The Wingham Times, 1903-08-27, Page 2Etiad La u School.
map= Ponntessat env Fitorinimen
MURSHAT, AUG. 2L 1903,
t iMportant Parliamentary return
tented shows that imports into the
fish oaloniea' from the United. King -
flailed. six million pounds from
tr,00. colonies' export to
creased n25,590,000. The con
r.tde in 1900 with. I3eitian was
00,000, aud with foreign countries
e Vancouver News -Advertiser
ry) favors the Grand Trunk Pacific
eerie, and the Tirnes at Victoria says
at life-lottg Oonservatives in that city
6,E1 telegraphed Senator Macdonald
:ging hint not to move in the Senate
ea resolution condemnatory of the Gov-
aament's arrangement with the Grand
rank Pacific, of which he has given
Canaria now enjoy e the bulk of the
rade with the Yokota. The value of
be Canadian spode which entered the
rulton and Northern British Columbia
loring the fiscal year was $3.164,592.
• the other hand, the value of the for-
iign. goode shipped into those regions
was only $1.170,653. leaving a balance of
01.994,539 in our favor, which is 077,668
rger than the balance for the previous
Every alot her of a Grawats earl Ue In-
terest4d. bt the Story as Told by the
Young Lady.
Miss Laura Damontier is the daugh-
ter a a well•to- do termer in St. Cuth-
bert, Qnebeo. The circumstances under
wklch she was forced to discoutinue
her studies and leave school will be
of interest to all mothers of growing
girls, and Miss Dumoutier consents to
make them public for the beuetit her
experieuee may be to others. She says:
-At the age of twelve I vvas sent to a
conveut school in this parish. At that
time I was as healthy as any girl a my
age. At the end of a couple of years,
however, I felt my streugth leaviug me.
My appetite grew poor, and I suffered
from severe headaches. I nevertheless
continued my studies until October, 1901
when became very ill and was forced
to leave school. The headitehes that had
bothered me became almost constaut.
I suffered front paius in the back and
stomach. and the least exertion would
leave me almost breathless. A doctor
was called in and he said I was suffering
from auttemia, and was in a very dang-
erous condition. He treated me until
February witheut the least beneficial
result. Then another doctor Was called
in, but no better result followed his
treatment. Pay parents were now
thoroughly alarmed and twocpther doc-
tors from S. Ba.rthelemi were called iu
and after consultatiou their verdict was
that my trouble had reached au incur-
able stage. I was greatly disheartened
and did not expect to live long when one
day oue of my friends asked me why I
did not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I
had lost confidence in all medicines, but
was willing to try anything that might
laelp me, and my father got me a supply
of Lae pills. When I had used a couple
of boxes it was very plain that the pills
were doing me good, and after I had
taken them a couple of months I was
once more enjoying the blessing of good
health. I feel that Dr. Willietus' Pink
Pills have saved my life aud I gladly
give my experience in the hope that it
may be of benefit to some other young
No discovery of moderu times has
proved such a blessing to youug girls
• •
,ns' Pink
Really It .ls.
Foolish to fret.
Silly to ory over spilt milk.
Wrong not to take Kline sort of a rest
in the summer.
Unwise to ask. people to loud their
books. Wait till they offer, and then
think twice.
Desirable to do oae's marketing and
shoppiug early iu the day.
Exceedingly disconcerting to find
everybody yawning.
Quicker to do most things yourself
than to tell other people how.
Seldom the person who has the most
trouble who talks most about his woes.
Extremely annoying to be compelled
to change one's plans at the last moment.
Not wise to be to seusitive. A perso n
may be disagreeable and still bear us no
Not advisable a spend so much on a
vacation trip that one must be a shut-in
for the rest of the year.
Better to go slow than to become a vic-
tim of heat prostration.
