HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-05-28, Page 2TIIE IYINGItAli TIMES, MAY 1903, 111NTarlist t13ED 1972. ww \ INfi. t �c 'MMES, ai I%.tBI.1.I(Y)1' 't`Rt,lsHxRAS»PI3erIIIKtI)lt THE WAY TO Bi WELL. The Blood Must be Kept Rieh and Pure arid, the Nerves Strong, Good health is the most previous . tree• slut+ any titan or woman eau have. flet THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1003, gno,1 health ran only be had by keeping • ,�,,. _ ' the blood ri h and pure, and the nerves t Er:ocg. It the bleed is alluwed to be- GRAVELROADS' 1c,lure weak and watery, the whole t sr: tent is wE a'tened aud falls. an eaey "With gravel nerds . thsre is a pros prey to disease. There is no lltedieiue ,pounced tendency to rut, and wh n ' c.i.f.! a Ilial D. Williams' Pini: Pills ju rots beg'lt to aitpan•r on the serene.., t keeping the bio• ci deb and pure, awl the itel vHR. vi;.;Or()us ati('i i.troug l.,t cry great care should be us'd in 8(Lctino , dese helpsto create new blood. and by new tit 1 tt'riele with which th.y should : a lair use of the I+i11a,P:tie, sickly people be. intraodi:itely filled. Every hole or € aye made briglit,activu and strong. Here rttt in tit:. ro dwa • if t o. tramps d full is proof. air. Robert Lee, New West. It I luiuster. B. C . sans:- "I35forH I began of" some good miterial like that of using Dr. Wrllituus' Pink Pills, my w•it'ch the road is ccnstruet'•d, w•i 1 bc-in a veryimpure state, aid } blood was p I tomo filled with sv.<tcr ; rt l will b:: as a result pimple that wore very itchy, . blade deep:r .n t wider by each pass- broke out all over my body. My appetite was fickle, and I was easily. tired., My fns vehicle. A hula which could hive wife urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pmk peen fillet with a 'shovelful of mater- Pills, and I got half a dozen taxes. By int will Aeon need a cartful. The rut the time I had used them I Waa cone car hole t9 be rap:tired shaull be clear- Plete!y restored to Health, my skin was I have beau \sorkin for an hour aud a smooth aud clear, and toy appetite C ed' of durst, mu I or water, t n 1 just good,, half. auffioient good Fresh gravel Irl •g.d is Dr, Williams' Pink pills do not purge "(LAI!" • it to be even with the eurrotunding =they Pimply make pure. rich blood. SJitly, now, for we will eater his bed - Surface after having been thoroughly That is why they cure such troubles aE room, 'that's a massive bed, quartered iudiges!lou, neuralgia , iheitmatism, consol:d .ted with a pounder. One of anaemia, partial paralysis, St, Vitns oak. Some oue is tossing on it. A bell afar off strikes one, and soon a silvery chime from a sweet -voiced clock in the library emphasizes the hour just gone. The figure tosses on, One -two -three. The chimes have spoken twice, and twice the bell afar off has preceded it. And who is the mite that tosses? Why it is the boss.. Busiuess sits on the bed -post, and reaching down, sticks and stabs him. So don't forget the two golden recupera- ting flours tossed away through the night. That ovens up the hour and a hal' dosetl't it? A Word For the B.osa. THE NOXON COMPANY ".lee that man going in there, "Where?" "Why, right there, going in the office•- aV p� Un recedenteti ' Export the chap with the sills tile and the blue D -� 1' strip -trousers." "Yes, I seen him, who is he?" "Why he is the boss," Now, boys, here's a word for lain, for the floss. You have your troubles, Well, he has fat tt r t, a p Shipments -Carload a Day. hl:lgersoll Chron;eleh The N:'x'm Company are now menu - are litre of farm itu latueuts that are winning tor themselves a place in. Itis, too, the agricultural wor1.1, and iu view of Yee have sourrent day, and landlords the inereuriug foreign business told the will not wait, He has his pay day, and bright outlook, fur Monte trade tilt Cone Itis );ills Pa 'able is a large, fat book. Fury certainly deserve credit. The J geiewpruty .s foreign trade is increasing by You get a note from the butulter, luaus mat bouu(is,a car load being shipp- "Please cull and settle up the $8 you ed every day. Numerous letters are be ,. 