HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-08-13, Page 2,l TO ADVERTISERS. Tao of clotitges tenet lie left at this otiloe not, later than. Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not Miter than Monday evening, mon oWednesday of each week. CRUEL BCKACHE EkrtF,1BLIt;R P ':875. TTIRES. Whets . _. li tInnOTT.PtrstrenEa Abu PaorRTETOR Tf1.URSDAY, AUG.13, 1903. NOTES AND COMMENTS. An Order iu Council lies beeu passed educiug the period of quarantine on tittle imported into Canada from, Great 3ri.tain run ninety to sixty days. PAINS THAT MAZE THE SUFFER- ER'S LIFE (MISERABLE THE WING1IA I TIMES, AUGUST 13, 1903, TOWN DIRECTORY. BARGAINSM IN A NUTSHELL, CO.OPERATIVE APPLE-PAOICING Here is the toverneueut's a nutshell. Rand it carefullyy agree The English merchant doles net' like bnta e3with the Grand Trunks d to handle small lots and experimental iand yore ;will form an Wee ,of the splendid Packages e1of SaYB Mr. W. ,A. ,Mal Ottawa, bargain Sir Wilfrid and his coll"Chief eagues have 'made. He wants thousandde of barrels, all ui form in quality, variety, packing io 'rl� Section, - ori P how - 'Eastern ho Sc i n uniformity, 1Vestcrn and package. haThis upifo m y, •saliiaog o} �,adlu,u;,fy, ratMzl c 'o-Winuipcg to Ment- ever, cannot secured whe;'e eking Eastern S4 C. n ie deem int small qu;an;titiejt in lox- ton, aluaxds. The One has arrived in, the ton. will guarantee Bo -year -carters of the cost hesto'ry of the apple trade in Canada bends the to there '1e Western .section ( with limit of when large paek:nlg houses must: be oft thTrunk the. order of the day. Whether these Gorst' a fixed,) Theold Grand large. packing houses arca controlled, by CoimpanY' is to tgua7`antetc ai second. capital - quarter of 'bonds no raise the last co-opts erative haver asseciallons or n ledge cf p the quarter of this cost of constructtuu apple business, is a W1Cd r Cf cora- 'guaranteed bonds to rank second to• these pple b mess, i a o dues, eom- 'guaraxiteed by the government as a p" ever, seem quite possible hole' intelli- charge on the property. 3 gent growers to unite in co-operative Tine( company is to spend $$5,000,- of which $5,000,- assoc.atiieus and secure all the advan- tages On equipment, tages that came by. packing in large 000: wdrth le Do be assigned to' the eastern section to Censure its effi- quantities. These store houses axe not necessarily expensive 'buildings. err operation' ° the cum. They should be frost -proof and large The section b Coil a ata d r enough to aecomifnodake the full oxen p,iny'mu d b> of a standard equal to of the patrons. at is'not at all diffi- thst Grand Trunk lane between Dion- cult to gati plans eget have, w{yxked treat and Toronto. Pori the first seven years the coon- well in other, parts ot, the country. the interest on The aim s'holUid be. tel tm cure da panel is noel pay the bonds guaranteed by the goY- large quantity of good stock as j li- went for the mountain section. s.'ble, to grade it unifermlY, mark it ern honestly according to the require - shall pay the interest gin( thee aabove After seven years the company of meats the Fruit Mtuks'Act, and gh any nned:um thee may :11 the earnings are sufficient to pro- sell throurr vide the throe per cent. interest, offer the greatest advantages. There which the bands will bear. is not the slightest doubt that if such If the earnings are not; sufficient an association were formed in any of the government will pay the interest the fruit districts and such' a pack - for, three years but w11 be recouped ing house established, it would attract buyers from every market, and the :n this way : n, apples could be sold .fez spot caish. It threeThG amounts shall during the is incerely to be hoped that the good amount, years be added too the bis:ness'men among the apple grow rad, of t first mortgage on the ers w.11 take this into serious censid- ceivewhich file government willg re-rerat:on. It is not anerely a question ante in consideration n of having goal- les will be sold anteed; the bonds. whether their own app at the proper figure on not.' They Afters ten years from the issue' e- should be, event for theta own 'sakes, the .'bands, the government may fore- close, its miarigage out the, road if deeply interested int the sale. of their to pay interest at ne:gh.bors' apples. A careful analysts Shen company fails of the c,andittienn of the, trade, will 3( per cant. an