The Wingham Times, 1903-08-06, Page 22 ESTABLISHED TRE WINtuilI TIRES. 1I it, F,LIAOTT. Perseu ssR Alan PROPRl Salah ,.,..� RSLtAY,. AUG. G, 1903. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Everybody knows that it most of the industrials now iu the marl.et had not been r eek, sbl Y overcapitalized, a i talized, there would ba ne "damp" iu the market. Tho condition of business would warraut a IAA price tot almost any stock which 'Wee based on the actual value of thee properties. No speculator or g ag speculators could shake the market if r' the public did not know that Wall street e bad been engaged fur more than five f years in uploading stocks that represeut- TRE WINGlA . TIMES, AUGUST 6, 1903. TOWN DIRECTORY. L.,AGRICULTU1t L. KIKIDNEY TRO,UBII TO PREVENT TAINTED MILK. CURED BY DR. WLLIAMS' PINK The patrotns of 14 cheese factory PILLS FOR PALE nem have a direct financial interest t to est In supplying ally laded, p � from taints or 13,414.11avraas. Thous- : eat 'to the Cour-: r i t. _.. s are n lest, sato Sufferers From the Diseaseands Of drollar� 1 Peril and Should Not Experiment try annually because patrdnst send With Other tedicines• td the feener:es tainted, milk, which, From the Sun, Seaforth, Ont. •f use- tl. at all, only Pr ec ltde a' the ese but ce ' oils s h ' cs t p ' "f . r of The k}duals are the most important manufactureb of the cheese Qtr uothiug of tangible worth. Even so eredulaus a people as the American's eventually come to have their doubts as to the merket value of wild cat bank notes, coufederate curreuey, watered -stueks..awl similar "securities."-Die- troit Free Press. orgttu. They must filter every drop of blood in the body. It the blood is weak diminished the quantityper 100 hundred pounds cf milk. Seine the blooddis l the kidneysleft unfiltered their work, atered and foul, andd of the chief causes of tainted.er gassy! the kidneys are left clogged with pois- m:11; has been enumerated: by• the ouous impurities. Shen come the back- Dairy Dhvisk P of see, DepartmeAt., of aches that mean fatal kidney disease. A'r;culture, in order that, yiatrr ons Don't neglect that backache for a oto- may ba' induce!. to guard against tient. Strike at the root of the very cases tine so'agcet of Ima n many on- them. brit ug symptoms of kidney trouble I1 trouble may be feund: in rir..itiu;: the blood with Dr. Wi}11ailis' bakes the blood r}cli, red and health-, .r able Dermas Thant' Get Pink Pills -the only medicine that The Undo s. Intl the Milk Daring' and. After giving. Making. Mr. Win. Holland, of Se Bann, Ont., Those germs are always, !associated has proved that Dr, Williams' to Piuk m -a other. Caret Pills will cure the most obstinate case he iv tit filth in emcee ils�!r ti ' Sidney freely gave the a reporter of this fol invcstigirtiags sltkiWl that, a Very Sun he freely particulars of his case: •`I have suffered frotn kidney large proparticn of the cases of taints trouble for about two years" said Mr, which accompanied the trouble would or •bad flavors in :milk and its products Holland. "Sometimes the backache aro causes' by the germs! winch, are s -(semi in the' deappinger ce be re) severe that I would be unable to always 1 work, and I have often suffered Beverly animals. Such germs aver d axe td be fauna clef? for weeks at a time. I tried a number in large. numbers of a diciuetsaid to be a cure for kidney P rigs, are ,dr•pf.(silted,, The rand r;f trouble, but I found nothing to help me stagnant ponds, avutere scenic are until on the advice of a friend I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills allerwed to drink, width). c es ae. good work felt, and after using the These pills soou began to make their ,baiy� yards or m:lkine yards m ways swarming with them. For this for mouth every vestige the reason the iudde're and flanks of caws trouble had disappeared, and I have not since had a single symptom of the di- should al\waya be. brushed before make' sease. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have ing to remove the dried mud, Particles proved a great blessing to me and I ant favor." f manure, beers, ctn., w'h'ich might falwaye avor." glad to say a good word iu their citherw;se fall into tine' ;milk pail. f As a curative medicine Dr Williams'' Stra:ming the milk, ;1vhi1 i tidal to does 1(r (buit-ioln. They will fund it' malt.. ices able Vol dial so,' tinct' -''ter 4'�t'e pa' freely. A,t_, first g0L I3 would have to b� sh pp.jd oaf ea nmfussuaxn. bledwhen BAPTIST Cannon -Sabbath swrviees at 11 a m and 7 m• Sunday School at C} ue 1 meeting a Wet"ng is g!aielaal'businee$ can bet Wednesday evenings Rev.J c Wine) cu ;a'caish 'bee,..^; It isercf emirs., nt'cessary obJve all th'ug's that gods nd sti pp;i:1 shall be carefully packeda true tat sample, as this i,5 the telly; way to gait and held the confidence of the nisi 21'�a}ila lw It .may 'by meenitioln 'dtleetf the Ctt.. Lai an agent in B,.lei1 n Mr. D. Treat t- el An de Cool',. 75. Marche St. J.1cqu , twerp, will be glad to answer inquiries. and to give all the assistaatce in his power to enable Canadian sbipPors to make satisfactory connections in that country. If 1'berally supplied wLh samples, he will s;c that these are prep:nay stare dand distributed to the offer. best advantage as occes,osif er Among the firms wh'o may' ba con- sulted. and who* w:11 1iandle consign- ments on a reasonable commission, night b' mentf;oned Alfred B. Stirfene, Hamburg and Lu:sel4hef, Germany, and J. Tas, Ezn, and the North Atl,an- t:c Trading Cc(mPany, b cf Amster- dam, Iialland. W. A. A1;ac1;'nnon, CTiief, Fruit Division, 2.30pm. ® ra prayeron There are too many bachelors in this village -three doctors, three ministers, two druggists, half a dozen clerks and aceountauts, t so merchants. It's gett- in. too serious; the same number of widowers weal, make things lively. What are we going to do about it? that is the question. We propose that a com- mittee, consisting of Rev. Johnston and Couucifor Bosons, with power to add to their nnlnbens the most eligible youug ladies in Lawn, be appointed to wait on each and request his answer to "To be or not to be." If iu the affirmative, thou allow hint half an hoar to transfer his life iusurauce, personal property and real estate, and prepare his head for the inatriulouial block." -Swan River Star. man S.S. Lean,li,A., pastor. W.J. Chapman, Superintendent.. METHODIST onirncn-Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p ni. Sunday School at 2:80 p m. Epworth Teague every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting J. R. evenings. Rev.. sea g on Wednesday r S. S. Gundy, I.D., Pastor. Dr. Towler, Superintendent. iith •ROH -Ser b Hl. PRESBYTERIAN C Sunday ser- vices at 11 a m .and 7 P m. School at 2:30 p' m• General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor and S S. Superinten- dent, P. S. Li.klater and L. Harold, asststant S. S. Superintendents. Will somebody please tell Mr. Car- negie tli.tt his selicitnde lest Cauada by adopting her legislature to suit her own needs may offend Uncle Sam, and lead that terrible Luau to starve us off the c exth, is altogether unappreciated by C;tuadiaus. We're running this half of the continent, and we're going to run it to suit ourselves. We could get along in a sort of a way if Uncle Sant were to become cantankerous and proclaiin a dead liue all along a the border. We want to be neighborly, but bulldozing don't go -not worth a cent. Mr. Carne- gie eau de both the United States and Canada a service if he can succeed in impressing that idea on our neighbors acrots the line.-Hamiltou Times. Pills h never yet been equalled start' to reactive., the' v.s:.b o ' Piuk n a ave They build np the blood and nerves.give not get` rid of these fFul ge ni which new strength and enable the body to re are the actual cause of the tainted, sist disease. Among the complaints cur. g cleaned milk ed by these pills arerheumatism per- asst' m lk. Improperly ytlk cants are ' vous disorder,paralvsis,St. Vitus' dance, pals, strainers an indigestion, anaemia, luntr troubles, and constant sources cf contamination. the trouble's that make the lives of so 'The whe.'y tank is a ecleaanien source many women miserable. Sold by all those factories where dealers or sent post paid at file per box of infection. at the e or six boxes sor $2.50, by writing direct the. whey is rdfwrncdt tel -Lhe Pa. to the Dr. Williams'aledicineC Brock• in the milk cans. This practicer- is v}Ile Out. Don't take a ins tate at <tete:mental to ;successful cheese -mak - ADVERTISING EXAGGERATION Sr. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun- day prayer ue y m. (� e P day School at 2:30p Rev. meeting on Wednesday evening. Wm. Lowe, Rector, F. Shore 'hind Ed. assistant S. S. SnpeTintende:lts. ,SALVATION ARMY -,Service at 7 and 11 ESTABLISHED 1872 THE WIN0IIA11. TrnESt' IS PUi3LISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Office, Beaver WINGHADI, ONTARIO. Bieck Teams or SgnSoan Tiox-i1 al per annum in advance 81.50 if not Bo paid. No paper discon- tinued till all arrears are paid, except at the tion of the publisher. op ADVERTISING RATES. - Legal and, other casual advertisements 8c per Nonpariel line for first insertion, tie per line for each subsequent n. rose ve Advertisements in local oolumns are charged 10 cts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Fauns for Bale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first month and 50 cents for each subsequent month. ooNrnA01 RATes-The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:- SPACE. eriods: SPACE. 1 YR. 6Mo. SMO. 1 Mn 15.00 i O0V s5.eo $60.00 8 One Column 8 Half Column 35.00 18.00 10,00 4.00 Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charge 1 accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at•the barracks. POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. Puntec LtB1ttttY-Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening froln 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. From Hardware Rev:eve. To write of your o,wi' store, or your own wares, as if ybnu were! really "the only pebble on ,the beach," is to pro- mote unbelief. Tp make extrava- gant clams -to say things that you really wouldn't expect people to be - neve, if you or they gave it a. second, thought -has anything but the desia- ed effect. An advert':selm,eibt, if it is( tot sell & ads, must be convincing, and to be coat -awing itemust wear ant air of can- dotr and trat'h. The public is a shrewd critic and will not believe; or' be per- suaded that perfeetic(a of purchase is ta.ba found in only onef place. Makes little difference have much you tell them, os!,hot�V loud you pro- claim it, nooplet vedeabt' believe /that any price -only the genuine pills can ,n r 'bat when! it cannot. be arranged cure. d tf Lnt,oime A Wrecker and a Wrecked Life. Mr. George Rowley, the defaulting manager of the Elgin Loan Co., of .St. Thomas, has pleaded guilty to charges of theft, forgery and perjury, and he now awaits the senteuce of the court, which will be given on August 10th. One can not but feel sorry for a man in bis posi- tion, although it would be unwise in the way of justice. He had an assured lucre tive position, a comfortable home, ample leisure, and the respect of the community. But cupidity overcame his principles; he was tempted, and he used the money be= longing to others to gamble with, and lost it. He stole again and again, forg- ing to do so, and committed perjury to hide his stealings. Who knows the misery and suffering his course entails? Who knows where the limit of the con- sequences of his crimes is to be placed? He brings sorrow and disgrace to his own family and poverty to many others who trusted him. He descends from a posi- tion of honor and influence to the prison- er's dock and felon's cell, and when the term to which he will doubtless be sen- tenced is over he will reenter the world of industry a marked man. There's a lesson to be learned from the case of George Rowley. It should be taken to heart by every man, young or old, who occupies a position of trust. It is the old lesson of subduing unwise ambitions and not adhering to that simple honesty that eau leek the whole world