HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-06-25, Page 81 Mr'1fr'+ r' «d1!Mv'I+4 ►'' 4"►rtlr'd'!1,'K1^v' ! ► IrV' + 1 1 1w RITCHIE & CAMPBELL. "N► ►' M 4'R r' .'Or k' ► 1." s 49 r' r41" ti4' ' 1r4r1r9►. ICASH CASH SALE A Beep Cut in DrossGeods 40 yamialMMIMS ' All our large and well - assorted stock of Dress Goods go on sale Thursday morning, June 5th, at 8 o'clock, at a Discount of 25 per cent. off the regular selling price. This sale will be continued throughout the 0 month of June. Do not miss this golden opportunity. T RADE TAKEN AS CASH. We also give you the opportunity of purchas- ing our stylish and up-to-date stock of Dress Trimmings, consisting of Silk Medallions, Silk Applique, Jets, Sequins, Gimps, Embroidered $ Medallions, Embroideries, etc., at greatly reduced prices. $ • p Specials for this week only : $ 1.50 per yard, sale price - - - .35 A 59 pairs odd lines of Shoes, worth from $1.50 to $3.00 per pair, sale price • - - - - - 1.00 12 pieces new amines Prints, reg. 100 and 121ec, sale price .08 75 remnants of Dress Goods, ranging in prices from 50e to Be sure and take advantage of these prices at RiTCHIE & CAMPBELL'S. $ tili'c lb lb OA4Z►a1/v E/11.49!d1'r 11/4, !"11/‘1R`r'IalWS TIIE WINrGIIA. t TIMES, JUNE 25, 1903 CHURCH NOTES. The Manitoba and Northwest Metho- dist Conference has adopted the recom- mendation that after Next animal meet- ing the Conference should be divided into three Coufereucos: Manitoba, As- siuiboia. and Alberta, On Sunday next the 200th anniversary of the birth of John Wesley will be hl- ingly celebrated in all the Methodist churches.. Rev. Finlay M. Smith, of Kincardine will preach special sermons in the Wingham Methodsst church in connection with this anniversary. Sautuel E. Beckett, a graduate of Queen's University will conduct the services in the Presbyterian church on Sunday next. Mr. Hay, a graduate of Knox College has occupied the pulpit for the past two Suudays. 1)r. Ovens, of Loudon, Surgeon, Ocu- list and Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be at Winghaut on Mon- day, June 29th. Glasses properly flitted. Office at Campbell's drug store, Wing - ham. Old Boys' Excursion Rates. The following information ns to the rates in connection with the Huron Old Boys' excursion from Toronto to points in this country may be of interest to many of our readers:—To poiuts on the Buffalo and Goderich branch the rate will be $1.85 and return for Seaforh, Clinton, Goderich and any iuterveniug point, and therefore Goderich tickets should be bought for any of these stations. For the north section the rate is $1.75 and return. Only Wiugham tickets are issued, and passengers for Ethel, Brussels and Bluevale will need to procure Wingham tickets. Our read- ers should make note of this and advise their friends accordingly. MINOR LOCALS. —Dr. J. S.Jerome ,wbo recently moved to town from Blyth, has opened a dental office iu the Gregory block, opposite the Queen's hotel. His professional card will be found in another column. —The Western Foundry Co's works have been closed down this week, owing to some trouble with the workmen. Ia the meantime some necessary addi- tions and repairs are being made to the plaut. Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office op- posite St. Andrew's church, London, Ontario. —The Whitechurch Epworth League have arranged to hold a garden paity on the parsonage lawn iu that village on the evening of July 1st. A good time may be expected. See Whitechurch correspondence and bills for particulars. —The block in which Mr. C. Jerome, formerly of Wingham was opening a photograph gallery in Arthur, was completely destroyed by fire on Sunday evening. We understand that Mr. Jerome saved nearly all of his effects. —The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, Canadian Order of Foresters, will be held on Friday evening of this week. There should be a large attendance of the members, to hear the report of the delegates to High Court, which will like- ly be given at this meeting. —School closes to-morrow(Friday) for the summer holidays. —The brick work on the new Holmes block is just about