which acts: through the four,tions of nutrition, by the building up of new and Healthy tissues is not to be expected to manifest its action in a few days. \Vbeii the disease is of recent ori- gin, this early and immediate action will often be met with. Otherwise,. when it has already lasted some time, the action ok the remedy Must be cilronie like the disease itself. 0 • This is wily the length of the Use of &I.. JA Ars \VAI.! RS will vary with. every individual case ; but it is a fact: which no one will now deny that in the treatment of general debility ST. J tV MES \V Ar 1;125 produce remarkable, aacl in some cases, imxnediate effects. St. J AMI;s \VAa?Elts help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accomplishes much. "In diseases of the stomach St. lamesWafers9pectlicf e xlhave great faith in them." Dr. lidward A. Robinson, Corin, Ireland. Price in Canada: $1.00; Six bottler, for .$5 00 ,o St. James Wafers are net a secret ten„ dr: tuthenumerous dxtursre- r :,:eaetngtnea,t.+Oetrpatients :re et.t1 :he f rem": oral te•7ue.t. Where dealers are not s.:ting the W - t .;s, they„re nailed norm re- ceipt c•f price at the Cailatii•,n hran;ht, St. Janes Furors Co., 1728 tit. Catherine St., Mammal, ..— ;'"S¢ �`, a "'' i Py ,-,, P,`s0` :ryi,'r�+\le`+: • :yh ,_ —. 913Santllm cs..asomm 4 toteresting Paragraphs- e TEE WINGI101 DIES,. AUGUST 'fig, 1903 Chas. Cameron, editor of the Tim'. ! A Roman Centeno io congregation in a ton Watchman, has been appoiuteil principal of the shool in his village. The voters' list for Colborn towuship was first posted on. Aug. 15t11, 'Put jurors comprise 435, the voters on part Otis 503, on hart two 104, part three 37 CURED of CONSTIPATION. Miss Bessie Nason, Clover 11i11, N. S., says: "I gladly reeolnuleud Lax.u•laver Pills, es they curt•d lilt eonlpletelV of constioatiolt -before 1 had tiuiehed the third box." .A quiet wedding took place in the R O. church, Mildmay, en Monday, Aug. 17th, the contracting parties being Mr Jaeob Gutttard of Swan twit er,Manitob�l and Miss Therasia Kraemer, Tllo core nlony was performed by Rev. R. C. Lehmann. Huron county farmers have an city 4• able reputation as stock raisers and fat. tellers. Out of 140 lots of cattle recent- ly shipped to Toronto, the lot fattened and sbipged by Hugh McDoh'ald, Hen- sall, carried off the sweepstakes. They were fed on his farm north of Chisel - burst. -as tows not for front 3:Itlleville took a unique way to lift the debt from its elturtlt. Oertaiu members of the congre- gation pledged themselves each to give a calf to the enure.., the ('Uvea to be kept by the donor, and soli when they bei- lalnethree years old. The sale takes plat e in the near future, when 105 cattle 'ire to be sold, and the congregation in stion should. have ample motley to eoverull their indebtedness. wmeozei re TIiu Glil,sT. Mrs. Wm. Young, Fhome, Ont., says: "One year ago our little boy had an attack of croup wlhiell left a bad wheeze in his chest. We used Dr. Woo is Nor- way Pine Syrup, and it completely cured him.” A gt:iet wedding was consummated at St. Peter's church, of Goderich, on Meta was received with much regret, Aug. 19th, at 8 o'clock, Rev. Father which will be shared by many outside West officiating. The contracting of leather 'West's own people. It is parties were Simon Geo. Me ny, soil of about fifteen years since Father West Donald McKay, and Miss Clare Thur- came to St. Peters, anti during this per- low, speech of scarcely ten min- ., ar low, daughter of the late Jas. Thurlow. iod he has endeared himself to the mem- utrs duration pronounced himself in both of Goderic•11. bers of the congregation atiou by his untiring favor of a Government-owned trans The voters' list for the town of God- industry in behalf of his church and pan continental line, but accepted the erich, 1:103, was first posted in the clerk': pie and his constant and uust'lfish inter• present proposition as the next best est in the welfare of his flock. thing. The (apposition had neo man office on Aug. 18th. Tile aggregate to speak nn CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 4.444. Chas. Milne, formerly of Clinton; died at Deliver, Colerado, on Wednesday, Aug. 13. He Was for some years propri- etor of the Qneeus hotel front which he retired last spring Ile was for many years a resident of Clintou and was a hl1u011 respected citizen and a model la' d• lord. He retired owing to ill health n2111 went to Oolorado in the hope that a A. HUGE SURPLUS. roartaon Mad M Samillions 11 fh0 ICI' timate—SomS Good Sp.eohos is Gravid Truck 1'sol0o vettot e• Ottawa, Aug. 15.