HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-20, Page 22 TUE "INGITA : TIMES, AUGUST 20, 1903, TO ADVERTISERS. e a Dropsyt 1's ®■1b Lim Mf must be left a t u I A Ialotice of changes adioa net later than Saturday limon. mita copy for ohauges must be left net later than Mguday evening. Clasuttl advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday mf each week. ESTABLISHED 1872. TUE\F OtiAlTuns. (_.lifI4 IOTT, pUBrasti R Ar1D PROPRIETOR TU.UR$DAY, AUG. 13, 1903. CURED AFTER DOCTORS FRO. BOUNCED WS CASE HOPELESS. Lip,bs Swollen Vutil be had Iieee ne a Bloated helpless Masa-De. mutants* Mak fins Wrought the Cure. In the little village of Rodney. not far from the mining town of Springhill, N.S., lives Mr. James SteveI1 , a quiet, middle- aged Man, who though living au unob• trusive life, has lately been much talked of as having been the subject of a cure.. pronounced by all familiar with the cir- cumstauces as scarcely less than miracu- lous. The disease, which some two years ago prostrated Mr. Stevens, came upon him gradually. There was au increasiug feeling of general lassitude; the kidneys did not rightly perform their function, and then the body began to bloat. This feeling coutiuued extending to the ex- tremities, until 11r. Steveus became a helpless, bloated mass of flesh. A finger pressed upon the bloated flesh would leave a mark all day. The urivary yr eak- uess became painful and distressing. the passages becoming very frequent. Doc- tors diagnosed the trouble as dropsy, but as their remedy failed to effect a cure, they pronounced the tronble incurable. At this stage, the case of a neighbor who had been cured after a long and painful illness through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was recalled, and it was de- cried to give the pills a trial. By the time the second box was used, the swell- ing began to decrease, the passage of the urine was less frequent, and the pa- tient was inspired with fresh hope. The use of the pills for some time longer set Mr. Stevens upou his feet again a cured man. The limbs were restored to a healthy couditiou, his weight became normal, the kiIneys resumed their func- tions healthfully, and to -day Mr. Stevens goes about his daily work a good speci- men of hardy, healthy Canadian man- hood. His restoration is entirely due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and he does not hesitate to strongly recommend them to other sufferers. To the casual reader cases like this may seem remarkable, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have in reality, cured thou- sauds of cases pronounced by doctors to be incurable. These pills make new rich blood with every dose, and in this way, tone and strengthen every organ in the body, driving out disease and restor- ing the patient to health after all other means have failed. Those who are weak and ailing, or who suffer from chronic diseases, should not waste money and valuable time experimenting with other medicines , but should take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once, if they wish. to be restored to Lull health. Sold by all druggists or sent post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. NOTES AND COMMENTS. This is a -United States view of the grand Trunk Pacifie, as expressed by the Chicago Tribune: "From the indus- trial :mint of view it will open up to de- velopment .a large stretch of hitherto un- developed grain growing prairie, north and northwest of Winnipeg. It will add to the wealth and population of Canada and make closer trade relations between the Dominion and the United States all the more desirable." A. humorous dictionary compiler has given the following among other defiui- tions:-Yaukee, a Britisher who has had his head turned with too mach success; friend, au obsolete word, sometimes found in old writings; faithfulness, the difference between dogs and men; uncle.. a nane,of endearment commonly applied to pawnbrokers; newspaper, gas render- ed visible; journalist, see philanthropist; editor, see camel, also wild ass, also galley slave; priuter, a man who makes waste paper; devil, a young gentleman eneeved in the printing trade. An Act passed at the late session of the legislature provides that any person sent to a house of refuge at the expense of the municipality, must be a resident of the said municipality for three years previous to the time of his entering the institutiou. Under the act, however, munieip:,lities are privileged to send paupers to houses of refuge who have not been