HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-06-18, Page 1THS WIN(iHA1vI TIMES.
VOL, XXXII.—NO. 1636.
WHEN in need of a
new Suit of
Clothes, Hats,
Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs,
Underclothing, or anything
in Gents' Furnishings, do
not forget the firm of
Homuth Bros., where you
can buy everything in men's
wear and go away feeling
that you have the • newest
and most up-to-date article
on the market.
We stiil have a small bal-
ance of Boots and Shoes
left. If we have your size
you can buy them at your
own price.
Homuth Bros.
Sign of the Big Bear.
Issued by FitAN1( PATERBON, No. 28 Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.'
Capital paid up, $ 2,980,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,330,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
1Z. Vanstone, solicitor.
capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.00.
President -400N STUART.'
Vice -President -A. G. RA slap.
John i'roetor, (leo. Roach F!'m. 9ibdon, M.1.
A. T. Wood, 31. P., A.1 B. Lae (Toronto/.
General. Manager• -.T. MNBTJLL,
Savtnste Hanka—MM 16 to ii;• Saturday, 10
to 1, pppositt of $1 and upwardsreceived. Tn.
tercet allowed, and computed On the 80th No.
teinber And 81st May each year And added to
Opeoial Depotitli eLeo *matted at current
rated Of interest.
Iralta on Great Britain and the united
Stated Bonght and bold.
Tra nelsons are itotitied that theBankof HAM -
end it:: Branchelt festal Circular Reltettof
one nterinofal Hank of Harland, Litttittd,
all utas be embed without +shiialte or trod.
%% hi only lama *moo Weida.
W. 0011.1101/.Trn, Agent
D r IOill'& XiMIM , aollettors,
We have something nice to offer
iu Fancy China:
Tea Sets, 40 pieces, $5.00
Tea .Sets, 21 pateces, $2 55
Fruit Sets
Odd Salads
Celery Trays
Porridg Saue
Cake Plates
Very fancy goods—people say
the nicest ever shown in Wing -
ham for the price.
R1>I Al Hutchison
Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choirs farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100 150 and 200 acres, Lots in
Hitless, Greenock. 'Bruce, Kincardine Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
goat buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent. Holyrood,
Real Estate Notice.
My list of exceptional fine farms, is steadily
increasing, and the intending purchaser, (no
matter what kind of farm ho may desire)
would do well to have a look at this list before
buying elsewhere.
Just a word about town property. 1 have
seine excellent investments for the man with
money, guaranteeing at least 10 per cent on
the amount invested.
• nor further particulars. Apply to
O. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent.
(Office upstairs in Vanstone block.)
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Campbell's headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
New 1
The now sumo
Grand Trunk we
day last. The c
Wingham. Som:
a better service.
passenger train fr
via Stratford. TI
Goderich, Clinton
points better serv'
to, This is the
passenger trains
ford branch of t
me Table.
r time table on the
t into effect on Sun-
anges do not effect
other points are given
here is now a through
m London to Toronto,
is gives the people of
, Listowel and other
e to and from Toron-
st time, possibly, that
ave run on the Strat-
road from London.
Mrs. Green, milliner, offers special
value in long black plumes and tips.
Next door to Smith's bank,
Brussels Wi
Brussels W. F.
ball team, accom
went on a speoial
Monday afteruoo
for the chemisto
The score was o
Brussels the e
count, Brussels
goal in the two
these two team
referee at the re
the Post says:—
ham, dealt out
referee and his
gracefully by b
. intermediate foot
nied by 200 admirers,
train to Mildmay, on
to play the final game
hip of district No. 6.
e to one, whioh gives
mpionship, as goals
aping scored one more
ames played between
In spetiking of the
tint match in Brussels,
. Allenby, of Wing -
en handed justice as
ulings were accepted
WANTED --Ex; erienced sewing ma-
chine operators n gloves, gauntlets and
mitts. Steady •lnpleyment and good
wages. Domin on Leather Co., 530
Font St. West, i oronto.
Horses at 'oronto Exhibition.