Finance Minister Fielding pointed ant
u his ahle speech on the Grand Trunk
acifin that $8,853,502 of the $13 000.000
et of Vila yeliv, invested at the pros.
ut tin e in the'sarne way that. insuranee
rapanies invested their funds, would
°vide the $13.000,000 neeessary to pay
e intereat, on the Grand Trunk Pacific
toads, That means that the new trans -
,t a .
Pointed Paragraphs.
From the Chicago New.
Inventing lies has cheapened many a
good man'e reputation.
A wise man hopes only for the thiugs
that are possible and probable.
Few poems would be written but for
the inability of poets to live without eat-
It is safer to twist a lion's tail than to
call a womau's atteutiou to her first grey
The crying need of the early morning
hour is a latchkey with an eleotric light
on one end of it.
Husbands should be frank and tell
their wives everything-aud wives
should. be generous and believe it.
Don't Do That.
[The Commoner.]
Some old men act like thy imagine
they are regular "lady killers." Don't
do that.
Some young men think it is smart to
be considered dissipated and "fast."
Don't do that.
There are young ladies who never
think of practicing upon the piano unless
it is time to wash the dishes. Don't do
A boy always makes a nuisance of
himself when hetries to make people be-
lieve he is older and toughter than he
really is. Don't do.that.
Some employes have a habit of losing
the last hour of the working day by
watching the clock': Don't do that.
Some people waste so much polish on
the toes of their shoes that they have
none left for the heels. Don't do that.
A whole lot of people work overtime
trying to frame up some excuse for not
doing their duty. Don't do that.
Some people lay aside their company
manners just as soon as they are alone
with their children. Don't do that.
Some people think their mission iu life
is to be always giving sage advice for
others to follow. Don't do that.
n the rnlaic nf fL eash grant of less than; flud women as Dr. "WI la
iue million dollars. 1 They net directly on the blood and
nerves, olvigorate the body, regulate the
f unctions and restore health and strength
to the exhausted patient when every
effort of the physician proves unavailing.
These pills are sold by all dealers in
medicine, or may be had by mail post
paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
$2.50 by writing to the Dr. WIlliams'
Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. Remem-
ber that no other medicine can take the
place of these pills, and see that the full
mune, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People, is on the wrapper around every
A sweet expressiou covers a multitude
of freckles.
Sonae men take religion as a political
Bent pins aud oarpet tacks come under
the same head of felt goods.
It is better to have loved a short girl
than never to have loved a tall.
Unless a man has plenty of money or
a wife who can. cook, eating is a nuisance.
Lawyers can stir up strife and create
business, but doctors are obliged to let
well enoug'a alone.
Don't be surprised to find yourself on
your uppers if yon sit around waitiug
for a dead man's shoes.
13APriST OitUrsOrt-Sabbath oervices at
11 a ut and 7 p in. Sunday* School at
230 p m. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Bev. J. N. Mc.
Lean,I3.A., pastor. WI. Chapman, B.S.
METHODIST Cannon -Sabbath services
at 11 m and 7 p in. Sunday School at
2:30 p Epworth League every Mon-
day eveniug. General prayer meeting
on 'Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. R.
Gandy, D.D., pastor. Dr, Towler, S. S.
PnesarrnneAN °swum -Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a in and 7 pm. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Weduesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perm, pastor and S S. Superinten-
dent, P. S. Litiklater and L. Harold,
assistant S. S. Superintendeuts.
Thos. Snnthworth. Secretary of the
rovineinl Bureau nf Colonization esti-
ates the immieratinn in to Ontario this
ear to have been over 10,000. That is
old& last year's immigration which in
nrn went amble the immigration returns
hrenli canny an addition of over 20,000
o taa reputation. And aecnrding to in-
freiona. the opening up of New Ont-
anretthe building of the new rail -
OMR in the north -the rate of increase
I be easily maintained.