completed. —A number of new names have been added to the Timms subscription list during the past week. —The railways announce single fare rates for return trip good for three days, over Dominion Day. —Mr. A. S. Strome has sold his bush in Turnberry and what logs he had cut to Mr. Edwards of Belmore. —Lncknow won from Listowel in a game of lacrosse on Eriday evening last by a score of 15 to 2. —Wingham lacrosse club will play their next schedule game in District No 4 with Lncknow on Friday, July 3rd. —The Government Inspector has been in Wingham this week inspecting .the electric light meters. —Mr. F. G. Sparlinghas just received a car load of salt. Now is the chance for the farmers to secure salt. —It is said that Rev. H. T. Crossley, the evangelist, lost his savings in the Atlas Loan Company, of St. Thomas. —The report of the annual Sunday School and Christian Endeavor conven- tion has been condensed owing to lack of space. —Read the report of the anneal meet- ing of the West Huron Farmers'Institute to be found in another column of this issue. —Miss Maggie `Stewart met with a painful accident on Sunday evening in falling part way down stairs and break- ing her arm. —Writing on the entrance examina- tion is being held in Wingham school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. —A number of the neighboring towns have organized golf clubs, and aro play- ing that fashionable game this season. Why not Wingham? —By the removal of a useless tree and the levelling up of the grounds, the Bap- tist church property now presents a much more respectable and attractive appearance. What 255c buys THIS WEEK G pounds Rice or Tapioca 6 bars Comfort or Surprise Soap 4 pounds of Laundry Starch G cans Sardines 2 cans Best Salmon 3 packages Best Jelly Powder 1 pound 35e Japan Tea 2 bottles of 15c Pickles 2 pounds of Fancy Biscuits 0 pounds of Barley 2 dozen good Lemons 2 packages of Force 2 pounds Evaporated Peaches 3 cans Corn Peas, Beans or pumpkin 8 pounds beet Rolled Oats Tudhope's p and Grockery Store Prompt Denten/ STR DOG, Strayed from lot 255th, a small sized were to the name•,'• a rig to Lutkuuw a on above date. Any biving information a ge rewarded. con. 3, Morris, on MEW lack and tan dog who tuts - port." mho clog followed ad was seen in that town person returning dog or to its whereabouts will RoutiursoN, Belgrave P. O. Miss Laurine Agusta Kaiser (SOPRANO) TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO. °Emm T—Oar of Durham cement just arrived. Parties who intoud using cement soon will do the wise act if they buy it vow, as cement will likely ad- vance in price before long. We are also agents for Hanover cement. . A. YOUNG & S0N. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED, Residenen II. B. Elliott, Frances St., Wingham C. J. MAGI7IR1 ACCOUNTANT, -REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE—In Vanstnne &Leek, Open Saturday nights from 7 to 0 o'clock. THOMAS HOLMES & SON New School Regulations. The committee of the Ontario Educa- tional Association, which met in Toron- to to consider the new regulations of the education department, suggested by the ministers. indorsed the proposal to take Latin from the compulsory list, and to give options iu French or other lang- uages in its place. It recommends, how- ever, that where another language is taken, candidates shall be required to get 50 per cent. The. committee made the further recommendation that busi- ness practice, commercial law and com- mercial arithmetic be added to the sub- jects in the commercial course. The new regulations probably will .come in- to force in the autumn. BANKERS, Etc. Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses re- quired, Money 4 per eent. large amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES BARR1s1ER AT LAW, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &C., &o. Ofllee—Next to Hobnes Block now building. n ORN. BAiein—On June 10th, in Grey, the wife of Peter Baker; n son. GROVES—In Lower Wingham. on Juno 22nd, the wife of Thos Groves; a daughter. !HARRIED hermr—GI890N—At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Hueston Gibson, Shuter street, on June 24th, by Rev. Richard Hobbs, Mr. John Helm to Miss Sarah Gibson, both of Wingham. SMITH—DODDS—A the residence of Mrs. Peter Dodds, mother of the bride, on Juno 10th, by Bev. N. Shay, Mr. John A. Smith, to Mary Beattie Dodds, both of McKillop. DIED MAXWELL—In Morris, on June 24th, James Maxwell. aged 45 years and 1 month, Funeral will leave his late residence,Bluevale road on Friday, 20th inst. at 3.30 p. m. for the Wingham cemetery. WutanT—ln Turnberry, on June Nth, John F..Wright, second son of Frank Wright, 'aged 21 years and 8 months. HACKETT—In Ashfield, on June 1701, Andrew Hackett, brother of Mr. Chas.Barber,W ingham, aged. 47 years, 5 months. GRAY—In Hullett, ou June 15th, Mr. Stephen Gray, aged 78 years. Nrcaor.—In Morris, on Jane 13th, Margaret Thompson, wife of Alex. Nichol, in her 00th year. G1w,IES—In Kinloss, on :June 10th, Mrs. Gil- lies, widow of the late Jno. Gillies, aged 28 MONEY TO Lou .—Money to loan on years. notes, and notes discounted at reason- able rates. Money advanced on mort- gages, with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing - ham Roar. Molxnoo. PERSONALS. Mr. Chas. Deans, of Palmerston is visiting at his home in town. Mrs. Robt. Mclndoo is visitin°g with friends in Ingersoll, Woodstock and Brantford. Mr. Roy Mason, of Drayton, has taken a position in the Union furniture fac- tory. Miss Ella Deans returned home on Monday after a visit with friends and relatives in Goderich. Mrs. R. Drake, of London, returned home on Wednesday after a visit with Wingham and Teeswater friends. Mr. R. A. Kerr, mining engineer, is spending a few weeks with his wife and family in town. Mr. Wm. Nicholson is attending the annual Grand Camp meetingof the Sons of Scotland in Brantford this week. Miss Hillhouse of Wingham with a friend Came up on the excursion train on Friday last and stayed over here un - Monday the guests of Miss Hillhouse's sister, Mrs. S. N. Dlilligan.—Hepworth Journal. Among those who attended the Sunday School and Christian Endeavor Conven- tion at Blyth on Thursday and Friday last were Dr. Towler, Mr. and Mrs. H. Park and Messrs. W. T, Hall and W. Thompson. Messrrt. Walter, Frank and Ernest Risdon, of Detroit, former well-known Wingham boys were calling on Wing - ham friends for a few days during the week. The boys have been residing in Detroit for twelve years. Rev. 11. Priest, a pastor of Wingham Baptist church some fourteen years ago and now a missionary in Tnni, India, has in company with his wife and child been 'visiting In "Wingham. Mr. Priest con- ducted the services in the.Baptist church on Sunday last. Mr, Thos. S. Humphries, of Oshawa, a former resident of Wingham was re. in Own n for a newngaci olde naintanees t w1 few days this week, Mr. Humphries loft Wingham elegen years ago and this is his first visit to town in that time. lie says ha sees many improvements in 'Wingham and would hardly know the town front what it Wats eleven years ago. O'LAUaBLIN—In West Wnwanosh, on June 13th, Wm. O'Laughlin, aged 28 years. Burroy—In Hullett, on Tune llth. John Button, aged 57 years and 8 months. BRINE—In Harpurhey, on ane Oth, Joseph Brine, aged 84 years. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. ejS. JEROME, L. D. S. Bas a new meth, for ' . finless extraction. No c, ain Special attenti teeth. Moderate price. , and all work guaranteed. Ooricu—In Gregory block, opposite Queen's hotel. COMING! C'MIN•l CBall"'71 T. P. SMITH, s 0 EYE SPECIALIST Graduate New Yor, hiladelphia, and Toronto Optical Colleges. Call early and avail yourself of valuable services, as this is arae opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of charge. No guesi work but a scientific certainty. Di di. cult cases accurately fitted. A11 WORK GUARANTEED. J§T•I never cn11 at private bonne: - He has also added a large assortment of artificial eyes to his stock. Will be at the care of cnildren's LIQUOR AND TOBACCO HABITS A. McTAt>GART, M. D., C. ri., 7a Young Street, Toronto. References as to Dr. McTaggart's profession- al standing and personal integrity permitted by: Sir W. R. Meredith, Chief Justice. Hon. G. W. Ross, Premier