HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-13, Page 5Rig Bargains in Slimmer Goods
Now is your chance to bay Summer Goods
Lt eiretty nearly half price
News From Our : Neighbors
What Widertwaire Times Correspondents , Commumeate — Other
It Omit clipped rrom our Zxetangee,
° $1.25 WASH SUITS 75ce-9 only Boys' Woeh Snits, for ages 4 to. 9 years,
were 1.25, bargain price
boo MOLESKIN PANTS 890,-26 pairs Boys' Mole Knieker P'ants, sizee
24 to 82, regular price 50e, bargain price
42.00 SUITS $1,49-14 only Boys' 2.plece Tweed Suits, sizes 22 to 28, reg..
price 2.00 and 2.20, bargain pre
$4.00 SUITS $3.00-16 only Boys' 8 -piece Suits, sizes 27 to 33, reg. price
. 8.75, 4.00 and 4.50, bargaiu price
'$6,00 YOU'THS' LONG PANT SUITS $3.49.— 15 only 'YouthsSuits,
sizes 31 to 85, long pants: etc., made to sell at 4.00 and. 6,00, a bargain,
$7.50 SUITS $5.75-19 only Men's Odd Suits, sizes 35 to 44 ehost. These
suits were made to sell at 6.50, 7.00 and 8.00, bargain price e
$5.00 TiR0 WNIE SUITS 0,00.-8 only Children's Fancy Suits, sizes 22
' to 28, right up to the minute, fancy vests, eto„ made to sell as 5,00,
6.00 and 6.50 eaoh, bargain ierice
41,75 MEN'S PANTS $1.0.-17 pairs only Men's Odd Tweed Pants,
assorted sizes, worth 1.75 and 2.00, choice
Men's Mercerized Silk Underwear, just a few left, a snap at 50c, batgain price
50o Caps 250.-30 only Men's Tweed and Fancy Caps, reg. 50c, bargain price
25c HOSIERY 19o.-46 pairs Boys' heavy- Cotton Hose, double knees, These
are a bargain at Me Bargain price
STRA W IIATS—All this season' styles marked in plain figures, going
at 4 price.
A large amount of stock is beiug
shipped from this place weekly.
Them is some talk of holding a labor
day dentonetration in this village.
A Berlin man has purchased the bank.
rupt stock of Wm. Mose, harness maker,
1.49 and removed it from here, Mr. Mose has
gone to Blauitoba. The village is um
3 00 without a harness shop.
rostreseieg Dyspeptic rains
Arising from the formation of gas
rro owing to improper digestion, is the
source of great misery to many. A very
prompt and efficient remedy for this
tremble is found in Nerviliue. It relievee
8.00 the distention instautly, and by stimolat.
ing action on the stomach aids digestiou.
1,25 Good also for Colic, Colds, Rheumatism,
Neuralgia and headache. In medical
.39 power Nerviline has a value five times
.0e greater than any other. lest it and see
"i.e. if it is uot eo. Druggists sell it.
. 19
A ear allay was shipped to Pate
son, New Jersey, lust week, by Mr. jolt
r. Jared King, of Fliut, Miehigau
is spending a few holidays at the Atom
of his parents, ¥r. and M. Georg
Time and see our 95e FELT HAT TABLE, up to $2.00 values.
'The R. 11. CROWDER Go.
Fancy• 11 . •
iWater Sets.
-* •
Just to keep things moving we place on sale 12
elegant Water Sets, in the latest shapes and
colors. Each set has six tumblers, pitcher and
tray complete, for
MMOMMI.,..1•1•1111.4MOINIMO1=110.1•INI.MMIET.......V.11..1411 35
direct from the growers.
arriving daily
Sept. 1 lth to 19th, 1903
Elliries Close September zotb.
