HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-07-02, Page 6TIIE WINGITAJI TIMES, JULY 2, 1903 14'nts for Weak Sto�achs1 fat slowly, masticating the food thoroughly, even more, if ^,;tible, than is required in health. The more time the food welds in the mouth, the less it will spendin the stomach. Avoid drinking at meals in general, dyspeptic stomachs manage dry food better than that containing much fluid, Eat neither very hot nor cold food. The best temperature is that of the body. Be careful to avoid excess in eating. Eat no more than the wants of the system require. Sometimes less than is really needed must be taken when digestion is very weak. Strength depends not on what is eaten, but on what is digested. Never take violent exercise of any sort, either mental or physical, either just before or just after a meal. Never eat more than three times a day, and make the last meal very light. For many dyspeptics, two meals are better than more. Never eat a morsel of any sort between meals. Never eat when very tired, whether exhausted from mental or physical labor. Never eat when the mind is worried or the temperTuflled, if you can possibly avoid it. Eat only food that is easy of digestion, avoid- ing complicated and indigestible dishes, and taking but one to three courses at a meal. After meals take two ST. JAMES VTAPERS, "I believe St. James Wafers then a tre the ion of drugs for est tren bethening combine - h a 1 f the nervous system I ever met glassful with." Dr. Robert Mclntyle, of h O t Rdimbarg, Scotland. - Price in Canada: $1.00; water: _____------- M15lee 5TRENGTHTOW EpKKoj E1lREE NCTI LWROe05" `HEY ENRIC/1T11E01000a5TRENA 111E CONSTITUTION endo . "i g _ n E Montreal.fal et, -a! — PRICE= REATBRITAIN4%AMERICA ell Druggists &Lbem f' Six betties for $5.00 They help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get 'health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accomplishes much. 2. Si James Wafers not a secret remedy: to the numerous doctors re- commend,ng them to their Patients we mail the formula upon request. Where dealers are not selling the Wafers, they are mailed upon re- ceipt of price at the Canadian branch : St. James Wafers Co., 1728 St. gather Ina St.. Montreal. Thos. Greer, one of the best known Ou the evening of Juue 10th the home and most respected residents of Wallace. of I1r. Wesley Iienderson, Dialogs,, was passed away Thursday, June 25th in his I the scene of a happy gathering,. At 7.15 70th year. Mr, James Webster of Asllfield, attend. Mouday Juno 22nd Rev. Dr. Jennings, ed by his brother, W. J. Webster of of Detroit, tied the matrimonial knot be. Toronto, tool: his place iu the parlor to tween Alton Wheeler, son of John and receive at the hands of her fattier, Miss Mrs. Wheeler, of Morris township, and M. J. Henderson as his bride. She was attended by her sister, Miss Ida Ilender- Miss Bessie Llviugskoue, daughter of sou..Bev. F. J.Oaten, M, A. usiu the Duucau and Mrs. Livingstone, of Bras- beautiful .1?. of thenMethodist ritual sets s of the The young people are rest soon pronounced theles mail and wife bouts of the city of Detroit, and the happy couple received the The worst kind of splitting headaches Y c can be relieved in five minutes by heart ongratulations of the many re - burn's burn's Sterling Headache Powders. latives who had witnessed the ceremony. They don't depress tree heart. Price 10o Mr. Charles W. Taylor, business man- ager of the Toronto Globe, died sudden- ly Friday morning at his resi,ience in Toronto, of heart failure. The deceased was a native of the Queen City and a s In of Capt. Taylor. He was fifty- two years of age and entered the em- ploy of the Globe when a mere lad and gradually rose to the position he held at the time of his death. 1 Kernels' from the SauF_________gum Mffl Paragraphs from our Exchanges. The Grand Trunk are letting con- tracts for double tracking the line be - ween Hamilton and Sarnia. Thirteen men were seriously hurt by falling from the wall of a barn on which they were at work on John Weber's farm near New Hamburg. Children Cry for CAST 1R SAM A crowd of 1,000 persons at Indiana- polis witnessed the looping of the loop on a pair of roller skates by William Zimmerman, who fell and had his skull crhncl�ied, dying instantly. Mr. A. A. Esty of Wroxeter last week rented the Walker House to a Mr. Currie from Conn, near Mount Forest, who has purchased the business and fixtures and will likely take possession early in July. .w - Lever's Y -Z (Wise Bead) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, 