residents of the muuicipality for three years, ou condition that the municipality where they formerly resid- ed shall bear the expense. Candidate Boyd's statement that he was offered $10,000 to drop the North Grey petition will hardly go down. The Ottawa Citizen, a staunch Conservative newspaper, says of it: "We do not exactly see what political advantage results from a member of the Legislature selecting a Sunday school picnic to make statements that he was offered $10,000 to call off a protest. If hf�did liot feel like accepting the ten thousands and then prosecuting the briber she should lay a formal charge agaiust those who approached him. and valuable timber. All that is requtr- ed tin: market our resources and trans- port them into wealth is proper trans- portation facilities. The new railway will enrich Canada. Pointed Paragraphs. From the Chicago News. The greatest bet ever made was tilt alphabet,. When a toper drinks water he makes I Temperance Education W, Ct To U, PLATFORM, 4 Moral suasion for the man who drinks, Mental suaston for the roan who thinks, Legal ssuasion for the statute breaker Meetings hell in Chisholm's Hall, first and third Tuesday in each month at 8,00 o'clock. incordial lio suppression of extended traffii.sterested a wry Paco. Whatever opinions may be held of the It costs a merchant lots of money not to advertise. Au aotress does not always fare well ou her farewell tour. A woman may say "There is uo use talking," but she never thinks so. Eight quarts of green apples usually make moro than one peck of trouble. A true fr.eud tells you of your faults privately and defends you publicly. This is the season of the year when working is a dull and unprofitable busi- ness. Woman will always be a conundrum, but the man who is willing to give her up isu't worthy of the name. The pursuit of felicity reminds me of the absent-minded man who swain a raver to got a drink of water. TOWN DIRECTORY. BAPTIST Cuerami-Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. SundaySchoolll t r 2:50 pan. General pray g on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. N. Mc- Lean,B.A., pastor. W.J. Chapman, S.S. Superintendent. METHODIST CHURcii--Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at 2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting on. Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. R. Gundy, D.D., pastor. Dr. Towler, 5. S. Superintendent. Hon. G. W. Ross, by his political friends or foes, all temperance workers must recognize the imineuse benefit that has resulted to the temperance pause from his wise action in making scientific tem- perance teaching part of oar public. school course. By this policy of com- bined philanthropy and: statesmanship, he has done for the development of right reasonable temperance more than could have been accomplished by thousands of sermons and speeches, though sermons and speeches are of very great value. There can be no doubt that a great deal of the intelligent, abiding public opinion against intoxicating liquor is the result of the information given in our public schools concerning the nature and effects of alcohol. This knowledge must affect the habits of the people, and indirectly their mental attitude, and ultimately their votes. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union was the pioneer in the advooaoy of scientific temperance teaching, Some- times strong statements are made about the inability of women to secure the embodiment of their convictions in prac- tical legislation. This theory is contra- dicted by the fact that a few earnest, de- termined women secured the enact- ment of most important legislation in nearly every State and Province on this coutiuent. Let Others Experiment. There is always something new in the way of medical treatment and you are constantly invited to try new-fangled, unproven remedies. Let others experi- ment and so risk health and lose time. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have been tried in the crucible of titne, won the approval of public opinion and demonstrated their right to a place in every home as a family medicine. CURIOUS FACTS The amount invested in the Siberian railway is $411,700,000., The cost of producing sugar in Cuba averages 1te cents per lb. The world's crop of beet double that of cane sugar. The people of the United Kingdom use up about 9,000,000 pins a day. More than half the external business of Costa Rica is with the United States. A silver coin remains in currency for an average period of twenty-seven years. One thousand cubic feet of gas gives the same amount of light as six electric units. The bulk of the world's product of po- tatoes equals that of wheat and corn combined. There are only two Sowers that will stand distillation -the rose and the orange flower. Doubliug the size of a steamer halves the consumption of coal per ton of dis- placement. May Return to Old System. Since the new county council act has been in vogue numerous complaints have been heard of the disinterestedness that has come over the ratepayers in the dif- ferent local municipalities, for their town, village or rural municipal councils, until to -day, men have got to be forced to accept municipal offices. Taking con- trol of civic affairs under these conditions you caunot blame those se appointed from practically doing anything with a town's money that may suit their fancy, and neither do we blame them while such lethargy exists amongst the tax payers of any municipality. Those who pretend to know sae this state of affairs has been brought about by the taking away of the formation of the county council from oar reeves and deputy reeves as of old; There was a slight re- numeration to be received for time spent by those, who were fortunate enough to be elected to those offices that constituted the county council, thereby inereasiug the number of aspirants for municipal honors, in the hope that by serving their constituents loyally they would eventu- ally be elected to those offices which car- ried them to the county seat. Under the new act which passed at the last Legisla- tive sitting, a majority of the municipal- ities in a county can pass such resolu- tions that no elections for county coun- cillors shall be held, but the reeves and mayors shall constitute the county eoun- cil. As the next Heron county council elections will not be held until January of 1905, our local municipalities have nutil October 1st of 1904 to decide upon this matter. It might be noted that this resolution must be passed at a special meeting called for that particular pur- pose. When the late Hon. Alex Mackenize. was building the hue between Winnipeg and Fort William, ridicule of his plan to utilize the "water stretches" was the stock in trade of every Tory editor. For years it was their pleasure to rail at the Grand old man for his "folly" in that regard. Now we have that very idea put forward as the very essence of wisdom, in the effort to hurt another Liberal Premier. Bat it will fool no- body. Any advantage there is in the water route will fall to the G. T. R. as much as the C. P. R. Both roads have all they can handle; and good Canadians will wish both all success. -Hamilton Times, The C. P. R. has selected 3,0.50,000 acres of land in tho Northwest to prac- tically complete the amount of the laud granted it by the terms of its agreement with the Government. This will enable the Government to free about 10,000,000 acres for settlement. Lands in the North-west are on the rise and some un- improved sections have sold as high as $15 an acre to $18 an acre, and knowing ones say that C. P. R. will in a short time be getting $10 an acre for much of its laud. Considerable of the lands selec- ted by the C. P. R. are arid, but subject to irrigatiou, on which several millions are to be expended. The released Gov- ernment lauds should command a price that would help pay the Interest on Grand Trunk Pacific bonds. sugar is ESTABLISHED 1672 THE WINfIIA TIMES„ 113 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Oiltee, Beaver Block WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Paitsnesran AN Catuaott-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 ain and 7p m School at 2:30 p m. Geuerai prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor and 5 S. Superinten- dent, P. S. Liuklater and L. Harold, assistant S. S. Saperinteudeuts. ST. PApL's CHURCH, EPISCOPAL-Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:30p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rector, F. Shore and Ed. assistant S. S. Superintendents. SALVATION ARM -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. Frightful Case of , Protruding Piles The Sydney mint for coining lian gold was erected in 1853. Melbourne followed in 1869. The money sent to relatives every year by foreigners living U. S., is at least $10,000,000. Newton is the most common of town names in England. It occurs either alone or with some affix no less than 21 times. Freight charges ou exports and imports which go to foreign ships are believed to