Some extra el. -es have been provided
this year at Toro : to Exhibition; the dates
of which are A• •. 27th to Sept. 12th, 111•
elusive, for hot es owned and bred by
the exhibitor, .. eking them almost en-
tirely farmers' orses. These are for
single roadsters not less than 15.I, pairs,
same conditions carriage, singles and
pairs, not less tl an 15.1; saddle horse
Owned and bred by exhibitor, and ridden
by owner, singl and pair heavy drafts,
any breed. A vi:tial prize is also given
for best coliecti,a of ten horses, shown
by One exhibite , any breed or breeds.
Por prize lista. d other information ad-
dress J. 0. Orr, manager, Industrial Br-
hibition, "J•oront
Dr. Butler, Speeditilit in the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Offlee op.
ppann tte St. Andrew's ohurch, London,
' .M
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Lacros : e Match.
• Wingham And C atoll lacrosse clubs
w111 play a game o the town park on
Friday evening o this week. This
promises to be a v: y interesting game,
The local boys are :utitled to n. liberal
patronage and we 1 ope to see a large at-
tendance a t the ga . e. Ball faced at 6.80
p.m. sharp.
House on Shute: street for sale or to
rent. Apply to J Haugh.
Listowel ace Meeting.
Besides the se en class races with
purses of $300 an $400 each, to be given
at Listowel Race , June 2a and 25, next
week, a special rse of $500 is offered
to any Horse be ing the world's record
for high jumpin=, 7feet 811 inches, The
best horses in th i country are entering
and the meet at istowel may be count-
ed upon, as usua to be one of the beat
in the province.
Norton—A satisfactory sale of busi-
ness or property certain, if listed with
C. J. MAaunte, Real Estate Agent.
Bound f
To -day is the da
sion to Manitoba
party of Wingha
this morning. In
T. Forbes, F. J. C
J. J. Sullivan, J.
Gregory, Some o
on a prospecting to
ing to see the con
relatives. We and
les purchased ticket
the West.
of the second exour-
and the West. {"A
tos left by early train
e party were Messrs.
rr, R. A. Hutchison,
Stewart and Thos.
the party are going
r and others are go-
ry and visit with
rstand that all part -
to Edmonton".
Summe Offers.
In order that we may add a large
number of new na• es to our subscrip-
tion list we have .+ado special summer
clubbing rates: T ese rates are low and
new subscribers s1 .uld not be slow in
accepting them. 1 or the small sum of
70c we will send eit er the Weekly Globe,
Family Herald an. Star or Weekly Mail
and Empire togeth r with the Trains to
any address until J nuary 1st, 1904, or
the TIMES alone .r 40e. Handsome
premium pictures re sent with the
Family Herald and tar and Weekly.
Mail and Empire. S • bscribe now and
get the fall benefit 0 this rate. This
offer is withdrawn of r 15th July.
Fon SALE—Two story brick cottage
on north side of John street, between
Shuter and Frances streets. Good stable
and one fifth acre of /and. Apply to R.
Weeds on treets.
Along the sides of any of Wingham's
streets are thickly gr ' n with weeds. In
many places noxion: weeds are so thick
that it is impossible o walk on the side-
walk without coral in contact with
them, and for a lad her skirts are ren-
dered untidy by : ebbing un against
them. There is it ping that gives the
town a more unsig tly appearance than
to have the street: thickly grown with
foul weeds, burdo. cs, etc. On some of
the streets the pro. rty owners go to the
trouble of keepin the front of their
premises in good rim, but it is not
satisfaction for one an on a street to
do this when the of rs allow the weeds
and grass to grow. e think a by-law
should be passed co ening each proper-
ty holder to be respo sible for the keep-
ing of the front of hiproperty free from
weeds, long grass, et . In past season's
the street committee has had the weeds
cut, but cutting th m down once or
twice a year with a:cythe does not do
much good. Weeds . eed to be properly
attended to every f'e weeks.
.. ,.
The June'-essions.
