HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-05-28, Page 6-8( 1 b ii ate ctrl flit. all cis( Yea wl evil so are aid ;rot tie,` ha W 1cr jog) is bet tk< do' `id, xCt Thal TF 1 sit cut ]n: ods 'Let Geer cur title into out: the• the; leas the the tile. inh: Bu: pen: as t the D tate is t this prof pree dust G rc hig1 to 5 whii tion ;brae teat - to 1 and 41 THIS \i'iNl, It ..\1 TIMES Ivy 28. 1003 ea.F<e.s....te 3 GIV5 , is ii i See-RuTNTO 1We'4 R et l ViEneleA"T117 -1tlf [M�, kt,CTi9NAl.i4n.i'+�- ,t1 Tilt CONSTITUTION =�fH 'ME Me eST °sJ, s' " �ttaCn.rR3i4atrecl . B.ste . -•=PRICE . �ee-lis-ilLA -ii RtiAltJlk.i• allflQlstsAG=1n5' it �f+�r • Pi -kohl Canada: $1.00 ; Six bottles for $5.00 , Debility of system causes neural - Dia,, and whatever tends to produce enfeebielut:nt$ induces it. This affec- tion is undeniably due to lack of vitality, and its very existence is evidence of deficient strength. Remedial measures should there- fore be directed to improve the whole system, for when strength returns to the system, the. neuralgic condition of the nerves will disappear. o This now is supplied by S't's S tM1::1 \VA1r,`•.'.PS; they seldom fail to relieve; their effect is a general building up of the system. ST. J,i'IES ' vV..e `nRS help stern. ch, digest food and seed the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get 'health and strt- . gth, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes mucli. "5t,i5t.rami,sWafzrsnevervaries. They are .L remedy evithout a peer, wittout z rival•'+ In all case 3ef neural giathey have pre, ved a noble acct tine nil,,." Dr, k'atric'-c T-E3yle, Dublin, Srehand. S Aam 5 ' ees are teas a :7Ff rr°'l .3, d, a ,, ":15 ra r - ei r . a 1:'. a taaes:S ...sassed - pi: a:¢ :.t•s vt Ueee Where deeteteare nstsellingthe Wafers. they az e mailed upon re- ceipt of price at the Canadian bred:. : St. Jaws Wafers Co., 172E St. Catherine St., Montreal. There passed away last friday ane t'u• 111 , Mwe 1.ath,at 11s r meth'. I's reel ewe, tioderich Tp . lilies Atluie Rutledge, dahalhter of the late jos. B,tttledge Daring tl;e last ft or mouths of her ill. ut, s ehe had 1 L en tinder lneiiietil treat- ment at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lea - row d, of Seaforth, Children Ory for • t`i's? C7a `"`' este, t• a h ,eaa _ .�q* �ifsee ~ ' lei eve. `Sa 'd?+`st Q. tha arumIli I, Kerliolb from �sar�n Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges The Wa1ke1'ton Hosiery Co. has beeu incorporated with a capital of $40,('00. The asseseer's returns give Colling- wood a population of 7,000, a gain of ever GOO for the year. ''Wash greasy dishes, pots or pane with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. 1t will re- move the grease with the greatest case. 36 Teoswnter rerahants close their places of business every eveuiug at seven o'clock, except Wednesday and Satur- day eve niug,i. • Children Cry for CASTOR IA sa The Monarch Fire Insurance Co. has been organizhd to conduct a general fire insuxancebusiuess in Western Ontario. The head office will be in London. "Strength and vigor come of good food, 'Force',a ready -to -serve duly digested. wheat and barley food, adds no burben, dot sustains, nourishes, invigorates." The following are the Bates for the Canadian Circuit: —New Hahhiburg,Juue 9, 10, 11; Seaforth, Jane 10 and 17; Lis- towel, June 24 and 25; Stratford, June 30, Jaly 1 and 2; L,ndoll, July 7, 8, 9; 'Wlorlem', Tuly 13 to 17, Children Cry' For GA T R I . The post office authorities wish that the public would address all letters for the Northwest territories with the name of the particular territory for which the letter is intended. The territories • are Alberto., Assiniboia, Saskatchewan and Yukon. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and nrinarynegans only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheu- matism, diabetes, congestion, inflamma- tion, gravel, Bright's disease and all ether diseases arising from wrong action sa t , of the kidneys and bladder. only "What is a baby?" he asked, and then,,. elm:• the foilowing complicated definition is etnklit privelt i "The prince avails, a dweller ill Iapland, the morning caller, noon -day PLTA Crawler, midnight brawler, only pos- session that never excites envy, a key ishec that opens the hearts of all classes, the as fa tide and the poor alike, in all countries; mile stranger with unspeakable cheek that enters the house without a stitch to his back and is received with open arms by till. CASTO At 11 o'.lnek o't Thursday of last week. a lamp t xai1odeit in the engine r e l'n of tlx 1 steamer Kohl iu the middle of L Lite Iiurnn, A tl •e resulted and lest night, after fightiug the flames for eMeht hours, the plucky crew of the vessel were driven to take refuge in the life bouts The Pruitt semi became. a living fttrnac•e on the ialos's surface, and with- • f u an hoar sank. The vessel was elan - dowel 'Aimee l tu-done'tl'Aimee in eight of tia,lerioh. One • s lift•b, nt was picked up fly n .rPacuiug p 1PrS 11. Mr. and Mrs. Wzn. R. Wai-e, late of Hallett tote nshi; , left Qliutou three weeks ago for ti e �ti est. Airs. Mire proceeded to Wont t) visit with friends,. and Mr. Waite :darted for Meutsnit wl.ere he purposed establiehing a wheep much. He was suffering from a severe cold and aft.:ra few clays stay at Calgary he died. The batty was brought to Cliutou for intertnee:t. (>;ta Sabbath May l i til. Mrs. Georgina Greene ife of the hate Andrew Cray ,flied at her daughters' home is Soutltaulpton after a few days ilinese,iu her 7'1.11 year. ..Georgina Gray when quite young moved i. with her parents from Sntheriandebire • S,.)tland early in the 30s. to the 1•-'th I.'.ne of Nissouri3Ont. Iii '7'3 the family ., moved to elle . tae emus Kincardine where they , tttled upau a farm. In i 3 the went to live with her sen and daughter in ;aauthamptas where she remained till the time of her decease. She was a member of the Presbyterian church nod was highly respected. The Ladies' Favorite. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favor. he medicine. They cure Constipation, :ick Headache, Biliousuess, and Des- , pepsia without gritting, purging or siert. patty front shorn, and the t1 r being et u lit near the scaue of the dis- aster. It is believed that all the crew are safe, The I'ful:l, wraith carried a c'8rgo cf cent, was bound for Owen :uud. The Glow of Health. Cu hen the blood is riob aucl pure therm is Lt heulthfal glow to the to n'pit xion which ,.pseiks of the vigor and vitality of the system. 'There is no More certain way for pall', weak people to attain the glow of lt:'iilth (hall by the persisteutuse ,if Dr. C!. tar's terve rood, the groat fond euro which forum new, rich. red blued and er••tltes new nerve force. The news_ of the death of a fernier res- ident of C1intun,and sou of Mrs. Gagen, has been received A telegram bore the sad in tel;igettce on Thursday of last week to his mother, stating that her son, Jnlues had been drowned at Aahuelel, Wiscou in, wbtre lie had been employed. fording logs ;own a stream for the past twelve years. Prom 'what can be learn - ea to date. it would apl•ear that a clam, l.teldeli is placed in the river to keep the ' legs from pnesing clown the stream till the sl ring of each year, has to be blown up by dynamite to permit tho raft to pass out. He was out in midstream do- lt g this, when from some nnaccountablo, The many ;newts of .t he fancily cause the stuff exploded before he had throughout the country will learn with , time to get very far away. regret of the sudden death of Mrs. Sieh. , olsou, the beloved, wife of Mr. Alex. Ni cholson, of the 2nd con. of Kinloss •, which took place tarry ou Suudny morn - ug, May 17th. Deceased had Leen ill Far All Farms of Kidney Disease, Iwith la grippe ouly a short tilne, but hto imus rehlts were anticipated, and her Wednesday of last weak, Mies Minnie d flight r of Jas. and lairs. Dudley, 13russtls.South, was warned to Abraham Sevellerlitlere, of Listowel. The sere - limas was performed in Wallace by Rev. Air. Seveucrpipers, brother to the proem. We regret to chrooiele the death of Mrs. Jae—Oakley, at her Dome on Con, 2, I Ir11tL township on Monday, Mays 1Sth, at 101 t. u[, Deceased had been suti,:rlug from. au at1'actiou of the ear whielh de- veloped into the 1ttidtlle ear causing par nlysis. Mrs. Oakley wits ar dhught.;r of Air. Will. Lamont of Grty tins u. Lip. • The Exhibition Buildings, Toronto, are to be repaired this year, the cost of which will be as foilowe: Alain Baildil'g 834000 Floral Hall end Fruit Bailding , $170.95; Agricultural Ilail,Dineng Emua and Bicycle 13ilildiug, •:98. 