1 m- 1 •ha• r. ft eCo it u I owe." The boss gets n message from the ul,. received from p. � s s a ban er "Please cover your account; you parity's implements in England which k , overdraft of °' 3 000." go to sh.nv that that machines are very have aut+ , popular in the Mother Country and their The butcher is your trouble. • business there i, sure to increase. . The bauker is his. The following are fair samples of the "But the boss comes down at Mee and tntuly letters received by their English conusetious; Itchen Down Farm, Itohon Abhas. Alersford, Hants, November 8th, 1902. Dear Sirs, - I have given the 6 ft. ''Noxon" Bind- er purchased from Messrs; ° • �wataoff'tic Haig, Andover, a fair trial during . the past hurveet, and ate very pleased .with Its working. I used three horses as the ground was wet and the crops heavy, but ill ordinary season I believe two horses weitld do it well. TIM wearing marts ara„p:trticularly wsll coustetseted for durability, and the general construc- tion is so simple that it can be easily manipulated by men that have not had experience before, The weather .was so bad before harvest that I could not give it a tnir day's trial from Morning till night, but I think the machine could be dl iven over 20 acres in a, fair harvest day, with an average eropand fairiy;dry ,, ground. I may mention that I cut .'a "Come on, uow, let's go over to the this yE ar,R�straw 7 vets f et long;t with andoif ait house of Bill the blacksmith." would cut that I would not be afraid of "Hello, Bill.' No answer. 'Hello, its refusing to handle any crop in the No answer yet. 'Say, Bill sleeps future, and I am thoroughly satisfied sonudl •, dosen't C. with my purchase. 3 Yours faithfully, Well, 13i11 banked Care when he bank. the hist 't; ays to prevent the forma- tion of rats and to kept roads in re- pair is by the use of wide tires on all wegon•i carryingheavy burdens. In mast foreign countries they not only wso from"4 to 6 inch tires on market ;wagons, but on inany of 't h^ four- ' wheel freight w::gen•,. In iddii ion to wide tires, the roar axles are made 13 inches longer thin the: front need, so. Met the h'nd wheels will not track and form rat•,Wa er aad na: re ,vtrs aid one another in 'destroying the toads, while on the other hand wide Though .organized for several years tires are reed makers. They roll a nd the Children's Aid Society for the Conn. ty of Huron bas not been very active, but each year a few codes have been dealt with and the results in almost all were satisfactory. Osie difficulty lees been to enlist the co-operation Of any but a few ; less than a dozen at any meeting held, and consequently there has been a lack of funds to prosecute the work throughout the minty. The annual meeting for 1903, however, bids fair to be the prelude for a more ;Wive career, and through the press of the county co-operation is asked from all who are ie sympathy with tho work, or who know of needy and dependentchild- ren to be looked after. The county co.ncil made a grant of $25 two years ago, and this year have again helped to the extent, and_ the Society has uow about $50 to carry on this work with. Amongst the cases which have been dealt with since the lest mention of mar branch in the annual ,report of Rept.Sept. Kelso. may be instanced the, following: J. K., an orphan lad, 'committed Us out has hem six wu to fail to carry the St. John's Industria School. Now the medical liquid beyond, at most, doing well and bidding fair to become the upper parts of the lungs, thus an honorable and industrious. man. G. B. who was about to be committed to a reformatory, through our efforts has been given an opportunity, and is now attending School and doing well. J. R., a lad without a home, who, with the help cf Mr. Kelso, has found a good comfortable home in an eastern as to pass into the remoteet r,a. is cf county and is doing well. dance, scrofula, erysipelas, aud the ata merits so common to women, young and old. Sol 1 by all dealers or sent post paid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $3.50, by writing the Dr. Williams Medi - eine Cu., Brockville, Ont. Care of Ne_lected Children. The report of the Superintendent of Neglected and . Dependeut Children of Ontario for the year 1902 contains. the following report from the Childreu's Aire Soeiety 9f this county: harden the silurtttce, will every loaded wagon becomes, in effect a• lend rol- ler. The difference between the act- ion of a narrow tire and ft wide one is about elle s •me as the differ%nce between. a crowbar and a tamper ; the one teats up mid the other packs down. I3y using wide tires on heavy wagon the cost of -keeping torch in repair would be greatly reduced.''