in the tace unafraid. Alas, for Schwab, the much vaunted, highly paid president of the American steel trust, who a few years ago was set np as an example for young men! He is said to be broken, not only in health, but in fortune. He aimed high -money high. By lick and sharp dealing -all "honest" enough, as things go in some circles, he had become a millionaire, but he wanted to figure as a financial. prodi- gy. He speculated, and on a vast scale, he lost. Then he tried Monte Carlo. Now au "assistant" has been appointed to do his work, and Schwab is shunted aside. He was never a good man to pattern after; his money was not "earn- ed;" his principles would not square with right, Stich success as he had -as many such have -is not the goal towhich the youth of the land:,hoold be directed. arm HARVEST iN N. W. T. Total Whist Viotti Is Fifteen =DM limbo's, Oats Moron )fillies* liar. ley Ono 'Winnipeg, Man., July 80. - The wheat crop in the Northwest Terri - tortes, and indeed all the other cer- eals there, is estimated to be in good condition, and to be the largest in the r - r to lal history unofyAg Agriculture has issued Bulletin No. 8, condi ion's date, rh down to brought u t rain 6 being XtCCn y 15. This` report covers the districts into which the agricultural n4 department. rem t n 'video ' di by belt is The total wheat erola is estima at 15,042,000 bushels, Last year's was 13,950.850, and the next pre- vious was inG nsidera7. Bble re The that t total crop wheat acreage is 727,998, that of the next previous years being 625,757, and 504,697 respectively, The yield is lighter than last year, but still Ia. good one. The Calgary district ise reported as having had perfect con- ditions all thong, and another dis- trict is ten days earlier. The oats acreage is 365,719; the next largest being last year's, 310,- 367. The crop is estimated at 114'- 803,000, 1 f' 803,000, the best yet; the noxtIarg�- est, that of 1901., being 11,118,066. Tho barley figures are: Acreage, 42,445; last year, 36,445. Crop, es- timated, 1,116,800; year, 417. Flax as well is the best yet, and, indeed, shows the best of any of the other territorial crops. The acreage- is 27,509. against 17,067 last year. el estimated 2 crop ,185 is bushel bush- els, tia� - year. DEATH OF VE- RY REV. DEAN INNES. TOWN CoPNCIL--R. Vanstone, Mayor; A. Dulmage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Indoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone, S. Bennett, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson; Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday ing in each month at 8 o'clock. td have ,chef wbe;y al<spl:nse ' ld rbc kept I yetis is ;thy only, 'store out earth, or other way, the' tanks, Shen ! I that ychu have; the best of this er the thcjrCughlY clean in ddra ts to lessen hey chelapast of that. If yield( undertake th that the danger of ootntta,menattun. should be emptied ant leaust+.cn,ce. a week. to cla:m it, the, elements of tru form a. part of your; ' ndvrlrtisement will themselves be discredited( The immediate inference will oioly be ac- e:n'.uated that yours :s not a Prrb.ble story, as there is scathing in existence of which it; cannot the said, or will be said:: "There are others." Do not, tbercfore; ieemf everything. The manner in whic "'bast," "won-' derful," "extraordinary,',:and such superlatives, have•'been overdone, in the wildcat style one advertising, has •altcigefthcr desttoyed taeir value. It has, ,, instead given;a force' to an uatderstatement of facts -to the qu:et reasoning of "value for money" which 'mak-"s 'the rather': ordinary practice of racking the brain for "big" words unnecessary work. The most discreet and shrewd' ad- vertisers, therefdre, use mild. and tem- perate phrases. They admit that their rivals serve the public well; but they gently insinuate theist desire to see and serve' you: in such a captivat-, ing way that then pulblio are much more easily influenced,. Two much preiten-lion int an adver- tisement always revolts the audicnee addressed, end they make, tic xieces- sary discount. ,r,0 claim' lest than might be. claimed, invitee the reader, and leaves an impression that results in. the advertise dprolit. By making- yoilul argum'eineaI sound reasonable -by making them believable yon create am impression, in the minds of the public .that maim than. 