the; bonds, suet on accumuLationl of interest unpaid dur- allele/ that primain fruit epeetial! y ing the period between the seventh ere �often l.0 sadly depere sedrisefort r the went e and tenth years. : of small grower. It therefore behoolves'. On' the prairie section; the company d bonds, all interest from the issue, of the more intelligent and larger, greiw- ther to interest himself in the fruit of rhes his less fortunate, neigkiber. Regarding the eastern section, the gofvernmeht builds it and leasest to the. company for, 50 years( at the rata of 3 per cent, per animism ea its cost. Ther road ism bailt by: m. commis- sion., and in its "constructions- the Dr. PIT* iud Cut, Ailnteutd of this tl{I d. Mrs. Walter Book, wife of the peat - muster at Silverdale, is well known to all the residents of that locality, and the family is well kuowu throughout Liueoin county where they have resid- ed, and been ideutilied with its history for of Dr. fWlliams' Pink Pills speaking . Book says: -"In giving my testimony I do so frankly and without reserve, as I ani convinced of the complete reliability of the pills. For a couple of years I had been troubled with a severe pain in my back which sometimes extended to the stoun►ch and gave me great distress. At times I was completely incapacitated with it. I felt much discouraged be cause I had been treated by a good doctor and had taken a number of adver- tised medicines without obtaiuiug a cure. Finally I decided to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, aud almost from the first I noticed au improvement, and by the time 1 had used five boxes the old coin - plaint was a thing of the past aud I was better than I had been for years. I keep the pills in the house and whenever I feel the need of a medicine take a few and always find them a splendid tonic and regulator of the system, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the great- est blood builder and nerve tonic fu the whole wide world. That is a fact be- youd dispute-anrl it accounts for the fact that there is no corner in the wia.ule civilized world whore Santo sufferer has not been cured by building up the blood by these pills. There is uo other medi- cine so widely used. And there is no trouble do to poor, watery blood, or weak nerves that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will not euro. Protect yourself by seeing that the full name "Dr. Wil - theme' Piuk Pills for Pule People" is printed on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent post paid at 50e per box or six boxes for , by direct to the Dr. WVillii ms'O iedicinenC ., Brockville, Oat. The Government will contribue $25,- t00 towards the cost of receiving and yittertatniug the Congress of Chambers 1 Commerce of the Ettpire,whioh opens 14 A&.outr$.►1 on Aagnst, 17th. • John Alexateler Down', general over - Seer of the Chrietiau Catholic Charuh, ,,-, ea made a ettizou of the United States upon xeuouuciug in the Superior Court his allegiance to the Sovereiou of Great Britain aud Iruiaud. School teachers are put to a severe test is Kansas. There are about 7,000 of theta aud they are forbidden by ,a dozer, couutry boards to either court or Marry. S,,me of them protest vigorous- ly, .especially the ladies. Sir Wilfrid Laurier: "The sum tot- al 01 the money to be paid by the Govern- ment fur the construction of that line of railway iron allonctou to the Pacific Oceau aill bein the ueighborhood ui $12,000,0J0 or 613,000,000, and itot a. cent more. Now, sir, what is $13,000,- 000 iu the year 1003? It is about the surplus ut our revenue over the ex- penditure. (Cheers.) The surplus fur this year will pay for construction of this road." BAPTIST C.aURaa-Sabbath e'lrvicee at 11 a m and 7 p M. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. N. Mc- Lean, B.A., pastor. W .J. Chapman, Superintendent. METHODIST CHURCH --Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p nt. Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday . Dr. Towler, S. S. Gandy, D.D•, pa Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN Clieaas-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perris, pastor and S S. ( Superinten- dent, P. S. - Llukl a ter aud L. Harold, assistant S. 8. Superintendents. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL --Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evveniug.hore Rev. v. Wm. Lowe, Rector. assistant S. S. Superi'titendeuta. Cuuditions have cliauged a creat deal in the lust four years. Cauada is becom- iug a formidable rival in the agricultural market or tbe orld. She seesher the the plairis rapidly filling up • with best of settlers -many from the United Statee-sot she realizes that her domes - tie market for lnuuufttctures is growing as well as her ability to supply foreign markete. with breadstuits aud meats. She doseu't need the United States as a custom,:.- as much as bite did, and a high protection sentiment has developed. - Minneapolis Tithes. Tt.ro debate,iu the House of Commons, Ottawa, upou the Grand Trunk Pacific bill was a good thing for the telegraph companies. The correspondents and operators were kept extremely busy until an early hour next morning. Both telegraph companies were well bupp lied with material, but did not beat some of the ,records !made in previous years. Thursday night the C. P. R. Telegraph Conipauy sent out of Ottawa, 188,744 words. That is a good tutal but it has been exceeded twice in the history of the company, ou April 22nd, 1897, when Mr. Fielding made his first budget speech, and 269.783 words were handled, and March 27th, 1891, when 39.4,729 ords were transmitted of Mr. Foster's ariff changes. ESTAB1.I15HED 1872 THE WIn011A TIMES. la PI/WO= EVERY'%THURSDAY MORNING The Vilna Times. Olfce, Beaver WINGRAM, ONTARIO, Block THE STOAT FOBlOU'J TEltxs OF SUBSCRIPTION -$1 30 por annumin advance, $1.50 if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher. AnvSETtsixo RATES. - Legal and other casual advertisements 80 per Nouparieiline for first insertion, 80 per line for each subsequent insertion_ Adtvert►se tents in local columns are charged per line for each subsequinsertion, t on d 5 cents Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first mouth and 50 cents for each subsequent month, CoNTRAcx. RATES-Thefollowing table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:- SPACE. 1 YR. 6M0, S 150. 1 Mn One Column $00.00 $35.00 $15.00 $8 m Quarter Column 8,0000 100000 10.00 200 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charge 1 accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Tnu Jon DEPARTMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work, Large type and appropriate cuts for all stylus of Post- ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print- ing. SALVATION AMY -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. There bave been about 1,400 children from England charitable institutions placed in Ontario homes this year. Mr. J. J. Kelso, superintendent of neglected children says that more than twice that number could be easily provided for. A warning has been running through the press concerning the frequent writ- ing on newspapers which go through the mails and stating that inspectors were now watching for infractions of the law. Postmaster Patteson,Toronto, says there was always a certain amount of this sport of correspondence going ou among people who sent newspapers to their friends but who did not send them letters. He said that it was also a very common occurrence to find gloves done up in newspapers. At stated times men were detailed in the various offices through the country to open and examine all papers coming through their office aud where they find either articles enclosed or writing on the paper their instructions are to con- fiscate the articles and sent the news- paper to the dead letter office. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town. Nell, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. The Toronto World's Montreal cor- espondent declares that the attacks be- ing made by the Mail and. Empire upon -ir Wilfrid Laurier 'are solidifying the people of Quebec in his support. The base is so obviously unfair and uude- Served that it is taken by the French• anadian people as an attack upon their ace and their province. The World respondeat declares that the Mail is imply killiug Mr. Borden iu Quebec, at if it continues its policy the Con- tvative leader cannot hope to carry are than three seats there. It is oubtful if an election were held this alt that Me. Borden would carry even hat many seats in Qaebeo, and as for e other provinces Sir Wilfrid has own so much in the esteem of the pie since last election, that the Mail's buss will only tend to increase the oting strength in his favor. Brick Boiler House at Desohene, Upper Ottawa, Wrecked. TowN Co'NOIL-R. Vanstone, Mayor; A. Dulmage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- Iudoo, J 3. Elliott,, W. F. VanStone, S. Bennett, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- lector, Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. SasooL BOARD. -J. J. Homuth, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Douglas, !3. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm. Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. company , is 'to have .joint anpervise four and inispectitati. , This is to en- sure econceny the company be:ng in- ierested) in seeing that the. cost, on which,, whatever it is .they must pay the interest, is kept downs to the 'detest( point. Fcrr seven. yearl4 the company is exempt from rental. 0•or1th0 next three years, if the earnings are notsufficient to pay the rental, the deficiency shall be. added tel the original cast of the road, and uponl that increased amount the ren- t -call/ df 3 per centa mutat be paid, for thief remaining 40 ybans off" the) learse. The( lease reislerves running rights over the eastern, (slectiO.It on: equal termini to the Inter-caolonial, anal the govesrnmiont :may also grant running tights to any other railways that askt them uponi payment by the gov- ernment oyeirnmment of a reaspnable charge. Running a (rights ove+,r the wt:stern seict:ora, are also seeulrcd to •atgty rail- way:( desiring rthene upon; teycrosl to be f.xed by the golvernmettt in. case tri( ccompanies1 cannot agree. Govexnmentt *all have control of ratesudvdrr tlhe whole road from Mon- cton to thief Pacific. Guarante'es of performance must be Volt up iyy thee, company,; The cost of the road in the maoun'- tarn setctidn will be $18,000,000„ and )thld total interest for sevens, years wall be 0,780,000. Th,iais what thiel government gives 'toward a road from Winnipeg to the Pacific. ocean. The total cost to thet country pf the{ whole. schema from Mkrnoton: to the Pacific will be 012,000,000, or $13,000,000 -"and not a cent more." At the last session of the Provincial Legislature the law was changed so that reeves and mayors of municipalities in counties will hereafter form the county council, providing a majority of the municipalities petition for it. The clause in the Act referring to it says: "The council of auy municipality with- in a county at a special meeting called for that purpose may by resolution de- clare that it is expedient that the council of such county should be composed of the reeves of the townships and villages and the mayors of towns not separated from the county, instead of represent- atives of the county council divisions constituted ander this Act, aud may cause a copy of such resolution duly certified by the clerk and head of the council under the corporate seal, to be deposited with the clerk of the county on or before the first day of October, in any year, immediately preceeding a year in which county councillors are to be elected under this Act." The Act also provides that in case a majority of the mnniepalities pass such resolutions no election for county councillors shall be held, but the reeves and mayors shall constitute the county council. omen have Kidney Disease PUBLIO SCHOOL TEAOHERS: A. 11. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor VainStone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer, H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher ONE KILLED, OTHERS HURT. Three 'walls of the rower ileums of tks Saw Mill of the Brauer Company Blown Down - Plyntptef Township RN- periences a Disastrous Cyclone -- Buildings Demolished - Heavy Less to Farmers. TP KENNEDY M. D.. M. O. P. S. O . Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street Only a Mask. Many are not being benefited by the summer vacation as they should be Now, notwithstanding much outdoor life, they are little if auy stronger than they were. The tau on their faces is darker aud makes them look healthier, but it is only a mask. They are still nervous, easily tired, upset by trifles, and they do not eat or sleep well. What they need is what tones the nerves, per- fects digestion, creates appetite, and that is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pupils and teachers generally will fiud the chief pur- pose of the vacation best subserved by this great medicine which, as we know, "builds up the whole system. sake the mistake of attributing teas rraarittfatf backache to other causes. y women have kidney disease and do know it. They confuse the symptoms those of ailments of a feminine naterre. ht 10 o es , dry, r , The total number of pupils enrolled in MiSS DELIA SPARLING Wingham, Ottawa, Aug. 7.