HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-06-18, Page 8R1TO:HW & CAMP BELL '�/'�'�lrwAr�'O,'+�!'(A,'�'�'�.'V1r11r"�V6r'�"►'�'�+►�1�1�'Ov�i�6 i CASH SALE A Deep 0111 in Dress Ceods #� --,----- All `,''omaAll our large and well - assorted stock of Dress Goods go on sale Thursday morning, June 5th, at 8 o'clock, at a Discount of 25 per cent. off the regular selling price, This sale will be continued throughout the 4rmonth of June. Do not miss this golden opportunity. TRADE TAKEN As CASII. orrorrearromar We also give you the opportunity of purchas- ing our stylish and up-to-date stock of Dress Trimmings, consisting of Silk Medallions, Silk Applique, Jets, Sequins, Gimps, Embroidered 0 Medallions, Embroideries, etc., at greatly reduced prices. Specials for this Vice only . 75 remnants of Dress Goods, ranging in prices from 30c to $1.50 per yard, sale price - - - .35 59 pairs o"dd lines of Shoes, worth from 81.50 to $3.00 per pair, sale price - - - - - - 1.00 12 pieces new Urumes Prints, reg. 100 and 121;c, sale price .08 'fib L"/ t oa t d 6 truly weAvaiNivt.,art.iva, Be sure and take advantage of these prices at d� $ RITCHIE & CAMPBELL'S. $ MINOR LOCALS. —Wroxeter and Teeswater will have celebrations on July lst. —40 cents pays for the TIMES till Jan- uary 1st, 1904. — Jt -urs and Weekly Globe till Janu- ary 1st, 1904 for 70 cents. —Weekly Mail and Empire and TI IES till January lst, 1904 for 70 cents. —The front of the Gregory block has been given a fresh coat of paint. —W. F. VanStone shipped a car load. of hogs to Toronto on Monday. --The black bass open season came in on Tuesday of this week. —The Clifford Express staff are taking their annual holiday this week. —B, H. Townsend is offering the plant and business of the Wroxeter Star for sale. --Messrs. Currie & ltintoul shipped a car load of horses to Manitoba on Mon- day.. — The corner stones of the new Meth- I'i.., st church at Nile were laid on Tues- day afternoon of this week. —There will be a monster celebration et Belgrave on July lst. See Belgrave news and bills for full particulars. —The TlMES and Family Herald and Star till January 1st, 1904 for 70 cents. .Also two handsome premium pictures. Subscribe now. ---The Wingham brass band will fur- nish music at the Presbyterian straw- berry festival at Belgrave on Thursday evening, 25th inst, ---The Ta,rrs is pleased to report that Rev. Jas. Kennedy, of London, who is ill at.the home of his son, Dr. J. P. Kennedy, is now improving nicely. 'I -IS WEEK The home grown berries are in and they are excellent. This store as usual is head- quarters for the best: STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES rormerrrairrommorrimarreerrro BANANAS ORANGES LEMONS airirorraprirarrioris GII,.EEisr CABBAGE WAX BEANS Ct1C:UMBERS GREEN ONIONS and Judho tor TIIE I—Miss Wilkinson's many friends will be pleased to learn that she continues to improve in health. --A farewell social to Rev. R. Robbs was held in the Methodist church last (Wednesday) evening The Timis goes to press too early and we aro not able to give a report of the proceedings in this issue. —We are informed that the rumor circulated around town that the Bennett Planing Mills would be converted into a sash and door factory iseironeous,and that the planing mill business will be Continued as usual, —The Grand Camp of the Sons of Scotland will open at Brantford on Tues- day next. Over 200 delegates will be in attendance from all parts of Canada. Mr. Wm. Nicholson is the delegate from Caledonia Camp of this town, —Organizer Finch, of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends has been spend- ing a few days in town in the interests of Wingham Council. A special meet- ing was held on Monday evening and a number of new members were initiated. CEMENT -Cdr 01 Durham cement just arrived. Parties who intend using cement soon will do the wisp act if they buy it now, as cement will likely ad- vance iu price before long. We are also agents for Hanover cement. A. YOUNG & SON. —Don't forget the social at Holmes' school house this (Thursday) evening - They always have something good out there, in that line, so come and bring your best girl with you.