HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-13, Page 7k 0o0oomoccomegx HJ.R SECOND U.'VE STORY OF ....... �v� �nvcwIT1UP_ A Love AND ADVENTL)Re, • BrrRTHA Author of Between Two Loves," •c Which Loved Him Best," et A Fatal ,r rt n �• weaaing, � A Woman's Vengea ce, CLAY +Between Two Sins." %t/kl�llAVt�1 310000( Georgy was probably interested too, for her Iteart was beating, and Iher temples throbbing, as she felt i her face flush more and more with excitement. Mr. Erskine was an enti- tnehtly social roan, and could mould himself instinctively to whoever was his neighbor for the time; not out of calculation, but through the •abundant kindliness • of his genial na- ture. Is not sentiment become al- !most one of the fine arts? Ho made no conscious applicatlosi pf any one word to the lady beside him; indeed, 'his thoughts had wandered oil to •son%0 dream that he may once have had, and he talked, really for the il)leasure of talking. This give and take Of society, however, had been pleasing n hoped and calculated but rangetnent• was a failure. ter more than he did of the > 1 prolonged; there are "lou have still a few roses left, I I+,•bin-Chinas: if .he had C.constdtrala y I g history knew of o c dnrkationu to it, after all. It was they are frequently classed, in a sunt- onougit wittn her to warrant it: as ser." dark when they reached the avenue malty way, as "agreeable, but heart- familiar as if he had spoken her name I •• yes: but nothing r1se--the 'iln- not, his ignorance would this `flan of AIillthorpe Granite, angi as Mr. I less;" and their whole character is have been discerned. But, Mr. , tie ' Psrskine drove over the grass and supposed to be well hit off. brought them but site had sj [t of the name be pap of the t s • tstblp fellows t •against the shrubs, Georgy felt the Georgy was up early the next clay, fresh drops from the branches fall wandering about the garden without her face; and then in a moment h bonnet and Afr, Erskine cause TQM VINO TIPSS,. , AVU1.ST• rl n , I ,O5 Results from common soaps: eczema,. coarse hands, ragged' clothes, shrunken flannels.' ORP • glanced round the room. fessy had pleasant places in the World, even eme been washing the cold, dingy -looking sides school, as i. hope y'OU will g(tlrta oil -entitle which covered the floor in day .discover." alto aohewhil there was no 1tre, he the I Now, the wishes which Miss 'Sane empty grata --a .heedless. omission , don and air. Erskine had. .poen In - where coals are so cheap The -opal duiging in, Were re happily reelieed, and avas a r Geer looked constrain me- ing-room; a huge straightehacked r gy sofa, two seitf(I arm -chairs, almost 4 lately,.ho 1began rtta 1 }r a to ])r. nun&, immovable, the others very high and frncminfortal)le, a pianoforte, a table sand in a few minutes alba Sandon, or two, and a little bookcase, eon - tarlor rather than a cireiwe • Mrs. Vanden. appeared. cd lin too, Caine 1n. James talked of so- stituted the furniture. On the centre, deter and Cochin -China fowls to Aunt R>i*l<1vCI'$ table, and right in the middle of it, Jane. Agreed with her that she ).) And n ore a i 1 + vc. Llra t ha 1 must soon ret St woe a large Stuart inkstand, but nowas not, worth while to do EXPENSZ blotting -hook -*-nothing to indicate thtit it that it was meant for use; an old much to the house; it was not a dee'• Ark for rho Octagon Isar ret Beauty, almanac and a sirctble residence, one could get see week of eau y, an a a little society.;,he should prefer Loll-. - - weekly new shaper, rondo up the de^ t • I literature. There was neither picture not there, f on the •walls; over the 1t!glt up. if Mr. Hendon's affairs would al - kine have 'Leen actually blamed for some day when 011e was nor print low ft. his conduct towards sentGeorgy; and one and sit talking to those brilliant, old-fashioned chinmeeepiece, decor- wr. Erskine Advocated London, too; drive, ono afternoon spent at Monk- '• showy girls, as be had done to her. ated with long wreaths of flowers I then Erskine ,entered upon the sub-.. was perhaps a wolfs, fault. had no part in anything here, I carved in wood, was a narrow look- . and Ile tatkcd as lands, 1 She little I jcct of Cochin -Minas. We often blame the world, «hen it 1 and her eyes felt dim po,ttetimce, and Ijag-!;lass; on the mantel -shelf a is our own want of knowledge of it there was a, choking in her throat. ; clock was flanked by two gaudy