HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-06-11, Page 8Door erti FOSS Coatis ,.yrs:.=ane-.�—.•.r ..cew. t' r•ti--r :z,y. 0 All our large and well - assorted stock of Dress Goods go on sale Thursday morning, June 5th, at $ o'clock, at a Discount of 25 per cent. off the regular selling price. This sale will be continued throughout the month of June. I_io not miss this golden opportunity. Ta -'1m T -11;1:X AS C. SII. 4..7179CMC-. t,� t G `, you the opportunity l 1 1 ttiZllt}' Of purchas- ing our std lisp and up-to-date stock of Dress Trimmings, consisting of Silk Medallions, Silk Applique, Jets, Sequins, Gimps, Embroidered itilecl.11lions, Embroideries, etc,, at greatly reduced prices. e �s.rmmie.s.,v..zrx.,vrccae.z,.m.a� DOMESTIC SPECIALS FOR THIS WEER' ONLY 5 pieces Fi:innellette, reg. 7e, Sc and t)0', for a pieces Table Linen, reg, ',l)c and 355:, for .25 10 clots rf Carpet, irelading Wools, Brus- sels, Velvets, etc., at s;reatly reduced prices 12 pail's Lace Curtains, 3?, yards long, -reg, i c'.c and S5e, to clear at .00 Do not fail to visit .50 ^cx�'4J.�'r'�•'t.l•;�1/��L'.�`�..."",:,+�;v'�c•':�. ^'moi 0 (o Q0' MINOR LOCALS. --I. O. O. F. excursion to Sarnia, and Dotreit on Satutelay of this week. —Mr. Nr F. 'S oSt)rl.. Shipped a ear — Iarrsseisinternrediate W. F. A. foot- ball team defeated Mildinay in a semi- final game at Brussels on Tuesday even- ing by a scare of 2 to 1. —The report of the London Conference proceedings has crowded. our columns i load of hogs to 'T'c:rc:ito oil Monday. this weal: and the nfinates of the County --The Seaforth horses races will Le Council are held over until next week. held on Tuesd iy and Wednesday of next -•Th;, annual meeting of tho West Week.. Iiuron Farmers' Iittitute and Woman's —Toil: rennet far on boat from Sarnia Ieetituts will be held on the lawn of It. to Detrc•it on T. U. O. F. exenreion ou M. Young, at Cario;v on Friday after- Satnrslay is only ,10 cents. noon of. this week. -- TITe exenrsioo to w rnia and. Detroit --Zile Meth Court of the Cannciiau 00 t atur; ay w:.. be lard*ely patronized Order of 1 oreeiui '�:('r; is i1C,ldi11;, its lual by mAij; y.. 1 " iiia vieiaity. meeting in Ii:uldlton tins week. Messrs. ash. South 11l .':i C 1 : ity Ouauge Je•,4. J. Kerr, :.lid R• C, Kittson are the Lodge lam decided to hold a monoter d less t - s from Court alai:land. celebration at lime 'i on July Ann -n.lrfainpriee of Brussels is consider- Re'gnlaruleetiug of Camp Caledonia, fag the propriety of introducing a nuut- Sons of Scotland ou Monday eveuieg bar of electric motors to be operated in next, All metall:ease are requested to the day time from his power house, by =1tt;•nu till:; meeting. business people requiring thele. —A Ile* time tatle will go into force on —Mr. J. B. Laing, Provincial Auditor ' the G. T. It. on Sunday next. There will was in town on Thursday of last week TIIE IVINGIIA3I TIaMIES, eJUN1; 11. 1903 —Mr. John M. Thompson, editor of the Peresus News -Record was married ou j Tuesday of last week to Miss Susie Rce, i of Fordwtch. Mr. Thompson is a bro- then of 3.1r. W. O. Thompson. of this town. —During the thunder storm of t$tinday leveeing, the barn belonging to Thomas I Andareou, near Dungannon, with 1000 bushels of oats and 14 tons of flay, wag- ons, etc., was destroyed; iusuranco iu West Wueva Josh Mutual. —Mr. J. A. Harris, of Holy rood, last week sold his line driving mere "Eva„ to Lott & Sturdy, of Winghalil, for tli sum of e2",5. This is an exec•iltio1r lie flue driver and took ten fleets awl oue second prize at the fall fairs int season. —Lucknow Sentiuel. —The a ne s subsrriptioa list is grow- ing iu•a very i:atisfacto,3' manlier, and we are gratified with this evidence of appreciation of cur efforts to turn out a good paper. New supe eribers niay hare t11O TIJiES from now till January 1st, 1004, for 30e, --An entertainment will be I1o1;1 in tlc Zetland school house ou Finlay evening of this week. Rev. W. Lowe will deliver an address. on Ireland and a goo:] program of songs, recitations, ete., has been prepared. The proceeds will be