The Wingham Times, 1903-06-11, Page 3.40
Make Weak Hearts Strong.
Make Shaky Nerves Firm,
THY Cling
Introtumess.-- Sleeplessness- Palpitation of
the Heart -Nervous Frostration-Faint
and Dizzy peUs - Brain Fag -After
Effect, of La Grippe--Anaimia-And all
Trouble, Arising from .a ltua.down Sys.
'Read what T. L. Foster, Minesing,
Ont., has to say about themt-I was
greatly troubled with palpitation of the
Iteart, a sudden blindness would come
,ver me, and floating specks before my
eyes caused me great inconvenience.
Often I woulcl have to gasp for breath,
and my nerves were in a terrible condi-
VERVE PILLS, and they have proved A
blessing to me. I cheerfully recon
=end tljem to all sufferers from heart
and nerve trouble.
Price 50e. per box, or 3 for $1.25; all
aealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont
• -
Robins Earn the Cherrie They Eat.
An orchardist at Fulton makes com-
plaint against the robins, or "Jack rob-
ins," as he calls them. He says they are
nipping all the blossoms off his cherry
trees. They just strip the trees, and
the ground beneath them is white with
-blossoms. He says the wicked birds
tear the hearts out of the blosecnns aud
then bite the stems iu two and let them
fall, and he fears that his cherry crop
be ruined. A member of tho John
Burroughs Society who was applied to
for information on this subject says the
orchardist is mistaken. If the robins
do cut off any blossoms it is ou]y the
defective ones, or such as have insects
en them, and that the birds are doiog
good instead of harm. He says he puts
•np nest boxes among the trees to enable
birds of any kind., even sparrows, to
make their home on his grounds. Ho
says the birds; help themselves to few
cherries when they are ripe but they
are welcome to them by destroying in-
sect pests. It is hoped that tins informa-
tion will satisfy the orchardist. It, is
doubtless correct, for if the robius were
as destructive as he imagines there
'would long ago have ceased to be any
cherries Framed in Oregon, while the
fact is that the cherry crop is largo al-
most every year, and of great value. Tho
birds must not be condemned on false
or Mistaken testimouy.-Portland Ore-
C a ite r9
Little Liver
allust near Sleenaturo of
Sea Pac.Simtle Wrapper 130:0W.
Very nmell and az easy
0 lam rao
Fon TtinsiD LIVER.
ran TgC0L3
.1.IN121 MUST RAN9j.pooluR R.
eivat; I 1 -rely vegeteneacas 'es'essesseev&
alabeaties *10,140,000 Jima **40,00O
Savings ateposits - Doors at St.,
Thomas Vesetde
Toronto, June 4.-A statement of
the alraire of A. 1C. Ames 4 Co. has
been prepared, and shows a very
substantial estate. The assets con-
sist largely of stocks, which, of
course, have a fluctuating value; but
it is understood that la case of care-
ful handling the suspension. will not
result in any disastrous losses tie
creditors. 'The Statement shows that
the liabilities at the end of May were
$10,14,0,000, and the book surplus
at the same time was placed, at $1,,-
090,000, This surplus may lie en-
larged by the favorable balances of
the separate, members of the con-
cern, which at the beginning of the
year was stated to be a substantial
sum. The firm bad on deposit the
sum of $240,000, distributed among
three and four hundred separate ac-
counts, according to Mr. Ames' per -
soma statement. The statement says
that clients with margined accounts
will be able to release their holdings
on payment of the amount for which
seeurities are pledged, irrespective of
any additional margins that may al-
ready stand to their credit. Such
bait:dime will for the time being re-
main to the debit of then firm. Tees
day's deposits will be returned.
Excitement over the suspension has
subsided as quickly as it arose on the
announcement yesterday that the
doors were closed. A. remarkable lea,
tore is the almost entire absence of
complaints of prospective losses by
customers of the firm.
Sick Headache ?
,Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
It's your liver! Ayer's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys-,
pepsia, biliousness.
