HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-05-28, Page 1THE. .WING
Ano er
We have decided to
hold one rnore day of
our big Auction Sale,
as we still have a bal-
ance of the best of our
stock of Boots and
Shoes left.
We will hold this big
sale on.
May 3011i
Sale commencing' in
afternoon at 2.3o and.
in evening at 7 o'clock.
No one should miss this
great chance.
Goods sold at your
own price.
Positively no reserve.
Holnllth .gyros.
Sign of the Big Bear.
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $2,980,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,330,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
, B. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.00.
President•--.7ottx S�rtrAitx
Vice-President—A. G. EAMsr•.
Zohn Proctor, Geo. Roach, W ni. Gibson, bt.P.
A. T. Wood, M.P., A. lti, Lee (Toronto).
General Dian:eor-4. Ti7ItNDDLL.
Bavingd Bank—hours 10 to 3; Saturday, 10
to 1. De osits of sl and upwardsreoeived. ln-
terest Allowed, and computed on tho ]loth No•
veraher and 81st May each year and added to
Special iiapoeite also received at current
rated of interest,
Drafts on Great Britain and the United
Stated Bought and sold.
Travellers aro notified that the Th ri1cof Ham-
ilton And its Branches issue Circular Estes of
Mitered Provincial Bank of Itetrim—
bibeland, Limited,
which este be cashed withorit. charge or
any part of the world.
IK1. COIt8OULD, Agent
JI)201C."{N11101(dt )101,1AISS, Solicitors.
Takes every order on the
assumption that the customer
wishes the highest quality that
can be bought.
That the prices are as low as
the buyer is used to paying
and always fair and just. •
And the slightest cause of dis-
satisfaction if made known to
us, will be promptly adjusted,
We have often noticed that
tryers become buyers—regular
Ai HuIehswi
Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59.
Who Wants a Farm ?
Wear Gram's Shoes and Rubbers.
The C. P. R. and
three exaursious to
Northwest during
date for the first e
and the round trip
from $28 to $40.
ally cheap round
desirous of span
mouths, eenjoyiug
growing country s
of it.
the West.
G, T. R. will. run
Manitoba and the
no and July_ The
cursion ie June 4th
ickets range in price
his is au exception -
trip. rate, and any
ing the next two
the sights of that
ould take advantage
Fon SALE --3 buggies, 1 new, applyo
C. J. MAGUinr,
Picnic in airyland.
The contata, "A
will be rendered in
Friday evening of
sixty children and
the direction of
"Maypole" will b
of young cbildre
program has been
several occasion
onjoe ed. There
tenrlance at this
of hall and tioke
drug stere -e ---
tore. =-.—
I have over 41x10 acres of choice farm 1 ds
for sale, in 60, 7s, 100 150 and 200 acres, to s in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, liinearcUne H ren
and Ashfield Townships. Good lances ith
god buildings to be sold cheap on easy to s.
sawmill for u Linos for a s
�1A0 a gods o sale, a t o
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in c
n doing a good business, for sale chea
Hectic Tod b g )us
A hote doing good business for sale chea
Also a wagonsbop. A general store with lar
trade, live village. Also a large amount f
money to loan atg3 per cent. For further pa -
ticulnrs apply to
Insurance Agent, Holyrood.
Notice to Farmers. •
Are you satisfied with your present farm
If not, why not exchange it for one that will
suit you. F • I netnewainerotl4 eeretereetilto-evislt
to exchange their farms some for larger ones
and some for smaller. Now that seeding is over
is the time !for yon to choose your farm. If
you are hard to,pleese, come to me and have
n look at my list of 50. 101), 150 and 200 acre
properties. Prieearight. t=reat snaps in town
C. J. MAGUIRE, heal Estate Agent.
(Office upstairs in Vanstone blook.)
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to euro headache.
Camp a London
The 33rd regimen will go into camp
at London on the th of June. The
strength of each co pany will be three
officers, six non -co • s. and twenty-one
men. Any recruit: wishing to join the
Wingham Compal y will be enrolled by
Capt. Buckley or ieut. G. Vanstone.
Turnberry A ricultural Society.
