HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-13, Page 61 Ok;, STREt16111701 3k7 AKStgliatli,YrFntclii���° �' tfY ENRICHItitcrinvio Tt1E8100D &Sian THE CONSTITUTION vv Women and then 'who suffer from weak back or pain in the lumbar region should take ST. JAMi?s WA - BENS, w11i01 possess remarkable cura- tive influence on functional derange- ments of the kidneys, and exert special tonic actionon the whole urinary system. see Andon,En3MOntreal.Caa o. -L .r�q�RIOE' ATBRITAIN 4*/-Atdt:RlCa sit Druggists & Cheini f re from the Saoctum Mill # WINGIIAR TIES, AUGUST 13, 1903 It, The Sovereign hank of Canada has ,,mo of our tovvnslrips, cattle, pigs, ed. sheep nee allowed LO run at large on +declat'ed a 134 per ceut dividend for the ' minuet quersee whish is equal to five per cent per annum. A scientist has discovered that liens lay ego in tits) day time because at Might they are roosters. tbse public highways and the question is • often asked, in ease damage is done who is responsible? la reply we may Fay that our prcvittoiel courts have decided this point: The Arias of all denieetio animals running at large are responsible. The question of pertniesiou for annuals; toxun at large by by-laws of the t•ttuueil does not change the responsibility for damage as fares the law is concerned. Sr. JAMES \VArnRs cure bladder troubles and pains of micturition, helping the flow of urine andclear- ingit,-frota any sediment. Sr. ,lANUS WAIIRS are also a potent sexual strengthener. ST. JAMBS \ IArnxs help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strenggih, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes much. "The value of St. JamesWafara cannot be overestimated. In the most obstinateli casea of kidneys and urinary troubles they have rendered me remarkable succea- nes." Dr. Charles U. Powell, Bitsg•:rand, Scotland. Price in Canada: $1.00; 51x bottles for $5.00 a St.JZ,nes Wafers are not a were, remedy; t the merousdoctors re- commending Mem totheir patiines we mail the jornutla upon request. Where dealers are not sellingthe \eaters, they are mailed upon re- c_tt:t of price at the Canadian branch : St. Jams Wafers Co., 1728 St. Cs:henna St., t,",ontreal. ii,ltir.1•fl1 'S YELLOW OIL, Can be us l externally or taken inter. nally. It cures cuts, burns, bruises, you• tracked cords, stili joints, paiurul swell- iia s, quinsey, sore throat, eto. It is a regular tinnily medicine chest. Price 25o. Thieve Three We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Re. ward for any case of Catarrh that eau• nob be mind by Hall's Catarrh Cure. It' .1. Cnuenor & Co„ Toledo, O. 'Circ', tire undersigned. have kuown J. Cheney for the lost 15 years, arid be- lieve him 1 erftctly honorable in all buei- nets italht-ft•tit•ps anal financially able' to carry out any obligations made by their irin. Weer ami Tuttax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,. 0 Drt`tt, KINNOly & 11tAltVIN, Whole. DI it•trt,'l'oledo, Ohio. Halls Cereal). Onre is taken internal. ly, actiteg dileetly ut on the blood and mucous tnrfacts of the system. Testi- rnOII al. Rent free. Price 75e per bottle. Seed by all Druggists. Hall's Tami'y Pills are the best. You Take Your Choice. If you believe in matrimony, read the following as it stands; if yeti ado 'ot,retul eacil alternate lines, 1 and 3, verso: Happy a matt may pass his life It he's directed by a wife; If sure tfroo Suffd for het pawns. A short time ago a lady was out cycliug in the country, and ou it get- ting dark she clisnhouuted in order to light her lamp. To her dismay, how- ever, she found she had come without matches. She at onee made her way to the nearest cottage, on knocking at the door of which a neat and cheery looking dame appeared, The old lady evidently did not know much about bicycles, for ou the girl asking if she would oblige her with a match, she replied with a stare of genuine amaze• utent:—"Oa aye, I can obleege ye not euow, but young leddies didua use to be allowed to smoke when I wur a gurl ! "—Exchange. Cf "Xi Cee 2k%-YA. Bears the The Kind You Have Alwayss Bought Signature 1 1 a"� il^�r, Tti `• ', �:rr t�6"� �j �r �ru�t �.i`a e w.e' L•Jr'i.% S-1: -tl `'dei:SJ Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchange s. Wedl:esday,.J,: tit inst., will be civic t holiday in Goderich. 23.---tr- J. A. Tuck has sold his practice ire in Gerrie. to. Dr. T. N. Whitney, of iu Londesboro. Dr. Tack has practiced in n4 4.. Gerrie for 14 years. ' A very pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at the home Mr. Geo. FliutofT Clinton, ou Saturday, August 1st, when Miss Ada Ethel May Mitchell, of Exeter. and Mr. Garfield Sheere, of Brantford, formerly of Exeter, were united in bonds of matrimony. ti; Laxa-Liver Pills cure Biliousnses, ire Sick Headache. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- "Strergth and vigor ccme of good food St nch, Wattr Brneh, Sallow Complexion, duly digested. 'Force', a ready -to -serve tit etc. They do not gripe, weaken or sink- wheat and barley food, adds no burden, i. Small and ease to take. Price 25e. but. sustains, nourishes, invigorates." T. G. Alien won the trophy for 1903, S) �ashich was given by tbe Dungannon . Riffle club. The trophy is a handsome z.. gold lccket suitably engraved Lever's Y- (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, v. as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34 bis see council of Clinton have obtained c.o estimates on an extensive system of oy tiisterworks, to cost about $.14,000. ut .Olinton'S rate of taxation for 1903 has to en fixed at 23 mills. til Don't let headache wear you out and tiK pleas- ure.render you unfit for Milburn's Sterling ess or will cure you quickly, and leave no lead after effects. They do not depress the heart. Price 10e and 23c. A fatal accident occured in Wroxeter Wednesday evening,about 7.00,when the ten -year-old sou of Mr.W...Rutlerforcl, I'M hardware merchant, was run over by a vie 'load of hay and instantly killed. tri C, seen tsrC�Tom..S. ,.. 3hars the �Tie Kind You Nave Always Bought Signature L'illiam Stewart of Hullett delivered I linton the other day eleven bogs ! ea nnonths old which tipped the beam 010 pounds and for which he re- ed. the tidyiittle sum of $110,10. The last number of The Farmer's Advocate contained a view of the Domin- ion illustration ,poultry station at Iloniesvnlle, along with a description of it by F. C. Hare, chief of the Poultry 33ivision at Ottawa. DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25 Yon can generally tell a warned mum by the way be picks up a baby, and an old bachelor by the way ha dosen't pick up one. The prstofliee authorities have been notified that. Dominion $10 bills running between the numbers 46,001 and 07,000 are in circulation. These aro reported to be Napanee bills, whieh were stolen, it No tongue is able to unfold The virtues in wotnan you behold; 'Are almost falsehoods n mon dwell In wolrtan'e heart you'll see appear. 'troth, darting; of a heart sincere; Eypuctivy, deceit and pride ht Wunlen never can abide. Destruction take the men, I say„ Ovho no regard for woolen pay; who nmke the women their delight, .Keep always reason in their sight. The Uncrowned King. The free-born citizen gets up, when dew is on the grass. And sees himself reflected in a trust -suede louping -glass, A trust eointrols the soap he finds at length upon the stand, Aud through the favor of some trust he takes the comb in hand. His shoes, suspenders, shirt and sock, the buttons on his coat, Iiis handkerchief, his necktie, and the collar round his throat, All come from factories that trusts per- mit to operate. A trust allows hies to have coal to pile upon the grato. is supposed, some yr ars ago, and which 1 are now bring put into oiroulation as counterfeit money, Look out for them. A well known widow in Dundas who h lots of money, and who is Go years A statement made by Mr. W. A. Robb of the Walkertou Telescope, shows how far even a small wood lot may be made to serve in solving the fuel problem. "Twenty years ago", said Mr. Robb, "any brother fenced in ten acres of bush on bis farm. That bush has furuished fuel for his house ever since, and there is more timber on it now than there was when the fence was put up." Oa this the Weekly Sun comments thus: For the preservation of proper climatic con- ditions alone 20 per cent of the country should be in forest; and, if proper con- ditions be this respect were maintained, and the cattle kept out of the timber. every farmer in Ontario would have On leaving Ripley, Mr. John Taylor was presented with a gold watch and chain by tbe members of St. Paul's Church, of which be was S. S. superin- tendent. He was also presented with a Past Master's jewel by bis brethren of the Orange order. Milk, lime, and salt are used 'for whitewashing the dairy stables at the Ontario Agricultural College. Enough milk is used to make the lime thin and render it easy of applica- tion by means of a spramotor. A little salt is added to the mixture. This wash, put on twice a year, keeps the stables clean and sweet the year round. CATARRH CURE 1IU Cis sent direct to th&Ydiseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages,stops droppings In the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Flay Fever, Stowe: free. NI dealers, os) Dr. A. W. Craw Medicine Co., Toronto and Butiales SEVERE TOOTHACHE. euougla fuel and building timber for his own use, and a small surplus to spare. Bears tie _�yThe Kind You Have Always Bought Signature tit 13y yielding to the sugar trust he makes his coffee sweet ; By bowing to the beef trust he may have a steak to