HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-07-16, Page 2ESTABLIKIlele :8711.
I . WINfitiAl TINES.
The Brookville Recorder records the
fact that the charges against the Roblin
Goverutneut in Manitoba are to be tried
by a judge without a word of protest
from the independent soul of the Torou•
to News.
The: greatest total of Customs col-
lections in the history of the Dominion
is slum for the fiscal year ending Jane
50th. Tho receipts were $36,619,659 for
the year, and $3,570,685 for June alone.
The increase for June $692,471, and the
increase for the year, $1,566.863.
Events, a non-political labor organ.
published at Ottawa says: "The Ganiey
partisans say that the judges' report is.
pro -Stratton. Well, how could that be
helped, after Mr. Gamey's counsel, Mr.
Blake, wanted to throw up his brief in
the middle of the investigation and WAS
only coustraiued to retain it upou the
request of the judges? Gamey told so
many different stories so no one believed
anything he said in the matter."
The generosity of the Liberals to-
wards their opponents is shown in an
item of 000 which passed through the
estimates the other day. This amount
is to pay for the private secretary to the
leader of the Opposition, Mr. Bordeu
and has bden paid every year since the
Liberals cause .into power. It is just
double the amount that the Conserva-
tives paid for a sedretary for Sir 'Wilfrid
Laurier, when he was leader of the
The Chicago Tribune publishes the
record of the Fourth of July accidents
in 200 cities, rauging alphabetically all
the way from Allegen, Mich.; to Zanes-
ville, Ohio. The summary shows that
52 persons were killed and 3,065 iujured
iu the celebrations. The loss of pro-
perty by fire amouuted to $400,625. Toy
pistols iujured 559 persons, and gun-
powder used in home-made bombs and
fireworka 768 victims. Firearms, care-
lessly handled, iujnred 562 persons, pro-
bably as many as are hurt iu hunting
accideuts iu an entire year. Skyrockets
caused 2u6 iujaries, cannon 319, and
runaways 81, while "fireworks" un-
classified, brought disaster to no less
than 1,170.
Notwithstanding the requirement of
the Ontario government that all pulp-
wood cut on crow" ': yds. iu this prove
ince should be manufactured into pulp
in the province, the exports of Canadian
pulpwood to the United States grew
front $57,197 iu 1890 to $1,194,593 in
1902. This is due to the fact that other
provinces have not yet followed our ex-
ample, and that ouly the Ontario regu-
lation has a restricted application.
There are now eight pulpwood agree-
ments in existence in Ontario, and about
'nig SAD PL.
under the age of 18 years, obeli presum-
ed to be under that age uulesa it is
Shown by evidence that he i3 over that
ege." This means that no youth. under
'age of 18 years eau use tobacco in Ai?y
form, and while it is not the class of
legii;latiou that was sought for bye the
ladies, should be benetciatin checkiug.
the use of tobacco, It will be put upon
the statute book daring the present see-
eiou and at once become law, and au
earnest effort made to eutorce it,
They Ilave Headaches and I#?tekaehea-a
Are Languid and Unable to Stand
Froin the Sun, Orangeville, Ont.
You can always tell anaemic men and
wotneu.id Theyhare
aheeadaches mud
'weak aud
languid. They
backache. They can't eat --or they
can't digest what little they do eat.
And it all collies from poor blood and
unstrung verses. Bauish aneamia at
once by enrichiug your blood and ton-
ing up your nerves with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. Thousands of gra
women have said that these pills have
restored them after all, other meaus
tried had failed. Mrs, Joshes Moliory,
eif Orangeville, Out., was a great suffer-
er for several Sears and spent much
money looking for a cure. To a re,
porter of the Sun Mrs. McIlroy said:
"Several years ago my health give out
completely. I was so weak that I could
not do my housework. If I went up-
stairs my heart would palpitate violent-
ly, and sometimes I would faint away
through weakness. My nerves were
unstrung, and I suffered much from
dizziness. I tried many remedies, but
they did not help me. Then I was
advised to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills
and decided to do so. I am glad I did
for the pills soon built me up and made
me a well women. My health remained
good until last spring, when I was again
taken with weakness. I now knew by
experience the valve of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and at once got a supply. The
result was a beneficial as before and I
can conscientiously say the pills have
thisdone we li d hopeuntold
my a perien a will benefit
some other sufferer." v
Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills have cured
more sickly, pale -faced girls and women
tbau any other medicine ever discovered
for tney supply new, rich, red blood
and so strengthen every part of the body.
