HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-07-02, Page 81 TIIE \\'INGHAMM TIMES, ELI 2, 1903 'Nfk+�l3n'�11r'11k'Wr'"�►•A+�•'!1�'i•�IY�Ir"9��'9+;+t'11►�'1k'kTv'b"w'Nr�tlV'1F"�r RITCHIEy V4 CAMPBELL. "MG,iA, IM �► tb ilvQ,. �4r to fir ii 4 Or i Qrr� i' +1► �Iv 7M0 11 Readytowear Goods A lot of fine white linen Shirt Waists, em- broidered fronts, tucked fronts, trimmed with medallions, finest qualities, perfect fitting, and the 1. test styles. Prices reduced away down. FANCY COLLARS— ' Special lots of beautiful Applique Collars, Silk Collars, Wash Collars, etc , a splendid as - from 25c to 75c each. sortment, Another shipment of Gilbert's celebrated spun glass or Oriental linings in black and. colors One lot of Japan Silk, pure silk, all shades, .25 special at, per yard f o ends of this season's regular 25c., special 5 dozen Ribbed Cotton 25c a pair, special, Mullins, new patterns, per 'yard - .19 Hose, regular 15c to 2 pairs for .25 There are still some of those $r oo Shoes left. Don't miss this snap. '9►/ 'sio'✓'d't wifr BRI . ,:t/t.•s3rgvityswo,v,44' ..: • Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs at RiTCHIE & CAMPBELL'S. $ 4N0"btitSvc 114,6, 6iifrmiclt"Arlt lifie tv 'litil'♦/8ir NQ Harvest Excursion. It is said that there will be no harvest excursions to the Northwest this year. Hitherto the Manitoba government has interested itself in these excursions, but the Deputy Minister of Agriculture for the province, has recently announced that 1►Tanitoba will not need auy outside help for this year's harvest, As a platter of fact labor is more abundant in the west at the present time than in Ontario, Meehanles and laborers of all kinds have been pouring into the West from all quarters for months past, with the result that the supply is greater than the de- mand, If the crop should turn, mit to be unusually heavy, there may be still a scarcity of labor but at the present time this ie not looked for. MINOR LOCALS. —40 cents pays for the Trues till Jan- uary 1st, 1904. Tlari;e:,:; .iu Weekly Globe till Janu- ary 1st, 1904 for 70 cents. —Weekly Mail and Empire and TRIES till January lst, 1904 for 70 cents. —Regular meeting of the Town Cou nil will be held on Monday eveningnea —Mr. W. F. Vanstone shipped hogs to Toronto on Monday. ---The lawyers of town will close their ofitees every afternoon at d o'clock and •ton Saturday at 2 p. m. ' —The Gorrie Vidette is not being issued this week. Tho staff taking the usual holiday. • Ironer —A satisfactory sale of bnsi- • i ess or property certain, if listed with C. S. 1WAcrutR, Real Estate Agent. —'The Traits and Family Herald and Star till January 1st, 1904 for 70 cents Also two handsome premium pictures. Subscribe now. The Listowel races were postponed until Friday and Satnrday on account of wet weather. A number of W inghaln- ites attended the races. —The Wingham school closed o Friday for the holidays and will re -op .+Oik Monday, Sept. 7th. Rural schools closed on Tuesday and will re open on Monday, Aug. 17th. —G. W. Ames who has conducted a private bank in Wiarton for 20 years, has decided to -retire from banking and has sold his business to the Bank of Com- merce. —The Thies this week was printed on Tuesday evening in place of Wednesday evening in. order that the members of the staff may take advantage of the Do- minion Day holiday. 1 25c1. —The Wingham band has been engag- ed to go to Blyth for tine Orange demon- stration of July 13th. —Neat awniugs have been put on the windows of the west side of the Bank of Hamilton building. Died at Hensall. Mrs. Jas, Murray, mother or Mr.John Murray, of Dundas, a formerWinghani- ite, died at Hensel]. ou Monday of last week. Deceased was born in Scotland 70 years ago and carne to Canada iu 1845 and was married to her now bereav- ed husband iu 1849, being married for 33 years. She resided on a farm on the London road for a number of years and 9 years ago :moved to 'Jewell. Mrs. Murray* was an estimable woman of quiet retiring disposition greatly beloved by the individual members of her fain• ily and, respected by the circle of her acquaintance. She was a member of Carmel Presbyterian church and took a deep interest in everything pertaining to its growth and prosperity. 