II learnedly as if he had made, -them his that is at fault. Allot may appear Georgy hacl no youth—none; the china \ $($, Rad a pair of decidedly 1 peculiar study, and related, anecdotes one time a heartless iustiticR- thingof youth which she know t,,gj�. candlesticks with crystal drafts. ' of mice as if their attend - at p o only 3R aitce nverc los especial recreation; he was this longing; and when would it AIr. Erskine looked at these dreary then told Alts, Sandon where to get subside? She wished to be old, that decorations, which resembled those her shawl dyed; advised the richt it might die away; a more reason- of an unfrequented fun, but made no cele-, and menti.ctned. .a good shop. able wish, perhaps, . than that of ' remark, HoW her stiff aunt carne to speak of wish to be grown up it was cold, and so was Georgy'sfirst t tiro uaint- ' children who 3.1 and, on 0 rs 1 • chi,the shawl, , I ss• theyare more expansive, and hat theymay suffer. And again she hand, which he had taken on enter- ce to. confide, her intentions to c t „ • live were *one now mice. more fully endowed} with the cafe- � repeated to herself, "She must it .jag, All the flowers g - AIr. Erskine, (leprt;y never .under- most of .without hint. )t some China roses, which Geer city of pleasing others, than tt n t the rest of her life �. excel o t stood. their neighbors. They have no great- If hp had only once called her by gv had beton pttLting into a vasa vv3111 Then Mr. Saralee and his visitor for the children as they grew tion, at another le but an arousing incident. When do we judge rightly? Certainly not in the case of those whom we often proclaim to be heart- er love of approbation than the rest of the world; but the effects of their re far more visible. Then, without consideration or reflection, her •own name! She had had a ca- , seine "inunortelles;" but they would prieious desire that he should do•so; not intermix properly, and the ar- thought,he had not. He had been familiar talked business together, cenceroing which it is to be hoped that the fat - upon (- out , afterwards, it was an unpleasant put too. jar, to have returned to lights, pee- 1 "Are you tired after yesterday's plc and lliilltall a Grnnge• drive, Miss Santion? „ n th i er vh e e dun ,. 11 at "Not yr a They were hot at all. missing guests arrived; there w•ns no I „I shall long remember our yester- escaping upstairs, however, and they ` day's ramble and drive together." were greeted with laughing inquiries She looked at him, and they staffed 1 from Mr. Lewis, who appeared at into each other's eyes. Then they ithe dinner -room door—as to what 1 walk to the house, talking of, most they had been about? and where they 1 likely, the weather. ';had been? Mr. Erskine explained i with a good deal of gravity, how he That morning was one or depart - had conte round by Monklands that ' ures. Mrs. Erskine was goitig to morning, and found Miss Sandon ; join her daughter; she looked up there. How her pony had lost a from a letter that she was writing. .shoo. How all the blacksmiths in , "Georgy, my dear, I hope I shall the village were in liquor, and at soon see you again; some day you weddings; likewise the excited state roust comp and visit me in the •of the servant, which, unfortunate- ' south." ly, was perfectly true; and even when I "I should like that very much. 'the pony was shod, how much safer ,1 "Mind you write and tell me if you it was to drive Miss Sand= home, I aro going to .be married, or if ney- 'ttut, my clear James," said his , thing pleasant happens to you." mother, "because n pony has lost a � "Matrimony being pleasant, of shoe, it is not • necessarily unsafe course?" worth; and yet, this man, .this hap- pinessever "Have which he had given her, and got back earlier?" I perhaps you would dislike it; per- �I! in which she had no faith apd no be - "We made all the haste possible, I haps young ladies generally do; I lief, was her very life. He had lived assure you, mother. Driving was won't contradict you;"—and so she be - in the world, if not for the world; it fifty times. It would not have =names, are not pretty flowers, in nearer;spite ' wished it in a way totally unreason. a;\o—but t have a sort of vener- able even to herself; and "Georgy anion for them; one sees them in would have sounded more pleasant churchyards abroad, in little convent- ly to her for evermore. "Call me by chapels, and. they appear