aggregate yearly at least $85,000,000 against the U. S. The possession of an automobile multi- plies the contents and sphere of a man's life by more than six if he previously kept a horse and by much more if he did not. A report issued shows that only half homes are owned in New York Austra- That at abroad in the TERMS OE Sunscarvnxe:N-$1 3e per annum in tined tilt allliarreiars ere pad except at the option of the publisher. ADVERTISING RATES. - Legal and other casual advertisements 8c per Nunpariel line for first insertion, 8o per line for each subsequent insertion; Advertisements in local columns are charged 10 cts, per line for first insertion, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion: POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. PUBLIC L1na:tltY-Library and free reading room in the Town , will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'olock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Mille Robertson, librarian. Jubilee of the United Kingdom Alliance The United Kingdom Alliance cele- brates its jubilee this year. The occasion is being marked by an effort to raise a Special Educational Fund of Ono Hun dred Thousand Guineas. By means of this fund it is hoped to ba able to strengthen and extend the work of the organization throughout the country. The effort to collect this sum is to be spread over five years, but the jubilee year itself is to be commemorated by holdiug a great National Temperance Bazaar in October, in St. James' Hall, Manchester. As the Alliance has -during the period of its existence been the friend of every temperance society, aiding their work by the supply of literature and speakers, it is a pleasure to recognize that its jubi- lee effort is to be supported by all the great temperance societies throughout the country, including the Rechabites, the Sous of Temperance, the Order of Good Templars, the British Women's Temper- ance Association, etc. The Scottish, Irish, and Welsh Societies have also arranged to provide stalls for thebazaar. The young people of the nation are to have a special day for themselves, and it is expected that their contributions will make a creditable addition to the fund. Libeling Our Country. (Ottawa Free Press) In the year 1600 the inhabitants of Virginia and all incoming settlers thought that New York was up its the frozen regions. In 1700 the residents of New York d t b to trill a red thought that south of the great Takes Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first month and 50 cents for each subsequent month. CONTRACn RATES -The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods: - SPACE. 1 YR. SMO. 8 MO. 1 Aro. One Column $00.00 $85.50 $16.00 $a ea Half Column 8.100 18.00 10.00 4.00 Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must bo paid for in advance. Tis Jos DEPARTMENT is Stocked with an extensive affording tffaacilitnt ies. nf all otgequalledrinr the county for turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy typo for the finer. classes of print• ing. 11. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher .POULTRY IN MAW The following �praoticai poultry ad- VAT is given by Mr. F. C, Hare, Chief c'f the I'oultry D.visien of the Darn uie ';ca Department of Agriculture. Sale of Fowls. It is roost priafita(ble tat dispose:" of old hens before the m,.nitingr period. There is .then; a; ready market fobf kiwis en. �arocwn(tt bt the, :scarcity' of chickens. At the present time six.. cants a; potund live, weight i ,.offered for hens by a large produce company, n Tcront'o ; eight vents a pound p'uck'-I ed we:b`ht is paid in Montreal. In isev oral months live chickens can be bought by produce merebaxtts for the abaive rates, or fall a small ;nerease int them. If the hens are held until tali they w'll net realize as great a profit as they wall this ,mclnth owing tQ the .reduvtioin of the Market price for fowls and the loss of flesh in moult - :ng. Hens shciuld be sold when ,they arta, two years 01, All male, b'rds should be sold in the !summer and cockerels used for breeding the fol., law'ng season. Pullets for Laying. The advantages at retaining the early pullets fdr fall and wnter egg - production have been ,repeatedly i4tated. Early pullets w:ll lay ill. their, first year five times ars many' r.