402, as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34 Mr. John Smith, Lake Stream, N. B., says: "From my own personal experience The statement presented by Mr. R. with them I willingly testify to the good Holme Smith, liquidator of the Atlas effects of Lava -Liver Pills for Sick Head- ache and constipation." As their were only 115 privates in the 33rd Regiment this year at Camp, the Co. grant at 25c per day for each man amounted to $375 instead of the $600 as Berlin local trains compartments for dogs." Sixteen and a half million gallons of wine were imported into the United Kingdom in 1002. now Hoarseness is a common trouble dur- ing the summer with those having weak throat or lungs. It can be readily cured, and the throat and lungs strengtheued by Dr. Wood's Norway Piue Syrup. Price 25c. Household Helps. There ix nothing better than salt or ashes for removing discolorations from coffee cups or other dishes.) Hot water for cooking should not be taken from hot water pipes; a supply should be kept in the kettle on the stove. Brooms dipped for a minute or two in boiling suds once a week will wear much longer. It makes them tough and pliable, You can clean a gilt pieturo frame by using a sponge wet with hot spirits of wine or oil of turpentine, theuleaving, it to dry. To keep cut flowers fresh ever night wet them thoroughly, put in a damp box and cover with wet paper. It is very essential that they be kept in a cool place. Water standing in a bedroom over night is unfit for drinking purposes iu the morning. A pitcher of cold water ou a table in your room does much to purify the air. Disinfectants aro sometimes very dis- agreeable. One that is very agreeable is made of fresh ground coffee on a shovel of hot coals; the odor is pleasant and is a good disinfectant, From the report of A. W. Campbell, Ontario Commissioner of Highways just issued, it is learned that 120 of the four hundred townships of the province have abolished statute labor and adopted more ino:lern methods of makiug and eariug for the roads T113 results are Buell that it is expected tint in the near future Macy more of the municipalities will abolish the statute labor system. As there is nothing of more importance to the rural community than good roads one wondois why we in Ontario have been so long in cenmiii to uuderstaud the wasteful plans we have been pursu- ing heretofore. Wedding bells pealed forth merrily in Ripley on Wednesday evening ,June 22nd when Mr. Henry Thompson, a prosper- ous young farmer of Kinloss and bliss Lena Hodgins, daughter of Mrs. Hod- gins of Purple Grove, were made man and wife. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. McLeod. in St. Paul's church in the presence of hundreds of friends of the contracting parties. TOOTHACHE CURED. Dr. Low's Toothache Gum cures tooth- ache promptly. and does not blister the gams, lips orcheeks. Price 10c. Mrs. Win. Mallough, of Dungannon, died at her home in Dungannon last Sunday, June 21st. On April 17th last Mrs. Mallough and her aged life partner celebrated their diamond wedding and one week after she slipped and fell to the ground,receiving injuries which con- fined her to her bed ever since and which ended in death on Sunday. Mrs. Mallough was a pioneer of Hurou county. A PAINFUL SCALD. Instead of wing old fruit and vege- table cans to litter up alleys a New York- er is turning them into practical use. They are first piled on a castirou grat- ing, under a sheet -iron hood, and sprink- led liberally with crude oil, which is set on fire. This burns off the labels and the dirt and Melt the solder. The solder is cast into ingots and sold to be used again. Part of the tin which can be straightened out is sold to trunk makers to bind the corners of trunks and the re- jected part is dumped into a cupola and melted and cast into window sash weights and ballast for boats. In this age nothing is wasted, for the inventive genius of man finds some use for any old thing. Mrs. T. Wannamaker,Frankford, Ont., have special says: "I scalded my band very badly, "passengers with then took cold iu it. It swelled and was very painful, but half a bottle of Hag - yard's Yellow Oil cured it completely." Genuine caseoria always bears the Signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, When Bc.by was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. alien she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Childre n,she gave then Castoria. Corn soaked in strychnine and then placed among the pea crop of the Mit- chell Nursery Co., with the effect that in one hour's time 147 dead blackbirds were picked up. Of 6,430 lepers treated by the Leper Missionary Society last year, 2,500 were converted to Cllristainity. The income of the society for the past year was £21, - 'Loan Company, St. Thomas, shows assets of $415,56-4 and liabilities of .,$^837,- 252. It is expected securities hypoth- cated with Ames & Co., not included, will yield a considerable sum. ectad. "Strengthandvexigorcomeofgoodfood p e duly divested. 