They are equally suitable for men. wo-
men and chiidreu, and euro not ouly
anaemia, but decline,cousumption, indi-
gestion, rheumatism, St Vitus, dance,
and the special aihnents which all wo-
men dread. These pills can be had
through any druggists, or will be sent
post paid 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50
by writing direct to the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. Look
for the full name on every box, so that
no worthless substitute may be palmed
off on you. •
More or Less Philosphy.
This is where the ice man starts to
pay dividends.
People who complain of the heat
should remember the price of coal.
With the exception of lovemaking
there aro many new ways of doing old
It takes an experienced undertaker
to look solemn and conceal his satisfact-
ion at a funeral.
It seems queer, bat nevertheless it's
a fact that illness is often the result of
drinking well water.
Yoa fish, you ride, you row. yon
wheel; you have a time immense; you
come back to your work, and feel like
Soon will the people, on the farm
again be money boarders by seizing on
their natural prey -the guileless "city
Someone has solved a problem and
offers the following explauation why
a locomotive is called "she" :-"It
wears a jacket, an apron, has hose and
drags a traits behind it. It had a lap,
needs guides, rides wheels and will not
turu for pedestrians; sometimes foams
and refuses to work. It attracts the men
sometimes, is contrary, and always
takes a mate to manage it."
Epitaphs to Cemetery of Failure.
Ile lacked tact.
Worry killed him.
He wasto sensitive.
He couldn't sayy ""No," .
He did net find leis place.
A•little seceess paralyzed him.
Me did not care how he looked,
He did not guard his weak point..
He wasto proud to take advice.
He did not fall in love with his work..
Ile got into a. rut and couldn't get out.
Ho did not learn to do things to a fin-
He loved ease; lie didn't like to strug-
He was the victim of the last" man's
He was loaded down with useless bag,
Ile lacked the faculty of getting along
with others.
He could not trausmite his knowledge
into power.
He tried to pick the flowers out of his
He knew a good:deal, but could
make it practical.
Huron Has Her Share.
It will be seen from the tollowing
statistics gathered from government re-
turns, that the county of Huron has had
its share of citizens afflicted with that
worst of all chastisements, insanity. But
how thankful we should feel that
we are living in an age of institutions,
who; sby we might feel that, when our
friends are't~o rob bed of their powers of
intellect, their isteplace of safety await-
ing them, and where'seesuce is ready to
assist in restoring to then- their lost
faculties in a great many cases.
During the year 1902 the county of
Huron furnished 4 cases for the Insane
Asylum, Toronto, -2 male and 2 female,
and since its openiug 120 cases of in -
BevTIST Cixuuott-Sabbath services at
11 a m and 7 p� m. Sunday School at
2:30 p m. General prayer meeting
on 'Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. N. Me -
Lean, B.A., pastor, W J. Chnpmam, S.S.
METHODIST Onui1011--Sabbath services
at 11 a in and 7 p rn.. Sunday School at
2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon•
day eveuiug. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. 1;'.
Gundy, D.D., pastor, Dr, Towler, S. S.
E5TnBLI5HED 1872
The Times. Office, Deaver
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m, General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings.
D. Perrier pastor and 9 S. 3uperinten-
dent, P. S. Lit,klater and L, Harold,
assistant S,°S. Superintendents.
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2 :30 p m. General prayera
meeting on Wednesday evening. er
Wm. Lowe, Rector. F. Shore and Ed,
assistant S. S. Superintendents.
SALVATION ARMY-Strvice at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
Pose OFFICE -In Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
It is not a bad plan to do all that you
In your chosen particular line,
And if progress is slow and there's little
to show
For your work, not to whimper and
It is better to creep than to fall short in
in a leap,
You will come out all right if you stay;
Yon are bound to succeed if this warn-
ing you heed -
Keep peggiug away.
The deaths from storms and floods in
1902 were twelve thousand.
Pupils in the public schools in Austria
are compelled to learn English.
It is anticipated that the world's sup-
ply of gold will be doubled in the next
ten years.