.An exhibition of merit. Bigger and better than ever. A. spleudid array
of attractions—Tony Ryder's celebrated troup of performing Monkeys
—Balloon ascensious, a parachute drop from a parachute, and the best
Gymnasts, Aerial Artists and Acrobats to be had, Fireworks each
evening concluding with "The Bombardment of Alexandria," a great
triumph of modern pyroteohny.
Extra train and special rates over all lines, Prize lists and pro-
gramme on application.
'LT -COL. W. M. GARTSRORE, Presideut.
Dr. J. W. McLaughlin, of Bowman-
-vine, registrar for West Durham, is
Mr. Owen Robliu, postmaster at
.Ameiinsburg, Ont., siuce 1845, died, aged
On the basis of /reports for consump-
Con, and domestic exports only. Can-
ada's foreign trade amounted to $35,-
4170,981 for the month of July. last, es
conIpared with $29,339,369 for the same
month of the year provides.
.Pains in the Back
Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or
ettagnant condition of the kidneys or
liver,' and are a warning it is ektreraely
'hazardetis to negleet, so important 18
'a healthy action of these organs
They are commonly attended by loss
Of energy, lack of courage, and dome -
times by gloomy foreboding and de-
"1 was takett 111 with kidney trouble, and
became 50 weak 1 eould scarcely get around.
I took medicine without benefit, and lewdly
.deelded to try Ifoodel 8arsaparilia, After
the Met bottle I felt so much better that 1
•continued its tufe, and six bottles made me
a new woman. When my tittle gin was A
baby, she could not keep anything on het
stomach, and we ears het Hood% sample.
tills which cured her." Mac 'DOUAI
Wallaceburg, Ont.
.Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures kidney and liver troubles, re-
lievee the hacks builde up 44
Whole system,
3. A. NELLES, Secretary
A Sportsman's Mecca.
There is no more delightful place in
the Western Hemisphere fOr out door
life and perfect sport with rod and gun
than the famous Muskoka Lakes region
of the "Highlands of Ontario" about
100 ranee north of Toronto. Canoeing
is one of the many pleasures the district
afford. The Grand Trunk reaches it
with ease and comfort, whirling its pas-
sengerS through some of the granded
scenery oit earth.
Handsornedllustrated,descriptive mat.
ter sent free to any address oxi applien.
tion to L. Harold, G. T. R.agent, Wing -
The monthly meeting of the Bluevale
Women's Institute will be held on Wed-
nesday, Aug. 19th, at 2.30 p. m. at the
home of Mts. Win. Maxwell. Subject
to be discussed "lbw to Make Home
Attractive." no ladies are invited te•
When you ot a friend goes or comes
let eVeryone know it through this jour-
:fames Smart Lookie, manager of the
Imperial TT tuts, shot himself through
tbe head with a revolver on Saturday
in Toronto.
Sweden is said to have the lowest
death rate of any eivilixednation. Thar-
ing the lot tett years the minuet aver.
Lige low been only 16.49 per 1,000.
Thelownship tleencii met oe Meeda,y.
Mrs. D. ?travel', of the reth con., is in
Saginaw, fi1i.,visitiug her mother,
*lig has been 'seriously ill.
Samuel McCurdy, of Detroit, a former
resident of this towuship, has been re-
newiug friendshipe in this viciuity lately.
He bas been in Deirbit for the laet ten
Ted Molifit of the',15th eon., receutly
met vvitle an accidet resulting in the
clithicatimo Of hie shoulder. He had
taken one of three fecities front the bin-
der and while a little 7(listituee from the
team they started td run away and in his
attempt to step thin% which he did. the
damage was doe. He is Able to con-
tinue his work wear° pleased to notice.
:Joshua Batelnen; who left this tewn-
ship some years ago and after a lengthy
residence in Tcironto, where he was em-
ployed in; the Gefind Trunk baggage
rooms, was'elioseu As. successor co Geo.