as often in any name," is a thought which often French novels as poplar -trees." rises in the heart, and almost to the "French stories! I like them. I was one governess whenI me of nc . o French e s •Pip h from had g parth VCa lips,a s whom we. have little hope of meet- a child; she was very kind to ma, ing again, none of forgetting. It loved 11 French things was natural that Georgy shguld long to hear it once from him. She had read his present character, truly; for she had the quick discernment which sometimes belongs to people who live very much alone; it is a knowl- edge they seem to arrive at, even front the rarity of events, ideas, or persons that have crossed their lives. Looks and words make a keen impression on them; and they have sometimes an intuitive understand- ing of those who pass themeJames unnoticed. Georgy Erskine did not care for her, in the full acceptatic)n of the word; she did not take the events of these past dans at one iota more than their t.dccidedly much safer after the vio- 1 bade Georgy a very affectionate lent rain; and when it was growing adieu, half hinting that her positione 1. dark, too, riding would have been impracticable." at Crahtthorpe was a very uncom- I[ Afr.. they ug seemed so persuaded . fortynloue have neither father nor mo- s that they had got ,tome rather early `is no 1 than otherwise, that his mother and te ,,ipo poor ychi,u , and lea t it house treason aour I' Mrs. Lewis accepted this view of the ' to some day." I matter. "Won't you have the soup back Georgy always felt the unsoentli- nese of ever complaining of Grain- ,. again?" said the latter. "Oh! we had a luncheon that was titorpe; but she committed another ntny dinners in itself, I assure error, for chance built ord toomuch sympathy 0 y Georgy half smiled at this assu- ante, and then she disappeared, to take off her habit. When the ladies 1 were lighting their candles on the Mrs Everett was not coming any l.ataircase at bedtime, Georgy said, more to the Grange. There was 'I am glad. .you have explained every -talking. in the hall just before he s thing so hell; I think Mr Lewis was went. Mr. Lewis was irate against rather scandalizedrat our being so the children's little °dog, which it was late for dinner." rumored had run after a hare, "Always ta1(o a high ground, and ' slightest chance I without the g though h • one n lose your self-possession; then of catchingit; he was delivering a :• answered; can get and Georgyh anything," bel tirade against clogs in general, and re y laughingsead Mr• especial, the dog which one's wife I LewisErkiby fit of at Mr, protected. "Never hit any wife of Isi Erskine's w s had philosophy. yours keep dogs, Erskine, if you wish Mrs. Lewis hardly ever seen i or peace." from anybody. Mr. Erskine had de- cided upon going two days ago; it was perhaps only a coincidence, but it was just when well assured that Georgy and' Mr. Erskine together, "How many NVI3•es docs he think except during the last few days; + Ir. Erskine tc said A nntici ate? wsI n but tto her, nothinghad strucku I to be tor• thenwas "and why at .she was startled, and reflected that � Georgy; rran1Lttorpe, it was just as wellthat Georgy was i mented before toy time with the Jane was out, and Georgy Sat work- , away next day. "Good -night, thoughts of that last evil?" „Erskine, in a "There is but one evil that a man lag in the drawing -room, while Pop- safcl Mrs. D she an- the youngest of the three chit- Geor y, meet of necessity,"dre g joycdyour way, "I Napo has towith her doll, sharp, h good-naturedveered bitterly, but laughing— dren,. was playing you have enjoyed day at Aionk "death; and a woman must look sometimes diversifying her gauze by :lands." for death and matrimony." rubbing her rosy cheeks against the She din not quite ainclined to the "Hush, dear young lady," he said window. proceeding, but was d anybody i with a hearty suppressed laugh, al- "There's a gentleman and a pretty l l to drive if James has Oeste it l most under his breath, at this form- horse coming up the drive, but Pop- s nwith hint all say, was_ Pop - very natural to do so. Indeed, had i ula of desperation. He back good -by py likes the horse best." y to the elder ladies, and then to her. "It is Mr. Ledward, d risuppode on his t and that made advances to anybody, l "You must have enough of Grain- he will give Poppy and sensible aerson repelled thorpe on the whole, I should