HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-13, Page 3BURDOC
Is a purely vegetable System
Renovator, BIood Purifier and
A medicine that acts directly at
the same time on the Stomach,
Liver, Bowels and Blood.
It cures .Dyspepsia, Biliousness,
Constipation, Pimples, Boils, Head.
ache, Salt Rheum, Running Sores,.
Indigestion, Erysipelas, Cancer,
Shingles, Ringworm or any disease
arising from an impoverished or
impure condition of the blood.
Fee Sale by All llrnppl#s.
A Bachelor's Consolation..
Pant heart never .evshn fair lady,
Fa:ztt heart never had a breach of
lyrolmiso suit.
Fant heart never! had toi pay aliT
iFaaat ,heart never b,u,d e. mother -in -
Ta:nt heart never' had t'oi buy en
Easter bonnet.
Fa:nt heart never had to pay for
oivn Chriatmaas presents.
Fa:nt heart a;ever had W make ex-
cuses for lea:ng out all night.
aren't heart never had to walk the
ilciar w:til a Crying child.
Fant herat ver .b1. t the : ativant-
ages of hav:ag a faint heart aro, too
numerous to ' mezytion.--Ne'ww, York
Little Liver fails.
Must Bear Signature of
Seo Par.-Sim:10 Wrapper I clow
Very swan cud as ea.. -1
to tains as acgaa.
BS axis Prste1T(ahi1rYL7eVcge g'eta4C .11A R
as .•.- 0.,..r..a„ cg.,C
Your Tongue
if It's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys-
' pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
23c. MI drstgglats. N
Want your moustache or beards bestatafai
brown or doh black? Then nes
.O oils. 00 C.UMast. o. P.O. NR.L d Co.. Malmo, N.N.
1� ThE
OW. *,1r* wW asa4a 3144 sitRsrF ;or Po
*Aomori of Vents be ritest* to Tortes to
,TU dais# Stock rutile.
1'oront:o au}tatioll, Aug. ' .—Tiiteen
live stook dialers of Ontario at a
meeting hero hast night teemed in-
structions to their solicitor to enter
suit for dantagcs to the amount 01
Tr20,000 against the (Arend '4'runk
Stanway for losses by wrongful and
malicious detention of - cattle in
trane1t, and will also lay informa-
tion against certain railway sit cials
of that lino for alleged cruelty to an-
imals.. They also passed a resolu-
tion in condeuluation'of the railway
authorities in this matter, to file
transmitted to Zion. Sidney Fisher,.
Minister of Agriculture,
Some of the facts which were giv-
en at the meeting, which was held in
the Union ,Stock Yards, were as fol-
Twenty cars of cattle arrived et
the Junction at 8,10 p.m. yesterday,
which started from; such shipping
points aa Kincardine, Lucknow,
Blythe, Ripley, ilfidmay, Walkerton,
Clinton, Cbesley, Tottenham, White-
church and 17obbington, between the
hours of 7.80 a,tn. and 3 p.m. Wed-
nesday. These ears should all have
arrived at the Junction about 9 p.m.
the same day, but were sidetracked
at Stratford and Guelph Junction,
although other cars in the same train
aro said to have been taken on to
the city stock yards at the Western
Cattle Market without delay.
By the Criminal Code the limit of
time within which annuals In transit*
may be left without food or water is
28 hours. In the case cited the G.
T.R. aro claimed to Stave violated
the law by a margin of from 4 to
$ hours, whereas the utmost time
needed for delivery at destination in
any case was 16 hours.
The solicitor for the complainants=
said last night: "The only reason
which can be discovered for the de-
liberate outrage thus practised on in-
dependent, outside stock dealers, is
Hutt the Grand Trunk, which would
bo interested in the maintenance of
a. monopoly at the Toronto stock
`yards, have conspired with the Tor-
onto stock yards to so discriminate
against its young and formidable
competitor at the Junction as to
discourage outside farmers from be-
ginning' or continuing trade with
Decline to Day Decease of Alleges False
Toronto, Aug. 7, — About forty
Southwold and Yarmouth farmers
worn yesterday 'served with writs by.