of Ontario. Rev. John Potts, D. D. Victoria College. Rev. William Caven. D. D., Knox College. Rev. Father Teefy, President of St. Michael's College, Toronto. Right Rev. A. Sweatman, Bishop of Toronto Dr. McTaggart's vegetable remedies for the liquor and tobacco habits are healthful safe, inexpensive home treatments. No hypodermic injections; no publicity: no loss of tiime from business, and n certainty of cure. Consult- ation or correspondence invited. Golin A, Campbell's Drug Store WINGHAM ONE DAY ONLY Thursday, July 16, '03 AUCTION SALE OF YALUABLETO`' N PROPERTY There will be offere AUCTION at the Mar of Wingham in the 0 A. Currie, Auctioneer day of July, A. D., 1 afternoon, the folio viz:— Lot Lot number six on John and Centre stre ditional Survey in tl containing one quer oeless. On this property i church, formerly o tional Church of Wi cellently situated f TERMS OF SAL chase money on th balance within ten purchase will be c en; the property w reserved price; all of the sale will of the High Court TOW HAL INGHAM ONE tGHT OF FUN Saturday Eve June 27 The best loshu of all Rural Plays Produced wit wonderfu See the won Hear the fa Orchestra. Watch for th ade at 4 P.M. SECURE kr DOC1GLA Simpkins' special scenery and mechanical effects. erfnl Saw Mill Scene. ons dosling Simpkins Bnrleggne Band Par - ore inn than a circus. EATS EARLY ' DRUG STORE. for sale by PUBLIC Market Square in the Town tnty of Huron, by W. n Thursday,the second 3, at 2 o'clock in tlto ng valuable property, to North East corner of is in the Government Ad; said Town of Wingham, r of an acro of land more situated a large, brick cupied by the Congrega- ham. and the lot is ex- uilding purposes. —Ten per cent of the pur- day of the sale and the ays thereafter when the repleted and possession giv- 11 be offered subject to a titer terns and conditions e the standing conditions f Justice. R. VANSTONE, Vendor's Solicitor Binder Twine WILL be Sold at to Kinston Penitentiary to farmers at the following prices per pound, f, o. b. Kingst nt.— Pare Manila, 600 ft. o the lb .........10?'c. Kingston Special, 5a ft. to the lb,. •-. 9;4c. xeo. per ib. less on t lots. '1?erms cash with tit order. Address all coinmun cations to the Warden of the Kingston Penit ntiary, Kingston, Ont. Papers inserting thi . notice without authori- ty trom the Kings - nter will not be paid. therefor. J. M. PLATT, Warden: Kingston, June 5th, 1903. Rest a while each warm day in one of our comfortable Ham- mocks. If you have not already secured one we shall be pleased to supply you. You can get a nice one, full color, full size, complete with pillow and stretcher for $2.00. Better ones $2.5o, $3 and $4 50. Keep Goo! by using the breezy fans such as we sell. Palm leaves at 5c and 2 for 5c. Dainty little fans for house use at 5c, los, 15c, 25c. Silk Gauze Fans at 5oc, 75c and $1.25. FOR 'SUMMER READING we have the latest works of fiction in paper and cloth binding. "Wee McGtegor " cost but 25,c in paper ; 5oc in cloth. Cooper & Co. SEEDS W 1903 We !lave a large stock of all hinds of Seeds, including;— —SUGAR BEETS, -,-MANGOLDS, —TIMOTHY, --TURNIPS, CLO' ER, etc. WINGHAM. (Successors to Alex. Ross.) Life Assurance CEMENT WORKS. The Mutual rife of Canada None Safer None Better Fire Insurance Purely Canadian Stock Companies. Rates adequate but not excessive. Claims promptly settted. ABNER COSENS. —LIGOWO. —20TH CENTURY, and —GOLDEN FLEECE SEED OATS ALIT' KINDS OE GARDEN SEED. I am prepared to execute all orders for cement work of every description, ere tion, in- cluding silos, sidewalks, stable floors, foundations, etc. I ha''ve every facility necessary and can do the work right. All work guaranteed. Prices and terms reasonable. Cement for sale. CHARLES BARBER, WINGHAM. STRAWBERRIES BLUEVALE FLOUR MILLS. See us before purchasing your Seeds, We can satisfy you as to price and quality. Cassels & Carr. Our new styles of cheap and medium - priced. B000Suitos AND. Sideboards Suits at $11.5o, $15,50 and $24.0o are consid- ered extra good value. Some specials in Mat- tresses & Wlre Springs. BALL, BROS., The People's Furniture Store.;y TELEPHONE 51 UNDERTAKING RESIDENCE—PATRICK STREET S. Gracey's termer residence, , where night calls will receive prompt attention. ,•••••••••••,•••••••••4•••• •••••40.