HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-20, Page 5•
THE WINGJtA i 7'Ua S, AtatGUi T
Only Eleven Days More
To Stock -Taking
'Stock Must Be Reduced One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) by Sept, lst.
"We will continue our zoc.-on-the-dollar-off-all-clothing sale
until September 1st.
—Men's, Youths' and Boys' Snits,
—Men's, Youths' and Boys' Pants,
—Overcoats, Oilcloth Coats. etc,, at 20% discount.
`Shoes at Bargain Prices.
Big bargains in Felt Hats.
This is a genuine 20 per cent. cash discount sale. We do not carry
-any goods from one season to another ; first loss is the best.
Come with the crowd to the men's store and get one dollar's worth
.of goods for eighty cents,
Straw Hats at Halt Price
The R. H. CROW DER Go.
• •
News From Our Neighbors
What Wideawake. Times Correspondents Communicate — Other
Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.
Sets ■
Just to keep things moving we place on sale 12
elegant Water Sets, in the latest shapes and
colors. Each set has six tumblers, pitcher and
tray complete, for
. TOMATOES and PEACHES arriving daily
direct from the growers.
44+++++++++++++++++++++4++ 1.+++++++++++++•+++++++++
pkee lMO RR RI .
Mrs. M. H. Elliott is home after visit -
in. at Brucefleld and Clinton.
Mr. J. R. Bowe and daughter (Lulu
of Clinton were visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Fyfe.
Miss Mamie and Bertha Page have re-
turned home to Marnoch having spent
their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
J. T, Curtis, a former teacher in
Morris, has gone to Michigan for a couple
of weeks. He has accepted a school at
(xlenalleu and will begin his duties there
this week.
The residence of Allan Adams, West
of Brussels, 5th line, will be brick ven-
eered this season. He has the brick on
hand now. It will make quite an lm-
provement both in appearance and com-
Mr. Arthur Jackson, son of Mr . James
Jackson, of Morris, is stow Grand Trunk
agent at Hamilton Beach, and has
entered upon his new duties. He was
laid off duty for five months, owiug to
illness and a bad leg. The great part of
his lay-off was spent in Hamilton hos-
pital, where his leg was amputated three
times, the last time at the hip.
Slowly Dying From Catarrh. Thou-
sands are in this terrible condition but
don't realize their danger. If you have
'the slightest taint of Catarrh, would it
not be wise to commence Catarrhozone
treatment now and be perfectly cured
in a short time? This pleasant remedy
cares without the use of drugs, atomiz-
ere or snuffs. You inhale the medicated
vapor which spreads to all pasts of the
breathing orgaus, kills the germs and
healsthe inflamed surfaces. Catarrho-
zone heals the throat and nose instantly
and never fails to cure the most obtain
ate catarrhal, lung and throat troubles.
A trial will demonstrate the value of
Catarrhozone,which sells for $1.00,small
size 25 cts,at Druggists or Polson t Co.,
Kingston, Ont.
Sept. 11th to 19th, 1903
Entries Close September roto.
An exhibition of merit. Bigger and better than ever. A splendid array
of attractions—Tony Ryder's celebrated troup of performing Monkeys
—Balloon ascensions, a parachute drop from a parachute, and the best
Gymnasts, Aerial Artists and Acrobats to be had. Fireworks each
evening concluding with "The Bombardment of Alexandria," a great
triumph of modern pyrotechny.
Extra trains and special rates over all lines. Prize lists and pro-
gramme on application.
LT -COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, President.
It is our lot this week to chronicle the
death of a Huron pioneer in the person
.of Mr. John Johnson, of the townline
Howick and Carrick. He has been ill
for some weeks, suffering from a stroke
of paralysis, and the end which came on
Saturday evening, August 8th, was not
unexpected. Coming from the north of
England in 1851, with his .father, who
settled in the neighborhood of Mitchell,
he with his brother, Edward, came up in-
to what was then known as "the busk,"
in 1855 and took up the farm on which
he ever afterwards lived. He was priv-
-ileged to see it transformed from the
unbroken forest into one of the beautiful
farms for which the section is noted.
From the time of his settlement in the
district, he has taken an active interest
in itsdevlopement, being identified with
various organizations and movements,
especially for the progress of the agricul-
turist, Few men were better known or
More highly esteemed in the neighbor-
hood, He had attained to the
age of
seventy-two, and leaves a grown-up
family of two sons and five daughters.