25c. All druggists.
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black? Then use
60 OTa. 6P DRUG01911, OR 0. Po HALL& Cth, KLIMA, N.N.
()lased Door at St. Thomas Owing to the
Ames Failure.
St. Thomas, Juno 4. -The Atlas
Loan Company, of this city, closed
its doors yesterday morning and
posted the following notice: "Owing
to the financial difficulties of A. E.
Ames & Co., the directors of the At-
las Loan Company have decided, in
the interests of the shareholders and
depositors, to close their doors for
the present."
Perhaps in no other city outside of
Toronto are there more persons af-
fected by the closing of Ames & Co.,
bankers, of Toronto, than there are
in St. 'Moines. Should the firm not
be placed upon a solid basis and re -
sumo business, again, there will be
many heavy losers. Outside of Presi-
dent A. E. Wallace, of the Atlas
Loan Co., who is heavily interested
Iii the firm, there aro many others
who, in amounts varying from hun-
dreds away up to thousands of dol-
lars, will be affected. Ono citizen is
said to stand to lose $15,000, and
one other, nearly as large an
amount. A number of parties in the
surrounding district are also some-
what heavily involved.
They flan to Offer Des:stance If Again
Attacked at Ifisheneff.
Berlin, June 4. -Tho Tageblatt,
yesterday printed a despatch from
St. Petersburg, announcing that a
law was published there yesterday,
giving a list of 101 towns in Russia,
in which Jows are allowed to ac-
quire land and live without restric-
tion. Jews are temporarily forbid-
den to buy land outside these places,
where they will be legally settled.
Advices from Odessa say the Jews
have imported • several thousand
revolvers since the Kishenefi
massacre, and every Jow, man or
woman, is armed. Those who were
unable to buy weapons received them
as gifts from the Defence Committc•e.
A. system of communication has also
been agreed upon, so as to spread a
warning throughout the city if there
is an outbreak in any quarter. Fam-
ilies residing near each other will
concentrate for defence, and every
Popond man will join what might be
called an expeditionary corps, to
take part in aggressive defence where
rioting is actually going on.
Color Lino in Damilton.
Ila.milton, .luno 4. -The Grand
Lodge of tho Orange Young Britons
in session hero did little else yester-
day afternoon and evening but hold
indignation meetings, and pass reso-
lutions condemning Proprietor Grey,
of the Osborne Hotel, who refused to
let a colored delegate named eVil- from Toronto stay in his ho-
tel. Grand Chaplain Walsh and
about 40 other delegates who were
registered at the hotel picked up
their belongings and took themselves
off to other hotels.
Killed in a Dunaway.
Peterboree June 4. - Michael
O'Brien, a carter and an old resident
of Poterboro, was fatally injured yes-
terday afternoon. His horse became
frightened at a train and ran away,
throwing O'Brien from his cart. Mr.
O'Brien lived only a few minutes.
Mr. Martin No Longer Leader.
Vancouver, Juno 4. -At a meeting
of the executive of British Columbia
Liberal Association Tuesday, the
Iron. Josoph Martin tendered his re-
signation as leader of the party in
the province, his object being to re-
store harmony among the party.
Dr. Caves 1101118 MIS Own,
Toronto, J11116 4. -Tho latest re-
port from Rev. Dr. Caveit's phy-
sicians this morning was to the ef-
fect that the patient was in much
the same condition as yesterday. Tlfs
is taking nourishment fairly well
and maintaining his strength.
Suit rem Soldier,* Pay.
Montreal, Juno 4. -Lieut. -Col. Gor-
don, who commanded the militia on
the waterfront during the longshore.
moil's strike, has begun snit against
the city to recover $16,850.15, the
amount due the soldiers.
.01,06, 'CC R400,,Rer. • ,Ro
Ted cr MK Rxmliam
The Great and Well -Known Kidney Spent
for the Cure of all Kidney
and Bladder Troubles,
Known Dead 110.