used iu aid of the organ fund. --The Uuian Sunday school will hotel a box social in Holmes' School House, Thursday evening, Juue 18tth. A good naograniul(ne is being prepared. Lathe s bringing boxes are admitted free. (xeutlemen 13e at the door and 13c for boxes. Children under 12 years free, Everybody \v eieomo. —The regular meeting of Court 'Malt - land, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week. It is probable that the delegates will have returned from the High Court meeting and will have their report ready for this meeting. There should be a large attendance of the members. —Work is being pushed along ou the new granolithio walks. Mr. P. Patter- son and his workmen are now busy on the long streteh of walk on the south side of Patrick street, Mr, Benj. dole, the general manager of the Forest City Paving Co. was in town ell Tuesday and was \veli pleased with the evork IlOX1S, F't• tli:R.-•In Wingllnln, on June filth, tour wife of .khztip Fisher ; 0 sell. Titian --In Kinc'ardine Township, on hfay inth, the wife o1 ltev. A. E. Prior, formerly of \\"iughanl ; a daughter. MIAsor-In .Bast \\-awanosh, on May 27th, the wire of Mr. John .T. Mason; of a aeueuttr. Ramsey -In Morris, on Aiay 27th, the wife of Daviel Ramsay ; a daughter. T0fl sT0N-In Morris, on Jane Oth, the wife of 41n toil Johnston a son. MI.1.11111111) Art>1:rs(x-Kiat(-At the residcnco of the bride's tsartnts, on Juno 10th, by Rev. \i m. Lowe, Alexander J. Alderson. to Miss Isla Mand second daughter of Henry Rein., both of Wingham. MelloRr1)T, Tel>U-At the residence of the 0 ! Ireide's parent;, St. Helens, on June era. by !levy. ti. M. Whaley. Edward W. Mc'Roberts to •fuss Charlotte Cr Tudd, both of tit. Helens. Tnoneso•. n(lvn-At tato Methodist cllurcll 1'ordwieli, on June 2 by Bev, It, I. Hooking, oil i'ip.ey, Mlir. ,T, 111 1 u 1 ,,,m, of the Fergus Ness- Rivera, to Mis•, Stunt, daughter of Mr. and Mn.,sJau1n's Rowe, of )furdwicll. MAeAoxtLn-IlisLor-At the residence of Andrew dirslup, (xrc y, brother of the bride,on :tune Ord, by lb'v. J ohnz Itoss, Mr. Donald H. ..IseDonald, or Alorris„to Miss Annie liislop,of Grey. DIiSO- Bum-In (1rev, on May OOtlz, Mary Hayes, relict of tho late J smc.; Bird in her loth year. Hina. -In Walkerton, on June 4th, lobt. Hill, formerly of winghauu, aged 47 years and i I11ut1tlr:1. Anna Ccs, beloved wife Y'! ev. J11A,H I0' niltonr aged 14 years. McLiton-In Blyth, on :May 31st, Mrs. Filth MZeLrud, aged 74 years. JonNsvox--Iu Wroxeter, on June 1at, wm. Juhn,;ton, aged 51. years. ii(y-III 11in1o: s, (+u J1111e 8th, Aiexancl(r Henry, aged ) O years stud 7 months. neon - -.N Feral te rather ;ir w7iappllle s4. (Z7 ALEi) TENDEI;S addressed "I cetors A of Penitentiaries, addressed m endorsed "Ten(1e1:s for Supplies,” will be r e(•ived until Monday, 22nd of June, inelusiv from parties; desirous ous of eontruettng for • )plies, for the f's : al year 10:011 04, for the ollowing •institu- ti.n s, namely ti.iagstvu Penite kir . St. Vincent de P 0 eniteniiary. Dorchester Pent • tiao y. Manih>1ri Penitentiary. British Columbia Pt nitentiary, Regina Jail. Pi nice Albert Tail. tee .).lz at, tenders will be received for each of tit, following (dosses of supplies: - 1 Flour (Canadian than .sem; Barter's.) ;.' Beef a1111 )g111t1111 (frot111 i Forage. 4 Coal •l i ant ;triad te and bittuninous n Cordwood. (; (Sroeerirs. 7 Coal Oil (in barrels) tax s, S U'• being done under Mr. Patterson's super- 41 Drtt�s curd Medicine,;. 1,s T,•zthercutdFindings. Vision• 11 Hardware, Tinware, Paint a, tf '. • 1:1 Lumber 1:l Tea. Details of information as to form of contract, to„ .toter with feral; of tender. will be furnish- ed en appli, atien to tit(•\wardens of the various institution. M1 supplies are subject to approval of the War(len. or Jailer. All tenders submitted mist .peony clearly 1 C' l CHURCH NOTES. The annual meeting of the Baron Synod will be held in the Bishop Cronyn hall at Loudon 011 Juno lCth. Ul•s0.