--To-day'a Can - oda Cazettt coxtains a statement showing that the receipts for the fis- cal year ending Julie 30, 14)03, were $00,018,514ure :48,013,750. Tho revenue and the pfor itthe year previous was $57,412,380, and the expenditure $47,3132,102, The capital expenditure amounted to e7, - 051,077, 7r 051,977, as against $12,389,902 for the year previous. The likelihood is that the surplus will be at least 81.1,500,000, when all the accounts for the year are adjusted. The July statement of revenue and expenditure shows a decided improvement over the same month in 1902. The Debate on the G.T.n. Mr. Th1iiiterson in the House voic- ed the opinion of New Brunswick yesterday on the Government's Grand Trunk Pacific Railway policy, and it was one of enthusiastic et1- dorsatipn, The excellence' of the con- tract made by the Government with the Grand 'Pruni: Pacific was con- vincingly demonstrated in a speech that was conspicuous •for its force and incisiveness. Dr. Sproule spoke for the Opposition at great length change of air would effect an improve- and with facility, but it was impose gent, but it was in vain. Mrs. Millie s11110 for even such an able critic to find any flaws in the Government's policy. .lir. Rodolphe Lemieux had the floor for the greater part of the evening session, and it was notice- able flow the back benchers drew survives hila together with his son who is practising as a veterinary surgeon in Jackson., Mich. Rev, Father West of Goderich an- nounced nearer to his congregation that he was The I''rench-Canadian members, and abtatt to leave thein to take charge of he is ono of the brightest, have the rhe Sc. Thomas parish. The announce- faculty of clothing their ideas in ele- gant and poetic language, talo charm of which is heightened by a graceful delivery. With such an able expon- ent es Mr. Lemieux the Govern - tenet's policy lest nothing in the handling. liar. Oliver in a well con- readyd the debate wont number of jurors is 478. In the seven - -. over until next week after an inti - that •i r 1 lir Laurier ..» Wilfrid • I1 Sir motion from s. voters In at0 contains . + ^ ilia. t0Eczema. 'ices of I. inti - divisions part oneTiTha F late sittings would hereafter be held. • and in part two 417.7 voters, making a So keen is the suffering of ninny pee- " plc who endure the stinging, itching sen- inn ]te. hinder Twine. . total of 1,OS4 yotel:, The registration g g from our Exchanges + vote, for parliamentary eb'Ctf0lhs, adds' sttt'ons of E zanta that they speak of the Ottawa, Aug. 15. -In the Senate uttittg down 1,2130 worth The Tavistock Flax Co. last season ;largely to this number. shin as bring on fire. By its soothing, yesterday 'Ion. Mr. Scott moved the Ches,ey is p` healing, antiseptic influence Dr. Chase's second reading of the bill respecting Of cement sidewalks this season. distributed !.early:r 1(a,(i(lta in rents and + J t Ointment positively sures Eczema. ,cult the manufacture of hinder twine in Potatoes are now selling in Toronto at wages to the people of Tavistock and vi• For ovwr Sixty rears. : Rheum,se. and every form of itching skin Canada. After a long discussion, the disease. It is of inestimable value in bill was read a second time. Old and Fell-T11edR.enletly-=' r a every tome, and when G,• � Dr. The T. & II. Hallway Lilt. be more .