The Wingham Times, 1903-06-11, Page 5' Ye sell everything a titan steams, and have the From risl/rr,tt.ivt;Ilaar;eet stgelr of ilanelti'a ilnnlut�a: inn ttown.TILE WJNGIIA3T TIMES, ,JCNE 11,Mr. mid Mrs. Wray are spending
sino4rtil. srstaottlitfrieculshioilhas`rretitit,oten.
The Next Tirne YTime You ScratchOF
TO Ga ti t+
INTEREST A�.� OUR 1tti.i�.�5��m�.
Your Head What Wtdoawako Tunes Correspondents Communicate --- Other
arid Items clipped From Our Exellanges.
At the long price you wore charged for the last Suit you got, (also at
° the poor make and quality) which did not just fit.
No more head scratching, no more groaning,
by wearing Crowder's Clothing, not made to
order but made to fit.
SUITS AT SPECIAL PRICES -Men's black and blue all wool Serges, good
weight and as strong as wire, single breasted vest, best trimmings,
regular price $11.00, Crowder's price
21 TWEED SUITS -A.11 different colors, no two alike, sizes 32 to 44,worth
x+0.60, 7.00, 8,00, choice - -
'CHILDREN'S SERGE BLOUSE SUITS --Ages 2 to 7 years; navy with
white braid trimmings; Orowder's price -
SNAPS IN CHILDREN'S SUITS -17 Children's Suits ages 2 to 8 years in
all the latest styles worth $5.00, 0.00, 7.00 a Suit, choice Saturday
Also lots of lines too numerous to mention at away -down prices.
-GENTS' FURNISHINGS -We have undoubtedly the best and largest stook
ETC., in Wingham at popular prices.
Black Sox, 3 pairs for 25o,
The R. H. C
$ 7.75
e.URitres. ST. Ilkt,r s..
During the thunderstorm. which pass- . Oae of the prettiest wetl:lings ever
seen in the vicinity was celebrated at the
residence of Mr. Todtl,o:z Wednes-
day evening of last weak, when his
daughter,Miss Charlotte G. was married
to Mr. Edward W. MsRaberts. A largo
number of invited frienis witnessed the
cerenzouy which was performed lay Rev.
S. M. Whaley under a bea:itifu! arch of
evergreens and the bale was given away
by her father. Miss Todd, cousin of
the bride was bricdesm aicl asci Mr. Geo.
McRoberts, brother of the groom was
best man. The weaaing was
played by bliss Clark. After the Dere•
mony the guests sat down to a bouuti-
fnl repast and the evening was pleasant-
ly spent in games and other amusement,.
The bride was the recipieut of many
beautiful and costly preseuts. Mr. and
Mrs. McRoberts will reside ou the
groom's farm. near here, and they have
the best wishes of many frivacls for a
happy wedded lite.
ed over this section Sunday eveniug, the
large barn on the farm of Mr. Wm.
Montgomery, about one mile and a half
west of here, was struck by lightning
and burned to the ground, together with
a large quautity of hay and all his farm
implements. Two horses, a buggy and
a number of pigs, which. were in .the
stable at the time, were all saved. The
loss is covered by insurauce.
One Minute Cure for Toothache.
1 25 Not only for Toothache, but any nerve
pain cured almost iustautly by Nerviline,
One drop equals in paiu•subduiug power
3.75 five drops of any other remedy. Thou-
sands say so, Powerful,penetrating,paia-
subduing Nerviline. Marvellous iu no-
tion for internalaud external use. The
world challenged for its equal. Drug-
gists sell it. Your money back if it is
not so.
�V ta0Xr:TER.
One of the oicl residents of Wroxeter
died. on Monday morning. Juno 1st, in
the person of Wm.Joh nston, aged. about
81 years. A few days previous he con-
tracted a cold which,affeetod his lungs,
"Q%444444,04.0444104•4414•4 -4404
We have just opened up a crate of colored. ware,
nicely embossed pattern, 36 pieces for $2.00
4d• *++..+ -a 4444 4+4 444444 44 34 4
ss are ar Ai fig
Also a package of Glassware, consisting of
Table Sets, Jugs, Tumblers, Comports, Nappies,
Footed Jellies, Syrups, Oils, Salvers, Celeries,
Trays, Shaker Salts and Peppers.
