HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-07-09, Page 6FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to. take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy, They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. t •-•acv Ira. TIE WINGI[A3I TIMES, JULY 9, 1903 SPARING FOR BABY. wll� now l) The ve" tati2 < circuit overl4 of thg Centra effect, laxatic eirouh trates the Pt are nc The cow is to ha" wag d recon Minis to pr butte or pr Me, i mOn ` bill l yYaEaeo ea tor, STRtNGTHTOW l. AFayOu1wEHtAli.W5.ENRis11upp&STRI:- Isle The ds CONSTITUTION se ee' t'ersi/PR, " endcn•En1Montreal.Can lo , Boy -' PRICE•-- .- 7T6RITAIN 4/ -AMERICA all Druggisis &Demio ssseese eees Price in Canada: $1.00; Six bottles for $5.00 , When a baby is coming the ex- pectant mother needs to take special eare of herself, for upon her health ° flepends to a great extent the health of the unborn babe.. If diet, etc., etc., etc., is not watched, the start in life of the future offspring will not be a satisfactory one. It is a mistake to take liquid medicines at this time, for they all contain alcohol, Their steady use has the sante effect as habitual liquor taking, consuming the vitality and hardening the tissues. If you are weak you need a tonic, not a stimulant. Don't take medica- ted wine or alcoholic medicines ; but take ST. JAMES \1VAI ERS, they are a tissue builder and a reconstructive. ST. JAMES WAVERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, ,) the kind that lasts, levelops and v breeds the energy which accom- plishes nude. "I have used St. James Wafer9 for years, None better." Dr. R, 3. Maddox, London, gag. St.,/rnres IfhJ?rrare not a secret remedy; to tle,,u,,rerou doctors ,e. commending them to theirpatitnts We rued the/amnia upon request. Where dealers are not selling the Wafers, they are:nailed upon re- ceipt of price at the Canadian branch: St. James Wafal Co., 1728 St. Catherine St , Montreal. The Keroisthe won' •� port ity higl from the sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges 13•33 .1211111 alre William, eldest sou of Mr. A. Gor- Mr. James Snel', of Clinton, has been don, Kinloss, died on Wednesday, June appointed district supreme president of «4th, in his 28th year. the Huron and Bruce clistr: axe ct of tit Sons gra'Wadi greasy dishes, pots or pan: withof England. has Lever's Dry Soap al, powder. It will re- Hugh Hardy, of Goderich, and Md Cat wove the grease with the greatest case. 3b Marsball,of Goderich,tp. Were married at Thi Mr. Wm. Norris, the high wire Bayfield on the evening of June 23rd. old walker, who first learned the science iu Rev. Mr. Yelland performed the cere- a Pica Owen Sound and continued his practice mons, s Ou'Wednesday of last week Wm. B. Watt died at his home at Salem, after au extended 21111088, at the age of 01; year's and 3 months. Ile was a mac of sterling integrity, his name ironorecl wherever known and iris demise will sbe greatly regretted, Dirs. (Rev) Ross, of Brussels, is a sister to the deceased. TOOTHACHE' CCREii. Dr. Law's Toothache Gum cures tooth- ache promptly, and does net blister the gams, lips or cheeks. Pries: 10e. After a quarter celttury of valuable service, Mr: R. D. Hall has howled ill his resignation to the Kincltrdiue Board of Education. Mr. Hall asks to be re- lieved on the 1st of :September. Kin- cardine people generally and the army of young ung Ines and women who passed through Mr. Hall's hands will wish hitu happiness in his well-earned retire- ment. Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of On June 28th, some persons were walking along the beach a short distance from Sonthalnptiou when their attract- ed to a veritable monster of the deep, which was plainly- to 'be seen near the shore, twisting and squirmiug,and again passing swiftly along the glassy surface, evidently fully enjoying the cool and limpid waters of Lake Huron. The story is vouched for by responsible persons, -t ho say the reptile was at least 40 feet in length. A Sustaining Diet. These are the enervating days, when, as Somebody has said, men drop by the sunstroke as if the Day of Fire had dawn- ed. They are fraught with danger to reople whose systems are pocrly sustain - cd; and this leads us to say, in the i tt rest of the less robust of our read that the full effect of Hco1's Sarsa illa is suck as to suggest the I ropriet calling this medicine simethiug besi blcod muffler and tonic, -say a sesta ing diet. It makes it much easier bear the heat, assures refreshing sle and will without any doubt avert mu sickness at this time of year. For 0..r sixty rears. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children white teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gurus, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty. five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothiug Syrup, and ers take uo other kind. par' —_ y of muffler A ree'e:.t published table of the Bri. ti, lr oel sas gives the eespective ages of all the mataied couples in the kingdom. Th -re is one hasbau.t of ninety-five years W11)11114. a wife of twenty-one while throe hush anis ranging in age from eigl te.five to r i tete-five secured wives an l youth fat husbands are rarer and the greatest disparity in thiel direction is be. tween a wife of sixty-five years and her husband of twenty. The oldest couple in the list are aged one hundred and ninety-five respectively, while the young- est pair have otily munnbered srxteou and fifteen summers respectively. The darkest hour conies just before the dawn. Before the joy of summer holi..lays c0nle8 the nightmare of ennui. Monday, Juue 290, the annual depart- mental epart. In n e tat examinations began in the various High Schools and Collegiate Institutes throughout the Province. All told there aro about 0,000 candidates writing this year. They are distributed approximately as follows: Junior Leav- ing, 2,800; Senior Leaving, 1,000; Matriculation, 1,200; Colnmen:nal Dip- loma, 300; Commercial Specialist 30 District Certificates,500. The examiners who will meet in Toronto a couple of week hence, will have about 00,000 answer papers, or comprising about 3G0,, 000 pages of student lore to carefully maid tend mark. fries Word was received at Clinton recent- in- ly that a former resident of Auburn had to been drowned in the Missouri River. chHow the body was identified was rather singular. A piece of baggage was bill- ed to Clinton, and the check number was 35945; when the body {vas discovered and searched, the duplicate check was og found on Lis person, and $12.42 in cash. he' The coroner of the ccunty wired the so , chief of police here to that effect, and it red;i til i s learned that the body was that of Ed - se, I vv and Mc$rfen, who formerly resided at dlAuburn. On opening the baggage natur- j alization papers were found disclosing his identity. His friends were notified r I and steps are being taken to ascertain particulars. How he cane to meet such an unfortunate death is unknow». Wm. Chillingwortll, of Stratford, was nearly overcome by a big St. Bernard d Friday. While endeavoring to tie up t nimal, it turned on him and bit him everely that a physician was requir dress the wounds. Mr. CArillingwor managed to gain the door of his hon ut the dog kept him a close prisoner t elp arrived and the dog was dispatche If blood.poisoning does not set in M Chillingworth will recover. the there until be has left for New York, Hoarseness is a common trouble dur- hac ^where he will fill au engagement in one ing the summer with those having weak mat throat or lungs. It can be readily cured I b of the parks there. ROI dol <V a?' c 3 t. A . SO Bears the The Kip d You Have Always Bought fol 131gnatura 7 ofCIIJ�/ he, `4,,-"Mr. George T. McKay, of Kippen, has secured the contract for the cement work of the abutments for the steel bridge, which is to be erected on the Saabie line, near Exeter. The contract price is $5 per cubic yard. "Strength and vigor come of good food duly digested. 'Force', a ready -to -serve wheat and barley food, adds no burben, taut sustains, nourishes, invigorates." acr the gra by co grs On Tuesday morning, June 23rd, a WE quiet but pretty wedding took place in err the R. C. church, Teeswater, when Rev. rel Father Corcoran united in marriage to Miss Venetia, youngest daughter of bo- .'Ana irs. Quinlan of Greenock, and HI Mr. Dewy' Welsher of Belmore. � Mr. John Smith. Lake•Stream, N. B., e- says: "From my own personal experience s -with them I willingly testify to the good rex, effects of Lava -Liver Pills for Sick Head - fir nthe and constipation." NV Assessor Sharman states that Strat- 1F ford's population is now considerably at over 11,000, the recent large increase or in new industries having given a big In impetus. Houses are very scarce, and di to meet the demand a building associa- 01 tion has Leen formed. Pc CASIT024.xA. R, Bears the The Kind You Have Always,Bought xli SignatureIN C�� 4�i�G 4?; it: , quiet•wedfing was, celebrated at ' the British' Exchange, Goderich,on Tues. d day evening, June 30th at nine o'clock, .b when Miss Carlotta Patti Tilt, the elder A. PAINFUL sraLn• of the proprietor, became the bride of Mrs. T. Wannamaker,Frankford, Ont., says: •I scalded my band very badly, Wm. Littlejohn, book-keeper in the of- then took cold in it. It swelled and was f• ico of the Lake Shore Railway, of De. very painful, but half a bottle of Hag- troit. The ceremony was performed by yard's Yellow Oil cured it completely." r Rev. M. Turnbull, rector of St. George's a church, in the hotel parlor. Mr. H. F. Gardiner, editor of the 1' "The worst kind of splitting headaches Hamilton Times, will it is understood, e t,an be relieved in five minutes by Mil• be appointed superintendent of the in - burn s Sterling Headache Powders. 