� a he Ottawa, Aug. w Mr. g Public Works,Quebec, n turkey that leas .urea the South Line who was 1C0 on the at and hIz • 712cT�elcan, Finial to of Augast. softens against the T. & 1I. Rail - since the egg seaeou opened up. The t. wiled colic, and is the best remedy for So far as we can learn, the Bence average turkey only lays about 20 eggs If your child is suffering from worms, - diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. ` County Branch of Threshers Protective way 13111 before the Committee yes- stronglyaive him Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Sold by druggists in every part 7o the Association of Canada is not in a flour- terday . Mr. Ethier of 'Montreal, Sin a season. Syran. It is perfectly harmless and world. Twentyfivecents abottle. Its" • Mayor Cook of Ottawa, Mayor Cant of Galt and others also affirmed that C; 'Th C► Y u 3 A . contains its own cathartic, so that *here value is i al 1 w's Soothing 5crnup and thresher did not join and offered to work the bill was an invasion of municipal Bears the She Kind Y:'a Have Mess 6c�oilt - take no other kind. me els a bushel- The price will not like- clnhty. 1I 1 i 1 once introdaaed icy than''" ceuts bushel to- The oldest woman in Kincardine Tp, As g h mea --set becomes a household en necessity. Oct -h • Chase's s C)intiueut is the sta.lunr l forovow's Soot ng yruP - r 'u , 15 5. -Mayor Urquhart ands fall, is Mrs. Semple who will be 101 111 C • for over sixty years byinilhonsofmot ors ' lase'S of Toronto, Hon. Mr. Gouiu, Com - ober. ' ober. The oldest man is Mr. Logan on • for their children while teethin, with' world over, and has no worth rival. t' George £rrscht of Walkerton has - b 3 perfect success. It soothes the child, Inlssioner of I' V 1 sly laid 50 eggsthe gums, allays all Oslo, care. 1 n spoke is no need of giving a purgative. Price - for Mrs. ins o Syrup, ,,�,,,�� 25c k' d at the old rates. The farmers talked of rights. The Committee adjourned till Signature ��y�%"i' u��� The Orangeville Sun understands that • patronizing the outsiders exclusively and Wednesday. ' this alarmed the members of the Associ- The Very iter Dean Kilroy, D. D., Hon. Cleo. E. Foster will be offered the It will be learned with regret that . ation. It is said that the organizer was of Stratford, celebrated his Boldon jubi- Conservative nomination for the new , word was received at Clinton, Cn Aug. lee in holy orders on Saturday and will constituency of Dufferiu, for the next 1 `th, that Mr. Mathias Hovey,St.Thom• shortly complete his 50th year ash priest- general election. as, had passed away. He was e.7 yearsold and a member of the Ern of Gies - The town council of Walkerton have Thomas Bean, a respected resident of ; Diac herson & Co., who establish - struck the rate at 2'i mills on the dol. est Zorra Township, hanged himself 1 ow, ed the foundry ers at Clinton in Inti?, now '.,lay. The Telescope says this is too low gin an old sbed. He was in his 75th i carried on by Macpherson & Hovey Co. and that at the end next year there will i year, andhealth was such that hering the few years was forced his to i The residence of Mr.Issaac Langstroth, be a deficit of $3,000 or $4;400. Seaforth was the go about on crutches. ' of Sperling street, Isabella Moore, wife of Mr. Samuel Don't suffer from toothacit when a i scene of a very pretty wedding, at one ! Morrison, of Kinloss, died on Thursday, ten cent bottle of Dr. Low's Toothache i Mr. Arthur Byrne, Rock Hill, Ont., I deavored to pour the acid down her Aug.,th It be- i Wednesday, / nm will cure it quickly without blister- t writes: "I was laid up with stiff joints ; i o'clock 01August 13th. Deceased was born in the throat. In the struggle tlhe liquor r 1 ld get no ing the occasion of the marriage of his j to get 17 from each thresher and that THE ROY=BOYCE CASE. The 'Law on the Crime Discovered In he collected from most of them and - Owen Sound. made a good thing out of it for himself. Owen Sound, Aug. 15. -Ms. David One of the members is authority for this Roy, charged with disfiguring Enema story. Ile says however that "the organ- Boyce by throwing carbolic acid in izer was obliging enough and if you did her face, was remanded to jail for a not have the full amount he would take tveek. The magistrates refused bail, what you had." -Kincardine Review. as the offence is a mprti serious one, and the penalty imprisonment for life. It is alleged that liars. Roy knocked her victim down and en- ing your lips or cheeks. : for about ,our years, enc sou g g. daughter, Dore Evelyn, to Mr. J. Frank 6 relief until I used three bottles of Ha !Beattie, The youngest blacksmith in Huron. I yard's Yellow Oil which cured me." t Beattie, of Huntsville, Muskoka. The county is Master George Trowhill, of !Price lac. Clinton. He is only 13 years