Bailiff J. McKenzie in actions to re-
cover amounts of unpaid stock in the
Farmers' Co-operative Packing Com-
pany of Brantford (Limited). The
farmers refuse to pay their stock,
claiming that they subscribed for it
under false pretences. They said they
were promised as good a price for
their hogs as —nine else was paid,
and they said ..,o promise was not
kept. Bogs were purchased from
them, too, they say, at a certain
prise, and when the company carne
to settle. a lower price was Haid
them. 'l'herefbre, they decftne to pay
up the balance due on their stock.
Nationalist Circles Troubled Over Uppos
Dion In House of Lards.
London, Aug. 7.—Tho committee
stage of the Irish Land Bill was
reached in the House of Lords yes-
terday afternoon. There was an un-
usually • large attendance of Irish
peers. .
Tho divisions on the amendments
indicateda determined light, and in
the division on the first amendment
the Government narrowly escaped de-
feat by one vote. In the following
division the Government was defeat-
ed by three votes. Neither amend -
tont was vital to the bill, but as
notice has been given for 34 pages of
amendments, this early opposition to
the Government arouses in National-
ist circles 'apprehension of trouble ree-
f ore
e-fora the committee stage of tho bill
is cone riled.
Another amendment moved by Lord
Abereorn (Conservative) was carried
against the Government by a major-
ity of three. After that the progress
was easier to clause 42, upon reach-
ing which the Ilouso of Lords ad-
surer Rlll rioted.
London, Aug. 7. --In the House of
Commons, after James Bryce (Liber-
al) and Chas. Wentworth Dilke (Ad-
vanced Radical), and others had de-
nounced the Sugar Convention 13111
as a protectionist pleasure the bill
was passed to a third reading by a
vote of 119 to 57.
Ureter Cowan Arrested.
Xew York, Aug, 7.•—Detectives yes-
terday arrested Joseph Cowan, a
broker, who lives at Matue hen, N.J.,
on a charge of larceny of $6,300,
which he is said to have appropriat-
ed to his own use between March 10,
1902, and the present time. The
complainant is Blanche II. Smith of
Milwaukee, Wis., who is said to have
entrusted the money to Cowan to in-
vest for her benefit. This firm is a
member of the Toronto Board of
Dustin Geta (hareem Concetslon.
Seoul, Corea, Aug. 7.—An agree»
anent has probably been concluded
between Russia and Corea, whereby'
Russia acquires 200 acres of hand at
Yeeghainpo and the Yalu River on a
99 -year lease. The application of M.
Pavloft, the Russiau Minister, for
permission to erect a telegraph and
telephoto tine, to Yong htunpo has
been refused. The extension to the
northward of the Seoulaitiju llaigway
Is progressing.
'miter Veyilled and Wettadeh.
1kieiT, Aug. 7. --The strike in the
railtvay and private workshops con-
tinuo. An attempt by the Strikers
to interfere with railroad tra%llc led;
_to tE serious riot, the strikers refus-
ing to disperse. They wore tired up..
on by Cossacks, who subsequently
• cbargod, killing rand wounding 333a0y,
Right fox the *melt of the back.
DO you over stet a pain there?
if So, do yon know what ' It rnnrss" -
it 1s1 At. l$+acicache.
A sure sign of Kidney Trouble,
Don't neglect it, Stop it in time,
If you don't, serious Kidney Troubtes
are auris to follow.
sure Backache, Lai»a Back, Diabetes,
Dropsy and all Kidney end Bladder
Oleo 30o, r!a box or 3 for $Z.g3.off dt14lro.
Toronto;. ant,
T. E. Stephens, Vice -President Kan-
sas Temperance Union;
God counts time, not by menthes, hut
by centuries ; nab by, yeaals, but . by
millenniums. Therefore, when we wane
p:'ire the present with the paint, let up
compare, ;not this year with las year.
but this years( with; the Sanaa year a
century or a millennium ago. Wo will
than have eomewhart of the Divine
Con, a,re 1903 with 1902 carol, the ed-
va,neo will ,seem' almoet imperceptible.