A meeting o the Directors of Turn -
berry Agrioultu , Society will' be held in
the National ho el on Monday afternoon
nest. The va ous committees are ex-
pected to pres nt their reports at this
meeting. The society is sparin ; no
pains to malt_ Wingham fall air a
success this ye, r.
COTTON BAUGAI 'S—J - st reeeived an-
other shipment of •• ends, at Isard's.
Every piece a burg
Lost Barns
Mr. Ernest Ni
our townsman, M
cantly met with
located in the N
recently his barn
completely deetr
with moot of t:
barns caught fir
which was burn!
Nicholson's old
Will be sorry to
nd Implements,
holson, a brother of
. Wm. Nicholson re -
serious loss. He is
thwest and one day
nd out bn.'Idiugs were
yed by fire, together
e implements. The
from a prairie fire
g near his place. Mr.
riends in this section
ear of his loss.
Mrs. Green, milliner, offers special
value in long black plumes and tips.
Next door to Smith's bank.
Naming Farm Houses.
The moveme in favor of naming
farm homes wo Id receive a marked im-
petus if farmer could see for themselves
the pleasing;eff et of the adoption of
this system on e farm of B. B. Me -
McLean, near ippon, says the Weekly
Sun. At the e trance from the high -
Way are two la e, neatly -painted oak
gate posts. On ne is lettered "Ayrling
House," and on he other "It. B. Mc-
Lean." This s the most attractive
thing of the kin „the Sun has seen any-
where, and if a farmers would follow
the example se and complete the work
with rows of e orgreen on eaeh side of
the driveway, hey *would add a good
deal more to e value of their property
than tho costo the work.
ionio iu Fai ylaud"
he opera house on
his week by about
ou'g people under
ss Houghton. The
given by a number
This part of the
even in Wingham .on
and bas always' been
Quid be a large at -
entertainment. Plan
on sale at Douglass'
The Race or King's Plate;
Thessalon, one .f the Dyment string,
captured the ble: ribbon event of the
Canadian turf at Toronto on Saturday
afternoon, with N':to, of the same sta,
ble, second;
Golde' Crest, owu d by
0. Osborne, Toron , third, and Adam
Beck's Hawkins f urth. For the first
time in several yea s the coveted $ring's
plate did /10 go t. either hQ. $eagra'nr.
pr Henclr ri lite : The race was marred
!dent, which re
in the death of 111-in•Ainber. one of -the
Seagram string, nd was looked upon
as a sure winner of the plate. Fly -in -
Amber broke her nkle in the course of
the race and was : fterwards shot.
Fon SAL—House and lot' ii the Wr-
6 -Her of Patrick and Edward streets. Ap.
ply to F. Johnston.
MoernY To LOAN at 4% per cent, on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A.
Dunnage, Kent Rloek, Wingham,
The parties to a ca
before Judge Doyle
ing aro Annie Tinda:
ing, both of Wingh
is a tenant of the p1
having expired, she
to oust him. Win.
for plaintiff ; E. L.
Holmes for defend
given on Tuesday.
the tenant from th
when his year via
tenant on suffera
fully kept posses
writ of pessessiol
be paid by tenan
ieh Signal,
enant C ae,4,
that wash rgue
n Tuesdays u rzi
and Ben J'. Henri
no Mr. ITennir
ntiff and his teriii
entered the aotioi``
C. 0 F. High Court fficers.
It is expected that 14 Tr. ' es. Whitt,
Hign Secretary, and Mr. Gartung,
Superintendent of Orga ization will
visit Court Maitland, Ca adieu Order
of Foresters at thel regula meeting on
Friday evening a#fills w ek. All menet
hers of the Court sir d attend this
Wool Wanted. Eggs 1 , P6tatoes
iso, Seed corn for Bale.
Children and Fi ecrackers
Firecrackers caused eattie Bros. bus
:team to run away on , cnday morning.
Had the bus been fol of passengers a
serious or probably fa al accident may
have been the resniti•°' he town by-law
stiff pro r its tile firing off of fire-
crackers on our street and we see no
reason why this law honld not be en-
forced. We have o objection to
children enjoying the selves with fire.
crackers, but let th keep off the
public thoroughfares,
holt SALn-200 acres, 50
hardwood bush. Fine stoel
ply to 0. J. MAoUiru, Rea
acre: gond
fa Ap.
state Agt.