- 112unrcip;l World. TREATMENT OF CONSUMPTION BY INHALATION. Dr. Ven Schrot ter. c•f the Univer- sity of Vienna, re•ta n pr per on ti:b'r_ culosis, at teras A1'dical Congress held in Mad s:d, in with he gave his meth- ods cf treating the lungs by inhal- ''N.t:a u • The professor, after demomstratin. the soundness of the belief in the curability of - tub?rculo•i; by inhala- tion treatm.nt, crit:vises the oreinary inhal:ng appraisals,which he points leaving the ictv:r parts unaffected by the heal'ng agent. H• ronsidcrs that the prtht(•m of ceding the whcle of the lungs has ben solved by the inhaling apparatus invented by Dr. Bu:ling. By ibis app ;rain the ther.- p:utio l:quid is "atomized, so finely the lungs. Dr. Von Se1iro.ter does not hes:- tate to declare Mat this apparatus is 'the only one in existence b;; which this result can -b' accomplished. The procedure -is based on the use of com- presed.' air, winch is freed from leetb deist and geam,? by Wing passed through a filter of eottcm wool. Then highly compressed, the air passes cn to a specially censtruetod "atomizer" which reduces the liquid for inbala- tion to quite small Cr. Ps. But as Limy -aro still too large to enter the f:ner !bronchial tubes, or the air cells, cur- ttents••ef compressed air are driven in- to tile. vapor that hal boon cre.,td, and this sub -divides . the drop again sa minutely Matt the:r diem tar ig only 0.000G m:il,m.ters, or abut 300 titans less than that of the ends of the broach:olzs, the capillary tubes w•hleh cp.m info clusters of air cham- The GarmanOa'i'eCrm;st'y hat 11 - ished laying its second lino to New Yolk as far as the Azere islander about 1, 00 utiles. .' E. H. Lusal.' ed his fire. 'Sleep on, Bill, sleep ori, Trisprison, Helston, you have no marble chick, but you rest o July 2nd, 1903. Well.' Dear Sirs, - Is the dinner for the boss nice? Have 1 have no hesitation in sending yon . a tha servants and their mistress done their test'menial highly recommending the "Noxon" Mower supplied by the West - guest. Yes, but there is the unbidden ern Counties' Association this season. guest. Bnsiuess. Arid Bnsiuess refries I have tried it in heavy old gra,s,s and to eat, but he draws his skeleton chair new, and I consider it the best machine and *reeds out bad debts aud care all I ever saw worked, The adjustments over the table. Then the boss rens to' are so clever. I was able to cut all sorts of gears, tangled, laid aud heavy. the club to escape him. But Business 11 is easy in draught. anal feel certain Passes the door man and dosen't need his while you can put such a machine on card. Business pushes up his chair and the market you need not fear competition gets in the cafe with the boss and mixes or np shiftioii. S Wishing you every success, himself np with the drinks. H. goes to Yours truly, 'the theatre with the boss and robbing the • . O. Rown. . players of their iudividuality, roosts on The Noxon No. 3 MeedMower, front cut, and lie, 9 Binder, 'referred to above, ere the •footlights. ginhig;even iuore satisfagtien in Ontario 'Some one has touched yon for a 1 antk0anada. The.Co?pptyny are opening quarter, di1 they, and you loosened? Win the . Northwest tlris•season itr cou- ' 'Yes, I did.' nection with. the Cockshut Plow Co., Brantford. • 'Well, that is good. But an Old friend TOWN DIRECTORY, BAPTIST CIIAucn-Sabbath. s• rvices at 11 a ne end 7 p )11. Sunday ' School at 2:30 p in, General prayer meeting ol(Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. J. Pats S.S. tersors,B.A.,pastor. W.J,Capltta , Superintendent. METHODIST Cliultau--Sabbath services at 11 u In and 7 pin. Sunday School at 2:30 pm. Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard Hobbs, pastor, • Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup. erintendeut. PRESBYTERIAN 0111.111011 -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a In and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:30 p ne. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. ',Ferric, pastor and S S, Superinten- dent, P. S. Lit,klater and L. 'Harold, assistant S. S. Superintendents. Sr. PAur.'s OlIurc'*:, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p an. Sun- day School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rector. P. Shore and Ed. assistant S. S. Superintende its, SALVATIox Aiuiy-Strvice t 7 and 11: a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST-- OFFICE -in Macdonald; Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. PUBLIC Limt,tsr-Library and free reading room in the Town Hall; will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian, These are only instances showing the need of an organization to look after dependent children. Ai'xd on several occasions . the officers of the, Society hive attended the Magistrate's Court and aid- ed iu dealing with. first offenders -iu a way that would cheek thein from be- coming criminals. The officers Tor . 1903 are President, Jas. Mitchell, Goderieh; vice-president, J. M. Field, B. A.; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Jas. C;ark; executive committee, the above officers and Mr. Hays end W. J. Cox. The officers of the Society ac- knowledge with sincere, appreciation the prompt and persistent services of Mr. Kelso, in his efforts to liaye the work exteuded and carried on more actively throughout the Whole county. has just touched the boss for $255.' Mr. R. J. MacMath it the Wingham 'Bet if I had his wad.' agent for the Noxon implements and:.he 'Oh his wad! How da you know will be pleased to have a call from. part - 'Oh, ies who are in need of anything in this whether he has a wad or not? Perhaps line. the bank runs hie business, and the whole shooting ratan is mortgaged from stein to gudgeon,' 'Failed. assets, $50,000, liabilities about the sante.' e How often have you read this? There are many heartaches its those few words uiy boy. So here is a geed sword for the boss, Timidity and Talent. A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want fof a little courage. Every day sends to their graves a nuin- ber of obscure men Who have only re- 1 mained obscure bcause• their timidity has prevented theta from nlaking a first effort, and who if they conldbe induced robabjlitjt have to begin, wonld in all p mashes Of Ithatistion Bireeresatteeits erIieatdirebr, dlzilnenr, and pilaw la tb bitek-mad('; well by lar. Oases Nerve Vows. 1 Oasts of women who suffer from a rundown em neglect to'cure' themselves, believing they are •only tired and not knowing that thcirVigor andxtrenglharebeingdepletedaten ent.rmous rate. When the duties of tile day Inatome A burden and you feel like putting them of, you. Should suspect times is something wrong., and profit by the , experience of Mrs. llarrison who restored he system by using I)r. Chase's Nerve, Food. Mits. T. I•IAIRltIsOtt, 7 14 Victoria Streeti Itingstott, Ont., states:.... "For souse time T. have omen troubled With pains in my back which bother- ed me ss great deal. At times t had ditty feelings •1FlltrriiOn ill my hears: and would from were headaches. I ran heartily Ihr. Chases Nerve 'Food because it has ely freed rna ofthesedisfrerssing,symptams se bi10t up iffy system that I now feel rest t you s � the portrait f 1r. A, W. Carat, the &gens , ant era wary holt of kis TowN COUNaIr,-R. Vanstone, Mayor ; A. Dulinag.e, Thos. Bell, Robb, . Mos Indoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStoue, S. Bennett, Coanoillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Willism Clegg, Assessor, .Win. Robertson, Col- lector, Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. ,5'(III.COL DOARD.