2 'They don't depress the heart. Price 100 stitute for the blind at Brantford, in The Listowel Banner, whose editor is 1 succession to the late Dr. Dymond. Tho inspector of licenses for North Perth, posiworth $1800 a year. The says: A Stratford hotel keeper says he appointment will probably be made has been obliged to ask seven of his within a few weeks time. boarders to Ieave as he could not get stufcient help to accommodate them. He also lets in a little light on the fre- quently made assertion that a hotel without a bar will not pay. On a re- cent Saturday, three Stratford hotel keepers counted up the horses and found :dist there were about one hundred in ,erlel't place. Of the owner of these only OMR took dinners at the hotel. The hotel keeper says that these people, who ,!t ,T themselves of the hotel acCom- tion, go to the restaurants for �. 1 rather than their meals, the rpay,.o mended at h "That," eesgat de the hotels, Th at said the hotel keeper, "19 one of the rea- son why a hotel has to depend on its rr and the throat and lungs strengthened by Dr. Wood's Norway Piue Syrup. Price 250. The School Arbitration at Gorrie on Wednesday did not sustain the conten- tion of the applicants in enlarging the Gorrie setion. Arbitration cost 454. In- spector Robb was one of the five abitra- tors. A very quiet wedding was solemnized in St. Peter's church Goderich on Thurs- day morning at 5:45, Rev. Father West officiating. The contracting parties were Thos. Long, of Toronto, n well-known and wealthy gentleman, and Mrs. Kiely, of Goderich. ITCHING THF. NOSE. Is a common sympton of worms in child ren. Mothers who suspect their child is troubled with worms should administer Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup. It is simple, save and effectual. Price 25c. • A Tennesse contemporary records birth of a girl baby with three hands and arms. Fortunate infant. When she attains the age of long dresses she will be able to carry an umbrella in one hand, hold up her skirts with the second, and keep the wind from blowing her hat off with the third. The two,}ear-old child of Mr. James Demmans, of Melancthon, was poisoned and came near losing its life by eating colored cray ons such as children use in school. A doctor was hurriedly sum- moned and by the use of tha stomach pump saved the little sufferer's life. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on preserip. tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten -fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Ciatarh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney els Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure t you get h ag en n ine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio by F. J. °honey do Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists, price 75c nor bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. • 11 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 440 The home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hor- net', Huron road, Goderich, was the scene of a pleasant event on Wednesday June 17, when their two daughters, Miss- es Lucy and Birdie, became the brides of Ernest 1Sneeshaw and Alexander Mc- Gregor. The home was tastefuily decor- ated with flowers. The nuptial knots were tied by the Rev. J. W. Robinson, of Victoria Street Church. About 40 guests witnessed the ceremony. files To prove to you that Dr. Chase's Ointment is a certain and absolute curd for each and every form of itching, bleedingand protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes. timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh. born what they think of it. Yon can use it and get your money back it nut cured. 