HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-20, Page 6TILE W IDGIIAM TIMES, AUGUST 20, 1003
cuRe ruR"CwTIONAtg onc5 !'
:: EY EtiRictt'ftit BLOOD w
ndon• MoatreelCa o to
' �'PR1CC --�
Rseel stentele AMERlee
all Druggists h Chemist
NervouSneSS predominates in. wo-
men, but men are also Subject to it.
excess of various kinds causes it also
intellectual toil and anxiety.
Si. JAallt8 `V Al ERS: are peculiarly
indicated in any form of nervous de-
bility, as they tone up the entire sys-
tem and restore the nerves to their
normal condition. They are indica-
ted in exhaustion, mental inertia and
senile weakness.
They contain. no alcohol, not being
a ligtiid remedy. Their effect therefore
is not that of a mere stimulant, but
tonic and permaueut.
ST. JAMES `VAlseMS help stomach,.
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health, and strenght,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accomplishes
"X ant particularly pleased with
St. James Wafers. They have
been speciallyttsefuliu my prac-
tice when employed in nervous
trottbloe,.}' Dr. J Cruse,
Birmingham, nag.
Price in Carman: $$1.00;
SL.'i bottles for $$5,00
_ __• ___._._� _ =ryas solemnized at the residence of Kira. I whiskey, subscribe to charity, go with-
- - - -- 4 Calder, near Oraubrook, on Tuesday. ,out meats, attack free silver, defend bi-
' ry• f her eldest
Sl James It afersare not a secret
remedy : to the numerous doctors re -
c, ,,:ending them to their patients
eve mail the formula upon request.
Where dealers are not selling the
-Wafer.A. they are mailed upon re.
ceipt of price at the Canadian
branch : St. Jams Wafor3 Co., 1728
St, Catherine St , Montreal.
1 The s otere' list for Tuckersutitle towel- About 40 S.outIlwoltl and tarmcuth
farmers were served with writs iu actions
to recover amounts of unpaia stook,
in the learn:ere'Co operative Peeking
Cu., of Brantford, Limited, Tile
terluere renew to pay their stock
claiming that they stibseeibed for it
limier false pretenses. They said they
were promised as good a price her
their hue* as uneoae else was paid
anti they Haiti their promise was not kept.
Hogs were purchased hem thew, too,
C2C i(/'Z.u ` ( they suy,at a certain price,aud whom the:
1 shin has j not been issued. There are 6,4
`'!r,none entitled to vote at boot els c:io e.
to the Legislative Asserbiy and at mun-
i itelpttl elections: 133 at luuuieip:tl elec-
t tions only, tend. 4f, at elections to the
L'gislative Assembly only, making a
total of 8•i(. voters on the list, Of this
number 4.70 are eligible to serve as jams,
Bears the _The l,I •d'la Hale Masts Bought
uuwpauy came to settle, ti lower price
r decline
One night recently some party o �wus Paiti than,.
Therefore, they tit
parties broke open the two doors lead- Lu pay up itis bulauee cilia on ihuu, stuck.
ing to tee Coupe 3. Chane er of the
\Vawanosh Township Hall near St
Helenseind ransacked the Clerk's ()Mee,
1 throwing the papers, etc., on the floor.
i We understand the Council ,sones
The fulluwing question and answer,
frees tiluiegs1 cuiutuu ut The Mail and
b;uipue, rink be luforutatiou of iuterest
CI) welly resource Question -Ant I ob-
offering a liberal reward for the convi • 1 Beed to bead. to keep my hugs and
tion of the guilty parties and if they are
discovered will be severely dealt with.
�; aleinz1i IN emu CU ',I.
Mrs. Wm. Young, Frome, Out., says:
"One year ago our little boy had au
attack of croup which left a bad wheeze
1,1 his chest. We used Dr. Wood's Nor-
way Piue Syrup, and it completely cured
tenths frau traspassiug upon my neigh-
bor's property Y Answer --Any person
is lianas to tui intone for daivauses doue
ter his tUOmestte auttttais trespassing and
trespassed upou wee uarialee.d would not
be twins; ummm se upeu tee property of
auotber. Thu Emit that the property
eui:luient defrnt:e in such action. Every
parboil must take cane of his owu de-
mesne :nemesis. In order to do so lie
saould ieut:u lu his property and time
preveut Cham from arraying outo the laud.
of me ueighbur.