- J, J. Bomuth, (chair• man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Douglas, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm. Button, 0, N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer , J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A."11. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Mist} Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyu, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOAR • D OF HEALTH -Mayor VanstOne, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. 3. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. The Harm Slang Does. There is still another serious objection to the use of slang, • It tends to limit the vocabulary of hies who uses it, Now, a limited vocabulary is almost as inconvenient at times as a -limited purse, and it is far more inelegant. It there even if he does come in at nine, wears was practically lirnitless Wealth withi trousers with a debates blue stripe, and the reach of hint who was mnided to take it, it would argue :a certaiu t tnpidi- ty in anyone who declined to avail him- self of the supply. The same asse'itioti holds true with regard to him who is willing to limit his choice of words. There is even users to be 'said than that. There is a limitless wealth of words at our disposal, but the most of ns are too stupid to crake use of them. There are about 200,000 'words in the, English language. The average Satinet - ea person is able in reading to -under- stand perhaps 25,000 words, but most of ns who write and speak limit ourselves t, about 500 or 000. Indeed there ig a strait number of fairly intelligent peopbe, or people who peas as fairly intelligent, whose working vocabularies do not com- prise more than three or fo it hundred words each. --lie Ii ausehold. sets it off with a silk. til u . " - '" • Chwles F. Raymond. Let Others Experiment. There is always something .new in the way of medleal treatment and you aro constantly Invited to try new-fangled, nnproveti•retnetiies. Let .others experi- ment and 13o risk. health and lose time. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Piljs have bean tried in the creche, of time, won the approval of`public opinion aud de- monstrated their right to a place in every home as it family medicine. gone great lengths ifs the career of fame. The fact is that to do anything in this world worth doing we must not stated shiverirg on. the brink and thinking of the cold and danger, bus jump in and scramble through as well as we can. It will not do to be perpetually calculating risks and adjusting nice chances. It cud very well before the flood, when a than could consult his friends upon an intended scheme for a hundred and fitly years and thou live to see ifs success for six or seven 'Centuries afterevar'd. Bat at present a'ntan. Waite and doubts and hesitates and consults his brother and his uncle and his first cousins and ratio. Oar friends till one day he finds that he is silty -five years of age; and he has loci, so meets time in consulting first cousins and friends that he has no time left to • follow their advice. -Sydney Smith on"Courage in the use of Talent." 0 To find the rarest bird in existence yon .must go to the mountains between Amara and Loas, where there is a certain hind of pheasant. A single skin is worth 5100. The ?don -outcry at Penetang ie to he albolisbed. The juvenile offenders will be distributed among the other similar' hlettttuttionsin Ontario. The buildings *1 P,is'etang will be used as an asyluna ESTABLIs1IEll 1872 THE WIN HA TIRES . tl 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Office, Beaver Block WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Wane ow SrrascnirTtox-$1 It per annum in advance, 51,50 if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued .til all arrears arm, paid, except at tin option of the publisi.er. AnveaTxsxNo Reids. - Legal and other casual advertisements Se per Non ariel tins, for first insertion, 3n per line for each. subsequent insertion. Advertisements t i -opal columns are charged 1) ots. per line for Srst insertion, and 5 cents per lino for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Tient, and similar, $1.00 for first month and 50 cents for each subsequent month. QONTnee1 RATES -The following table shows our rates for the insertion • of advertisements for specified periods: - SPAWN 1 Yn. 0110. 