old and not A blight has struck the apple tree in i ceremony was performed, as the couple stood under an archway of green and big for his years, but is already quite Essez, Kent, and Elgin counties turning 1 white petunias, by Rev. I. B. Waliwin. expert in the use of many of the tools i the leaves of this year's growth yellow, I ,r used by a smithy. ! and in some cases killing the wood. 1 ,,, Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, Huron street, Local fruit men attribute it to the same How's This Ex eter, reached the great age of 90 years cause as pear blight. We offer One Hundred. Dollars Re - en Saturday last. To mark the occasion ; Alexander B. C. Traynor, who has • ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. het children, Mr. Irvin Armstrong and been living with Conrad Schmidt at' F. J. ern v R; Co.. Toledo, O. Mrs. Vance, presented her with a bean- r Mildmay for the last two years, passed We. the undersigned, have known 1+'. tiful easy chair. away Wednesday,Aug. 18th after a long J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be - C Aa '$' O xt. X .a.. illness, and had reached the ripe old age Zieve him perfectly honorable in all busi. Hess transactions and financially able .;ears the Ile Kind Y u Nass Neale' 8ct ht I of 81 years, He was one of the first to carry out any obligations made by Signature of • residents of Mildmay district and will be their firm. remembered by many of the old settlers. WEST and Titt:LY, Wholesale Druggists, oledo, O. Mr. R. R. McLeod, of Indian Head •--0--•- WALDING, KIx*iox & 1l.tltvre, Whole- Assinaboia, has been appointed Diana- BLIND WITH HEADACHE. sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. hall's Catarrh Care is taken internal - of ger of the Lucitnow branch of the Bank "I was so bad with headache that I ly, acting directly upon the blood and of Hamilton, to succeed Mr. John Sproat could hardly see. I could get nothing mu eons surfaces of the system. Testi- who has taken Dir. McLeod's place in to help me till I tried Milburn's Sterling monials sent free. Price loo per bottle. f 1 the Bank at Indian Head. Headache Powders, and they quickly Sold by all Druggists. cured me." __ E. I. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Apt Emerald, Edi a that scholars who have access to news- =- -_- f,tpers at home outstrip those in their Engineer Gray noticed, as he was studies who do not see the papers. They I approaching Frank street, Wiarton, the 15eeoine better readers and spellers, bet -1 child of Captain Chapman, 18 months ter grammarians, and write the beat 1 old, coming; towards the track on the eoinposittens, besides learning geography 1 sidewalk. Ile immediately reversed his and history quicker, 'l'ite'.Cilil:• will be i engine and applied the brakes and so sant to any address until end of 110:, for i reduced the speed that the child, who grand daughter, Mrs. Lorimer, of Buf- 25 cents.I was now standing on the ends of the ties, falo; andher great grand daughter, little CR. A. W. CHASES 25Ci, i way'. As st a fell on the gra elrely pushed over and ther face CATARRH CURE a,. it sent direct to tee/disease.] ' was slighof the tly bruised. ports b` she Improved ed Blower. The report on the world's apple crop Heatspassages, W n lbsthe Bos - threat to thas just been issued by 1� assages, p PP b4 1903 threat and Havntautjr lutes Catarrh and iia Ferenc iowct ton Chamber of Commerce. It shows free. 4111 dt•alert, or fit. A, W. Claw Great Britain short of all fruits, notably Medicine Co.. Toronto and eliss:r apples. Europe is greatly short of ap- Edward 13eaupre, the Canadian Anak, County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1531, and at was spilled and the victim will lose the ago of 21 ctossed the great sea to the sight of one of her'eves. The of - Canada, a voyage of as many weeks as it now takes days. Her early Canadian home was in Toronto township, where on February 1st, 1855, she was married to Samuel Morrison, and with whom she has walked the pilgrim's path for nearly 50 years. Immediately following the marriage, they moved to Kinloss town- ship, and hewed out for themselves their present home. Their's were the joys and sorrows, the trials and triumphs .of the pioneer life. There