There are many persone who seem
Irani ef the fresh air. A. little rain, a
tee wind. a little fog, a little chill in
he air will keen them within doors.
eourgeott, they bundle up in clothes so
hickly that one would think they were
ender shrubs transplanted from some
ore genial dime. The healthy people,
waver, are not the health cranks, not
he people who ran to the doctor every
me they feel an ache. They are the
eople who walk a great deal in the
fresh air, who live in the open as much
they can and who take a vacation in
he country every year. -San Francisco
buth services at 11 a m and 7 pm. Sun-
day School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
Win, Lowe, Rector. F. Shore and Ed.
assistant S. S. Superintendents.
It is sometimes well to remember that
if you don't say a thiug you will have on
occasiou to unsay it later.
What a miserable old world this would
be if retribution were dealt out to each
of us according to our fool desires.
Where is Your Boy To -Night?
The following excellent article is taken
front the Guelph Herald and is applicable
to more places than Guelph and Wing -
ham should be kept in the list of places
where it will be applicable: -
People who have occasion to move
about the city after dark must be struck
by the number of children of tender
years who are allowed to roam at will in
the streets. Laxity of parental discipline
cannot be overcome by ringing a bell or
sending a policeman in chase of vagrant
children. The duty of looking after the
little ones at home must be performed
by the parent or not performed at all.
The proper place for children after
dark is at home and in bed. Daylight
affords them ample time for out -door
recreation and confronts them with as
many temptations as their weak little
natures are able to withstand. Hard it
is to understand father or mother sitting
contentedly in their homes while boy or
girl of fifteen, twelve, and sometimes
ten years is parading the streets at night.
That father and mother expect the child
who at such an early age is needlessly
subjected to the grave dangers that lark
Ontario as an Exporter of Bananas.
A peculiar fact was noticed in going
over the United States trade returns for
the last year or two. It was this: Can-
do. in 1902 is shown by these returns to
have exported over $112,000 worth of ba-
nanas to the United States in the year
tiding June 30, 1002. Last year our ex-
ports in the same line were down to $5,-
827, in late hours to grow up to no
Vst strangers be led to the conclusion
hood or pure womanhood. Shooked
that our banana crop waif hit with a
they would be if tlae Yell of the future
Ost last year, it may be as well to men -
were lifted and they could see their der -
tion that we did not produce the bananas
ling boy or girl a moral wreck or social
The Solar Plexus
Is the largest nerve centre in the sym-
pathetic nervous system, is situated just
back of the stomach, and supplies ner-
vous energy, the vital force of the human
body, to the stomach. heart, lungs. kid-
neys, liver. etc. By creating nerve
force Dr. Chase's Nerve Food directly
aids the solar plexus in snpplying the
power which runs the machinery of di-
gestion and so cures nervous dyspepsia,
headache, dizzy spells and bodily weak-
a In AR
Peter F
The Times Office, Beaver Bloek
ATION ARMY-S6rViee at 7 and 11
d 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and
evening during the week at 8
at the barracks.
OFFICE -1n Macdonald Block.
hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p na.
isher, postmaster.
PUBLIC Linnetter--Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson,
TOWN Cloteecm-R. Vanstone, Mayor;
A. Dulmage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc-
Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone,
S. Bennett, Coancillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer ;
Clegg, Assossor; Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
TERMS OF SITIISCRIPTION-41 36 per annum in
advance, $1.50 if not so paid. No paper discon-
tinued till all arrears ara paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
ADYERTIenio. RATS. - Legal and other
casual advertisements 83 per Nonpariel line for
first insertion, So per line for each subsequent
Advertisements in local columns are charged
10 cts. per line for first insertion,end 5 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,
Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1,00 for
first month and 60 cents for each sabsequent
CONTRACS. Realm -Tile following table sbows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods :-
smolt 1 Yli. 6 mo. 8 MO. 1. MO
One Column 560.00 585.60 06.00 56 Kt
Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.60
Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00
Advertise:meats without specific directions
will be inserted till forbid and. charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance.
Tan Jos DEPARTMENT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
county for turning out first class work. Large
type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of
choiet: fancy type for the finer classes of print1115.
