HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-13, Page 44 sgt lrk p� The Ontario Gevonmeut hasapucuuc- \RI 66OL1 i,fll,NTS ed its iutention of extending its Temis• kap.iug road far enough north to cou- ueot with the Grand Trunk Pacific. It is reported that J. J. Hill of Mated States Northern Pacific, contemplates building railways in China. Hill has a great opinion of the possibilities of a market which may be developed in Chills Dr. » _ _ ! { for American foodstuff°, as well as lnauufaetures, Ulla it leeks as if he is atrangiug km lines in Chine to distribute FOR s ihnistpharet seconutnltirnyo minetrhche aunudiedeSoltlaetgetsed byStoVk Good The sympathy of •the entire newt - paper world goes out to Mr. A. F. Pirie editor of the Dundas. Banner, who in a moment of mental deraagement,brought on by brooding upon the death of his faithful wife over a year ago, rashly attempted his own life, on Saturday eveniug, with what will probably prove all too great success. Mr. Pirie was a bailliaut journalist, a public speaker of more than passing eloquence, and as de- cent a fellow as ever drove a quill in Canada. The following story from an excltange would have proven quite meaningless a century ago. The coatless pian puts a careless arm around the waist of a hat- less girl, as over the dustless and mud - less road in a horseless carriage they whirl. Like a leadless 'bullet from a harmless gun by smokeless powder driven, they fly to taste the speechless joy by endless union given. Though the only lunch his coiuless purse affords to them the means, is a tasteless meal of boneless cod with a dish of stringless Beans; he puffs a tobaocoless cigarette and laughs a mirthless laugh when papa tries to coax her back by wireless tele- graph. C. A. Campbell The Druggist WINGHAM. Set a> hu Br tet of do ly aX iu ru Ot TO ADVERTISERS. 'Salem,. of changes must be loft at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted np to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED :872. THE 'MOAK, TOM M : AUGUST l While man has approaehed tlae north pole within 238 miles, no one has yet stood within less. thanl 772 miles of the south pole. The biggest pauoratna ever tlainted was of Louden by Mr. Hotaa. It cover- od 40,000 square feat and was exhibited at the C leaSeam. It takes three years to paint the Forth bridge and as soon as the work ie done it is immediately begun again. As mauy as thirty-five men are usually at work. 111E WINfiIAI TRIES. H. R. ELLIOTT, PrrammtER AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, AUG. 13, 1903. NOTES AND COMMENTS. ce Sir Ed. H. Carson, Solicitor -General for Englaud, has been appointed senior Su counsel for Canada on the Alaska tri - 13t 'banal, in place of Hon. Edward Blake, who has been obliged to retire owing to b • illness. The number of Chinese who entered in Canada during the fiscal year which iu ended on Jane 30tb last on pay - m meat of a poli tax was 5,229, and the re - til venue received was $522,900. This is an be increase of 1,741 in the number and at $172,150 in amount of revenue over last tic year. as : The bosses may work np all the Gamey An Guzzles they choose, and spend the $I party's money iu feeding the faithful cu drummed up for the occasion, and the Pr World may devote columns to smooth- Taf ing'down the far of the political badger; but decent Canadians will feel no seuti- meut toward Gameyism but disgust. - Ot Hamilton Times. bil • •' The report of the game commission of • Ontario for 1902 is at hand. It reports ua 2,286 deer killed during the season, tel shipped by the Canadian Express Co., w'i and 240 shipped by the Dominion Ex- ult press Co. Forty fine moose were shot; Ta 181 wolves were killed during 1902 at a Cc cost to the Government and municipali- ,ties of $2,715. The bounty of $50 per &head seems to be ridding the country of th; wolves. all Mr. John F.Mackay,of the Woodstock sii;Sentinel-Review, has been appointed ., business manager of the Toronto Globe, sa great prize in Canadian newspaperdom. mgr. Mackay is a young man, but he is one of the brightest in the business, and. is personally very likeable. He began bis career in Woodstock, but has had the advantage of several years' experience n the