An editor down in Oklahoma says:
"To ruu a newspaper all fellow has to
do is to be able to write poems, discuss
the turtle and money question, umpire a
game, report a wedding, saw
wand, describe a fire se tlutt the readers
will shod their wraps, make a dollar do
the work of tou, shine at a dance, meas-
ure calico, abu,e the liquor habit, test
Young ,nen don't swear. There is uo
eceasiou for it outside of a printing office
where it is useful when the paper is be-
hind time. It also conies in handy in
the proof reading and is indispt:usable
, when the iuk works bad and the press
b gins to buck. It has been known to
entirely remove that tired feeliug of au
editor when he' looks over the paper
after it is printed. Outside a printing
office it is a foolish habit. -Ex.
• A very quiet bub pleasing ceremony
Nowt York, Aug. b.---Exper:me bane
w 'Os the*• X-rays, in an endeavor to
.son tits sight.. While trying; the ef-
Ceti of the., rays oil; various objects,.
the strange 1`ght exerted its pcnvur en
Web. Mr. Ed:eve and Charles Daily, uu
es a,.stant. As, a result, the rioted in•
v ntor's seght has been thiv;�vn cut of
Email; whole one of Daily's arms has
Wee amputated, and lie probably w 11
1os•.4 the ether. Air, l.';d.st.n began, to
loss ,h.s sight during the exilerimcnt�,
'bet en dr cpp ng them hist sight int -
Proved. Fl:' sa.d yesterday ;
"My letft eye in still, oat of focus,
and I have abewt .g.veni up e�:ix+r:,
mint:nest with this -ray. I stili, he-
i.ov. , however, that .the discovery, cf
the X-ray and rad.um portend acme -
tit ng in the 13cleu;tific field. Talk
anent danger of eaper:melting with
Iluorem:eats, why, my ass.stant's one
arm) Into been, amputated, anti, now
they are cutting off the ctlrer bit by
b t. Only to -day, they eut another
chunk off, and the poor man may de
fr 4at the. effects. I amt lucky that I
d4 not o bluid while experimenting
w.th therm.
"i d.scovered many things cf scien-
t e:e value, but nothing that would be
or. praet.cal use, It was the practical
that I was after, and that is the rea-
n:ere ,ahead to work -and expe:ment all
the Line. The light with which I w,ats
esper:melting wail a, motet myster-
.aint cane so mysterious, in fact that
1 wast not aware of what it was dein,;
to my sight, until it became, so effect-
ed that to alogleot the syammphoma
would+ have been ,sheer folly."
sneer at snobbery,
wear d
lu • Y,
.,. , t <. Kate,to Rev- P. richer, o rlotk
hter t ave
, nu a i • men s
..: :- d� advertisements, , invent
Deloraine, l a - i scandal, apprais ' babies, delight pinup -
formed by Reel. D. B. McRae, of Cran- kin raisers,
1. g. 11th, m the malrla�,a o
F' Beet tl' - '•• 6o-st'a•' •� e� • • 1
' •_ -,.. _ _..-__.� mon
� . _ ore P
Th c
u y
minister to the afflicted, heal
brook. After luncheon was served Dlr. I the iultled, fight to a finish, set type,I,r �,
-� a and Mrs. Fisher lift for a short trip. mould opinions, sweep the office, speak
Upon returning to "Riverside" for a few
days they will leave for the West. at prayer met rings, stand in with every-
e4i1M36/451ror.....WiCe2VJAISCIMMITEPrb..MIEWN38..W.Wilaba 1,91=050,0
interesting Par agraphsfrom our Exchan �s
f_ ••.
Accardtug to latest co 1peitation there Dr. Glack of Paisley,. has been p For o>...r sixty rears.
are 1948 difcie. t hinds of postage stamps pointed an associate ocroner for the t An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mr
- in existence. county of Bruce. (W low's SoothingSvxrp has been used
Simcoe Cornfy Colleen, has voted
$1;,00 to he expended oa the roads of the
towns cf. the county.
bode- and everything."