-A terrific electri- cal storm accompanied by a wind of cyclonic forco, which swept down. the Upper Ottawa acid over Lake Der" then, struck the city, with awful. forco at 4 o'clock yesterday. At Pel ch+'ne, seven miles front Ottawa, it hit the big saw mill being erected by the Fraser Company, blowing doors three walls of the power house, kill- ing ono man, and probably fatally injuring another, seriously injurings third and slightly injuring three oth- ers. The dead Mau is James CampbeII, son of ex-Ald. W. J. Campbell, bolter maker, Ottawa; Joseph Valiquette, boiler maker's assistant, had his back broken and will die. John Chugg, a line man, was seriously in- jured, but has a ;rood chance for re-- covery.' Tho loss to the Fraser Company was about $10,000. Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over S. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. MISS SARA L. MOORE Teacher of Piano and Theory. MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar. Rooms in Stone Block, Wingham. Absent uutil the 15th of August. T. CHISHOLM, - J. S. CHISHOLM M.D., C.M., M 0•F.S.0. MB, MD,CM., M 0 PS 0. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC. OrnrcE-Chisholm Block, Josephine street, RESIDENCE -In rear of block, on Patrick Si., where night calls will be answered. R, VANSTONE, e BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, Privateand Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No eo n n s,i, t ca.trge 1, ort - gages, town and farm propertyboughtand sold. Office, Beaver Block Wingham. Cook's Cotton Roots, C�ompound„ Lie Ts the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend• in the Your, and time of need: Prepared In two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1. -For ordinary cases is by far the best dollar - medicine known. No. 2 --For special eases -10 degrees eltronger-three dollars per box. Ladles -ask your druggist for Cook's C Cotten Boot omponnd. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by call druggists in the Da miinion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of rice and four 2 -cent postage SUMO. Q` a .Qiool'r Company, Windsor, Onto , No. 1 and No 2 are sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell, W. McK.ibbon, A. L. Hamilton, and R. A. Douglass, Druggists. Patent Report. Below w'11 be found a li,�t cf patents recently granted by the Canadian, and American governments, through the agency of Messrs. Marion &,Marion, Patent Attorneys, Montreal, Can., and Wlshin1ton, D.O. , ' ' I r . Information relating to the patents cited will be supplied by applying to the above-named firm, ' ' ' Canada. -Wm. Jas. D. -Cummings, Dexter, Ont., bag, fastener ; Emile Ve- giard dit Labosate, Montreal, Que., Painting and cleaning apparatus. R,om uald Ed. Painchaud, Montreal, Que., conllb'nation child's table and baby walker ; Sydney Bolton Paterson, St. Jobn, N. B., card cornering machine; Ebenezer J. Moore, Windsor Mills, the public schools of the Province in 1002 was 408,124, being a decrease of 6,- 495 compared with the preceding year. The decrease is noticeable in the town- ships, anti many of the towns, as well as in the Cities, Chatham and St. Cath- arines being the only cities whole are an exception. New Ontario shows an in - f flesh d harsh akin e• crease. The average attendance was e farm, in ;he a swelling of the feet and legs, + 57.01 per cent., as against 56.69 in 1901. dsoreness of the muscles, weariness C The Roman Catholic Separate Schools aA • ndency are symptoms of kidney disease, and call for prompt treatment inordet to prevent serious results. MRS. W. WILKINS, Ont.' stn es:r--"Isufered 4geeat deal with pains in the small of the back caused by kidney trouble. Whenever I stooped I could scarcely tine again the pains were so great. The disease becameWitichsiso i Severe that it affected 'm health, and I was becoming very much telt. Since using. Dr. Chose's Kidney PIUs, I ca:n Say that my trouble has eliseppei►red. I can speak is the terser of this medicine from the way It Its my protect yea against imitations the portrait tore of fr. A. W. Chaise, the famous fir, are on every box of hie