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The Wingham Times, 1903-05-28, Page 8
THE WINGILDI TIMES, MAY 28 1903 +'Th r' +A1r"r'".1r•®'"4" 1" e".•1L•il "' RITE & CAMPBELL. W16"11- tely611,1e1SAVVIobil, likellisWtelle 1614 WATCH THIS SPACE FOR Slaughteriog ...1111... Drzss Cads And TrhiimiI1!s„ $ RITCHIE & CAMPBELL'S. MINOR LOCALS. The next home polo of baseball j fir. Bobt. Galbraith, of Guelph visited will be played on the town pant 411 4 at his home for a few days this week, Friday nftcruoou, rune 5th. The ,gist e 1 Mr. D. McKay, a former typo of the will be between Wiut;haln and I;russtla Tvres office, bat recently of Sherbrooke, teams. Que., spent a few clays with friends in —The proper cfiicars have failed to t'uwu duriug the week, send us reports of the Presbytery :r f Dlr. A. R. Smith is in Toronto this Di(aiticlnd neetlug and also the Mission. ary Society meeting and woare not able to give the reports m this issue. —The last gauze of football in d'nulor series of the W. IF. A. will be played i the town park on Tuesday evening icer The contesting teams wilt be Ltstowe and Wiugham. Game called at 0.20 o'clock. week picking up bargains in summer goods and odder lines. He will have a clew advt. in our next issue. Principal Musgrove and hie daughter, tliss l ,the( Mangrove attended the wart - 1 meeting of the East Huron Teachers' Irlss 'elation at Clinton' on Fridey and $atur,Tay last. D:. Madonald, 1t. P. was home from —Tho Tuxes As in error last week Ottawa for a few days during t11s week when we stated that Ripley had a case visiting; with his family. Ile returned of smallpox iu its, midst. The patient to Ottawa on Monday to resume his. was a small boy who is now about fu11y pariianteatary duties. recovered and ho resided in Huron town- E. W. 13radwin of Hamilton spent Sunday and Monday with his parents in town before starting; on his semi-annual trip as European buyer for Thos. 0. Watlsirs of Ilnitiilton. ship some three miles distant from Ripley. —Mr. D. E. I1eDonaicl, Highland Piper, and his daughter, Bliss Mable Mc- Donald, Highland Dancer, were at Tees - water for the R. C. picnic on Mouday. Miss Mable also took part in the concert at Lucknow on Monday evening. They are engaged for a Sons of Scotland pie• nio at .Atwood on Juno llth. —We notice by the Toronto papers the anuonucenent of the engagement of Miss Tessa MaeCallum, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCallum, Galt, to. Mr. F. 'W. Griffiths barrister, Niagara Falls, Ont. Miss MacCalluul is a popu- lar elocutionist who has frequently visit ed Wingham. —This is the circle: Every farm bey wants to be a school teacher; eve sohool teacher hopes to be au editor; every editor would like to be a banker; every banker would like to be a Maguate and every trust magngatc hopes to own a farm and have chickens and pigs and horses to look after, We end where we begin.--li zohange. PERSONALS. Mr. Thos. Gregory returned home last week from Manitoba. Mrs. Agar, of London, has been visit - l ling with Mrs. W. P. Grierson. —Dir. J. P. Newman's saw mill at Wiarton was totally destroyed by fire D'Ir..Robt. Carruth was calling on old —Ringling Fres, circus will exhibit at on Monday night. Mr. Newman is a Wiugham friends this•week. former well known resident of Listowel, Air. Jas. Cochrane spent Victoria Day Stratford on Saturday, June 13th.. td with friends in Arthur .and vicinity, --The Thins will be sent to new sub- —Anew time table will go into eiiectl ,scribers till 1st of January, 1004 for 50c, on the G. T. R. on Juno 1st, It is not Miss Edua Drew, 'af Kincardine, is likely visiting her a ant, Mae Jas,•McMannus. Mr. Geo. Elliott, o 'London visited with Wingham friend( a few days tins weeds. A number of gypsies have pitched there willbe any changes in the .