9 s
and he gradually weakened, till heart
failure ended his clays, suddenly. Mr.
Johnston was born iu Fermanagh, Ire-
Iand, and came to Canada some 50 years
years ago. He settled on a farm in How-
ick, then ran a hotel at Gerrie, and over
• thirty years ago -came to Wroxetor,
• where he for many years ran the hotel
• known as the Walker House. Some
A fifteen years ago his wife died and lie
b has since leased tho hotel to various ten -
• ants. The old gentleman was well
e thought of by those who knew him best
and for tlio past two years since Mr,
Esty took charge of the house he has
lived there and spent some of the happi-
• iest days of a long and varied life.
o• �^
She's as Pale as a Ghost.
• As pale as a lily. A matter of pride?
• Certainly not. Strength! Color! Ender-
ante! That's what every woman wants.
• Good digestion, perfect assimulatiou,
I Bonyancy and vim is the right of every
• woman. She need"not lack these if she
• will only use Ferrozone. It makes blood,
e gives appetite, gives strength to the
• : nerves, color to the cheeks, and bright
• i ness to the eyes. A box of Ferrozone
• •
' tablets is at once transmittable into
• health, beauty and strength. There is
• power in Ferrozone. Try it and see if it
• is not so. Sold by all druzgists and
• medicine dealers everywhere.
From Kincardine To
Wednesday, June 17th
wve+u4'a1 . �" a- :�' `���� tis+
au awr.� `-71!`irt.SJ.i�i�b vn r fif.5iiQ4mtm, tSlhiatt11 LPf ' .rs
Only $1.50 Round Trip
Leave Kincardine for Detroit 6.00 a. in. (Canada time,)
Wednesday, June x7th, arrive Port Huron at tidbit,
Detroit 4.00 p. m.
Returning leave Detroit, Thursday, Jinle r8th, r.00
p. m. (central standard time) Port Huron 5.3o, arrive
Kincardine 11 x.45 p. m.
Friday, June rgth, 5.00 a. m. (Canada time) leave
Kincardine on the return to Detroit.
Bare with baggage $i.5o
one of the largest, speediest and
most magnificentlyequipped Day Boats in the world. You should not miss
this grand opportunity for a pleasant outing.
White Star Line Steamers
.c r r' . B t E: 6M
AN, taAsstO man.
E. H. IaYER ExeuaaloN AO7•
The following is taken from the Galt
Reformer of May 21st: -By the death of
Jane Swan Turnbull, relict of the late
Andrew Turnbull, of North Dumfries,
which. occurred at 4 o'clock Saturday
afternoon, South Waterloo lost one of
its oldest residents. For seventy-one
years the late Mrs. Turnbull lived with-
in a short distance of Galt, and there
are few of the earlier pioneers who camo
to this district in the thirties who are
still alive.
The deceased lady died of heart trouble.
She had been i11 intermittently for three
years. She was in her 79th year.
The late Mrs. Turnbull was born in
Selkirkshire, Scotland, in 1825. With
her parents she ca1110 to Canada in 1832
and settled on a farm on tho River Road
ono mile south of Galt, now occupied
by Mr. Kearns. In 18-13 she was mar-
ried and took up the farm on Mill Creek,
now occupied by Little Bros. Previous
to that she lived on the River Road farm.
Her husband predeceased her 26 years,
Mrs. Tnrnbull was an active member
of Knox Church and was a woman
whom to know was to Iove. She had a
sweet, charitable disposition which won
for her many friends. Even up to her
death she maintained a forbearing and
Christian spirit.
Of a family of ten children, seven sur-
vive, three sons and four daughters, as
follows: Mrs. Bryce and Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Ii`ague, Winghain; Mrs. Watson, Fer-
gus; Mrs. McPhail, West River Road;
Andrew and Jared, cn the l:o:neatead,
and Thomas, IComoka, near Loudon.