(a r\ as (Al hiens. The cnstt of feed, w 11 be practically' the same' for' the pullets as for the hens, The'• profit frein the pallets 'will be; correspond- ingly greater. The moist promising utility -type pullets should be selected now, fed 1.berally sol drat early winter lay:lag may be encouraged, and later en placed in comfcr'ta!ble winter guar = tees. Transferring mature pullets to a, strange pea defers egg -production - Utility -type Foavls. For poultry farm.:ng tbel utility type, o,f breeding fowl should be selected- Th:s. type of hdlvl can be had in the prep* brecdd, Plywioi tl;U Racks r..ud Wyandd&ta Uttility-type fowls should be. 'broad, blocky, and of med- ia„rn size am,l w;eig(LI.t (mature weight - cook seven to,eghtland a half Pounds; hen f.ve and e. half to seven, pounds.! The breast should be full, broad and carred well fdrwa{rd. The legs should be set well apart, 8bortn white or yel- lc(av in. color and without leg ,or foot feather:mg. The utility -type fowl oosrresponds to the shorthorn type in; cattle ; a square and broad-hod:ed lc' set foiwl. Sale of Chickens, From eleven cents) _to twelve cents per pound live weight ist offered. its Tdri;nit'o and Montreal for chickens awe:gliing over one and a half pounds each. The prices correspond apProx imatcly to fourteen. cents and fifteen.. cents per pound plucked weight, .ars J twenty and twenty-two pmts per pound drawn. weight. It is evident that an increased profit will 'be rea- lized by selling the earlier and heav- ier cockerels of the flock, at once. This prof:t corresponds to the encreased revenue derived from market garden- ers( and fruit groswters who place staple axticlesi oh the market before the reg- ular supply is available. Crate -fatted Chickens. The, increased conssuonntion of chick- ens in Canada is due! to the imprbv+eci quality and appearance of the chick- ens tha,t axe offered fort sale. This improvement has been; established through the business of crate -fatten- ing chickens introduced by this De: partment of Agriculture,i and to\ the ,mcthodsl of killin , plucking and shap- Im); the Chickenis, before they( are (marketed. Every farmer in 'Canada. should be in possession of the details of the crate -fattening business. It is is 'bus,inelss that can be Managed.' by- ,any y ,any member" of the hpusehold ; the re- qu:red number of crates are easily' ep istructed; the chicken Will gain fxoaw one and e. half to three pounds each during the twenty-four days fat- tening, and "tbe cost of feed per pound- off ound o+f ,gains in, live weight( will average ToWN ComeciL-R, Vanstone, Mayor; A. Dulmage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone, S. Bennett, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD. -J. J. Homuth, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Donglas, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm. Button, C. N. GxiltIn. Secretary, Wm Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PURIM SCHOOL TEAOHERS.--A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD or HEALTH --Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. T P KENNEDY M. i).. M. C. P. S. O e . Member of the. British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Meaaflist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women * Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p, m.: 7 to 9mir MISS DELIA SPARLING DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, A. T. C. M. Teacher � Meethod, Simples anand Kindergarten Bio Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. MISS SARA L. MOORE Teacher of Piano and Theory. Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis'' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin. and Guitar. An extensive and influential list of patrons and patronesses of the bazaar has been published, and there is every indication that the bazaar will be a great success. There are no doubt a great many of our readers interested in temp- erance work who will be glad of the opportunity to help rn the good work of strengthening the hands of Alliance by as many om contributing one article, or its valve in as in Chicago, while among cities of 1 money, and their co-operation will be much appreciated. All particulars may be obtained from the secretary of the Alliance, 16 Deans - gate, Manchester. 500,000 population Baltimore has the highest percentage of home ownership. After Jan. 1, 1908, the use of white or yellow phosphorus in match making will be illegal in Germany. This action of the reichstag was due to the injurious effect of phosphorus on workers in match factories, Resolutions against the use of fire- crackers and other explosives on the Fourth of July have beets adopted by the Chicago Board of Education, which favors lectures and entertainments in the parks instead. )scoter wanted o ora em - ]foot Iron -Cared by br, chase's ofatruext. I was as far north as civilization would MR. ALsx. McLsAx, Tarbot Vale, N.S., . go. 