00c a box, at all dealers or EDAIaNSON,BATES 8f, Co.,Toronto, Dr: Chase's Ointment It was a very sad surprise to the com- munity to learn that Maggie Brown, wife of Joshua J, Pollard, south cf Walton, had passed away on Saturday evening, June 26th. She was only ill about a week, heart failure being the cause of demise. Mrs. Pollard was a daughter of Win. Brown, of Blyth, and was married to her now bereft partner four years ago last February. Deceased was 38 years and 2 months old. The subject of this notice enjoyed the love and good fellowship of a large circle of friends who will greatly regret her sud- den demise. When a bill appropriating money for a home for lunatics and feeble•minded persons came up for discussion in the Michigan Legislature recently, it met strong opposition from Mr. Rodgers, member from Muskegon. In the place of the appropriation bill he introduced another, legalizing the painless slaugh- ter of all idiots and feeble-minded child- ren. Mr. Rodgers declared that many inmates of asylums, according to the re- ports of the superintendents, laked even sufficient sense to know they were alive. In that case, he argued it could not be cruelty to put them to death. Tobacco and Liquor Habits Dr. McTaggart's tobacco remedy re- moves all desire for the weed in a few weeks. A vegetable medicine, and only requires touching the tongue with it occasionally. Price $2. Truly marvellous are the results from taking his remedy for the l i n or habit. t. re a f and inexpensive nes peve ho of s me treat- ment; no h eat- ment, hypodermic injections, no publicity, no loss of time from business and a certainty of cure. Address or consult Dr. McTaggart, 75 Young street,'loronto. 1 There aro two classes of farmers, says one of our exchanges: -First, the man who is bigger every way than his farm. To such a man it dosen't make much difference how many acres he has, he runs the farm on close practical business principles and makes a profit. Second the man whose farm is bigger than he is. No matter how many or how few acres he has, he dosen't run the farm, the farm runs him. E. P. Snyder gives an ac- count in the Ohio Farmer of a dairy- man living near Toledo, who kept thirty- five Jersey cows on one hundred acres of land and has made them earn the past year .$4,300 gross, from which he has pro- fit of $2,200. His cows, counting butter, skims milk dud everything, earned him, $125 each. This is an extraordinary herd, The mutilation of coins will never be stopped until it becomes generally known from one end of the country to the other that to deface or punch a hole in a coin destroys its value as money and puts it at once out of circulation. When all punched and defaced coins are rendered useless as money the loss in Canada will be heavy, but it will be divided among a large number of peo- ple. At present these coins are not valueless; they pass current at face value in a limited business circle. In many rural parts they are valueless. In Toronto the small stores will not accept them. They cannot be deposited in a bank. But the big stores are not so particular. They accept these coins and their customers accept them in change, knowing that the store will take then back again tomorrow. In fact, if all other business men refused these coins the department stores could go on taking them in and paying them out, and they would answer the pur- poses of a private coinage. -Toronto Star. • Mr. John Walker, a veteran whaler, and one of the crew of the Discovery, who has returnees to Dundee, reports that in the Antarctic they sound ekel- tons of seals 90 miles inland and 5,000 feet above the sea level. A controversy which has long existed between naturalists as to whether the nightingale ever visits Deyonshire is finally decided. Three are this year in full song at 'Tresham and several are nesting near Bowery Tracey. ro WAPTEn-Several indubtriouttrsons in n each state to travel for house e b ata to cal el open years and with a largo capital, to cAll upon merchants and Agents for aueceseful and profit. Able line. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of qts and all trateling expenses and hotel bills ad, need in cash each week. Experience not eseentiel. Mention reference and enclose self-addressed elitelope. THE NATIONAL, 8114I'fearborte St., Chicago. The hiss, Rear Maid. (Lord Byron.] The kiss. Clear nlaidt thy lip has left Shall never part frons. Mice, Till ll'tppier hours restore the gift ITutaiuted back to thine, Thy parting glance, whioh fondly beams An equal love may see; The tear that front thy eyelid streams Can weep no change in are. I ask no pledge to make me .blest Iu gazing when alone; Nor one memorial for a breast Whose thoughts are all thine own. 1 Nor need I write -to tell the tale My pelf were doubly weak; 0, what can idle words avail Unless the heart could speak. By day or night, in weal or woe, ell ta heart, tl e , 0 longer free,, Must bear the love it cannot show, And, silent, ache