eat; as The cracker trnst, the flour trust, the of age, was apl•arently the victim c•f acoffee trust likewise,. mock marriege. The groom refused to Tales tributewhere fromreethe man who dwells _+ pay the minister his fee and the minis. Fdom's banner files, ter refused to make out certificate. The He rises from the table which it trust lady does not know whether she is a leaves in his care, And on the trust -made hall -tree finds a bride or not. Crop reports received by the Massey- Harris Company from the special cor- respondents in the West, state that iu Southern Manitoba the crops will not be as good as last year, even the larger acreage being counterbalanced by a mnch smaller yield per acre; but in iorthern Manitoba they will be folly up to last year's average, while west of Regina they will be probably somewhat ahead. On the whole, the company anticipates, if anything, a slightly smaller total yield than last year, and a price About lOc a bushel higher for wheat. trust -made hat to wear. NOW see the free-born citizen upon the trust -owned car, By paying tribute he may ride to where his duties are. He sits before a trust -made desk --a trust has said he may— And being free and equal he toils for the trust all day; At night a trust provides his light, ana when his prayers are said. The uucrowned king devoutly kneels be- side a trust made bed. • FOR 600D IIELTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules, Theyare easy totake. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people --but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend, n need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They arc a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for 'an ordinary occasion. The ,Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. IUPANe; '4 ri. Thus all his tenet's bound up in trusts that treat him as they please. He lives through favor of the trusts, to them ho bends his knees; Ah, let us trust that when he dies and leaves this world of care, Some trait will waft him to the skies and • Our citizens were shocked and grieved give him glory there. when it bt oIme known early on Thurs. _ day morning that Mr. James Hill, build- er and contractor, had passed over to the silent majority. Abopt 0.80 on Thurs- day morning he was found dead iu bed. 1 The previous evening be had been up town and was to all appearances in his usual good health. He was un -married and boarded with his sister, Mrs. John Weymouth. When Mr. Hill failed to appear at breakfast at his usual hour, and also gave no response to the calls father was engaged in farming. Later given for him, Mr. Weymouth went to the family removed to the vicinity of Walkerton, and subsequently Mr. Shan- non was in partnership in the tanning business at Tara. The past fourteen years he was connected with the Ken- sington company,being with them for ten Loudon before the took over After a long illness of Bright's disease John Shannon died at his home on Cam- bria road Iast Saturday. During the four years that Mr. Shannon had been iu town as book-keeper at the Kensing- ton furniture factory he made many friends both in the congregation of Vic- toria street church, of which he was a prominent member, and among the townspeople generally. Mr. Shannon was in his sie.ty-third year and was born in the township of Colborne where bis Toothache Gum and find it splendid. ;it years in y cured me of the worst toothache I ever the furniture factory here. Mr. Shan - had." non was married to a half-sister of F, G. Elvina Hill, Elva, Man. Rumball, and had three children, How- ard, book-keeper for The Rochester Jour- As a result of an experiment with nal; William with D. S. Perrin, of Lon - three flocks, aggregating 1250 hens, the don, and Miss Ethel, at home. Service Cornell university station found the was held at the house on Monday even - average cost feeding a hen per year to ing, conducted by Rev. W. H. Graham, be 99 cents. The average value of eggs pastor of Victoria-st Methodist church, at market rate exceeded the cost of food and the funeral left on Tuesday morning by x"1.31. The total yearly production 1 for London, where tho interment was nearly 39 years -ago. He learned the per hen averaged 129.7 eggs and the made in Woodland cemetery, the ser- trade of a carpenter in early life and vice being held at the residence of the proved a good mechanic. About six his room to arouse him As soon as Mr. Weymouth entered Mr. Hill's room he saw that something was ;wrong and im- mediately went for Dr. Milne. Wheu the doctor arrived he pronounced Mr. Hill dead and that he had been dead eight hours. Heart failure was the cause of death. Mr. Hill had never complained of teeling unwell and was always the picture of good health. He went home between 8.30 and 9 0'. clock on Wednesday night and