Special Services
EvaugelistRev. Wal
Concluded a very succes
Series of evangelist
the Methodist churl
1.st, Mr. Russell .
energetic exponent of
is i l i
iaC r al ass s o
in e X t(l
whose messages! to the
with clearness and ear
th it visit to Winghan
the means of leading
ledge of the higher 1i
Russell loft onfieto i lda..
services in a Presbyter
Broelevil1e Presbytery
er Russell,B. A.,
ful three weeks'
o services in
h on Sunday
nu able and
ospel e truth, ud
y Mrs. Russel,,r
people are gi e
estness, Darhig
they have been
Jany to a kn w -
Mr. and Xis.,
Health of t e Province.
The monthly re • . rt of the Ptoviaeiel
Board of Health Sb ws that there were
122 cases of small ox and two deaths
during April; 290 ases of scarlet fever,
24 deaths ;,i93 ens < s diplitheria,24 deaths
28 cases measle:, 3 deaths; 40 eases
whoapiug cough, deaths; 59 eases of
typhoid, 15 de hs; tuberculosis, 103
deaths. The tote number of deaths for
the mouth was 2 '30.
Another Chance.
Everybody attend omut , : res.' auc-
tion sale of Boots an oes. Best of
oer stook left. Do • forget the date,
Saturday next, May 00th.
To Our
Quite a number
not yet renewed
1003 and some ar
arrears. We sen
of accounts last
out a number this
thankful to the nt
eir accounts du.r
We would be ple
ance from all sul
arrears. The amot
each individual
hundreds are put
large amount.
m: subscribers have
eir subscription for
two years or more in
out a large number
eek and are sending
veek. We are very
ber who have paid
g the past few days,
sed::to have a remitt-
seribers who aro in
t may seem small to
bseriber, but when
ogether they make a
$2.00, at Armstrong & Co's„studio.
The Hur
The Executive
Boys' Associatio
rangements for t
the association tc
ham on Saturday.
atfon t the`”
from hica
o C c can
to take up special g
an Church in the accompany the C
county. The al
Monday's Globe
iuformed that t
decided not to v
but the excursit)
ham and Godt
dividual "Inemb�
can spend the Su
county that they
that any demon
Wingham in con
Dr, Ovens, of London, Surgeon, ocu-
list and Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat will be at Wingham ou
dgeeaTemee't; ,klenday, nne
Glasses p o c�y fitted; Office at Cam
bells drug store. Wingham;" .
V ictorg
Monday last—Viot
quiet in Wiugham.
spent the day out o
picnic at Teeswate
Luoknow, Listowe
the paces visited
Wingham's new b
selections m the t.
has got in first-cla
�Proudfoot, Cf. 0, they have been
Dickinson and A.H.
ut. Judgement wes-
His Honor held that
10th of March last,
up, was simply a
o and as such wrong -
on. Order made for
to issue with costs to
to landlady.—Gocler-
Norton -A satisfactory sale of busi-
ness or property certain, if listed with
O. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent.
Died at T eswater.
Mr. Geo, Million, highly respected
resident of Teeswate died on Friday
evening last, aged 52 ears. Mr. Million
had been enjoying hi usual good health
and worked all day 1, iday and mowe
his lawn in the evenil g. E O then retic
ed to the house and hi wife and daughter
left him at the table 'eading"the paper.
When they returned in some 15 minutes
Mr. Million was de • d. Deceased had
been a resident of T swater for many
years. The funeral 'n.Sunday afternoon
was very largely att nded lead was con-
ducted by the Sons • f Scotland, of whioh
society deceased as a member. .A
number of the Win :ham Sons of Scot-
land attended the i • neral.
Fon SALE—Two story brickcottage
on north side of John street, between
Shuter and Frances streets. Good stable
and one fifth acre of land, Apply to It.
