HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-13, Page 8"�k"�►.''iir
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BIeQsings, Silks1 Trirnmings_
in DRESS GOODS the leaders are certainly
going to be the Zibelines with the -two-toned
effects. Other popular weaves are the Canvas
Cloths, Basket Cloths. Broadcloths, Venetians,
Cheviots, Friezes, Box Cloths, Tweeds, etc,
We have a splendid assortment of all these
goods in stock, and although the prices have
advanced from 20 to 30 per cent on European
markets we can still give them to you at the 0
old prices.
I3LOCSINGS, in waist lengths only ; plain •
Flannels in all shades, Fancy Flannels, Albro-
tross Waistings, Brilliants in all shades ; Taff- i
eta Silks, Lousaine Silks, Tamaline Silks, Peau «
de Sole Silks and Fancy Silks.
assortment of Trimmings have arrived, suitable t
for all weights and weaves of goods They i
are the Newest that can be bought.
Our BELTS are all new designs in Parisian and
New York novelties. A splendid assortment,
ranging in prices from 25c. to $I.50 each..
You are at Iiberty to have a look through our stock.
Siveihreeettette%-ebeeleitetearlielVielleeeee, Rsioetteaitee. i✓%. e%%$
'tam SS.Ivast'itAlisili li+Qi4iir11'ev e.111419119vl►itsrs
i3•a3•S :•fie ;,.;.;..yi,�•'ri t•g•F•,a•io<.f,;..;., MINOR LOCALS.
1 Standard
1' -Southampton's tax rate is 25 mills.
-The Brussels Herald staff is holiday-
ing this week.
--Tete Teeswater News staff is holi-
daying this week.
--Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia
S. 0. S., on Monday evening next,
-The Brussels Sunday Schools ex•
torted to Kincardine on Tuesday.
�-Cement sidewalk has been laid on
part of the main street in Wroxeter,
-The brick work on Mr. Robt, Max-
well's new dwellinghas been commenced.
-Regular meeting of Court Maitland,
0. O. F. on Friday evening of this week.
-The Listowel Banner is taking
its annual midsummer holiday this
-Mr, Jas. Walker is having a kitchen
rected to his recently purchased house
on John street.
-The Luc Irish Nine baseball club
von from Brussels on Thursday last by
a score e of 9
r 2t
o I.
We have made arrangements
to keep on hand a stock of the .
celebrated Standard Patterns, +
which we aro sure will prove -a ±
great convenience to aur custom- 4.
ers, as formerly we had to order +
them from Toronto, which always '1'
meant a delay of a few days, but ...
now we will keep in stock about
. three sizes of eaeh pattern, and
+ your wauts can be supplied at a
moment's notice.
4. As the name implies, they are the
4- best. The price is right, 5c, 10c, 15c,
20c, Their most pronounce d points of
4 .superiority are as follows :
-E Standard Patterns are cut with cure-
+ ed closing frontedges in all Ladies' and
- Misses' styles that are by bust measure,
4- and a much better fit is thereby assured
<r than with the ordinary pattern.
Standard Patterns allow for I2 inches
difference between the bust and waist
raen,ttres, en important feature, found
only in a high grade pattern.
Standard mm.
Patterns furnish t h mutlrts on
-each hhouid,.r and on one under -arm
seam only at each side, which it has
been demonstrated is the best arrange-
:melt for securing a perfect fitting gar- ✓,.
Standard Patterns for children show
the measurements as well as the age, a •Y'
very important thing, eonsidering how 4.
unreliable the age specification alone is 4.
in securing n proper fitting garment for .1•
a child.. .t.
Standard Pa tterna are always reliable=
and they are unquestiona,ily the most b
up-to-date. ate. T
it lle.t styles shown iniwn
ant number of P
be found in other fashion publications
anywhere from one to six months later,
If you would keen abreast of the lash -
ions, subscribe for the DESIGNER.
Only 80e per sear.
Use only Standard Patterns.
Coer 6
c0194J(Suessors to Alex. Poss.)