Gainesville, Ga., June 4.--iteporta
eeceived up to 2 o'clock yesterday af-
ternoon place tho number of known
dead by aroxidety's tornado at 110.
'he list of injured bail reached 100.
Mrs. P. Bertrand, Dreehe .A Manor.,
Que., writes: -1 think it nothing but
right for me to let you know what
DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS have done for
me. For five months I was badly troubled
with a sore back, and such severe pains
in my kidneys that I could scarcely walk
at times. I got a box of DOAN'S KID.
NEY PILLS, and before I had them half
taken I was greatly relieved, and with
another box I was completely cured, I
cannot help but give them all the praise
I can, and will never fail to recommend
them to all kidney sufferers,
are 80e. box, or 3 for $1.25; all dealers or
The Doan Kidney Fill Co., Toronto, Ont.
Str. Arequipa Foundered While Aiding
Gale at Valparaiso.
Valparaiso, Chile, Juno 4. -Seven-
teen persons were saved out of the
eighty ore board the steamer Arequi-
pa, when she foundered during the
gale which swept over this coast
Tuesday. The Arequipa, during a
lull in Tuesday's great storin, left
this port in an endeavor to ride out
the gale at sea. Capt. Todd, his
wife, most of tho crew and many
passengers were drowned,
Australia Davits Up Chamberlain.
.London, June 4.-A telegram was
received from Alfred Deakin, the At-
torney -General of the Australian
Commonwealth, saying the Austral-
ian Commonwealth Government and,
all Governments of the sepa-
rate Australian States approve
Colonial Secretary Chamberlain's
preferential tariff proposals. Only
an extreme section of free trad-
ers oppose them, and an immense
majority is assured for the now pol-
icy, when it is submitted to the
Tile Gamey Judges' Finding.
Toronto, June 4. -Tho report of
the Ganiey Conunissioners will, it is
expected, be in the hands of Lieu-
tenant -Governor Clark to -day, and
will probably be submitted to tho
Legislature this afternoon. The
Lieutenant -Governor stetted last
night that he expected the report on
Friday, but he had received no inti-
mation from the commissioners as to
when it would be placed in bis
Tragedy in n Grain Din.
Campbollford, Juno 5. -Smothered
in a great bin of wheat, 11 -year-old
Garfield Fraser, was removed from
the Fowlds' elevator yesterday morn-
ing. Tho boy was employed at the
elevator driving a horse, and must
have fallen into the bin. Tho force
of the grain moving by gravity car-
ried him into the chute. The work-
men were apprised of the accident by
the grain ceasing to flow.
Captain Was Drowned.
Quebec, June 4. -Capt. Boudreau
of the schooner Maria Blanche, fell
from the mast opposite Little St.
Francis, and was drowned.
C.P.B. Earnings.
Montreal, June 4. -The C. P. R.
traffic for week ended Maar 31 was
$1,218,000; same week last year,
Responsible for the Wiping Out
of Several
The American Carnation Society has
been incorporated in New York by
people from various parts of the country
to increase the interest in the cultivation
and use of the carnation.
Seven years ago Benjamin Harris, of
Lamar County, Texas, was bitten by a
mad wolf on a day when the moon was
full. Every full moon since the wound
has broken open. Two or three days
before the last full mem be was taken
ill suddenly, and died shortly afterwards
from hydrophobia.
4444 tf,Iffen
tea, •
Carving Set
We send, express
prepaid, to any address
this fine three.pieete
Carvin8 Set for $2.50.
10 -Prim V.te
liudgert £1,cia 51or..1,1 Wed
INV. mane.:4IL 6t,!01
'Write It.r car am,/ 111114We.! Voider
of extra caw gift articles
VINE 13.120S.
1184 1,10, 1..1i and Last
Ytmee Si., Toronto
Amber rall or Smoke Darkened arontreal
ens.tYrre:dt:--er NYewIrAu:::;1::11(1112140:0"
Destroyed ee C. V. 11. eseorloye
'Wane rioting rise Was
Burned to wane,
Montreal, June 4. -The six weeks'
drouth in the Province of Quebec has
resulted in a series of almost unpre-
cedented forest and bush fires. From
many quartets come reports of ser-
ioua damage, and several small vil-
lages are said to be wiped out.
