HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-27, Page 4fie ARC 6OU ThhGENTS FOR Dr. llesse's tock Goods A1 Campbell The Druggist WINGHAM. VOICES OF THE PEOPLE. The Editor does not hold himself responsible ter the opiiuIons expressed by correspond- ents. Nor does he always hold the same views as expressed by correspondents. CHALLENGE FOR RELIGIOUS DISCUSSION1 Having been credibly informed that Rev. Mr. Dunn and also Rev. Iter. Keine, l*th of Whitechurch, did, on Suuday Arg. 15th, while discoursing in the pul- pit,pnblioly proclaim against Latter Day Salntisw, in which they connected it with Utah Mormonism saying, that the legitimate out -come of Latter Day Saintism is the adoption of Polygamy, etc. And whereas their talk has been the means of the Foresters' Hall beiug closed against me, leaviug me without oppor- tunity for defence;— Aad whereas we claim this shows a lack of Christian Charity, and that the above accusations are false;— Therefore, I challenge either of the above named gentlemen to meet a repre- sentative of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in a public religious discussion of the fol lowing Church propositions, to wit:— No. 1, it:— No.1, Resolved:—that the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Da Saints, is, in organization, faith an practice, in harmony with the New Tes tament. No. 2, Resolved:—that the (eithe Presbyterian or Methodist) Church is,i organization, faith and practice in har mono with the New Testament. The Bible to be the standard of ev dente. Time, place, and "rules" to gov ern, to be agreed upon by the conte tants. "Produce year cause, saith the Lord bring forth your strong reasons, sal the King of Jacob," Isa. 40:21. A. copy of this challenge will be mai en TRE WING1TAii TIMES, AUGUST 27 1903 NEWS NOTES There are 1,500 known species of beesles of the ladybird type. A chimuey 114 feat high will, without danger, sway 1Q lushes in a wind. Southampton ratepayers voted to raise $5,650 to extend the waterworks syftem. Mrs. Wiuteringham of Logan Town- ship, an old lady of eighty years, died from taking Paris green. nn ran TO ADVERTISERS. otk Aim of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. Gt} The copy for changes mast be left rad' not later than Monday evening. he Casual aevertisements accepted up cocoto noon Wednesday of each week. lnri 3n.t of-- a,a . rI1E WINGilAM TIMES. rgR. gI,I.IO . T, PirBLISHER ANTI PROPRIETOR la THHHURSDAY. AUG. 27, 1903. ESTABLISHED 1872. hi NOTES AND COMMENTS. a cord Salisbury died peacefully at 9.05 t Oak Sunday night. For 4S hours it 111 seen that the 4n1 was inevitable. the administration of oxygen fail- �f efl`eet that evening. Loid Salis- ;ys. ptered the British Parliament in v,iand was Prime Minister for several tats. Who weather is favorable for filling, , ming and harvesting in Mauitoba. fie crop is estimated at 58,000,000 bush - roof wheat for Manitoba and the Terri - tea, which will. be 6,000,000 shorter :t.a last year. It is expected to sell at ougher price, however,and farmers will aril do as well as last year, as they will It in the cost of harvesting. o 11 1C,fAribution of Seed for Experimental ary' Purposes. cad, d An electric storm caused a lot of dam- age in western Ontario. Many farmers lost their barns and crops. Fon SALE.—Three buggies, good as new; one light spring wagon; one steam eugiue and boiler—engine 18 h. p. and boiler 28 h, p. Apply to Geo, MoKenere. The Dominion, named in compliment to Canada, and one of the largest vessels in the navy was launched at Barrow -on - Furness. The barbed wire fence which the Can- adian Goverument has just built along the frontier between St. Marys Lake and Sweet Grass htlls cost nearly $25,- 000. It is for the pnrpose of preventing cattle from straying. The remaius of Alex. J. Kennedy, a former resident of Glengarry County, Ontario, who was reported to have been murdered in 1881, have been discovered near Portland, Oro. Kennedy's family now reside at Ashland, Wis. NOTICE.