• lion] ttn' King's Printer will. not authori- ty -st Val cler. . I the institution, or institutions, which it is pro. pow d to suII)uly, and rift bear the end aticrl of t;t lea.:t two re panelblc -ur(•ti( s. Pu „ 1n'erthzg toll- notice without Rev. W. B. Heeney, Secretary of St. Andrew's Brotherhood, conducted ser- vice in St. Paul's church on Wednesday evening of last week, she annual convention of the Huron county Sunday School and Christian Endeavor Association will be held in Myth on June 13th and 10th. { On Sunday next the services in Winn ham Presbyterian church will be con- ducted by Rev. A. W. flay, of St. Citlicrines, a gra.-irate of Knox College. not likely be any changes of trains to and inspected the books of Town Trees - and from Winglla. urer Ferguson. He found Mr. Fer- --The I. O. 0. F. have arranged to guson's books in good shape. 'have a 50 cent return fare by boat from —Brussels intermediate club won Sarnia to Detrcdt for their excursion on front Listowel at Brussels on Thursday Saturday of thi; weak. evening of last week by a score of 7 to 0.0 •-Wings.ant Company of the S1rc1 Brussels win in this league , both the Huron Rent. left Wingham by special Interinediate and jnnior • fes, train on Tuesday for the.two weeks W;NTI;n--Exl)erie. ed sewing ma - tamp at London. chino operators .n eves, gauntlets and —Forest fires are heldresponsible f,r . wages. Steady ployment and good ages. Dominion Leather Co„ 530 the smokey eta.(lltion of the atmosphere, Front St. West, Toronto. strongly resembling Indian summer, that haspree-ailed for several days. "=11i• Win. Rutledge returned from Wingham last Saturday, He made the journey both ways on foot. He made the journey each way in two days, which is pretty good tramping,—sea- forth Exposition. --The Listowel horse races will be held on June 24th and lath. Seven class races aro given, with purses of $:IOD and 000 each. These prizes should be liberal enough to attract all the fast- e,tt horses in the circuit. —Excursion train to Sarnia leaves "Wingham on Saturday at 0.50 a. in. Fare from. WingI ani ,?.OS. A good -.chance to spend Sunday in Detroit. THIS WEEK The hone grown berries are in and they are excellent, This store as usual is head- quarters for the best: tudhope's sad Crockery &tor • -- -Union Farmers' Excursion to the Model Parra on this line of railway starting at Kincardine, on Friday, 20th inst. Tickets are good for 2 days there- by affording a good outing at a small expense. —Miss E. Estelle Griffin of this town, assisted by her Brussels pupils and Prof. Glen Campbell, of Goderioh, and Miss Maude Goodwin, of Clinton gave a very I I successful concert in Brussels on Tues- day evening of last week. —We would again remind our readers gf the float excursion from Itincardine to Detroit, on Wednesday, lune i"ItII. The palatial steamer, Greyhound will be used, Get full particulars from advt, in another column. 11ir. S. Bennett has this week sold n his planing mill property and residence c to Messrs. John Ritchie and W. Lloyd. Fir. Bennett will continue in the t business in the meantime as he does not give possession until. the lst of October, Passed Examinations. Liss Mary R. ]3indlater, cl aughtcr o Pindlater,of Morris, whois attend iiie the Woman's Medical Collego in Philadelphia, has successfully passe her second ycar'examinations iu all su T>OL'CxLAS wrEwART, GEO. W. DAWSON, to ;peter:+ of Penitentiaries. Dep'utnsc)1� of hr fee, 'Ottawa. May2lIth, 14'0x;. WALKER RROS. &RUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WiNGHAM. Night calls at Mutton Block, or Fifth door south. of School 1House. Shop op- postte Macdonald block. Mss taurine Agusta Kaiser (SOPRANO) TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO. CONCIERT ENOAOEM1INTS ACCIIPTED. Residence H.B. Elliott, Frances Flt., Winglinm C. J. MAGUIR. ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Tents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing clone. OFFICE -In VanstoneBkselc. Open Saturday nights from T to 0 o'clock. THOMAS HOLES & SON BANKERS, Etc. ,.