think," horse, if she says 'How d'ye-do,' and 1 them, showing no doubtless have pef- • he remarked, hearing Mrs. Lewis asks him nicely.' James, she would dmirable woeman making arrangements for her depart- It was not Mr. ocdWitl'f 'Sostep— ; 1d such ant admirable woman; it reminded gy v often wondered hove far tiro. He stntVhiChvtlightedkup kindly, gen-ace this, though, was only fancy, bo- , but I have tie smile, which ::she would have forgiven her. She strong cause she was just then thinking of meant,ntehowever, he to' ask Ja etc "how that gentleness insuch so takes a firm- that person. She his Interrupted till she neither t the World she could? eft.; but, g of the the eard 1 prep cu letter must write to Julia l remembrance of tit lies tinea erd and eiessy's 't''oiceQag preoccupied her, and she forgot I longer next the heart, than that of "Neither the mistress nor the mas- t his deeds do ter is in sir " Never AI esus 4 begging that ho : Yv s society 1 ,-• more sticks for hitt; and when the ne idea that Miss Georgy's --' j course was was desirable to the visitor. had spoilt hint, perhaps; the people in it, no less than circumstances, for 'he had always been prosperous. He i,.,17 not followed T7n-111.9 r-n7,.aoin„ don pronounced hint afterwards to most sensible i fellows. had met for a long tiote. When he was gone, Aunt Jane declared' that he was a most delightful mane aitd Poppy, who had had a ride upon the brown horse, said that he was ".very.. canny." and had visit, longvt8 t , rade a Ile had n a and I have ovi n react ) ;spent nearly the whole afternoon at Grainthorpe, Deorgy stitched away since then." at the brown Holland covers, sitting "You are so old now, it must be opposite to the chair where he had Misssince you were a in- my deardsat: and the whole room was peopled Mous'Sandon;e?but again—what do by the remembrance of him. Many you do here?" "here a. day afterwards did she remind "You can see," laughing; is Po spy of her ride on the brown the Sometimes I goat, there the garden. horse, and try to coax her into giv-' once I go 1) Eastham, and ing an account of it; but Poppy was on go a year to a ,)all; and sometimes happily not old enough to detect the I go out to tea, and i have evert hypocrisy of the • questions. Never dined Out." had the thought that she was on= He fixed has foes curiously on the gaged frightened (;corgy as it did parttft he am ycolibrary. a greatlthat event. And then, again, she of the family library. A whole took refuge in the dream of that :af- ternoon's of Trench fairy talcs, and all visit. 'Voltaire's works, in little brown old- fashioned volumes, stood side by side with the British Essayists and the. British Theatre; a stage edition of Tho Stranger, the Fatal Marriage and other tragic horrors, were close 1 to Blair's Sermons and Mrs. Trim- mer's History of the Bible, I'Iume's History of England, and the Percy Anecdotes. ' "Are you looking at the books?" CTIAP•f1SIt VIII. It was more than eighteen months after this that Constance Everett was staying at 'Merton with her hushand's people. Her husband had rejoined her after he had been abroad, but he fell i11 again, ancbsite returned to Italy with hint. s onn, however, she wrote home to his f0tn- •4. "Yes; but you get others sotto- • fly for help and eompaelonship. She times, surely?'' was left alone with Mtn in a strange "Sometimes, but not very often." l country, and, he was 1110(1. "Do you read all the French j Her lulsbanWs brother brought books?" l them back, and then there was the "Yes—IYIY aunt ]carat a great deal , usual uncertainty and changing .of Le Ilenriade by heart when she was :At school, and has derived front that a deep conviction of the in- structia•e but dry nature of Vol- taire's works. Aid then I read the fairy tales, and tell them to Popp, who is not a French scholar yet." • "Anel besides that?" "Besides that I have rend Hume," poor mother still kept up the fiction (with an air of dignity), "and when of stow and gradnatl improvement. which so often accompany such an illness. First one would stay with hint, and then another; batt the doc- tors decreed that 110 muse be quiet and away front friends; so now he 31118 living near Southampton. As letters came, sometimes to say that he was better, sometimes worse, the ear •� . �. - :. fi n Y ifi<., fleeter n which l! i il, � i tlo ,E...� •�- sit .p 7C >; L*`i You �a� �, it is use '-or ovcii 3G years, !pits l)ol•no he signature o#" • and hasbeen Ode under his per* .