Bub octaapare 1903 w=th 1803 call we
ittanrcl, cam med at the pregfrese, whch
thus great reform, hail m:aclo, for we
then behold it ire be mighty world
mevoment unrolling forward with
.eter.dy but irresi,stibin tread.
Tn 1803 nlmrost everybody drank.
Drunkenness a 'aa common. Church -
members tippled. Public,, men corous-
ed. I'.armer,s, m rch:altos and lu: iae s,
men imbibed with "unrestrained free-,
darn • t And. who protested? The
civilized. world did not even know of
such a, tbi,ng ate an aggressive agency
o,rg:'niie.d for the avowed perverse of
fighting the evil. . •
(,Chen, throughout the century that
followed, came tho first realaawaken-
:ng siciw, almost ihnpeireeptiibly elate'
but ,euro 1 God had Based the priers of
the oppresged. (iLe. had counted their
tears. And to -day 13 is laying. it open
the honxt,s of hie children as never be.
fore that thi unspe,a.kately horrible
evil must be plucked, up root and
branch and banishod4 forever. t
The voice of• the, church; feeble at
first, is growing stranger egainst'the
cease of drink. Tlhe prrass more. Ire -
fluently than formerly condemns the
evil. Society frow,nis upon the tippler.
The commercial world returns employ-
ment to the; main of 'befogged. brain
sand uneteaidy hand. 1 The drunkard
haan become ase ou'trea,Ot. 4
(rho whole land, Le becoming honey-
combed with all kinds of temperance
sooletige lead anti-liguott arg'aneza-
tionls, , ' , L r•
te. century hence„ in 2003, if the
present prograde of temperance reform,
keeps geomatriaai .ratio 'With
the prt;sent prolgrelsS of civilization,
tbero will not: be an open saloon in
{Chr•i,s'tenudorn. and !such' a thing as
ni kennesst will be us ,are an homi-
cide or 'burglary a
Grid's k'ingdrent of a otbrrnety and
xighteousnest is at hand.
°Pre Mate gaining, ground I
A Very Good Rule. •
It is well known that the majority of
human ills arise from constipation of the
bowels and ou this account many peo-
ple make it a rule to see that the bowels
move once every day. 11 you are sub-
ject to constipation you can be cured by
the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills. These Pills not ouly make the
bowels active, but by their action on
the liver ensure a regular flow of bile,
nature's own Cathartic and so remove
the cause of serious disease.
LIAVE yoil
been smolt.
ing a good deal
lately and fool
an occasional
twinge of pain
Are you short df
breath, nerves
unhinged, sensa-
tion of pint and needles
going through your
arms and finger's?
Better take a box or two
of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills and get cured
before things become too
As as specific tor 0;11
heart aid nerve
troubtesthe cats.
not be eiteelled A
true heart tonic, blooii
enricher and nerve re.
newer, they cute nervousness, sleepless»
tress, tietvoul prostration, *Maker's heath
paltpyi,tation of th* heart, after effect* of 1a
irtPrice see. per box et 3 boxes for Sues
at all druggists, or will be sent on receipr
it` price by
The 1. Millburn Co.. UAW,
Ntonli , Ont.
Nandeome Reception Gown of
Pollees, gown a,re net ouly watt:.
()able, but comfortable and istyl'sli,
The cute ]sere is aha:w.al In, vela• blue,
ccrphb'nc4 with ernbrisi4ered Merit's,
th's work baing Ilenne with Carticelli
t tat bilk. A. unique idea is eirrawns in
elk read ng the colter of embroidery
:w tit. a black L:betty eiil scarf',
wilt; alt fancifiee the front, anid extends
'n, lona' ends oolrtpleted wllth, erna-
meeti.. R p( satirrinbis are introduced
and sh:rring is on the upper perticn
of the sleeves. •
Many of the soft pastel shaded serg-
es are made w th long, flat plaits in
the, centre of the back, and tome of
the ',newest have the fuin1esdf ,at the
foiot, extend:no by means of killings
let en frons the hem, and diminishing
'tsiward the waist.