'Force', a ready -to -serve Mr. E. R. Hogate has purchased the mammoth steer, formerly owned by An- drew Waechter, of Mildmay. Tho steer weighs about 35001b., and will be taken to World's Fair at St. Louis. wheat and adds no dut su tains,ino rshes, invigorates."n, Bev. 3. A, Anderson, Goderich, has completed fifteen years of services in 'Knox Church, of that town. During Children C ry for these years Sy persons werereceived l> I into membership, the sum of $63,4:3f raised for congregational purposes, and 43,768 for missions. Tho famous Ferris Wheel which cost We note an important change in Bank- l $362,000 to build and was one of the ing circles, which took place last week. J wonders of the World's Fair in 1892, met 'The well known and highly respected an ignominious fate by being sold to a Private Banking firm of Messrs. Macart- junk dealer in Chicago on June 2 for $1, - her & Co., Hensall, have disposed of 800. their business to the Sovereign Bank of Four speciments of the eyeless sale - Canada and this Bank is now opened mender one of the rarest fish in the for business in Dlacarthur & Co's office. worlcl,which inhabits subterranean lakes, Children Cry for have just been added to the New York Aquarium. They were pumped out of A very pretty and fashionable wedding was that of Miss Ada B. Augustine, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Augustine, at their home, "The Chest- nuts," near Dungannon, to Mr. Alex. Berry Pentland, at 5.30 p.m. on Wednes- day, June 17th. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. S. V. R. Pentland, of Pine River, Ont , cousin of the groom, on the beautiful and spacious lawn, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion. Another old resident of Listowel pas- sed away on. Sunday night, June 21st, William Dewar having died at the resi- dence of his son-in•law, Mr. John Lock- hart, at the age of 78 years. Deceased was a native of Aberfeldie, Scotland. He married Johanna Kay in 1852, and shortly after came out to Canada, first settling in Huntingdon township, north of Belleville. He removed to Listowel about thirty-five years ago, and engaged with Messrs. Lockie & Turnbull in the Listowel foundry. He continued an employee at the foundry through its successive proprietorships for thirty years, giving up his position about five years ago, since then he had spent part of the time with members of his family in Manitoba. The discussion of gambling in the Hurou synod took a wide range, the de- nunciation of bucket shops bung par- ticularly severe. But there was one man who stood on the platform of indi- vidual responsibility. Mr. John Bans - ford, of Clinton, said. "it was very diffi- cult to make a distinction. He himself made $5000 in a stock transaction, though he was sorry to say he had lost $3000 last spring. It was all very well to petition parliament and to blame buck- et shops, but he thought it was the man, and not the bucket shop, which was to be blamed. It was not the bar which should be blamed, but the man who drank. He acknowledged the extent of the gambling evil, but he thought it was the duty of the clergy to give advice to teach men the better way." The words of Mr. Rausforcl should be printed in big letters and hung up where Metho- "Profitable Poultry Farming" (re dist con ferences,Presbyteriauassemblies, vised edition) has been received at this Baptist convections and Congrrgational office from the chief of the poultry div- unions meet. Faithful, earnest preach- isiou, Department of Agriculture, Otta- fug of the gospel will do more good than wa. It is a bulletin of 48 pages describ- restrictive acts of parliament.