Wires aro down in these districts,
and as others are beyond the reach
Or telegraphic communication, noth-
ing very definite can be learned..
The fires rage on the Lapelle
branch of the C.P.R. so fiercely that
orders have been sent to the various
agents forbidding them 'So sell tick-
ets to St, Agatlie ot• Lobelia until
further 310tie(1. Great excitement
prevails in that district. And the
people have turned out to fight the
fires, fearing their advance upon the
'tillages. Already numerous farm
buildings have been destroyed. Tho
grass and hush is sunburnt, and the
flames travel with great rapidity.
An employe of the C.P.R., who
was assisting in fire fighting yester-
day afternoon between St. Agatha
and St. Francois was overcome by
smoke Alla before his companions
could reach him the flames had over-
taken them and formed a retreat.
Tho man was burned to death on the
spot. Several of the railway bridges
are already burned so badly that
trafre has been suseended.
Wood ash fell thick in the streets
of Montreal yesterday, and the at-
mosphere was of 0 peculiar amber
hue. Everywhere pedestrians were
brushing the flakes from their
hew pram:wick Tillage 'Wiped Out.
t. John, N.B., June 4.-A tele-
phone me sage says that the village
of 11' rigg's Corner, in Queen's coun-
ty, was wiped out by fire yesterday
afternoon. Included in the burned
buitclings were t Ito large sawmill,
general store, manager's residence,
four barns aud three warehouses of
Sayre & IIoldio of this city. About
a. dozen residences were destroyeel.
How and Where They are Grown, and
Why they Frequently Fail to pro-
duce Satisfactory Crops.
livery careful etockman recognizes..
the fact that flash pasture is the ideal
nye ren keeping; ell classes of live
stook in a hearty,thriving condition,
bat in tweet parteof thisecountry it
is necessary to Provide large atores of
auccUlent feed tor the long winter
menthe wheel pastures ere not e.vaile
Able.. The varloute, sorte of roots go
a long way towar4 supplying a dwell
and satisfactory aubitatute for grass,
end in conecognee manes =Mara bub -
els are grown annually. Large quan.
titles of seed. of turn*.pe, &wades, mange
els and cerrrote used each year on Cane
tuilen /ataxia,' bal the -crops produced
are. frequently disappointing. Ae
rale owe faruneeef have hitherto bsen
entirely in the dark regaading the
amerces of supply of such seed, and the
methoda of yawing them. Tha Seed
Division of the Dominion Departirient
of Agricultural has bier), investigat-
ing these questions,. and. is :able to of-
fer suggestions that cannot: Sail to pe
of value to letrowers of root crops. Ace
oording to Chief Ge11. Clark of the.
Seed. Division, a feavefarmera in Can-
ada, make a specialty of growing root
crop aced, but practically the who1e.
element, oe mica( seeedoffered in the
trade is imparted, from Europe and is
grown in. France, Germany and. Bag -
land. A: favorable' climate and cheap
labar, have matlie these countries the
seed gardens) of the world. A few
notes on the ntay weds axe grown
there, will help. to explain why fan.
erS eftere halL to get spots ehowing
geed typel and uniform excellence all
over a field. t
Tusnipe, alYedee, mangels and ear-
ro,,s, aro all b:ennael plants., that is,
they store up eeouriehment in the rect
during the whole of the first year, and
• eau that store cf food for the 'gothic-
titan, eses,:a. auring, the eeeond and
final year of their life. Most of our
domesticated plant( have been.evolv-
el. frost mild .1typas theou,gh long
vara of aeleetiont cultivation and.
croes-feriilizaticn. Tha original w.ld.