5; Agrioel tired Implement et5b3.75; Grand Steed, $1,351.25; Commissioner's residence, ,S5 00; Woulau's Badding, $105,00 The Leeislaturi' will, it is understood, be asked to vote 85,G0J this seseiou ta- wa)cds a breeze statue of the lave Sir Oliver Mowat, which will be erected in Qneou's Park at the east side of the main walk. in a correeponcling position Geo. n of - n. with the stat othe t eate H, l Brown. This will make in all seven statue$ of historic interest in Queen's Park. They are, Veterans of 1880, the Veteraus of 1885, Queen Victoria, Geo. Brown and Sir John A. l l:acdouald, with a monument to Governor Slnlcoe,'now being made redly. A CU IRANTEED CURE A twenty. four-year-old mare belong -i ser I the undersigned Druggist am felly tug to Mr. Thos. Ginn, Goderich town- 1 sudden demise was a terrible blow to her prepared to give the following guarantee ship, has given birth to twin colts. They husband and friends. Mrs. Nicholson with every 50c bottle of Dr. Pettiugill's are smart 1i ltle pnimals and both are was in her 42ud year and was highly Kidney -Wort Tablets, the ouly remedy thriving. esteemed by a wide circle of friends and in the world that positively cures all troll g For the year ending September 1902 the Walkerton jail had 51 prisoners. The cost of fuel, food and clothing was $400. The entire cost of running the in- stitution was $22035. Many people say they are "all nerves " Easily startled or upset, worried and ir- ritated. Milburn's Heart anti Nerve Pills are just the remedy such peoplere- quire. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. A veiy old resident of Walkerton pass- ed away on Saturday mornlug,,May 16th, in the person of Mrs. Jas. Hislop. Mrs. Hislop who had reached the ripe old age of 81 years and 3 months,' was born in the town of Aukrom, Roxboroghshire, Scotland. She and her' husband emi- grated to Canada in 1805 and came direct to Walkerton so that the deceased lady had been a resident of Walkerton for 38 years. Mr. Hislop died about 21 years ago. I The essentiallung•ihealing principal of the pine tree has finally been sucessfnl- ly separated and refined in to a perfect iktei cough medicine' -'-Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a rt guarantee of satisfaction, Price 25c. A newspaper lean was hn a butcher shop the other day and was somewhat startled to hear the boss address the de- livery boy in these words: "N"ow Jack look sharp. Break the bones in ;tar. B—'>s chops, and put 3----'s ribs in your basket; and by gosh, here's Mrs, W --'s liver that she forgot and left on the counter, and take Jim Burch's feet oat of pickle and deliver right astray." "All right" said the boy, 0 "Tu4tiffst as soon M 1 saw Miss C ----'s leg ear en °aniline Valeria always hear: lit Signature of Chas. H. Pletcher. s;irhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children,she gave them Castoria. bles arisin from weak or diseased acquaintances. kidneys:— '•Money cheerfully returned if the sufferer is not relieved and improved atter use o° one bottle. Three to six bottles effect astonishing and permanent cares. If not relieved and cured, you For 0, sixty Tears. An Old and 'Well -Tined Remedy—Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymiflionsof mothers waste no rtouey." for their children whim teething, with A. L. Hamilton, Winghatn, Ont. perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Life's best days are not,those to which ful went plump through to • the floor ctiarrheea. It is pleasant to the taste. When he raised it up to see what was Sold by druggists in every part of the welook forward with most expectation of James L'egan, a deaf mute, died in FIowick ou Sunday, 10th fust, He was about 84 years of afe and was well known to a number of Grey residents, as ho re- sided there for over 40 years, The fami- ly had 500 acres of laud here at one