The health measures taken by the
authorities of the Province of Ontario
have been of such Effect that this Pro-
ed- m'1.° t TR- aa- • for over sixty yearsby�millionsof mothers i vin ce has a right to claim that its mor-
Beantho .. Tha Kind You Nava Always Bought for their children white teething, with t a]ity per thousand contagious diseases
Signature gums, in, cures all pa.
. of I
portent sr-ceess. It soothes the child,
, of 0.43 was lower than in any country
Wath grease dieh+.:=, pot= or Ilene with wind colic, and is the best remedy for lin the list, including Great Britain, in
;:":u, a powder. It will 1 e- ' It is figured that t33,.90,200 is the diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. I which Scotland was lowest, with a
i evcrL Dry Soap 1� to c., exact amount of money invested in the Bold by druggists in every part of the mortality of 0,47 per 1,000. In New
move t= 1;r-4,ar.i-h%�eg•�3 tea". " i world. 7'rventy-five cents abottle. Its
Clergne industries at the Soo. value is incalculable. Besure you ask Jersey the rate per thousand population
diphtheria and
1vii g eas sClinton is c_'eclited with
llavii;g 10 cadet s of acarletii:n and 4 cases , A fcaltlie of "sccietY journalism" in i for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, andof deet from smallpox,
take uo ether kind. I Scarlet was O. r2; whereas in
of typhoid, by the report cf the Proviti i Salsas is the public tion, along with a (
Illinois feverand Massachusetts it was 0.50.
t 1 da cf a list of
¢dal Board of Health. No deaths from h 1
these comers.
"Str ergtb and vigor come of good food
' duly digested. 'Force', a ready-to•serve
wheat and barley food, adds no burden,
but sustains, uourishes, invigorates."
Mr. R. Graham, who for the past On Tuesday, 4th rust., Rev. Mr. Sm -
three years has been landlord of the I der, of Berlin, tiro the matrimonial
mason House at Clinton has sold to Mr. I bow between Justus Lake, of Ethel, and
.f� - Brandenburg o4 Listowel -who takes M. Nellie Sanders, formerly of Ethel
list o wedding presents,
young men who have been refused by1 The an< ofdeath has fallen heavily The chairman of , the provincial board
the bride. !upon the home of William Wright, of 1 of health, Dr. H. E. Vette', says that the
Don't suffer from toothache when a j the Gth ecu., Tuckersmith and removed 1 increased adoption of regular system of
ten cent bottle of Dr. Low's Toothache 1 from it a wife of but a few months, after 1 sewerage and water -works by many
0-unn will cure it quickly without blister -Ian illness of seven weeks' durance, from I towns,notably Stratford,Listo;vel,Wood-
irlg your lips or cheeks. a ccmplicaticn of diseases. Mrs.Wright's I stock, and Southampton, has not much
maiden name was Isabella Laidlaw, I to do with the reduced number of cases
daughter of the late George Laidlaw and I of typhoid fever. -Monetary Times.
was only married to her sorrowing bus-
•n I les band about four or five months ago, and Tho community on the boundary east
possession on the first of September, j locality, but recently of Floradale. 25of Luchnow where several deaths occur -
y y was years of ago. •ed during the past year, as well as the
whole neighborhood. wore startled Fri-
day, August 7th when it was learned
- -at
that Mrs. Robert Purves had "' t!ri instau-
taneously dropped dead that morning
about 9 o'clock. Although she was
Buffalo, Aug. 10. -Paul ne Stem:
was shot by her husband,'at 7.30 th.s
morn ng in their hiemle, Ne: 5Ct. Rich-
mond Avenue, and al netat, instantly
k.11ed. •
Immediately foil . w ng the murder
the husband turned the xevolver alta
h en,self and shot himself through the
mouth. '
The Stawes are ycun,g married peop:e
:n geed, circumstances ands no reason
has yet been d:scc'vered far %the .dcu;ble
The husband, Kent Scope, its 24 years
old and is, a:mpl?:ed inebe Lake Shore
railroad offices.
II s wife was a handsome your wt.
man, one year his junior. They 'bad
'been nearr:ed about a year and a half
and had a gal baby sin mcuxuthsi old.
The child's name es, Pauline.,
The tragedy deterred int the' bed
chambar occup:ed by •Dke. and, (ttrs.