—Com. ROE SALE -200 acres, 50 acres good hardwood bush. Fine stock farm. .Ap- ply. to 0. J. MAatiiu , Real Estate Agt. —A number of the members of Wing - ham Camp of the Woodmen of the World attended the ceremony of a un- veiling of a monument to the 1 e George Schidley at Clinton on Surd Model Farm annual ex rsion per G. T. R. on Prid, Ju a 20th. Train leaves Wingha>si at .53 a. in. Fare $1.25. Tickets gd,00d,•fo return any train following day, —Miss B. H. Reynolds, one of the effi- cient teachers in the Wingham school has been confined to her home this week through illness. We hope she may have a speedy recovery, —Huron District Council, Royal Tem - piers of Temperance held their semi-an- nual meeting in Goderich last Thursday. Wingham Council was not represented at this meeting. —The Wingham Band will hold fort- nightly concerts during the summer months. A meeting of the band will be held to -night when date for first concert will be arranged. —One evening recently the dwelling house occupied by Mr. A. G. McDonald at Goderich was totally destroyed by fire. Mr. McDonald's friends here will be sorry to hear of his heavy loss. —An excursion to Toronto and Ni- agara Falls will be run over the 0. P. R. on Tuesday, July 7th. Special train leaves Wingham at 0.35 a. m. Return fare to Toronto or the Falls is 82.50. —The members of Court Wingham, Independent Order of Foresters will at- tend divine service iu the Methodist church on Sunday morning next. Rev. R. Hobbs will preach a special sermon. —A large number of the Bell Tele- phone Co. workmen are working on the line east of the town. We understand that a metalic line will be put on the 1 poles between Wingham and Harriston. —Fresh paint has been in order on many of the streets in Wingham. A large number of residences have been freshly painted. Winghamites always keep their properties looking their best. --Mr. Wm. Clegg has sold his grain warehouse at Belgrave to Mr. J. S. Myers of Listowel. Mr. Myers intends to buy grain at Belgrave and will nse the elevator as soon as the grain season opens. —The cinch needed rain am ca m e in good quantities on Friday and Saturday last, and the fanners are rejoicing in the pro- spect of an abundant harvest, The country never looked better than it does at the present time, —Mr, T. H. McCourt, of East Wawa - nosh has sold his 100 acre farm to Mr. Hugh McLean of the same township, The price paid Was $4,350. The sale was mado through C. 3. Maguire, real estate agent. ---The Winghnrl baseball boys are having a good record this year. The boys went to Cargill on ld a last and wore the game by a Novas of to I. This Wel their fourth game for the sopa the, vois CHURCH NOTES. Rev, Mr. Sperling of Palmerston has been appointed rector of St. James' Church, Guelph. Rev. D. H. Fletcher of Hamilton was elected moderator of the Presbyterian Assembly in session at Vancouver. Rev. Wm. Lowe, rector of St. Paul's church is in London this week attending the annual meeting of the Synod of the Huron Diocese. Rey. Mr. Smith, of Kincardine will preach in the Wingham Methodist church, on Sunday, June 28th in con- nection with the bi-centenary services. Rev. A. W. Hay, of St. Catherines conducted the services in the:Presbyter- ian church on Sunday last. He will preach in the same church on Sunday next. The Baptist church grounds are be- ing considerably raised with earth taken from Mr. T. Gregory's lot on Josephine street. This makes a great improvement in the church property. On Sunday next Rev. R. Hobbs, who has been the faithful and energetic pas- tor of the Wingham Methodist church for the past four years, will preach his farewell sermons. Mr. Hobbs has an engagement for Sunday, 28th, and will return here on Monday and on Wednes- day afternoon, July 1st, himself and family will 'leave Wingham for their new home