time and the deceased was a one time owner of lot 11, con. 14, now belonging to Nelson Askiu. Quintin Logan was possessor of lot 11, coo. 15. ThOiir eister Maggie was the housekeeperin their little home, 13th moi., for many years. When the House of Refuge was opened Pt. Clinton, they - were taken as inmates but the followiug Spring they left and located in Howick where they have since wade their rest - dente. A young lady who resides on the out- skirts of Attwood is said to be terribly upset in consequence of a mistake she made the other day. Going in a hurry to a store after flour she took up what she supposed eves a clean pillow slip from the bureau. She skipped into the. store smiling like a basket of chips and handed the supposed slip to the grocer who proceeded to fill ti. The first scoop - FOR GOOD HEAUW To preserve or restore it, there is no better larf:scri .tion for men, women and children than. Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take, They are made cf a combination of medicines approved. and used by every physician. l:iprils Tabules are widelyuseby all sorts of people -R -but to the lain eve: '-da folks they arc a veritable fricnd iplain, need. Ri .sans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy, They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dy's'pepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation cf the heart, siecplessnesti, muscular rheuinatisin, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints, Theystregthen weak stomachs, build 11p p restore pure blood, rlln-dp1'Jn systems, � good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells then, 'File five - cent packe,t is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, Go cents, contains a supply for a year. Y world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its happiness, but those to which we may the matter, and displayed two outlets verse is incalculable. Be sure you ask look ab lo with most of Madness, Thera heavily fringed, the lady lit out without for Mrs. Winslow's Soothiug Syrup, and ' are those in whiclh We are helped to do saying a word. The grocer laid the take no other kind. On Friday, May 15th, the house and surrounding grounds of bar. and Mrs. Francis Scott, Lanes, were the scene of lively merriment, the event being the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of the aged couple. Mr. and Mrs.Scott have lived in Canada since the fifties, coming together from their homes in old Scotia. They came to Ashfield when it was a wilderness of forest and, although they endured all hardships in hewing out their now beau- tiful home, yet at the age of seventy- eight and seventy-seven they are still vigorous. Rev. Peter Musgrave, one of the old- est and best known clergymen of the Huron Presbytery, died at the manse, McKillop, near Seaforth, Wednesday morning of last week. Rev. Mr. Mus- grave, who had passed the threescore and ten mark, had. been pastor of Duffs and Cavan Churches, McKillop, for over 25 years. He leaves a widow, a sister of Rev. Mr. McCoy, of British Columbia, formerly of Toronto, two daughters and two sons. Spring Medicine. .As s spring medicine Burdock $rood Bitters Inas no equal. It tonesup the system and removes *11 impurities from tae bleed, and takes away that tired, Suddenly Attacked. Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerousColic, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure eure 'which should always bo kept in the house, some disagreeable duty manfully, or to crake some sacrifice for others, or to enter into truer or more loving relations with our fellowmen. ' They are the days which stand the test of experienceand re- miL3iSCellCB and are'lit the up with light which shines on duties done, troubles faced, burdens borne. For the beauti- ful things of life are most often those which were harsh and painful actualities when they were close at hand, but which have grown gracious and lovely as they have passed into the region of memory. So they live on with us when mere pleasure's and diversion are forgot- ten, and we love to turn back to them in thought, while for many of - our happi- uesses and our pleasures