HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-07-16, Page 1VOL. XXXII. -No, 1640. tRwrs 1 FRUIT WE HANDLE TRE BEST. SIGN OF THE BIG BEAR HEN in need of a new Suit f Clothes, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underclothing, or anything in Gents' Furnishings, do not forget the x-trl of Homuth Bros,, where you can buy everything in men's wear and go away feeling that you have the newest and most up-to-date article on the market. We stiil !lave a small bal- ance of Boots ,:and Shoes left. If we have your size you can buy them at your Hoifiuth Bros Sign of the Big Bear. I own price.. O. SM. ma if Monfifolrnive.W.111.01•B MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by Fizasic PATEMION, No. 2.1 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnessesrequired. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up. $2,980,C0 0 Reserve Fond and Undivided profits $3 33E080 Farraerse Notes discounted. Drafts soId on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed -on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added toprincipts130th June and 31st ,December each year. A. E. GIBSON0 Manage Vatistone. Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve ruled, $1,700,009.00. Tetra Assets, $22,000,000. President-, EON. GDaSom Vice•Presidont and General manager -3. Tunrattnr.. pxruncToits George Roach, .7ehn Prbotot, A. 13. tee, John S. Bendrie, Oee.BUtherford. Assistant General Iiiatiaget,41. S. STLYZN, Inspector -H. 111, WATSox, ISavinite flank -Bouts 10 te 8; Saturday, 16 to 1. Deposits a st and upwards received. /n... *skeet alibwed, and cOmputed en the 1)011 No- • veinber end 31st May etch ever and ridded to iratedi Of interest, Ors,fta On Great Britain and the *United -States Bought end geld. silten and its Branches issue Or/miter Pates of Which eau be Cashed without ehatri Iran - sate In any nett oftite itt. consul/hot *Agent PRESERVING SUGAR Order your preserving sugar here and be Sure of getti A 1 quality R1 AI Hutchison Prompt Delivery. Phone 59. I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinlosa, Greenock. Bruce, Kincardine, Buren and Ashileld Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (d,welling in Con. nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. .6 hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village, .tilso a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent, For further par- ticulars apply to 3. A. lilacKENZIK, Real Estate Notice My list of exceptional fine farms, is steadilY increasing,and the intending purchaser, eno matter what kind of farm he may desire) would do well to have a look at this list before buying elsewhere, duet a word tibout town property. 1 have seine excellent investments for the man with money, guaratiteeing at least 10 per cent on the ambnnt invested. - For further particulars. Apply.to 0. J. ZIAGUIRE, Bent Estate Agent GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey learkei advertisement. Campbeil's Headache Wafers gnaran- eed to oure headache. Changes at The material is for several iraprov be made at the 0 A new sidewalk i station to John st to be built and a These changes ow on the ground rnents which are to , R, station grounds. to be built from the ew windmill erected. ill make a great iras Gedianianoxes. Get J. Buckley's easy terms on gramophones. Turnberry Voters' List. The Turnbeigy voters' list for 1003 has been printed was first posted up at the Clerk's ofth e at Bluevale, on July 13th. The list co tains a total of 702 voters. Voters Legislative Assembly only, 545; voters 'or municipal elections only 108; voters r Legislative Assemb- ly only, 47. T nuneber of persons qualified to ser as jurors is 386. We are clearing Fancy Muslin's, Ging- hams, and Dress Goods.. Geo. E. King, Winghara. Farm Agate anges Hands, The Stewart tarn at the east of the town has again anged hands. Mr. ,Theeph Bowmen ha sold the fatm to Mr. James Ammon , of East Wawa - nosh, and the new roprietor will get possession next spr ng. Mr. Bowman receives in the nei hborhood of- 0,00 for the place, vvhic is a consider increase in the pri e by Mr. BoW to Mr. VanStone la whiter. A boon to the a `I icted: he is comi again, T. P. Smi , rye Specialist, be in Wingham a Colin A. Camphel drug attire on hursclay, lady 16t "One day Only." It you have any d feet in your eyes ght it will pay you t call and see hit Examination, free. Call early tied a oid the truth. e Yee It Was Hot. Week were the t years. The tie in the afternoo slightly higher. Was the Warnies clay. 1001 0 warm spell Wee sine° then wo Ins mer weather. ad Tlittmlay Of Iest stet/toter :on Weclnes- between and 4 o'clock and on Thursday it was Strange to say July 8th day last year, brtt the y totalled 91 on that Was tocorchal On Julie oken Friday and I 'INGJIA ', ONTARIO, THURSDAY,. JULY 1 6, 1903. Wear Greer's Shoes and blubbers, King Edwe The King Edward received at the post The stamps of the iss lowing denotninatim cent, ligbt green; c cents, blue; 7 cents, o cents, matuve. The fi cordance with the seheme of colors, T specially designed fo OX 0. 