'doubles the. fc+rse of y ntr da, ly amnoturb.ments. We cannot, in °fyact, o'wlerlesiti'mrtte thio force and value of a few: tmbdest words well phrased. Where a would - b3 customer comes to the store time after time and rude that the articles advertised are really just', as good, or even better, than what was claimed in •tb{e advertise'menftl het vert. she is Liable to become a knittle enthusiastic over it. t Wo read !au a a"v'e'ataseimenit; orf• slome special bargain. -Pte hops a half-price cai.e,--far one of rise veryt frequent "beide/ cast" offerings, -,and we won- drer if the gr(tiole34 nelventised, are really as 'they, are claimed tea be. This alrnoist invariably' the cage, because ire fare used td ktilsout cif -Otis It is, then, lsa(mfeitilinigi int the manta of a pleasant isurpriee if .we Bata the articles just ale go(aee--or better -than. represented. • After all, .t'h1.,f basis) are euceessful. advertising is confidfence. 'People get to kneNt just what value 'td ptacae ora the etabotra Ats eft the`ur( ill mer- chant, and atwlay i weigh( thel Value of his advertieaed. p(fering(sf 'accord• ingly. Grit to thio jg In►t ;*here people will readily b!el'levfe that What .yew :sty is really ed, or, tettteiiet1>h** Yeail claim;, and goGtr ad+nelxtistnea will. linVet a ddulble value'. The farmers of Outario seem to be wide-awake to the benefits of the "good roads"policy of the Ontario Government, for the correspondence received by Mr. A. W. Campbell of the Ontario depart- ntent of pul lic works shows that at least $750,C0'1 will be spent this year in settled counties for the repair of main roads. Of this amount the government's el>are' will be $250,000. In addition to all this Mr. Campitll bas practically arranged for the over.lauling and repair of 500 miles of old reels or trails in New Ou- tario, the co.irtruetion of 520 miles of many had f Fingal, who has it for many new roads, the building of a number of oears. She received asa many new bridge's and the repair of many old y This in England, . i father, g dding one1, all is New Ontario. ls will, present from her men an expenditure of about eeeo 000, f about 65 years ago, Mrs, Orchard is a td will be of immense benefit iu open- ing out new tarlitory and helping places already settled. Depart,men't elf Aglriculture, Com- missioner's Branch, Fruit Division, 1903. Ottawa, July - , To the Editoa'i:-- alliin me, to use Will you kindlef pee the columns de your valuable, paper to call attea•tioun to a nufmlber of lines in which I believe an excellent oppm'- tunity is offered for the ext $ i um,' on of dux trade with Geranain3, and Holland. ' appears At the present time hert rape ! to be a f�o!otdi opening. ' fresh, dried and evaporated applets in Germany, where the laltter pay a duty of $1.25 per' 110 pee:ends and the. forni- er enter dotty free. It is true that an act has been, passed; imposing a duty on fresh fruit from Canada, but it has not been br(aulSht Into force, and will ctnly become operalive 'by Imper- ial proclamation. Large qu:anitities cf ovapnrgted apples freed. th:4 United States are sold annually in Germany, an as thea quality of the Canadian goads is adgat,ted to be better, there is no reason. why we ahiouid not', be able td e,centpete w inti the America/ie.rated In Holland only! fancy, Apples are wtaintedi The duty is 5 thele cent ad valolrepX; for( beta, fresh and r:cd fruits. Belgium' ,Wi11 take vekteideo'a!ble quan- tities of •both dried, and fresh fruits, particularly Spy Bateman and Greening apples in lt(aaes. Fresh 'apples are free of duty but 10 per cent ad valpre'm le collected on dried .and evapterated gees. Canadian Cheddar 'cheese, if will sell event in cd nFetbtianJ with the best Holland. It would bring tabeut 20 cents per pound rota] 1, leaving an ample margin