Ottawa, Juno 4. -Fire did $5,000 t ypite are( usually annuals, producing
24 Douses Darned in Dull.
1:,ted the first year. and there is a ten -
damage to the city of Ilull yesterday j dency among( all irupeoved plants to
afternoon. For a time there was I, 1,2 vert rapidly ta the old unimproved
considerable anxiety in both Ilull and
Ottawa. The fire started in almost tares, whenever, they are deprived of
that careful attention: to selection
and, eultivationt which has brought
them, hp to 'their present high stand -
the same place as in the big confla-
gration of 1900, and, as a strong
wind was blowing, serious results
in small dwellings, of which 24 were
produced by ther above rAlethede ft
countries where laber is t;e1 cheap, and
climatic conditionli so raa
,vora.. nu,
til the conSUreere 02 these heeds learn
that it 'pays, lot IXSie only vett that is
taken from. rdlected and transplanted
eloots, grown. in a climate similar to
that where the eyelike wanted for nee,
the quantity!, ,of horacezrown Reek
offered in 'the trade will be extremely
limited. It tharefore appear; that
growers of root pros will find, it to
their advantase to putchaei.-, enlyeeeds
from. extra selected. stocks, 810 matter
what the price may b., or better eta],
e„erow thed4 owes 'seed frora the ht
and most typieal aoote, raised en their
owe farms.
A Dangerous Scale Insect.
A very .4,.Agortml; itt.eet i; a t aehiefe
the maple trees in surrounding dis-
tricts. It is of the Coccidae family and.
or the ralvinerke epeciee. It isf m
formidable looking name, bat it de-
scribee the insect exactly. The first
neme suggests a„seafe„ qnZI ,the, sec-
ond a cushion, and the bisect seeens-
bles a scale re,st:47, on a cottony cash,
ices, which 1 the egg C,153 oft -the fe-
mnle. The common, name le maple
scale, or cottony aottla. The male, in
the adult eta te has no *yentas for pro..
cuseSag food, as the mouth -pasta Me -
appear daring the metamorphosie el.
the ineect, and a „second pair of eyert
appea,r in their place. Consequently
the males live but a. short time, only
a few days. Tha adult female, as al-
ways winglese and the body is scale.
like in form, clothed. with wax in
which the insect live. 'A, to•rtoise-
like shell is the coves, and underneath
is .a cottony salad:tame containing nu-
merous eggs. It it remarkable the
length of time these eggs) will live,
and with whet ease they ara 'spread.
A.,smalt twig carried away by a per-
son. not noticing it, being infected.
might ,epre id the pest through a
large &strict. The femele, Insect. sloes
all the work, t nd in time, will kilt any
tree it inhibit'*. The mouth is like
a erp netelle. With thisit bur-
rowg through the berk into the tree,
end reaeks the atv, thus taking' ehe
lift: from the tree. The ineeeta. are
.seen principally on tha maple andaen
grape vines. Th, wog to kill the
pet is to utE.e. • is .10111t ce!'.
.strong alkali or esoap suds. hat wat-
er, but this c .sce re ely b' ion!?
when tha leaves are out, 12 th:'- pest
has sere* to any great extent. The
spraying should be done in 'Winter.
HoWever, it the in k1 h'.15 only ap-
were feared. The damage was wholly in
b d C ad.f ermines have. not fully peered on a few treeth " infected
4. -Half a scoro of v•cognizset that tha yolue of toot
Fire at Coteau.
Montreal, Juno caul:, et•ettel is UV from. depending on
dwellings were destroyed by fire in their vitality alone. 15 is even more
Coteau Junction, 30 miles from impeatant that they lel taken, frem
limbs should be destroyed. or sereeeth
if possible. In any nese the matter
should be attended to at once to save
the trees.t
:Montreal, on the Grand Trunk Rail-
way. The loss will be about $20- car•efully grewn, and eelected stocks.