Two hundred and eighty-seven trusts
are known to be in existence.
British railways killed 539 out of theic
575,834 eraployees m the course of last
year, and injured 14,607.
Opaque spots on the eyeball can be
concealed by tattooing the corner of the
eye with sterilized India iuk.
The gold output of Southern Rhodesia
for May of last year was the biggest on
record being over 19,500 ounces.
Brain Leaks.
From Bryan's Commoner.
Sourness is not satisfaction.
The tnan who forgets easiest has
clearest conscience.
Only fools envy the man who is
slave of his money.
Clean politics will come
men get into it and stay in.
When money talks it seldom has any
trouble in finding a listener.
Honestly now did. you ever have a
really good time at church social."
SCHOOL BOARD. -5. J. Homuth, (chair •
man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Douglas, H.
Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm.
Button, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
The common* shark around 13ritish
coasts is the thresher or fox shark. Its
utmost length is about thirteen feet.
A detective says that lifting the hat
and touching the ear is a signal among
Loudon pickpockets that a constable in
plain cloths is near.
The largest parish church in England
is that of St. Nicholas, Great Yarmouth.
One hundred and fifty thousand dollars
has just been spent on its restoration.
when clean
hat were exported in ether the one
ear or the other. It was simply a case
f re-exporting fruit first imported into
anada from the place of productiou.
Bat it a?,enis strange that even this re ex -
ort trade ever attained such dimensions
Stated in the retarns for 1902. There
MO import tax ort bananas entering the
'United States.
Tb1s Boy's Head
a Mass of Sores
Proprietor and Publisher
r'ripress of India Sinks, a Chi..
nese Cruiser Off Hong Kong.
The Chinese Captain and Thirteen of Ms
Crew Lost -The c.r.n. Vessel Remus*
the Remainder - The Chinaman
Starboarded stud Cants Acres's
the Bow of Empress of India
stud. Is Lost.
-r P KENNEDY, o.. M. 0. P. S. 0
• Member of the British Medical ASSOCIa•
don. Gold Meuallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
(chairman), C. J. Reading, nos Greg-
ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer.
In future sight testing opticians are to
be known as "optologists." The British
Optoical Association bears the responsi-
bility of creating the new world.
A water cress ditch measuring 150
by 18 feet will yield on an average of
eighty fiats of water cress in a season,
each fiat averaging, $1.25 in. price.
An excellent and pleasant disinfec-
tant is made of 9 per cent. essence of
thyme and 18 per cent. essence of ger-
anium mixed in alcohol.
The latest society sport in Rome is cat
hunting over tops of houses during the
night. A club has been duly formed by
the devotees of this sport. The people
generally have not taken kindly to it.
A Chinese thief wasfattacked by chol-
era the other day at Singapore as he was
leaving a, house he had robbed, He was
Centre Street
Hong Kong, Aug. 3... -.The
steamer Empress of India (from Van-
couver, 1I.C., July ni, for Hong
Kong), collided near OAS port yeis-
terday with the Chinese cruiser
Hueng Tai. The warship sank an
hour after the oollision. The lIueng
Tai was a tender to the naval engi-
neering college of the SOuthein Chi-
nese squadron at Nanking. ,She was
of 2,13.0 tons displacement, had es
speed of 15 knots and carried 300
men. She was built in England in
1888. Tier armament consisted of
three 7 -inch Krupp guns, seven 40 -
pounders, and six small rapid firing
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
°nice -Macdonald Block, over J.; E. Davis'
Drug Sterol, Night calls answered at the office.
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and. Fletcher Music
Method, Simplex and. Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina-
Teacher of Piano and Theory.
311.11., M.D., C.M., C.P.S.O. MD,CM., MOPS 0.
Teacher of Violin and Guitar.
Rooms in Stone Block, Wingham.
.A. man usnally has to work doubly found in the grounds and taken to ahos-
hard for two weeks after a vacation to pital, where ho died soon after.