0 J. MAGUIR l ACCOUNTANT, REAI ESTATE, INSURANCE AIID LOAN AGENT, Summer Offers. In order that we may add a large number of new names to our subscrip- tiou list we have made special summer clubbing rates. These rates are low and new subscribers should not be slow iu accepting them. For the small suns of 70c we will send either the Weekly Globe, Family Herald and Star or Weekly Mail and Empire together with the TIMES to any address until January 1st, 1904, or the Times alone for 400. Handsome premium pictures aro sent with the Family Herald and Star and Weekly Mail and Empire. Subscribe now and get the full benefit of •this rate. This offer is withdrawn after 15th July. --On Wednesday last A. W. Webster remember the mem TIMES ed t] bees of the .ilas>;s staff in presenting them with straw- berries. The gift was appreciaied and we certify that the berries were good. —Miss Kato Gandy, prior to leave Strathroy for Wingham, was presented with a silk umbrella, mounted with pearl and silver, by the menibors of the Mission Baud and her S. S. class. —The last of the home seekers' excur- sions to'the Northwest will be -run on Saturday of this week. We understand that a number of people will leave .Wingham to visit at different points in the West. —Regular semi•monthy meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sorts of Scotland on Monday evening next. Members are re- quested to attend as Mr. Nicholson, del- egate to Grand Camp will giys his re- port. —J. Button & Co., the new shoe merchants in the Button block have placed two neat tie posts in front of their. store. The tops of the posts are imita- tions of shoes. They make a good sign as well as a tie post. Buys some `Eery choice China on Saturday. We have our window filled with it. ----CUP's, SAUCERS AND PLATES —CAKE PLATES --SALAD BOWLS —VASES --SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS and many other artielcs Nothing sold out of window until Saturday morning. First come, first served. You know we have the rep- utation of having everything new and up-to-date. This is more evidence of it. Our Dinner and Toilet ware beats anything in town. Compare prices and quality and you will buy at Tudhope's and GroGkery Store Quick Delivery —The "Joshua Simpkins" comedy company appeared in the opera house on, Saturday evening to a rather stun audi- euce. The company put on a good show and have a good band. Saturday night is a bad night for a show to come to Wingham. —Chas. Green, who left with his fatally on Monday for Wingham, was presented by his brethren of the I. O. O. F. with a handsome mantle clock in re• cognition of his assistance to Oddfellow- ship in Chesley in various offices iu the lodge.—Chesley Enterprise. —The funeral of the late James Max- well to the Wingham cemetery on Fri- day afternoru last was very largely attended, showing the high esteem in which deceased was held. The services at the house and grave were conducted by Rev. F. Swann, of Binevale. —License Inspector Paisley visited Goderich recently and five of the hotel keepers were fined for selling liquor on Saturday night and Sunday. All of the Listowel hotel keepers were also recently fined '20 and costs each for selling liquor on Sunday. —Friday last was the day of the annual excursion on the W.G. & B. line of the G. T. R. to the Model Farm at Guelph. The day was all that could be desired and the excursion was Very liberally patronized. One hundred and thirty-nine tickets were sold at Wingham. Amounts, Rents and Notes Colleeteti. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE—In Vatistono Block. Olsen Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'elock. THOMAS HOLMES & SON BANKERS, Etc. Marriage License, i'sued. No witnesses re- quired. nosey 4 per cont large amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terns. RICHARD HOLMES BARRis1ER Ar Lnw, Somerton, NOTApr Priam, &o., Soo. Of:lee—Next to Holmes Block now building. r inarea1 COMINOs COn nese T. P. SMITH, SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST Cradaate New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Optical Colleges. Call early and avail yourself of lti valuable services, as this is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper - 'y tested, free of charge. No guess work but a scientific certainty. Diffi- cult cases accurately fitted. ALL ;NOUN. GUARANTEED. • ,rdr1 Never ear} sit private houses. Ile has also added a large assortment of artificial eyes to his stock. Will be at Golan A. Campbell's Drug Store Here's to Dad. We happened in a home the other eight, and over the parlor door saw the legend worked in letters of red, "What is Home without a mother?" Across: the room was another brief, "God Bless Our Home !" Now, what's the matter with, "God Bless Our Dad?" He gets up early, lights the fire, boils an egg, grabs his dinner pail and wipes off the dew of the dawn with this boots while many a mother is sleeping. He makes the weekly handout for the butcher, the grocer, the milkman and baker and his litttle pile is badly worn before he has been home an hour. He stands off the bailiff and keeps the rent paid up. If there is noise in the night,dad 1s kick- ed in the back and made to go down- stairs to fiud the burglar and kill him. Mother darns the socks, but dad bought the socks in the first place