000. A defective chimney was tho We seldom, lace, a field of roots tht Life.aI
are undermly true to type and free I The pcet's exclamation: "0 life: I
Fire at Lobo.
nem tabnormel grow, hi ef top, large 1 feel thee bounding in my veins," is a
London, Juno 4. -Tho village of neksaaa. ill -shaped
peaegy peels. Tees jOyOUS One. Persons that can rarely or
Lobo, about ten miles from this I
are among the most unfortunate. They
undesireble state of .affairs is largely never make it, in honesty to themselves.
city, was visited by a heavy fire at
an early hour yesterday morning, due
George F. Dean, were
j due to e
the oet
we of eetas taken from e do not live, but exist; for to live implies
when the general store and postof-
fice, kept btotally destroyed. The loss is be-
tween 83.000 and $4,000.
of a imilar; character. more than to be. To live 's to be well
stocka s
not overcome by them
pro- and strong -to arise feeling, equal to the
The besa quality (if seeds is
the A medicine that
ordinary duties of the day, and to retire
(lured fruna aelected And transplant -
has made thousands of people, men and
bounding iu veins. --to feel life
LS. roots. Seed of turnips and. swedes
women, well aud strong, has accomplish-
ed a great work, bestowing the richest
blessings, and that medicine is Hood's
Sarsaparilla. Tho weak, run-down, or
debilitated, front any. cause, should not
f •1 t I • .
. sys:in, changes existence pinto fifes's, a°1.01(
ly that it looked like obstruction, planting these( the fullowlna, epreate.
is produced in
quantity in this menner
la tin( wadi ,of Scotland. The ell -
Ottawa, June 5, -Departmental male of Scotland, like that of Canada,
bills were considered during the af-
is such that root crop seeds can etnala
ternoon, but the evening session was
devoted to marine and fisheries esti- be succeeefully( 'produced by liarvest-
it buUUs tile and some of the discussion was of a
t vl ich were criticized so closes ing tlee roots befoTeevinter ittensed mottle-,
TIK, bulk. pi! aka is-• of ti as Ps glad to say these wards in its favor to
makes life more abounding. We are
11which i•mparte,d' for the Canadn.
stormey character. At a o'clock a.
1. the House had every appearance
f ittir. for some hours. trade, le growni)n France and the.
0 S
A number of items aero passed, ag- j eaatie as Eng tanee setteiee the etinkAte
grogating about half a million dol-thatta he- may reniain
lays, and the House adjourned at i la ,each roots
2.121 a.m. I unharvested theouseb the winter and
Archie Campbell's bill regulating i produce lead the fellewing year. eanie
the si..o of milk caes met defeat ie. ; er the more reliable, seed growers itt
the sub -committee appointed to ewe- 1 . , - a 1 1
i thsse etauttilea exaraise a git. at 4. 01,1
bider it.
• tare. s ;Elia Protinc t ion of ir
Ji .-aoeks. They supply etc tie; teem their
Collingwood.-There has been no whe grow
town ;elected Mocks to emall farmers,
quan I dce el
arrest made in the Glory Whalen 1 under eontract. Ti-.' beet quality of
if them.
workmen at Oporto have struck and 171-:('111"•°Lif:tela118111,WtfIT.''j
...1 • ,
reported that 30,000 i
troubles aro feared. evidence to ehaw, that A areat dee, et
tho readers of our columns.
April Health Returns.
Clean Your Liver
Kayo's tiverlioniedy..
4PCOple should die only from old
age or by accident."-muoyon.
uneesitatingly pronounce my Cure for
Liver troubles a discovery or the Idob.
est importance. iSluggialmees or that
organ brings on buieusnese, sick head.
ache, indigestion, constipation and ail the
Ms whicIm follow thoee col:damns. Me
laver remedy acts promptly -purifies tile
blood, clears the tongue and Mein and
makes you reel like a new pereon. The
Liver Is one dr the most important or -
gams of the human body. It is dangerous
to neglect it.--enelyort.
leenyon's Liver Cure, 25e a vial.
ate:woe's Blood Cure eradicates all
L.unyoair:r. s iebe:21esneal.1) sps ittz eaa
n e :sl do. rion bo
toMaulltieVgla'It'l‘l'it•vizer rester:a Jost rOWC6
addressed to Prot
teotPlise;;;3;(telitli.:IT;.Pialadel• II. S. A , contain-
(ir e•ekneee. seal be antater-
se promptly free advice te treat.
uta lie siren
The Directors cf the Culross Manta
Fire Insurance Compauy met at Tees
water on May 89th. All members o
the Board, present. Win. Reid Eeq.