3. MoGuntis. Wingham Mayor Vanston his earochimatio Angust 4th as W his will be the day school ex° this year will be stead of Goder sion should be / rain will leave and the fare is 70 tainps have been ce. The portrait of Mug Edward. te are of the 'NI - and colors: One ve green; Mad 10 t three are in ea - universal postal 7 cent stamp i registration Apply to vic Holiday. has thie week issued declaring Tuesday, em to Kircardine in - h. This will give ange and the exeur- gely attended. The inghern at 8.40 s Call and see le B stock of boots and Police C On Monday eve named MeCorvie,o roughly used by men iii town, It is was here to work it he was taken to th pair of black eyes The affair Is to moulders, in our c to gain sympathy t conduct. The mat in the police court ort Case. ing a young man Lucknowswas rather number telf young aid the young man, es a moulder and the foundry. when park and given ,rs regretted as the nion, cannot expect rough this line o r will be veuti noon. A good house to r at; unto rooms, woodshed, hard and s f water. Apply to R. Vanstone. Gents' Patent Colt Shoes, McPherson make, regular price $5,00; Crowder's price $3,95. Agnes Knox B ck Concert. Agnes Knox Black the worldrenow- ed elocutionist will one of her unique recitals in he opera house on Tuesday evening ne t, under the auspices Knox needs no in °auction from the Teems. She hes ap eared in Wingham on previous occasio s to crowded houses and Winghatnites nd people of the surrounding count y will avail them- selves of this oppor unity to again hear her. She will b asaisted by Miss Brownie Williams, soprano, who conaes by the best musi sing and Miss Nor accompanist. The deserving of a good certainly brieging 1.1 own. The addled served seats 50c. Douglass' drug sto early if you want cranes of Canada. of town will also Dineley svill be the lacrosse boys are home and they are good talent to the don is 25c and re - he plan of bail is at . Secure your seats od seats. be closed till about 1st August. Any of my customers wishing to pay their notes or borrow money will please call on the manager of the Dominion Bank. °Bernice -Car of Durham cement juet arrived. Perties who intend using cement soon will do the wise act if they buy it now, as ceraent will likely ad- vance in price before long. We are also agents for HanOVer cement. / Hotel- Stab! s Burned, Winghana Came n as having a serious fire on Saturday ui it last. About 9.40 o'clock the fire alas gave the warning that the Bruaswick otel stables were on fire. The fire appe ed to start in the loft of the bathe an it was only a feW minutes till the wh le roof Was in a blaze. The firemen were quieldy on the scene and it was no long until the fire ntes it looked h a story serious owing to the lar e number of frame dings close at ha d. The calm evert - was one Of the t 'ngs that helped to ent a room serio is fire, This is the fire that we ha had itt Witighain everal months. Mr. A. Orr. th rietor, had an astir/ince. MOSEirS, Brim. and Bead Bros. are Very kful tO the large number of citizens assisted lama° ing the contents of barns to places f safety. Beattie gave the firm $10.00 for the did work dOno h their( in sem very barn. Mr. Lougiteed had his ands badlylcat in being nod. fire ing proa only for s prop than Who their splen the li one of dental Removed. Balt Bos, haveremmove.l from . their former residence on Pate ns str:.t to the brink residence latah oc u :;; by Mr. Peed Johnston, or the fit house west from Hamilton's corner drug store. Might calls will receiveprotnpt Atte is HouSL* AND LOT FOR g eBu of John Street, near C. t, st$tationd. Apply to R, #3. E rrso v, The ladiee of the 13a ist church will hold a lawn social on B Long's lawn, Victoria street, this (T sday) eveniug. A good program has be arranged and the Winghara band will e in attendance. Refreehments svill be se ed and a good time may be expected. 