Aching Joints
In the fingers, toes, arms, and other
parts of the body, are joints that are
inflamed and swollen by rhenmatism-
that acid condition of the blood i:liich
affects ff et the muscles also.
Sufferers dread to move, especially
after sitting or lying long, and their
condition is commonly worse in wet
"I suffered dreadfully+ from rheuuiatism,
but have been completely cured by IIood's
Sarsaparilla for which I am deeply grate-
ful." Miss
Stuart, Prescott, Ont.
had an attack of the grip .Vii
tch lett me
.. J weak and helpless and suffering from rheu-
matism. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla and this medicine has entirely cured
Me. . I have no hesitation in saying it saved
1) , Trenton, Tr
my lice. M. J. Aft 0 � , Ont.
The Presbyterian church at Egmond• Principal Alexander of the Central Hood's Sarsaparilla
vino waa Struck by lightning on Sunday School at Galt has resigned, after 28 Removes the cause of rhe atism--no
and iterioullly damaged. years of service, He is 70 4ears old. outward application can. Take it.
--- .13;Y-
Mrs. S. Gracey, of St. Marys is visiting
with her mother, Mrs. Buie.
The annual convention of the Ilurou
county Christian Endeavor and Sunday
School Association will be held in St.
Andrew's church, Blyth, on Theraday
and 'Friday, Jane lath and 10th.
11Irs, Ellen McLeod, sister of Messrs.
Robert and George Milne, died oa Sun-
day, May 31st, at the age of 74 years.
Bronchitis was the cause of death. Her
body was taken to Elora and interment
was made in the Elora cemetery.
Mr. D. Patterson, of Wawanosh,
county councillor for Div. No. 7 of
Huroa county council, met with a bad
aecident one day reeeu•ly by being run
over with a wagon. He has since been
confined to his hone and was unable
to attend the Jane session of the county
Rev. ' Dr. McLean and family left
Blyth last week and will be absent five
weeks. Dr. McLean wilt ea a; far west
as Vancouver, where he will attend the
general. assembly. Mrs. McLean went
to Finch, where she SSill visit her daugh-
ter Mrs. D. McVicar. Miss Bate Mc-
Lean and Mr. Donald McLean have
gone to Huntsville, where they will visit
their sister, airs. A.aleVic;ar.
Deafness is Curable! Sufferers
from impaired hearing* will be gla'l to
know that their affliction is probably not
due to any organic defect iu the ear, but
results probably from a thickening of the
lining of the middle ear caused by ca-
tarrhal iuflammat ion. Hundreds of per-
fect recoveries as a result of the inhala-
tion of Catarrhozone are reported, and
on the highest authority we recommend
this treatment to our readers. Catarrh -
ozone quickly restores lost hearing, and
its efficiency is placed beyond dispute by
the case of Mr. Warren of Toronto, who
recovered perfect hearing by using ea-
tarrhozone, after years ofe deafness,
Price $1. .A t Druggists or by mail, from
Polson & Ca., Kingston, Out.
Many farmers say the raugold crop
will be a failure.
The cement foundation for the shed at
Sun In has been coni.1etecl.
Wednesday of last week Piev.J. E.
Hunter left on a trip to the Northwest
where he expecte to spend the next couple
of months.
David and Mrs. Walker, 6th line left
last week for a hcliday outing to the
"Soo," Winnipeg, Neepawa and other
points with relatives and friends.
There appears to he a sort of epidemic
among the foals this spring after the
pink eye type. 0. Michie and Thos.
Russell, Oth line, each lost good colts.
Watson Ainley and men, of Brussels
are at work ou the new brick residence
on the farm of Albert Howlett, 7th line.
It will be a cosy home when finished.
Owing to the resignation of Miss Mag-
gie Biclby, who purposes attending the
Normal !school after the Summer va-
cation, a new teacher will haveto be in.
stalled in Button's school.
Mr. Jolty. Bloomfield and family of
Pennsylvania, who have been at Mr.
Robt. Bloomfield's, lst lice, have pur-
chased a small farm near Bluevale and
and will take possession shortly.