President, in the chair. Minutes o
previous in eetiug were read and oi
motion of Suott and MeDanald WE'*'
McDonald-Rutberford-Thitt all ap
plications for insurance be laid befor
the Board for examination. Oerrlea. •
Rutherford- Dallagle-- That havim
carefully examined all applications fo
insurance load before the Board and con
sider them satisfactory hereby iastrue
the President and Secretary to prepar
and issue policies for the same. Oared
Alex. McDonald of the sixth con
Turnberry appeared before the Boar.
stating that his barn and contents ha
been destroyed by fire. •
The Directors after hearing the repos
of Inspector Cruileshank regardirg th
loss it was moved by Rutherford -Scot
that Mr. McDonald be paid e1e00, tha
being the full amount of his claim
Scott-MeDonahl-that Mr. Cruil
shank bo paid a3 for inspect -her aud rt
porting regal ding Mr. MI•Donald's lusi
h-McDoneld-ThaS the treat
urer be instructed to remit e21.31 to th
Treasurer of Ontario for Statutory A:
sessment and Licence Fee, es per notict
Ballagh-Rutherford-That the set
retary Treasurer withdraw from tb
Bank of Hamilton the sum Of 8le(0 fe
payment of losses. Carried.
Ackert-Rutherford--That the racing
of .Tohn McRae and Jes. Hanna to malt
i alteration in their buildings be graute
providing the necessary preeautic
against fire is observed. Carried.
Scott-Ballagh-That this Board 0
new adjourn to meet again on the la.
i Saturday of June arthe usual time aa
place. Carried.
The April health returns of the
Provincial Heel th Depertment show
1:12 cases of small pox and 2 deaths
during the month; er trlet. fever, 200
case% 21 deethee diplitheria,191) eaees,
21 deaths ; measles, 28 cease, 17 •
deaths ; typhoid, 59 c „see, 15 deaths
tuber311104a 193 deaths:. Total deaths ;
reporteddurin.g the month Ns -ere
230. Sattellpax 'hews a di-ere:tee of 53
0.4 -ies trent the Kee 2dina month. The
scarlet fever epidemic' still centinues
ted in Can- alarming, both as te vieule•nee end .,
St. Petersburg. -The Trans -Caspian ',:l...- seed of theee creea alit.
s ; ed.e.e. t.. que rt erly
territory is threatened with serious ' ,,
tia, la ,of ntaehl infertoe quality Tbnumber or fa h
fa,mine, having the tillage() of locusts. l .
nereeeed labor required to grow seed ' bulletin, jutleeued. 1)r. Brew %le's .
Saratoga, N. Y. -.-The drought in , ' '- i
this section has extended over 50 it tali 6electe,1( aad trait -pia Med mote,. ; regerding et's eh: t fever : "The three
days, and crop conditions are grow -1 raietta iheiti priee) illaaes the 11-a virulinee. Til° d:"'111'; noise ef menthe hive Wiltle911 tis' prevel-
. ,.
Ing alarming. .111,,,,i,:ciut m,„..,e, sieme,Fee this 'ties • enee of eta rl.a fever of a type of un- '
Camden, N. J. -Fire destroyed the i ,,.,,45olan. is ir...tio 1.14alu,.. Out Sarin- 11
i . This spring you will ne
.. .:SOMethillcr to take away th
plant of the Atlantic Window Glass , ''
Company, the second largest of its ; .. re have demanded" 'cheap eeeds, with- I been: .7anue:ies1•112,1)1..:d.:::1.:.txat7d•ilttibt,Atttletelf : tircd,
listdess feelino- broue,1
kind in the country, at a loss of : etse any iguarantee es to quality, and j Merch 95.