11 cordially in- vited to attend. Admiss n 10o, Address and Pres tation. have been residents of Wi words of twenty years, 1e with their family for their Acton. Mr. Chem/man has and for raany years conduc sucoessful glove making a busiuess. He will be gre from our town and his glo business is also being ruoved where he goes into business tioa with the W. H. Storey We underetand that the tan the business here will be The Tints along with hos will wish. Mr. and Mrs. 01 family success and happin new home. This feud' for years the superiutende t of the Sun- day school, Ou Monday veniug at the cisme of the youzig people' meeting in the church Mr. and Mrs. hapmau were taken completely by surp ise when they fter the presentation a very pleasant ening was spent lo sE,ice -making, etc. ofresbinents :Were sex and all pres- I v wished their friendsi every success their nevv home. omen, 'who riam for up - this week ew home in en ewe of ng ;citizens d tannery 'y znisse mallin to Acton mum Sou Oo of Irian& pilau and ss in their have been A Townsm n Honored. The n a of our ' woman, ltr, Time, Abraham, appears o stand high in com- mercial circles. "a have before ns 8 copy of the Shan nd ]anter Journal, published at Tato to. which contains an eecollent picture a f Ur. Abrabatn and also gives in full , is recently issued Pi"- enlar, "Qneeu Seto ia's Memorial." Mr, Abraham's l ne of advertising was so much out of 4e ordinary that the Joaruai was aux • us to give the picture MONEY TO LoAN at 4,3,4 per cent. OD easy terms of repayment, Apply to A The Seeforth bowl' held on Tuesday last week. The trop d mund Weld's rink riult of Stratford, ,1 rink of Clinton, ca arion match and Goclerich, second. and Mr.eIerce,of match IL Jeffrey' two matches playi score 18-14; and score 19-11. Du two games in the Mayberry-, Strati' bar, Mitchell 20 game in the tro ham, 16. In th Holmes lost to Jeffrey's rink w Naughton, of Br lost to Doherty, cl A en in pantries. Hard and soft water. Stable A Wedding Announcement is sent out to the bride's friends and acquaintances when it is a very quiet wedding aud few invitations issued. The ANNOUNCEMENT is mailed the day of the wedding or immedi- ately after. As we make a specialty of wedding stationery in all branches we would be pleased to send you samples and prices. fleomoMemesimmemwee Engraved Calling Cards We employ the best engravers in Canada for our plate work. We will furnish you. with a copper plate and 100 ladies' or gentlenaen's cards en- graved for $2.00. Write for samples. The regular ran School Hoard w evening. Member Horuuth and Mess Abraham, Kerr an ani adopted. On motion of Lloyd, the follow rclered to be pal 9.50; S. Fargribars On monea of Mes lass, the managern mining all the roo school house and a Board adjourned of the Cheirman. Boys Wit Boys with rifles h great deal olotrouble g tournament wasi of the Maitlaud rive London, Steele's front leg with a rid second. Jackeon's Connell's rink of Tile consolation E,C.Ross,of Brussels young boy. The b wound in the horse weeks ago Messrs. R. .T. Tindsll lam rink, Winglmin, won river bank. The g Weld's, of London, I carelessly on the ley Holmes' nth won fiL'a themselves b alt's rink, Goderich, / had better be caret' ropily match, playing . rd, 18-14, and Dnu- lines, Wingliam, 12. di. 21; Jeffery, Wing Association. matches Naughtou,score 22-9. a bye and lost to Me- ssels, score 13-12 and nton le -11 in the I Associatian andel es. The Winghana ete in the consolation creditable showin match. Wiuglia bowlers made a very), - better results bef Holmes, skip. Orangemen C BOARD, lily meeting of the held on Tuesany 8. Douglass, 140311, Moore. us meeting and the or june were read ssrs. Douglass end ng fiecOUnte- were A. II. Musgrove, Wilson, teaching, rs. • Kerr and Daess- nt committee was tenders for 'Eels°. ana halls at the o attend to all lie- uired during the meet at the eall ve been causing a n the north branch for some time past. horse belonging to s shot through the in the bands of A 1 lade a very ugly leg Only a few John Moffatt and wly escaped being e standing in the rt distance form, the' oys who use rifles I or they will soon I banks of the river, $1 A. YEAR IN ADVANCE for all kinds of Flower and Garden Seeds Over VO different colors und vari- eties or Sweet Peas to choose YOUr mixture front 7 Anything we have not in stock will --'111BEROUS BEGONIAS. -GLADIOLUS' BULBS -TUBER HOSES _DAHLTA BULBS A. swcial prize of 1'05.00 is heizzg given by me at the \lc/Ingham fair for vtheegebttiebstiesc4o2110ecrtaiogo:xxxsItetsd and DOUGLASS The Druggist, Fall Term Opens Sept, ist. CENTRAL Soares of gosiness Colleges lebrate at Myth. The Oraegeme of the district of 1 have applied to us fel our graduates, This is the evidenne yeae are looking myth ees , to act as teachers in their schoo/s. !I Orangemen and o hers. W• hen the train ; studeuts are now be business life. arrived at Wingh m the eight coaches I Write for our handsome catalogue. I were packed, and ven standing rcom brass bands funds el music during the premium. Wingl am and Lucknow on the platforms o the cars wa.s at a , P.RINCIPA L. W. J. ELLIOTT Jaz,- W'ingbaan Lo e tamed out in good 1 It is not neces iry to expatiate -upon what this mean , but it shows the sco e grave Lodge secure the prize for the who delivered stirr g addresses. Bel- 1 of this great, gr aid and comprehensive the forenoon Goder h and Blyth base- t mention should be made that the King