East Huro
The annual meet!;
Teachers Associatio.
on Friday and Satr
Many good papers
cussed. We have r
of the proceedings,
not permit ue pubhs
issue. The officers
aro its follows:—Pre
sten, Clinton;; 1st
Bailey, Myth; 2nd
Aitellison, Seaforth;
Messrs. Moffatt, Sc
Mrs. Coulter ani
auditors, A. Muni
Provincial delegate
g of the East Huron
washeldat Clinton
day of last week.
veto read and dis-
ceived a full report
nt our space will
ing it in this week's
lected for this year
ident, John Ilton.
ice President, .T.
ice preident, Miss
Executive Come—
t, Shillinglaw, and
Miss Wiseman;
and W. Wilson;
T, March.
selections on Mond
much appreciated
pleased to know tl
kat -dabs bands,,
day. The basebal
Cargill at Mildma
ners by a score of 1
club went to Teem
ed by a score of
mediate football el
sistance from Wro
forward players of t
from the Listowel in
a score of 3 to 2.
bowlers spent the
They played games
and Brussels bowler:
shots ahead;
ria Day—was very
any Winghamites
town. The R. C.
and the sports at
and Mildmay were
In the morning
ncl renderedseveral
vn park. The band
shape for the time.
practising. Their
y morning were very
Winghamites are
t they now haye„p,.
o vl~i" firio sporting
ad a very successful
club played with
and came out win -
to 10. The lacrosse
ter and were defeat -
to 3. The inter -
b, with some as-
eter and with the
e junior club won
ermediate club by
i hree rinks of the
day at Listowel.
ainst the Listowel
and came away 8
CumENT—Car of Dnrham cement just
arrived. Parties who intend using
cement soon will do the Wise act if they
buy it now, as cement will likely ad-
vance in price before long. We are also
agents for Tianover cement,
A. Yot;xo & SOX.
0 =NCO JUNIORS—Picture
214 x 214 ; film camera, reg-
ular $1,00, sale price, each .50
1 E. & F, CAMERA —Picture
2rz x 2i.. ; plate camera;
regular $2.00 ; sale price $1,25
bete 31e x 3i ; plate cam-
era ;regular $4, sale Arica x2.60
GLENCO A—Picture
roll film, regular $6, sale $5.00
1 NO. 1 GLIiNCO--Pieture 4x0,
plate camera, leather carry-
arrying ease, regular $8.00, sale $0.50
1 GLENCO E --Picture
roll film, regular $8, sale $0.00
1 CAMERA—Second-hand, 4%r'
x 01 , regular $35, now $15.00
Next to Poet Oritee,
n Old Boys.
of the Huron Old
has completed m eted ar•
e annual excursion of
Goderich and Wing,
ulee4,- :e A large dele-
0ni rs Festival
o•tom e
i probably Detroit w it pr b
d Boys to the western
+ove was taken from
The Tlan:s has been
e Huron Old Boys' have
it Wiugham in a body,
will be run to Wing -
'ch and then the ,ii
s of the Associa Q1i
•day in any part o , eke
ish. It is not 1' eiy
,ration will be he1 '
Lcetion with their visit.
Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases
of the eye,. ear, nose and throat. Eyes Faundry Co 14 • turn
tested and glasses supplied. Office op- iine of stoves and
1 posite St. Andrew's church, London, met with public fav i
Ontari°' crowded with or
The Leydon (Joni
odist church will
next week.
Aoco u to th
the first session of
mittee will be held
the ohnrch ou M
p. m.
The District Sat'
meet the Confer
rotary on Monday,
The Conferenc
Coiillwxional Fund
cial Secretaries in
the church on "In
a. m.
The Ministerial
iu the oaurch on
p. m.
On Tuesday, J
suboct will be the
Epworth League.'
R. D. Hamilton,
Rev. G. H. Cobbl
Ou Wednesday,
addresses on Tem
by Rev. Jasper
Thoroton and Rev
Oa Thursday ev
work of the churol
addresses by Revs.
and S. J. AIlili.
suitable music will
choir of the church
On Sunday mor
of the church will
W. J. Ford, L L.
Windsor District, a
Rev. A. L. Russel
the Conference.
roueo of the Meth -
meet in Wingham
o Stationing Com-
e the Board room of
day, June 1st at 2
deal Secretaries will
uee Statisticai Sec -
June 1st, at 2 p. m.