4.▪ 4,444.4.4.444.4-1•44+ +.4"'.14s`
FR (//
Peaches, large basket
Plums, ., •
"'ears, ..
Blueberries, per quart -
Thimbleberries, per quart
Tomatoes, per pound -
core, per dozen
- .50
, .12r
• .121
Half Gallons, per dozen,
Quarts, per dozed,
Pints, per dozen,
Ware Rtitbbers, per dozen
Tudho e'-
firoadory and Crockery Store
u5oti ire left Quick Delivery
-Mr. John Bartley has been re-en-
gaged as Principal of the Wroxeter
public scheol for next year.
--Tho Western Foundry Co. want a
number of young men at their works.
See adv, in another column.
-The Times office is the place tog of
your Mee stationey printed.
-The TIMES sent to any address un-
til the end of the year for 35 cents,
-East Wawanosh township council
will meet on Thursday of next week.
-On the Masonic excursion to Kin-
cardine on Thursday of last week, 117
tickets were sold at the Wingham sta-
-Arrangements are being made for
a baseball match between the Ingersoll
nine and the local team on the park here
on the 21st inst.
-The thanks of the Tiai);s staff is due
to Mr. Wm. I3, Campbell of the Town
Plot for an excellent treat of apple,
from his orchard.
-Harvestirg operations are well ad-
vanced in this vieinity. Some threshing
has been done, and the yield is fairly
large and of good quality.
Mr. T. Gregory hes coinineeeed work
on excavating for his block of new stores
to be built opposite the Town hall, Ile
will build the foundation this fall.
.....People should keep their bills paid
if they don't want to be dunned, and
their "bills" out of other" people's b)isi.
Mess if they don't want to be insulted,
' '--Wingliant and Lueitnow junior
1aerosse clubs played a friendly game on
the park Isere on Monday evening. The
score was 0 to 1 hr favor of Viringhoext.
- 14tr. Robt.'.t'ennant has had conitid
orablc earth put on his vacant lot oil
Edward street. The raising of the lot
eevetel feet makes a great improvement.
-A Brnee Tarnier, venturing to make
tt, ealcnlation alt to the condition of the
crops this sermon, predicts the following
as the probable average in his town -
radii -Wheat, 25 brothels to the aere;
oats, CO bnahele; hay ii, tons to the
-'Two rinks of W agleam bowlers are
takiug part in the bowling tournament
atodG (, ie i'
x h this week.
---TheWonien's Cllristien 'Temperance
Union will meet at the borne of We.
Helm, Friday overdue-, Aug, 14th at 7 20
••--T,'he fence around the school proper-
ty isbeing y b ri g reiittxett and repainted, tither
repairs are also being made at the school
--The Toronto Scots won from Bru,s.
sees in the Real game for the iutermedi•
ate ebampiouship at Berlin on Tuesday
evening by a score of 2 to 1.
-11ir, Chas. Kueelttel will move Lis
harness stock to the new store in the
Ironstone block on the 1st of September.
He will have a comfortable shop,
-The Union factory and Firemen
baseball teams played a game on the
park on Tuesday evening, resulting in
favor of the Firemen by a score of 8 to 4.
-The brickwork on the new additlou
to the Queen's hotel is being pushed for-
ward, The addition will give more
room for the accoinodatioti of the guests
at this hotel,
-Mr. Richard N. CreeoIi has pur.
chested a half interest in the Exeter Advo
cate, and hereafter the business will b
conducted under the name of Sanders &
Creech. We wish the firm success,
-Mr. ft. J. McMath is receiving very
encouraging reports from all along the
nue that the excursion to Sarnia and De-
troit on Saturday next bids fair to be
the largest ever run aver the route,
-Our readers should keep in mind the
anneal R. C. picnic to be held in Wal -
lace's grove at Donnybrook ou Tuesday,
August 25th. Particulars of the pros
gram will be given iu our next issue.