Even when the little feet are tender-
ly but firmly set iu the path of rectitude
by father and mother the struggle will
he hard for the boy to retich the plane of
manhood. Ever sa watchful ever so so-
licitous though he be about the boy's
associatious there may come to the par-
ent in after years from the same boy
griefs that Will wring the heart. But
when the boy or girl of tender years is
made a free commoner to go or tei come
when he or she pleases, what enduring
hope can there be for that child's future?
And when the wreck of the life entrust-
ed. to their keeping has been acconaplishecl .
hoW can the parents escape responsi-
Ter Tema Tears a treat sneerer front
Itestlei-Veowld stream with agony.
MR. JAMIS SCOTT, 136 Wright Avenue,
Toronto, states :-"My boy Tom, aged ten,
was for beady three years afflicted with a bad
of eczema of the scalp, which -was very
and resisted ell kinds of remedies
nod doctor's treatment. Ilis head was in a
a state. We had to keep him front
school, and at times
his litad would bleed,
and the child would
scream with agony.
For two and it half
, years we battled with
• it in vain, but at last
e. •
amine O. Cure in 1».Eik
eiChast's Ointment.
About five boxes were
4 tised. The original
sores dried up, leaving
• the Skin in its nnrmSl
Too Scott condition. to say it
to testify to the woriderfid merits
(Hannon, is,putting it WI
oilltnttid tit positive care for
hewn, scald head inal chafii*
se sa dsiicrs, egf Edikeasits160
• Teett*Oe.
get rested up. In a Singapore police court waiting
Some men look upon home as being
merely a place where they can rest up
for the next day's work.
The boy who never had a grandmother
is going to miss some precious recollec-
tions when he is a man.
There is plenty of room at the top.
The trouble is in the awful jam around
the bottom of the ladder.
If the average man can do as much
work as he thinks he can there would
be little demand for labor-saving MR-
The trouble with the "trustees of Pro-
vidence" is that they want to clahn all
their successes as their own and blame
their failures on Providence.
Levees 'V -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens
the water and disinfects, eee_e 38
Hay Fever Unknown.
Certain it is, and many years of care.
fal experience are back of the statement,
that hay fever, and kindred annoying
and troublesome summer affections dis-
tressing to so tnin3y thousands all over
the country, mettrring as regularly all
artly and Augruit,are absolutely unknown
in the "Highlands of Ontario.'" Thous-
ands of people go to Muskoka, Georgian
Bey or the Lake of Hays every year for
nothing else brit tn avoid hay fever, and
find perfect irontunity front the ailment,
and many by going there regularly for
period of a few years ere said to be
permanently cured.
Hay fever booklet- nen be had free
for the asking by applying to L. Harold,
G. T. E. seta, Viring
OFFICE -Chisholm Block, Josephine street.
RESIDENCE -LI rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
Official Statement.
Montreal, Que., Aug. heag
office of the C.P.R. has issued the
following official statement:
"At midnight. Monday the Empres*
bound to Hong Kong, was passing
the Chinese crusier, both vessels be-
ing on parallel courses and going in
the same direction. When about up
to the Chinese cruiser her captain
suddenly and without any warning
starboarded and came across the hove
of the Empress, which at once man-
oeuvred into a position which re-
sulted in the blow from the cruiser
being a glancing one instead of a di-
rect compact. The cruiser, in sliding
aft along the mail steatne.r, did some
damage to the upper works of the
latter, but she herself was struck by
the starboard propeller of the Era -
press, and sank in 90 minutes. One
hundred and seventy-one of the cruis-
er's creW were saved by the Empress,
but her captain and 13 othors are
missing, though they are supposed
to have been picked up by funks.
it •
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No cs'nn s de oho rg s ort -
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham.
Cook's Cotton Root Compounell,
Is the only Safe, reliable)
regulator on which woman
can depend "in the Ineir1
and time of need."
Prepared in two degrees of
Strength. No. 1 and No. 2.