Get your printing done At the TIMES
`those wive aro gaining flesh
and strength by regular treat-
ment with
Scott's Emulsion
should continue the treatment
in hot weather•cool9smaller dobe
and a little rillk with It will
do away with any obleotlon
which Is attached to fatty pro-
ducts during tho heated
Send' ter free sample,
scoT•r & BOwNE, Chemists,
TorOntb, Ontario.
14e. and $t.ou i all ttruaaisis.
Mr, Hy, 1':. Fair, who for a year and a
half had charge of the school here, has
been appointed to a good position on the
staff of the Kincardine model school.
rain biudt Get Out
Where Poison's Nerviline is used.
Composed. of the most powerful pain.
subduing remedies known. Nerviline
cauuot fail to give prompt relief in rheu-
matism, neuralgia, cramps, pain in the
back and side, and the most painful af.
fections, internal or external, arising
from inflammatory action. A bottle of
Nerviliue will give efficient proof of its
superiority over every known remedy.
Try Nerviliue. Large bottles 25 cents.
Druggists sell it.
Miss Elma Armour is visiting friends
in Westfield.
Mr. John Hallahau spent Sunday with
friends in Clinton. •
Mr. D. Denholm of Blyth spent Sun-
day at Mr. M. Walsh's.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nethery Snndayed
with Dnugannou friends, e
Mrs. Gillespie of Brantford is visiting
her sister, Mrs, Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell were
visiting with friends in Detroit over Sun -
Messrs. Jas. and Thos. Quinn of Win-
nipeg are visiting their father, Mr. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Nethery were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wightman on
Miss Lizzie Rowland, who has been
visiting friends in Wingham has return-
ed home.
Mr. Dick Davis, who has been spend-
ing his holidays with Mr. Sproat of Bel -
grave has returned to Ethel.
Messrs. Blatchford, Tamou and Craig
of Hullett started their new hay press at
Mr. John Campbell's last week.
Miss Jauet Braduock, who has been
in Detroit for some time past, is at pre-
sent visiting at the home of her mother
in East Wawauosh.
After a lingering illness of eight
months, and which was borne with
great fortitude, Mr. Woi. G. Quinn
passed away at seven o'clock on Friday
evening, August 7th, aged 32 years and
seven months. Ten years ago he was a
beautiful specimen of young Canadian
manhood—standing over six foot in
height and weighing over 200 pounds.
At that time he went to Manitoba and
for several years was employed :as 'a
brakeman with the Canadian Pacific
railway. He was unfortunate enough
to be in several disastrous railway
wrecks and from each received injuries
that soon uudermiaed his once
magnificent constitution. Last autumn
he carne to his father's home in this town-
ship for the purpose of recuperating his
health. His body was in a weakened
state, and as consumption had already
commenced its ravages upon a Once
strong form, all that humau bands
could no was of no avail.
J. A. NELLES, Secretary
was visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert 1
Shaw last, week,
Mrs. Simpson of Ethel was visiting
Miss Laura Shell.
About 72 tickets were sold at Bluevale
for the excursion to Kincardine last
Jas Gray, of Listowel, has been visit-
ing at his home here.
Mrs. John King, while trying to take
a cow from the woods to the barn one
day last week was attacked by the aui-
mal and rather badly hurt. It is fear-
ed that her spine is affected,
Mr. Oliver Mi is was at Fordwioh 011
John Gardiner is in
we are sorry to state.
The following from last week's Hep-
worth Journal refers to a sou of a former
well-known resident of this township:—
"A regrettable accident occurred Tues-
day at the home of Mr. Walter Hawke by
which their son, a little fellow about a
year old was badly scalded. It appears
that the little fellow was left alone for a
moment and in his efforts to amuse
himself pulled a pan of boiling water
over upon himself, his arm and one side
of his body being badly scalded. It is to
be hoped that medical skill will effect a
speedy recovery
Mrs. Robt. Robertson, 15th con., and
daughter, Miss Florence, are visiting
relatives and Mends in Blanshard.
Jno. and Mra. McNaught, 17th con„
and his sister, Mrs. Thos. McPherson, of
Logan, started on their trip out West
last week.
Mr. Jas. 0. McKay, 18th con., and
Mrs. Win. Peet and Mrs. Geo. McKay
are away visiting James McKay in Strat-
ford Hospital. We hope he will soon be
able to come home again.
The rate of taxation for this year was
struck at the Council meeting last Mon-
day. It will be as follows;—Co. rate,
1 5.10 mills on the .$ ; General school
assessment, 1 and 2,14 tenth mills ; and
for township purposes 2 4-10 mills.