As seen as the hiuiband at v ]r :th:s
mo!m•ng he got up, teak thp'baby freta
it; crib, took it dchvm, istai-rie ;and gave
:t to the mime. The:; he retired tto the
sleeping ro m, where his wife swats eit-
t.ng on a eth,aii drisei fig herself. Tak-
ing a, revolver from a bureau drawer,
he approalched her frtom •bah'nce and
f red the fatal shot., .
H s father, Fred rel. Stclwes wbb
shares the hoesse w.th ham, rushed up
at the sound of the tvhcb b'aigt tend ar-
rived. just in time to twee his sero, turn
the revolver upon. himself. After the
suicidal shot had 'been firedhe wrested
the weapon away from the yelling' Mien
and later turned it over, to the coach-
man, Reilly Belger, who back also
rushed up, attracted' by the noise.
Mrs. Brown, Mather of Mrs. Stone,
who is here etre a visite from, Basthn,
was also a wetness of the second part
of the tragedy. '
Young Stcwwe, whose wound was not
immediately fatal, was taken to the
Emergency Hoisp:tale as seen; as an
ambulance could be called. He, istttoy
there, barely alive, and it is %expected
dleath w;11 corms at any' moment.
G cge e=s elven X elect . I After a sojourn among relatives they
Tile Kind 'fill Have Always Bought tpurpose taking up residence either in
1 Manitoba or Minnesota.
On Monday evening, August 10th, a
Very sad event occurred at Varna in the
death of Mrs. Miller the much beloved
wife of Rev. R. A. Miller, the devoted
pastor of Varna Circuit. The deceased
Miss Bessie 'Cason, Clover Hill, N. S., I died after a brief illness of a few hours. alone when final call came, her daughter
says: "I gladly recommend Laxa-Liver The deceased who has just entered on had not been out of the house theca
Pills, as they cured ere completely of i her 35th year was a devoted church I minutes when they returned and found
constipation before I had finished the f worker from childhood and greatly as in a kneeling position, the lifeless body
third box, ffI sisted ber husband on the various ii
____ +— I of their loved one who had so shortly
charges to which he was appointed. before been assisting them in their
The postofiice department is sending They were married about six years.
out inspectors to ferret out offenders ` morning's work. ' The deceased was
who write on newspapers and packages,
Postmasters are now instrutlted to open
alt packages not sealed, and if there is
arty writing to report to the department.
1 The Kind You Have Always Bought
The penalty is as high as $e0
The gross earnings of the Irtercolomal
for the fiscal year ending June 30th
amounted to :0,324,327. The working
Expenses were :0,1:16,1e0, so that the
twelve months closed with a balance on
,land of $128,177,
- Mr. Arthur Byrns, Rock TIM, Ont.,
writes: "1 was laid up with stiff joints
for about four years, and could get no
relief nail I used three bottles of Hag -
yard's Yellow Oil which cured me."
Price 250.
Fireflies are used as jewels by the
women of Mexico. They tie them in
little gauze bags and pat them in their
1 hair or on their clothing. They also
keep them in little wire cages and feed
them on scraps of sugar cane.
■ To prove, to you that Dr.
esChase's Ointmentie for each P
and absolute cure. for each
and every form of itching,
bleeding and protrudinc a piles,
i the manufacturers have gttaranteedit. Sectes•
1 ;bloinrglitatnhrehyo thianly opr, anakuuneah
r Bert your money back if not cured. VAc a box. at
all dealers or } DMe'SSON,BATes & Co.,Toronto,
mar. Chase's O1 tment
I 1!1rs. Ogilvy, one of the few remaining
Veneers of Perth county, passed away
mit Friday in her home in South. East-
. She with her husband came to
Canada in 1842 and settled on the lot on
Which she died. Mr. Ogilvy died in 1895.
If your child is suffering from worms,
Ivo him Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm
For Infants and Children,
-.- I Bears the
11LIND �VITel HEADACUI:. f Signature of
born in the town of West Linton, Peeble-
shore. Scotland, on Jane Oth, 1849, and
with the rest of the family emigrated
to Canada in 1853, and five years later,
in Aprrl 1860 was married to Mr. Robt.