we may bo most inclined to ask the power to for- get. Tr prove to yon that Dr. iQ10e - REWARD . :s100 --"" The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Sold by druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The government recipe for whitewash, which is used on lighthouses and other government buildings where whitewash is required, is said to bo the best formula there is. Itis as follows; Pat two pail- fuls of boiling water in a barrel and one- half bushel of well burned fresh quick- lime. Put in quickly ono peek common salt dissolved in hot water and cover the barrel tightly to keep in the steam while the lime is slacking. When the violent bubbling is over, stir until well mixed together, and if neeesshry add more boil- ing water, so as to have the ,mass like thick cream. Strain [through sieve er coarse cloth. Make a thin starch of three pounds of rice flour and one pound of strong glue, having first soaked the glue in cold water, and to the latter whiting. rnisture add two minds of wl p g Add this to the lime wash and also sufficient hot water to dilute to the pro- per consistency. Keep hot while apply- ing. It will require about six quarts of the mixture to 100 square feet of sur- face and it may be made any color desir- w.ey, feeling so prevalent in the spring. sd. article away to await her return, but up to date she had not appeared in the vicin- ity. Tho above romance is from the Milverton Sun. Needless to say none of Atwood's young ladies are pouting to pose as the heroine of the episode. Wo rather thiuk,Mac,that one of Milverton's fair sex must have had the thrilling ex • perience, seeing that the grocer evident- ly used a scoop shovel.—Atwobd Ben. CLUBBING RATES i e anti as olutmont is f o each and absolute cu -•o for each xland every form of it.=hint;, • blooding and protruding piles, "he manufacturers have guaranteed it. Scotts. irnonhets in the daily press and ask your neigh - hors what they think oral, You can use it and "1 sour money bark if not cured. (ISa n, box. at 11 dealers or IbMA' flN,IlATES 84 Co., Toronto, Orq Chas&s Ointm4ent Calmly the close of life came to James Hogg. a resident of the third con. of Grey for many years. He passed away last Sunday, May 17th, about midnight having obtained the patriarchal age of 90 years, three months and 17 days. IVlr.Hogg was a typical son of the Emer- ald Isle, ready witted, active on foot, strong in his convictions and not averse any time to express his opinion on matters. He was an Old Country A Sault Ste. Marie special to the Globe Orangeman ands very devoted follower says that from information recently re- of the late Hon. Sir John A. McDonald, The subject of this notice claimed Ros- common, Ireland, as his native county, first seeing the light in it on Feb. 1st. 1813. He came to Canada in 1842 and lived in Dorchester, Port Royal, Wal- singham, the township of Hay, Huron Co., where he spent two years before moving to Grey, iu 1862. He took up the 100 acre farm ripen which he lived and died lot 5, eon 3. From a merely bush lot, by industry and thrift it . was Lenders, Ontario. converted to tillable acres. busty hal and knowing drawing near, asked Donald in a feeble voice to come near to putting tithe question to hitil, if he would ceived there it is believed that Mand Gillespie, who, as a girl of thirteen, , mysterionsiy disappeared from her home! near Thessalon, thirteen years ago, has been found living with the Indians at 1 Green Lake, near the Missisago River, about 100 miles back of Thessaloa. It , appears that two prospeotors, while ex- ploring the almost unknown regions' back of Thessalon, came upon a village of Indians on Green Lake, While try- , Ing to talk to the Indians they were startled to see a white woman, who ap- peared deli ht'ed when she heard them { g speak in English. They talked with her, and she told them that years ago, when she was a small girl, she had beeu stolen by the Indians, and having lived with ! them ever since, never seeing a white ! man, except the Prenoli trappers, with alk She was unable to t o h she was whom m e Indians anxious to get away aro the , and implored the prospectors to aid her. They promised to do so. The matter has been brought to the attention of the Government, and it is expected that im- mediate steps will be taken to recover the girl. The Times clubs with the papers mentioned below at a reduced rate: . The Times and The Weekly Globe The Weekly Mail For one year.' $1 GO • 1 75 The Daily Star, Toronto .. 