had an increased attendance of 45,964, an increase of 1,977, aud the number of teachers increased from 818 to 870. The total slumber of public school teachers increased from 8,408 to 8,497 of Whom 25,93 per cezitu worewore men, against 28 per cent in 1901. Tho number of teachers with Normal School training, increatsed. from 4,427 to 4,601 during the year, or from 53 to 51 per cent. The duel- ber of University graduates teaching in the schools was 81, or about one per cent. of the total. The total amount paid In salaries to the public school teachers of Ontario in 1902 Was $2,987,933, an in• crestas of $113,460 over the preceeding year. The total amount expended for all purposes in connection with the *.,boots was $4,11150,976, Que., device for cutting saw teeth. United States.-Daanase Beaulieu, Matane, Que., automatic fire alarm; Messrs. Harr:son &; Hinoh, St. Mary's, N. W. T., disk phew ; Harold W. Hig- gins, Montreal, Qtle., coffee pat; H. Addison Johnston, Ingersoll, Ont., hair supporter. Write for a free copy of "The In- vuntor's Help." ' JA. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c. - Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN. OrnxcE: Meyer Block, Wingham. CYCLONE IN PLYMPTON. Buildings Dentollshed and Crops Destray- ed-Sereral Persons Injured. Forest, Aug. 7. ---Yesterday after- noon. at 4 o'clock a disastrous cy- clone swept through a portion of 1'lympton Township, two miles west of Forest, and the damage done by; wind and hail is serious. The following farmers had their barns blown down or unroofed: Gco- Iloatie, Thomas Gammon, Arthur Gammon, Annister, James Prubbar, John Stonehouse and George Core. Dozens of windmills were wrecked. several chimneys were blown off; dwelling house and fences were level- led to the ground. The hail which accompanied the wind was terrific. Windows were shattered, orchards were stripped of their fruit, and foliage and fields of oats literally threshed out and beat- en into the ground. The hall was three inches deep. Several persons were injured by loads of grain being; upset and flying boards. In Forest some damage was done, the end of the Franklin house barn, a brick building, being blown in and the fruit trees riddled, In Warwick Township the roof was blown off Frank Jenkins' barn, and crone orchards were badly damaged - The storm cne off Lake Huron without a moment's warning and spent itself in a short time. In Niagara District. Niagara -on -the -Lake, Aug. 7. --This district was visited by a severe hail storm yesterday afternoon :bout 2 o'clock. Stones fell the size of mar- bles and covered the ground. The ef- fect on the fruit crop will be disas- trous. THOMAS HOLMES & SOH BANKERS, Etc. Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses re- quired. Money 4 per cent. large amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terns. DOMINION EXHIBITION 1903 " TORONTO 1903 AUO. 27th to SEPT. 12th The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Naturaalsot murce t of Canada will be exhibited on a scale never beforeP d. DAILY PARADES OP LIVE STOOK E R In Addition, by order of 1110 1M413BBTY TUE IC050 • 1 THE JUBILEE PRESENTS 1 of his merest mother. the late queen 'i'letorta will he exhtbited"t'itEE. as wall Ave. situ and a arh nG achees ILL by permission of the peerage D ' THE DUFFERIN PRESENTS Andf,5'permiaDton of the Countess et Aberdeen treasures 1 OF IRISH MANUFACTURE +res spectacular production The 1;0010 were*, melodies en enticelr tY• D A CARNIVAL. IN VENICE 1 �.... 1 be on a (Cale taster before meter the personal direction of named itiralff, win attempted at as enaual fair in may part et the world. Itedactd rates by farad and crater from a erywheee. eonault your *taloa stent. W. k1Not4AYdltY, J. Xiawer nd rmiers. ererieia FARMERS RICHARD HOLMES BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &C., &C. Office -Next to Holmes Block now building. D. D. s., L. D. S. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July aud August. and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed it you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because youmay ask more for the article er stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the TIMES and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles, JOB PRINTING YY T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. • DENTIST. Beaver Block, Wingham. RD.D.S.