Carpenter as baggagernaster at the Strat-
de1o,antiwnsepcted in a few
days. He has, however, been offered
and has excepted 4 better position, that
e Of assistant baagernaster in Uuion
e. StatioP/ TOTOotol wblch ttjho
Zing. •
Rev. Father McKeon, of London, for-
merly of Blyth, will conduct grand masa
at the dedication of St. Patrick's c'aurch,
Raleigh, about September 1st.
Mr. Ilatfild &hands, of the Canadian
Bank of Cerement' staff, OttaWas Wad a
visitor at the home of his pareate, Reif.
and Mrs, 3. Edmonds, from Saturday
until Wednesday.
Counterfeit 25 -cents pieces are In • dr-
culation bearing the date 1900. They
are an excellent imitation of the true
25.cent piece but are mooh lighter and
have have not the right ring. Some in
Mr. Nicholas Coining has sold his
farm, lot 1, con. 8, Morris, to his son
John, who will take possession next
spring. The farm contains 119 acres
and is one of the choicest fermis in Mor-
ris township. The sale prices,
r. • i 6 tuning is a present residing
on a farm in Goderich towuship. Mr.
Nicholas Coming will move toeBlyth
when he quits the farm. and "enjey the
fruits of all industrious and frugal life.
In East Wawanosh counciimintites'in
this paper on July' 80th, 'John IVIcD;eivell
appeared as having received $8 for re-
pairing bridge, lot 38, con. 8 inad 9, and
$40.70 for gravelliug on redefine 39 and
40, con 10, This should have been credit-
ed to James Young, Aug, an item of
$68.00 for repairing bridge and planking,
lot 34, con. 6, to John McDowell, was
omitted from the minutes. p •
Dr. D. F. Anderson, of Philadelphia,
Pa. is visiting with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Anderson.
Mra. Brooks and daughters, Della and
Elva are visiting at the holies of her per -
cuts, Mr. end Mrs. F. Anderson.
The following from the Ronte,N.Y.Sene
duel of August 4th, refers to the mar-
riage of a young man well-known in
this township:—"Miss Edith M. Gar-
lick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
W. Garlick of No. 635 W. Liberty street,
and. one of Rome's charming young
women was united in , marriage this
morning with Dr. John S. Anderson of
Philadelphia, Pa. The service took
place at the home of the bride, Rev. J.H.
Egar, D. D., rector of Zion Episcopa
Church, officiating. Only relatives an
near friends were present. Followin
the ceremony a wedding breakfast was
eerved. Dr, and Mrs. Anderson depart.
ed on a morning train for Niagara Falls
and Canada to be absent four weeks.
Upon their return they will stop in
Rome a few days before going to Phila.-
clelphia to make their home. The bride
wore a hancisorae Wedding gown of
white chiffon trimmed with lace and
ribbons and carried a bouquet of bride
roses. Her going away gown, was of
brown broadcloth with hat and gloves
te motel). There were no attendants.
Dr. Anderson is a resident of Phila-
delphia and a graduate of the Pennsyl-
vania Dental College of that Cit, His
bride who has a legion of friends in
Rome was graduated from the Neff
College of Oratory in Philadelphia last
June and from the Rome High School
with the class of 1900."
Dr. and Mrs. Anderson are at present
visiting with. his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
F. Andersen.
cnpzes bear af i IsInCeme sa'g14:1
s"'"'a nxditl'ivill r hinit'o-
tinued prosperity. •
On Saturday., Aug. •Ist., an old and
most highly -esteerhed resident passed
nseay in the pereon of John McCartney.
Ile had been ailing for the past 11 year
from Bright's disease and his demise
consequently owas not an unexpected
event. Deceased Was born in Tooker -
•smith, Huron Co., 01 . years ago and
came to Grey about the you 18,35 and
settled on lot 20, con. 3, which he by
industry:converted from a forest to arable
acres. The subject of this notice was
united in marriage about the time he
moved to Grey to Miss Jane Wilson and
she with four sons (Robert, James and
ugh, of this township, aud Wui., of
ortage la Prairie, Man.,) and three
aoghters (Mrs, Geo. McCartney, of
Moosejaw, N. 'W: T.; Mrs. N. H. Cardiff
of Grey, and Kiss Alice, at home) survive
:to hold. in loving remembrance the life
,of an affectionate • husband and father.