•..Mrn. ria c L •. •� ,i enc,�z.sted. t' •rn i Ido lrtnlwr,.s xr- gairud. Mioney 4 per cent. largo amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES BAitRI8rrn AT LA)v, £,OLICITOR, 11 of ny Ponric, Vie., sec. Quite. -Next to Holmes B1oc11 now building. CERE E �� WOKS. I am prepared to execute all orders for cement work of every description, in- cluning silos, sidewalks, stable floors, foundations, etc. I have every facility necessary and can do the work right. All work guaranteed. Prices anti terms reasonable. Cement fur sale. C L LES BA8f,3dbl�:lili, WINGHAM. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TOW 1. PROPERTY There will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the Market Square in the TOWn of \wingllazn in tile• County of Huron, by W. A. Currie, Auctioneer, on Thursday,thc second day of July, A, D., 10)3, at 2 o'clock in the 111 ornoon, the following valuable property, vir.:- Lot number six on the North East cornet• of .Tolm and Centre streets iu the Gov('rnlment Ad: ditional Stu'vey in the• s aid Town of ii'inghnm, containing one quarter of an acre of Lund more orlefts. Onthproperty is situated a large, bride cllurcll, formerly oocupicd by the Congrega- tional Church of \winghnm, and the lot is ex- cellently situated for builctinro urposes, TE11MS OF HALE -Ten per rent of the pur- chase money ozz the day of the Milo and the balance within ten clays thereafter when the ptu chase will be completedand po=ssion giv- en; the property kill or. offered subjeet to a reserved price ;all other terms and conditions of tine sale will be the standing conditions of the Higlf Court of Justice. S ANSTONE,Vendor's Solicitor BLU . . 4i3U�r � ULL . .s TRAtiEnni HESE MILLS have recently mi- 1 der n 0 1 extCilSiwe im r0 emelltStt pvfr The latest improved machinery has been 7 , r I.1.�1"4 _, YOUR ORDER. FOR Fresh Houle - Grown Berries WITH b1. A. W. WEB TER jeets and will enter cu her third year course of studies in September. Dr. A Baker, who was visiting with Mis Findlater last summer, has been ofrere the position of Obstetrician at the W M. 0. of Pennsylvania, Phila. s BIG SWEET BERRIES for table d use, and GOOD FIRI%r BERRIES for pre. serving --all delivered fresh from the garden to the eus• tomer. From Everywhere. Mr. Thos.Soutilworth, Superintendent of Colonization, is receiving so many letters every day that ne wears a per maneut worried expression. His niai bag Tuesday included letters from India Switzerland, South Africa, .Australia Ireland and England, containing en quiries about every class of detail in connection with settling in Ontario The Swiss enquirer wrote in good Eng lish. The department is still able to place eyeryone who comes on farms. The mechanics and others are not so easily attended to. They are, however, given lists of places, where they plight obtain employment, and then they shift for themselves. Gond P'1'�t r W 1 Cash will be paid daily to women and girls to pick by the box. ' Children will not be employed. ' Leave orders early. Terms Cash Their Eyes on Ontario. There is evidence that the education al system of Ontario is being studied by *ailing educationists in all parts of the world, and during the past week the Ed- ucational Department have received in- quiries from Ireland, New Zealand, Scot- land, England, Australia, and many parts of South Africa, The principle of a fiigh school in the Bermuda, Islands wants to know some of the advantages of. fered by the superior facilities in Ontario for a number of sigh school pupils pre. arin -. to qualify themselves g 1 y' es for first lass teachers' positions. Other letters evidence a state of unrest among school eachers in other countries, and many would like to come to Ontario if there are opportunities for them to teach. —Word has been received from Rev. D. Perrie, who left last week for Vancouver to attend the General Amin. Ile was enjoying the trip very much sail was in good health. The delegates atteirded an open fur service at Prompt Delivery Band' en c diiday. . s ., Harvard, heretofore the largest uni- versity in this country, is outnumbered this year by Columbia, whose final re- gistration figures show a total of 5,581 f.tladente, early a hundred more than