Purves one of the Sinless pioneers, who
was so well-known in connection with
the best interests of this part of the
"I was so bad with headache that IAfter being confined to bed for about a I country.
could hardly see, I could get nothing `week Benjamin D3annings passed away
to help me till I tried Milbnrn's Sterling + In the death at Goderich on Friday
Headache Powders, and they quickly at his residence, Trafalgar street, Goder- morning, the 7th of August, of Sarah
cured me." ich, on Monday August 10th, About
Joseph Murphy, Emerald, P. E. I. three years ago he suffered a stroke and
-"� had since been more or less an invalid.
On Wednesday afternoon Aug. 12th, Mr. Mannings was born in Essex county,
Nesbit Laing, son cf Mrs. R. Laing, B England, near Stoke, on August 15th,
line, borrowed a twenty two bore rifle 1830. In 1853 he married Miss Wood -
from a neighbor, and while shooting at
a mark, Ella Laing, a little girl who re-
sides witti the family, ran out of the
door and was hit in the chin, the bullet
passing out at the side of her neck very twelve years ago, and then came to live
narrowly escaping the jugular vein. in Goderich. He leaves five sons and
T. J. Hamilton, of Laurel near three daughters.
Orangeville bought a brood sow anal
Williams, relict of the late Arthur
Aolaud, Esq., first judge of the Huron
district, a long and useful life is ended
and a well-known and much -loved figure
of the pioneer days of Huron removed.
The deceased was the amine daughter
gate, of Ipswich, and the same year camel of the late Rowland Willi,ima, a prom-
to Canada and settled. in York county, ,Hent barrister and a member of the
where he lived till 1804. Removing to law firm of Williams & Bernard, of
Colborne Mr. Munniogs lived there till Spanish town, Jamaica. She was edu-
cated in England at a ladies' school at
Bedford iu Bedfordshire, her brother
Rowland at the same time attending
school at ,fain, a village on the
Thames. At the time of the emancipa-
tion of slaves hee father removed his
family from Jamaica to Canada and Set-
tled. on a farm near St. Thomas. Shortly
after coming to Canada lie was appointed
judge of the Middlesex district. Leave
ing b,ngland Miss "Williams came to
Canada and joined her parents here.
When Enron district was formed by the
Government Arthur Acland was appoint.
ed its first judge, and Miss Williams
wes married to him in 1841 and Judge
and Mrs. Aland came to live in Goder•
To preserve or restore it, there is • no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. Theyare easy to take. They
are nude of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five-
cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
K .��K� K -`:.KIK _::K�:;& ,>..•.
AMILY Doctors are all right as general practitioners,'
cart. l
they are
not specialists. fists
prise the Bost intricate and important system in the
Y u might asand
well require ypect the blecksmith skillful
to repair
We have made alspecialtyaoftthese diseases for over 3o
years, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have
every facility know to medical science to cure them
Every case is taken with a positive guarantee of
No Cure -No Pay.
BLOOD POISON -Whether inherited or acquired,
is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated from
cured by us 25 years ago and no rso no danger of eturn; bestrevides ence of a
IOHYEVOD9 DIBBILITY-and other complications,
euchas emissions, drains in the urine varicocele,
reakness,, etc., are cured by our Nese Nflethod sexual
sn.nt under a. positive guarantee -NO CURE --NO PAY.
private tion Free. Dome Treatment. oks Free. iri W ything confiite for dentiial u z for
1148 minim's' STREET. DIBTROIT, MICA.
It 's perfectly harmless and a litter o pigs 1.,
weeks old about the how's This
tains its own cathartic, so that there end of September. One of the litter , No offer One rtlnnclxed Dollars Re -
Syrup. 1
fie no need of giving a purgative. Price died shortly after but the rest have all.
Vic• lived and done well. On the 20th of
Mr. Patrick McCann, of Ellice town- February the sow gave birth to another
ipbad two valuable horses stolen litter all living, and on July 27th she
the pasture on his farm on Tues -
night of last week. A complaint
laid before Police Magistrate O'Loane
Stratford, and the police are working
the case. There are quite a number
gypsies and tramps in the northern
of Perth county just now
of the questions on the examine -
per was,
•thetuideninmer rev
was the world's greatest itnpoe.