was an interesting group at Seaforth recently who had their photo- i The apple is excellent brain food, because Deathsad s Hs, Cpmbm 4 of atton and galvu�- graphs taken. It was a four generation I it has more phosphoric acid in easily ized roofing will find ready sale." group and was composed of Mrs. Patrick digested shape than any other fruits. The State Department also ecciv- J'ordan, of Dublin, her daughter Mrs. It excites the action of the liver, pro- ed the follocring cablegram from sound and healthy sleep tend Kingston, Jamaica: "fort Antonio Peter McGrath, of Beechwood; her molar thoroughly disinfects the mouth.. This greatly damaged by hurricane. Many is not all; the apple prevents indigestion dead and seriously injured are con- stantly reported to the Consulate. and throat diseases. The apple is such a common fruit that very few persons are familiar with its remarkably efficacious medicinal properties. Everybody ought to know that the very best thing they can do is to eat apples just before retiring for the night. Persons uninitiated in the mys• fence may come as an attempt to commit murder, under section 232 of the Criminal Code of Canada. A QUiNTETTE DROWNED. Steamer Horsey Foundered a tittle Below Point Cnlardes, (,iuebec. Quebec, Aug. 15. -News has been received from Point Oulardes, on the north shore below .Yetis, that the steamer Mersey, from Quebec, with a cargo for Seven Islands, foundered a tittle below Point Oulardes about 2 p.m. Thursday. Capt. Gagnon, the mate, and another man succeeded in teaching shpre after much hardship at 8 o'clock Thursday night. Five of the crew were drowned. Effects of the Hurricane. Washington, Aug. 15. The State Department has received the follow- teries of the frait are liable to throw up lug cablegram from John I� . Jewell, their hands in honor at the visions of American Consul at Martinique, date dyspepsia which such a suggestion may ed Port De France, yesterday: "Cane, summon up, but no harm can Dome even cocoa and coffee crops, total loss. Fruits and vegetables positively de - to a delicate system by the eating of ripe stroyed. Every town and village in - and juicy apples before going to bed. Aired. Thousands of houses down. FOR GOOD HEAI1'II To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They. are easy to take.. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people ---but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their scan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep, Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. 1.13Y, w�,s�R1Yt7 ;<. 'iQ'C!i ` t`.'YI �:r5?�a x;yCV,�, ,'1 �� �?, : 'G� +. s. �• s �.. :.r. d • On account of its terrible effects, blood disease is called the king of all diseases. while it :nay not be ac rime to have contracted; sow It may be , either crime or co , manifest It may the disease, it is a crime to permit it to remain in the system. stiff or swollen joints, atIc sins 3 Eczema, rheum pains, Scrofula,$ orm of, itself in the f itchiness of the akin, eruptions or blotches, alters in the mouth or on the tongue, sore throat, falling out of hair, ';sorderedstomach, and a general depression of the system. If you have any of these symptoms don't neglect yourself. You have no time to 1oee. Beware of "old fogy" treatment—beware of mineral poisons— beware of Quacks and Fakirs. OUR r3EW 2i V/P RROD TR»,MENT is guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return, Banti Bonds will protect you. Our treatment is not injurious in any way, but reaches the very root of the disease and eliminates all poison from the system. The symptoms of disease gradually disappear. The blood becomes pure and enriched, the wholo system is cleansed and purified• and the patient feels .renared anew for the duties and the pleasures of ifs. cowls BO,d10CD GUAR CureNTEnD OR NO PAY. 25 Years in D Couseltation Free. Question Blank for Horne Treatment and Books Free. D RAS). KEN I 2 • x �� Car. Michigan Ave. and Shelby Bt.. Detroit, Mich. r +QK� a#. All work promptly executed at most reasonable prices. IFYO GOOD JO vvhose height is S feet G inches, is to be married next Saturday to Ella Ewing the Missouri giantess,whose height is 8 feet 4 inches. Beaupro proposed tb her by ..nail two years ago, bat the bashful Ella held back until afew veek si ag e. 