2 25 Tne Montreal Family Herald and Star . 1 75 The Weekly Sun 175 The Fanners' Advocate 1 75 Toroute Daily News... 3 00 The Montreal Witness, Weekly1 GO, World Wide 150 Northern Messenger ...... 1 20 The Daily World, Toronto 3 00 Montreal Daily Herald ... 2 00 Farming World 1 50 London Advertiser, weekly1 50 Daily Globe 4 25 If you do not see what you want in the list let us hear from you. We eau give clubbing rates on any newspaper, or magazine. Address or call at TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. K & sQ 11 diseases. effects 'blood disease is called the !ting ofa n cc its terrible 0 e moot of, It maybe either hereditary or contracted; so while it may not be a crime to have the disase, It is a crime to permit it to remain in the system. It map manifest itself in the form of Scrofula, Eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or awollen joints, itchiness of the akin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue, sore throat, falling out of hair, •'isordered stomach, and a general depression of the system. If lou have any of these symptoms don't neglect yourself, You have no time to 1oae. Beware of "old fo"y" treatment—beware of mineral poisons— beware of Quacks and Fakirs. Odic rlEW MCTROD TREATMENT is guaranteed to curs this disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you. Our treatment is not injurious in any way, but reaches the very root of the disease and eliminates alt poison from the system. 'ehe symptoms of disease gradually disappear. Tho blood Itm antes pure and earlched the whole system is cleansed and purified, and Ole patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the pleasures, of life. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. 25 Years is Detroit. 250,000 Cured. Coostiltatipn°Free. Question Blank for Homo Treatment and Books Free. N)Y&KEG Cor. Michigan .Ave. and ehelby St., Detroit, Mich. •' 1_ • All work promptly executed at most reasonable prices. IFYOU WANT A GOOD JOB Opinions of Leading Physicians. I llavn been'pt'resribing t trong's Pilekolu' for the last eight years, and have had better success with theist than with all other means. WM. WOODRUFF, N. D., London, Ont. Price $1.00. For sale by druggists,or by mail on receipt of prier. W. T. STItO: (l, elanufeeturina' Chemist ' u seri• in take Doih11 s knu ions being TED --No W fu that her end •was ■ the beclsitim. On A Good Local Agent Por Wingham and vicinity, to sell fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, rosee., etc. We have the largest and hest assortment of stock in Canada. Terms liberal. We also grow and sell improved lines of seed potatoes. All stockkguar. anteed true to Haulm and delivered in good condition or purchase money re• fun led. Wi11 make arrangements on commission or salary basis, according to time and ability of applicant. Apply immediately. relihttot `` urssery 0.1,0140 131 Ton0ETo, Orr. ever to replied in a sorrowful tonem"0cih, Oclt, Maggie, you'll never see that day." • Wearer--Sovertel indnstrietts persons each state to trsvelforhouse established. eleven years And with a large ci+pitsi, to call nt,on taerehents And agents for suceessful andprefit• Mee line, Permanent engagement. Weekly. cash salary of $IA and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in rash each Week. } Mit xrienee net a ntisl. Mention reference NAIO]~lase r,hia'xii , hat Deabor St.Ce, ke to himself another wife Donald Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads, Statements, Calling Cards, Tickets, Hand Bills, Notes, Order Blanks, Booklets, Circulars, Or anything .else in the printing line, you will make no mistake by leaving your order at this office. We will bep leased to furnish estimates at any time. Call at, or address--•- • . x„ TAE TIMES OFFICE EEA,V ''It, BLoOK JOSEPHINE STREET. HAVI IATING.