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The Wingham Times, 1903-08-06, Page 1
THS WINGHAIVI TIMES. VOL. XXXIL-NO. 1643, WINGDAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST f.►, 1903. 1 A YEA1t IN ADVANCE SIGN OF THE BIG BEAR New Goods We have now a full stock of Gents' Furnishings, and can assure you that any- thing bought from us is right -up-to-the-minute and at right prices. NEW UP-TO-DATE SHIRTS .: ,i 4' TIES HATS i0 COLLARS HOSIERY .. •' BRACES and everything in connec- tion with the Gents' Fur- nishing department. In Tweeds you will always find our stock new and up- to-date, and we can assure you a perfect fit, and at right prices. Remember, we sell cheap Hoinuth Bros, MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINOHAM Capital paid up, $ 2,980 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,330,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. B. Vanstone. Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President- HON. Writ. GInsoN. Vice -President and General Manager -3. TuarintrLL. rktrttC'1'ORS George Roach, John Proctor, A. B. Lee, John S. Hondrie, Geo. Rutherford. Aksistant General Itianager-H. S. STEVEN. Inspector -H. M. WATSON. )Ssvtngs }lank -Hours 10 to II: Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposit) of $1 and upwards received. In- tereet allowed, and computed on the bath No- member and 31st May each year and added to principal. xaSpeeds' terest alta 4180 received at current Drafts 'on Great Britain and the United States Bought and sold. Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham. Ilton rind its Branches issue Circular Rates of National Provincial Batik of England, Waited, e caensiled 1ed'wicharge or trop• b rt any p ilworld. W. 001tBatll:.), Agent iiX(Z1Nts(iN do noLlms, Soticitore. 40 cents Minus 25 cents Equals 15 cents. That's only a simple little problem in arithmetio, but the result coined pretty close to indicating the amount that can be saved by buying your Groceries, Fruits, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets and Fancy Chiva here, Three reasons why you should bay here: 1. We don't keep our cellar full of old stock, but rather sacrifice h little in price and clear the goods out. 2. We try to bey from the best makers, and take all the discounts possible for cash, therefore can give customers the benefit of our close buying. II. We don't ask extortionist prices and then drop away down, as that is misleading the people, as we too often see in advertise- ments; but we mark our goods at very small profits, which enables us to turn them over often. So just call and get some of our genuine bargains in the above, as we want the room, and won't keep them over. R. A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59. Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 9,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawinill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonsliop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to J. A. MacKENZIE, Tnaurance Agent, Holyrood. Real Estate You cannot invest your money in anything better than a good farm or business property' in town. I have some excellent value in farm proper- ty at the present time. For those who are looking for farms to buy, I might just Say that it will pay you to have a look at what I have to offer you. Tust a word to those who have property ' to dispose of: Let inefind that "other man for you, I have ten chances to your one, . Satisfac- tion guaranteed. C. T. I1AGUIRE, Real Estate Agent.. (Office upstairs in Vaustone block.) GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey Park's advertisement. Campbell's Headache Wafers guarsin- teed to cure headache. Picnic at The annual R. in Thos. Wallace's on a date near end g ram is being arr full particulars i onnybrook. . picnic will be held grove at Donnybrook, of Aug. A good pro- nged. We will give a future issue. HOUSES and rooms to rent. Apply to C. J. MCGUIRE. Wingham 4M The baseball m noon last bctweel was not very is game was not a of ball. Many players were ae score was 15 to 1 The boys are pre with the Irish N afternoon. ns from Blyth. ch on Friday after- Wingham and Blyth gely attended. The very good exhibitiou f