�._ roiiai supervision. since its infancy., . .••�G a - AiIOWUo• one to deceive you in tlaige Alt•Counterfeits, Jnzbtations at:d."Just-as good;" are 1)414 Experiments that trifle unit ane, .e> dai1gcr the health or Infants 1 sant C,ni1(li p!;- kgc;rk ZlCO against :pOTii terata What:is C ST MA Crwtoria is a h�.zzoless substitute for Castor 011, rare.. Eerie, Drape ancl Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. I contains neither Opium, Morphine ;for other Narcotic substance. ;its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wornii and allays Feverishness. It ca=res Diarrhoea and vino, Colic. IG relieves Teething Troubles, Lures Constipation and `13tnleney. j assimilates the Food, regulates the S.ten:melt and Bowel. , giviit g healthy and natural sleep. Chlidzein's .Pa u eea—Tlhe Mother's Fiend. rle E C ST 1 ALWAYS Beaks the Signature of -se! A( •Qr ce . Yort Bought Tho in Use For Over 30 Years. �AUO CqOMPA„Y. TT MU„RAY STREET NCW YOSK 41TY. 7„C zesese C Prof. William Hillock, of Columbia noiversity says there should not be the slightest difficulty in obtaining steam from the interior of the earth, because that involves only a little extra labor in boring into the hot area. I was little, knew those plays- very well; they lived with me at grand - mamma's, and when poor grand - mamma ere nut0tma died, they were sett h with me. Some other children and I I had serious thoughts of representing! digtous quantity of admiration upon The Stranger once. Since that I have her, each in a different way; but the rather forgotten my dramatic lore." wife of Edgar, the second son, agreed "Now, really, this is a pretty ac- count to give of your readings, Miss Sandon!" He could not help being interested t fen of ranclmantttta and in the mention g She spoke of them .1 books. n old the sadly, though she did not Wean to do so. The little girl's life was not It, pleasant one, and he was sorry for her. He was right; though tate dis- coiufort of the house had struck him even unreasonably. People who have lived in luxurious rooms all their lives, sometimes feel an undue sensa- tion of ititer for those Whom they Old Mr, Everett doated on Con- stance; Mrs. Everett Mere "saw her faults," and told her of thele, "poor, dear thing!"—The two girls and their two brothers lavished a pro • James and stats could bit Erse any miter charm can t hold f his coat She had let hint into the house bo - N but this once gy ht sigh to o would stay and cut fore she announced this, and site had - demonstrated, impossibility of such a demonstrated, "Then I'll ride of the "All the ladies out? Miss Sandon, carriage with ye," said Algy, in the tee??ho ll be in, sir," Bessy arlswer- ■ true guttural dialect. • t "How the child talks! hp must' ed, politely. and carne axis I l o ++ burstgot upquickly, Loc®moor At have a south country nurse, b Georgy tared positively by AL chase's Nerve .S.,ood out Mrs. Lewis, irritated` trouble- Georgy ow tofrom meet Mr. work-table ork-ta _Erskine, in still the Ms. JAMS A. D>1tT Bridgewater, N.5., Mr. Erskine perched the Writes iAbout s year ago l suffered a stroke some urchin upon a table, and got holding in one It n he itwas o retaking. wo Hol - of iparalysis, whtcltyleft me in a_ very bad state unimpeded to the carriage; ho was land cover h .of health. To add to lily troubles, last wilted going in spite of Algy`s entreaty. Slte was quite confused; the idea. of ' I took v grippe, which completely exhausted took in never ay =tn nervous stem. I could scarcely walk or T he pleasure which spG eta gcycud vigor- pisco callingis oaGrainsltl h�' wished every - past, y y oc- talk, my kgs and arms a g hieons enjoyment of everything, cors torted to her, and 'She tvottta feel young if she some ofe thetso browugly.Holland She t)unher sary him often."Presently he was gone, and theft she hatederself; and her and coverltinrherlheed; andt still , he beganto her scoffing' tone, her pull about, a piece of stuff not yet the disloyalty of them. Georgy left Afil1tllorpe Grange that begun upon. afternoon, repeating to herself ell coot but�I haver. never even had the plate - "she was Cute happy a tented with her Pleasant v11it.thiitits kie ndness calling Tadownahere�soeseldomn watched thele arranging a g for the projected charades, agent anti Mr. Bandon is unfortunately not which in themselves she felt su- at house" premely indifferent; but even the "I hone that he may be back pres- smallest events in that people where tiv „ tae connected with thep m Os loved that she envied ethers their participation in thou,. ".t'he new guests arrived also, and were all busily (xlgeged about Oceaniaao nothinge; whilst theirhappiness teefold exaggeratett in Goorgy's bask Paralysis and were partially paralysed, t • my blood did not cacti. 