There were six tenders for the con-
struction of the Lamont drain in Grey
and Morris presented at the last Council
meeting. Andrew Hislop, 14th con,,
Grey, was awarded the contract at $6,-
000, this sum including the necessary
Miss L. J. McLaughlin, who has been
visiting udder the parental roof for the
past five weeks, left last week for Salt-
coats, Assa., where she will resume her
duties as teacher of the Junior depart-
ment of the Public school of that town.
The 100 acre farm of R. E. Coates
has been purchased by W. J. Heming-
may, of Teeswater, who will get posses-
sion on Oct, 15. Price paid. was $6,000.
It is three years since Mr. Coates bought
the place from H. Ball, paying$5,100 for
it but he has via 0 im. : 'n dif-
fe nt res. i mal decision has not
een a ved at as to what Mr. Coates
ill do. He may locate in Seaforth or
eihaps in Flint, Mich.
Whitby ratepayers carried the by-
law to expend $65,000 in acquiring water-
works and electric light plants.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hogg of Bluevale
spent Sunday at Geo. Coombe's,
Mr. Bert McEwen of St, George spent
a few days under the parental roof.
�Mr. Wm. Mitchell of Wingham was
visiting at Mrs. Wm. Hogg's last Sau-
Miss Eva Duff of,Dlaevale was visit -
Lia, Bryaus a few nays last
Miss Bessie Wright of Bluevale return-
ed home last week for to stay a couple
of months.
Mrs. James Simpson is out on a
mouth's visit with her friends in Bright
and Berlin', •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright of Grey,
visited Mr. Arthur Wheeler in Turn -
berry last week.
Mr. and Miss Wilson of Howick spent
Sunday with their sister, Mrs. J. D.
Millar of 1,lorrisbeuk.
John McAllister of Grey will take
charge of the service in Victoria Hall
next Sabbath evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Morris
visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Simpson last week.
Miss Lou Walker of Fordwich was
calling on her old friends around Morris-
bauk before leaving for the West.
Mrs. Meuzies and Mrs. Hauusell of
Ethel, sisters of Geo. and Lou Eckmire
of Jamestown were visiting here last
Tlie box sociial held here on Tuesday
evening given by the Women's Sewing
Circle. of Melville Church, Brussels pass-
ed off successfully. The proceeds will
be for a box of clothing for the Indians.
Brussels Brass Baud was in attendance.
very poor health
Hay Fever Unknown.
Certain it is, and many years of care-
ful experience are We of the statement,
that hay fever, and kindred annoying
and troublesome [summer affections dis-
tressing to so mauy thousands all over
the coautry, recurring as regularly as
July and August,are absolutely unknown
in the "Highlands of Outario." Thous -
nude of people go to Muskoka, Georgian
Bay or the Lake of Bays every year for
nothing else but to avoid hay fever, and
find perfect immunity from the ailment,
and many by going there regularly for
a period of a few years are said to be
permanently cured.
Hay fever booklet can be had free
for the asking by applying to L. Harold,
G. T. R. agent, Wingham.
Smallpox Decreases.
The Provincial Health Department re-
ports that the Province is in an exceed-
ingly healthy condition so far as
smallpox is concerned. Thirty-two cases
were reported last mouth, and this mouth
but two cases have been reported. Scar-
let fever which was Epidemic, has also
been brought well in hand, and the cases
now are relatively few.
"A Summer Fairyland."
To those who are planning a summer
outing and seeking "green fields and
pastures new," some place where they
may cast care aside and commune with
primitive nature, where, tho' the sun
shines over brightly, cooling breezes al-
ways blow and great heat is unknown,it
is safely promised that among the rooks
aid lakes of the Muskoka district, about
100 miles north of Toronto, situate iu
the Highlands of Ontario, (1000 feet
above sea level) they will find enchant-
Handsome, illustrated, descriptive
publications will be sent free to any ad-
dress on application to L. Harold G, T.
R. agent, Wingham.
An Ancient Foe
To health and happiness is Scrofula—
as ugly as ever since time immemorial.
It causes bunches in the neck, dis-
figures the skin, inflames the mucous
membrane, wastes the muscles, weak-
ens the bones, reduces the power of
resistance to disease and the capacity
for recovery, and develops into Con-
"Two of my children had scrotal% sores
Which kept growing deeper and kept them
from going to school for three months,
ntments and medicines did no good until
egan giving them Hood's Sarsaparilla.
is medicine caused the sores to heal, and
children have shown no signs of ecrof-
t ia'ince." 3. W. MCGIN2t, Woodstock, Ont,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Will rid you of it, radically and tzar•
lmdaentlya as it has rid thoussnail.