at 9.30 retired to bed; that was the last seen of him alive. Deceased was the fifth son son of the late Hugh Hill, and was born on the homestead farm -in Hallett, two miles and a half west of Londesboro, Not Afraid to Endorse it. People have learned to have such con- fidence in 1)r. Chase's Ointment as a cure for every form of piles that they do not hesitate to endorse it at every oppor- tunity. As a result Dr. Chase's Oint- ment is probably recommended by more persons than any preparation on the mar- ket to day. There is no guesswork about its effects --relief is prompt and cure cer- tain. Miza Ghulam Ahmad of Quadian Punjab, India; who claims to be the peomisod Messiah, has ohallenged•Dowie of Chicago, to a duel of prayer, in which each ono is to petition the Almighty "that of us two whoever is the liar may perish first." average cost per dozen of eggs was 9.2 deceased's son, Beaconsfield ave. The Dents. employees of the the furniture factory marched in a body to the station on C A ` ' O R 1A Tuesday morning as a mark of respect /"1 to their late book-keeper, the factory be - For Infants�pand Children. ing closed down during the morning. The he Kind You date Always Bought IA number of the members of Maple Leaf Bears the Signature of i 1 One of the prettiest weddings, that 1 has taken place in Exeter for a number of years, was celebrated at the reeid- Wnt Fletcher, son of Thos. Fletcher encs of Mr. and Mr. Lancelot Hardy of Ripley, died recently at Jamestown, on Saturday. Aug. 1st, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when their slaughter, North Dakota, from lung trouble, He Miss Lily A. Gordon, was united in vras 33 years of age, and had lived in marriage to Mr. James Wanless, of North Dakota for 14 years. IDuluth, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Wanless Stlmetimgt after getting overheated,will spend several months in Europe be- fore settling in Duluth, Minn, Death on Sunday, August 2nd, remov- ed another of Exeter's respected citizens in the person of Elizabeth Willis, belov- ed wife of Stephen Powell, in the 51st for Werke year Of her age. The diseased was which tenders wills be asked on stracken with typhoid fever about nine modified specifications so as to reduco I weeks ago and after a brave there follows and best n remedyn a efor the old. The quickest , thirst kinds of coughs and colds T 9 Dr. 'Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Pr$toe 25c. The contracts for the Listowel water k have been let except for building, Lodge, A. O. U. W., were also in attend- anee,—Goderich Signal. struggle She cost. The total amount of the tenders is $17,678.02. The lowest Wader for building was $3,500, which bring the total cost about $2,100 above tisa -law. inthe b , L provided fory X161:� pro A '-Yitrrittrt'$ Orxxxo 1. J. Snelling, 'Underwood, Ont., rapt she bag used Dr. Low's Pietis- m= SYruP in her family for the t ears, and she knows of noth. for children who suffer from years ago he came to Blyth and took charge of the planing mill. In addition to running the planing minhm conducted a general building and contracting busi- ness, and was very successful, doing a business of ti50,000 to $70,000 annually. He was of a quiet disposition, and aman of very few words, and one who was honest and upright in all his business dealings. He will be much missed in Blyth and vicinity. His body was taken to.the residence of his mother in Londes- boro on Thursday afternoon stud the fun- eral took place on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock to Ebenezer cemetery in Hul• lett. Deceased was a member of Blyth Masonic lodge, the members of which 1 took charge of the funeral. A large number of Masonic brethren were also present from neighboring lodges. 'Mei funeral was one of the largest ever seen in Hallett township. Rev. Dr. McLean conducted the religious services at the house and grave, deceased being an ad- herent of St. Andrew's church, Blyth. The aged mother, brothers and sisters have the sincere sympathy of a large cir- ole of friends. --Blyth Standard. F'or Over Sixty Years. Ail Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mr Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twentyfivo cents abottle. Its value is incalculable. Besuro you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take No other kind. assisted by the best medical skill and attention the disease sapped the life away, Mrs. Powell was born in Ashfield township and had been a resident of Exeter for 23 years. She is survived by a husband and two sons. WANTED -NOW q ! A Good Local Agent Kp Ot 1 ?:::ik 'K ..K.&:!'C : K� s, DRsKENNEDY& KERGAN is in the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private mei Sexual Diseases of Specialists nen and. Women. 