Montreal Herald, returning to oodstock to take a 'partnership iu the ntinel-Review. King Edward has taken action which 11 greatly please loyal teetotalers. A Oval officer wrote to his majstey asking in if he would issue an order tha ben his health was toasted it need not drank in wine. The King replied ugh his secretary that the Lord of frailty probably would not like his terferring by issuing orders, but he uld be glad to have it circulated pri- ely that he considered a toast as oh honored by those drinking it in ter as by those using wine. Pointed Paragraphs. . From the Chicago News. More than physical culture is required to make a man strong-minded. A woman isn't necessarily a dream be- cause she happeus to be coutrary. Many a wife iu after years is sorry that she didn't stick to her $6 a -week job. About three minutes after starting an argument with a woman a man realizes that he is lost. A young boy never misses what he throws at unless there is a largo pane of glass just back of his target. It is taking an unfair advantage of a Russiau to ask him to pronounce his name when he has been drinking. Nothing makes a woman so mad as to have a man she dislikes refuse to give her an opportunity to tura him down. When a man gazes heavenward and sees two moons he is not in a proper• frame of mind Co make weather predic- tions. Don't get the idea into your head that a woman is more economical than a man just because her waist is smaller. As a rule women are more liberal than men. The wife who has a mind of her own is continually giving her hus- baud pieces of it. n like the Probably nothing jars a ma discovery that ho has been sucking a suspender button for ten minutes under the impression that it's a cough lozenge. An old bachelor invariably speaks of a baby as "it." One of the laws of gravity is never to laugh at your own jokes. The World's Opinion. (Ottawa Journal.) The man whe enters middle age and' Las not an income of twelve baadre d dollars a year or above as considered a failure. That a man Without money is a failure has been taken for granted so long that it is hardly ever questioned 'now. A man may be brilliant and witty, may be a good companion, a good friqud, but if he has uot the ability to buy a yard of tape at a certain figura, and sell, it at a greater figure, the average man in his heart considers him a failure. There are many tuore admirable men- tal qualities than acquisitiveness, and it is a pity that modern conditions are such that commercial ability is the criterion of failure and success. Poverty is hard, but there are many rich souls who would sot miud its . de- privations:were it not for the privations, were it not for the itnbitteeing thought that because of this one lack the -world placed them iu the category of failures. The world loses much because it elim- inates the poor man from its considera- tion. CHURCH NOTES, Rev. Dr Pascoe, a former pastor of the Methodist church here was supply- ing tor Rev. S. E. • Marshall at Guelph on Sunday last. Mr. Marshall has been grauted a vacation of tbree weeks in order to regain his health. Knox Church at Kincardine recently celebrated its jubilee, and also the semi - jubilee of the pastorate of the Rev. Dr. Murray. The services were. conducted by the Rev. Dr. Johnston, of London, a native of Kincardine. The congrega- tion, which is a large and prosperous oue, presented Dr. and Mrs. Murray with an affectionately- worded address, and a handsome and costly cabinet of sterling silver, containing 114 pieces, suitably engraved. NEWS' NOTES A son of W. J. Wilkinson. of Newry, in Perth County, was drowned near Medicine,Hat. The Seven Stars Inn at Manchester, England, boasts of having been licens- ed for 550 years. Mayor James has comleted his quarter of a century as proprietor of the Bow - Manville Statesman. Don't allow a child to sleep with an older person. Its rest will be less dis- turbed and more beneficial alone. Albert McOolley, of St. Mary's„Thom. Muir and William Drewry of Downie have been fined $20 and costs . each for killing'fish Hoar Fullerton's Corners with dynamite. Thousands of fish were kill- ed. Perhaps the summer girl steels her heart to preveut it from being stolen. Don't climb so high that