Noxicr•..—The question is: How can
Robt, Mclnloo loan his money so cheap
on notes and mortgages? Call and See.
A Hamilton syndicate acquired three,
of the city's breweries and immediately
raised the price of beer one dollar a
GEMENT--Oar of Derham cement lust
arrived. Parties who intend usin-
cement soon will do the wise act if they
buy it now, as cement will likely ad-
vance in price before long. We are also
agents for Hanover cement.
Samuel Smith of Owen Sound was kill-
ed by being crushed between some trees
and a load of lumber on a waggon he
was driving.
Followiug the instructions of a clair
voyant, Robert Boyd, a Downie, town-
ship farmer, found rich bods of marl in
his fields.
A Sportsman's Mecca.
There is no more delightful place in
the Western Hemisphere for out door
life:and perfect sport with rod and gun
than the famous Muskoka Lakes region
of the '•Highlauds of Ontario" about
100 miles north of Toronto. Canoeing
is ono of the many pleasures the district
affords. The Grand Trunk reaches it
with ease and comfort, whirling its pas-
sengers through some of the grandest
scenery on earth.
Handsome,illastratetl,descriptive mat-
ter sent free to any address on applica-
tion to L. Harold, G. T. R.ageut, Wing -
Miss Aggie Herbert was
friends at Seaforth last week,
Miss Tessa Anderson of East Wawa -
nosh was visitingher grandmother, Mrs.
Mrs. Howe and daughter of Clinton
are visiting at Mr. Robert Mason's.
Rev. W. T. Hall, formerly minister at
Belgrave was visiting at the manse this
week and gave nu address at prayer
meeting on Tuesday evening.
Miss Etty of Mitchell is ;visiting Mrs.
John Waxman.
Mr. Fred Wasman is home just now
being confined to bed with a mild attack
of appendicitis.
Among those who wend from here on
the excursion to the West on Tuesday
were :—Mrs. Adam Cishorn, Mrs.
Philip Thomas and Messr&'Gordon Pat-
erson and Cloyne Higgins.
Miss Washington of Goderichhas been
visiting Mrs. Robert Mnsgicive.
Miss Gladyze McAllister of j3oissevain,
Man., has been visiting relatives here.
Mr. Robert Musgrove hada- returned
from a very enjoyable trip to .the Old
Mr. A. H. Musgrove was visiting here
this week.
Mrs. William Sanderson of Toronto
s visiting friends here.
Mrs. James Robertson of I;elgrave
MAN'S 1The Leadiflg Storel IsARn
20 per cent.
Discour t Sale!
Isard's Great Clothing Sale
Commences on Saturday, August 15th,
and continues for fifteen days.- _
You can buy the BEST CLOTHING during this sale
at a saving of 20 CENTS on the dollar, or in other words,
we will hand you back 20 CENTS for every dollar's worth
of Clothing bought here.
I1-1. E. ISARD & Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid fer Praace
$21000.00 stock of Clothing to choose from
20 per cent off
Men's Suits Boys' Suits
Men's Pants Boys' Overalls
Men's Overalls Boys' Blouses
Men's Smocks Boys' Coats
Men's Fall Overcoats Boys' Pants
A Grand Opportunity
To buy Boys' Strong School Suits just before school
opens. Bring the boys along and have them fitted at a
saving of 20 per cent.
Last week's bargain list in other depart-
ments will be continued through August
It Really doesn't Matter Authorized Life of Pope Leo XII
It really doesn't matter much
If bank accounts are small;
If we have sunshine in our hearts
We're rick enough for all.
Alphabetical Advice.
All boys and girls, observe with care,
Be neat about the thiugs you wear.
Content thyself with what is thiue,
Do not for others' good repine.
Eat slowly when you dine or sup.
Fail not to hold your napkin up.
Go williugly to bed each night.
Have spuuk to sleep withont a light.
In company respectful be;
Join not in talk too forwardly
Keep good associates or none.
Let kindness flow to everyone.
Move honestly about your work
No matter what the chance to skirk.
Obey your conscieuce every time.
Permit your nails to show no griine.
Qaick be to do as you are told.
Remember to esteem the old.
Six days devote to diligence.
The Sunday you must reverence.
Use modestly your talents all.
Vex not the humblest animal.