Mr. McCartney,. was a genial, whole
souled mato teLiberal ia• politics and
Pecebyterismiiaeligion. He enjoyed a
Itergeonrele of friends who will greatly
'regret his death. The funeral on Tues -
'day afternoou was largely attended.
Rev. D. B. ItfcRao conducted lie suitable
service and interment was made at Brus.
sels cemetery.
4 , ,
We like best to cr.11
it food because it stands so em-
phatically for perfect nutrition,
And yet in the matter of restor-
ing appetite, of giving new
strength to the tissues, especially
to the nerves, its action is that
of a medicine,
,eVut for fret nimple.
SCOTT &Chetniot,
Toronto, Oland°.
pc. Ana *COO U artgghts.
Weary Brain Workers.
Fagged out, ideas come as slowly as
molasses. You.: think of things just a
minute or two too late, Snap's gone!
The buoyancy that made work a plea-
sure—that's gone 'too. The doctor
would tell you that you are run down,
not eating enough nor digesting enough.
Your stomach needs aid, your digestion
needs a bracer too. 'Your blood requires
Phosphorus and Iron that it may be
formed readily. Now Ferrozone is a
wonderful nerve bracer and blood maker.
It's food for ,the blood and nerves, it
will makes you strong quickly and per-
mauently. Sold by all druggists.
;VW Rms.
The whistle of the steam thresher is
again a familiar wood in this part.
Reeve Isbister has returned home from
a very enjoyable months' trip to the
The receut rains and wind storm
have left some oats in a badly tangled
condition. . ' •
o u Mason of the 3rd line, has re -
tinned from a holiday trip to Manitoba
and the west.
Miss Julia Sharp has graduated as a
trained nurse. from the Amasa Wood
Hospital, St. Thomas.
The friends opolui Davls, jr., of the
4th line, will regret to' team that he is
not enjoying the best of health.
The township voters' list has been
printed, and contains a total of 834
names, subdivided as follows:—Part 1,
715; part 2, 80; part 3,39, 400 aro (peal-
ified to serve as jurors.
A telegram was received on Wednes-
day of last week by Mrs. John Mooney
giving the Sad intimation that her sister,
Mrs. Elijah Kendall, of Hawkston, Ont,
had passed away, aged about eiti years.
She is the oldest sister and had been
poorly for some time, heart failure being
the ailment. Mrs. 'Mooney and her
brother, W. C. Stretton, of Lancaster,
Ohio, who with his wife and daughter
were Visiting here,. left for Hawitston to
attend the funeral. Mr. Kendall and a
large fatuity survive.. '
The following from the Oxbow Herald,
Oxbow, Assiniboia, lute reference to a
Well-known former resident of Morris
and a member of the Sons Ot Scotland
at Bressels:—"Williant Barrie died at
the home of 7. B. MeKetizte, in his Weth
year, of a severe ease oI rapture of the
benvels, after an littlest" of three days'
duration, leaving awidowand five 0104.
ren to mourn his loss. Mr.' 13artie had
been in fairly good health up to last
Thursday, when he was taken seriotisly
ill at his farm, south of the town and sentenee rias passed upon him.