No. 1. -For ordinary cases
is by far the best doll=
medicine known.
No. 2 -For special cases -10 degrees
etronger-three dollars per box.
ladies -ask your druggist for CoolcIe
Cotton Root Compound. Take no other
as all pills, mixtures and imitations are
dangerous. No. I and No. 2 are sold and
recommended by all druggists in the 110-
111101011 of Canada. Mailed to any addres5
on receipt of Price and four 2 -cent postage
Stamps. The cooic Company,
Windsor, oat.
No. 1 and NO 2 are sold in Wingham
by Colin A. Campbell, W. McKibbon,
A. L. Hamilton, and R. A. Douglass,
room au officer went to sleep and on
awakening he found that his shoes had
been stolen by a facetious thief.
Several Polish schOolboys at a German
gymnasium have been sentenced to terms
of imprisonment from six weeks down.
ward for beloaging to a secret society.
A shoal of porpoises, mistaken in the
moonlight for a torpedo catcher, drew a
cannonade not hong ago front one of the
Dardanelles forts, causing much alarm in
the neighborhood.
In future any holder of the Victoria
cross who sells it or losea it and cannot
give satisfactory explanation of his loss
will be liable to be derived of the annuity
which accompanies it.
Wingham, Ont.
E. L. Droxisiscnv
Omen : Meyer Block, Wingham.
Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses re-
Money 4 per cent. large amounts; smaller in
proportion. Easiest terms.
• 1903 TORONTO 1903
AWL 27th to &FM itth
'the Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of
Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before attempted.
PI Witten, by order of Ele MA.YESTf THE NINO
E 411111731111*11°111621111151a633411551111111
of his august mother. the late queen victoria, will be er.bibited FRB; Ma will
SW, by/bandsmen of the Dowager Dileaeon St Puff evin Mid AVIL•
AM by permission of the Com:item of Aberdeen treastice
vie special features, Ineledine an liattraly new spectecmar production entitled
ender the 'Armored direction of Belem! Ifiralfr, will be on at SCale never lister*
attempted at att annual fair in isay part of the World.
kedtteed rates us lima weter from sreryWbers. Conault your station
1' ififiltrt mod AtortiVt<
Office -Next to Holmes Block now building.
lir. Fitzpatrick Onetes air John lifacden.
old and Sir Charles Tupper Against
Ills Alternative PrOpOSULIOD.
Ottawa, Aug. 19. -The leader of
the Opposition yesterday, in a speech,
of two hours' duration, suggested an
alternative to the schemo for a
transcontinental railway submitted
by the G overnment. Ile advoeated
tne purchase of the Canada Atlantic
Railway; the nationalizatiofl by pur-
chase of the unprofitable section of
the C.P.R. between North Bay 'and
Port Arthur; the improvement of one
or both the railways between that
point and Winnipeg, and the acquisi-
tion of running rights over them,
and the control of the Government
railways by a commission. Ron.,
Charles Fitzpatrick, who followed,
asked what Mr. Borden's proposition
would cost, and whether it would
furnish any better solution of the
problem than that presented by the
Government. He quoted Sir John
A. Macdonald and Sir Charles Tup-
per against the alternative proposi-
tion and Lord Strathcona, an.d Hon.
Mr. Blair in favor of the Govern-
ment's position. Mr. Fitzpatrick, in
vigorous terms, protested against
the insinuations by Hon. Mr. Blair
against the motives of his col-
leagues, and challenged that gentle-
man to either make charges or re-
cede from lats posit f on. Dr. Russell
and Hon. John Cos' igen also partic-
ipated in the debit' e
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August.
Y V •
Beaver Block, Wingham.
D.D. S. -Toronto University,
L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
and anyone having live stock or other
nrticles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for the article sr stook than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Trams and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and. other
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and. Aatust.
j S. JEROME, L. D. S.
gas a new method for painless
extraction. No cocaine.
Special attention to the care of cnildren's
Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed.