-The Iinechtel Furniture Co. gave a
free excursion to the employes in their
Hanover and Walkerton factories and
their families to Southampton ou Satur-
day. Nearly 1,000 people took in the
-Mr. H. Fixter, who has been fire-
man on the L„ H. e s, 13. freight train for
some time has been promoted to the
position of engineer and left ou Wed-
nesday for. London to assume his new
-A sad accident occurred at Wroxeter
on Wednesday evening of last week,
wheu the ten -year-old son of Mr. W.
A. Rutherford, hardware merchant, was
run over by a load of hay and iustantly
-A few weeks ago an item appeared
in the TIMES stating that Dungannon
would not have a fall fair this year.
We now learn that arrangements have
been made for bolding a fair ou October
8th and 9th.
-An advertiser who tried to save
money by suspending his newspaper ad-
vertising for a season says it cost them a
good deal, but the lesson was worth
much. "The decrease of advertising
was registered upon sales as quickly as
au icy wind upon a thern)on)ter."
-Mr. S. Bennettt of the Wiughanr
planing mill is supplying material for a
large verandah being built in front of
Mr. H. W. Carter's dwelling at Clifford.
s factories have a reP utatz'
of turning out good work and receive
orders from points considerable distance
from the town.
-Owing to his removal to Wingham
Geo. Olvar, who is employed in the Bali
furniture factory, has disposed of his
house and lot on Mill street, Brussels, to
Thos, Garness,of Morris township. Mr.
Olvar moved his household effects to
Wingham this week. We wish hien and
his family prosperity -Brussels Post
-Mr. R. J. Macillath of Wingham,
who is`well known in connection with
railway excursions made us a call on
Tuesday. He understands the use of
printers' ink in connection with excur-
sions and business. The monster 1. 0. F.
excursion to Sarnia will take place on
Saturday, 15th inst.--Kincardine Re-
-The races at Brussels are to be held
August 19th and 20th and they promise to
be first class the best ever held iu the
county. Tho track is fast and a large
entry is assured, Every one should be
there and see good fast racing. The
classes are 2.40 trot, 2,50 pace, 2.30 pace,
and 2.25 trot, 2.23 pace and 2 20 trot,2.19
pace and 2.15 trot, free for all trot and
pace and 3 year old trot.
Chas. Vesper of Hamilton shot' and
killed his wife then committed suicide.'
Messrs. Kirkwood and Meleineon of
Belleville sold their rolling mills to a
French syndioi}te.
John Pollock, a moulder in a Galt
foundry, was crushed to death by the
failing of 3,200 -pound weight.
Rnral school teachers will resume
their dutice Monday, August 1?, the
town schools will not open till Sept. 3rd.
Fred T. Shannon of Goderich Teas
been appointed to a position in the Rail-
way Mail Service as stenographer and
typewriter, succeeding W. J. Passmore,
who recently resigned.
Sir Wilfrid Leerier moved the resolu-
tion to fix the salary of the chief railway
commissioner at $10,000, andthe other
tWo cttmmiseioriere at $8,000 each, and
an interesting debate took place on the
bill constituting the commission, Mr.
Fielding moved the resolution to grant
• a bounty on Iead.
this xcoltunrl fronatinly of our renders. If yell
dhioilivaandtelles orBeets ix a» pato to th,at
Me Elam Livingston, of Blyth, was
in town en Tuesday.
Miss Annie Stewart bas been visiting
with friends in Taroeto•
Bits Jos. Stewart is spendiug it week
with friends iu Toronto.
Bliss my Robertson Is spending this
week with friends in Hamilton.
Miss A. Charles of Chicago is visiting
her cousin, Mrs. Mac. Pateeson,
Miss. J. Hamilton and Miss L. Pater.
soli visited in Bluevale last week.
Miss nleirittie, of Toronto, is visiting
with her eonsin, Miss Belle Elliott.
Mrs. J. S. Jerome was visiting with
her son at Arthur during the week,
Mr. Peter Linklater, of Mt, Forest, is
visiting iu Wingham for it few days.