Dairying yang to United States.
Da: rying is considered to -day cue
ca the roast prosperolls and' hghly
developed forms el farming in the
Lisa: d
to States, and no branch; of ag-
riculture haps made greater progreee
during the last generation. In 1880
the price of cheese wase'ten costa a
pound, and fermate ware afra; d ,to
engage in such an industry, believi-
ng that over production would, re-
sult. In 1850 icheese exports were
ten m:llian pounds ; in 1875 they Were
aver one lhundred million pounds. The
present cheese capoxts are not, large
oev'n to the foreign market having
been ;ruined, theaugh the ,shipment of
"fated" cheese by unscrupulous ex.
posters; but the annual . product:ori
and consumption of cheese, res is ]ike-
wise thiet of butter and milk, is con-
stantiy increasing.
Pointed Paragraphs.
From the Chicago news.
Born diplomats handle the truth with
As the hod -carrier goes np, so goes the
Protection is the life insurance on
Immo-grown industries.
There is 110 earthly hope for the man
who boasts of his failures.
It is usually the idiot who rocks the
boat that lives to regret it,
A man usually makes a virtue of the
means he uses to conceal his faults.
it isn't always common sense that
counts; sometimes it's the unoommon
Some men have to go broke before
they will attempt to break themselves
of bad habits.
Most women can put up with a good
deal in this world if their husbands will
put up for it.
When the office seeks the man it usu-
ally finds the path blazed so there will.
be no excuse for its getting on the wrong
The bays That Are No Mire.
(Alfred Tennyson.)
Tears, idle tears, I known not what they
Tears from the depth of some divine
Rise in the heart and gather to the eyes
In looking en the happy autumn fields,
And thinking of the days that are filo
l+resh as the first beam glittering an a
That brings our friends np from the
udder world,
Sad as the last which reddens over ono
That sinks with ail we love below the
So sad, so fresh, the days that are no
Ah, sad and strange As in dark summer
The earliess pipe of half-awaken'd birds
To dying ears, when unto dying eyes
The casement slowly growsa glimn;erit
So sad, so strange, the days that rra no
Dear as t'emeinbered kisses after death,
And sweet as those by hopeless !alley
On lips that Are for others; deep as love,
Deep as first love, and wild with all
Oh, death in Iifet the day* that are no
In California ferment plow a furrow
sift miles in leugth,
At Pittsburg and Wbeellog water left
overel ht become* hot,
In Loudon each day 400 children are
born and 254 enter se eel: ler the :Bret
A seientiat says it is possible to have
hot water endstetter ill any hart of the
United States through holes bored into
the earth.
The interstate commerce comwissiou
statement shows that the total ratIroad
nnileagein the Uuit4'd States June 34,
1002, was 202e509 miles.
Nine hundred and nevi my five persons.
out of a thousand inoculated for hydro.
phobia after being bitten by a wad dog
are saved from death.
A full grown whale weighs 100 tons
--that is, as much as eighty elephants or
400 -bears. Seventy feet is the utmost
length of a 'wale
In prance there are 15,310 woaneu
employed es gatekeepers at the railway
crossings. They get vert+ small pay, but
are provided with houses:
Eighty-five million five hundred thou.
sand pounds of tobacco passed last year
through the eust4nt house for home con-
sumption in the United Kingdom.
Lord Balfour of Burleighstates that
there are 2,400 prisoners per 10,000 of the
population of Seotlaudas compared with
700 iu Ireland sod 4100 in England.
Pour hundred and sixty thousand
dollars bas been provided by the Brit-
ish admiralty for the aunual paymet,t
of food conduct Money to petty officers
and bluejackets.
• It is estimated that the Eskimo popu-
lation of Ataslt4i, Labrador and. Green -
lord has declined from 80,000 to 155,000
in twenty years, owing to the thinning
out of seal, bear rind walrus.
0. T. Nesmith sacs that in rural dis-
tricts of the country the tendency 10
toward idleness, vulgarity and animnlity
for lack of sooial, intellectual and polit-
ical inspirations developed by com-
munity action.