There are as many as seventy-eight
municipal tramways in the United King-
Throughout the world
cent. of people get their
from the sea.
The dahlia was first taken to Europe
by Humboldt, who discovered the flower
iu Mexico in 1789.
one-half of these are being operated.
from Huron has been within its
Doubtless the reason more rapid progress I walls. Warrranted cases 3. No of cases
has not been made is that this industry
requires a capital of anywhere from
$275,000 to $1,500,000, and hence necessi-
tates a considerable amount of time to
complete financial arrangements.
remaining in institution on 30th Sept.,
1 male and 6 females. Loudon Asylum
admitted 8 male and 8 female from
Huron, total since opening 463. War-
ranted cases, 5 during year, total since
opening 157. No. remaining up to 30th
of Sept from Huron 112; Five Hurouites
were transferred from this asylum to
Cobourg. There are 11 cases from
Huron in the Kingston institution. We
also furnished one inmate for the Hamil-
ton Asylum the past year, and 17 cases
are reported from the county previous
to that. There are three cases still
remaining. One was transferred to
Cobourg from this asylum belonging to
Huron. At Mimico we are credited with
9 cases,and 2 still remaining, Brockville
asylum report says she has had three
'from Huron with 2 cases still there.
Huron sent six to Cobourg the past
year, all confined there still. We
sent 2 to Orillia the past year, and have
has 47 altogether there, with 16 to be
found there yet.
During the twelve months ending
with June, 124,658 immigrants arrived
in Canada. Of these the United States
supplied 44,930, British Isles 41,787, and
the Continent 37,891. Next year the
number will reach 200,000, and inside of
five years we will be receiving half a
million immigrants yearly. The C.P.R.
sold 2,639,950 acres of North-West laud
during the year ending June 30 for
$9.693,950. That was over $3.50 per
acre. The company received, all told,
25,000,10) acres of land, besides cash and
finished railway, as a bonus for the
building of its main line. Even if the
selling price of the land is averaged at
13 per acre, that would make a total of
$75,000,1.00 -more thau enough to build
and equip the whole road. -Weekly
Perhaps once in a while you will see a
man pile
Up a fortune in no time -that's true;
You'll observe that he's struck in a rich
streak of luck. '
And you'll think that might happen
to you.
But if you would advance you must not
trust to chance;
You will find as a rule it won't pay.
Just a slow, steady pace is the best in
life's race -
Keep pegging away.
If you're willing to climb just a step at
a time
Yon are more apt to get to the top.
There is many a stroke to the fall of an
And the stone is worn through drop by
It's a proverb thnt haste is conducive to
And that Rome was not built in a day.
If you don't go too fast you will ge t
their at last.
Keep pegging away.
-Chicago News.
about 3 per
living direct
It has been estimated that no less than
25,000,000 people annually attend the
circuses of America.
The mechanical force of the sound
dilated from five to ten million cornets
would equal only one horse power.
The largest loaves of bread in the
world are those baked in France and
Italy. They are often as much as six
feet long.
The French chamber of
adopted an amendment to
appropriating $240,000 to
for the soldiers.
TERNS OF Stinson:WTION--$1 JO per annum. in
advance, 01.50 if not so paid, No paper discon-
tinued till all arrears aro paid., except at the
option of the publisher,.
ADVERTISING RATES. - Legal and other
casual advertisements 8o per Nonpariel line for
first insertion, Be per line for each subsequent
Advertisements in local columns are charged
10 ets. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
PUBLIC lomtenY-Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5from 7
tos9:30 0 olo0 ok. Miss and Milli Reveninobertson,
ern on,
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayyed,
Farms for Sale or to Rent, and siinilar $1.00fom
first month and 50 cents for each subsequent
COoNthTnACI RATES -The following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods:-
srwoE. 1 vR. Onto. 35146% 15n6
One Column $(0.00 588.00 ;16.00 56 00
Half Column 86.00 18.00 10,00 4,00
Quarter Column ..,18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00
Advertisements without s eoific directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance.
TRE JOB DEPARTMENT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisitesfor print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
county for turning out first class work, Large
typo and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print-
Proprietor and Publisher
Municipal Representatives Con -
Sider Power Questions. ,e
Towle COUNC h R. VBanitOne, Mayor;
A. Dulmage,
Indoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone,
S. Bennett, Coancillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, iam
Col --
C otos. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
deputies has
the army bill
provide wine
SCHOOL BOARD. -J. J. Homuth,(Ohair•
man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Douglas, H.
Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm.
Button, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wo
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Fergus.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, s
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Mss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Vaustone,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer.
T P KENNEDY M. D.. M. C. P. S. O
5 • Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion. Gold Meaallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.:7 to 9 p. nt
The Portuguese attempted to establish
cattle farming in Newfoundland in 1553,
but all traces of the animals they im-
ported have been lost.
There are coffee drunkards. The
coffee inebriate conies at last to such a �
state that he or she lives almost exclu-
sively on an effusion of the beloved
berry with the addition of a little bread
soaked in it.
The oldest legislator in the world is
Senator Wark, a member o° the Canadi-
an parliament. He is in his one hun-
dredth year and has been one of the leg-
islators for the province of New Bruns-
wick for upward of 60 years.
Twenty-seven new double stars were
detected at Cape Town observatory last
Telegraph wires in Berlin are being
placed underground so as to avoid acci-
dents from storms.
All the arrangements for lighting St.
Peter's Cathedral, Rome, electrically,
have beeu completed,
Appeals are being made for the res-
toration to their owners of the many
Boer family Bibles brought to England
as interesting relics of the Boer war.
Temporary interchange of the children
of town and country people for a few
weeks in the summer is an educational
experiment suggested in Berlin.
It is proposed to redecorate the east
end of Eton College Chapel at a cyst of
£5,000 as a memoritl to the olclEtonians
who fell in the South African war.
White uniforms have been introduced
Intel the Austrian navy for summer wear.
The change is acceptable, as the"officers
were formerly Compelled to wear black.
The Figaro states that M. Chaplain, the
engraver, member of the Iustitute, has
beeu commissioued to desigu a medal
Commemorating Xing Edward's visit to
Ora Chase's Pills
SiNCE 1867
r up.. G. W. PARISn, Sturgeon'Bay, Ont.,
writes := -"In the year 1867 I was very bad
with my kidneys. I could not work on
,Account of my beck being lame, sore and
painful all the time. Though 1 carefully
Followed the directions of our family doctor
he was unable to do me much good.
time Dr. Chase was becoming
and on nown as
,especially successful p y
advice at my uncle, Charles William, 1 went
to Dr. Chase at Ansi Arbor, Michigan, and he
gave lite a box of his pills for kidney disease.
c'o'on eta scarcely imagine how much good
they did rue. They helped me so mulch that
I weit beck to the doctor and bought a dozen
boxes. In my mind there is not a medicine
baliso goods as Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills
ser kidney trouble and headache. We atwnys
keete them in the hoose as a family medicine,
f Would not think of using any other.
The Cigarette Evil.
People of this Place
There are people in every town and
village of this country who have been
cured of itching, bleeding and protruding
piles by the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment.
Ask your friend about this great pre-
paration, they can tell you of its great
soothing, healing and antiseptic powers.
More reputable people have endorsed
Dr. Chase's Ointment than any prepara-
tion you can mention.
Robt Holmes, M. P., writing from Ot-
tawa to his paper, the Clinton New Era
last week, says: -While the Cigarette
Bill was under consideration in the
House it was well known that strong
pressure Was brought to bear upon the
government, by the ladies of the W. C.
T. 1J. to induce it to stand by the pro-
posed legislation, and when the bill was
t'arown out through a technicality,inem-
bers of the government realized the ne-
cessity of some form of legislation that
might check the cigarette evil among
the youth of the land, and to meet this
the lion, Mr, Fitzpatrick has introduced
an amendment to the Criminal Code,
which will certainly become law. It
provides Gott "Every one is guilty of an
offence, and liable on summary convic-
tion to a penalty not eitceeding $50 and
not less than $10 to imprisonment with
or without hard labor for 80 days, or
both, who, either directly or indirectly
sells Or gives, or furnishes to ft minor tin.
der the a e',,-af:18 years, cigarettes, ci-
gars, or 5 bacco in any form; provided
how ever that this section shall not ap-
ply to the stale toe, minor for his parent
or guardian, under a written request or
order of such patent or guardian. A
possess appears to the magistrate to be
London 6.50 a.m.... 3.10p.m.