Mr. John Moore, of Grand Rapids, is
visiting with old friends in Wingham,
Miss Joe Carr is visiting with her
er, Mrs. A. 0. Chapman, at Acton.
Mrs. F. G. Sparlilig le visiting with
relatives slid friends iu Blyth this week.
Mrs. H. Day, of Walkerton has been
visiting with Wiughantfriends this week.
Iviiss Haslam and Miss Maud Haslam
are speudiug a week with friends. in
Miss Nettie Linklater is spending a
month with friends in Aylmer and
Mr. F. G. Sperling and Reiss Delia
Sperling are away this week ou a trip
up the Iakes.
Mrs. John Terrill is visiting with
friends in Bracebridge and other points
in Muskoka.
Mrs. A. L. Hamilton and family, of
Wingham, are visiting; at Mrs.Lamont's.
-Ripley Express.
Miss Pet Elliott has returned to her
home in Ingersoll• after a five weeks'
visit in Wingliain.
Messrs. S. Young and C. J. Reading
are in Galt attending the High Court,
I, 0. F., this week.
Miss M. Walker was visiting with Mrs.
C. M. Walker at Grand Bend for a few
days during the week.
Mr. Al. Praetor, of Aurora, was call-
ing on old Wingham friends for a few
days erasing the week.
Mrs. Jos. Carrueg and children, of
Hepworth are visiting with her parents,
14Ir. and Mrs. L. McLean -
Messrs. Wm. Robertson and J. A.
Morton attended the Grand Lodge, I, 0.
0, F., in Hamilton this week.
Rev. 3..N McLean, B, A., pastor of
the Wingbam Baptist Church, spent a
few days in Toronto this week.
Miss Countess Carrhas returned home
from Acton, where she had been visiting
with her sister, Mrs. A. C. Chapman.
Mrs. John Cargill and daughter Miss
Edna, of Duluth, were visiting with old
friends in 'Wingha for a few days this
mid Airs.
Alex. Orr,o
,� ala
were in town on Thursday last. Alex
can laugh as hearty as ever•-Fordwich
Record. -
Mr. Jas. Johnston, a former resident
of Wingham, who has been away for
several years, was calling ou old friends
in town this week.
Miss Nettie Ewing, of Teesw
has been visiting at Mr. Jas. Wal /
for the past week, and Ieft on Monday!
to visit st i
w th friends i
s n
Mr. McGregor, foreman in the Luck -
now Sentinel ofiiee was visiting with his
parents in town fora few clays this week.
He gave the Trees a friendly call on
"'A Summer Fairyland."
planning 11 a i leg a summer
Outing end seeking "green fields and
pastures nesse," some place where they
way vast oars aside and counnuiie with
primitive nature, where, tho' the sun
serines over brightly, cooling breezes al-
ways blow and great heat is unknow,i,it
is safely proudest) that among the rocks
and a I latter of the Muskoka slistriob, about
100 miles north of Toronto, situate in
the Highlands of ()uterin, (11.00 feet
above ilea level) they will find ttdchinit-
Handsome, illustrated, desoriptive
toil. Hsent arold Gd. T.
R. agent, Winetham.
(I1418ENT--Ciprof Durham corceiueet Just
arrived. Parties who intend ashy.
cement soon rill do the wase act if they
buy it now, 83 cement will Iikely ad-
viuiee iu price before long. We are also
agents for Hanover cement.
A. Tomo 8t Sox.
ANnmRSSQN--In Culross, on Aug. Sth, tete wife
of (leo. Anderson; a son.
Roinxsox,-In Turnberry, on August 5th
the wife of James Robinson; a son.
1st, the wifeotMr. ob retBuchanan; August
• n.
1t1cy. yrezi-1n Seaford*, on August 4th, Jas,
McTavish, aged 78 years and 2 months.
Gladys, j oun youngest daughterAofJ August,
niandl M y
McLeod, aged -1 year and 2 days.
McOanTernY-In Grey, on August 1st, John
McCartney, aged 01 years,
$xtr,-Tn Blyth, on July 30th, M r. James Hill,
aged 83 years, (3 months unq 17 days.