and the yard afterwards. Mother does up the fruit; well, dad bought it all the jar`s and sugar cost like the mischief. Dad buys chickens for the Sunday dinner, carves them himself and draws the neck from the ruins after , every one else is served. "What is Horne Without a Mother?" Yes, that is all right, but what is Home without a father? Ten chances to one it is boarding house; father is under a slab and the landlady is a widow. Dad here's to you? You have got your faults —you may have lots of them, but you're all right, and we will miss you when you're gone. Ex. —Mr. Rich. Armstrong of Josephine Street north has one of the best kept gardens in Wingham, and he can carry Off the prize for early vegetables. On Friday last he dug new potatoes and picked green garden pear, and other vegetables are equally early. Mr. Armstrong has the editor's thanks for a fine mess of new patotoes. WINGHAM ONE DAY ONLY Thursday, July 16, '03 AUCTION . ALE OF • VALUABLETO N PROPERTY There will be offcre for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the marl ,t Square in the Town of Wingham in the Co ntv of Huron, by W. A. Carrie, Auctioneer. n Tltursday,the second day of July, A, D., 1^ 3, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow ng valuable property, viz :— Lot number six on tl a North East corner of John and Centre stree • ut the Governtnent Ad ditional Survey in the aid Town of Wingham, containing one quarte of an acre. of land more or less. On this property is ituated a lar e, brick church, formerly ma tpied by the Congregu- tionai Church of Win hunt, and the lot is ex- cellently situated for uilding purposes. TERMS OP SALE Ten per cent of tho pur- chase stoney on the c syof the sale and the balance within ten di ys thereafter when the purchase will be con 'toted and possession giv- en; the pronerty will be offered subject to a reserved price; all otl r terms and conditions of the sale will be ' lie standing conditions of the High Court of istice. ii. v.sasTo ns, Vendor's Solicitor BORN. NETHERY—In 1 Morris, on June 0th, thew wife of Mr. John Nethery, a daughter. ENoit:—In Grey, on June 13th, the wife of Conrad Engle. a son. Ross—In Morris, on Juno 15th, the wife of Peter Ross, a son. LowaY—In Brussels, June 24th, the wife of Alf. Lowry, a son. WEssTEtt—In Kinloss, en June 21st, the wife of Robert Webster, a son. 1EA1tEI 2D WHEEaxn—LIVrNGSToN—In Detroit, on June I2nd, by Rev. Dr. Jennings, Mr. Alton Wheeler, druggist, of Detroit to bliss Bessie Livingston, daugnter of Mr, an( Mrs. Duncan Livingston. DIEM Reign.—In Wingham, on June BOth, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fisher, aged 22 days. MaLaotof—In Dungannon, on June 21st, Ann Jane, beloved 'wife of Wm. Mallough, sr., aged so years, 7 months, 0 days. LIQUOR AND TOBACCO HABITS A. 1icTAl;,GAHT, M. D., C. AL, 75 Young Street, Toronto. References as to Dr. McTaggart's profession- al standing and personal integrity permitted by Sir W. R. Meredith, Chief Justice. Hon. G. W. Ross,Prcnticr of Ontario. Rev. John Potts, D. D. Victoria College. =Rev. William Caren. D. D., linos College. Bev- Father Teofy, President of St. Michael's Cone•*e, Toronto. Rig?it tiiev. A. Sweatman, Bishop of Toronto Dr. McTaggart's vegetable remedies for the liquor and tobacco habits are healthful, safe, inexpensive home treatments. No hypodermic injections; no publicity; no loss of tante from business, and a certainty of cure. Consult- ation or correspondence invited, STRAWBERRIES LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR Fresh Home - Grown Berries WITH A. W. WEBSTER See our bargain day Announcement next week Cooper & Co. WINGI-IAM. (Successors to Alex. Ross.) 1111 Life Assurance BIG SWEET BERRIES for table use, and GOOD FIRM BERRIES for pre- serving—all delivered fresh from the garden to the ens. lo tomer. Leave orders early. Terms Cash WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINDHAM. Night calls at Button Block or Fifth door south of School Hone:. Shop op- 1 posite Macdonald block. NOTICE OF LOSING. WE the unders gned •rawyers of Wingham agree to c e,Our olYlces during tho months of July n d August as follows :—On Saturdays at 2 p.m d on Other days at 4 p.m. A notice et this to ppear in both local news. Papers. R. VANSTONE, J. A. MORTON, DICKINSON &'ROLM% I10LM 8, CLARSI•.' Se 110LMES. YT S. 71tROME, L. D. 8. Reil a new method for painless extraction. No cocaine. 