—their tents on the Lower Wiugham time of the trains running to and from :, flats. Wingbam. e-• ` Regular monthly ineeting of the { `-A new poet office has been opened in the Northwest which will be known 'Town Council of Monday evening of next week. —Mr. D. E. McDonald shipped a double deck car load of hogs to Toronto on Monday. —Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland on Monday evening of next week. —Subscribe for the Teems. We will send it to any .address till January 1st, ,('104 for 50 cts. -The Bank of Hamilton has declared! Mrs. H. Jeffery and daughter spent as Gillies. Mr. Hugh Gillies, a former 11e holidays with her parents in Sea - Mr. R. Clegg, of Messrs. Walker Se •Clegg, of the Wingham Upholstering faotory leaves this week on a business trip to Manitoba and the West. Mrs. Clegg will accolnpauy him. Miss Anderson and mother are moviug to Wingham this week. Mr. and Mrs. Perk are here assisting in packing their household goods, Mr. Bolesby has rented Mrs, Park's resideuoe.—Ripley -press. Mr. F. 11. Roderus,of iv iugbaw, spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. E. C. Lauudy,of Hallett. Mr,aud Mrs. Elmer Moore and children, of Winahatn, .were also Sauday guests at the Lattudy home. Blyth Standard. Metcalfe, of Glenanuan left on Saturday of last week on a trip to Eng- lund, Mr. Geo. Ifasou of town will sairon Saturday of this week for Eng- land. Both geutlecnan have the best wishes of the Times for a pleaseut trip. They were booked by Mr, H. Davis, the local agent for the Allan Line. Don't Be Lazy. Au exchuuge says it may sound rather startling .but it is said to be true, that more young men are learning trades in prison than out of them, because parents are trying to make lawyers, doctors, clerks and preachers out of material in- tended for Carpenters, blacksmiths and other trades for mechanics. The trouble is that boys are two eager to avoid the labors of life, and are too anxious to fol- fow some calling that does not soil the hands. About Advert:sing; Tiio''hit and miss" plan in advertis- fug never pees. Tho advertiser who in- serts his advt, one time, then skipa a fete issues, then iu again, exercises very short-sighted business judgment and usually gets as his reward what ho de- serves --failure.. All the big advertising suocesses have been attained by constant and persistent advertising. "Constant dropping wears away stone." If your financial condition will not permit run- ning a four -inch advt. every issue, then use a one or two-inch ad,yt., or even a half-inch, but keep it going regularly. well-known resident of Culross is the forth. postmaster, Mr, J. J. McDonogh, of Toronte was —Huron County Council evi11 convene a visitor at iiia parental home for the on Tuesday,+June 2nd, at 3 &clock, at holiday. Goderioli. The House of Refuge Com- Mr. and Mrs. Robt.Groves of George- mittee will ineet at Clinton at 10 a. m, town, visited relatives in town over the sine day. Sunday. + —Mr. Alex. Orr has had a wind Mill : Mr. Sued Mrs. W. Nicholls, of London, em placed at the rear of the Brunswick were visiting at Dir. A. J. Nicholls over House this week. Mr. Orr will use the .Sunday, '' Mrs. Zurbrigg, of Listowel, is' spend- ing a few weeks with her son, Mr, M. E. Zurbrigg. Mrs. J. A. Maguire left on Saturday to speed the snminer at Canipbellferd• and Trenton. Dr. and Mrs. Holloway spent Victoria Day holidays with the former's parents at Clinton. who is still serving with the Canadians o ;'` Mr' John Fisher, of Preston was in South Africa. John's many friend8 visiting at tiffs home hi town for .a few here will be pleased tn learn that he is this week. enjoying good health. fr Mr. R. A. Walker, of Toronto visited —Dr. J. S. Jerome and fancily havt3 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Walk - a dividend of five per cent. for the half- power from the mill to force the water -tete bedrooms of the hotel. year ending May 30th.eee, —The holiday traffic on the railways _The Clinton and Wingham football vas very hewp>icI Pao trains. were dei clubs played a game here ort Friday leyed in conseciuence2 1 evening last. There was not a very —The annual meeting of the Ins large attendance. Clinton boys won Huron Farmers' Institute will be held= the game by a score of 2 to 1. Brussels, on Tuesday, June 2nd. —Mr. D. Stewart has recently received —The West Huron Teachers' Assocsa- a letter from