in Strathroy. Rey. Dr. Gundy and family will arrive here en Thursday evening, July 2nd on the 7,50 train. By the will of the late Senator O'Brien, of Montrea1,810,000 is given to charities. The beet sugar farms near Walkerville will be prosecuted for employing boys under nine years of age. Robert Holmes, M. P., for West Hur- on, delivered the oration at the annual decoration day ceremonies of the Odd - fellows at Ottawa. The suit of Mrs. Quirk against the three insurance companies carrying risks on the life of her husband, the late James Quirk of Brantford, the defend- ant having asked for a jury trial will not be heard until the Fall Assizes. !BORN. MOORE—In Princeton. on May 21st, to Mrs. Moore, widow of the late Rev. A. P. Moore for- merly rector of Christ church, Listowel, twin sons. MULHor.LArro—In Gerrie, on Juno 7th, the wife of J. E. Mulholland; a son. PEnRnE—In Grey, on June 7th, the wife of James Perrier a son. KNIGHT—In Morris 9th con., June 3rd, the wife Of And. Knight; a daughter. KELLY—In Morris, 9th con., on June 10th, the wife of Geo. Kelly; a son. BOLGER—In Grey, on the llth inst., the wife or John Bolger: twins, a boy and girl. MA.BRIED DIxoN—PAGE—In Wingham, on June 17th, at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. R. Hobbs, Mr. Wm. Dixon to Miss Sicily Page, both of Wingham. DUNK—IiYNnnrAN—At the residence of the bride's mother in I lowick by the Rev. M. 0, Cameron, B. D. on June 9th, Robert Dunn to Matilda Hyndman, of Howick. MCTAGGART—MANN—At the residence of the bride's parents, Grey, on Jnne 10th, by Rev. A. McNabb, B, A., of Walton, Mr. John Ii McTag- gart to Miss Ella, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mann, all of Grey. MONAus—MOTAGGAnT--On June 8rr1 by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Alexander McNabb, to Miss Catharine, daughter of the late Donald McTaggart, both of Grey township, PINIMATER—LocxMAN—At th -esidenco of the officiating minister, Rev. A. McKay, Luck - now, on Wednesday, June 10th,1003, Mr. Hugh Alexander Findlater, Lucknow to Mary Caro- line, second daughter of Mr. John Lockman, Dauphin, Man. rn , W rr7MAN—CARR— t bride's parents, on Junet 10th, by g�,y, eT. the (Clarr, lad, Robert f Alfred Carr.both htman t 4s Laura of East Wawanosh. DIED FFgu on, relict dt the Mata Benj. tardsain her 85th year, DuxwArl--in Bluevale, on June 10th, Ttobert puncan, aged 75 years. STRAY s0I Strayed froth 1 . 1 26th, i, Mall siaed werato the Minn% a rig to Luoknow on above date. A s Morris, on 'Mar Wllfi im h*$, aai� tan dog vrheti *05- The follotowelwed !loom rr *onas to "stet bewog Mt or WJN'GNI .. TIMES, JUNE WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. Night calls at -Button Bleak, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- postte Macdonald block. Miss Laurine Agusta Kaiser (SOPRANO) TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO,, CONCERT ENRAOEMENT5 ACCEPTED.. Residence H.B. Elliott,Franees St., Wini;haxn C. J. MAGTJIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND, LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con• veyaucing done. OFFICE=In Vnnstono•Bloelc, Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. THOMAS HOLMES & SON BANKERS, Etc. Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses re- quired. Money 4 per cent. large amounts ; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES BAuuzs Ea AT LAW, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PO-BLie, &c., &c. Offleo—Next to Holmes Block now building. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLETOWN PROPERTY There will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the Market Square in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, by W. A. Currie. Auctioneer. on Thu sday,tlie second day of July, A, D., 1905, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following minable property, viz.:— Lot number six on the North East corner of John and Centre streets in the Government Ad; ditional Survey in the said Town of Winglram, containing one quarter of an acre of land more or less. On this property is situated a large, brick church, formerly occupied by the Congrega- tional Church of Wingham, and the lot is ex- cellently situated for building purposes. TERMS OF SALE --Ten per cent of the pur- chase money on the day of the sale and the balance within ten days. thereafter when the purchase will be completed and possession giv- en ; the property will be ofered subject to a reserved price; all other terms and conditions of the sale will be the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice. R. VANSTONE, Vendor's Solicitor Binder Twine AATILL be Sold at the Kingst. i Penitentiary to farmers at the fol : 'ng prices per pound, 1. o. b. Bingston.— Pure Manila, 800 f . to e lb .........10 4o. Kingston Special, .00 . to the Ib .2c. per lb. less o lots. Terms cash with le order. Address all communications to the Warden of the Kingston Penitentiary, Kingston, Ont. Papers inserting this notice without authori- ty iron the Kings Printer will not be paid therefor. J. M. PLATT, Warden. Kingston, June 5tli, 1903. - Penitentia Supplies. SEALED TENDERS addressed "Inspectors of Penitentiaries, Ottawa," and endorsed "Tenders for Supplies, ' will be received until Monday, 22nd of June,-nclusive, from parties desirous of contraetin fiscal veer 1903-1904, foi tions namely:— tions, Penitents St. 'Vincent de Pa Dorchester Penite Manitoba Penitenti British Columbia P Regina Jail. Prince Albert Tail. Separate tenders wil the following classes o 1 Flour (Canadian 2 iieef and mutton 3 Forage. 4 Coal (anthracite 5 Cordwood, 6 Groceries. 7 Coal 011 (in barr 8 Dry Goods. 9 Drugs and Medici 10 Leather and Find 11 Hardware, Tinwa 12 Lumber 13 Tea. Details of information together with forms of t ed en application to the institutions. All supplies are subjec Warden or Jailer. All tenders submitted the institution, or instit posed to su ply, and m for supplies, for the the following institu- r. enitentiary. iary. rn tertiary. be received for each of supphes:— trong Baker's.) (fresh) nd bituminous) 1s) es. c Paints, &c. s to form of contract, nder, will be furnish- ardens of the various to approval of the ust specify clearly ions, which it is pro - t bear the endorse- ation of at least two resp nsible sureties. Papers inserting this n. tice.without authori- ty front the Kings Print r will not be paid t1..._,.o.. DOUG o GEO. Inspect Department of Justice, Ottawa, May 29th, 1 S STEWART, DAWSON, •a of Penitentiaries. CEMENT WORKS. I am prepared to execute all orders for cement work of every description, in- cluding silos, sidewalks, stable floors, foundations, etc. I have every facility necessary and can do the work right. All work guaranteed, Prices and terms reasonable. Cement for sale. CHARLES BARBER, WINGHAM. STRAWBERRIES LEAVE YOUR Oitl71; n FOR Fresh Horne - Grown Berries WITII A. W. WEBSTER. TIG SWEET 13E1t11/E5 for table tree, and 000t) FIRM BERRIES for pre. serving—)ill delivered freak from the garden to the atop tomer. .wry ,t 18, 1903 Rest • a while each waren day in one of our comfortable Ham- mocks. If you have not already secured one we shall be pleased to supply you. You can get a nice one, full color, full size, complete with pillow and stretcher for$2.00, Better ones $2.5o, $3 'and $4 5o. Keep Gool by using the breezy fans such as we sell. Palm leaves at 5c and 2 for 5c. Dainty little fans for house use at 5c, roc, ,r5c, 25c. Silk Gauze Fans at 5oc, 75c and $I.25. FOR SUMMER READING we have the latest works of fiction in paper and cloth binding. " Wee McGtegor " cost but 25c in paper ; 5oc in cloth. Cooper & Co. WINGI-IAM. (Successors to Alex. Ross.) Life Assurance The a Mutual fife of Canada None Safer None Better Fire Insurance Purely Canadian Stock Companies. Rates adequate but not excessive, Claims promptly settted. ABNER' COSENS. BLUEVALE FLOUR MILLS. HESE MILLS have recently un- dergone extensive improvements. The latest improved machinery has been put in and a new steam