The June Sessions of the Peace opened
on Tuesday with th lightest docket in
the history of Hu .n—only one civil
case on the docket, b t no criminal case,
hence the Grand Jur had been notified
to stay at home. T a civil casewas not
tried, as it had not b: •n entered in time,
so the court was ove in thirty minutes.
This case was from ay tp., Jas. Bel -
beck geeing Guy B. • oss for damages
for being stopped • ile cutting cord-
wood under contra°:, he having, con
traded to cut 250 corn s at 65 cents per
Cord and havidg out o ly 281 cords when
stopped, The deten..: nt, according to
the pleadings, admit: a contract was
made at 00 cents ik to d, but says that
after cutting a gnanti not exceeding
$34 in value, the p ntiff refusedor
neglected tei cut mor •, and failed to
(salty ou
t th.
she contract
The defendant also clai s that he gave
Plaintiff Suns of money and product of.
the valve of $72.25, an :•. oees of $48.45
over the vahus of the ork done, and
claims that sum %At p Wife and the
tests of the case. X.. , Danes*? for
plaintiff, 1. YL;}. St buryfor defendant
With he Bowlers.
Two rinks a bowlers from Brussels
and also two rinks from 'thwart/lee
spent last Thlrsday afternoon on the
Wingham law 1. The afternoon was
rather cool, but he players appeared to
have a very enj yable afternoon. The
visitors won out y two shots.
FOR SAt.E-3 buggies, 1 new, apply to
Court of
The adjourned m
ham Court Of Revi
day evening, The
Co's assessment w
to 1400. Messrs.
Ackermau and Jo
to the roll as M. F
disposing of these
on 1nOti0U that t
now amended be
Winghani for th
eting of the Wing -
on was held on Fri.
G. N, W, Telegraph
reduced from $500
obt, Worth, John
Coulter were added
and tenants. After
ppeals it was decided
assessment roll as
he roll of the Town of
present year.
MONEY ro LOAN at 4344 per cent. on
easy terms of repayntent. Apply to A.
Dulmage, Bent Block, Wingham.
During the past
trains have passed
the Q. T. R. Sev
sold at Wingham
excursion to Owei
For the I. 0. 0. F.
and Detroit on Sat
tickets sold at the
Sunday School ext
Listowel and inter
cardine on Monde
tickets so]d at Win
or the Week,
eek three excursion
hrough Wingham on
ty-two tickets were
r the Sunday School
Sound on Friday,
excursion to Sarnia
rday last thirty-five
Ingham station. A
rsion was run from
ediate points to Kin -
Only t we or three
A Good Property.
Mr. H. Ball, fath•r cf Messrs. Ball,
Bros„ furniture dealers and un-
dertakers has t is week purchas-
ed Mr. F. John • on's very desirable
house and lot on o corner of Patrick
and Edward street<. This is very cen-
trealiy situated. he price paid was
$2,200. He will e : t possession in the
middle of July. :. r. Johnston is mov-
ing to Listowel where he takes a
position as fore an in the furniture
factory. Mr. W. . A. Fishleigh, hard-
ware merchant w c occupy the house to
be vacated by Mr. Ball •
CRAYON PORTRAIT.—Life size, for
$2.00, at Armstrong & Co's studio.
Second Lacr •sse Game.
The second game o
trict No. 4, of the
Association was play
Thursday evening o
game was very iute
better exhibition of
game played at Listo
The Kincardine pla
heavier than the
they played bette
game was declared
Kincardine, but th
one goal that shoul
The referee, Mr. M
forced the rules bu
the visitors. One
evening was the pa
bottle among the
This is ono of the t
spectable people a
sports. The write
teen years in Wing
first time he ever s
among players on t
Kincardine boys di
touch honor in thei
boys will play thei
now early in July.
lacrosse in Dis-
nadian Lacrosse
on the park on
last week. The
sting and was a
Iacrosse than the
el a week previous,
ors were somewhat
ingbam boys and
Combination. The
to 2 in favor of
goal umpire called
never have counted.