Wiugham's regular ay from town. The 3 in favor of Wingham. raring for a fast game ie of Lucan on Friday GRAMOPHONES. Get J. Buckley's easy terms on gramophones. Brussel The Brussels T races on August 19 first day there will purse of $200; a 2.2 purse $200; a 2.19 p $200. On Thursda: a 2.40 trot, for $20 trot, purse $200; a olds, purse $150: or pace, for a $200 Races, rf Clnb will hold and 20th. For the e a 2.50 pace with pace or 2.20 trot, ice or 2.15 trot, purse the card will show ; a 2.30 pace or 2.25 3.50 trot for 3 year nd free-for-all, trot nurse. CEMENT -Oar of Durham cement dust arrived. Parties who intend using cement soon will do the wise act if they buy it now, as cement will likely ad- vance in price before long. We are also agents for Hanover cement. A. YouNG & Sou. Men Who Ip the Town. Every enterprisi g man is a help to his town. The in re ynoney he makes, if he uses it the be ter for the commune ity. A place can of be built without him, and a 'wide awake growing town is a benefit to the =rounding country. Hence it is to the nterest of all to en- courage enterprisi life. Too often, are aotually retar residents of mean gressive m0vem wealth, but ere a community in w so much use to they pay in tare olden to all pro' ' ig men in all walks of owever, communities ed in their growth by y . _ who oppose. -ever pro. nt. Men who have id to invest in the eh they live, are not town. Tlie antobnt is offset by their oppo. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers, Look at e Label. The mailing ists of the TIN . s have been re sed up to date. Subscribers i11 please exam- ine the date . u the label and see if it is co root. If not cor- reot {,Yplease :. vise us. If core root, but iu a •. ears, please remit and oblige th . publisher. Wingha The Wingham printed and parti been omitted fro days from the 17t have them insee make it a point names appear on Wingham Libera rooms in the Mac day evening of th teudance is clesir Liberals. oters' list has been whose names have the list have thirty July to appeal to ed. Liberals should of seeing that their elicit. A meeting of will be held' in the ouaid block, ou Eri- s week. A large at - HOUSE AND LOT FOE SALE -West end of Jobb Street, near C. P. R. station. Apply to R. C. KrrrsoN. New T.Iephones. During the past • eek Mr. Colin A. Campbell, local ag at for the Bell TeIe- phone Co. has had • our new telephones installed for new : ibscribers. The new telephones and nu fibers are A. E. Lloyd's residence, No. 88 Roland Beattie's mei. deuce, No. 70; i ex. M. Ritchie's resi- dence, No. 89; T T. Field's residence, No. 90. A new lephone directory will be issued in the . •arse of a few weeks, and if any parti . intend putting in tele- phones or old sub .cribers wishing changes made should not fy the local agent. I am prepared for all kinds of at VanStone's bu o ray the highest price 'ides. Wet. DIAMOND cher shop. Irish Ni e on Friday. The best baseb• 1 game for the season in Wingham will a played on Friday afternoon, when tl e famous Irish Nino of Lucan will be b is one of the be Ontario and has o feat this year. T going to try har Messrs. Doyle an battery. Everyth keepers, umpire, a very expensiv boys are runnin bringing the clu see the game ve Game called at 4. re. The Irish Nine t clubs in Western ly once met with de - e Wiugliam boys are to win from them aum will be the local ng will be Irish -gate. oachers, etc. This is game and the local considerable risk in hero. They hope to y largely attenders. 0 p. m. sharp. Hausa TO RENT -Eight rooms and pantries. Hard and soft water. Stable on lot. Apply to JNo, A. Mamas. A Talent It is with surp learns that Miss Br her "debut" as a co recent Agnes Knox Williams is soprano Congregational ch native place, where ite but Wingham h first "outside" cone voice is full and s with unusual tympa elation of her words noise of the storm th dows, Miss Williatn. and was warmly rec cored in nearly eve hamites will watch career of this tale whom they so receu of "bringing out." Singer. e that the TIMES yule Williams made cert singer in the lack concert. Miss soloist of the 1st rob, London, her he is always a favor- cl the honor of her rt: Miss Williams' et and she sings by and clear enun- In