'Fol- lowing the marriage they will givea two weeks exhibition in Butteiand will then leave for New York, where they will ted o ma1hm.0 sow managers fool the s pros mrrcitants and agrntafarFucty'snfuiand trrnflt• for well established house in afete counties 1 rrrhsnts and agents. [.seal HelC1i Lorimer. A. unique feature of the company was that they comprised the eldest daughter in each generation. Mrs. • rs of ae. is only 72 ea Jordan S g Great sympathy is felt with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warnock of Goderich on the death on Monday, Aug. 17th, of their only son. Samuel Stanley, at the age of pies, but with a heavy crop of 'Valencia ff twelve years and nine months. He was oranges and Almeria grapes. New Eng- i a promising lad and will be much hissed land, in the aggregate, will have a very by his parents and chums. About a generous crop. .Yew York State reports month ago it was discovered that the plenty of apples, the middle west only glands of the threat were affected with fair, the far west very heavy. Canada i l(1 heavyyield. i pito a also promises y P q Weemeie-9c•veral itxclustrioue Wag in Klee. h state to travel for hau e r;ctaleishrd cloven car- and with a large minted, tt, call itlrr,n for the able line. Permanent engagement. weekly railing on m of the taut trust, y 1 -la earan�irx u•1I.l , a - lvy handg cash snlarc t,f Sig and aII fravriiriit r.xflrnsas trrrttarv.9alnrVS 6 v p P y Cite sit least half a foot taller than any and hate. bilks c*lvanrr'cl in each cawh wrcrir. ahia S1ta.10 a week in ea -h and i. pt nags adv enc- ,IA>wnil -- freaks in the eottnty.•- ?iellbville t r mIttinl Mention refcrenee rd Peeiton permanent. Pnshu - 4 auccaatafttl tuberculosis, and although the best ad - f recovery nohope o '� asprocured .dewP VI was held out. VANtEn�-%'ArritPT,t, Psfsei2 mo TreAvar o, s. levee n Exrr. y envelope a t rlrlrt :,sed ^ rl .ns lfa :tin �n a , � ruai c envelope. E ance. >~ �,• 1 r a. rcI a TH . or n �IfatdF p prni,a tract iketatIO. NATIONATL, 0:31 Dearborn St., Chicago. Standard House, 315 Garton Bldg., Chicago. Miss Flossie Holmes, of IsTewmarket, who has been suffering from what was considered a nervous affection, for about seven years, while wetting dinner in Tor- onto were she was engaged, was taken i11 with a pain in the stomach, and fell on the stove. She was taken to the Gen- eral hospital and her case was diagnosed as tape -wenn and treated accordingly. Not only were two large tapeworms taken from her stomach, but also a snake about a foot long, with a head about an inch in diameter. The color of the snake was black and white, in rings ru n= ningasoutd the body. It was the largest reptile taken from a patient at Toronto Hospital. It is supposed that som0 years ago, while flicking berries, Miss Holmes drank watercontaining the snake's eggs. This shows how careful people should be about drinking water from an open spring. ANT Didn't Watch the Cartage. Durand, Mich., Aug. 15. --Tho cor-' oner's inquest into 'Wallace Brothers' circus train wreck litre last Friday began yesterday. Charles Probst of Battle Creek, engineer of the second bection, testified that his air -brake was all right when the train left Ckarlotte, the night of the accident. In response to a question, he said that he made the run with the idea that everything was all right, and did not bother with looking at the �llage. Popul•tlon or $;C. CURS. Vancouver, 13. G., Aug. 15.-At- Cording 5.-At- r sled statistics om r in top by Co d iM publishers of Ifenderson's Directory for British Oolunxbia just issued, the population of Vancouver is 33,000, 29,000 white and 4,000 Orientals. The population of Victoria Is given nt 24,000, 19,000 white end 5,000 Chinese and Orientals. Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads, Statements, Calling Cards, Tickets, Hand Bills, Notes, Order Blanks, Booklets, Circulars, 4 Or anything else in the;[printing line, you will make no mistake by leaving your order at this office. We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time, telenektieeeeireeeeates. i= V rt Call at, or address— - TflE TRIES OFFICE $FAVI it 13Lbdlt JioSBI'aINE STREET • .t.i «4..0 VY