HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-27, Page 10 VOL XXXIL—NO. 1645. WIN(iHA1VI Ti WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST ,27 1903. . Y , ►'hS.. ♦ ; • , ,*,..yam ,a, SIGN OF THE BIB BEAR New Goods We have now a full stock of Gents' Furnishings, and can assure you that any- thing bought from us is right -up-to-the-minute and at right prices. NEW UP-TO-DATE SHIRTS a TIES « .< HATS !C <' COLLARS <. ,, HOSIERY <t •' " BRAOES and everything in connec- tion with the Gents' Fur- nishing department. In Tweeds you will always find our stock new and up- to-date, and we can assure you a perfect fit, and at right prices. Remember, we sell cheap Homuth Bros. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINGHAM Capital paid up, $2,930,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,330,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. B. Vanstone. Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCNAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President— 1101. WM. GTESoN. Vice -President and General Manager —3, TURNETILL , D213E`O11!ORS OeooSrineolerLee, Jhn S. H nde,G1uthrfod Assistant General Manager—H. S. STEVEN. Inspector—H. M. WATSON'. Savings Bank•—Hours 10 to e; Saturday, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In- terest allowed, and computed on the 80th No- vemhor and 31st May each year and added to principal. Special Deposits also received at eutrent rates of interest. +SbDat%e t on ntGreat Britain and the United Travellers are notified that the }lank of Hain• ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of National Provincial Banthout k of England, /drafted,We Inwhich luny an Bart of ti eiworld,c ergo or trou. W. 0OIU3017LD, Agent DIC11iC1111501`7` do fi0I,11MDS, Setioltere. • Like Finding Money Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. To buy Groceries here. Other people save money by trading here; why not you ? Our Crockery . Woman' Institute. The regular me hag of the Women's Institute will be h ld in Chisholm's hall, Wingham, on Fri ay Sept. 4th, at 2.30 p. m. All interes d in the work are cordially invited o attend. —See the new School Books at Is the most up-to-date you car, find, and prices very reason - Please shop early on Saturday evening, as I find it impossible to do people the justice they should have, later on in tho night. Exhibitors a Toronto Fair. Wingham will be repreeented in the large number of pe le who will be ex- hibitors at the Toro ito Fide Mr. Geo. E. King will exhibi his driving horse Hanson will make e laibits of hand paint- ed china, eto. 25c to End f Year. There are a few poop within a radi- ans of ten miles of 'Win ham who have not enrolled themselves s subscribers 0 the TIMES. We want e Trues to be weekly visitor to all th homes in Win ham and neighborhood and in order do iso we have decided send the Tut till January 1st, 1904, t any address f 25 cents, We want to dd at least 20 new names to our list efore the New Year. The past few weeks we have added many new name and we ask our reedere to tell their nei hors and friends of our 25c to the end o the yeas o The up to -date fartne use the Verity plow 8, because they ar e best. Sold by Alf. Glover, Winghtun. Electric Light an Two special meetin Council have been hel week, when the matter electric light plant and works and sewers w matter has not yet amtaiotaterb,efore taking $1 A YEAR IN ADV —The best Senbblers at Coopers'. MONEY TO LOAN at 4;4 per cent. on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A, Dulmage, Kent Block, Whegbam. Waterworks. s a the Town during the past utting water - discussed.. The ten any definite and Pencils are Eggs 140. 100 tubs Butter wanted weekly. Farmers' pork for sale. R. A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59. Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfleld Townships. Goed lands with good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A p,eneral store with large trade, live village. A.lso a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to Insurance Agent. Holyrood. Real Estate You cannot invest your money in anything better than a good farm or business property in town. I have some excellent value in farm proper. ty:at the present Mine. For thope ',vim are looking for farms.to buy, I might just say that it will pay you to have a look at what I have to offer you. just a word to those who have property to dispose of : Let MO find that "other man' for von, I have ten eliances to your one. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. C. Z. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent. (Office upstairs in Vanstone block.) GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey Park's advertisement. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. Death After an illues Geo. Watt, who Whigham, for away on Frid years. Mr. of Tiroodlands, and had beeu for many years. built frOm told many interes eer days in the place to the Win day afternoon. Geo. Watt. of nearly two years, ad been a resident of some years, passed night last, aged 78 att was a native Aberdeeu, Scotland, resident of Canada He was paymaster on the road was being eg to Vancouver and ng stories of the pion- st. The funeral took am cemetery on Sun - Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office op- posite St. Andrew's church, London, More Ne During the wee the local agent o Co. has had three in position. The No. 22 in John T 83 in Thos. W Makes a total of 1 use in Wingam, increase since Mr. of the local agenc tinues it will not business places reaehed by wire Telephones. the Boll Telephone ew telephones placed new 'phones are:— ylor's butcher shop; urns' residence; No. t's residence. This 0 telephones now in ich is a very large Campbell took charge . If the increase con- k) long before all the n Wingham can be Fort SALE the town of Wingham, lots 4 egs 5 on the west side of Josephine St., on which is situated a eider mill with all equipments; will be sold very cheap. Apply to, 0. J. MAGMBE, Real Eget° Agent, Wit] ghane Have Your E The Post Office who send letters have Written or p band tenter of th and post offiee called for at d promptly returne of ping' to the de your love and bu Have your alive With the latest ty It need not be tar box number and p velopes Printed, Department urges all rough the mail to inted on the upper left envelope their name ross, so that if not Camden it may be to the sender, instead fiess affairs known. pes tastily printed at the Tintts office. and prominent, your st Oleo is all that is Died in urnberry. Catherine Smart relict of the late Thomas Rogers,w o has made her home at Mr.Geo.Cruick iank's,B line of Tura - berry for nearly n years paesed peace- fully away on Mo day last,aged 84 yeare. Deceased was an unt of Mrs. Cruick- shank and had b n an invalid for some years past. She vas one of the early pioneers of the eutralia district and was very active ntil a few years . ago. The remains we e taken to Centratia on Monday to be b led in the family plot. THREE DAYS Mo E o sard's 20 per cent discouut cloth' ale. Don't miss this chance of saving 20 cents on the dol - Prizes fo Judging. Quite a nom ber of prizes are to be given at the Dom nion Exhibition in restricted to farme s and farmers' sons not over 25 years o age. Fifty dollars is divided hetweei the four best judges cribed as a horse s liable either for the binder, waggon, carriage or saddle. Four prizes also a gregating e50 are to be given for the st judges of dairy cattle, also for the best judges of beef cattle; also for th best judges of sheep and of bacon hog Payme The collector's Wingham is no 'collector, Mr. will shortly be rounds, acquain the fact that the year will shortly ments for the pa same as last yea made to the coll paying their ta 15th will be enti 1,14 per cent; 30th September, cent; between t the 16th Octob a reduction paid after No in full, and five to all taxes not roll for the town of in the hands of the ne. Robertson, who making his annual 'ng the ratepayers of taxes for the current be due, • The arrange- ment of taxes are the , and payment may be ctors or at the Bank of minion Bank. Parties es on or before Sept. led to a reduction of tween the 16th and reduction of lye per 1st and 15th October, 1 per cent; between r and 14th Novem- per cent. Taxes 14th must be paid or cent will be added id on or before Dec. The Late Robt. Henderson. The following eference to the death in-law of Mr. .H.Green, of Wingham, whose death wa briefly aoted. iu our last issue, is taken rom the Goderich Sig- nal:—"The death of Deputy -jailer Rob- ert Henderson st Friday removes from our midst a mo t worthy citizen and one who, during h s twenty-six years' resi- dence here, ha by his kindly disposition made many friends. Mr, Henderson was born in Suotland in the year 1840 and came to anada in 1853 accompanied by his mothe . They settled at first in Hibbett town hip and four years later removed to 5 Word, where Mr. Hender- son lived till o received his appoint- ment at the j 11, twenty-six years ago. He was mare d in Goderich by the Rev. Dr. Ure to M ss Agnes McTavish in the year 1864 an since removing from Salt - ford Mr. and Ire. flendersou had lived on Napier st eet in the house from which the fa ral took place on Mon- day aftetnoo The funeral wds very largely atten ed and the court -house flag was pla ed half-mast. About forty membe of the Masonic fraternity, of which the °ceased had been a mem- bet for over t irty years, attended the funeral, ing a number of members from tho Car w lodge. Mr. Henderson had been a ing for the past seven months but ad been away front the jail only during e past fire weeks. Cancer of the liver, 8 shown by the autopsy which was h ld, is given as the cause of death, To rs. Henderson and the other relativ we desire to expiess our sincere sym thy." Opinion of t West. Editor McDonald, f the Chesley Enterprise recently ret ned home from a trip to Manitoba and tl e West and here is his opinion of the c wry :—"What d3 you think of the We ? It is a won- derful country with are possibilities for young xnen who desire o live the inde- pendent life of farm r. We think a man on a rented farm n Ontario, or a young man who has no arm and desires one, should go to the West where he will be farther ahead five years than he would be in 15 year in this province, though he is bound to ndergo consider- ably more hardships the West with its