Geologists and ethers who have used
thermometers iu mining shafts and other
deep holes in the ground have found that
the average rate of heat tncreases oue de-
gree Fr. for every 60 of descent
theInc course a trial r n
0 ofat Carnarvgn
it was stated that in north Wales the fad
prevails of making a collection at fun-
erals, the money being banded to the
clergy or nhiuisters instead of burial fees.
The letter e ie by far the moat useful
iu our alphabet. Iu every 1,000 letters
used, 137 aro e's. O beide* the next place
occurring twenty-six tunes in every one
thousand letters. Q, x and j each appear
once only in ore thousaudletters.
The Shaul, China, coal fields cover an
area of 14,000 square miles and contain
it is estimated, more than 000,000,000,0001
tons of anthracite, euough to suffice for
the wants of the world at the present
rate of consumption for three thousand
This is the season when the parse icing
and thirsty take chances of serious
danger to health by swallowing
hastily large quantities of ia:e water.
The hotter the day and the more hurried
the drinker, the greater the temptation
to the cooling beverage and the greater
the danger of unpleasant results, Water
cooled too near freezing point if drunk,
at all in the hot season should be sipped
slowly and allowed time to absorb some
of the animal heat so that it will not
eater the stomach at a chilling tempera-
ture, Used in this way it 10 grateful
and free from danger; gulped down it
unperils health.
1011,1I0 ALMOST IPs$''TANTANfa01111.
gawk f iapMMt it abiel Mffectuai,
ado viva Saudi *T row 'e. roar No ST$,
llslylCL, • t38c,
ko Prorarrrst, $olwiaea Soo Nark lis
Two Isrodroa Tea•rso.
A century nen the wont of the mod,
ern surgeon would have been donoul*
ed by the theologians, wile then ruled
ntnuklnil, as audael41111 intrust4tt'st Ilfto
the exclusive jurisdiction of tied, Two
centuries ego, or, at Om furthest,
three, the man of seiepee who would
tit»p out the viscera of a man, set •Out
their disease iuid put there bihck would
have beep fortunate to pecape the
stake or the black. Ilut the audacious
invader of the secrete of the baily, the
beneficent healer who, with his villi
or itis kialfe, iestacns the tntser es nt 01 the laubl c I
huivanity, d iuinisiies er destroys 181.%
ain, 17 t lf, ( )
prolongs ills nail smooths Its pathway
'to tiro grace --•bits 1s flow the matt who no ,oxo: nuti:te for ltubttc 901100.
appeals ,lost strongly to ills lioly leavir, r or art i. jtueior H1avn
betlzgs, i ar Ihltll and Itis tralltizlg file ffi
eaptetlns of industry ate pouring out :sittoo;;;1140.11;11fiiltans,budding,-hitucollegesAart'.14ltiod:cor oez11.••and labaratorleS, endowing Professortarsier lt,uvil +4 .- oo principal or Melillo
lien;ert: iepeetll+rcting. tha aontpkte rsy1siea 4
+artensatal rc a14t1oate, kinemo,rtifleatlons are. utaie tri the
ogalrhtiaayt1r 1ttpe,,Public School Courses orf Citme,„a.Sttugruphy and tyluwritime are neweptlnnli ,tiitbjeeis for the fifth foba ,50,,100.unior l eaving 4tandin 1atettounced in July, 1tiu4, th4:re will ba
ships,wingstheworldatlargehalls snitorSed cpd cer.ti.k.4 tit
Ihiln as a in•tn of power and influence fay any high Leh I
at a thne when Wealtih is aeCumUlatin¢ Sebool inspector wir,h at ate tomcat
and when alters are not wdceaying. ser toree asst tlhit holdox ilasl lak;xt tlha tcb,
andstrom^'arc, men r ofiktlye college Cin sea 4wt rso 'tn :ail,su,bjcety (geography, h1t '
3 tory, dra:win.g, bookkn anvi g,
choosing medicine, although the time eta.) for l>nrt 1. s p _, reittlin
Stas 1 yet coins for domination aver }tin=ar leavint; statui-
the lawyer, Who Is now engaged in ?r f 1 Q F: i i
settling the direction and the form in ! a • std da,, a ;for fart if. ,ianiox
Which the captains of Industry shall _c wing ttamdin;y`who eel.cta tit.t ehabm.