the world can't see you when it wants to remove the ladder. An enthusiastic meeting is that of two girl -chums who haven't seen each other for an hour. When one kind of musical crank grinds. music out of a hand organ it makes the other kind get up and howl. The daughter of Edward Harris of Hibbert township, fell into a mowing machine, and had her foot cut off at the ankle. It is calculated that earthworms turn up fifteen tons of vegetable mould in a year on every acre of cultivated lands. Forty-five only of the crew of the new liner Kaiser Wilhelm II. are or- dinary sailors, the remaining 555 being mechanics, etc. Wilhelmina, daughter of H.J. Petty - piece, M. P. P., died Saturday, aged 17 years. She had been suffering from con- sumption for some months. John Abell o f Toronto, known, for many years as head of the old Abell works of Woodbridge. died last week, aged 81, after a prolonged illness. A man named Henry Johnston was found looked up in a C. P. R. freight car that arrived at Winnipeg frotn Hali- fax last week. He had traveled all the way from Halifax without food. 1901 THE PEOPLE$ POPULAR ••p•••Nli••••••••••o••N•••••••••••••••e••••M•••0 PEOPLE POPULAR . THE STORE JOHN & JAS. H. KERB 1 1 e••••••!•••e.N•fl•S•S•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • AN iNvINGIBLE GOMDINATION! I qualities Inked with low pricey • • a • • • • • • • • • • • i.tve Stock Market's, Toronto, Ang. 11 -There was a very light run at the western cattle market to -day. The total run comprised 30 loads, with 393 head of cattle, 364 sheep and lambs, 362 hogs and 20 calves. There was some delay in the delivery of the cattle in the marked;, and this had the effect of putting a damper on busi- ness for a while, a few ' buyers leaving the market. After very heavy buying last week there is not much doing in the export trade this week, due in part to the fact that prices are lower in England. There is in consequence but few export cattle offering, and the demand is light. Thele is a fair demand for butchers' cattle and for light export, but scarcely auy of the latter class offering. Eighty car loads of live stock were in the Union stook yards for to -day's mar- ket. About 30 cars'came by the C. P. R. About 1,560 cattle, 400 sheep, 88 hogs and 20 calves were in the market. A large number of drovers were on han d but business did not come •up to stan- dard of the two preooeding Tuesdays . Prices were generally firm, exporters be- ing slightly,easier and batohers' cattle selling at stronger prices. • The following are the quotations: His Claim For a Pension. Saturday. Evening Post: The pension hunters give thousands of reasons why Government bounty should be extended to them. Commissioner Ware thought he knew them all, but he received a day or two ago from a battle -scarred veteran who advanced a new proposition that he intends to have framed. It read: "I got bled poison by beingge hitt with a hens eg wen I cam back faum the front. The eg was not good even yon''send my penshun I want the Deed mad sos my wife can't get nun of it -she throde the eg. She war a rebel. If she gets it I oil have fit and bled for nuthin'." 1 . , r9 .. The Montreal Star, Conservative to the re as it is, has at lash been sickened by senseless bellowings of the Toronto I, and administers to that jaundiced the following stinging rebuke: Mail and Empire hardly pays a lituent to the intelligence of its vrheu it makes the statement Trunk at Durand, Mich., last week. Wal - the prop isecl schema of redistribu- lace Bros.' circus was bein trans rted ur Ontario, 'is the expression of Sir i g p° I,•tnrier, of his sentiment of } over the Michigan division o! the Grand hate sad fear of the banner Pro- Trunk in two sections. the first section Imagine a seasoned and experi- stepped at Durand, and sent back the politician, head of a groat party, I usual, signals to stop the second section. a 'sentiment of combined hate i Tliese signals were acknowledged, but ' for any particular part of the I still th* second section crashed into the When Mandy's Feller Comes. [Kansas City Star.] We're all as meek as any mouse When Maudy's feller comes; �;, Her ma an' me set hind the house, When Mandy's feller comes. The rooms may look