't1 jly . late properly, and I could not do any work. Intact, I was so bad that the doctors gave me up and thought I could notlive through the summer. "1 began the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Vood, and persevered in the • treatment, until flow I Mr. Deal am at work again. The change in my condition has been most remark- able. It is a surprise to everyone to know that 1 and able to be Around again. M ncr' vows system has been built tip wonderfully by this remedy. Y ata able to rtwell, my circulation is normal, and my general lth g�. My *appetite is first r; lass, and I hare gained considerably in flesh. 'l'oprotect you egatnstimltations the portrait and signature of Dtr. A. W. Chase, the !smolt- .dairtns l rgkine would its 'receipt look author, are on every box. Cease-se—Oar of Darhaut cement jest arrived. Pdrrit's who iutend using 0013.0111 sono twill rio t•he wi'e apt if they bay it riow, as cteutr:01 will likely ad- venue t0 pri 30 b^fore long. We are also, agents tar fliuover celut'itt. A. YOUNG & SON. with her mother-in-law in condemna- tion of Constance's little faults. It was as dull and decorous a man- sion as England could well produce. and • ••i • Tho girls had been g etc.IncSSt C titch of human f repressedret to the t 1 endurance; and, though hardly now daring to say that their solos were their own, only wished for the op- portunity of appearing in • that phase of English development which we call "a fast girl;" but they had not the cleverness which alone den make such a 3‘. Moan tolerable. Edgar was kept. in order by his find in the little sitting -room of a wife Louisa, but. had an unconquer- humble house. If they were there 1 able propensity to uphold Constance themselves for a few days, they would forget the change, and 1)e equally happy, so far as rooms are concerned. It was not actual pover- ty, or the meanness of the house which was uncomfortable, but the whole place looked thoroughly unin- viting, without any adequate reason for its being so. "Will you show me the garden?" "Yes;" and she pushed up the sash ofthe wondow, which was almost level with the gravel walk. "You will catch cold," "No; it is mild to -day, and the garden is not large." They walked round the garden and passed under the fir trees. The af- ternoon was quite still, bt)t there WAR a 10w, dull roar of waves, which a two clays' gale had left, and a white line of foam WAS visil)le through the gap in the sandhills; they both watched it for a moment, though iher' expected it, by some in all things, much to the former lady's displeasure. William,. the youngest brother, who was Con - stance's chief support acid comfort, generally thought Ilderton dull, and had serious views of the duties he owed to his friends, In the way, of visiting them, whenever he did get leave from his regiment. That day there had been great (To be con inued) HATH) Ott THE BABIES. THE FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES AN URGENT APPEAL FOR HELP. To Tai: EDITOR. Dear Sir,—I take the liberty of soliciting your aid in raising funds for 'the maintenance of the Free Hospital for Consumptives. On account of our need, we find it necessary to make an. urgent appeal to the public. • Permit me to state that the sum of $150,000 has already been invested in the two Gravenhurst institutions and property just outside of Toronto on, which to erect a home for advanced or incurable cases of consumption. The maintenance of the existing institutions necessitates an expenditure of over $50,000 per annum, and to -day there is a debt of $73,000, in the form of an overdraft, for which the Bank demands settlement, ar.d so we need tho help of all. Seven years ago, consumption was commonly believed to be incurable:. The Toronto Mao, commenting editorially ou our proposition to erect i a consumptive sanatorium, said : `r The consumptive is under sentenee of death." 