—Blyth ing the construction of poultry houses, Standard. the feeding of poultry, the hatching, rearing, fattening and marketing of chickens, and also the diseases andpara- sites of poultry. The bulletin is a com- plete poultry guide. It is filled with practical information and is well illus- trated. "Profitable Poultry Farming" will be mailed free to any address on application to Ottawa. Postage is not required for the bulletin. Beecher and Spurgeon. Beecher had said that Spurgeon owed his popularity no more to his Calvinism than a camel owed its excellence to its hump. "I replied," said Spurgeon, "that the hump was a store of Pet on which the camel lived on a long jour- ney and that its value depended on its hump." For Over Sixty Nears. An Old and Well-Triedm Winslow's SoothingSyrup hasbeenused for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs. W€nslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. b ' CASTOR IAd At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bradley. Tceswater, on Wednesday morning, June 22nd, their eldest laugh. ter Miss Emma Maud, was joined in wedlock to Mr. Geo. C. Hearts of Strat- ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. hearts of Teeswater by Rev. D. Wardrope in the presence of some forty guests. The bride wasono of Teeswater's most popu- Tobacco and Liquor Habits lair young ladies. Witty Aaviee. A witty Dublin barrister was con- sulted by a physician as to Calling out a man who had insulted him. "Take my advice," said the lawyer, "and in- stead of calling him out get him to call You in, and get your revenge that way. It will be more secure and certain." CLUBBING RATES The TlMMES clubs with the papers mentioned below at a reduced rate: For one year. Tho Times and The Weekly Globe 51 GO The Weekly Mail 1 75 The Daily Star, Toronto 2 25 Tue Montreal Family Herald and Star The Weekly Sun The Farmers' Advocate Toronto Daily News.... The Montreal Witness, Weekly World Wide Northern Messenger The Daily World; Toronto Montreal Daily Herald Farming World......... London Advertiser, weekly Daily Globe If you do not see what you want in the list let us hear from you. We can give clubbing rates ou any newspaper or magazine. Address or call at TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. • On Dominion Day the Post Office Department will issue new postage stamps and those who have had an opportunity of seeing copies of them speak most approvingly both of, the de- sign and the workmanship. The stamps bear the likness of the King copied from an artesian well at San Morcos, Texas. ! the latest portrait of His Majesty, bo- th ing one painted since accession to the The wedding of 11ir. Frank K amra f th 4th Concession of Carrick to Miss throne and representing him in royal 1 75 1 15 3 00 1 60 1 50 1 20 8 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 4 25 How a Young Couple Saved For a Home. H. M. Perley in Life. flow did we do it? Simply by going without everything we needed. When I was first married my salary was thirty dollars a month. My mother-in-law, who lived with us, decided to save enough out of my sal- ary to build us a home. When the cellar was finished, I be- came ill and lost say position, and had to mortgage the cellar to make my first payment. Although we went without food for thirty days the first year, we never miss- ed a monthly payment. . Tho taxes, interest on mortgage, and monthly payments on house were now three times the amount of my earnings. However, by dispensing with the ser- vices of a doctor, we lost our father and mother-in-law, which so reduced our ex- penses that we were able to pay for the parlor floor and windows. In ten years seven of our nine children died, possibly owing to our diet of extol- sior and prunes. I only mention these little things to show how we were helped in saving for a home. for fifteen r rete same o VeCoat Iwo h years, and was then able to build the front porch, which was at the right of front door. Now at the ago of eighty-seven, my wife and I feel sure we can own our comfortable little home in about ten years, and live a few weeks to enjoy it.' A Standard Remedy Used in Thousands of Homes in Canada for nearly Sixty Years and has nester yet failed to give satisfaction. o e • 1 robes of scarlet and ermine, and now in Enleke of Brant took place on Tuesday York House, the London residence of of last week at the residence of the the Princes of Wales. In each of the bride's parents. The nuptial knot was upper corners of the stainis a Tudor tied by Rev. Mr. Tweitmeyer, pastor of pp r p the Mildmay Lutheran church: crown and in the lower corner a Maple Leaf with a numeral indicating the de- nomination of the stamp. The portrait of the King is a striking and admirable likeness of His Majesty. They will be the same denominations as in use now, with possibly the addition of a four cent one. A pretty marriage ceremony was solemnized or. the 15th nit. at the resi- dence of Dr. Ure, txode i ` 1 the contract - ha ci , ipg tsfi ties being Miss Hand A. Tewsley, Dr. McTaggart's