Howard. IF,, YOU BELIEVE That we can meet your ideas of suit suitableness and quote priees that argue economy, be well dressed by us. why nota O Call anyway ---any clay. See all there is to see. Get our prices—and it's likely we'll get your order. But call. anyway. R. MAXWELL ART TAILOR. putinand a new steam plant added, so that the public can depend on an up -to. date service. Choppamairdone every day A full stock of Flour and Feed on sale at the store next door to MacMath's harness shop, Wingham, under the man- agement of Mr. R. J. Tindall. A share of the public patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. .$'. W. WARDER Proprietor Eluevale Flour .111411s. $i 43.70-Wingham to Nelson, Robson, Trail, 71.ossland, Greenwood, Midway, Vancouver, Victoria, New \Westminster, 13.C.; Seattle and Tacoma, Wash.; Port- land, Ore. )E41 20-\Wingham to Spokane, Wash, $40.70--\Whlghaln to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo ; Pocatello, Idaho; Ogden and :;alt Lake, 'Utah; Melena, Butte, Anaconda, Alissovea, xialispell, nxont. One-way Second -Class Colonist Tickets on sale until June lu"thr. Proportionately low rates to other Points. Vall particulars from your nearest Can- adian Pacific Agent, or A. H. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 Xing St, East, Toronto urIA�WU TRUNK' • SYS EM Excursions TO THE .... CANADIAN as NORTH — WEST AT trOLLowING rtEn niN 1'ABI.7s 1 Winnipeg, Man. Arcola, Assa Binsenrth, Man Elgin, Man Estovan(os t 1(*randView,Man ' $. Q Miniota, Assn , Moosoznin,,Assn Swann River, Man Wnska(a, Men f Wa\vanesa, Mian Mtoosejaw,Assaj Regina Assa Yorkton, Assn j '- Prince Albert flah, 3lacLeosd, Alba► $3t5 Calgary, Alba I Red Deer, Aibal AAA. Strathcona •, Good goingJuno Ohl June 18th, Returning Good withinoAO n17 4th, vmaliiddttot issue. until Sept. 8th, r905, WHERE TO SPEND TfE SIMMER R The famous Muskoka TAkos, Lake of Bays, NipainRraortLakes, the AnRiver rr'sehedly b* Grand Trank Railway System. E{xce11(mt ho- tel arrommodatlou, healthy climate, tlehin , rte. 77eexai'l 'tire Literaturn and all i nformet rem front A gin*. L. HAROLD, Allam, Of Household Treasures there is nano nearer to the heart of the housewife who takes pride in her home than dainty Chinaware, and we intend to make this store a favorite spot for odd pieces of Chinaware such as you will not find outside the cities. We aro re -arranging our stook so as to accommodate the new lines, of wllicil there aro now three shipments to hand, and we invite all the ladies of Wingham and vicinity to see what we have whether you aro in the buying y g mood or not. Cooper& Coo WINGHAM. . (Successors to Alex. Ross.) • � t e Si=ne & i n c e The Mutual rife of Canada None Safer Nono Better are Purely Canadian Stock Companies. Rates adequate but not excessive. Claims promptly settted. ABNER COSENS. "Silver Plate Mat Wears." O v; l. 1• rpb iliZGVItiiiVEIAlb6 • endepptartmar THE PtATEM)1NUFAClU3 IN THE LA "Nu cWORD. June Weddings are numerous, and W. T. A. Fishleigh has just what you want in the above-mentioned Silverware. We are giving you a special 10 per cent, for two weeks. Every article is guaranteed. Inspect our stock. No trouble to show goods. Don't forget we have just received a shipment of Blue Flatne Wickless Coal Oil . and Gasoline Stoves, to sell at right prices. FISHLEIGH'S HARDWARE STORE Smith & Pethick's old stand. SEE- Oui- new styles of cheap and medium - priced Bedfraom Suites AND Sideboards Suits at $11.5o, $15.50' and $24.00 are consid- ered extra good value, Some specials in Mat- tresses & Wlre Springs. BALL BR�S.9, The People's Furniture Sion 1 TELEPHONE 51 UNDERTAKING BESIDENCn-PATRIett STREET S. Gracey's termer resideneo, where night cans will receive ptnttel1 • on. Ni From ccotrc to crust The Market Bakery ,Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval, 1.4 ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest machin. ery, and there is -no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D, LOUGHEED Opposite Presbyterian Church. \\` E r. nal) We have a large stock of all kinds of Seeds, including:- -SUGAR BEETS, —MANGOLDS, —TIMOTHY, —TURNIPS, —CLOVER, etc. —LIGOWO. —20TH CENTURY, and —GOLDEN FLEECE SEED OATS, ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEED. See us before purchasing your Seeds. We can satisfy you as to price and quality. Cassels & Carr, vvvvvvY'ITyyvvvyVYyyyyyvvvv ivvrryvvvvVYVVYVVVYYyYYVY�V ■ 6. 