bad through the day With things throwed round and dust,but say - They ain't a -looking thet way When Mandy's feller comes. She always wears her Sunday best When Mandy's fellow comes; An' gee, bat ma an' me air dressed When Maudy's feller comes. My corncob pipe is laid away, Fer Mandy says it looks too jay, A dime seegar comes iuto play, When Mandy's feller comes. Locusts are not the only migrant in- sects. In July, 1890, a swarm of small beetles passed over Romershof, in Rus- sia, which was two miles long, one and one-third miles wide and over twenty feet thick. Xwenty-three killed and a number in- jured is the result of a rear -end collision between circus trains on the Grand Exporters' cattle- ' Pier 100 lbs. heavy Light Bulls do., light Feeders • light,800 pounds and up- wards Stockers 900 lbs Butchers' -- Choice Medium Picked Bulls Rough Light stock bulls Milk cows Hogs -- Best Lights Sheep - Export Bucks.,•. Culls Spring Lambs Calves, each ... • • s • • $4 70 4 80 44 50 �• 4 00 300 350 325 335 3 25 3 40 .... 300 3 00 4 00 3 50 425 300 300 2 25 3000 The children act the nicest kind, When Mandy's feller comes; A look from Mandy makes them mind When Mandy's feller comes. He's been comm' 'bout a year, But still he whispers in her ear Them word's, the nights we're goin' to fear. When Mandy's feller comes Sir Wilfrid is, we assume, other men are. What he wants stario is votes, and lie asks no any other Province. The iea he loves are those that ssro of his Government. A y in Ontario that returns a " will be dearer to him, we y, than one in this Province a narrative. To pro. e m�omllent that he is governed ent of hatred to the Pro- taa'ia is, not only to do injas• t>10 irsati, bat to talk in a moat nn - first. What is said to have been the worst gang of burglars who have operated in Toronto since the capture of the Rice - Rutledge crowd, were surprised on Mon- day while engaged in robbing a home in the Rosedale section of the city. The gang included young Quackeuboah, who escaped from. the Centrat last month. There Were four in the party, and all were taken but one. The burglars were armed with loaded revolvers, but there was no shooting, all surrendering quietly when faced by a levelled revolver in the hands of Detective p'orrett. 650 6 25 3 25 2 50 2 25 450 200 " 1 had a very severe sickness that took off all my hair. I pur- chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigo: and it brought all my hair back again." W. D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111. One thing is certain; Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows that's all there is to it. it stops falling of the hair, too, and al- ways restores color to gray hair. 1 1,11 r brie. All dratlrlr If your dte slat Cahoot supply you, lend a s on° do and w. willl_.xptwr you a bottle. De sure and give the same °f ? J. C Al= , CO.,`cweLowell Wiwi • • • 1 • • • • • Dinner Sets, 97 pieces,new shapes, • printed and gold traced, pride $8.00 •• • • •• Tea Sets, 44 pieces, new shapes, • printed, price for set - $3.00. • • •• • Blue Teas and Plates, green, navy • and red Teas and Plates, white and • gold Teas and Plates, sold by the • dozen. • NEW CHINAWARE PICKLED OLIVES SUMMER SALE I • �'-- We continue our Summer Salo ... d lag the month of August, et e We .have just received from Olives help the agpetlte. They'• ve are already receiving fall Wood and must move out the sum - Wood & Sons Potteries, Eng., 2 are a good food and may be eaten mer and in order to give a the large crates of Dinner Sets, Toilet freely with good results. om that require.or Sets and white Stone China Teas, Bargains Plates, Bowls, etc. 24 Toilet Sets. new shape, roll edge Basin, good material, splendid finish, 10 pieces, price - $2.50 Toilet Sets, new shape, printed, tinted and gold stippled, best mater- ial, prices - $4.00 to $5.50 • Dinner Sets,97 pieces, new shapes, new designs, new colorings, printed, gold traced and stippled, splendid finish, price - $12.00 to $14.00 4 40 3 98 4 55 3 25 3 00 40 00 6 50 6 25 • • Odd pieces wo are offering at less • than half price. • :�•s•sig••e•e••cos•s•s•s•es••sss•ees•des•o••e••••e•ee•••e••••s••ss•ossssss•ss•ti •. • 's• JOHN & JAS. .H. KERR • ••• ••WINGHAM - Try them, if you don't at first like them, try them again. Small bottles . 