tobacco remedy re- moves all desire for the weed in a few weeks. A vegetable medicine, and only requires touching the tongue ue with it occasionally. Price $2. Truly marvellous are the results from youngest daughter of Mrs. Joseph TOWS- i taking leis remedy for the liquor habit. fir, Ooib0urne township, and Iiugh hose 8 Is a safe and inexpensive Home treat - may don of Alex. Rose, West 'Wawa- j ment; no hypodermicime n om ions, so Y • I publicity, no loss o The bride wras daintily attired In and a certainty of cure,. *lett o gresdie and carried orange bloc- Address or ecnsnit Dr. McTaggart, 75 Young street, Toronto. , s WAserEn-:several industrious persons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profit- able iiia. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary M $18 and all traveling expenses and rioter bilis advanced in Bash erten week. a°,le°essential. da ,nil idncosr+vlidtd envelope. NATIONAL, 281 Dearborn St., Chicago. i FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. Theyare easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints, They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run -clown systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them, The five - cent `packet is enough for an ordinary occasion,. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply fora year. ( 8& .K.. K.Za DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN Specialists In the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private end Sexual Diseases of flen and Women. 25 Years in Detroit. Pli No Names used Twithout Written Consent. Cures housands of p oudmiddleaged m ut are annually swept to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas. Anderson was one of the victims, but was rescued in time. He says: "I learned an evil habit. A change soon came over me. I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despon- dent, gloomy, bad no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings, poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and drains at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make matters worse I became reckless and contracted a blood disease. I tried many doctors and medical firms—all failed till Drs. Ken- nedy & Kergan took my case. in one week I felt better, and In a few weeks was entirely cured. They are the only reliable and honest Specialists in the country." READER—We guarantee to cure you or no pay. You run no risk. We have a reputation and business at stake. Beware of frauds and impostors. We will pay 81,000 for any case we take that our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will not cure. We treat and cure Nervous Debility. Vesicocele, Stricture; Weak Parts, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books f ree. Call or write for Question Dist for Home Treatment. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN Cor.Mlpsi oit,tMi thelbySt. All, work promptly executed at most reasonable prices. IF YOU ^: ANT A GOOD JOB CURIES Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infan- tum, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sickness and all Summer Complaints. Its prompt use will prevent a great deal of unnecessary suffer- ing and often save life. Price, 35e. The T. Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto. Ontario. WANTED ---NOW ! ! A Good Local Agent For Wingham and vicinity, to sell fruit trees ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. We have the largest and hest assortment of stock in Canada. Terms liberal. We also grow and sell improved lines of seed potatoes. All stock guar- anteed true to name and delivered in good condition or purchase looney re- funded. Will make arrangements on commission or salary basis, according to tinge and ability of applicant. Apply immediately. rd lh>tar Nursery Company, xmo '1'OrtO . O 1r. WAzerf n---FAI'rnfri1t. ftnsori TO ToAvar. for well established house in a few counties calling on retail merchants and agents. Local Salary $1024 a year find expenses, pep ahi° 519.70 S week in rash and expenses advanc- ed. Position permanent. Business aneeewsful and, rushing. llsenvelope egoep4SndaHose,5 CaxttonBdgCh Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads, Statements, Calling Cards, Tickets, Hand Bills, Notes, Order Blanks, Booklets, Circulars, Or anything else in the printing line, you will make no mistake by leaving your order at this office. We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time. Call at, or address_ OFFICE TILE TIIYIES T BEAVER BLOC S Jos lrHZNE STEEET. MV J.i,\ VI E•LZJ.�J.r