Wash oft, to scour the dirt away.
Xaggerate in naught you say.
Yield cheerfully. Perform your part.
Zest compensates the happy heart.
It really doesu't matter much
If beauty knows us not:
12 we have tact and intellect.
We'll lead the common lot.
It really doesn't matter much
If we've 110 shining fame:
If we plug on, and do the square,
We'll get there just
e same.
r rack News.
Nervous Dyspepsia.
How it shakes one up, invades sleep,
destroys strength, adds a real misery to
life. Not the stomach but the nerves
are affected. Starved nerves make the
whole trouble. You need Ferrozone be-
cause its a nerve food. It supplies the
elements that aro needed to make rich,
red blood. This is the savings bank of
health. The richer the blood in red cells,
the richer you're sure to be m health,
rorrozone quickly makes blood, streng-
thens the nervous system, strengthens
the digestive organs and, presto 1 Tho
nervous disturbanee disappears, Sold
by all druggists.
Fall Fairs.
Winghani Sept. 21-25
Toronto ..... Aug, 27—Sept. 12
London Sept. 11-19
Walkerton „ 21---2.4
Mildmay „ 28-29
Palmerston......... • Sept. 22-23
Listowel " 20.30
Lucknow , ... Oct. 1-2
" 2_3
Oct. G--7
t 8.9
Teeswater . - - •
Useful Hints to Housewives.
(Loudon Punch.)
To prevent funnel from shrinking put
it away in a drawer. Do not keep ou
going to look at it, as the shrinking habit
is often due to nervousness.
Aa soon as a skirt shows signs of wear
round the pocket remove the pocket.
You will in time get used to the change
and be brighter without it. Auother
good plan is to remove the skirt.
To try if eggs are fresh, drop them into
a deep bucket of pure water. If fresh,
they will at once siuk to the bottom and
Warts may be cured by rubbing them
for seven or eight hears a day with a
piece of pumice -stone. As often as the
pumice -stone is worn. away begin again
with a fresh piece.
Trustworthy lady or gentleman in enc
district to manage our business and star
agents in the sale of the Official and Au-
thorized Life of Pope Leo XIII. Book
issued uuder the imprimatur of Cardina
Gibbons and endorsed by the leadin
Archbishops and priests throughout the
United States and Canada; printed in
both English and French; $20.00 straight
cash salary and expenses paid each week
direct from headquarters; expense
money advanced; position permanent.
Address Davin B. Cr.A.nxsoN, 324 Dear-
born. Street, Chicago.
Pointed Paragraphs.
From the Chicago News.
The cup that cheers is a noisy piece of
It is sometimes easier to meet a bill
than to dodge it.
As a rule popular subscriptions are in
the unpopular class.
This world is but a fleeting show—and
all the best seats are taken.
It takes more money to be a million -
Aire now than it did fifty years ago.
Never judge an actress by the dia-
monds she thinks you thick site wears.
Lots of people would rather die a
natural death than send for a doctor.
Femalepickpockets are rare. No lady
will pick any pocket but her husband's.
It has been said that a number of so-
ciety men never pay anything but com-
A New York than claims to be a female
reformer. Ile manufactures costumes
for chorus girls.
It takes a man with wonderful self-
coaitrol to look sad in a poker game
when he knows he can't possibly lose.
A Good Local Agent
For Wingham and vicinity, to sell fruit
trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses,
etc. We have the largest and hest
assortment of stock in Canada. Terms
liberal. We also grow and sell improved
lines of seed potatoes. All stock guar-
anteed true to naive and delivered in
good condition or purchase money re-
funded. Will make arrangements on
commission or salary basis, according to
time and ability of appiicaut. Apply
Pelham Nursery Company,
Clubbing Rates
The Teves clubs with the papers
mentioned below at a reduced rate:
For one year.
The Times and
The Weekly Globe
The Weekly Mail
The Daily Star, Toronto% 2 25
Tue Montreal Family Herald and
Star ••• 1 75
The Weekly San 1 7
The Partners' Advocate.— — 17
Toronto Daily News..... , 3
The Montreal Witness, Weekly..., 1
World Wide 1 5
Northern Messenger 1 2
The Daily World, Toronto li
Montreal Daily Herald . , . • • 2
rarmingeWorld .... , - . 1
London Advertiser, Advertiser, weekly ....... 1
Daily Globe 4 2
If you do not sec what you want inti
list let us hear from you. We eau giv
clubbing rates on any newspaper
magazine. Address or call at