last Satardev morning it was faun 1
oeceesary to move hiue to town. After
on eniaikiatiele he Arc Tripp,of Oxbow,
and Doyen, of Alameda, last Satrlav
meruing. an operation was toped mese-
eery and wee eneceesfully perfertned,the
patient rallying for* time, butowing to
hls extreme weakness he Beau hegau to
sink and passed peacefully Away. lie
reinatme were interred TeefeefillY feeera,;
in, after a short service M di. bow,
conducted by Rev. T. R. Scott, being
atteuded by a large number of sorrow -
tug friends who followed the remains to
their last restiug place. Geo. Barrie, bis
sou, being the only member of the family
by his side at the time of his death, the
remainder of the family residing at his
old 'mine it' Ayr, Oatario, with the ex-
ception of s. daughter who resides its
Braude'', The deceased was well and
favorably known in this coinueunity,
although having lived here bot a short
tinie, but by his 'gentlemanly conduct
and amiable disposttion, he made a
friend hi whoever lie met."
The council met on Aug. 8r61, 1903,
according to adjournmeut ; members all
present,the Reeve in the c)air. Minutes
of last rueetiug read and confirmed,
Councillors Shaw and Taylor reported
haviug examined the locality mentioned
in Mr. McLaughlin's Application for aid
towards buildiug a wire fence ou east
boundary and stated that they would
cooeidee 'a wire feuce a necessity for a
tliitanee of from 20 to 25 rods.
The treasurer presented his half -year-
ly statement showing a butane° on hand
of $712.23 on the 30th of June,
aa(1.1 ic h Cal aoqkcle
i is g
vt toOes;:ii;mroclo1:0:.ttti ,not youn ° e f itae seses' ,sarr3ss eoSha.ipwet e ada:
4nntruoted to attend
sou the Clerk was .
the next meeting of the 999,9c11 tri
reference to issniug debentures re Le-
mont drain,
On motion of Messrs.Taylor and Shaw,
the Reeve was instructed to confer with
Barrister Vaustone in reference to Isaac
Ferrand's claim re Lamont drain.
A communication was received from
the County Clerk stating that the
amount of $2,361 will be required teem
the Township of Morris for County. pur-
poses for the curreut year.
On motion of Messrs. Jackson and
Code the Clerk was instructed to levy a
rate of 1 8-10 mills for county purposes,
and 14-10 mills for Township purposes
for the current year.
On 'notion of Messrs Taylor and Jack-
son, Mr. R. Proctor was appointed col-
eeetor for the current year at a salary of
• isard's Great Clothing Sale
Commences on Saturday, August I51h,
and continues for fifteen d'ays.,,.
You can. buy the I3EST CLOTHING during this sale
at a saving of zo CENTS on the dollar, or in other words,
we will hand you back 20 CENTS for every dollar's worth
of Clothing bought here.,,
S2000.00 stock of Clothing to choose from
$85 on furnishing satisfactory security.
Ononotion of Coons. Shaw and Code,
by laws No. 5 and 0 were duly read and
Accounts were ordered to be paid as
follews:—H. Alcock. gravelling on east
boundary, $38.93; Duff & Stewart, re-
pairing Martin's & Forbes' bridges,
,$112.10; Jno. McMillan, gravel, $14.00;
P. Kelly, gravel, $19.57; M. Kelly, cul-
vert, $9.00; Jap Bolger, inspecting an
east bonudary, $3.75; E. Lanndy,
gravel, $10.08; E. Lauudy, jr., tile
ditch at south boundary, $3.10; Wm.
Forrest, gravel, .3.18; G. Maxwell,
gravel and repairing bridge, $5.05; Wm
Kearney, operating road grader $19.37,
Wm. Taylor, gravel and inspecting road
work. $13.04; A. Sholdice, gravel and
gravelling, $33 30; Mr. McCulloch, re-
pairing bridge, $5 50; 3. Smith, grave],
$7.00; Silo. Barr, gravel, $9.18; Alex.