fir profit after paying freit h;lr and conun:tasioat, and the' duty w',h:eh is slightly ovtya'( pale cent per prittnd. It is paalticularly 'to ba noted that. (oily a mid cheese its'tvanted• B el - germ takes anlaiall3 23,000,Di16' '32,- 000,0 pounds cr Dutclf olivae' 4;500,- 900 pclunidseef 5pv.:ss Geuycxe, an 2,- 100,000 pdtuv1s off fires cheese" from Frame, J.'tractically vane isi tntaletin Belgium. Tinned meats, game, pout. try, and tinned 'tomlatlee8 are also„ in temland. • , TAE JOB DEPARTMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate cuts for alt styles of Post- ers, fancy type for the Suer classes styles rint- ing. H. B. ELLIOTT. Proprietor and Publisher SCHOOL BOARD. -3. 3. Homuth, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Donglas, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm. Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD of HEALTH -Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, DrDr. J'. R. Ma c onald, Ferguson, Sec- retary;rdical Health Officer, T P KENNEDY M. D.. M. C. P. S. O e • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special ren. Ooffiice hours is1 to 4 p m 7 to S and Child DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street An Interesting and Rare Bible. Dr. Gustin, of St. Thomas, has in his possession a Bible that is a rarity, being over two and a half centuries old. It is the property of Mrs. Joseph Orchard, MISS DELIA SPARLING Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, ete. Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. c MISS SARA L. MOORE 'Teacher of Piano and Theory. T. CHISHOLM, 3. S. CHISHOLM M.n., M.n., C.M., M 0.1..8.0. MB, MD,cM., M C PS O. Most Dreadful now 85 years of age herself. The Bible was purchased by her father at an auction sale in England, and since he gave it to her on the occasion of her marriage it has been in her possession, IDr. Gostin having it but temporarily. DRS. CHISHOLM& CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, Ere. OFFICE -Chisholm. Block, Josephine street. RESIDENCE -In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar. Rooms iu Stone Block, Wingham. Absent uutil the_ 15th of August. L hosphodine, The Great l aellsb Remedy, is an old, well estab- lished and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over 40 years. All drag - gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being Before and After, the only medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cares all forms ofhNaer ons 'Weak ness, Emissions, Sperms , Impotency, use all effects of aOpsu m or Stimulants Staab use of Tobacco, Op and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity. Insanity, Consumptionandorsiix forn a $5. Grave. ewig Price per prompty on re• please, pr wttl cure. Dialled oeipt of price• Send for free pamphlet. Address The 'Wood Company, Windsor, Ont', Canada, Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Wing - ham MbcKibben and nColln A. A. CamL.Donpbell, Druggists. It is a rare book, and it ie certainly in- teresting. Though well bound, the first of Skin Diseases, few leaves show the marks of age. The title page shows that it was printed in A eltt'e>vie erose of Zama of 3a years' stand. 1639 by Robert Baker, printer to his ma- 1IaK cared by 11r. Chase's alnimcttt. t jesty King Charles 1. The reader is in. at Dr. Chase's Ointment is a thorough i formed that•it- was "newly translated out 'aggravated farms of itching care for the most of the original Greek, and with the form• %kin disease h proven in hundreds of cases i similar to the one described in the following :Irtranslations idm majesty's special con- ana letter. Mit. G. 1I. McCoNNatt, engineer tint man the first of the book,printed, of Fleury's Foundry, Aurora, Ont., states :-- I believe that Dr. Chase"s Ointment is worth i I coot®e, in the old characters need in weight in gold. For *bout thirty years I wWith troubled with eczema, and tunatc as to have of that period ,i s a prayer n"againttt thee g any Core. I was ao tufo- Pe 'blood poison, and this developed into eczema, ! ,swill,"which