carry an their development of the i$try option rev"niit Lutin; but hs
world's wealth. The time seems to be will be rejrluire i, if he exerciseg,ilzt
coming, ltawever, when the indefinite priviIoge, to obtain fie peg• cent, on the
prolongation of human life and the de- tot l (tegutaticn f 43
(3), slug 40).
health, otrossioa work ltwhieli almosties tsuggests 'Dir ons enor bIie fichuol Lttl
the creative power, will be the tusk L:X:min,:tions tor . (1)c A ttuot 2'ea:.
that will Call for arts will receive the criers' Cortifleatee: . After Fop-,
service of the best training of our col, lcnai> r, 1905, ilia ooutsa for th4 juniors
leges and universities—that Is, When nun -professional extaminations "fes
tine appeal of rnedleine and surgery' i'ublio :liuoi teachers will Consist
will be addressed inevitably, to the lncihly of Ffngli.sh and,
nd rnathernat%Cs
best in every College class, just as once with ,science; and the at:+ndard fob
toe call calve from the ministry and
Bess at the departmental exerain4
tWile hfn rom the bench and bar and sell- tions thereon will ba 4u per cenr, et
the marks a.ssigu. j to each paper,
60 per cent. Cf the a 3 , o. tr, and
WHAT `"WHIRLERS" ARE. A3 announced in JRt;jU2a o. marks,
, Le tin will
And the Incident Prom watch
Is no longer be obligatory for thi3 .grads „,
Said They Gd# Their Ynnte, ref public ,school teecheie; lout (lentil
"There was a dealer in baberdnsh- 'dates at . rue exam:n•ations therefor,
ery," said a coliege professor', "to whorl wile take else the papers cif the lower
a teamster once carne :tad said, 'I want a•ud =woo
,-e1iuoa s utta;�, a . su Latin
to get a pair of whirlers, sir.'itho pate matriculation coarse)
"'Whltlers?' said the haberdasher. July Departmental exa}utnattobS the
'What on earth are whirlers a
the ,snits,, year, and avho
•,'lI"h3, stockings with the feet cut ,nuke at loa$t"
out,' t:hecetinhster answered, d4 per tette. un wch of ru;h Latsnr
"'Ohi' said the haberdasher. 'Web, p --pens 4nd 50 per cent. of viae aggro..
I ]haven't any whirlers. but I've got k.itc of the macrk% aetagted to pptil.
seine 'ver • excellent stockings. Su • ,.. e
pose l show you some.* g p 1 Nis (the grammar and 1tra� and'
" 'All right,' the teamster said. the anglers' papers), than have the'
'So the haberdasher exhibited tbe merles so obtained asses as a bonny
best stockings he had' in his shop, and to their _marks on the subjects of the
Junior non-lrt•ofe�iona[ us;tlninationg;
for public ,school tenchct'�s' cartifica tea,_
wLirlets out of them' for me?' (2) After September, 1905, the cx
amin:diens to tee course in Latin
prescribed for tba upper ,CcLocl will be
obligatory at the .senior nen-Profe,a ''
, ion -al examine tion for public school
teachers, and an option will be al -
between part of tbe .science. of
the upper ,school and one of the Other
arts matriculation Ianguages, .
Commercial ',liipiomas,-- Na Nee
lhartinental examination }a�i1l be hit&
hereafter for commercial diplomas. •
Weeds of ,sc:hooi tru:-teo4 may, bow,.
ever, grant �iliploinee on the' cottrses •
of ,study heretofore pi -ascribed for
parts I. and II.. of tett d:partnaentai%t
commercial diploma, er on 'tuck modi-
fications thereof ars key, ee approved
by the Minister of lsd_uo,u ion.