'writes; --"As section man on the railroad, I ; In 1800 Canada was still looked upon as was exposed to all sorts of weather, my !antis failed, and I became a victim of a country with eight months of winter protruding piles. Though and four months of bad sleighing. s doctor treated me for In 1400 the frost line hag moved up to they only cpiles, • ward to give worse the Hudson's Bay, and we find the coon- work and go home. My ( try in the middle north generally accept- sufferings could scarcely be ; ed as possessing a temperate and pleasant described, I could not walk 1 climate. rest e t• Iedownof the, and while the I family slept I As the centuries go by our pioneer would be groaning with spirit will not accept the imager belief eY.axnciating pains, "The second doctor told I of the stay-at-homes. We find habitable me the piles would have to 1 and fertile regions on oiir great domains be burned with a red.hot i which were unknown to ourselves re felt" iron, bet t tout(' not think : Tears ago. Mr. Itte east ee undergoing suck in eppeee- Yet in his for vvhieh he box of salve ie seat iu parliament one of' v he chord'so me toe dollars, but did one no our own countrymen has ehOlwtsi his ig- �d,y experience with 17r. t;haye a Clint• � to -ranee of life country by libeling our goat is that the first application did Ma me more i northland as a country of mtaeltegE, the + great lilac[. Stitt bring cored 1 w r►g wior i&1 tisk iteaailler w'a+xt, trod b" Iso tet • da we have a vast region,rioh in Mineral asf alai treable. Dr. Chaser's O1*ttrtent wets pl ,ll4trolallnl well!, fertile plateal rapt lard a box 4e ... s-- foe Si giaod teeat did t ., two doctets, a anise rocks and impenetrable forcers. weft Chid free frons leg ag any' gr worked duri the Rooms iu Stone Block, Wingham. Absent until the 15th of August. T. CHISHOLM, J. 8. CHISHOLM M.D., M.D., O.M., M. C.P.8.0. MB, MD,CM., M 0 PS 0. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS. ETC. OrsioE-Chisholm Block, Josephine street. RESIDENCE -In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night culls will be answered. Wood's§ Pho>sphodine, The Great English Remedy, is an old, well ostab• lishod and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over 40 years. All drug- gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being Before and After• the only medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forma of Nervous Weak- ness. Emissions, Spermatorr1uea, Impotent/, and all effects of abuse oorroex excesses; thiexcessive use of Tobacco, Op Mental and Brain Worry, all of which lead tie Infirmity, Insanity Consumption ands mento air}' Grave. Price $1 per package eal please, six will cure. Mailed prompty on re• ceipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address The Wood Company. Windsor, Ont', Canada, Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Wing - ham by A. L. Hamilton, A. L.Donglass, W. McKibleon and Cohn A. Campbell, Druggists. 'U VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private anfi Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. go claim s dos charged. ort - gages, town and farm property�bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. f • A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &e. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICAINsme DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY To LOAN. Orvieto: Meyer Block, Wingham. The Glew of Health. When the blood is rich and pure there is a healthful glow to the complexion which speaks of the vigor and vitality of the system. There le no more certain way for pale, weak people to attain the glow of health than by the persistent use of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, the great food cure which forms new, rich, red blood and cre.ites new nerve Toad. Travel and learn. In orthern Caner DOMINION EXHIBITION 1903 TORONTO 1908 ALIO. *7th to SEPT. 1lth The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before attempted. DAILY PARADES OP LIVS STOCK E In addition,, by order of 'BIS 1fAJ%STY TBE SING I THE JUBILEE PRESENTS of his august mother. the late queen Victoria,*III be exhibited Pat1E; Me wen as, by permission of the Dowager ouches* of Dufterla and A*a, THe ,DUFFERIN PRESENTS_ Anti by permission of the Comtism et Aberdeen treaitrea OF IRISH MANUFACTURE 1 The special leatnr.t, Mending an entirely new spec Ocular, pxodeettoaentitled A CARNIVAL, IN VENICE urh nder o personal direction etReload Weans, will be os awed/ never hetero stumped at Ma anmat *Mr JAW part of the 'World. fkeduced rates by Ione and water froom avwrylttstre. Conlan year atatton VV: K. M $Atilt! J. m twat tewtiMwy R THOMAS HOLMES & SON FARMERS BANKERS, Etc. Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses re- quired. Money 4 per cent. large amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES BARMIER AT LAW, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &C., &c. Office -Next to Holmes Block now building. D. D. S., L. D. S. ARTHUR J. IRWIN> Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. Office closed. every Wednesday afternoon daring June, July and August. and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large circulation tells and it will bestran a indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the TIMES and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. JOB PRINTING "err T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. 7 s DENTIST. Beaver Block, Wingham. MD. D. S. -Toronto University. L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. S. JEROME, L. D. S. or a new method for painless extraction. No cocaine. Special attention to the care of enildren's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed. Orrice. -In Gregory block, opposite Queen's hotel. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham. Ont. including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c„ &c., exeeuted'in the beat style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. BOOR antnioG.-We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to TEE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TnrEs office will receive prompt attention. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. FS. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. • LICENSED AUCTIONEER 7s prepared to conduct sales in this section. Special attention given to sales of farm stook and implements. Dates and orders can always be arranged at the Tuns office, Wingham. ! t_RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. Vf TRAINS reiA'Vld TOR London , 6.60 a.m.... 8.100.m. Toronto *East 9 a.m6.68 a.m.... 8.t1Sp.m. gtncardine..11,10 arm1.40 pm.... 8.88p.m. ARRIVE !'ROM 1'Cinoardine ....6.60 a.m.9.00 h,m .. 8.06 p.ln. London 1110 a.m.- 7.66 p.m. Palmerston 11.10 a.m. Toronto & Ear+t1.40 p.m.... 8.S1 pan, L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. (ANA1 LA N PACIFIC ilAiLWAYC. �.l Ti'tA1xs Mono Toronto end mast 1.67Li 848 p.m. Teeewater 7 ....1.8 p.m. 11Rrtr'yE Tytinr Teeawater.... 6.67 s.yn.....e.48 p. to. Toronto sad limb 1 17p.th ....10.4E P. to. J. H. BI LMI lt, Arent,Wiltgiwr. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRAtir tall ARKS DeitIGNS COPYRIGHT* &O. Anyone sending 8 sketch and deseriptlen May gateklys ascertain ourofnten free whether ae ioiiiicondeiatdkrtPaegtntrtly6nttal. patentable. tn% sent We. 014.Mt agency ter ,erurina jeers . Yatent. talon thronRb Nunn ipec aL netts, without Charge, 1n the Scientific Mmtrkau. Ahandsotetrii nmetratal weekly. T.aruest sir. bf etme a enilati fo any s, el. S i.,nryal. e ;iota months, el. Botd by all nowadentera, RI N & Co.3s'BreIdway. Nrw Yoe r3rar,tti 011tce, dt61i ilt.,'h uhl».Wn'.1). froml f,ve, cents to ,six and a. half cents. Fall Fairs. t1'pfavlsi that aarel to be! exhibited? at thea fall fair's{ should bat shaded front the sun during the mounting. This w:11 'invent the new feathers having a faded or mottled appearance. Breed- ers olf fancy; fowls arc( very particu- lar in this, respect and wirer the tops Of the yat'dsi used by, the nlptrlting ►a:rds with old carpets, lumber, etc. The, fowls are given liberty during the late afternoon( and evening\ ,only. Animal tfob,dd and vegetables' are ne- cessary for mb'tilting', fowls; the ani- mal food, such as ;waste, meat or' raw banes will increase elm supply of pro- ±tear, otr' albumen' for the growth of feathers ; the vegetalbles are useful in regulating the 'system. New Cancer Cnre. Berlin, Aug. 6- Prof. von Leyden, of the University of Berlin, is experi- menting witl>I a new cancer!, remedy, the base of which,, fat arsenic. Vie remedy is the discovery of Dr. iJuliuS Gnezda, a young German sc:entist. I consists of a. powdered mixture tailed "akerk:ne" which is entrust: ni ted front. White a'f ezg, phosphor`ic acid, maid tri. cholride of arsesi.ie. One of the Itaaiei'a private, phyaieiarts is inter- estcd in the disoosvery.