Kay, of Blyth, en -
appeared to favor
ad feature of the
sing of a whiskey
Kincardine players.
ings that gives re-
orror for all kinds of
has spent nearly six -
am and this is the
w whiskey passed
e town park. The
not dot themselves
actions. Wingham
next game at Luck- W
1-4 off all dress goods during
June, at Ritchie & Campbell's.
New Boot
J. Button & U
and shoe store in
store recently
Bazaar, A sto
wear for men, w
be found at this
mut in another
d Shoe Store.
have opeued a "boot
e Button Week in the
copied by Thomas'
of high-class foot -
en and children will
re. Read announce -
c •lumu of this 'ssue.
to Mrs. (Dr.) M
Sane Is Boom
Clothing still col
Smith's Chishol
Coed will coati
ervant, Apply
—Men': and Youth's
oom at A. R.
Sale as adver-
util the end of June.
Caroline Gr
James Green
water on Satu
78th year after
She was a c
Methodist oho
kind dispositio
which was held
on Tuesday of
tended. Inter
Teeswater cem
the Teeswater
ofof thisthe town. other of
n, relict of the late
d at her home in Tees -
y at miduipbt in her
ong and painful illness.
istent member of the
h and was of a most
The funeral service
the Methodist church
noon was largely at-
nt was made in the
ery. The above from
ws refers to the death
Mr. Geo. C. Manners
WANTED—To buy a number of good
stock farms within 3 utiles of Wingham.
Apply to, C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate
Agt ut.
Wingham i Up-to-date.
The following is t ken from Iast week's
Mitchell Advocate: "Ex -Mayor Burritt
who was a delegat . to the Metbodist
Conference at Win ; ham, speaks in the
highest praise of th hospitality of the
citizens of that tow , and of their pro-
gressiveness. Het s driven through
the place with a frie d, and was greatly
impressed with the ne buildings, the
miles of granolithic : dewalks, and the
beautiful shade trees hich adds to the
beauty of almost eve e- street. No cattle
are permitted to run at large and he
considers Wingam , up-to-date town
in every respect."
Bargains in sheet • usic at T. H. Ross'
music store.
etc., at my residence opt me street,
from june 22nd to 30t14...se O. Rose.
One of the bine
public has conside
Government's rep
antes, etc.,in char
minion.From tl
this,which covers
prior to December
statistics of uncial
shown to be at the
the Bank of Hamilt
Wingham, 31.12;
ham, 35.59; R. Fra
70; Johnston & Tur
Scott Bros., Wing
Scott, Wingham, 31
urer, Wingham, 3
Wroxeter, 31.40; M
$1.40; C. Nash, Wi
Cornyn, Wingham,
Stewart, Wingham, ::3.55; Ellen Elliott,
Wingham, 3360.48; Isabella McEwen,
Wroxeter, $141.68; J,hn Beekiug, Tees -
water, 31,547.61; Ma : Burgess, Wing -
ham, 312.60; Mrs. harlotte Bisbee,
Wingham, 318.70; A. inklater, in trust,
ingham, 381.53; Jo • n Goy, Wingham,
2.45; Jane A. B andon, Beigrave,
13.28; Harriet Mason , Wingham, 3123.-
5; C. J. Reading, in trust, Wingham,
, Belgrave,.$719.82;
Teeswater, 36.02;
ingham, 3328.18;
tn, 3110.09
d Balances,
books in which the
able interest is the
rt of unclaimed baI-
ered banks of the Do -
latest number of
ve years and upwards
1, 1902, the following
ed bank balances are
ngham branch of
n:—J. B. Johnston,
m Paybee, Wing-
er, Wingham, 310.-
am, 31.66; C. A.
R, McIndoo,treas-
74; J. Sanderson,
Annual High Cau Meeting at Ham-
iit. n
The twentyfourt
the High Court of t
of Foresters was hel
week, over 300 deleb
The proposal to rota
tax was defeated.
Nos. 1 and 2, relatin
of a permanent Med
salary were adopt
fixed at 33,000 a
Stanley of Brantfo
the position.