his son, Mr. John Stewart, tion held their anneal meeting at Exeter Thursday and Friday of last week. --Teeswater people will hold a demon- stration. on July 1st, Committees are now at work arranging the program. —The first sitting of the Wingham Outlet of Revision will be held in the their residence in the house recently Council Chamber on Friday evening of purchased from Mr, J. B. Ferguson. Mr. aucl Mrs. Ferguson have moved to we the rooms in the Button block. --Me. Edwin Gaunt, one of the first settlers of West Wawanosh, died on Wednesday of last week, aged 75 years. He had been ill since last February. this week moved to town and taken. up er over Sunday. CHRISTIE'S, PATER - SON'S and McCOR- M ICK'S Fancy and Plain Biscuits From 7c per lb to 4.0c —The Teens subscription list contin- ues to grow. We have the largest circu- lation. Help us add 200 new names to our list before the first of January next. 30e, pays for the TIMES until January1st, 1004. Now is the time to subscribe, t The showers of rain that fell in Wingham on Monday night and Tuesday will do much good. The need of rain was becoming sorely felt. Monday's rain did slot cover a very wide area as no sister, Miss Bessie Husband. rain fell a fow miles from Wingham. Mr. John Welsh, engineer at the --The Brussels Post in reporting last Union factory was in Goderich this week week's football says in part as follows:-- attending his father's funeral. Referee Allenby, of wingham: gave very good satisfaction. Wingham tried a little "fluke" in the composition of their team but it did not win theta the day. e Almost any kind you want. Some of—Beattie Bros. bus team ran away 4 been visiting with relatives find friends the lines aro tieibury, Wine, Arrowroo,, Monday morning and tate bus wad ;in Wingham and East Wawanosh. slightly damaged, as was also the fence Mr. R. A. Mitchell, missionary from at pr. Tamlyi's. The horses became Wile Whi, China, was the guest of Mr. frightened from the exploding of a fire cracker, This setting off fire crackers is aan o i d ger us practice and it should be stopped. Mr. and Mrs. R. Clegg spent the Victoria Day holidays with the latter's parents at Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs.Fishleigh,of Chesiey,were visiting with their son, , Mr. W. T. A, Fishieigh over Sunday. Mr. W. Douglass, of Peterboro, was visiting with his old friend, Mr. Wm. Robertson on Monday. Mrs. J. McEwen and Mrs. W. J. MC - Cully, of Stratford were guests of Mrs. H. B. Elliott over Sunday. Miss Myrtle Husband of Ingersoll, spent a few days in town with her Misses Olive Maiuprize and Pearl Mc- Millen, of Brussels visited with friends in town for a few days this week. - fir. John Anderson, of Wareham has (ingernut, Social Tea, Water Ice, A sorted Sandwich, Fig Bar, Raspber y Bar, Am jams, Cocoa Bar, Marsha) I- o n ate s r IZ ce tin W Tttrnave s e � , Craa kknneells, Cheese Wafers and Frilit Ginger ra 13ed. i• As we have a large trade in the above Stock we always have the stock I'xes11, Olean and up-to-date. Boiled Ilam and Cooked Corned Beef &ways on band. Tudhopes Grocery and Gr•o er'y Store ag Prompt Delivery Mfrs. G. A. Deadman, of 'Brussels, whott urged theWomen's a © Missionary Convention here Iast week met with a serious mishap. Mrs. Deadman was starting to descend the Stair• way in the Presbyterian church leading to the basement. She tripped on the top step and fell headlong down the stairs. On eatamination it was found that the right stde of her face was bruin - ed considerably and her arm badly strained. She restrained in town all night and went home by train. A. L. Hamilton while in town last week. Airs. Boman. leaves to.day for R t - Portage to be at the bedside of her sister. in-law, who is seriously ill in that town. Dir. Chas, Dingman, representing the Montreal Herald was in town on Wed- nesday and gave the Tions a friendly tan, P. editor f the b . W. Galbraith,o e Guelph Mercury, accompanied by his son, were guests at Postmaster 11'isher's over Sunday. Dr. ,I.1'I. Macdonald and ,T. D. Darns attended the annual meeting of the East Huron Liberal AssOeif tion at 13ras• nett, on Tuesday. WALKER BRCS. DUTTON. u.NOgRTAKERS. WINt I4ANl. Night calls at Button Block, or fifth door south of School Home. Shop op- poette blacdonaa i block. Miss Taurine Agusta Kaiser (SOPRANO) TEACHER OF. VOICE AND PIANO. c,0NGERT ENOAOEMENTS ACCEPTED, Residence I. i3.1a1liott,Franees St.,'winghaln C. J. IVIA.GUIR.4. .ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE A1fD LOAN AGENT. Accounts, rants and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing dono, OFFICE—In i'anstone Block. Open Saturday nights front 7 to 0 o'clock, THOMAS HOLIES & 30N BANKERS, Etc. Marrlago Licenses issued, No witnesses re- quired. Money 4 per cent. large amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES I1AaRtsiER AT LAW, SOLICITOR, No1Atlr PUaiLac, d'o., C. Ofi1C© N ext to Holmes Bloek now building, 1IEETfl G OF HURON COUt: V COUNCIL Tho Cotneil of the meet in tate council oh Goderich at 8 o'clock, June nest. Dated at Goderich, MA onntyiof Huron twill Mier n the town of . m., on the 2nd of W. LANE, Clerk. 20th, 1003. Pointed Paragraphs. From the Chicago News. Bank tellers usually know more than they tell. Wise is the Ulan who refuses to drink between' drinks. Unless a man has faith in himself there isn't much hope for him. A man isn't necessarily thin because you can see through him. He who stoops to brush a banana peel from the sidewalk is bent on doing good. Some men are never happy unless they are in a position to make others miser- able. Lawyers have their tribulations, but they make money out of other people's trials. Charity maycovcr a multitude of sins, but there are a number ofr'multitndes still uncovered. , Time is money,according to the adage, yet some men speed a lot of tine trying to borrow a little money. A wise man doesn't argue with a wo• man because he expects it to do any good, but because it affords her pleasure. nota. COURT OF Take Notice that the C REVISION Town of Will hold its first si Chamber in tl ON FRIDAY, 29 A. D ,1E03, at thole) All persons having bu should govern thermal J. Dated Cleric's Office, W .4 urt of Revision of the Wingham ngin the Council e said town DAY DF MAY rof8o'olock1.11. iness at the said Court s according. .FERGUSON, Clerk. ugham, May 18t11,1003. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on his premises, north half Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale road) a Thoroughbred 'Tamworth Boar. Terms -41.00 at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. T, M. EENDERSON. B LU EVALE FLOUR MILLS 3 HESE MILLS have recently un- dergone extensive improvements. Tho latest improved machinery has been put in and a new steam plant added, so that the public caw depend on . an up-to- date service. LtAlioppiltng crone every.22j A full stock of Flour and Feed on sale at the store next door to Mao lath's harness shop, Wingham, under the man- agement of Mr. Be J. Tindall. A share of the public patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3. W. WARDER Proprietor Bluevale Flour Mills. C+itltmt:--In Blyth, 011 May 10th, the wife of Mr. Goo, White; is tion. MARRIED Lnt,ra,EEn--Iicr.tro.r.-At the;residence of of the brides a pare tits in Howiek. on May 220th.. IT lbw. wm. Lowt Mr. David Lr,ugheetl, of Wingihein, to Miss Jessie Rolston. Johnna o v--••-'1.V.it.ttrtt—At the home of the brides parents on Tliursda , 21st inst., by the Rev. A. B. Dobson, Mr. Joseph Johnston to Mist Flora E., daughter of lir. and Dirs. Thos. Walker, of the 7th con. of How:c'c. D/111) $1'ARLt 11 ng am, on litay h, Loretta Louiso beloved wife of Dr. W. R. t Sperling, and second (laughter ght e' r of Mr. and Dura. 1.1+. Sperling, ageded 30 years. The funeral will take place from the riwi d (ileo of her part nta, entente street this iTlntrs. day l afternoon at 2.30,o'clak for the'iVinghnm coat tery. Situ t 1ON—In Tee (water, on May *hid, George Million, aged 529ears. IttNei -Ia 2iluev tie, m1 Map ':,th (}"onto tichoah' , infant son of Mr. .and Mrs. King, Aged 1month and I day. Museuevt —At the man e, i cEIBr.p, on may sent' Rev. Peter Mn+grave, agent 7s