3 ma. 1 stn One Column $00,00 $85.110 $15.00 10 iY Half Column ,... 35.00 18.00 10.00 4.uU Quarter Column ..... 18.00 10.00 -0.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions 'will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. 'TRH Jon DEPArtTxsNT is stocked' with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work. • Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles- of Post- ers, Haute Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the any classes of print. ing. MISS DELIA SPARLiNG A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. VIOLIN ARO GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE 3if London-Conservatery^.of Music, . wi11 be prt• pared -after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- ber cif pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. - - Residence -Stone block, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Wingham.. PIANO AND THEORY; MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. and member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a' limited num- ber ofpupils for instruction on Plano and in Theory. lattention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Patter - son's jewelry store block, over W. G. • j m mumps had scarcely slept $ wink, 411 , night he'd toss about and think. But that's all past --he'll neer endure Insomnia. He's found a cure! Tis " Force," At night, when lights are dim, It soothes the nerves of " Sunny .titn.tr 9 The Ilcady-to Serve Cereal makes one chummy •• with good sleep. Wouldn't Believe •rt T ret. "I wouldn't believe 111111 1 tried n, but 'Porte' is acute for insomnia. I need to orgy awoke nights after night. NOW I eat a b bowlful of Porte' jest beferegoing to snarl, sad sit* and 1 nave become good Mende rpm. "L. 'L. Suns." FARMERS H. B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher T P 'KENNEDY, M. 1).. M. C. P. S. 0 f • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women end Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m • and.anyone having, live stook or other articles they wish. to dispose of, should adver .tile the same for sale in the TIMES. Out large circulation tells and it will bostrange indeedif you de not et a customer. We can't guarantee that' you will sell because you may ask more for the article ear stock than it is. worth. Send. year advertisement to the TIMES and try this plan of disposing - of your stock and. other articles. DR. �IACDONALD, • Wingham, WANTED -FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAV- el for well established house in a foto counties calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $10'24 a. year and , expenses, payable $10.70 n week in cash and expenses ad. payable Position Permanent. Business suc- cessful and rushing. Standard House, 88 Dearborn St., Chicago. Centre Street Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Oface-Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T. CHISH OLM, 3. S. tuiLSHOLM M.•a„Sen.,o.M.,1do.P.s•o Mn,24ED,Oir.,1torso. DRQ. CHISHOLM& CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, Emc. nrrrit;t-Chisholm Block, JosephIne street. RESIDENCE -34n rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. ,�_........,1 • EXEMPTION PROM SURTAX. RVANSTONE. ' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, EgC. Private anti Minnow funds to lona at lowest rate of interest. Na :inns 3tettt ;,1. en- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Offiqe, Beaver Block. Wingham. JOB � � R1.