—The question is: How can Robt. Meludoo loan his money so cheap on notes and mortgages? Call and See. ROBT. MCINDoo. r n atetial`forany one of the five exper- bts here mentioned will be sent free by Ontario farmer applying for it, if Troll conduct an experiment with care trSreport the result after harvesting next The seed will be sent out in the t'sr in which the applications are okv aalong as the supply lasts: hi—Testing Hairy Vetches, Crimson 9n1 ear and Winter Rye as fooder.-3 0 °a'*Testing three varieties of winter teat -3 plots. Testing five fertilizers with winter p°at-6 plots. fr9Testing autumn and spring appli- ns of nitrate of soda and common 111—Testing winter wheat -5 plots. Testing Winter Barley and Winter for grain produotion-2 plots. 6- th ed m L• h to each of the above named g tle- en. For Justice, WALTER L. BENNETT, Box 55, Wallaceburg, Ont. Wingham Toronto London Walkerton Mildmay Palmerston Listowel Ripley Goderich ... . Seaforth Harriston. . . .......... . . Luckuow Brussels Gerrie Blyth. Atwood Fall Fairs. .... Sept, 24-25 Aug, 27—Sept. 12 Sept, 11-19 „ 23-24 28-29 Sept.. 22-23 CHURCH NOTES. Rev. C. P. Wells, B. A., B. D., of Ethel will conduct the services in the Wiugham Methodist church on Sunday next. The next meeting of the Goderich _District of the Methodist church will be held at Londesboro on Tuesday of next week. On Sunday next the well-known evan- gelists, Revs. Crossley and Hunter, will begin a series of evangelistic meetings in Seaforth. St. Paul's church will be closed for the next three Sundays to undergo gen- eral repairs. The services will be held in the Congregational church. nae proper size of each plot is one rod. 4 '♦ip two rods long. The material ° Cher of the first two experiments, mea No. 5 experiment, will be forward- adsy mail, and for each of the other two ha'e*press. Each person wishing to tact one of these experiments should enAr as soon as possible mentioning Pmh teat he desires; and the material, 27 instructions for testing and the feria on which to report, will be t +shed free of cost until the enpply of intental material is exhausted. It tiottt be well for each applicant to make !triad choice for fear the first could granted. i t C. A. Zlv ITZ, Guelph, Ont. Teeswator Dungannon " 20-30 Sept. 29-30 29-30 " 24-25 .c —25 Oct, 1-2 Muncey, Caradoo.... . . . . . 1-2 „ 2-3 Oct. 6-7 " 6-7 e, 7-8 .,x' 8-9 21-22 Live Stook Markets. Toronto, Aug. 25.—There was a li/t run at the cattle markets to -day, but business was fair, especially in butchers' cattle, for which there was a good de- mand. Choice butchers' cattle were sold readily at prides from $4.25, a few light exporters being bought for butchers' purposes up to as high as $4.70. There was a few very good loads of western cattle, butchers' offering, but the eastern cattle were not so good, and were a slower side at low prides. There was practically nothing doing in export trade owing chiefly to the fact that several Loads of export cattle shipped to Craw- ford & Co. by the Canadian Pacific were not delivered into the market until about 11 o'clock, when most of the buyers had left. There was a fair inquiry for light stookers and a few feeders at $2.75 to $3.75. In the sheep market the run was light and everything was sold, the market, on the whole, being firm. Export ewes were steady at $3.40 to $3.60. Lambs firm at $4.50 to $4.75. Hogs are steady and unchanged at $6.50 and $6.25. The total run was 45 loads, with 707 head of cattle, 323 sheep and lambs, 505 hogs and 24 calves. The arrivals at the Union Stock Yards, Toronto Junction, this morning were large. Up 'till 12 o'clock 120 carloads had arrived, including over 2,000 cattle, 600 sheep, 350 hogs and 25 calves. Prices were steady and heavy exporters sold from $4.30 to $5. Pieces for sheep and lambs were good, and the market was cleared. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. $4 i;0 $465 4 50 3 75 3 50 .•••.•••..•••.•.•.•.•••..••••••••.••.•. - - •.. 1THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE ' ;: 1 .- JAS. H. KERB 1 1 ••••..••••••••••••••••.•••,.••.••••.••..•.••...••..• ••....•.•••.••.•••.•.••.N 1 This week we extend to all a very hearty invitation to call and see our I • r NEW FALL, DRY I Robert Boyd, a farmer of Downie township, was told by a clairvoyant he had wealth concealed on a part of his farm. Following her directions he dug down and found a bed of marl. For two acres Mr. Boyd ie now said to have been offered $50,000. The Times and Weekly Globe sent to any address until January 1st, 1904 for 35 cents. In the international yacht race off New York for the American Cup, the American yacht has won the first two events. in the first race on Saturday the American craft was away ahead, but on Tuesday Lipton's Shamrock was only 58 seconds behind the winner. The race is beet three in five. The dining car which is transferred from one G. T. R. train to another at Merriton, broke away while being shnnt- ed,owing to the brakes refusing to work. Five colored waiters were aboard, but they all jumped without sustaining in- jury. The car ran to Port Dalhousie, where it ran off into a marsh, and was found in six feet of water. Special re -opening services in connec- tion with the Church of England at Tees - water will be held on Sunday. Three services will be held and Rev. Wm. Lowe of this town will conduct service in the afternoon. Underwood Presbyterians have called Rev. Thynne of Arthur, who disposed of hie paper, the Arthur Enterprise, to re-enter the ministry. leer. Thynne is well-known to many of our readers and is a former resident of Morris township. is tryr MOSt t3 ail r '" My hair came out by the hand- fi I,and the gray heirs bean to cep in. 1 tried Ayer's Hair'Vigor, id ° it stopped the hair from corn- i rs.151. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass. il out and restored the color."— go There's a pleasure in ering such a prepara- won vs Ayer's Hair Vigor. gives to all who use it ch satisfaction. The it becomes thicker, , softer, and more y. And you feel so tire in using such an d and reliable prepara- n. 1/.0 a Irs41 . All frr en. saad we Wstl'azpreeryou, e Warn tad_ giro the name JInr *MOO. Addra, Co., eaLf*itl. ]laud. • We will consider it a favor if you will accept the invitation. _W�� a will be pleased to show the goods. NEW DRESS GOODS I NEW BLANKETS CURTAINS • • • • This season we are showing a • splendid range of fashionable Dress • Goods: •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • We aro sure you will find it to 11. your advantage to buy your Dress • Goods at this store. The TIMES and Family Herald and Weekly Star sent to any address until Jauuary 1st, 1904 for 35 cents. We regret exceedingly to report the decease of a former highly esteemed re- sident of Brussels in the person of Mrs. (Dr.) Davidson, of Woodstock, who paid Nature's debt Monday, Aug. 17th at the early age of 26 years. Deceased is maiden name was Jennie Cunningham and she was a neice of Mrs. J. G. Skene, Brussels, with whom she lived for several years prior to her' marriage four years ago. An editor near Colster, Ind. T., got a cattle show and a concert mixed in making up, and now he has to keep in the dark. This is the way he did it: "The concert given by Robinson's most beautiful young ladies was highly appre- ciated. They sang in their charming manner winning the plaudits of the en- tire audience, who pronounced them the finest herd of Shorthorns in the country. A few are of rich brown color, but the majority are spotted brown and white The annual report of the Brussels Methodist church has been