100, 15e, 20o Spanish Green Olives - 25c, 35c Spanish Green Olives, large bottle, select - - 65e "Club House"Spanish Queen Olives "Extra" large bottle - 750 Broken Soda Biscuits 7 lbs for 25e Broken Sweet Biscuits 6Ibs for 25o Aunt Jemimas Pancake Flour for griddle cakes, muffins and gems, price per package - 15c Pure honey in tins and glass jars all sizes. Pure Maple Syrnl ; home made Ripe Tomatoes, New Cabbage, Green Corny Cucumbers, etc. • • Ladies' •• • 1,75 Dongola Kid Oxfords for 1.35 • 1.50 " " 14 1.15 • 1.35 " " " 1.00 • 1.75 " " Trilby 1.35 - 1.35 1,00 0 •• Bargains in Hats. . Ladies' Sailor Hats reg. 75c for 500 . 14 .. " 50o " 350 • .. „ ., 40o " 25c - Girls' Bats reg. 50a and 75c " 25o • Men's and Boys' Hats at reduced prices for August . • A quantity of Men's Straw Hats, 0 reg. 25o and 500, reduced to 150 •• Men's Canvas Hats reg.40c for 30c s 25 per cent. off reg. prices. • Men's New Stylish Straw Hats • Men's Summer Clothing at 11 Bargain Prices. • • $1.50 Summer Vests for - $1.00 • 75o " " ., .50 • Fine Cotton Shirts and Drs. each .25 r SIit Fine Balbriggan " 44 t ,. .. :50 " Silkine ft It .75 • " Natural Wool " •' 1.00 as • Bargains in Waists and Wiappers. • • Big cut in price of Waists. • 1.50 Shirt Waist's for - 1.00 • 1.00 " if - .75 • .75 " " .50 • 3 75 3 00 2 50 5 00 800 • MACDONALD BLOCK, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• __.•••••. ..•••••••a••••sisi•••••••ee•see•ee••o••O•••e••e•ee••O••e0•••e•o • ameamme • • Special Price's WINGHAh1 MARKET REPORTS Wingham, August 12th, 1903. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Howson, Harvey & Brocklebauk. Flour per 100 lbs.... 1 65 to 2 25 Fall Wheat 0 68 to 0 72 Spring Wheat 000t0000 Oats,0 25 to 030 Peas Barley .... ..... 0 35 to 040 065to070 Turkeys, drawn 0 11 to 0 12 Geese, " . •...• 0 07 to 0 08 Ducks, per pair . , .. 060 to 0 75 Chickens 0 30 to 0 GO Batter ............ 0 15 to 0 15 Eggs per doz 0 12 to 0 12 Wood per cord 200 to 250 Hay , per ton.. .,.600 to 700 Potatoes, per bushel new.. 0 40 to 0 40 Tallow per lb ... 0 05 to 0 06 Lard0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per lb 0064 e 0 4ii Wool Live Hogs, per owt. 5 25 to 5 25 C. J. 1VICAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. IN... -RINGS -WATCHES -BROOCHES -BRACELETS and all lines of Jewelry until further notice. Accounts, Bents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE-4nVanstorte Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock, Halsey . Park Jeweler and Optician. Authorized Life of Pope Leo XIII MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy lady or gentleman in each district to manage our business and start agents in the sale of the Oficial and An. th0rized Life of Pope Leo X.M. Book maned under the imprimatur of Cardinal Gibbons and endorsed by the leading Archbishops and priests throughout the othed anda: d Englisha13'rnoh $20.straigh cash salary and expensea expensepaid each week direct from headquarters; expense money advanced; poeitioft permanent. Address David B. Craittniteat, 824 Dear - bent Street, Chioago. vyyyyyyyyYVVV'VVVVYYYYVYYY VVVVVVVVYYVVVVVVYVYYYYYVV `t E HAVE . 0.e C el i i i ° C STOCK!! 0- ► W. W. W . W.► W. WrapperetteSi C In all colors ; beautiful goods at 10c per 1 10 E yard. • 4 Ii -1 WE WOULD BE PLEASED 1 to have yon investigate. When- ever you are going to spend money for clothes be sure to see what's here. Not at all necessary to spend a lot of money for a suit. The quality cif cloth governs the price. of course, but there aro dozens of chances to get solid,dur. able, lasting outfits at low prices. And the beat oftailoring 011 them -all of them -no matter how little you pay. You're invited to call. R. MAXWELL. lam Ant TAIrolt. Come and=see our large stock of 1 .4 3 i t t 1 1 4 !Flannelettes. . 3 C Cheap Plaid Goods t for Comforters Wide and Meavy, regular 121c, for 10c. White Shaker, special at 6c. 1 s 1 1e 11 4 a Muslins, Prints, Basket Cloth, Ladies' Vests and Cotton Hosiery all go at cost. 4 Beautiful Black 'Underskirts at a reduc- tion. 4 Handsome Cushion Tops We sell Butterick Patterns. • i • 3 LAAAAAAAALALLAAAAAALitkiaA AAi►AAL&AAAALAAAAAA►AA AAA4