Grant, gravel, 21 00; Duke Jordan, ma-
terial and putting in culvert, $15.00;
Wm. Bryan, wire levee on east bonn-
dary, $10.00; A. Proctor, damages haol.
ing gravel, $1.00; A. Cantelon, part pay-
ment for digging ditch, $10.00; M. Wat-
son, tile ditch, $3.00; Jno. Colclough,
gravel, $4.93; B. C.Stokes, gravel, $4.20;
S. Walker, gravel, $4 50; Beattie Bros.,
gravel, $2.52; Wm. Abram, breaking
stones on west boundary, $1.87; James
Shurrie. gravel, $1.50; D. Agar, grasrel
and lamages $5.85; G. W. Proctor
gravel, $5.46; W. H. Kerr, part payment
for printing, $15.00.
Ou motion of Messrs Jacksou and Tay-
lor the cooucil then adjourned to meet
again ou 14th Sf pt. next.
W. Conic, Clerk,
20 per cent Qff
en's Suits
Men's Pants
Men's Overalls
Men's Smocks
,Men's Fall Overcoats
1115yrs Suits
Boys' Overalls
Boys' Blouses
Boys' Coats
Boys' Pants
A Grand I.Zoortunity
To buy Boys' Strong School Suits ju$: before school
opens. Bring the boys along and have them fitted At a
saving of 20 per cent.
O 111011141.1111411•1•1.••••••••
O NO.%
Last week's bargain list in other depart-
' ntents will be continued through August
li 13. 1SARD AR Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid for Produce
I. O. F.
Saturday: August 1563 4903
AMMO Ory...10181.1.1.01101111011Mf
Court Wingham, No. 5o5,T 0. F„ Wingharn, has completed
arrangements with the G. T. R.
to run an Excursion to
Drugging Will Not Cure Catarrh.
This loathsome disease is caused by
germs that Invade the air passages of the
head, throat and lungs and can be cnred
only by inhalation of medicated Air.
Stomach medicinee, atomizers, snuffs
are ineffectual, because they fail to reach
the cause of the trouble. Caterrhozone
is successful because it is inhaled to every
part of the breathiug organs, and has
power to kill the germ, heals the tuflain-
ed tissues and prevents droppings in the
throat. Catarthozone treats More than
one thousand square feet ot the mous
surface with every breath taken through
the inhaler and affords instant relief.
It perfectly euros Catarrh, Asthma, and
Bronchitis. Sold by all Druggists.
Two months' treatment. Price $100.
Small size 25cts., at all druggists or by
mail from Polson & Co., Kingston,Ont.
Lt is estirmited that nearly all the pine
timber newgrowittg in Minnesota (abotit
30,000,000 feet) will be mit mid market-
ed withia the next fifteen years.
Geo.. W. Rowley, until recently man
ager of the Elgin Loan Co., of St.
Thomas, who pleaded gnilty to stealing
the company's funds, and whelk, dotal-
eatieus Rowena to almost $8,000, Vette
Monday morning sentenced to It year
in Kingston Peurtentiaty. Rowley
bt'okc (Iowa and wept bitterly When the
From the
Via Hyde Park
following places, on Saturday, August t5th, 1905,
at the following fares :
Luckuow . .
Winghara ,
Wingham .tuuction..
VAnn rr.Acn •'rift nun
5.50 Aat. $2.30. ,Belgrave.... 7.01 " 1,8$
6.05 " 2.20 Blyth , „ 7,14 et.
6.20 " 2.05 Londesboro , . ..... , 7. le2 " 1.65
6.33 " 2.05 Clinton . 7.47 " 1.60
6.50 " 2.05 Brucefield ........., .. 8 05 " 1.45
6.53 " I Kippen 8.15 "
Returning, Special Train will leave Sarnia or. Monday', Angnst 17, at 10 P. Ar,
MR. D. E. McDoxAr.n, Highland Piper, and Mrss MA1tEL
McDoxAtn, Highland Dancer, will accompany
the excursion.
M 13 0 ID 0 0 :1V1
R. J. Ma,cMATE, Committee.
Return fare from Sarnia to Detroit in connection with the
above excursion is soc.