is followed by the Chnrclt the most dreadful of skin diseases. - of England prayer 'book. Then comes "I was so bed that I would get tip at night the Old Testament, with the ApoChsyllha and twitch myself until flesh was raw and The torture I moires, is almost .y and then the New Testament. A possibly bey"beyodescription, end now I, cannot Sty cordanCe iff also appended, being pose I'Mthi g tor, good fear ibfr. Chase slot nsn i the first concordance of its kind publish. It hat cared rue, end I recomm n ed The coiaclnflingleavefr of the volume I know t s to the paraphrases iters 1 nothing ea good iD VANSTONE, eat• BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, Privateand Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No c),n•n, s dart ;hires 1. ort - gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block VPingham. J A. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &c. Wingham, Ont. Passing of a Model Pastor, $el.Ted by All Who Snow Hitt. Hamilton, July 30. - Tho Very Rev. Dean Innes, London, father of John C. Innes, the artist, Toronto, died suddenly at the residence of Adam Brown, postmaster, last eve- ning. Tho remains; will be forwarded to London this morning. Dean lanes was born in Dorset, E. L. DIogiNsON DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN. OFFICE: Meyer Block, Wingham. . THOMAS HOLMES & SON BANKERS, Etc. Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses re- quired. Money 4 per cent. large amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. for Itching SUM" are devoted of the Dr. Chalet.* °Intelsat, 6e tent/ • e t , Psalms. an ., silo shat' ' protect ea t imitations tt T strength and vigor coma of gob, foil d --n._.. , FARMERS RICHARD HOLMES BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &C., &C. Office -Next to Holmes Block now building. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. dung June, closed, every d Wednesday gust day afternoon WT. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. YY • DENTIST. Beaver Block, Wingham. ED.D. S. -Toronto University. L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. dung ami ,July and Wednesday afternoon and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large circulation tells audit will be strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article er stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the TIMES and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. If Canadians age: td t ecu:re a share of this trade they *ell b,ave to glet put and "hustle for business."' The of ch!a;nta as •tiMe111, as thel consumers Belgium and Germeny are very co'Iisere vati've in tlbeir/alstee, anldmethod:a, a seatelment th it often bear' but do not fully appreciate Aentricanie and Ceniadiene \rill :beet ap4i tela; a'ne'rr aeticle simply teeevise it is new, but vr:tli the Euxopearof lvi!ez's the asp. potsito is the casct xhd tmfexchant$ over there have their' trade established and are coateti(t-. ;thy Shonlltx they change? We most iYhovQ' them that it Would 'be to their ad`wdF�.tage to do so Lt this acerous ettpti I debire to enlp Also partifettlatly' tbkl a4visabnili'ty of JOB PRINTING er liberal aittbor wog w'ai'st and barley* food,'adds lair �'' rt off their' food proPslet s ' catad'an shippers Sen(ling ofr ;��„{�gfat d[ Dr. A. 1V' � duly- digested 'Pores' tl, rs�adyto•flet'trb Ifxeotc , r �� s for dies VERY REV. DEAN INNES. England, 76 years ago, and was married twice. Ile received his edu- cation at Mill -Hill College, England, and Sandhurst Military College, and entered the army, being stationed in the West Indies for twelve years. He then theology, Bto and was Canada ordained at studied Lon- don in 1862. In 1869 he was ap- pointed canon oftheC t 8. e 1r al and dean of Huron, was se model pastor, beloved by all who knew him, an impressive and fearless preacher, whose influence for .good extended far beyond the narrow con- fines of the church. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. P. H. Carling and Mrs. Harkness of London, and ono son, r. Lutes. J S. JEROME, L. D. S. Has a new method for painless extraction. No cocaine. Special attention to the care of cnildren's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed. OrriCE-In Gregory block, opposite Queen's hotel. EI fel ice JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham. Ont. ALES. BELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all . kinds the TIMES once will receive prompt attention including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heade, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. BooKBtNbtNG: We are pleased ie announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham- Zeta Ow She Kitd You Hare Alva WO Nri venin RAILWAY TIME TABLES. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty. t All orders f left at the TIMES office promptly a Terms reasonable. F S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Is preppaarcd to conduct sales in this section. Specialattentton given to sales of farm stock and implements. tDates ea Times otidc©r alwaysVcan gbe arranged at THE ROYAL TOUR. Bonfires Burn and Demonstrations let the Sing Everywhere Visible. Dublin, July 30. -The royal yacht Victoria and Albert, with King Ed- ward and Queen Alexandra aboard, which left Duncrena, on the north const, ;Wednesday, arrived at Killar- ney Bay, on the west coast, yester- day. Their Majesties were accoiu- panied by the Earl of Dudley, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Despite the inclement weather, they landed on the Mayo side of the bay and after- wards proceeded in a motor car through this picturesque part of Ireland, inspecting many of the lar borer's cottages on the way. Last night the warships in the bay were illuminated and bonfires are burning in the surrounding hills. Queen Alexandra has given the Earl of Dudley $2,500 for distribution among the poorest people of Dublin and other parts of Ireland. Hungarian Deputy Bribed. GRAND TRUNK: ItAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS LEAVE Bolt Louden 6.50 Lin.... 8.10p.m. Toronto & East ..0a.'85th a.m... 8.05p.m. Sincardine..11.10 a.m1.40 p.m.... 8.88p.m. ARRIVE rttOM lain eedlne ....6.50 a.m9.00 a.m.... 8.05 05 p.mm. London 11110 vial. p Palmerston Toronto & Ra�B'HAROLD, 1.Agent, Witrglf»m. CANADCANADIAN pAeIrIc 1tAILWAY. IAN T.EAVE FOR Torente and East 6.57 a.m... 8.48 p.m. Teeswrater 1.17 p.m....1038 p.nn. ARalvs Viten Tsosrrater., 6.57 sari....0.48 p, m 10.48 O. IA.ToToronto anddJ. H B18Ei[IDN. Agent. ultlsarw. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKT* DESIGNS COPYRIt1HT$t doe. Anyone tending a sketch and description may fnve Weld, te rroheb 7 ririeten ble eCemmunlrr rs stensetrletir confidential. Handbook on Patents, sent free. oldest money for seruning ppaten ,ti Extents taken tthintb h Milan Wrist melee, without therm tame Scetttific ,tntrtran� A handsonttely illnntrat d weekly. ?Arrest err. cttlxtian b xny accent o+� iarnxf. erine,!3 a •nr• cartnontbs,$h 9074by'n1lnewedlktiete. i h 1'ls Y tt.. Wuiibtgtoo. D `„ �(� 3tsitlrothiy. New yet � -enc tw. of- • Budapest, iiungaxy. July 30. -Dep- uty Zolman. Papp caused a sensation in the Lower House of the Diet y4a- terday by spreading on the table 10,000 kronen in cash, which he de- clared had been tendered 'nim as a bribe to desert his fellow obstruc- tionists and leave Budapest. A par- liamontat'y committee was appointed to investigate the matter. There were stormy scenes in the Diet when 4 the Premier, Count Iledervary, rose to cotnmenco the debate on the in- demnity bill. - Wholesale Scheme of B'ratd. Louis, July 30. --Ment' Ylradford was arrested hero yesterday by postofflco inspectors onthe ceare x that he was using the mails fraudulent land title. PostoMee In Spector Dice said thi of nig18 fief has led to the arrest men on similar charges in different parts of the country. Carpet 81111s Clone Down. Philadelphia, July 30. --The Robson carpet mill* were closed down hula night, as a result of the refusal of the loom d ert to sons are trn to hrown work. thrown n tof ,''bent 000 persons We* by the *hut down. - �siPa�f[ yr