rigorous winters. ut to the Ontario farmer who has pa sed the prime of life and is free from d bt we would say "Be content where yo are." The trails of the prairie can nev couduce so much to the pleasure of tl e traveller as the good roads of Ontario the sod stables of the Western agrieu uralist can never compare favorably wi h the bank barns of the yeoman of thi province. Then think of the luscious f uits in the gar - dots of Outario far ers, which the people of the West ne r can have. A Welwyn wotnan told she would like to be in Bruce once mo e in the fall of tne year to sea and fea t on the delicious products of the pear, lum, and apple trees." A Morris Mr. Robt. Bloom caller at the °TIMES and informed us tht before some of the mentioned in the a Pioneers" in our la field was born in th came to Canada in maker by trade and towns aud cities unt in the spring of 1854 in that township con date. Mr. Bloomfie iuteresting stories of and remembers well shoot the deer in th Brunswick Hotel no% Pioneer. ffice on Friday last t he settled in Morris parties who were tiele, "North Huron t issue, Mr. Bloom - north of Ireland and 848. He is a shoe- orked in differeut he came to Morris ud he has resided inuously Educe that Ofln tell many he old pioneer days hen he was able to woods where the stands. FOR SALE—A farm. of 33 acres ou side the corporation. Buildings all and everything in first-class orde ply to M. Lamont, Box 107, Old Time seball Match The =oh talked bout baseball match etweeu the firem and the Yi century club was played o the park on Monday y of our townseeeple The old time play - stars for the old uniform in which h the tailors' club , E. Simmons weut hie in arranging this n will now have to before they again . The teams were ws :—Firemen—Geo. y, Elmer Moore, V. Scott, W.Armour, tchell. Century— Crawford, F.Angus, Lean, J. H. Stephen - Hanson, and Rol - innings was as fol - °sting one and ma ers gave the firem how ball should be ford was one of t timers and wore t he used to play w' some years ago. to considerable tro match. The them do some practisiu meet the old bcre composed as full Hanna, P, oDelau Sell, W. Burgess, A E. Simmons, A Robt. Small, T. lins. The Salto b lows: 3.i Century Firemen Douglass' Dyspepw Tablets are guaranteed to give sat isfaction in all; 'forms stomach troubles or mon refunded. DOUGLAS The Druggist. I have room for two students the Telegraph Office. • House and lot ou Prep is street for sale. Good locatio , co fortable house. Wood shed, me 1 o e, hard and soft water, good fruit ees, owner leaving town. Appy to J. J. SULLIVAN. Wingha The large bill Agricultural Soc' in Wiegham on were printed week. The lis harness, special hitching race, horse . T here A few of the Wm. Gr ons cele. ment on both brated buggies must be . Call and cart will be giv get a bargain at Alf. Glover's implement the fair. Ruth by other talent The Origin of Life by Dr. Hollick. The Marriage Guide Diseases of Women 925 pages By special arrangements with the publishers we have arranged for a special Canadian edition of 300 copies of this book. The original price is $5.00, but we have planned to sell these 300 for $3.50 each—we pay the postage. Supply is limited. L F. Mallagh BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER BRANTFORD, CANADA. "Lowney's" Chocolates FRESH THIS WEEK 10c, 25c, 35G and 60c pkgs. Once eat " Lowney's and you will have POE SALE BY Walton McKihhon DRUGGIST Next door to pest office. program. The d every effort to success and the special prizes sh tracting a large visitors to our to rectors will be he when business will be transacte Fall Fair. for the Turnberry ty fall fair to be held etember 24th and 25th the TIMES office this of special attrations iu- all race, team race in for single driver. team ecial for single carriage ill be a football tourna- ys of the fair. A con - on both evenings of en McDonald, assisted vill furnish the concert ectors on putting forth ake this year's fair a special attractions and uld be the means of at- mber of exhibitors and n. A meeting of the di- d in the office of J.J.E1- y evening of this week, nnected with the fair Bowling ournament. play will be comme ced on Friday after- noon of this week. 'ach player is to con- tribute 25 cents an tho money will be used in purchasing p izes for the wiuning rinks. This town: ent will the the means of providin excellent sport for the bowlers. The ri ks have been drawn as follows:— R. Maxwell W. Hanson W, Scott E Smith A. E. Uibsou—Skip W. Holmes—Skip L. Harold . G. Iranstoue W. Corbould Bennett J. Buckley • Lloyd Ed, McAl pine—Skip r. Holloway—Skip W. F. Ironstone eo. Carr Thos. Bell E. Nash H. Jeffery—Skip V.Vaunorman—Skip A, Dulmage G. King D. Holmes—Skip 0. Kuechtel—Skip J. J. Homuth A. K. Gifford A. Crawford R. Vanstone—Ski Fall Term Opens Sept 1st CpTRAL ifiATFORD. ONT. Scores of Business Colleges have applied to us foe our graduates, to act as teachers iu theie'sehotelel This is tne evidence you are looking for as to the BEST SCHOOL. to attend. Thousands of bur former students are now in business life. Write for our handsome catalegere W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL, That Lac osse Game I The Teeswater ews last week