G. R. Stubbs Ieft Tliursclay morning
of last week for New Hope, Assa., on a
business trip, His mother accompanied s
him on a pleasure trip and will visit her
son at the same place. We wish them a
pleasant trip and it safe return.
hit. David Milne, of Ethel e as recent-
ly sold to Mr. J. G. Fyfe, of the 1st line,
a thoroughbred Durham bull. He is a
Atte nim 1
ne a a of rare Scotch r
S t breeding n
e g;ad
will no doubt be the means of improv-
ing the quality of stook in this locality.
A cement 14in
cofeetdiameter and
30 feet high, has been built at Alex. llic-
Lauchlin's, 1% miles north of Brussels.
Charles Barber, of Winghain, had the
contract and did a good job as exaniin-
ation will show. A patent mixer is used
wend by a horse.
home from a trip to Now Ontario.
The young bachelors of the village
purpose holding a picnic 011 Jnly 1st ill
air. R. Armstrong's bee's.
The lightning 011 Sunday last struck
tbo barn of Mr. Wm. Grigg but no very
serious damage was done,
Rev, E. A. Shaw, of Benmiller, a
former pastor liar.'., coulucted the ser.
vice ill the Methodist c'zurch ou San lay
evening last.
The contractors have started to build I
tho new chancel awl vestry at Trinity
church, Beigrave. A new foundatio u
will also ba put under the church.
A game of football was played in Owl
agricultural grounds on Saturday even -
bog bctweezz Westfield and Ba]grave, re-
sulting in a score of 3 to 4 in favor of
the visiting teat..
The L:zdies Aid of the Presbyterial.'
cherish intoud giving a strawberry fes-
tival on the church grounds on June 21 ;
a good programme i; also being prepared.
Admission 25 ets.
Communion Service will be held in
Presbyterian chnroh 011 Sunday. Pre-
paratory sr.vices ou Friday at half past
two will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Roes,
of Brussels.
ltev. and Mrs. Brown left on Monday
morning; to attend the funeral of airs.
Brown's mother in Brownville. Mrs.:
Brown's many friends extend their sym-
pathy in this sad bereavement.
The Presbytery of Maitland met at
Dungannon, on Tuesday, Juno and for
the purpose of inducting Rev. C. M.
Rutherford into the pastoral charge of
Dungannon, and Port Albert. After the
usual proclamation, the Rev. B. M.
Snaith proceeded to coniuct public
worship, preaching a very comforting
sermon ou the 1st verse of the 14th
chapter of John.
The usual questions Having been
satisfactorily answered by Mr. Rather -
ford. the Moderator, Rev. S. M. Whaley,
performed tlto induction ceremony, Mr.
':1teNab olferiug the iudnetion prayer.
Members of Presbytery thereupon gave
to Mr. Rutherford the right hand of
Rev. A. McKay addressed the newly
inducted minister in an earnest, and af-
fecting manner, froni the words, "Take
heed to thyself, and to the doctrine,"
urging upon hint specially the reed of
fidelity in study, and of eonsecratiou of
himself to the Spiritual well-being of his
Rev. F. J. Maxwell spoke sono very
necessary and very practical words to
the people, which were based upon the
text "There went with him a band of
sten whose hearts Go(d had touched."
He declared that the reason why so
marry poor sermons were preached was
because the eongrogatious would not
give their ministers titno to study. They
insisted on au undue proportion of visit-
ing to the detriment of the sermon. He
urged upon the coufregations to give
their minister time to study, and to re-
member that he had a body as well as a
soul. It was their business to make
provision for his body, never forgetting,
that "the laborer is worthy of his hire,"
while he did what iu hien lay for their
spiritual weal. A very interesting
meeting was then brought to a close by
the Rev. J. J. Hastio pronouncing the
Mr. Rutherford cotnes from the Amer-
isan church, although a Canadian, and
has been at work among the people, wlxo
unanimously called him, duritg the past
year. His original home, is in the neigh-
bouring congregation of St, Helens.
Presbytery Clerk.
t4 tsITI�:cnunen
Messrs. Cottle & Son have this week
received the contract for the new Meth-
odist church at Tiffin's.
Mrs. (Rev.j W. E.Traleaven, of Glen -
alien, is visiting at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Thos. Miller.