McIntosh,Mdaughter oftD R' Aug McIntosh,former-
of Wingham, aged 2Oyears,
Welker Rutherford, n only son of W A. RutherAugust -
ford, aged 5 years, fi months and 21 days.
Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth
door south of School House. Shop op-
posite Macdonald block.
Ili the matter of the estate of James
Maxwell, deceased.
Pursuant to R. S. O. (1897) Chap. 129,
alofiTe e Maxwell late of the Township of Mere Ise
in the County o� Huron, yeoman, deceased, are
required to deliver on or before the 1st day of
Septeniber,1003,to tele atldorsigned Exewutors
of the last will of the deceased,a frill statement
them, duly claims and
andlarectnotified'her hereby
that after the said dolts tele estate of the said
deceased will bo distributeea mong tate persons
entitled thereto and the said executors will
not be responsible for any claims of which
tliev shell not then have notice.
Dated at Wingham this 21st day of July, 1803.
Wrra-,w4 Maxwatt, Wingham, Ont,
Howl Ross, Bluevale, Ont ,•.,
Exe ntors.
Blue Flame Coal Oil Stoves
At 15 per cent, off.
High grade Cleveland Bicycles
High grade Hyslop Bicycles
At 1z ,1 per cent, off
for one week only.
Binder Twine at lowest' prices
Snaith & >'ethick's old stand,
receive prompt attention.
`TTT!'rTvyy,yyit"IYiTyTrl►TVrV yyyyyyTTr►YTyyyyyyTrf9T►y�T
r. t
There is satisfartiaix for
every owner of a good couh
a splendid thing in sickness, it
necessity for tired backs. W
have so Many shapes and stylesit's hard to give you an idea ofthenyl all, Yu'll fnd here one
thatQill$just suit you. $5.75„$7 5 , $ , $s•0, $13.50,Upholstered in the best quality
BAtI BROS.,the People's Furniture SYor
Brick residence 5th house west
from Hainiltonl5 Corner Drug
Store,where night Balis w11
uaningroom Fiirnitiire,
o. 0.Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort- .4,
► rnent of wood seat and leather seat diners is a 4''
n marvel of style, quality and cheapness,4
EXTENSION TABLES in great variety.
SIDEBOARDS --The largest and best selected stocii
of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in 14"`
the manufacture of up-to-date furniture.
'We carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture.
► r
Furniture and Undertaking.
Ile The Furniture Store opposite the Post Office, "e
WE the undersigned lawyers of Wingham A. nrex`7lt„GAItT, nr. D„ E..11t.,
agree to close out offices during the 75 Young Street, Toronto,
s of July and August as follows:
month On References as to Dr, McTa
Saturdays at2 p,na. and on other days at 4 p,m, al standing and personal integrityppereu profession--
A notice of this to appear in both local new:, by;•
papers. Sir W. R. Meredith, Chief Justice.
R. VANSTONE, J. A. MORTON, Hon. G. W. Ross, Premier of Ontario,
DICKINSON & HOLMES, Rev. John Potts, D, A. Victories College,
efy, Bios deKnox
of SCollege. lei's
College, Toronto.
Right Rev, A. Sweatman,'Bishop of Toronto
lends FARM Farm
LABORERS Laborers'
ater, -�-� �"'�-"-� WANTED Excursions
Walker's �- - SECOND CLASS
Wand Asainiboia,s vest ,south Mani-
north-west of Winnipeg as far as
Mr. Alex Stewart is away for a few
weeks holidays. He "Will take a trip
down the St. Ierwrence river and visit
at Coney Island, Brooklyn and other
eastern points.
By a recent decision of the Privy
Council the Lord's Day Act of Ontario
is u"Ttravires of the Province.
The British postofficeishowa a surplus
of over $20'000,000 for the past year
Bat a. letter in Great Britian travel
only a hundred miles, where a letter in
Canada travels thousands.
