HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-07-16, Page 64 3 f t 1 f r. ii it 1i II M. R. S. Pelton, Iate 0f Paris, and I � Cornelius O'Connor, an old and high - formerly proprietor of the Atwood Bee, 1 lv respected resideut of Ashfield near la bas purchased the Iroquois "News," an ! Kinteil, was strieken with paralysis and b; Eastern Ontario newspaper• died ou Weduesrlay of last week. His age was u3 years. The deceased Ieayes a grown up family. et Bears the � Tl�e '111 Hex Mesa Bcuo it ; y Eignataro % / Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant el of `"ay- ‘4"yI Soap Pow'ier dusted in the bath, softens ti Mr. J. C. Clark, Classical Master in : the water and disinfects. 38 the Listowel. High School, has been ap Mr. Henry Oxford Centre, has th-Ilointed to a similar position iu the St. Park, w 1Vlary's Collegiate, at a salary of S50. a two remarkable heifers. One of them, a two-year-old, in seven days made 11.20 i.11 "Strength and vigor conte of good food I lbs. of butter, and one, three years old, digested. 'Force', a ready -to -serve a pit wheat and barley food, adds no burden, l in the same time, made 10.801 lbs. They frt but sustains, nourishes, invigorates," I are both Holsteins, and the test was a 19, Mr. Dan Clark formerly of Paramount, 1 Government one. Pr was drowned while in bathing in the I_ an lake at Kincardine, ou Sunday afternoon Island the body was found shortly after. Ti wards in about four feet of water. mi There are 450 public libraries in Ont- onaTlo• Mr. Tarte says that wheu a far- Dcraer conies to town on Market day he hatakes home a book for his family, a tea -ouch better act than if he had taken a, l The Bureau of Industries report shows tgabottie of whiskey. THE WING1TDI TIMES, JUL ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND MEDICINES. Several 1ttropeau and American governments have made comparative tests of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for soldiers ou forced march. These tests have ariably resulted. in the withdrawalofalcoholic drunks during all strenuous work, cliecolate' and other sweet beverages being given instead, The result of these scientific re- searches is applicable to the artily of feeble and overworked people seek- ing strength, Liquid medicines are necessarily alcoholic; they merely stimulate and their effect is only temporary. Weak people should take Sr, JAims `VA1 Rs, which axe a recon- structive and a tissue builder ; their effects are lasting, and a permanent improvement will always follow their steady use, ST. JAMB'S WAFERS help stomach,. digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which acconi- plishes much, "1 consider St. James Wafers a Most excellent preparationfor the nerves and shall recommend. them generally," Dr. Thos. Brooke, Manchester, Bng. t1L '- LYn CTR. a�MLtA[ioii V:NEPt; ►A f E' A OMCH'HY f:KSTAWEENCTAKaeCRE NOS niNCTIONALWRONg tg gNRICH THE BLOOD S.STRC THE CCONSTITTUUTION ,are� 4o11don'f"9Montre81ednBost "-- REATBRITAIN4- AMERICA ti ell OruggisTs&Chem[ f Price in Canada; $1.00; Six bottles for $5.00 A St. Ja tit es Wafers are not a secret remedy: to the numerous doctors re- commending them to their patients ue mail the formula upon request. Where dealers are not selling the 'Wafers, they are mailed upon re- ceipt of price at the Canadian branch : St, James Wafers Co., 1125 St, Catherine St.. Montr.II. Ed. Mole, a native of Auburn, who has, been electrician for the Seaforth. Electric Light Company, has resigned that position and left for Stratford on. Alouday, where he has seemed a good situation with the G. T. R. as electrician. A wedding took place a Pleasant Ridge, Ohio, ou Tuesday, June 110th in which many )4ildmayites will be inter- ested. The contracting parties were Air, Richard. Ross Whiting, formerly of Mildmay, and Miss Ida Josephine Brockman. The happy young couple will reside iu Pleasant Ridge, Bears the The Kind You Nate Always Bought Sigof •urs •tai �C'.4 A young sou of John Oldfield, of Tuck. ersutith, was somewhat upset a few evenings .ago. He was eating a boiled egg tie supper and was surprised to find a complete egg inside the one he was en- gaged ripen. The inside egg was com- plete in every respect and was about the size of a robin's egg. The hen that pro- duced that egg was a little too indus- trious. A PAINFUL SCAM Mrs. T. Waunatnaker,Frankford, Ont., says: "I scalded my hood very badly, then took cold in it. It swelled and was very painful, but half a bottle of Hag- . yard's Yellow Oil cured it completely." On Wednesday afternoon, July Sth, at the home of the bride's parents, Listo- wel, Miss Clara Goddard, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Goddard, was united iu marriage to 51r. J. H. Atkin- son of Streetsvillo. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. B. Bucklaud, rec- tor of Christ Church, in the preseuce of 1 a number of relatives and friends of the bride and groom. The Chatsworth Banner is respousibie for this skunk story. "Joseph Duhie, of Sullivan, has recently made for himself a shooting record that will be hard to beat. While out with the gnu some days ago lie came upon three foxes. Some days later he was assurred of the approach of a family of skunks, which be soon located in a field near by, and with one shot he killed the whole lot— three in number." This record is away ahead of killing two birds with one 10, 1903 FOR. The manner iu wbioh the capital stock of big, corporations is manipulated in or- der to enrieli protuoters is illustrated by a •statement contained in the Now York Outlook. In connection with the organ• izat►ou of a ehippiug combine in the United States,, Charles iii. Schwab paid nine million dollarsfor the Bethlehem iron works. Then he sold the works to the shipping combine for $10;000,000 of bonds, $10,000,000 of proferred stock, and $10,000,000 of eeiennon stock. Schawb thus received $30,000,000 for that which coat nine. In additiou to this, a voting power was given to his bonds as Well as his stocks, and he was thus in complete control of the management of the ship- ping combination. A well-known doctor of Minneapolis, who has made a specialty of nervous diseases, hasfound,e, iievy remedy for "the blues." As uo drugs are Adminis- tered, he has felt safe in experimenting with at least a half hundred melancholy patients and now declares himself thor- oughly satisfied with the good results of his treatment. His prescription reads something like this: "If you keep the corners of your mouth turned up you can't feel blue. The directions for tak- ing aro "Smile, keep on smiling, don't TS EFFECTS ARE 'MARVELLOUS. stop smiling." It sounds ridiculous, IT ACTS LIKE A CHARM. dosen't it? Well just try turning up the RELIEF ALMOST INSTANTANEOUS. corners of your mouth, regardless of your mood, and see how it makes you Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable, Effectual, moil; then draw l mouth and note e ethe eeff effect, rs of your you will be willing to declare "there's something iu it."—Minneapolis Journal. It was quite a surprise last Tuesday, July 7th to the people of Craubrook community to learn that August Fisch- er, on the Brown farm, passed away the evening bt.fore. He had suffered on Saturday previous from a stroke of paralysis and had not rallied. Mr. Tis- cher was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1843, and came to Canada in 1845 with his parents. They lived in Fullerton and Logan townships, Perth county be- fore buyiug the 200 acre farm near Craubrook two years ago. Deceased was married twice. His first wife was Miss A. Bach, who died 23 years ago, leaving six children. The widow was a Miss Gloor, of Logan, who with 9 children survive. The subject of this notice was a hard \i'orking man whose health had not been very vigorous for the past 10 years. His age was 00 years and 10 days. DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, CRAMPS, PAIN IN THE STOMACH, AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS. Kernels troy the Sanctum bill TOOTHACHE CURED. Dr. Low's Toothache Gntn cures tooth- ache promptly and does not blister the gums, lips or cheeks. Price 10c. bat The worst kind of splitting headaches =Can be relieved in five minutes by Mil - ,urn's. Sterling Headache Powders. wi.,.hey don't depress the heart. Price 100 in Two more pioneers of Hallett have none to their reward. Mrs. Wm. Mar- tiittjn died on Friday July 3rd at John Lee's. IneWm. Watson, the gardener, died on . fivpdonday morning, July 3rd. The for - raper was 68 years of age and the latter sol' 0 years of age. da Mr. John Smith, Lake Stream, N. B.• peal's: `From Inv own personal experience Fith them I willingly testify to the good ffects of Lava -Liver Pills for Sick Head- weohe and constipation," Geo. Fluker, sou of W. Maker, West bit Nrawanosh, died last week from cancer gel f the stomach. Deceased had resided Clear Carberry, Man., for several years, int Came home a few mouths ago, realiz- ion seeslug that his end was near. He leaves a urge circle of friends who will deeply 'legrot to learn of his death. Itlutllears the The Kind Yo Hae Always Bought gDRture Mil of • 14/44. EVERY HOUSE SHOULD HAVE IT. UN, YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 1T. TAKE NO OTHCA. PRICE. - 350. The body of Thomas Levy, liveryman, of Seuforth, was found iu the woods next to Irelaud's farai, near that town, on Friday, July 3rd, with a nasty gun- shot wound inflicted on the body, evi- dently fired at close range. He was IIII around as usual on Wednesday evening, 1 and on Thursday started out with a gun for some purpose or other, unknown to his friends. Not returning ou Thursday evening, search was made, but his life- less body was not found till the next day. i Many couflictiug stories are lu circula- tion as to how the sad accident happened, but lacking a reliable source 01 founda- stone. t -en, we pass eo comment. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE ... C• is mit direct to th$diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W, Chau H.dicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. i The home of Reeve A. T. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson at Lucknow was the l scene of a pleasant event ou Wednesday 1 July Sth, when there daughter, Loretta, 1 became the bride of Mr. W. H. Zeigler, of Souris. Manitoba, and their niece Ed- ythe, the bride of Mr. A. W. Maynard of Toronto. The home was tastefully de- corated with flowers. Rev. Mr. Millyard performed the ceremonies in the pres- ence of a number of invited relatives and that iu 1900 there were produced in Ont- ario $817,000 worth of beans, and that $557,000 worth of these were grown in Kent. In oue year (1895) the bean crop of the county was valued at $830,000. A Grand Trunk engine ran away from Hyde Park to Mount Brydges. The en- gineer and fireman, for some unaccount- able reason, jumped just as the engine started on its run, and the locomotive kept on running until turned into a switch. ,A. pretty home wedding took place at 1e residence of Mr. and Mrs. 1). McLeod inlay, on Wednesday evening, July 1st, hen their eldest daughter, Miss Katie The burdock is a biennial fie, was united in marriage to Mr. J.growing one . Archer, of Parsley. The sacred knot year and seeding the next. It is a most -ed by Rev. F. J. Maxwell, in the abominable weed but yet the easiest to handle if taken in hand as above inen- I'ICIKING THE NOSE. Is a common sympton of worms in child ren. Mothers who suspect their child is troubled with worms should administer Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup. It is simple, save and effectual. Price 25e. STOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mr. and Mrs. John Emmerton of town a few days ago attended a family re -union held at the home of his father, Mr. John Emmerton Sr., in Huron township, four miles from Kincardine. The old gentleman born in West Dray- ton, Middlesex, England, in 1509 and came to Huron in 1S40. He is one of the sturdiest of a sturdy race of pioneers and notwithstanding his ninety-four years friends. 1 Forty-one members of his family—sons, I daughters, grandchildren and great For Over Sixty Tears. I grandchildren—attended the re -union An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs which does not include his two sons and Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used ( their families who live in the state of for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers Wisconsin,—Clinton News -record. for their children while teething, with perfect sucess.gum It a soothes he child, oreq� softens the gams, allays all pain, cures ` e� enjoys good health mid is quite active. James Willison, of near San Francisco, Cal., brother of J. S. Willison, of The Toronto News, was in Hensen and. vicin- ity a few days ago, calling on many of his old neighbors whom he had not seen for twenty-five years, all of whom were 1T. Acheson, of the Central Hotel,Exeter delighted to see him. He has prospered 1 was fatally burned on Monday July 7th in the States and reports that his other while playing with matches. It seems wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. That the corset has cost lives' has been strenuously urged by very learned doc- tors, but what is that against a single fact such as this: A New York fruit dealer, named Joseph, was refused mar- riage by his housekeeper. Iu his insane jealously he shot and wounded her. The result would have been fatal but for the fact that the bullet glanced from the steel of her corset, inflicting only a ser- ious wound. The moral is too plain to need the pointing. The young child of Mr. and Mrs. W. brothers are doing very well, the child was left by itself for a few A Woodstock man says burdocks may moments, when in some way it secured be easily destroyed by cutting the stocks some matches and is supposed tried to three or four inches below the ground. light them, and the flames took to its clothes. The terrified cries of the child startled the occupants of the house, who at once discovered the cause, but the little one lived only a few hours. 'ace' of nearly one hundred and fifty ,arseness is a common trouble dun- the summer with those having weak t or lungs. It can be readily cured, filet Weedt 'is 1 orway s strengthened en R. Holmes, M.P. for West , made a flying visit home this Ise carried with him a cheque for , being the amount of a gratuity from se e n successfulin uring been rnment for Capt. McGregor, of , late of the Government steam- d, who recently retired from dilrvIme aftelr is long terns in control lout. The Minister of Marine. ,lam enough to make the captain a egtal; to one yo'ur's salary stater no obligation to do so., tioned. If the city would thus cut all the burdocks, in two years there would not be any left. Now is the time to cut them, he said. Tobacco and Liquor Habits Dr. MoTaggart's tobacco remedy re- moves all desire for the weed in a few weeks. Avegetable able medicine, and only requires touching the tongue with it occasionally. Price $2. Truly marvellous are the results from taking his remedy for the liquor habit. Is a safe and inexpensive home treat- ment; no hypodermic injections, no publicity, no loss of time from business and a certainty of cure. Address or consult Dr. McTaggart, 75 'Beware of Olntnients for Catarrh. that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole System when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip- tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten -fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarh Cure, manufaettired by F. J. Cheneyk Co., Toledo, 0., containsains no meroury, and is taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and memos surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu- ine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio by V. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists, price 76e ter bottle. Young street, Toronto. Hall's rat;<iily Pills are the best, Solid S1erlinA Silver Tea Spoons Full Size, New Imperial Pal -tern 11o. 124 $2.50 per half dozen $2.50 per half* dozen Express prepaid to any address. • If not perfectly satisfiedyy our money will be remitted irfull wl without 9ntStO n.. writs for our new illustrated Folder of extra value Offerings. 12VRIE BROS. JEWELERS 118. 120. 122 and 124 Yonia St., Toren% •r+.+.l.t ri'inte'N Changes. Father (meditating on time's changes) —Ah, yes, the fashion of this world passeth away. Daughter—Indeed It does, papa. I shall want a new hat next week. FOR GOOD HEALTH` - To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people --but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good. appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. Rip tpA Reversed. "What sort of a pian is my .husband? Well, before we 'were married he wouldn't leave the house before mid- night, and since he never enters it be- fore." It is always safe to learn even from our enemies; never safe to instruct even our friends. CLUBBING RATES The Tiinus chubs with the papers mentioned below at a reduced rate: For one year. K 8c'K K& K K,rlc;K. KO; _K ,K &: BLOOD POISON 0 qt K �QQ K K K On account of its terrible effects, blood disease is called the king of all diseases. It may be either hereditary or contracted; eo while it may not be a crime to have the disease, it is a crime to permit it to remain in the system. It may manifest itself in the form of Scrofula, nczeuta, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints, itchiness of the skin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue, sore throat, falling out of hair, •'lsordered stomach, and a general depression of the system. If you have any of these symptoms don't neglect yourself, You have „mineral no lima to lose. Beware of "old fogy" treatment—beware of poisons— beware of Quacks and Fakirs. OUR ''JEW METHOD TRn,TMENT is guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you. Our treatment is not injurious In any way, but reaches the very root of the disease and eliminates all poison from the system. 'The symptoms of disease gradually disappear. The blood baccmes pure and enriched the whole system is cleansed and urified, and the patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the pleasures of Detroit. CURBS 0 od. GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. 25 Years in e Cousoltation Free. Question Blank tor Home Treatment and Books Free. DRS.KENtIEDY& KERGd1N °or. Michigan Ave. and ¢1.tolby St., Detroit, Mich. K&.K K&K K &K•..Kth` a 0 All work promptly executed at most reasonable prices. I'F YOU WANT A GOOD JOB The Times and The Weekly Globe ,.........$160 The Weekly Mail 1 75 The Daily Star, Toronto 2,25 Tne Montreal Family Herald and Star 1 75 The Weekly Sua 1 75 The Farmers' Advocate 1 75 Toronto Daily News. 3 00 The Moutreal Witness, Weelsly,1 60 World Wide 1 50 Northern Messenger 1 20 The Daily World, Toronto 3 00 Montreal Daily Herald2 00 Farming World ... . .. 1 50 London Advertiser, weekly 1 50 Daily Globe 4 25 If yon do not see what you want in the list let us hear from you. We can give clubbing rates on any newspaper or magazine. Address or call at TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. WANTED—Several industrious persons in each state to travel for houseestablislied eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profit- able line. Permanent engagement. Weekly andphotel bills advanced l in traveling expenses andeenclosenoelf addressed envelope. reference NATIONAL, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. WANTED -NOW!! A Good Local Agent Por Wingham and vicinity, to sell fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. We have the largest and best assortment of stock in Canada. Terms liberal. We also grow and sell improved lines of seed potatoes. All stock guar- anteed true to name and delivered in good condition or purohase money re- funded. Will make arrangements on commission or salary basis, according to time and ability of applicant. Apply immediately. Pellinfiit Nursery Company, 0 ONx. TottoNar . WAN'i'F:D--IPATTnrlin. PLrnSON TO TRA'V'i:l, for well established house in a few counties, sealing onrettrillnerchants and laterite. Loess. territory. Salary $1024 a year and expenstw, pay- elilog19 0 a week in casdi atfd expenses sdvano' ed. Poidtion permanent. Business sureieeful BntfidnttaardiHgotlee,,31 oaxtonBldg Chicagoepb Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads, Statements, Calling Cards, Tickets, Hand Bills, Notes, Order Blanks, Booklets, Circulars,. t Or anything else in the printing line, you will make no, mistake by leaving your order at this office. We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time. cialVAIM4 Call at, or address— TAE TIMES OFFICE BEAVER BLOCH JOSEPHINE STREET. HA1VI. WING