8Uecial attention to the eare of enildren's teeth. Ifoderate prices, and all work guaranteed. orrice --in Gregory block, opposite Queen's hotel. From centre to crus The Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. -Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SRECIAI.TY We have all the latest machin- ery, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D. LOUD HEE:D opposite Presbyterian Church. The Mutual fife of Canada None Safer None Better Fire Insurance Purely Canadian Stock Companies. notexcessive. nate but Rates adequate Claims promptly settted. . ABNER. COSENS. SEEDS LL 1903' We have a large stock of all kinds of Seeds, iucillfling; —SUGAR BEETS, —MANGOLDS, —TIMOTHY, —TURNIPS, --CLOVER, eto, BLUEVALE FLOUR MILLS. —LIGOWO. -20TH CENTURY, and —GOLDEN FLEEOESEED OATS ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEED. See us before purchasing your Seeds. We can satisfy you as to price and quality. Our new styles of cheap. '.and medium, - priced Bedroom Suites ANA Sideboards Suits at $ 11.5o, $15.5o' and $24.00 are consid- ered extra good value. Some specials in Mat- tresses & Wire Springs. • BALL BROS., The People's Furniture Store` TELEPHONE .51 UNDERTAKING Cassols & Garr,IZh:SibENCE—PATRICK STREET S. Geracey's tormer residence, whero mglit calls will receive ., prompt attention. •••••••••••••••••••••♦•••• ••♦•a♦•a••••♦♦••♦•••••••♦•• •• •• • NEW ::. • 4. Inre1 .� i. ♦ ♦ f ♦ •♦ • *. • INTHE . BUTTON BLOCK• • ♦ • ♦• ♦ ♦• • J • 9 , BUTTON & CO. have opened .♦ • Store in the store lately vacated by • 2 (Button Block), where you will fi • • • varied stock of ' the latest in Fo • o women and children.•• HESE MILLS have recently un- - extensive improvements. The latest improved machinery has been put in and a new steam plaut added, so that the public can depend en an up -to. date service. IClopping done every (Lay I A. full stock of Flour and Feed on sale at the store next door to MacMath's harness shop, Wingham, under the man-- agement an=agement of Mr. R. J. Tindall. A share of the public patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. W. WARDER Proprietor Bluevale Flour Mills e a Boot and Shoe ♦♦• • nd a large and - otwear for men, ♦• •• • o - • For• • Ibe. first Thirty Days • We will have a Special Sale, when goods will be • Thomas' Bazaar, • • • sold at a reduced price. • • OUR STOCK has been • makers, and the goods are • in eve ry particular. • • • • • • • ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF-. • • • • • ri�nkc_ UalicP�_ TP.IP.4CiinP. (W T selected from high class and • a the best i • • up-to-date •• •M •♦ r r • • .♦ • ••• $43.70—Wingltani to Nelson, Robson, Trail, Rossland, Greenwood, Midway, Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster, B.C.• Seattletle and Tacoma, Wash.; Port- land, Ore. $41.20—Wingham to Spokane, Wash. 1840.70•-Winghant to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo ; Pocatello, Idaho; Ogden and Salt Lake, Utah; Helena, Butte, Anaconda, Missovea, Kalispell, Droit. One-way Second -Class Colonist Tickets on sale until Juno lath. Proportionately low rates to other Points. Pull particulars fromyour nearest Can- adian Pacific .Agent, or A. H. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 Ring St. East, Toronto GRAND TRUNK SYs EM Popular Tourist Resorts Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Kawartha Lakes, Georgian Bay, Orillis, Magnetewan River Jackson's Point, Collingwood. Excellent train service making direct con• nett ion for all ports on Muskoka Lakes. Special Excursion To . Canadian North-West. Tickets will be issued at redtised rates, good goingtg July S- 4t , validd to return up to and in908. - ch Reduced Rates are In effect ETC., • • We shall be pleased parties requiring anything in our line. • • o We will use you right. • •♦ '81; J. • BUTTON U Mut C. E. Convention, t etivor, Col., July 9th to 18th. Tickets will be issued good ]doing July 6th, 7th and 8th valid for return arriving at deati8wtion on or before Auguet 81st, 1900. 14. E. A. Convention, Boston, duly 8th to 1Oth. Tickets good going duly 2nd to 6th inclusive, valid for return leaving Soston on Or before July 12th. i'or tickets information and descriptive literature Of Highlands of Ontario, apply to, L. ItAI1ot1), Agent, 1;1/Ingham, �� . �o........r,.�.•• ETC, o • to have a call from all •♦ •- I Button Block. • ••••••••♦•••••••♦••••••••• ******•••••••••44•••••••••- r4.1. CO. • ♦, r • WINGHAMI• ITYV IyyYYVYYVYYYVVYYYYY�' vVvvvyVYVVVYYVYVYYYYYVYYV 1ninjroornFurniture iI . Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort- ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a marvel of style, quality and cheapness. • ► ► •• :% EXTENSION TABLES in great variety,' SIDEBOARDS--rThe largest and best selected stock 11 .. of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in the manufacture of up-to-date furniture. 'W e carry a complete line of all kinds of .furniture. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON id. �lderta� iter and Ug. EThe Parniture Store opposite the Post Wee. iAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,I< ' 'FVf"17'►'1VM"17MIMMVVp