The bylaw to raise $30,000, for the
establishment of a first-class system of
Water works for ,Bark's Falls, was voted
on, and was carried by a substantial
majority of 07, . only 15 votes being
recorded against it.
During a panic in a big exonrsion
rowd at New York, caused by four men
and a boy falling between An excursion
barge and the dock, a woman threw a
heavy life preserver, striking one of the
men on top of the head, lie seek
instantly. • .
Look at the Ltbet.
The mailing lists of the TOMS
have been revised up to date.
Suttecribere will please exam-
ine the date on the label and
see if it le correct. ff not cor-
rect, please advise us. 1f oor.
root, but ill arrears, please remit
and oblige the publisher.
r 1 Cf . L�•/jl
It pays best in the end,
The Canada Business College
With its 27 years of successful work to its
eredit stands without a ear in Canada in the
line or BI7SINESS or SHORTHAND training
316 students placed .in good positions in the
past eleven months shows what we do for our
students when graduated.
College Reopens for Fall Terra, Sept. 1,
anynbusiness seho lhinithe Dominion. eCd
sent by addressing,
Chatham, Ont.
to crust
The Market Bakery Bread is
perfection itself. White, light,
sweet centre; rich, brows, short
crust. Minted, molded, baked
and delivered in jest the way to
win your approval.
We have on the latest lnaehin-
ery, and there le no need of
sending tty the city for your
bread or pastry.
D. L U D
opposite Preebyterlan Ohnreh.
On August iSth from stations in Ontario,
main line of and all stations North rand Trunk,
north of Card-
well Jct. and north of Toronto on North Bay
One-way tickets to Winnipeg on)ywiil be sold
with a certificate extending the trip before
August 31st, without additional cost, to other
points in Manitoba and Assiniboia as above, If
purchasers engage as farm laborers at Winni-
less than 8 e days hataharvest ng, acid produce
certificate to that effect, they will be returned
to original starting point at siaoo, on or before
Nov. 810th, 1003.
Tickets not good on " imperial Limited,"
run particulars from your nearest Canadian
Pacific Agent or to
Assistant General Passenger Agent
1 King St. East,Toronto
Summer Carnival and Old Boys'
r atniiton, August 17th to 22nd,
Return tickets will be issued
20th inclusivFARE,
f oni poit ts�whetegthe lone
tvay faro to Hamilton does not er;eeed'$2,50.
Good going August 14th, loth and firth from
%mints where the one way first -teats fare to
Hatnilton exceeds $2,50.
All tickets valid for return until Moodily,
August 24th.
!t h fIY} To Points in hianttol,k and At -
3) UiUI! stntlosin in coonecttei witlt the
elute Laireetrs' 10xetlrsion
"tlekots on sale goad. goit g August 18th.
The month of August is said to be the best
time for a vacation. Call on any Grand Trunk
Ticket Agent and aerate illnatrati'd and dies-
criptive literature of aumtnor resorbs in high•
lands of Ontario, ineluding Mtuakoka, Lake,
Lake ofl3nyn 8nwnrtha Laked; (h2M calf
50 to poirni a on tT poroLahl es fever
L' 11ItEO ,11, Agent, Wingham.
liquor an iatoba co habits 1aare healthful, e f ,
inexpensive home treatments. No hypodermic:
inieetions; no publicity; no loss of tune from
business, and a certainty of cure. Consult-
ation or correspondence invited.
Life ' Assurance
The Mutual rife of Canada
None Safer None Better
Fire Insurance
Purely Qanaclian Stook Companies.
Rates adequate but not exoessive.
Claims promptly seated.
VasbiRdor& Rodwell.
it iEND IttANut'"ACTtSit1TC#
The Stewart Patent Blower
and Cutter Attachment
for any -make of
Separators -
Orders Ieft with them will
be promptly attended to.
'Threshers will do well to
consult thenn for repairing and
supplies of alt kinds,
Oh, yes! and we have a
few good cheap Bicycles for
sale yet.
Come and be convinced.
Victoria. Street w W :v(IIIAnI•,