spite of the •ough the open win - held her audience ived to the end, en - number. Wing - with interest the ted young singer y had the pleasure Newspaper Experience. Our old school ma e, Mr. D. G. Ander- son, late prinoipal o the Atwood public school, has just co•.pleted one year as editor of the Atwoo • Bee. Brer. Ander. son has kept the Be well up to the front and we wish him continued success. In last week's Bee n commenting upon Mr, Wm. Watters' purchase of the Ford- with Record, he g yes the now editor of the Record advic as follows: -"Ile will find that the peoa will soon think him a millionaire, tha the toadskins, accord- ing to their way '. f thinking, accumu- late so rapidly t at it does not matter if one or two liunc ed subscribers do not pay up for two •r three years. Wages can be paid, ty, o can be purchased, pa. per and other • eessaries obtained with- out any troubl . He will also find that people will be ondering why the visit of their forty second cousin or their great grand-ule was not recorded in the paper. he editor of course is omnipresent, eau see with the back of his head and it fact is so infallible that he knows the • Male of every stranger who enters th town without even in. the same. lv wspaper work, notwith- standing the d • whacks has a faselato tion peculiarly is own." KINCARDIN VS WINGHAM Wingham Lacro Waterlo The champions tween the aboye Tuesday was wit tensely enthusiast the honors being between the sup petiug clubs. E winning, and d the play was a national game. placing the ball and it looked as ping were good. The fates were again during th ball see the iusi of the Wingha quarter Muer three goals, wh third, and in th twice in the net 1 in their favor. probably oontri our boys was the the nets being pl excellent bits of c made by both cln players have evide the game. The pl throughout. Mr. ford, was referee, faction. e Club Meet Their on Tuesday ip lacrosse match be - tabs at Kincardine ou sed by a large and In- c Crowd of spectators, boatevenly divided rters of the two com- h club seemed sure of ug the first quarter ad exhibition of the If you want Waterworks an As will be seen f: the council in snot oipal legislators the advisability of of the Wiegbam be operated in co works system by in the direction will no doubt be many of the rat Electric Light. m the minutes of er column our maid - re erquiring into iurchnaing the plant ectric Light Co., to j'motion with a water - he town, This f municipal own avorably consid >nyers, iugham succeeded iu mosey lice in the desired s f their chances o But this was not al et' hem as n n tt0 whole game did the e of the uet at the hands twelve. In the second me succeeded in scoring h they repeated iu the fourth placed the ball making the score 8 to One cause which very I utedto the defeat of lay -out of the grounds, ed diagonally. Some iubivation play was , but the Kincardine tly a good grasp of was fairly clean Belly, of Brant - d gave general sleds- ni- bs [ice NOTICE, -The question is: How can Robt. McIndoo loan his Money so cheap on notes and mortgages? Call and See. Rom. MCINDO0. • Wingha 's Fall Fair. Tne copy for t • e prize list of Wing - ham's fall fair is row in the hands of the printer and the list will be printed and ready for di tribution in a few days. The directors b : ve made many changes in the list this ,-ear and a number of extra prizes arbeing offered. The special attractio s are also being prepar- ed. Wingham' fall fair to be held on September 24th i nd 25th promises to be the best fair et/ l;eltl< in Wingham. Secretary Roberton has received word that the expert judges will be: For horses, Mr. S. :, Fuller, Woodstock; for beef cattle • nd swine, Mr. G. B. Hood, Guelph; for dairy cattle and sheep, Mr. M. Cu . milg, Guelph. WatGrrnan's,. Idoal Fountain Pon 1 1 Have you beard of them ? Of. course yon have. They have by far the largest sale of any pen on the market. Last year we sold over $1,100.00 worth of them. Why ? 