Treasurers of the
will meet the Finan -
he lecture room of
day, June 2, at 10
orlon will assemble
Iesday June 2, at 2
ne, 2, at 8 p.. m., the
'Sunday School and
Addresses by Rev.
Nicholson, Eaq., and
ick, B. D.
une 3rd at 8 p. m.,
ranee will be given
ilson, M. A., Dr.
J. H. Oliver.
ning the Educational
will be dealt with in
0. W. Brown, B.D.,
the evening sessions
be rendered by the
ng next, the pulpit'
e occupied by Rev. I
f th e
d in the evening by
B. D., president of
MONEY To LOAN.—Money to loanon
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing -
At'the Wes ern Foundry.m' -
Work has been comenced on the
nsw Warelioule t - be erected at the
Western Foundr Co.'s works. The
,{ new structure will bo 60 x lee feet: --"7.--
for all kinds of
Flower and Garden 'Seeds
Over 30 dlfcereut colors and vari-
eties of Sweet Peas to choose
your mixture from 1 l I
BULBS """° 4
Anything we have not in stock will
be procured at catalogue price.
A. special prize of "5.00 i4" being
given by me at the Winghnin fair for
the best collection of Roots and
Vegetables grown from my seed
The Druggist.
Office G. N. W. Telegraph.
"High Grade kirk Only!"
Our graduates readily secure good
positions because our high, gradetraining prepares them to render first-
class services. Business men want
first class workers and have no time
to waste upon the other kind. Com-
mence a course now and be ready for
a position iu the fall. Write for
handsome catalogue.
When t Ie work oh is bii%Iding is com-
pleted work will be ommenced en the
new moulding sh p. The Western
g out a splendid
ages which have
and the Co. is
rs. The Western
Foundry Co. is one df Wingham's most
important industries
Very S
, Indeed.
lit was with expr ssions of the deepest
regret that the ne
Oath of Loretta
W. Sparling, of D
daughtee of Mr. a
ing, of Wingham.
place on Tuesday
the residence of
street, after an ill
Mr, and Mrs. (Dr.
infant son, came
month ago, The
and it was the int
*s was received of the Ominxr—Oar of Durham cement lust
ouise, wife of Dr. R. arrived. Parties who intend using
nver, 0o1.,und second cement soon will do the wise act if they
likely F. aSparl- vnenprice befo lon;. it now, as cement willWearalso ad -
sad event took
agents for Hanover cement.
eniugof this week at A. YOUNG & Sox.
er 'parents, Minnie
Sparling with tliei '' Won Sil
ere on .a visitte; a members o£
'octor returned hq r` TeamTh went to Go
tion of Mrs.Sperlin ompeted against
to spend the sum , er with her parents
in order to avoid the excessivelyV hot
weather of the sol thein climate. Short-
ly after arriving 1 ere she complained of
not feeling in the Vest of health, but
was able to be ab, ut as usual. Typhoid
fever developed, nd all efforts to check
the ravages of thdisease proved futile.
Dr. Sparling was sent for and arrived
last Thursday m. rnfng. The combined
skill of physician: and the care of those
in charge of the : ick room were of z`tt1:
avail, the spirit , f the deceased taking
its flight to the g eat beyond. The de-
ceased was in th : 30th year of her age,
and was born i Seaforth, removing to
Wing liam abo,, fourteen years ago.
She was an acco rpliehed musician,being Captain W. H. H
edallist of Alma Col- proud of his Rifle T
and her services were the Silver Cup to
r in connection with Hauler put on. Th
rents. A consistent a fine lot of fellows
ethodist church, she feat like men, with
rt in the work. On
she was married to Dr.
Lnsk,NVyoming,where At the Goderich
1 six months ago, when the Methodist ell •
Denver, Col. Dr, and last week, Weilin
re the first couple to be continued on trial
1 Win.A
my Methodist church, was also
went pastor, Rev. R, be returned to col ego to complete his
anti were presented course of training, Wm. A. Gifford is
the Trustees of the a son of Rev. Dr, ifford, of Clinton, 'a
(den and unnxpeeted; former pastor of t e 'i'Ving liam Metho-
distc arch,
h a prcmising life is a h
mnuity lis well as a It is a false impr
o bereaved relatives. gttitto thrives best
d family, and the lats. A It leas been dry an
with an infant son, ' tionally so, but th
iy goes out in their ` in strengul, gigan
tion. " in temper. nut
The funeral tal es plaeo this(Thureday) eaves nothing fo
G. Sparling,
o'clock, to t
The serviee at t
ess of short duration.