25 Years In Detroit. Ara�'No Names used without Written Thousands of young nand middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas. Anderson was one of the victims, but was rescued in time. He says: "I learned an evil habit. A change soon came over me. I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despon- dent, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings, poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and drains at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To Make matters worse, I became reckless and contracted a blood disease. I tried many doctors and medical firms—all failed till Drs. Ken- nedy $ Kergau took my case. In one week I felt better, and in a few weeks was entirely cured. They aro the only reliable and honest Specialiste in the country." READER—We guarantee t.) cure yes or no pay. Ton run no risk. We have a reputation and business at stake. Beware of frauds and impostors.�We will pay S1,000 for any case we take that our NEW MRTHOD TREATMENT will not cure. We treat and cure Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture: Weak Parts, Kidney end Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books free. Call or write for Question List for Some Treatment. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN Cor. MIc pyoitlMichtelby♦�tt • r fr For Wingham and vicinity, to sell fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. We have the largest and hest assortment of. stock In Canada. Terms liberal. We also grow and sell improved lines of seed potatoes. All stock guar- anteed true to name and delivered in good condition or purchase money re- funded. Will make arrangements on commission or salary basis, according to time and ability of applicant. Apply immediately. Apple exporters do not seem to be tra- velling in the best of good fortune, if the number of failures in this line, dur- ing the past three months is any indica- tion of the success that is attending them. W. D. Insley, of the town of Col- borne, is the latest victim. WAiEr n-•.FAitirvTr. PLu 'e.x To TRAVEL. for well eetabiished hones in a few counties ealltngon retail merchents and moms. Local territory. salary $1fl. a earand oxpensee,p117- ab1'e $ig.+(I a week in cash and expenses edvane- tv1. Ptwition permanent. Weeniest tinea: tful end. rushing. Enclonn Ffelf•addriatmtrd envelope litandard hinge, 313 Caxton Bldg., Chtesgo. All work promptly executed at most reascnable prices. IF YOU `'.`ANT A GOOD__JOB Pelham Nursery Company, Tonoxxo, Oax. ' WAITED—Several industrious persons in each state to travelfor house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profit- able line. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of $18 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experience not essential. Mention reference NATIONAL, 3self-addressed 4 Dearbo n St, Chicago. THE "Pear blight," a disease unknown in Canada until recently, has made its ap- pearance in many of our orchards. It is a dangerous disease and if some cure is not soon obtained, Huron's per crop will soon be a thing of the past. The blight has destroyed whole pear orchards in many States over the line, and it be- hooves our growers to keep their eyes on their orchards, and by close vigilanhce eradicate the trouble, should it arise. Clubbing Rates The TIMES slabs with the papers mentioned below at a reduced rate: For one year. The Times and The Weekly Globe The Weekly Mail The Daily Star, Toronto Tue Montreal Family Herald and 1 75 Star .. The Weekly Sun 175 The Farmers' Advocate,, 1 75 Toronto Daily News... . .. 3 00 The Montreal Witness, Weekly, 100 World Wide - 150 Northern Messenger 120 The Daily World, Toronto 3 00 Montreal Daily Elerald.... 200 Farming World. 150 London Advertiser, weekly . , 1 50 Daily Globe ........ 4 25 $100 175 2 25 Tobacco and Liquor Habits Dr. McTaggart's tobacco remedy re- moves all desire for the weed in n few weeks. A vegetable medicine, and only n i requires touching tongue g now with it occasionally. Price $2. Truly marvellons are the results from taking his remedy for the liquor habit. Is a safe and inexpensive home 'treat• merit; no hypodernmo injections, no publicity, no Ions of time from business and a certainty Of cure. Address or consult Dr. McTaggart, 75 Youngs street,'Ioronto. If you. do not see what you want in the list let us hear front you. We can give clubbing rates on anis newspaper or magazine. Address or ot111 at TIMES OFF"IOE, Wirighanl. Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads',. Statements, Calling Cards,. Tickets, Hand Bills, Notes, Order Blanks, Booklets, Circulars, Or an}'thing else in the printing line, you will make 110 - mistake by leaving your order" at this office. We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time. Call at, or address ---- TIIE TIMES OFFICE 1dEAVEIt BLOOI' JOSIOVIII1itE STMT.