Rev. Mr. Fair, who was attending
conference in �vingham this week spent
part of the week at the home of his son,
Hy. E. Fair.
Rev. G. M. Dunn gave an address at
the induction of Rev. R. C. Rutherford,
at Dungannon on Tuesday and on Fri-
day preached in Belmnore.
Messrs. McIntosh and Gillespie have
purchased a new 17 -horse power traction
engine from White's, London. They
are determined to have a first-class
threshing oatilt.
The Epworth League of the Methodist
hutch will hold a garden party on the
parsonage lawn on the evening of Do-
minion Day. Paste the date in your hat
o yon can't forget it.
We are pleased to note that Robt.
Ross, who was reported injured in last
r`oek's Tlxas is improving rapidly. The
injury, however was a serious one and.
will take some time to heal.
Fo ,who Went t e
st a month
ago in charge of a carload of buggies for
Swarts & Dore, retaYrned on Monday.
Ile is enthusiastic over the prospect of
another abundant harvest this year.
Rev. IL, C. Burton, a former pastor,
occupied the pulpit of the Methodist
church ou Sunday evening. Mr. Bur-
ton has many warns friends in this vi-
cinity and his able sermon on Sunday
evening was much appreciated.
^;sc t
ISARO'S 1 The LeadiogtoreJ la 's
1-1. L. !spud Go s.
You will find the very best Ready -to -Wear Clothing
to be had always in stock at this store. It tits, looks and
wears satisfactorily. Suits of Scotch Tweed, Clay Wor-
sted and Serges, at prices which meln a saving of
dollars to you
Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, single breasted style,
Italian lined, these aro splendid wearing goods
and give entire sativfaetinu, regular value $12,
our special price - - -
10 Men's Tweed Suits, odd 11003 to clear, good wear-
ing, well made, all wool tweed ; regular prices
$$6.00, $33.50 and „7,00, to clear at - -
A special line of Men's Fancy Tweed Snits, all wool,
well made, choice patterns, worth $7.50, our price
Boys' Fine Tweed Snits, fancy patterns, well made
and lined, fit guaranteed, reg. 5.00, our price
10 pairs den's Odd Pants to clear; good style, fine
cloth, regular value 3.00, to clear at
Boys' Wash Salts, in striped gingham and linen,
nicely made, fast colors; - 50; 75; 1.00 and
Men's fine Black Lustre Summer Coats, good style,
made to give good wear, special price -
Underwear at Bargain Prices ---lien's good strong
Shirts and Drawers, special value - -
Men's Fanc,r Pilot Shirts, hard or soft remit, fist
colors, new patterns, special value at -
Boys' Sweaters, nice new patterns, fast calors, all
wool, speci Al price - -
Men's and Boys' new Straw fiats file straw,
new • shapes, prices are .23, , 33, .5)..7 5 eta
New Neckwear for igen and boys, in the very
in the very latest styled, choice patterns and
colors, oar special line - - -
I. E. ISA. I& Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton
Highest price laid fa Produce
The Whitechurch dptaehrnent of Can-
ada's Defenders left for Loudon on Tees -
day morning in charge of Sergi. R. Car-
rick. Conspicuous among them during
their sojourn in London will be Mr.
Everrett, who wears a medal for service
rendered during tho Fenian. Raid.
The W. M. S.of the Meth,list ehnroh
held an interesting open meeting oa
Thursday evening. The program em -
sated of addresses by Miss Mossap, of
Toronto,ancl Rev. H. J. Fair, null solos
by Miss Zetta Ferguson, of Teeswater,
Miss :liossop au3 Mrs. Fair. • Should
any of the above talent everagain appear
in Whitechurch they will be given a
hearty reception, as they are all first-
class talent.
It is our sad duty this week to chron-
icle the deadh of another of the p-, ne,rs
of Kiuloss. Mr. Alex. Henry hoe pas.. -ed
away to the great beyond since our last
issue. He had been a great sufferer as
his disease was a lingering one an.l had
kept him confined to the haouse foe nearly
a year but he bore it all with ehristian
fortitude and patience. On Tuesday
morning he went to his reward et the
grand old ago of 80 years and 7 mouths.