years, 1 niontlt tmd 4 (lays. FensYrile;--In Wroxeter un MSV 14th, John Laurierey or,rvthe, son of Jae, an lin, For- oytlhe, affect B years. ittxu,- -In Grey, on May 17tH, Jan. H. Hogg, aged 00 years, 3 months and 17 days, T i 4 4.' cin Howie, on .clay IOth Jes. Logan, formerly of tirry township, aged 14 Jeans. $43,70—W1ngliam to Nelson, Robson, Trail, Eossland, Greenwood, Midway, Vancouver, victoria, New Westminster, 11.0.; Seattle and Tacoma, wasil.; Port- land, Ore. ' $1.20«-wingham to Spokane, Wash, $40.70--Wingham to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo ; Pocatello, Idaho; Ogden acid Salt lathe, Utah; .flelena, llutte, Anatonda, lo nt One-way Second -Class Colonist Tiekets on sale until June 1,ith, Proportionately low rates to other Points. lull particulars front your nearest Can- adian Pacific Agent, or A. If. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 ging St. East. Toronto GRAD TRUNK S M Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH -rWEST A'1 VOLTA/WING fETniN PA/IES Winnipeg, Man. Arcola, Assn. Binsearth, Man El in, Man :atovfln Asia $282nt,Aial Miioa, saa Mrwsornin, AFgR Swan River, Man Men w,. tgkada M n WawancwA, Man Mooseiatv,Assa' Regina,A4sa Ism on t A9M1 York s, , I Prince Albert $35' MacLeod, Alba Calgary, Alba 4 itetlDeer,A1ba+ � Strathconu " ; Good going Sane 4th, June 18th, Returning within a0 days from date of issue. good going July 4th, valid to return ant Bet. 8h,10(3. 1 'i'Vilunt vO :i14'7E.Iri %TB SIMMER Tho famous Muskoka Lakes, Lake of gsya, Take Nipissiug, AAwattldq L*b , and iho MAgnetewan River are rime ort only by the Grand Trunk Railway System. gxee•11rht ho- tel a'enntmedatton, healthy Athlete, Salting, et'. Dmeriptive Literature ark all information from Agents. 1.. i2AIt01r13, Apart, Wingham. any more room to paper? Perhaps you discovers while housecleaning that you Would have to paper another room or two ---cif so we invite you to see the lines we are selling at reduced prices. 25e Papers for 15e 20e •" 12.0 15e " " 10e 10e " " 7e 8e " fie Odd ceiling paper for 3c Ail Paper Trimmed Free. 41+ "Hang" Our window shades And you won't be disap- pointed. Large variety of colors to select from. Every shade guaranteed to be as re presented. Cooper & Co. WINGHAM. (Successors to Alex. Ross.) Carbo Magnetic Razors King Cutter Perfection Butler's " Keen " Bailey's All these Razors are guaran- teed and if not satisfactory bring them back. Special i5 per cent discount this week only, at ciSHL EI6 fiy S HARDWARE E STORE f tt 41 is Smith & Pethiek's old. stand. Our new styles of cheap and medium - priced Bedroom Suites AND a Sideboards Suits at $11.5o, $r5. cx and $24.00 are consid- ered extra good value. Some specials in Mat- tresses & Wire Springs. BALI BRO$1,, The People's Furniture Score: TELEPHONE 51 UNDERTAKING RofamENcE—.Pantie It STREET S. Gracey's tornmer residence, where night calls µ•ill receive prompt attention. f I\� From - entre to crust The Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest machin- ery, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D, LOUD HEED Opposite Presbyterian Church. u% SEEDS � 1903 We haveea large stock of all kinds of Seeds, including: --- -SUGAR BEETS, —MANGOLDS, —TIMOTHY, —TURNIPS, —CLOVER, etc. —LIGOWO. --20TH CENTURY, and —GOLDEN:FLEECE SEED OATS, • • • ALL 141WDS Or GARDEN. SEED. See as before purchasing your Seeds. We can satisfy you 'as to price and quality. Cassels & Carr. vvvvvvvvvrrvvvvvvvvvvvvvry rrvwvvvvvvvvyvvvvYvvyvvvvi, Dining room Furniture 11 111 A• �wt i. Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort; • meat of wood seat and leather seat diners is a C marvel of' style, quality and cheapness. C EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. 4 4 C ti 4 stock It>;J �-•''I'he largest and best selected p. S IbEIiOA S n of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in /. the manufacture of up-to-date lutniture. We carry a complete line of all Ands of furniture. WALKER BROS. BUTTON P rn1tx re and 'Undertaking. The are Mott fie Office. w!�kaAAiAiAhrr:A. +rtenu ryv v evirrcv -4i r,t . 4, E