The officers elec
High Chief Ran
High Vice Chic
art, Perth.
High Secretary.
High Treasu
High Registr .—D. R.
High Chaplain. —A. R.
Chairman of Medical Board.—Dr.
Stanley, Brantfor
High Auditor. Thos. W. Gibson, To-
Executive Com : ittee.—ist R. Elliott.
Ingersoll; and, • Laporte, Montreal;
3rd, M. D. Carrot , Montreal; 4th, W.
D. Earugey, Tor,nto: 5th, D. Allan,
All the ousters, • ith the exception of
Chaplain, Chai .. an of the Medical
Board, and the m bers of the Execu-
tive Committee, ere elected by ac-
The following o tracts from the report
of the Nigh Secre . ry will be of general
"I might state hat the work of the
year in our busin ss has proved highly
successful. Plan: were laid for vigorous
aggressive work : the beginning of the
year, and, like o r work for many years
past, we carried o t our plans. We have
a happy faculty ., doing things, and do-
ing them to purp se, as the reports of
the various oflic= s of the High Court
will show.
"Daring the y:: r the competition in
oar lino of busin cs has been keener than
ever, but, notwit tending that, we have
carried on our wb k to a successful issue
in a straigbtforw, d and dignified way,
making no cornpro wises that would lead
the public to thinthat we were driven
to extremities to :. ep up our growth.
"My last report •bowed that we had
on the 31st of Dece•• ber, 1901, a member-
ship' of 44,865. •nr membership on
Dec. 3Ist 1902, w: ; 50,214.
"The following statement shows the
anges that hay taken place in the
embership duri g the year 1902:
etas number of members on Jan-
ry 1st, 1902, 44,:65; initiated during
e year, 8,120; ,: embers permanently
spended during t e year, 2,509; mem-
rs died during he year 262; total
umber of mem .:rs December 31st,
02, 50,214.
"The balance on and in the insurance
nd at the beginni ig of the year was
,149,563.56, to • hick were added
remiums and inter -:t received amount -
g to 3432,726.98, eking a total of
582,290,54. From his sum were paid
death claims, .minting to $272,"
4.65, and interes, 36.10, a total of
2,130,75, leaving hand a balance
annual meeting of
e Canadian Order
at ;Hamilton last
tel being present.
ase the capitation
e notices of motion
to the appointing
cal officer at a fixed
. The salary was
ear and Dr. U. U.
d was appointed to
d were as follows:—
er.—Geo. Faulkner,
Ranger,—J. A. Stew -
Thos. White, Braut-
-John Neelands,
Galpin, Lon -
.Smith,Wingham, in
gham, 31; T. E. 31,
1.60; Maggio McL. 262
ebb+ cloOntrtst6Z;atbd tataintndia:thtdfilgrodrO odrodr
all tat,* 6d}f8r ad)
adermomotnhir OUR MOTTO: ***to**
am "Quality First." rj
otankereetneinalcoltdralrohreedaboAr aA obrmmorirA
eohotaetkiad momt fotretycmtArvolinie eoctrMumrLt n
RE .
titer gl i .Jtteartintotitc
oOiKt) 56
I) RUGS: ' f/ii9
citt0o tr eifitatbaiYafnt' *eb *With**tAra*With**
centra mAtandndnlntorNiOtenthintoome6eo6 pyuMV**
ade odco0lifedeodro 7 riftie yeey e
teetborowmeabmroWettir trItnIndatdaMomttriii meth
ebettitAeo nInMMrentrte lotto a dheutatORRRARNtdrtikedr
e ,;roar
.. -al
n eititoiteed;
.odrdro ', , ittwerei a child: riiw oaiailiat itiatiritil
Real to Foetio0100
$14,31; Annie Corbe
H. A. Laird, in trust
Jane G. Duncan,
David Greig, Wingb
Dr, Ovens, of London, Snrgeon, Ocu-
list and Specialist, Eye, Eur, Nose and
Throat, will be at Wingham on Mon -
Office at CamJune pbell's drugperly store,Wing.