Kincardine -11.10 a.m1 0 pm .. 8.38p.m.
Kincardine ....6.0 a.m10
7 p
London 11a.n.... 05 m
Palmerston 1110 am.
Toronto & East 1.40 p.m.8.38 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East 6.57 a.m.... 8.43 p.m.
Teeswater 1.17 p.m -.10.43 p.m.
Teeswater..... 6.57 a.m..1..8.43 p. m.
Toronto and East lg• ig
Will Secure Information Regarding $
rurohas° of rower From Niagara
Falls Ilellvered-The Three Choices
Open to the Municipalities Re-
quiring E1.dtrie rower -Presi-
dent Snyder's Address.
Berlin, July 10.-A conference wait
held yesterday to consider what ate -
tion should be taken under the re-
cently passed Provincial Power Act.,,
Centre Street
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music
Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina-
I;. W. B. Snyder of St. Jacobs pre-
sided and among those present were:.
Mayor Butcher, II. L. Rice and Jap.
Maxwell of St. Mary's; Mayor Ham-
ilton, Colouel White and Ald. Car-
ter of Guelph; G. II, Douglas, Strat-
ford; Robt. Scott, Galt: Mayor Beck
and City Clerk C. Edward of Lon-
don; Mayor Bean and J. C. Haight,
Waterloo; Dr. Lackner, M.P.P., May-
or Eden. J. G. Wing, John Lang,
C. JC. Hagedorn, W. II. Breithaupt.
G. M. Delius, Berlin; E. W. B. Sny-
der, St. Jacobs; Mayor Maxwell and
S. Chance, St. Thomas; S. J. Cher-
ry, Preston; Peter Brisk, Bridge-
Mr. Snyder addressed the meeting,
Ile outlined the scope of the bill and
said he had interviewed the power
companies, one of which claimed to
be able to deliver power in a year,
and it was not up to the municipal-
ities to ge together. The bill, hee,
said, gave these options:
1. For the municipalities to devel-
op, transmit and distribute power.
through a commission appointed by,
2. To buy the power at its source,
transntit and distribute, also under a
similar commission,
3. To buy power delivered at their
llimits and distribute it among the.
consumers. In this • caso the muni-
cipality will elect its own commis -
Mr. Snyder's T,ecommendwtlon.
Under clauses 1 and 2 municipal
corporations will have to do their
own financing, and it is a question,
if they are ready to do so. It seems
they are hardly ready for this step.
Personally he thought it best to buy
the power and do the distributing
Mr. Snyder gave some interesting
figures gleaned from the engineer's
report made to the Niagara Power
Commission. Ho claims that trans-
mission of electricity by duplicate
linos can bo made at $3,600 'a mile.
To reach all these western corpora-
tions about 200 miles would have to
be covered. This would mean a cost
of $720,000: -Add to that about
5160,00totals osf twill bo close onto $1000for right of way, and ,.
000, Tho engin'er who gave these
figures designed the successful trans-
mission line from California to Colo-
Allowing for the cost of maintenf
ance annually, and distributing 20,-
0;000 horse -power, the entire cost
would be mot by selling power at
$5 per horse -power and paying oft
tho indebtedness in 20 years.
In carrying out the work under the
third plan, which he considers most
reasonable, it would be well to ap-
point a committee of five, whose -
duty it will be to merge the various
municipalities into a group.
Committee Named.
Physician, Surgeon, eta. ' c
Office -Macdonald Block, over T. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
M.B., M.D., O.M., M c.P.s.O. MB, MD,OM., M O TS O.
Teacher of Piano and Theory.
Teacher of Violin and Guitar.
Dr. Chasa s /Catty -Liver Pills, one pill a
doe, ee cents a box, at 5.11 dealers, or
Zdeteeteotsr Betes'attcl Co., Toronto.
eet you against itaitations the portrait
of Dr. A. W. Chase, the f i
prlf, ars 04% eVety box of nes
Scrawny People
People grow thin, scrawny, paleand
weak when the blood is thin and Watery.
What is needed to round off the angles
and fill out the form, is not fat and
t e lthynntsonlar tissue. By enriching,
od end increasing its nourishing
qualities Dr. Chase's Nerve Food adds
new flesh and tisane to the body as well
e new yigor and :telergy. Yon can
prove this by noting year increase in
weight White tieing this greet food ears.