1t was soon shown, however, by the cures effected in the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, that a great field for useful work had been opened. Dub the demand for increased accommodation, and the cry for help; from those who could not afford to pay, became so urgent, that the trustee decided to open a Second Bole, which was located Within a utile of the parent institution. Since we first began our work "nearly eight hundred this cf • w that medical records s hho 1 the tie c „ •ane n cared for l have b..a , i patients ••sent l home number a large percentage have been completely cured, and Where • so greatly improved that they were able to return to their regular work. There is no other hospital for consumptives in Canada. The demands are,therefore urgent. Ou.r board of trustees, who had already given freely 7 J of their time and money, having faith that the people of Canada would coma to their relief, and pressed by the urgency of the needs of the hospital, incurred this debt which must now be provided for. We Have no endow- ment, nor money with which to care for the large number of patients who, are now in the hospital and not able to pay a single cent towards their maintenance and treatment. In Canada alone 8;000 die of this disease annually, and it has been shown by experience and results of our work that the greater number of these could be saved, if promptly treated. Ono hope—the only hope --is in the philanthropy of our people and their knowledge of our needs, and we appeal to you to help us to make these needs so known that all may bee impelled to help. Do not let those who cannot give large amounts feel they cannot help ; all gifts are helpful. I am, yours faithfully, Toronto. W. J. GAGE. P.S.—I forward a form of Subscription Blank which may be of con- venience to your readers. Contributions, no matter how small, will be gratefully acknowledged by the writer, or Sir Wm. R. Meredith, KL, Chief Justice, Toronto. One of the first effects of a hot Wave, pitrtieularly in towns and cities, is a pro- nounced increase in the number of deaths of infants. Even in the open country the suffering of the helpless little ones would move th,. hardest heart. Stomach trouble 01131 diarrl oea are the foes most to be dread +d at this tine nrld every mother shotnL! appreciate the no. as t• sudden change or expansion, to di-nessity of enr'ful diet 310(1 attention a versify the landscape. } the first sign of these troubles. Medi - Georgy was already growing eine should never be given to cheek di- brighter i- bri Atter under Mr. Erskhte`s infiu- arrltoea except upon the xdlviee of n phys- gthe • •dietlimited almost entirely to eatce, whilst he Was oppressed by reran. A contemplation of Graintho r)elife.domain; boiled Tablets «til end t almosse t fany Baby's e and Owu ,,ow, you have seen illy Runt lutist surely be coating keep baby in health. Mrs. W. E. Bas soon." sant, of Iiiugston, Out., writes: "I know you play a great deal, be, "Wheii my* little girl Was about three sides reading fairy tales." months old hu suf eyed with Y did in "Shall I play now? she asked, her Aldhad dlatsdfioet that helped het un eyes dancing with pleasure. find ally "Olt, yes." And she played very til we began giving het Baby's Own Tab• prettily. lets. After giving her the Tablets the "I wish I had exec it good, music- beganito'i improve aland a est at onto. ed awl the tercihans had such a g master shore, and enjoyed it all sorlor sho is coo constipated ti we give her ! th Tablets, and the result is always what we desire. They are the Very best ntedi- eine 111nve ever used for a child."' Babv's Own Tablets ate solid by all dealers in medicine or will be sent, post- paid. nt twenty_•flvc cents a box. by the Dr. Williatus' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. en niUCh. "And you have bees here since we"Your cicsires are not very ilnmod- last met'?" erate,,' and he felt more sorry still "Aids always do yore." for the little girl. She Was telling "And what do you do?" the loneliness of her life unconscious" "lotltjng; or make bre«n Ilollanei ly. at will covers as you see. "My dear Miss Sandon, you Georgy did not know how lmconl- not siltv_ay$ MissSa there etre ;Orbit fortebly the piece struck ,lira as 'hqi .Dear Sir, SUBSCRIPTION ]3LANIC. .................190.,.•. I have pleasure ill enclosing flee sum of as a Ctlnlribuifol* to the 9llatittefarlee,f the YEW FBEE HOSPITAL FOR COo SUMPTiV.gS. !male ,1060....... ....... .A.&Zres3' .•i... .,rr r. u.......