prmted. The first regular miuister was Rev. Jno. Hough, who located in Brussels in 1859. Church membership total is 235, 37 of this number belonging to Cranbrook. Total contributions for all purposes was $2,213.35. The Wingham District of the Metho- dist church will hold its financial meet- ing in the Wingham Methodist; church on Tuesday next. A convention in con- nection with the Bicentenary movement will also be held with a public meeting in the evening. Rev. dos. Philp, of Kin- cardine, and Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Gor- rie will deliver addresses at the evening meeting, to which the public is invited. heavy Light Bulls do., light Feeders light,800 pounds and up - 4 40 3 50 8 00 Bits of Wisdom. [Boston Herald.] Be the kind of a woman that you would like your daughter to become. If yon cannot have what you prize it is a good thing to prize what yeu have. It is the right thing to go to church, but be sere you go to church for the right thing. A home circle without prayer is like it house without a roof—it has no protec- tion. Trne repentance never comes too late, bat sometimes it is too late for true re- pentance. Ontario Christian Endeavorers Meet at Stratford. • The 1903 Convention of the Ontario Christian Endeavor Union will assemble in Stratford, the classic city, on Tees - day, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 19-80 and Oct. 1. The Convention of 1900 was held in Guelph and notnce that time has the Convention been held in 'Western Ontario and a great deal of interest is centered with this meeting. Father Endeavorer Clark, the man that Canada gave to Christian Endeavor, is expected as is also the new general sec- retary, Von Ogden Vogt, and these men, coming, as they do direct from the firing line and with new enthusiasm gained at the great Denver International, the Con- vention promises to be very helpful and inspiriting to all who attend. Reduced rates have been secured on the Conven- tion plan and tickets will be good to go on Sept. 25th and return Oct. 5th and if 800 or more attend (which is more than likely,) the rates will be single fare for the round trip from all Ontario points to Stratford. wards Stockers 900 lbs Butchers'— Choice Medium Picked Bulls Rough Light stock bulls - Milk cows Hogs— Best Lights Sheep— Export Bucks.... Culls Spring Lambs Calves, each Cairterer®-Car of Durham cement jest arrived. Parties who intend using cement Boon will do the wise Set if they buy it now, as Cement will likely ed• 'ante in price before long. We are alto agents for Hanover cement. A.YOUNG & SOX. New Fancy Tweeds New Snow Flake Tweeds New Homespuns New Ftill Cloth Serges, Venetian Worsteds, Poplin, Satin Cloth,French Zebeline,Lustre, Grecian Cord, etc, • • 32o 335 300 340 3'00 350 • • • • • • The Wool Blankets we sell are all pure wool. No shoddy, no mix- ture, no short wool, no cotton, but all pure wool of the very best qual- ity. Our guarantee goes with every pair. In buying Blankets it pays to buy the best. FLANNELLETTE BLANKETS White and Grey, the very best quality. Regular $1.25 Blankets for $1.00 per pair. . Lace Curtains at from 25c to $3.00 a pair. Art Musliu 7c to 20o a yd. Cretonne 10o to 250 yd. Our Curtain Goods are extra good value. ROLLER BLINDS Plain and fancy, good material, good springs. Satisfaction guar- anteed. We put them up for you free of charge, Paper Window Blind, two colors. • •• • • • • 0 • • 0 BISCUITS •• 4 00 4 25 3 50 3 90 '425 465 3 00 3 26 3 00 2 25 3 00 30 00 45 00 • • • • • • • . 