•••••••.••••••••••40 • • N E iN - o . ♦ • shoe o •• IBool ♦•stor .. • • .. 1 e Z o • IN THE BUTTON BLOCK HESE MILLS have recently un- dergone extensive improvements. The latest improved machinery has been put in and a new steam plant added, so that the public can depend on an up -to. date service. Chopping done every day , A full stock of Flour and Feed on sale at the store next door to MacMath's harness shop, Wingham, under the man- agement of Mr. R. J. Tindall. A share of the public patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. W. WARDER Proprietor Blnevale Flour Mills. LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR Fresh Home - Grown Berries WITII A. W. WEBSTER • • • 4/1•••••••.. •O .' ♦ • 40. + ♦• j w • 44 I BUTTON & CO. have opened a Boot and Shoe • •Store in the store lately vacated by Thomas' Bazaar, 16 (Button Block), where you will find a large and I <- •6 L, varied stock of the latest in Footwear for leen, :. • •women and children. • 1,.. • • • • • 66 For the first ThirIyDas • y • • • ♦ We will have a Special Sale, when goods will be i; • sold at a reduced price. : OUR STOCK has been selected from the best s • imakers, and the goods are high class and up-to-date t ♦. M • 4543.70—Wingham to Nelson, Robson, Trail, Roseland, Greenwood, Midway, Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster, m Wash.; Port- io and Tacoma, II,C.; Seattle , > land, Ore. 541.20—Wingham to Spokane, Wash, $40.70-Wingllam to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo ; Pocatello, Idaho; Ogden and Salt Lake, Utah; Helena, Ilutte, Anaconda, Missovea, 'Kalispell, Mont. One-way Second -Class i Colonist Tickets -w ou sale until June 15th. Proportionately low rates to other Points. 1H'u11 particulars from your nearest Can. adlan Pacific Agent, or A. 11. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East, Toronto 6 BIG SWEET BRUMES for table use, and GOOD FIRM BERRIES for pre. serving ---a11 .delivered fresh from the garden to the cull. tomer. Leave orders early.. i'ernis tasil GRAND TRUNKSYsE DOMINION DAY Return tickets will be issued at Single First Class Fare • • in every particular. • • • •. • • •ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF •• 0 •:Trunks! Valises,Telescopesl• between all statiohs in Canada, also to Buffalo, Suimension Bridge N. Y. Detroit, Pt. Huron, Mi. etc. 0001) 001E0 JUNG 30th and July 1st, Valid returning fr my d dnestination en 'or before .InlExcursions to Canadian North West A ETC., ETC. • Good going June 18t11, valid for return until August lath. Good going July 4th, valid for return until September 8th. Summer Resorts •.... •• • We shall be pleased to have a call • vparties requiring anything in our line. • v •We will use you right. •e • •BUTTON 8b CO. • • . Button Block, - - WINGHAM, 4. 4••••••••4•••••••••••.•••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The famous Maskoka Lakes Lake of Bays, Georgian Ba Lake Niptssing Ifawart ta- Trunk are noted Bay, the Grand rraw;hed r, tar their excellent and healthy climate, up•to• date hotels, tine fishing (Season for Bass and Maakinonge fishing is now open.) For tickets, information and desert live literature of Highlands of Ontario, apply to. I, HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. • • • •': • from all = •r O' M •• • •; VVVVVVVVYYYYYYYYYYYVYYYYv VVVVVVYYVVIVVVVVVVVIVVIVVV C E 1 C 4 Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort - II "►* ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a 41 is C marvel of style, quality and cheapness. .4 .4 P. 1164601/641"016414/041VO/WW** 10. 1. E EXTENSION TABLES in great variety.i E SIDEBOARDS ---The largest and best selected stock of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in 1 the manufacture of up-to-date furniture. It tirrWe carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture.' WALKER BROSw & BUTTON Furniture and Undertaking. The Furniture Store opposite the Net Office. 44,1141,41kAA*N*A,11A*AA4AAA1JW ! ”VIMV ,;* •