devot- ed several inches o space to an account of the lacrosse mat al played in Wing - ham on Monday ev fling, 17th inst., be- tween the local tea and the Teeswater —Walkerton et al aggregation. From the general tone and tenor of the article it DdOuegtoyaburrosaedl f, ab te in charge of a gu me; and when yo ure to plaee yours WANTED—Go strong young men, to would seem that t e News man visited learn the moulding and stove -mounting Wingham in the ho e of seeing his pet trades. Apply at once, THE WESTERN' FOUNDRY Co., players trim the loc 1 team to a finish, wfilgemm. aud being disappoi ted in that, he pro - SALE OF FURNITURE—T following ceedecl to "paw th ground" in ahnost articles will be offered for ale by private merciless fashion. The effusion can sale :—Two bedroom iites, bedstead, only be classed as he rancorous ravings 1 extension table, 1 n , sideboard. parlor pipes, number of glass jars. and other emanating from mind so infinitesimal- ! organ, kitchen articles. Terms cash. R. C. Kittson, ly small as to be 1,unworthy of notice. west end of John street. The statement that "Wingham has to • win every game 14layed there and they Band G den Party. will do it if at all'possible by fair means The garden part under the auspices 1 or foul and it seems that they are more i of the citizens ba of Wingliam, in the familiar with the latter than the former," park on Thursday evening of last week, need not be taker) seriously, and we do while fairly well ttended, was not the not believe it is the opiniou of the play - success that the e orts of the manage- ers of the Teeswetter lacrosse club them- ment to provide good evening's enter- selves. We havei followed the career of : tainment merite The weather was the Wingham lacrosse and baseballa perhaps a little ol, which no doubt teams quite as clbsely at least as the ', kept many at hot le, but we think there sporting (1) editor of the News, and ; much larger attend- have as yet failed to find a [complaint of I remembered that the "foul means" made by any team with rs of the band do not whom they havp played. We would 1 neration for their ser- like to know by what standard the editor ' ieration of the amount to the north of i4 judges those who in- tim citizens are treat- dulge in friendlly games, and would his organization, we venture the asser ion that all that is at least be encouraged virtuous and m ral in sportsmanlike their efforts to raise conduct was not born in the ofiice of d band accoutrements. article reads:— ' he game was as rough ver, passed off very as any the boys ve ever been in and seam, lemonade, etc., every one has sortie mark to REMEMIGIR nd an enjoyable even- him that he played lacrosse in Wingham band boys wish to on Monday." We are at a loss to know -indness of the ladies where they got the marks except when it ed in serving refresh. they stubbed thei toes and fell. Might we suggest that t e editor of the News ; take a few lesson in order to familiar. od English? "Wing - in many ways but ny kind is concerned .ome place where they ft is sadly in need f repair," says the er. Perhaps if the ale and commune with saga from Teem , vvhere, tho' the sun ttly, cooling breezes al- Nowa editor's met al powers had some great heat is unknown.it of the repairs he suggests—or better ed that among the rocks still, a new outfit, ltogether—he might Muskoka district, about be in a better posi 'on to enjoy a friend - of Ontario, (1000 feet ly game m a nog boring town. Now, Mr. News, before eferring to the "con- duct" of people 0 a neighboring town whieh you visit a "something disgrace fill," We suggest at it would be infira itely better for yo to learn how to on. —The Wingh to Lucan on La games with the The Irish Nine lug Detroit tea of 7 to 6. m baseball club will 0 r Day and play tee famous Irish Nine'a am won from the tour- oa Monday by a score. & Co. will give prizes r ,,Septembe eggs as follows t First rize, tailor made, skirt, value $3.00 to stonier bringing it( value $2,00 ; 3rd prize, ladies' waist, VaitiO' might have been mice. When it i individual memb receive any remt vices, anti in con 1 of music to whic 1 ed weekly by !think they shoul and supported in 1 funds to keep th the latest music The affair, ho pleasantly. Ice were dispensed, ing spent. Th acknowledge the who so ably aegis ments. "A Sune To those who outing aud seek pasttres new," may cast care primitive natu shines ever bri ways blow an is safely promi and lakes of tl 100 miles nort the Highlands above sea love Handsome, illustrated, descriptive ublications 11 be sent free to any act- ress on appli ation to L. Harold 0, T. re platning a summer ham is a good tow g "green fields and as far as sport of they will find enchant - SCHOOL SHOES We're out for the School Shoe Trade of the town. All the boyt and girls know that this is the place to get the proper styles, but if there's a faniily in this town that does not buy their Boys' and Girls' Shoes here alai we can get the head of that family to read this ad. and to come here just to take a look at our School Shoes— we'll get that family's trade, No father or mother ctui resist such tempting values as we are offering in and $L75 School Shoes for boys and girls 414 The Shoe Man.