650 650 6 25 6 25 • • • • • • • • • • 3 50 3 60 2 50 2 75 2 25 3 00 4 30 4 75 2 00 800 • • • • • • • New Wrapperettes This season's designs and color- ings are very pretty. We have selected the very best. Call and see them. Good material, fast colors, 28 to 30 inches wide and the price is only 100 a yard. NEW FLANNELETTES These goods we bought at low prices offered by the factories in May, and we give you the benefit of of our good buying. Prices 5o, 6c, 7o, 8c, 10c, 12ic. NEW YARN We have in stock the best all pure Wool Yarn that money could buy. 2 and 3 ply Factory Yarn in black, grey, white, red, blue and mixed. Also Scotch Fingering Yarn in black, red and blue. Saxony Yarn in all colors. Clark's Mile End Brilliant, all colors 5c a spool. FRUIT Leave your order with ns for Plums, Peaches, Pears, etc. We handle fruit in large quantities and have fresh goods arriving daily. Soda Biscuits in 1} lb boxes,l0c a box. Molasses Snaps 4 lbs for - 25c Broken Sodas 7 lbs for • 250 Broken Sweets 6 lbs for - 22o Lemon Biscuits 3 lbs for - 25c A splendid assortment of fancy Sweet Biscuits` • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • et • • • • JOHN & JAS. H. KERR 0 • • • • • • • MACDONALD BLOCK, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••a•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••o•••••••••• • WIN CRAM • • • • W 7NGHAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, August 26th, 1903. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Howson, Elarvey & Brocklebank. Flour per 1001bs.... 1 65 to 2 25 Fall Wheat ,... 0 68 to 0 72 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 25 to 0 30 Barley .... ..... 0 35 to 0 40 Peas 0 65 to 0 70 Turkeys, drawn 0 11 to 0 12 Geese, 0 07 to 0 08 Ducks, per pair 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens 0 30 to 0 75 Butter 0 15 to 0 15 Eggs per doz 0 13 to 0 13 Wood per cord 200 to 2 50 Hay , per ton ...... 6 00 to 7 00 Potatoes, per bushel new.. 0 85 to 0 35 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 06 Lard ... Dried Apples per lb Wool Live Hogs, per alert Hard words are like hailstones in sum- mer, beating down and destroying what they would nourish were they melted into drops. Remember it is a sin to hate anyone. In the very worst character there ss al- ways one good point. Try and find it. Vacation. tWashington Star.) Might as well be happy; Take a day or so; And hear the bees a -humming And watch the daisies grow. Stop awhile and listen To the story and the song, Though .you cease to worry, The `world will get along. It used to do without yon, Not so long age; Some day it may mise yen -- 'Twill survive the blow. Be yon small er mighty, Be you weak or strong, -Kron can rest a little— The world will get along. 0 Special Prices 013 to 013 004 to 04;t 016 to 018 6 10 to 6 10 from centre to crust The Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. elogessfassemiessarowaoserowit ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest machin' cry, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D LOUGHEED Opposite Presbyterian Church. —RINGS —WATCHES —BROOCHES —BRACELETS and all lines of Jewelry until further notice. • Halsey Park Jeweler and Optician. ASK US QUESTIONS VYYYYYYYVYYYVVVYYYYYYVYYVY TYVVVVYVVVVYYVYYYYYYYVVV's P 4 ► 4 ► w i 1 HAVE ► ► 44 O.4 0-4 . STOC STOCK'' 4 II 111 4 i :THE f '4 ► 4 414 about our clothing—all the ques- tions you like. You're interested. Scrutinzie everything carefully— critically if yogi wish—from top to bottom—inside and out. Soo that everything is as it should be. Our reputation guarantee the unseen parts—and the whole gar- ment will be the outcome of pains, and skill is making. Our prices couldn't be lower. R. MAXWELL' Matt Aiax TAILOR. 4 ► 4 4 ► 1 Come and:see .our large stock of 4 C 4 4 Wrapperettes: • beautifulgoods at 10c per 44 ► In all colors , C yard. 4 FIanneIIettes . .1. and heavy, re 12'zc, for 1Oc. 1 Wide a y, ular g 1 E. White Shaker, special at 6c. C " Cheap Plaid Goods for Comforters C 4 4 4 4 4 Muslins, Prints, Basket Cloth, i. 4 Ladies' Vests and Cotton Hosiery all ; go at cost.4j 4 Beautiful Black Underskirts at a redue- ; tion. Handsome Cushion Tops We sell Butterck Patterns. 1 IT. A. MILLS..