embers in line. In !national institu ion. In this connection ball nines played a nue, the latter win -11 has been graci nsly pleased to direct I that the preset received by his royal The sDeipsetyri:teiLlatuc 1°InssoswIstiesffrnesred their I occasion. of the labile° and Diamond Ju - I mother, the lat Queen Victoria, on the second defeat in the C. L, A. game at bile° celebratio shall be placed on ex - that place on Frida last, when the Kin- I hibition at Toro to on the grounds dur- cardine boys woub a score of 6 to 5. ling the bolding f the Fairs Aug. 27 to he result of thi game will leave Sept. 12. All nformation and prize Ingham and Kin reline even for tho lists ean be had om J. O. Orr, 70 King' hampionship of th s district. street east, Toro to. As will be seen f one the schedule be - w, the next game in which Wingliam Fall Fairs. kes part will be layed on tho park re on Tuesday n -t with the Lneknow Toronto . . . Aug, 27 -Sept. 12 Sept. 11-18 strict. The ga e will be called at ! Walkerton etty good chime for first place ID the I Teeswater ..... .... „ 21-22 me and if they o it will give them a i Wergbana .... . ...... . ,,,, 22"43::: suites should t re. out in large num-1 The following is the standing the of lw:------------7:illgham,s leading, shoe store ncardine cknow 2 2 1 3 he following* antea have yet to bel 2 know at List know at Wi owel at Kin rinks did not co and we may expec • e the season is over. i s were as follows:- I McAlpine, Dudley I WANTED -To bay a number es gem stock fanns within 3 miles of Winghani. Apply to, C. J. Meornie, Real Estate i Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office op- posite St. Andrew's church, London, Wingham The Winn -ham very successful s have played fiye Three of the ga i with 13russels, au (Mary's Church el I day last. The gai as largely attend 1been when the s 4 to 6 o'clock. T I a person may call I baseball. Both t I in two innings SOCIETY STATIONER I vlifi L _F1 maniagh iteinvgissintorirds twheerle I ther larger than runs iii the ninth c Daum played goo I spent a great deal I feature of the gan by Hent of the loc i innings. Manage the ball team this I boys may be erica I inuings was as fol /London Wingliain Anderson's cuRE POR Indigestion When everything' else fails, try this. Tt will met fail to telieve and mire all tomes of Dyspepsia, Indiges. tiers, Ileartbnrn, Acid Fermentation and Mal -Assimilation of Food. $0c per Bottle POR SALE ONLY UV Walton Mckibboli DRUCOIST post tenets Next doe We give below 1 of July game at 1 match between th Icrowd, each place gill crack teams p . gents wile cheere sides in terapersed es. Up until the in the lead when hard shigghig bat Winghtun lost ins Another. seball club has had a son thus far. They I se the game with the St. igbee e on Friday was not pr as it should have I di es were closed from 14 o is game was not what ; cr a good exhibition of ; ba ams went "up in air" be nd made the score ra- t should have been. i lee in the air in the fourth! cal boys let In three with two men out. ball and Daum made lees es of fly balls. One I T was a three bagger I els, 1 team in the eighth i tac T. 3. McLean has Luc f time and went to alList ukl like to see future , attended so that the I raged. The score by I MONEY TO LOAN.--IVOney to loan on 7 notee, and notes discounted at reason- 1 °OTTO 1 0 0 3 - 6. , gages, with privilege of paying at the I t able rates. Money :advanced on morte i he account of the let collected. Office-I3eaver Block, ews baseball! thaps drew the largest for their respective finish. It WAS a ttery work on both The p ith sensational catch. beat ingliam with some d oat a victory. Berlin yesterday by 141111/71: Winghain and Car- Dom ;ohm Exhibit n Arrangeirients, f 'We're shoeing half of Winglitan Everything 'will b the fact that it is a rize list, which greatly extended lley to be given sed. The nor 1 Arts build equipped at a cost of I open, and the plan of the Tztntrid tale Not a poor leather or a poor shoe in tterieed. Parties who intend using man's building will b one of the tea- OtinENT-Car of Durham emneat 3ust been materially chang d. A Mit Ivo. Inlillornrolizzigeozt:bfaae.rk.aa We knew, ShOUld ooment soon will dO 'di° Wisc act if thcY I tures as will also 4 I go extension. to theka be, the shoes are ours and year agents for Hanover cement. ) A. Yomo tt So.V. Toronto Fair have in the aggregate 1 The Shoe Ilan foand improved is,! Wixfh Ile' stet Is eels:trot at eur esy'oi tuh btirisey ogtoh:dr 18%101 ft, is 'ear' "ving t- for the pricee at which we sell them and Dominion affair. get yonr money back if you're not satis- na the almost I We think we might to shoe everybody• g, erecte• d and lzrir:PaillZhii,;., 140, 1.1;3, 1.50 and 1.73 vbgeiethrpw:derbeefoentngw.Murnek:relY alsod'i the 13airy e etc(' at a cost 'Alf J. GREER