0. Y . lolling room Furniture 4 ► I.4 ► Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort- 4 II.i7 4- P. • ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a 11. 4 ► 4 marvel of style, quality and cheapness. 1. ai- e. E EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. tit SIDEBOARDS ---The largest and best selected stock of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in the manufacture of up-io-date furniture. p. trrWe carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture. WAIKER8iOS & BUTTON rurniture and Undertaking. • Fnrnitlure Store opposite the POItt Oftteta. ANktialoma4.140A; a 4 _---- STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES BANANAS . U..41 I ,.f. LEMONS GREEN CAI3IAGE WAX BEANS wiiildiemiiimbililk i I UrCt MEtI'LS Gl•REE;v ONIONS and MiPABAUt'S tudhope's sad Crockery &tor • -- -Union Farmers' Excursion to the Model Parra on this line of railway starting at Kincardine, on Friday, 20th inst. Tickets are good for 2 days there- by affording a good outing at a small expense. —Miss E. Estelle Griffin of this town, assisted by her Brussels pupils and Prof. Glen Campbell, of Goderioh, and Miss Maude Goodwin, of Clinton gave a very I I successful concert in Brussels on Tues- day evening of last week. —We would again remind our readers gf the float excursion from Itincardine to Detroit, on Wednesday, lune i"ItII. The palatial steamer, Greyhound will be used, Get full particulars from advt, in another column. 11ir. S. Bennett has this week sold n his planing mill property and residence c to Messrs. John Ritchie and W. Lloyd. Fir. Bennett will continue in the t business in the meantime as he does not give possession until. the lst of October, Passed Examinations. Liss Mary R. ]3indlater, cl aughtcr o Pindlater,of Morris, whois attend iiie the Woman's Medical Collego in Philadelphia, has successfully passe her second ycar'examinations iu all su T>OL'CxLAS wrEwART, GEO. W. DAWSON, to ;peter:+ of Penitentiaries. Dep'utnsc)1� of hr fee, 'Ottawa. May2lIth, 14'0x;. WALKER RROS. &RUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WiNGHAM. Night calls at Mutton Block, or Fifth door south. of School 1House. Shop op- postte Macdonald block. Mss taurine Agusta Kaiser (SOPRANO) TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO. CONCIERT ENOAOEM1INTS ACCIIPTED. Residence H.B. Elliott, Frances Flt., Winglinm C. J. MAGUIR. ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Tents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing clone. OFFICE -In VanstoneBkselc. Open Saturday nights from T to 0 o'clock. THOMAS HOLES & SON BANKERS, Etc. ,.•..Mrn. ria c L •. •� ,i enc,�z.sted. t' •rn i Ido lrtnlwr,.s xr- gairud. Mioney 4 per cent. largo amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES BAitRI8rrn AT LA)v, £,OLICITOR, 11 of ny Ponric, Vie., sec. Quite. -Next to Holmes B1oc11 now building. CERE E �� WOKS. I am prepared to execute all orders for cement work of every description, in- cluning silos, sidewalks, stable floors, foundations, etc. I have every facility necessary and can do the work right. All work guaranteed. Prices anti terms reasonable. Cement fur sale. C L LES BA8f,3dbl�:lili, WINGHAM. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TOW 1. PROPERTY There will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the Market Square in the TOWn of \wingllazn in tile• County of Huron, by W. A. Currie, Auctioneer, on Thursday,thc second day of July, A, D., 10)3, at 2 o'clock in the 111 ornoon, the following valuable property, vir.:- Lot number six on the North East cornet• of .Tolm and Centre streets iu the Gov('rnlment Ad: ditional Stu'vey in the• s aid Town of ii'inghnm, containing one quarter of an acre of Lund more orlefts. Onthproperty is situated a large, bride cllurcll, formerly oocupicd by the Congrega- tional Church of \winghnm, and the lot is ex- cellently situated for builctinro urposes, TE11MS OF HALE -Ten per rent of the pur- chase money ozz the day of the Milo and the balance within ten clays thereafter when the ptu chase will be completedand po=ssion giv- en; the property kill or. offered subjeet to a reserved price ;all other terms and conditions of tine sale will be the standing conditions of the Higlf Court of Justice. S ANSTONE,Vendor's Solicitor BLU . . 4i3U�r � ULL . .s TRAtiEnni HESE MILLS have recently mi- 1 der n 0 1 extCilSiwe im r0 emelltStt pvfr The latest improved machinery has been 7 , r I.1.�1"4 _, YOUR ORDER. FOR Fresh Houle - Grown Berries WITH b1. A. W. WEB TER jeets and will enter cu her third year course of studies in September. Dr. A Baker, who was visiting with Mis Findlater last summer, has been ofrere the position of Obstetrician at the W M. 0. of Pennsylvania, Phila. s BIG SWEET BERRIES for table d use, and GOOD FIRI%r BERRIES for pre. serving --all delivered fresh from the garden to the eus• tomer. From Everywhere. Mr. Thos.Soutilworth, Superintendent of Colonization, is receiving so many letters every day that ne wears a per maneut worried expression. His niai bag Tuesday included letters from India Switzerland, South Africa, .Australia Ireland and England, containing en quiries about every class of detail in connection with settling in Ontario The Swiss enquirer wrote in good Eng lish. The department is still able to place eyeryone who comes on farms. The mechanics and others are not so easily attended to. They are, however, given lists of places, where they plight obtain employment, and then they shift for themselves. Gond P'1'�t r W 1 Cash will be paid daily to women and girls to pick by the box. ' Children will not be employed. ' Leave orders early. Terms Cash Their Eyes on Ontario. There is evidence that the education al system of Ontario is being studied by *ailing educationists in all parts of the world, and during the past week the Ed- ucational Department have received in- quiries from Ireland, New Zealand, Scot- land, England, Australia, and many parts of South Africa, The principle of a fiigh school in the Bermuda, Islands wants to know some of the advantages of. fered by the superior facilities in Ontario for a number of sigh school pupils pre. arin -. to qualify themselves g 1 y' es for first lass teachers' positions. Other letters evidence a state of unrest among school eachers in other countries, and many would like to come to Ontario if there are opportunities for them to teach. —Word has been received from Rev. D. Perrie, who left last week for Vancouver to attend the General Amin. Ile was enjoying the trip very much sail was in good health. The delegates atteirded an open fur service at Prompt Delivery Band' en c diiday. . s ., Harvard, heretofore the largest uni- versity in this country, is outnumbered this year by Columbia, whose final re- gistration figures show a total of 5,581 f.tladente, early a hundred more than Howard. IF,, YOU BELIEVE That we can meet your ideas of suit suitableness and quote priees that argue economy, be well dressed by us. why nota O Call anyway ---any clay. See all there is to see. Get our prices—and it's likely we'll get your order. But call. anyway. R. MAXWELL ART TAILOR. putinand a new steam plant added, so that the public can depend on an up -to. date service. Choppamairdone every day A full stock of Flour and Feed on sale at the store next door to MacMath's harness shop, Wingham, under the man- agement of Mr. R. J. Tindall. A share of the public patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. .$'. W. WARDER Proprietor Eluevale Flour .111411s. $i 43.70-Wingham to Nelson, Robson, Trail, 71.ossland, Greenwood, Midway, Vancouver, Victoria, New \Westminster, 13.C.; Seattle and Tacoma, Wash.; Port- land, Ore. )E41 20-\Wingham to Spokane, Wash, $40.70--\Whlghaln to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo ; Pocatello, Idaho; Ogden and :;alt Lake, 'Utah; Melena, Butte, Anaconda, Alissovea, xialispell, nxont. One-way Second -Class Colonist Tickets on sale until June lu"thr. Proportionately low rates to other Points. Vall particulars from your nearest Can- adian Pacific Agent, or A. H. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 Xing St, East, Toronto urIA�WU TRUNK' • SYS EM Excursions TO THE .... CANADIAN as NORTH — WEST AT trOLLowING rtEn niN 1'ABI.7s 1 Winnipeg, Man. Arcola, Assa Binsenrth, Man Elgin, Man Estovan(os t 1(*randView,Man ' $. Q Miniota, Assn , Moosoznin,,Assn Swann River, Man Wnska(a, Men f Wa\vanesa, Mian Mtoosejaw,Assaj Regina Assa Yorkton, Assn j '- Prince Albert flah, 3lacLeosd, Alba► $3t5 Calgary, Alba I Red Deer, Aibal AAA. Strathcona •, Good goingJuno Ohl June 18th, Returning Good withinoAO n17 4th, vmaliiddttot issue. until Sept. 8th, r905, WHERE TO SPEND TfE SIMMER R The famous Muskoka TAkos, Lake of Bays, NipainRraortLakes, the AnRiver rr'sehedly b* Grand Trank Railway System. E{xce11(mt ho- tel arrommodatlou, healthy climate, tlehin , rte. 77eexai'l 'tire Literaturn and all i nformet rem front A gin*. L. HAROLD, Allam, Of Household Treasures there is nano nearer to the heart of the housewife who takes pride in her home than dainty Chinaware, and we intend to make this store a favorite spot for odd pieces of Chinaware such as you will not find outside the cities. We aro re -arranging our stook so as to accommodate the new lines, of wllicil there aro now three shipments to hand, and we invite all the ladies of Wingham and vicinity to see what we have whether you aro in the buying y g mood or not. Cooper& Coo WINGHAM. . (Successors to Alex. Ross.) • � t e Si=ne & i n c e The Mutual rife of Canada None Safer Nono Better are Purely Canadian Stock Companies. Rates adequate but not excessive. Claims promptly settted. ABNER COSENS. "Silver Plate Mat Wears." O v; l. 1• rpb iliZGVItiiiVEIAlb6 • endepptartmar THE PtATEM)1NUFAClU3 IN THE LA "Nu cWORD. June Weddings are numerous, and W. T. A. Fishleigh has just what you want in the above-mentioned Silverware. We are giving you a special 10 per cent, for two weeks. Every article is guaranteed. Inspect our stock. No trouble to show goods. Don't forget we have just received a shipment of Blue Flatne Wickless Coal Oil . and Gasoline Stoves, to sell at right prices. FISHLEIGH'S HARDWARE STORE Smith & Pethick's old stand. SEE- Oui- new styles of cheap and medium - priced Bedfraom Suites AND Sideboards Suits at $11.5o, $15.50' and $24.00 are consid- ered extra good value, Some specials in Mat- tresses & Wlre Springs. BALL BR�S.9, The People's Furniture Sion 1 TELEPHONE 51 UNDERTAKING BESIDENCn-PATRIett STREET S. Gracey's termer resideneo, where night cans will receive ptnttel1 • on. Ni From ccotrc to crust The Market Bakery ,Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval, 1.4 ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest machin. ery, and there is -no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D, LOUGHEED Opposite Presbyterian Church. \\` E r. nal) We have a large stock of all kinds of Seeds, including:- -SUGAR BEETS, —MANGOLDS, —TIMOTHY, —TURNIPS, —CLOVER, etc. —LIGOWO. —20TH CENTURY, and —GOLDEN FLEECE SEED OATS, ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEED. See us before purchasing your Seeds. We can satisfy you as to price and quality. Cassels & Carr, vvvvvvY'ITyyvvvyVYyyyyyvvvv ivvrryvvvvVYVVYVVVYYyYYVY�V ■ 6. 0. Y . lolling room Furniture 4 ► I.4 ► Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort- 4 II.i7 4- P. • ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a 11. 4 ► 4 marvel of style, quality and cheapness. 1. ai- e. E EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. tit SIDEBOARDS ---The largest and best selected stock of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in the manufacture of up-io-date furniture. p. trrWe carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture. WAIKER8iOS & BUTTON rurniture and Undertaking. • Fnrnitlure Store opposite the POItt Oftteta. ANktialoma4.140A; a 4