-Toronto University. L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. J S. JEROME, L. D. S. Has a new method for painless extraction. No cocaine. Special attention to the care of cnildren's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed. OrrtcE-In Gregory block, opposite Queen's hotel. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. Barge Lost in Storni. New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 7. ---IL tug which arrived here • last night from the south, reported the loss of the barge Morrie, between I3arnegat and Fire Island during Wednesday's storm. Five persons went down with the barge. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. C� LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., fie., executed in the beat style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. BOOItn'NIDINm,-We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. WANT THE TRADE. Montreal Manufacturers and the Con- struction of the Grand Trunk Pacific. Montreal, Aug. 7. -At the annual meeting of the Montreal branch of the Manufacturers' Association yes- terday, a resolution was adopted asking the Government to protect: the interests of Canadian manufac- turers in the construction of the pro- posed new transcontinental railway. The meeting, after calling atten- tion to clauses 17 and 37 of the a. T.I'. bill, decided to ask the Canad- ian Manufacturers' Association to draw the attention of the Govern- ment to the need of the following regulations: That all contractors who under- take to build parts of the eastern section should he compelled to pay duty upon their imports. That in all importations of sup- plies by tite Government, the Gov- ernment shall follow the usual pro- cedure of Ministers within depart- ments of computing the duties and giving the preferefico to the Canad- ian manufacturers when his price is the same or lower than that of for- eign articles with duty and freight added. That the 0 ovornmont take strict precautions to enforce clause 37 in accordance with the course adopted by the 'Government of the Province of Ontario, prohibiting importations by the G.T.P. Company for the con- struction of the western section without showing due cause to the Governor -in -Council. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER of For Stock and of a specialty. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. FS. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont„ • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Is prepared to conduct sales in this section. Special attention given to sales of farm stock and implements. Dates and orders can always be arranged at the TIMES office. Wingham. 4 -RAND 'TRUNK RAILWA'it' SYSTEM. �7f reales L IAVE iron London 6.60 a.m.... 8.1 p .m. Toronto It Beet ..9 a in 6.68 aim.... 8.03p.m. Kincardifie..11.10 a.m,,, 1.40 p m.... 8.88p.m. ARRIVE arum Kincardine .,..0.60 a.m9.00 a m..,. 8.05 p.m, London .- 11.10 a m .., 7.66 p.m. Palmerston 11.10 a.m. Toronto & &test 1.40 p.m....8.88 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wiagham, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAThWAY. ,rRAnis MANN Yen Toroth) and test &57 A.m .... 8.455 p.m, Teeawater 1.17 p.m P.M. ARMY'S eaten Teetrwrter...... 6.69 a.an 8 48 p. m. Toronto and Zest HIT. B CIN. AR` ....10.48 0, e. DO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TIRADE MARK* DESIGNS CCPYIRIGi,H'rS d&0. description may quickly Mein one riyo,a,pttnt end whether aV III tmo !, teeth� eonedential. Ha t,booe. kon Pa e sent free. (ildtat Menet for securing pa tent Patents ihcharge,in co. & *pew notice, taken through tbd Stitt/Milt Mnterkcan A hendaomely Itlurtrated weekly. Largest e'er. eleme t of any retention i metal. Terms, to 11 tajr�i tour �mo/nths, tb Sola by all newedealers. MnO S &�Co ! ~off YaxhlNew � er Fell From a Trate. St. Thomas, Aug. 7.- Iienry Flynn of Cadillac, Mich., 18 years old, fo11 front a Michigan Central train ort which he was coining to the City with his mother and fatter nowyester- a day. He fnowlying in the Amass Wood hospital suffering from Conus- Zion of tiro brain, and his recovery , is doubtful. ......mow. -.+:.r I:ilied stir the 'track. Colborne, Aug. 7. ---"The body of John Crook Was Lound about five n'ciock yesterday morning lying ote tato north side of the G, P.It. track. Iia was struck by a passing train While walking on the track. Ur. Croak waS an aged man, end hit hearfag was defective.