plant added, so that the public can depend on an up -to. date service. Chopping done every day I A full stock of Flour and Feed on sale at the store next door to MacMath's harness shop, Wingham, under the man- agement of Mr. R. J. Tindall. A share of the public patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. W. WARDER Proprietor Bluevale Flour Mills. $43.10—Winghant to Nelson, Robson, Trail, Hossland, Greenwood, Midway, Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster, B.C.; Seattle and Tacoma, Wash.; Port- land, Ore. $41,80—Wingham to Spokane, wash, 140.70—Wingham to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo ; Pocatello, Idaho; Ogden and tat Lake,'Utah; Tlelena, Butte, Anaconda, Itllssovea, Kalispell, Mont. One-way Second -Class Colonist Tickets on sale until June lath. Proportionately low rates to other Points. Pull particulars from your nearest Can- adian Pacific Agent, or A. N. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East. Toronto GRAND TRUNKSY$EM DOMINION DAY Return tickets will be issued at Single First Class Fare between all stations in Canada, also to Buffalo, Suspension Bridge N. Y. Detroit, Pt. Enron, Mich. ete, GOOD GOING MINE 30th and July lst, Valid returning front destination on or before July 2nd 1906. • Excursions to Canadian North West Good going June 18th, valid for return until August 18th., Good goingJuly 4th, valid for return ur tis September 8h, Sommer Resorts Georgien Bay, famous Lake" NipkiMng KsweBrtba Lakes reached by the Grand Trunk, are noted for their excellent and healthy *innate, up-bo- Maeirinonge Mil'ng is now open.) for add end destriptita hearainere of of Ontario, apply to. gleams. ;3A 1gvi.x,; SEEDS 1903 We have a largo stock of all kinds of Seeds, ineldding:-- —StTGAR BEETS, —MANGOLDS, —TIMOTHY, —TURNIPS, —CLOVER, etc. --LIGOWO. —20T11 CENTURY, and —GOLDEN FLEECE SEED OATS ALL IONDS 01' GARDEN SEED. Sea us before purchasing your Seeds. We can satisfy you as to price and quality. Cassels & Carr. SE Our new styles of cheap and medium - priced Bedroom Suite ANO Sideboards Suits at ST 1.5o, $15.5o, and $24.00 are consid- ered extra good value.. Some specials in Mat- tresses & Wire Springs. BALI' BROS., The People's Furniture Stow TELEPHONE 51 UNDERTAKING RESIDENCE—PATRICK STREET S. Gracey's former residence, where night calls will receive prompt attention. i 41*000♦♦••••••00♦♦♦♦♦0000♦0♦ 0000♦400♦♦♦0♦♦0♦♦♦000♦40♦0♦; a i - F �Boof and Shoe Store EW IN THE BUTTON BLOCK ♦• ♦• o- 4- P • • • a •• • ♦ P j 1 BUTTON & CO. have opened a Boot and Shoe Store in the store lately vacated by Thomas' Bazaar, Z (Button Block), where you will find a large and • • • • varied stock of the latest in Footwear for men, women and children. For the flrst Thirty We will have a Special Sale, sold at a reduced price. OUR STOCK has e l makers, and the goods are in every particular. • • • 4- • • a •• w • n goods will be :. selected from the best • high class and up-to-date 3 • • 4. 4. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF 2 • • Trc n uk Valises,sTeIescopes:,,� ETC.,' ETC. We shall be pleased to have a parties requiring anything in our line. We will use you right. r : • call from all t • ♦; • J. BUTTON &I CO. • • Button Block, O♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*••••♦♦♦♦♦•♦**♦r* • 4 • WINGHAM• I . ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦**♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦F VVIMITIVVVVyyyyyryyyyyyry yrvyyrnyyyvyivytrryvsyvyvv Dininroom a Furniture" I WA Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort- ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a marvel of style, quality ) and cheapness. EXTENSION TABLES in great variety, , SIDEBOARDS—The largest and best selected stock Z of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in the manufacture of up-to-date ittrniture. ; rirWe carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture. • WALKER ER085& BU�N 'lurnitrxre and Undertaking. i5t i I bait4l the l Moe. 0