•-. TING p�R N •el A. MORTON, • BARRISTER, Flo. Wingham, Ont. Gevernnrent Business Substantially Ad- vanced in tate Votttntotts 'Wesinesday- AaJourned over Luther's llletlt(isy.. Ottawa, bitty 21. -Tho taovet'nn1ent business was substantially advanced at yestettlay's sitting of the Cern- mans, &Ali:uO the WAS() adjourne4 Gaily to allow members to take the eight trait:s home for the holidays. Supply was the chief order of the day, Cho Justice Department esti mattes being under discussion. Alt•. Gorman (Welland) introduced a hill to compel railways to provide perfect appliances for the prevention of sparks from locomotives. Ur. Fitzpatrick presented ass arnentlment to the statutes providing that printing for Use Intorcolonial Railway be done in the Maritime Provinces at a cost not exceeding fair conralitrctal rates. The Minister of Customs announc- ed an extension of tines for bringing in goods fi•oni Germany exempt from tl.o DOW surtax front Juni., at to September E0, Col. Sam llughes renewed his pro- test against practice of transporting prisoners in the Northwest in ►ir$t- class cars. air. Fitzpatrick promised to see that the practice was stopped: Mr. Borden objected to the condi- tion of the Supreme Court library. and Mr. Fitzpatrick said the remedy was to erect an entirely new build- ing for the Supremo Court. Mr. Su- �lhcrland promised to hare the mat- ter looked into and make . a recom- mendation at an early date. M. llfarcio advocated cresting a near building for Parliament, end .using the I resent structure for departmen- tal busin('s s only. 7,'I;c O,)poAition criticized the ex= penro of just i:e in the Yukon, and the Government speakers pointed out that living was very high there and quoted 1u•iees. - Serviei of Provincial Judges. Ottawa, May 21. -The Minister of Justice hes given notice of a new resolution respecting judges of pro- vincial courts. it provides that is judge of 75 years, who has served on the bench for twenty years, or is judge 70 years of ego who has serv- ed for twenty -live years, or a judge of (35 years of age who has served for thirty years, may retire on as pension equal to his full salary, Re- tirement is made compulsory at the age of 75. . rowertul Deputation. E. L. Drowses DUDLEY HOLMES Q1CKINSQ! & HOLMES BARRISTERS; SOLICITOItS, Etc. Mosav To LOAN. thrums: Meyer Block, Wingham. . A RTUi1 J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Dont or of Dental finrgeryofthe Penn sylvanis Dental College and Licentiate of the Roval College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office. Wingham. Including. Bobks, Pamplilets," Fosters, Bin Heads, Circulars, &a., &o., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on shot's notice. BoOKBhuDnNO. ,"pe are pleased to announce ltatany'Booksor Magazines left with tit for mdin , will have our prompt attention rices for `Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. d TItA3g •D,7ARKs .DESIGNS CorivntoHru /Ad; Atn'ene.en4tie tasketch find ac'tritptreilbray Oddly atr:nertain .our opinion free weather De invention tr ttrnhnhly t�sue'tntla. •Cenimantra tioesdtrttttyeAulfdentttil. itnnnockpnPatent,. sent free. fullest agency tor eerurni[ patents. Patents taken through Munn f3 Co. receive *pedal netteet.allths ut cbnrco,, in tl,o SCkenflfle , marl ail. A handsomely 111n,$rnted weelfff. 1.cttest Mr dilation of any sricnttac journal. Terms. 5A ar: ci,r mitt(., fL Eoulbyr.:1 turnadealers. `f�f�t1' o.3et3raattaiy.NeWIOrl n-anrl, Unice. 112."i IT et..'lwnahtn„run. 11' .Tn RLOWAY, D.D.S., New method for ;painless 'ex- IF ' traction. No Cocaine. •bpecinlrtttontion to the care and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and sP work carefully and skilfully performed. Office in Be.•tver Block, Wingham. JOHN RITCHIE, ° GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham. Ont. A LEx. KELLY,Wingham, Ont. i� LTCENSiMi AIICTIONEER For the County of Herron. Sales of all kinds t ondncted at roaso iabie rates. Orders left nt the Tuinls office will receive prompt attention. JAB.. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENS)✓D AUCTIONEER . • . Per the Counties of Huron end Bruce. Sales of rai`iastoek and Implamentsn ?specialty, All orders left at the Truss office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. Ottawa, May 21.