Team of Harristo
Silver Cup, donat
mage, a former w
ito. The Winglia
in the competiti
trophy home with
bourn of the Win
lucky man for the
ing 119 points out
lowest by Mr. Doub
fon team with 118
Keene of the Win
ltonete,.:,.The 'teaiii
even all through,
`,by two points. We might here mention
William Smith bei ' -g the last to fire, ,
made a fine score, vinning the match. E
le might well feel!
giving m theyIvi
„ ng him
hold and have the
Beehive Boys are 1
and took their de -1
nt a word.
District meeting of
ch held in Clinton
ton A. Findlay was
s a probationer; as I
'!fiord who
er Cup.
ho Wiugham Rifle
ie on Monday and
the Beehive Rifle
. The prize was a
by Mr. Win. Dul-
U-known Wiugham-
team was successful
and brought the
ern, Robert Free -
ham team, was the
individual cup, mak-
of 120, closely fol-
edee of the Harris -
points, and 3, Me -
tun team with 1101
shooting was very j
ngham pulling out
I. O. O.
The annual ex
to Sarnia via He
pices of Minerv.
Wissg;ham,will t
' day,June 13th.
from Lucknow
Wingham at 6.
ham for the1
;special train I
!Monday, June
Lucknow. T
i few days' sple
doubt be take -
Inumber from
will enable p
and part of Mo
the arrival of t
urday, excursio,
Detroit and rem
afternoon, the b
make comedic)
Special rates ar:
boat trip from S
Morton is shale
which has the a
No pains will b
provision for the
once of the exon
For further Iia
a graduate and
lege, St. Thoina
much sought f
local entertai
member of the
took an active
March 5th, 1902
Sparling, then o
they resided unt
they removed t
Mts. Sparling w
married in the
Wingham, the
Hobbs, officiatin
With a Bible by
church. Tho s
cutting oft of su
shock to the c
severe trial to t
To the parents a
band who is left
heartfelt sympa
hour of sore villi
he residence of Mr. P. may be he tenth
'nnie street, at 2.80 I dike or at the No
Winglranl cemetery. I piaee. Ile is an
residence will be pre- i and always keep
ssion that the inos.
11 wet, warm seasons,
cold this year, excel).
gnat is abroad lusty
'e in size and vicious
chaps the ni.osquitto
climatic conditions;
voas well in the ii Rion-
th Pole as any other
aptable bird anyway,
is *weapons in good
. Excursion.
ursion over the G T.R.,
o Park, under the aus-
Encampment, T.O.O.F.,
is year be run ou Satur-
xeursion onstzlrts this year
at 0 20 a. m., and leaves
0. The fare from Wing-
ip is 32.03. Returning,
ves Sarnia at 10 p. m. ou
15th. running through to
is excursion will afford a
did outing, and will no
advantage of by a, large
his vicinity. This trip
rties to spend. Sunday
day in Detroit, as on
train at Sarnia on Sat-
ists may take boat for
in there until Monday
at returning in time to
with train at Sarnia.
being arranged for the
rnia to Detroit. J. A.
an of the committee
rangements in hand.
spared to make ample
comfort and conveui-
tioulars see advt. in
another columu.
The 'Young Ladies are almost
wild over our pretty Shoes for
Spring and Summer wear.
Our handsmi e • Shoes, our
dainty.. Ox f ords, Co$onita Ties,
Stroke iraa1}tki,Ite nd alipper4. are so
MeV', tl'lat;very;young; Miss who
st t ;them' WiSIte,a pair of each
The, behoof leathers and lobuli
oft lasts designed to fit the: y (utiles
*Mimeo dainty feet. -
Mother, bring; in the young
lady. That's all wo ask—the foot-
wear will do the rest.
Alt sizes,1 widths and priced,
$1.00, $1,25, $1.50.
r• ifi
r ti
o L
r th
:1 0
t for
I ha
:d be
1) to
10 tl
of t