Mr. Henry was a very qui( t,unassuniing
man, for many years a faithful elder in
the Presbyterian church and one of its
strongest pillars of support. In politics
he was a Reformer and always manifest-
ed a deep and intelligent interest in all
public affairs. One sen and two daugh-
ters are left to mourn the los. of a kind,
loving father. The funeral ou Wednes-
day afternoon was very largely attended.
Report of S. S. No. 0, E. Wawauosh
for the month of May. The names are
arranged in order of merit.
Sr. 4th ---Bella McDougall, Stanley
Elliott, Carrie Deacon, Ales. Mowbray,
Itayniond Elliott.
Jr. 4th -Ella Wacker.
Sr, 3rd --Annie Leaver, Mabel 'Mow-
bray, Laura Currie, Harvey Linklater,
John Derr, Tessa Anderson,
Sr. 2nd --George Walker, Earl Elliott.
Jr. 2nd. -George Carrie, Mary Elliott,
Walter Poceok, Gwencdoliue Carrie,
Gordon Rintoui arm Deacon.
, Pearl
Part 1 -Daniel Ferguson, Richard
Deacon, Harold Walker, Verna Taylor,
Harold Currie, Bernice Shiell.
Average attendance for the month 27.
M. Atm Dm, Teacher.
Tho new R. C. church at Clhepstowe
will have a seating capacity of 800. The
Cost will bo about 1118,000.
mt t,C l.v.#y.ts.
hal a 3 antral rain on Sunday,
'Mr.aud Mrs.A.rthur Shaw visited rela-
tives in Listowel last wtc k,
Miss Fanny Pat: r.. -,t1 of W ingl:am.
was visiting in lilueva1' hist week.
Messrs John and Percy Paterson, of
Mol;aworth spent Sunday in the village.
Miss Kerr of Forclwieh was visiting
her brother Mr. George McDonald this
Messrs. J. ML'Done1--1 anal W. Gar. it-
er, of Goderich, spent Suuc'ay at John
Robert Shaw has sold his farm on the
boancla:y east of 1i1i' vale and has 1110V -
ed iota the pest tfiice stare.
R:v. W. J. West an:! R. tial'rell
start.•d for Vance:ova r last Thi nslay to
attend the General Assembly.
John Burgess, la:h -1u'itor is
attending the meetine of the Hight Court
.h;; Canadian Ortior t+f Foresters this
weal: at Hamilton.
.1r.Ptrey,of the T. art taiciettapreach-
ee in the Presbyterian (lurches at both
Blnevale and Ladies' last Sunday in.
Mr. West's absence at the Assembly.
Messrs. T. Stewart, J. Elliott and J.
R. Miller are attending the High Court
of the Canadian Order of Foresters at
Hamilton this we.k a3 delegates from
Court Douglas.
Tho monthly of the l luevale
Women's Institute will ba held Wednes-
day, June 17th, at a.e;0 p.m. at the hones
of Mrs.Aitchison. Au invitation is ex-
tended to all the ladies to attend.
It requires 8,000 pound:, of rusts, or
5,000,000 flowers, for it pound of essen-
tial oil of rose.
Although prices for a :port cattle have
not been wholly satisfactory this year,
the volume of our trade has been good
daring the last four months. Canada's
export of cattle to Great Britain number-
ed 27,300 as compared with 10,103 for
the correspoudiug period one year ago.
We like best to >
food t
f C.1)f(. ,
it., ,
C it stands to t(lb i
. O t.It-
)hati -
(.x114 for �r .
l c. f(. inanition.
et nuttt
And d v ,t r',
C ]1
the xtt 1rl of tcNi-n'-
ing appetite, c -f giving taw
strength to the tissues. e: )ei.'•,y
to the 11&1"t. -t . its actions to ii,,:t
of a medicine.
s.:.1 i ,r free am; lar.
1.(Yrl"1' & 1:t)WNt, uhett:ists.
Toronto, i Maio.
sic. aacl $(•ca; all 04-1:44,,i.:s,