Quiet Hom
A quiet home we
Wednesday at noon
Mr. Wm. Page, Pre
daughter, Miss Sici
marriage to Mr. War
Hobbs performed th
presence of a few of
immediate friends c
parties. The happy
tended and the bride
blue travelling snit
The bride has been
Methodist church ole
and the groom ifs
Worker and both are 1
by a large circle of fi
with the Toms 1n It
'mated life. They
train foo'Toroato
ding took place on
at the residence of
itis street, when his
, was united in
Dixon. Mr. E.
ceremony in the
the relatives and
the contracting
oupIo were unAt-
vas married in a
labile waist,
member of the
r for some time
n naive ehnreh
old in high esteem
ends who will 4Gin
skiing them a happy
ft on thea'tteoon
Totino :lis.
"The total receipts, minding interest
in the sick and funer benefit branch
for the year, anlonn ed to 395,337.08,
which, added to the alance, 39,599,63,
at the beginning of the year, gave a
grandtotal of 3104,9 i.71, Out of this
sum were paid 3.597 ick benefit claims,
amounting to 377,10 .77, and 138 funeral
benefit claims, amo nting to $4,170.50,
or, in all, 3.735 c ' ims, totalling 381,-
308.82, leaving a • : lance on hand of
323,627.89, which as 314,028.26 more
than the amount on and at the close of
the previous year.
"The total reeei, is in the general
fond account were 359,832.63, but, as
the expenditure w greater than this
amount by $3,902, and the amount
overdrawn itt the b• ginning of the year
was $5,214.07, the otal deficit at the
close of the year, th refore, was 39,117,-
"The total inoom. from all sources for
the year was $587.896.69, and the ex-
penditure $417,175. 7.
CEMENT—Ajar of Durham cement just
arrived. Parties who intend using
cement soon will do the wise act if they
buy it now, as cement will likely ad-
vance in price before long. We are also
agents for Hanover cement.
A. YottNtt a Solt.
MoNE' rO LOAn.—*Money to loot on
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Mona ad'ranoed Olt mnort•
with pri of payer at the
e of any Nobeli d a000 in''c
collected. 1 '""BaeYet t ,'Mug.
00111e to Dot;GLASS, TRO DRUGGIST,
for all kinds of
Hewer and Garden Seeds
Over 30 different colors and vari,
eties of Sweet Peas to choose
your:mixtnre from 1 ! 1
BULBS ----"`"011
Anything we have not in stock will
be procured at catalogue price.
A special prize of 35.00 is being
given by in at the Wingli,iui fair for
the best collection of ROM and
Vegetablessnrown from my seed
DOUG L L 8 8
The Druggist.
Office G. N. W. Telegraph.
"High Grade Work My!"
%!/ ei2%/L iti t
Onr graduates readily secure good
positions because our high grade
training prepares thein to render first-
class services. Business men want
first-class workers and have no time
to waste upon the other kind. Cone -
meow a course now and be eady for
a position in the fall. Write for
handsome catalogue.
A G od Story.
The late Mr, stice Lount was al-
ways fond of a j ke,and his good humor
was contagions Au anecdote about
him is being re -t Id. Iu days gone by
he was a young I • wyer at Barrie, where
also Mr.D'Arcy ..oulton had a law office.
Mr. Lount, in d 'wing bome one dark
night when the 1.ads were blocked with
snotv,ran over a alf. The farmer de-
manded $10. No having that amount in
his pocket, Mr. '.uut told the farmer his
name was Bonit Vin, of Barrie,aud to can
and see him. 1 dne course the farmer
called upon Mr.: ouiton,then a candidate
for parliament, ut he iudignautly denied
responsibility. The farmer then took
legal advice f om Mr. Lount in entire
ignorance tha he was the real delin-
quent. Loan undertook to "see" Boul-
ton, to whom le addressed the follow-
ing weighty gumont: That no doubt
the farmer w mistaken, but au election
was coming . n, etc. Mr. 13oniton paid
up, and at the next county bar Mr.
Lount told t e whole story with great
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