1. Because a positive guarantee goes with each pen, if not satisfactory money refunded. So far we have had to make no refunds. Price $2.50 MAIL ORDERS GET 111Y PERSONAL ATTENTION. W.1. F. Mallagh COMMERCIAL STATIONER BRANTFORD, - CANADA. Anderson's CURE FOR Dyspepsia sad Indigestion When everything else fails, try this. It will not fail to relieve and cure all forms of Dyspepsia, Indiges- tion, Heartbnrn, Acid Fermentation and Mal -Assimilation of Food. 50c per Bottle FOR SALE ONLY BY Walton McKibbon DRUGGIST Nett door to post aMos. goo sl s for littt ° New Landlords Messrs. Orr Bros., at the Diusley Hous onday. r. rec al y a e experience in Wingham, and II for many years wi hotels in Toronto. will be able to keep up to the high static for many years. in Possession. the new landlords d s toelC iOSSestme_ot Orr has had serer - the hotel businees brother bas been h. one of the heat The Messrs. Orr he Diusley House rd it has enjoyed 4 plugs hest tobacco felt` 25c. Also light wagon and har es or sale Sc T's Restaurant. Stock Day do Wingham. Monday was st It day in Wingham on a large scale. On that day ten car loads of stock we e shipped from Wing - ham to Toronto v C. P. R.with special train. This is tri largest shipment of stock that has bee made from Wingt,am for some time. T e stock included nine car loads of cattle Three ears by Isaac Groff, of Elmira; wo oars by Robertson & Burchill; two by Taylor & Armstrong; one by McDonald Shiell; one by D. Stewart, and a ca oad of hogs by W.F. VanStone. The ea le were a particular- ly fine lot. Six of he nunibcr purchas- ed frons John Men es, of East Wawan- osh, by D. Stewart tipping the scales at 8,350 lbs. It is sai that over $12,000 was paid out to the armers iu this vi- cinity for this lot of stock. Six car- loads of cattle were hipped from Tees - water on Monday. 'WANTED -At once a oil cook and housemaid. Good w s. ORR Egos.: Dinsley House. I. O. F. Excurs .n to Sarnia. Court Wingham, N . 505, I. O. F., has arranged with the ( T. R. to run an excursion to Sarnia, in Hyde Park, on Saturday, Aug. 15t , 1903, returning Mouday, Aug. 17th. • r. R J. MaeMath is chairman of the c..imittee, and his success in the mann meut of former excursions of this km is a guarantee that a pleasant outin„ will be afforded all those who avail them elves of the oppor- tunity of taking in his popular trip. Mr. D. E. McDonal Highland Piper, and Miss Mabel M ' onald, Highland Dancer, will accomp ny the excursion- ists on the trip and urnish music. Ia connection with this xcursion au oppor- tunity will be given ose who desire it to spend Suudav in H etroit, going either by boat or electric ailway from Sar- nia. Train leaves ingham at 0.50 a. m., on Saturday, A g. 15th. Fare from Wingham to Sarni:. and return $2.05. Children under 12 turning, train lean p. m., on Monday, ears half fare. Re Sarnia at 10 o'clock lug. 17th. FOR SALE: -In the town of Wingham, lots 4 & 5 on the west side of Josephine St., ou which is situated a cider mill with ell equipments; will be sold very cheap. Apply, to, C. J. MAnUIRE, Real Estate Agent. Wingham. Inspecting Messrs. Robt b Wroxeter; Connel Hicks, of Usborne and Bowman of M Executive Commi Council, together Morris Council an Wawanosh Counc Lane, ret in Wi last to inspect the the town. It will the last "County motion was introdu on this road. The over until the De referred to the E. for a report, hen° meeting hero so Ilia position to give a There is no denyin road in question is Every spring at 11' roadie impassable f road is not a county bars of the commi should do somethi assisting Morris and snaking the repair committee are also Wingham Council ince as, any impr would be a benefit natter will lie de her Meeting of the rave Roads. ler, chairman, of , of Goderich Tp.; Spackman, of Exeter rris, members of the ee of Huron County I with Mr. Code, of G. Wilson of East, and County Clerk gham on Saturday aver road south of be remembered at ouncil meeting a ed to have $500 spent atter was then laid mbar meeting and cntive Cominittee the Committee's they would be in a intelligent report. the fact that the in need of repair. Il water time the several days. The oad, bat the mem- ee feel that they g in the way of Ea;it W awanosh in !i Members o;" the f the opinion that should give assist - anent in the road to this town. The With at the Decent entity Connell. SUNDAY SCHOOLS' ANNUAL, OU IN Pleasant Day Spe t at Kincardine -A Large Crowd d An Enjoyable e Notwithstanding the rain on Monday night