District Ceriificatc9_Itegulatione 44,.-
,ancl 04,—(1) When in the opinion of
the County Board o Exa.n.iners or of
a district public- school alepector, the
,standard of the junior lea ring exanl-
ination is too high for the condition:.
of the country or district, or any por-
tion tbereof, the 1llluister of Induce
Hue may authorize the issue of die.
trist certificates,but the examinations`
therefor tha11 be held only in 'such.
countics 'or'districts, end, the profes.
sionel certifiea;te based thereon, shall;
be volid only for elicit schools at; enols
county board or district iscltool roe,
specter may, dcsign•tte.
(2) (and ale tee for district carti lea
tea shall pool am examination ill ilce,
following subjects de now defined ,inti
the courser a attley for terms 1. and
I1. of the high .schools; Engli h gram-
mar, English 1:terature, Eagl:_h ern
position, a 'lthmetie aged mensuration'
algebra, geometry, hietory, geesrapby;
and spelling; but any certificate ub
tained on the above examination wilt
give the non-professional stending re-
quired for a district certificate ot113
when indorsed by a rnbl:c school i
specter or n high scbott rr'ncipal,a"itl
a ,stattertent to the effect that tht
holder thereof It is completed satisfa
terily the coursers of toady in roadie
d ea w:tig, bookkeeping, , and botany
agricnitura prescribed far forme 1, o
the high schools. a
(3) The staaidard for this examina
tion shall be 34 per cent, of the mark
assigned to each pallet and 50 per cent.
off the aggregate itharks. • t
(4) The Iitera,tttre selections for th
examination iia 1804 shall be as fie
tows,.. -Longfellow : Evangeline, I1'
Day is, Dent, The Old Clock on tI
Stairs, The Y•ire of Driftwood, Rein
oe tiort, The Weeden of Cinque Per
The Eridg•e, A ;Cleans of Su.itshlne.
the other selected a tine pair,' saying:
"'I suppose you don't mind making
"'Not at all,' retorted the other, and
with a pair of shears he cut the feet
off the stockings.
"'Now; said the teamster, 'how
wash are they?'
"'Fifty cents, the same as before, of
"'Fifty cents? Why, I never paid
more titan 10 cents anywhere,' said the
teamster, and he smiled meaningly and
A cold Blooded Ottntbler.
The Prench court was at one time a
hotbed a gambling. Louis XIV. would
play,.for heavy stakes night after night.
and many courtiers were ruined at bis
table. His successor, who lacked his
predecessdies geniality and good na-
ture, eves an even greater devotee of
the card table. The story is told tbat
.wheti this king was playing one even.
big a gentleman present was selked
with apoplexy. "M, de Chauvetin 15
ill," one of the courtiers ventured to
tell Loves. "1111" said the king. quite
Unntovea. "He Is dead. Talte
away. Spades ere trumps, gentiement,
instincts That Lend to Death,
Professor Mivart proved that there
are "Instincts" that lend to death by
failing to adapt themselves to a cbange
Of circumstances. aligratory quail by
'thousands perish in the deserts of
northern Africa, where their ancestors
used to find a comfortable winter re-
sort, abounding with forests and even
with grain fields, It we 811811 credit
Pliny's account of the Nuraidian toast
lands. The forests are gotta bat
myriads of quad still follow in the
sante route at the risk of starvation.
Ile Didn't 1010tv the aex.
Mother—Do you think that yoting
man has matriumeial intentions, my
Dattghtee—I tertaitly do, Marotta.
lie trial to convluee me last night that
I looked prettier In that titre dollar hat
throat in the One that cost twenty.—
With Botod
She—leant that We are going to be
married eve Must begin to save. Prom-
ise me you will do ttotbing yott cantiot
Ile—Bnt le that elute Wollld have to
break off the engagement.
Sitteerity la the beefs of ell tree
friendship. Without sincetity it ft like
a snip 'without ballatt.
To be oVerpelito fa to be rude. --ht
*nese Proverb
Of the 42.800 neWspepere
the %voila 19,760 nee enblishel in No
Amelica Mid 4,030 in the Milted 'Ma
dote. linage has only 148 ilea Oa
Or 0110 10 every 110,000 people.