The propounder of the question
illi mind Mohammed. But a student
bettor. The examiner was
to find neon the boy's paper
"The devil." linable to re.
rrrectnets of the answer, the
had a third litter of 14, all living, thus
making three litters and 41 pigs inside of
11 months 1 their firm.
ward for any ease of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. O1n.NI.'r ee Co., Toledo, O.
SV'e, the undersigned, have known 11'.
J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in allbubi•
nese transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligations made by
Wnsr and TitUAx, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
^� t �P`A1L»iNGt. $zxlvo:V Sc MAItyTN, w
`obaceu � Liquor Habits sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
De. M'Taggart's tobacco remedy re-
1 Eia
ll's Catarrh Care is taken internal.
upon the blood and
moves all desire for the weed in a rowtcoue surfaces of file system. Testi.
weeks. A vegetable medicine, and only, monists sent free. Price 75e per bottle.
i 1t
u with i the ton o w
uhn. 1
ire touching g
u k
oecitsionally. Price lit. Sold by all Druggists,
Truly marvellous are the results from Hall's Family Pills are the best.
taking hit remedy- for the lhonwor treat. i WAtrrrElr-FAer1tere remote to %navel:
toa safe anti inexpensive o far w. -Ii e<,tabusiird hoose in a fete eonnties
remit; no hypodermic injections, no `,talhngnuretnllnlrrrltanta and *gents, 'Gael,
publicity, no lose of time from bushes+ territory' .Satary$1024*yyeerxndc'xpenees,p,ty-
and a eettaintV' of cure. ,thio #1'9.,11 a week in cash tine e:petee!s advanc-
Addlees on conceit Dr. McTaggart, 75
ed. Position permanent. Be emcee eiweessful
Young iltreet,'1 oronto. titendagd House, 315 Caxton Bldg., Chicago.. gashing. Enlace selfetddressed envelope.
All work promptly executed
at most reasonable prices.
July Fruit Crop Report.
entawa, Aug. 10. -Weather condi-
tions on the! whole have been favoc-
able for Julys end hence; there is no
marked chatnge dine the June report.
(Winter apples will be. at full crop
in Nova Scotia, medium to full crop
in Southern Ontario, Georgian Bois;
and Lake Ontario'• di,striote. In Ease -
ern Ontario apdi nuobee the crop ie
light. , 1 : i i•
1Eiayly sepias are a medium to full
crop everywhere except in Quebec.
r jt'ee fist will be al light crepe except
Gn part of Southern Ontario and
Nova Scotia, _ t • •
r P1unts axe n: medium to full crop in'
all plum growing section's with; not
more then the, usual amount of rot.
! {'''eatehes! •pronlisa well in Essex and
the Niagara Peninsula.
Yrapes nee rt Medium! crop, except
in Essex emit Kent, where; they erre
almost a eompiete failure. • ,
'WANTi:n-yeverni industrious persons in
each state to travel for home, established eleven
yearn and with it large capital, to call upon
merchants and agents for sureessfnit,nd tlroft•
stile line. Permanent engagement. Weekly
ex •
cash salary of }I14 and All tga+►rlin¢ �nses
and hotel MIN adermeek in edsh each week.
Ex rienee not essential. Mention referinee
NA IONAI;, Wi Desrri orn S[., envelope.
hit g0. THE
A Census of Institutions.
The latest returns in the Provincial
Secretary's offioe show that there
were in the. various institutions en
August let of this year the following
number of ,inmates : t
54 hospitals -
41 ,refugee .-.....
32 o,rpban,atges ... ...
1 AVIV= i ddot
o' tum j
for insane;
s um(s
1 -leaf and dumb institution
1 institute for the blind
t3elatral S',risort. 1..-.j ,.n...
Do's iloformntory
Mercer ,reformatory, • ...
In 42 ,jail,slath 14. lockups ,...... 529
• t i .._..,
'1at.11 ......... ,., ,.. 13,712
Of Printing, in the way of
Letter Heads,
Note Heads,
Business Cards,
Auction Bills,
Bill Heads,
Calling Cards,
Hand Balls,
Order Blanks,
Or anything else in the printing line, you will make no
mistake by leaving your order at this office.
We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time.
Call at, or address --
2'OSBPtni1'T1 STE14ET.
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