and Tuesday .. orning, and the un- promising prospec s for fine et eatber during the day, a 1 rge number of people attended the excnr'ion to Kincardine on Tuesday, under th : auspices of the Snn- y. drools of Wil gba • e titin was tine to leave is s tion at 8,55 a. m., ii. h T R. t1 t`ri les very consid- er bat a G. a i t r r i held i• nu tl J 30 a l l bythat ey e l t me seven of the n ne coaches malting up the train were ell filled. A num- ber got on at Riey, and Kincardine was reached sl •rtly befpre eleven o'clock. The elc uds had disappeared, and Old Sol siton . forth in all his dazzling brilliancy. The .4 ajority of the excur- sionists made th it way at once to the park on the edg of the lake, which is owned and man: gad by the town. Here pavilions have b • en erected, swings put up, and the placgenerally is admirab- ly adapted for the use of excursion 1 arties Prepar d tea and coffee was provided by th excursion promoters and soon afterw tis dinner was on in true picnic style, after which all pro- ceeded to eujoy lemselvas in different ways, some taki . g a stroll through the town, others enj ging the lake breezes. Baseball, tennis, bowling, and lacrosse games furnished amusement for those interested in then sports. In baseball, the Wingham j niors outclassed the Kincardine juuio s by a score of 23 to 4. Wiugham won in tennis, in both siugles and doubt Is. The bowlers were also victorious, three riul:s playing against three ri ks frocu Kineardiue. W. Holtues'rmk , nished 8 up D. Holmes' rink 3 up, with . . E. Gibson's rink 5 down. The generally xpressecl opinion is that the committee i charge made. no mistake in running the xcursion to Kincardine this year as ther s no doubt the grounds and surroundings ire much better adapt- ed for a day's out ng than Goderich. In conversation wit the Mayor of Kincar- dine, the TIMES as informed that many improvements t the grounds will be made next seas- which will still further ctiveness and utility as excursion parties. o band mer the excur- station, and rendered add to their attr au ideal spot fo The Kincardi Sion party at th several selectio?. The returning train left shortly after 7.30, arriving •t Wiugham about 0 o'clock, when al returners to their homes feeling that a pr fitable day's outing had been spent. OBS To Kincardin A. pleasant civ The hospitalit ens is unbounde Not a single RVATIONS. again neat year. c holiday outing. of Kincardine's Citi; accident to mar girth plasures of the c ay. Why not hay: had the town band company the e ' ursion? We won in b• seball, tennis and bowli ing, but iu lace •sse-'nuf sect EVERY BOX OF DeigIass' Dyspepsia Tablets. are gu':ranteed to give sat- isfactio in all forms of stomach troubles -or money refunded D© The 6 LASS Druggist. I have roof for two etu.lents in the Telegrap Office. Fall Ter C Opens Sept. lei, NTRAL STRA FORD. ONT. Scores if Business Colleges have appli' d to us fot our graduates, to act as teachers in their school ?• This is ter' evidence you are looking for as t i the BEST SCHOOL to attend. Thousands of our former student are now in business life. Write f «r our 5andsome catalogue. W J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL. Therwas only on tram came down from +iucardine in t e evening. Not • 11 of the exc 'amulets returned home, he same day t. ey started. Wigbam might b. row a leaf from Kinerdine's bock e. keeping the streets free roue weeds, etc. A ew Whinghami s enjoyed a sail on the ake. Many won d have enjoyed a rid R on one of the 1a. e boats. few boys were minus hats when they reached Kinc rdiue. Riding on a'I car platform o • a windy day is hard on heatjgear Nearly seven h ndard tickets were sold at the Win hang station. This number would h e been doubled hila the weather been avorable. �,- ggs 14c. 100 tub wee - " rulers' p9' for alwanted sale. GEO. E. KING. allrnSIMMIERVIIESIk X I i Make Your Nark You can place one big mark to your credit, if you attend our Great Shoe Sale and make a few purchases. You'll get double the value of your money in Shoe leather for every dollar you invest. Try it -and you can place a great big mark to your credit. W J. Greer The Shoe Man f' Remembor, we sew free all rips in shoes bought of ns. toriaiamaiime 11