Rooms in Stone Block, Wiugham.
Absent until the 15th of August.
OreicE-Chisholm Block, Josephine street.
RESIDENCE -In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
10 .1.1u•
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No min •n's:ioachtirgal. ort -
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. ingham.
Wingham, Ont.
OFFICE: Meyer Block, Wingham.
and anyone having live stock or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Trims. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for the article er stock than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the TIMES and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
Marriage Licenses issued. No %witnesses re-
Money 4 per cent. large amounts; smaller in
proportion. Easiest terms.
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best
style not oe art, at moderate prices, and on
BOOKBINDING. -We are pleased to announce
that any Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any style will be given on
application to THE TIMES OFFICE,
Tim Dumps and wife invariably
Had ct Force" for Sunday evening tea,
When cook went out that afternoon.
cc 'Tis but a saucer and a spoon
To wash -a task not grim -
And all are pleased," laughed
" Sunny Jim."
The Ready-to.8erv0 Cereal
pleases everybody
in every way. 4
W• to b. ls.'
u We use +ybtoe' at home and like
it aroeedhitly. 411, B. SLUXDI*L"
Office -Next to Holmes Block now building.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August.
Beaver Block, Wingham.
D. D. S. -Toronto University.
L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August.
Has a new method for painless
extraction. No cocaine.
Special attention to the care of cnildren's
Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed.
Orrnohi-ln Gregory block, opposite Queen's
Wingham, Ont.
The chairman was authorized to
appoint a committee of seven to ga-
ther information and to take the
necessary steps to form a union of
municipalities. The following gent-
lemen were named: R. McGregor,
Galt; Adam Beck, London; P. W.
Ellis, Toronto; C. H. Wateroue.
Brantford; G. Mac ag n BStratford;
L. Goldie, Guelph; B.
St, Jacobs.
ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the TnIEs office will receive prompt attention.
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales
of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty.
All orders left.at the TIMES office promptly
attended to.
Terms reasonable.
German Commission's Investigation Co:
Decides With Prof. Hoeh's Views.
Berlin, 'July 10. -Tho Berlin Medi-
cal Society assembled to hear Pro-
fessor Kossel of the Imperial health
Office report the results of the pro-
longed experiments of the tuberculo-
sis commission in infecting calves
with human tuberculosis. Prot.
Koch's observations, prior to the
celebrated London address, caused.
the Health Office to appoint the com-
mission to make systematic experi-
Tho commission summarizes as fol-
lows: `"Phe series of experiments
strengthens Prof. Koch's view that
animal consumption as the cause of
hunian consumption does not play
the role generally attributed to it;
but definite judgment requires further
In the discussion which followed
Prof. Orth strongly combatted the
view that human and animal con-
sumption were dissimilar and non-
F S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont.
Is prepared to conduct sales in this section.
Special attention given to sales of farm stock
and implements.
Dates and orders can always be arranged at
the TIMES office, Wingham,
Anyone sending It sketch and description ma,
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether as
invention to probablypatentable. Committee
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent,
sent free. Oldest agency for securing tents.
Patents taken through Munn Ca mem • notice, without Charge, in the
SdentIfie June- an.
A hiendOertiely illinrdrated Weekly. Leteeet sir.
ca on of any *Mardian jonrnat. Terms,1M a
Sa• rt tont months, 51. Sold by till newsdealer.
IU . ttO 7'' btNew� r�
Wiping Off Mortgages.
Montreal, July 10. -It watt air
pounced yesterday that the floating
debt on the St. James' Methodist
Church had been reduced from $175,-
000 to $3,000, and the blanket
mortgage on the Temple building
from $450,000 to $50,000, all of
which will be Wiped off shortly.
nolehanty'. Body Identified.
Niagara Palle, N. Y., July 10. -
The body of Edward Delohanty. the
right fielder of the Washington base-
ball team of the American League,
who fell from the International
Bridge last Thursday night, was
taken from the river at the low=
Niagara Gorge yesterday.
Will of Lake Justice 11(111..
Ottawa, July 9.0. --Application M►etet
made yesterday for probate of the
will of the late Mon. Juane', Davis
Mills. The estate is valued at Wiles
900. of which $80,000 is Hal 10
tato,, and the bsflano persona.