Oerree-In Gregory block, opposite Queen's
Wingham, Ont,
ALEx. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds
conducted. at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the Trees office will receive prompt attention.
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &a., &C., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and. on
short notice.
SOOKIIINOING.-Vire arepleased to annottace
that any Books or Magazines left with Its for
Binding, will have our proinnt attention
Prites for Binding in any style will be given on
application to
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
For the Comities or Huron and Bruce. Sales
of Farm Stock :‘nd Implements a specialty.
All Orders left at the Trams office pronaptly
attended. to.
Terms reasonable.
FS. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont.
Is prepared. to conduct sales in this section.
-Special attention given to sales of farm stock
and implements.
Dates and Orddre can always he arranged at
the Tisza oftice. 'gingham.
Will Massacre Christians.
Sofia, laulgaria.-A. reign of terroa
Is reporbed to prevail at Uskub,
where the Christian inhabitants ares
afraid to leave their houses. The
Mussulmans have resolved at a given
signal to massacre the whole Chris-
tian population immediately the first
insurgent band appears near -Ciskei).
The Christians are terrorized. The
Turkish troops, who are their only.
protection, do not show the Slight-
est disposition to aid them.
TRAINS r.riAvs von
London 6.50 a.m.... 8.100.m.
TorentOds EVA.0 ton6,58 min.... 8.05p.m.
Kincardine-11SO a.m.,1.40 p -m.... 8.88par).
saitree Viten
Kittear(liee ...Alit) amt.'0.00 a.m.... 11.05 p.nt,
London 11.10 eini• 4 • . 7.55 pan,
Palmerston 11.10 adn.
Toronto ds Fast 1,40 p.m..- lain p.m.
le HAROLD. Agent, Wingham.
TFAINS Litatit reit
froroato atta Nett 6.67 hon.... 6.48 pan.
Teesweter Lie pat ....10,48 p.m.
AnitiVe Peon
• TeetWatet.... . 6.67 Chi
Toronto Andliftst 1.17pmi . .10.48 0. m.
.T. R. BaiiiR. itS•StilifIcAks14.
O YEAits#
Joliette sending a elicit:1i And description may
meekly aseartain our Opinion free whether as
invention is probably patentable Commenice
twin strictly eonedentialhandbook on Patent;
sent free. est tigetiey.tor securing Patent*
Petents taken through Munn IA Co. worse
*Perks! slake, without charge, intim
Sltitttfic Jtericat
h.„diorney oM
reation of any ScientificjeUrnsi. Terme,
wilisariattbs,11. Sold by allielalettr
0 ew or
Luieh Office. 1344 r D. U.
nig Fire at Quebec.
Quebec, Aug. 19. -Last night fire
broke out in the workshops of the
Great Northern Railway. The struc-
ture soon fell a prey to the flames.
The machine shop and several cars
were consumed. The loss is between
$60,000 and $70,000, fully covered
by insurance. Pierre Giroux fell
from the roof of his resident°, front
which he was endeavoring to view
the fire. and died almost immediate-
ly from a fractured skull.
Mr. dames nose neatens.
Montreal, Aug. 19. -Mr. Jahns
Ross yesterday resigited from the
Presidency and directorate of the Do-.
minion Iron and Steel Company. AU
the other directors except Senator
Cox, who was unable to be present,
were in sessioa at the time, and the
resignation was aecepted after some
Fer Water..
Simla, India, Aug. 19.-Tlic irriga-
tion commission bas issued its re-
port. It proposes to lay out $150,-
000,000 in twenty years in protec-
tive works, and also $2,000,000 an -
1 it iUotti 1 yo 0 s loans for private
elm. Curling Der Hair.
Liat trivet , Aug. I 9 . ss Lott is
Freeman, while mirl:ng her hair, up-
set the lamp, or the lamp exploded.
Her clothing took fire, burning her
seriously about the body, arms, neck
end face. The doctors cannot gala
so rot how national the bunrs area
_ •