D. McIrrosar, Sc.
Turns Bad Blooci into
Rich Red :Mead.
i .; tried to i any year in Ittlieli:tlyine1",,. t,trtelai.,a.ntn,10 retlzil:Itiliv; oN:.1,1;n)y. t..he system m hecn.g,sielogif,,
tween two Santa Eel trains at Still- , 4:0N.,..n by,
here that eight persons were killed
and seven injured in a collision be- i reeeL creel seed(' used in Canala
Kansas City., Mo.It is reported i t iktl 6`'"1.t'llnell hay.e 8-1111"*.
j meet the demand. A great of the ) more th in th
irrespeneibl.• Ea-; United at thie rate taxiing the
is : for the s line moat 11 e in 1902. Itri n,s("Itoo,iiii.3:-.
Burdock Blood Bitters is tl.
impunties v.. 11,..1 ;Ix
during the \vitae
well, Kan.
Salonica.-There has been it renew- ;
i rsl,p eat farms -ea whoe•.•' eldef object i it would mean 1.2810 deatbe, or .
edy you require.
is to obtain a maximum yield. ilf. eeed.; tality equil to that of eniallpos, 8011-! rem
al of trouble on the frontier. A band i
of 1,200 Bulgarians crossed and 021s i iiltbAlVntlent; '021 its quelitze le ti:e. taint. diphtheria and indiumwe
e- It his no qual as a spri ,'
countered Turkish troops and light- , sewing of el ,.- ‘ ' eke ft is .1 t•ear ' bind 111 ,orslirs,, c.,,, f 1
i 1.., et este - , . • - , ! medicine. It has been used
ing ensued. naetiee te. “crAV late ill the sea
miles south of this place, died front ' vested from.' the. land. .Yeeana plant s! the great Enelieli Citi(, the. chief ' a century with unequall-
oueee 'to hoepitals 1
.11,S Lean, in all, ,
6 1,.... ' ' , r0"1, thousands for a quarter
itastings.--Thursday evening Wil- linn 1 ,,- , „ , , h
, after en early env ba won liar.
Whitql 111(,. prevalence and SUCCCSS.
liam Armstrong, who lives two
pile of stones by his runaway ' -
I thus Dreamed, are. in neiny eases net awaeare by injuries received by being thrown on
mew; tae a rater:liable size during the mortality from varlet feaer have
of tide been redueed. Time, of' 1.8,381 ca,ses,
Broeleville.-A light engine running firet ee-e11e.011. Vreeur lover:
ot°ftanItl:o Brockville, Westport and S. ;or: tt v,•ry Env., "ame ee eels s'ireported in London in 1901, 14,639, or ;
S. M. Hallway ran into a rig which irettn------------------------ uantity of
78 per cent. *ere treated in the hos-
I Mrs. 1. 'T. Shine of Slitgawatte, (hi
was crossing the tracks. near Forfar- obtained per mere. at a minimum! pitels, with a local or 564 deaths, in writes "I have used Bucdeck lIlo
Three teen were in the rig, and they
ftet. popubvion, Ar 4,544,93.isuo., Bitters as a spring medicine for the p
four years and don't think; there is its equ
narrowl3r escaped death. The rig •
m When I feel drowse, tired and have '
killed and the other badly injured. i fares, grewroot ermeseeds London hesPitels. NvItile in 1870 the desire to eat get a beide of mil.%
was smashed and ono of the horses It would be unreaeonable to expeet but 4.1 per tent. were treated
fee tit;----------------------------, Caai .4:eelDote (loathe from searlet fever alpne were purities the blood and builds up the c
1 tt'ete ion better thee any other remedy.'
in! the matteelebt price with 1.1te.eeeilS $2.5tft." . . e , , t • '"