-A very large and. rower' Al (itlega:ion from the caun- ti. s of wellington, I'(rth and Grey, the townships and the towns and villug. s ihcrein, was presented to the Mini ter of Itailways yesterday moining by John Charlton, Charlton., the object of the visit being to tirg(t the granting of a • Government alt!:silly. to the -extension of the Til- sonburg, Lave, Erie and Patina Rail- way from Ingersoll to Col:ingwood_ it'any spew^hes were made and the t. stud promise oft consideration Was •given. F- S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. LICENSgn AUCTIONEER Ts prepared to conduct sales in this section. Special attention given to salts of farm stock and implements. Dates and orders eau Always be arranged at the Trans office, Wingham. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNX RAILW'AT S'!STEM. 1177f1 TnAncs i;BAva a b1i f•enders 6.50 son.... 3.1Op.m. Toronto& East Os.tn 0.5s ton-- O.05p.ru. Kincardine -11.1e ton.- 1.40 p.m .,, 8.38p.rn. Aaitrr'1 *ROM 'Iitnettlein0 ,. ,.6.50 a.m 9.00 ton.... 8.05 p.m. London 14.30 a.ut•... 7.55 p.m. Pstmersto t 11.10a,.tn. Toronto &)East1.40 p.m.... 8.88 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, . Wixghrim. CANAt)I'AN PACI13'IC RAILWAY. lJ '1'RAtits r.EAVE 1105 'Toronto mato/it 15.57 it.m .. 9.43 p.m. Tee'swater 1.17 t,.'m....10.48 p.Ii, AltniY$ Intel Twtuswhter...... 847 can . ts.43 p.m. TorcratoDrive . ,11,EM11R, Aiteent, Wi a ted.,.. -.m. THE BEAUTIFUL. ltlizzartl Rages in Crow's Nest Pass ani Stock Suffers. - Elairanore, N.W.T., May 21. -Tho worst of ex,u•riunccd in this sec- tion of the Northwest its malty years is raging in the CI cw's Nest Pass and on 'tire prairie to the east. Snow has been falling constantly•for seve tty-tWO hours, with no indica- tion as yet of, a break. Yesterday a blizzard es (lei cc as was ever known litre has Leta ratting. - ;The snoly is. eighteen inches deep. on the lova here, while reports from the prattle as far cast as Lethbridge are to the effect that it is from two to three feet deep. Stock which has )leen on green grass for two weeks is reported • to be suffering terribly, especially young animal:, Wl,f.•h. arc reported to be s_- rn ha, L. nidrodc. 'l'bo tempers- tom res not 111011- low, Uuo nut, urn falling for several hours, and the weather is now extrem(•ly cold. It is feared the blew to the live stoat In- terests within the radius of the sto: m will be almost paralyzing: Los* of 85.000,000 by Snow. Great rails, gent., May 21. -The heaviest cattle -and sheep loss .in tbe history of Montana,' which will reach $5,000,000, has been caused - by snowstorms, which have been raging for the past three dAYa•- There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings pec.• ple hack for another pair. Then there is the low price and bettor quality of cloth put in theft -cloth °that wears See our new goods and prices. WEBSTER 8t Gq. -1 FUEL OBJECT OF SEARCH. Itinerary of tlte'S.unntcr ?fining Class of Berea t of Mines. Toronto, May 21, -The eurnmer Mining classes' of the Bureau. Of Minos •tvi.1 this year be directed by Dr. W. L. Gepdwln, Direkihr of ;the School of 'Mining at Rirtgston, anti J. G. McMillan, B.A,Se., "Toronto, and this l:rogrtam is arranged: Black 'Donald (lraphito • Mine, Brougham Township, May 26; Olden Zinc Mine. Long Lake P.O., June 3; I3elmont (1o1U -Mine, Cordova P.O., Juno l.1; Col pee Cliff, Jnne u0; Massey Cop- per Mine, Itf assry Station, 8 unq, 20; Dig Master Gold Mine, Gold hock, July 9 Ili •obcth Gold Mine, Port Arthur, truly -.".0;. Tip Top Copper ltline, July 28; Eden Iron Mine, Aug. ' 8; Rock Lake Copper Mine, Aug. 19, Prof. Coltman has gone to Sudbury c,istriet to continue his nickel investigations, and Prof. Mil- ler will resume his investigations Me to limestone is Ontario Hpecial le;ti, a ion into tt-e Ilos is:ililies of erntOntarioewill beother feature of the work. Tuna of Zee teat. Woodstock, May 21 The Wood- stock colts storage warehouse role lapsed at 7 o'clock yesterday mortis,. frig. Several hundred tons of leo were 10 -rt, while the structure, vele* O+tl•ot $5,000. is' et complete IosI. Oat* t.cetAfature Clerked. St. J01fll'ts, ' lld., May 21.' --fie colonial .Legislature eloeed yt'stet`+r flay. It is nnderelond in official elr• •atria that the l',(tcl-Ilay treaty nest" tintiorrs will be revived next fall. it.