for thee. • CURIOUS FACTS A live bat has been found embedded. in the centre of a 12 in. church wall at Columbus, Ohio. It must have been over 50 years, without any air to breathe. French literature has a growing popu- larity in Scotland, according to M. Paul Melon, who spoke at a meeting of the Paris branch of the Frauco.Scottish Association. It is proposed to establish at Sans- ' burg, Austria, a summer university, to which men of science can retire for re- search and post -graduate work during their vacation. Mr. Chamberlain, as Chancellor of Birmingham university, has presented that institution with a fine collection of specimens of the mining products of South Africa. Negotiations for the supply of 40,000 rifles to the Bulgarian Government have been completed and a contract has been made. It is said that delivery will begin in September. CLUBBING RATES The TIMES clubs with the papers mentioned below at a reduced rate : For one year. The Times and The Weekly Globe .$1 CO The Weekly Mail 1 75 The Daily Star, Toronto 2 25 Tue Montreal Family Herald and Star 1 75 The Weekly Sun 1 75 The Farmers' Advocate 1 75 Toronto Daily News.... 3 00 The Montreal' Witness, Weekly1 60 World Wide 1 50 Northern Messenger 1 20 The Daily World, Toronto • 3'00 Montreal Daily Herald...... 2 00 Farming World......... . - 1 50 London Advertiser, weekly 1 50 Daily Globe 4 28 If you do not see what you want in the list let us hear from you. We can give clubbing rates on any newspaper or magazine. Address or call at TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. One Dollar what $1.00 will purchase from Diamond Ilall A Beautiful Bohemian GIass and Sterling Silver Vasa Ito. 101 $1.00 Wo pay the express charges Ws is but one of a largo number of extra value gift articles shown in our new Illustrated Folder, which we will send hos of coat to any address Write for a Copy RYRJE EROS. JEWELERS I la, I20, 122 and 124 Yonne St., Toronto WANTED ---NOW ! ! A Good Local Agent For Wingham and vicinity, to sell fruit trees, •ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. We have the largest and best assortment of stock in Canada. Terms liberal. We also grow and sell improved lines of treed potatoes. All stock 'guar- anteed tree to name and deliyered in feuded, Will make arranood gennente on commission or salary basis, according to time and ability, of applicant. Apply immediately. Pelham Nursery Company, TORONTO, ONT. WANr,m--rAn'fta•tir. PERSON TO Traver. for well established house in a few countieb calling on retail merchant's and agents. Loeaf territory. BOOT 81024a.y+ear *ma expenses; ,pa7- able $19..0 a eek in cash and expe lees advanc- ed. . rushin�gR. n permanent. Dcif• Batt eel envelops Standard house., 818 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. M "K K' Gt K K • KK & K. K & }. K'{x THE OLD FOGY -DOCTOR 1 AIv12LY Doctors are all right as general practitioners, but they are not specialists. The sexual organs com- prise the most intricate and important system ha the human body and require the most skillful treatnitint. You might as well expect a blacksmith to repair your watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual complaints. We have matte a specialty of these diseases for over 30 years, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have every facility known to medical science to cure them. Every case is taken with a positive guarantee of No Curo-No Pay. BLOOD POISON-Whetheridntq frIs pe irus is eliminated acquired, the system so no danger of return. Hundreds of cases ccuredure.by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a RSRVOUS DEBILITY -and other complications, such as emissions, drains in the urine, varicocele, sexual weakness, etc., are cured by our New Method Treat - knout under a positive guarantee -NO CURE --NO PAY. WE CURE ALL DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. Consultation Free. Books Free. Write for question brans for _private Home Treatment. Everything confidential. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 SHiLBY $TIREET. DETROIT. MICll. K K K oc K. K. & K' K tiK K&- IK K pK K All work promptly executed at most reasonable prices. IF YOU WANT A GOOD JOB Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads, Statements, Calling Cards, Tickets, Hand Bills, Notes, Order Blanks, Booklets, Circulars, Or anything else in the printing line, you will make no, mistake by leaving your order at this office. We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time. Call at, or address— THE TIMES OFFICE BEAVER MOOR JOSEPI~fli B STREET. ....10....11. WIN GHAM, . i 8