HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-05-14, Page 7r A•343(4KI►++ :IK.)1• +4 :14)1: ;4KIKW S , ***40~1 • CruetRevenge Aik ,„. BY LAURA JEAN LIBBEY Author of "A Broken Betrothal," "Parted at the Altar," "The Heiress of Cameron Hall," Etc., Etc. •,- t • j ;fry ; s: ; ii•; +R e:*K ; 1, ows*: ;r; E4oRo swKow' P completely lost to hint, breath on her cliecic es Ire strutnc,. 11e couldenot groats or utter any her so closely to his beating heart, cry, with the eyes c•f that curio:_s whispering: "'r1'ust rue, any darling, I throng fixed upon him.: will save you, or we will perish to- suciclenly occurred to gcther." Poor little Rosebud! sho The thought how "Sonic • ,ri realize 1 a � 5 R (d was justbeginning n to. 1 hat 1 might It1', !'•,'' ,him. one n � l poor Little Rosebud away, belesti•tg dearly she was learning to love was. the dnughtol' of the wealthy hantlsomr, (lark -eyed Raymond I:es- v is. in ho es; of a large re- lie, how all the happiness Ceof this 1Vn1(ir r [ , havehers, but . •J tbeen l (l for t l might It l n t t d ti t r offered "1' Ill le 'tl ti ita for her 1 C 1 L , iahe wand a reward that was a fortune in it- that one net of girlish folly she had „ •self to any one who would.. bring the cununitted in thea Murk past, young girl whom he had rescued Poor Rosebud was just learning from the burning building to has ino- what lova was like. "Why should I thea ' S • elegant mansion on fifth Av- dash the cup .of happiness from my ienue. lips?" recklessly. she asked 1 hels1f it secured to Ray Leslie that he "Raymond would never know my ter-. f was passing through the bitterness of rible secret, and never knowing it ho would love me; Lean eaul not giro him if AA he fell back Went Hy in the up. heaven Would surely forgive me.loath a conch and WINO get away fo ge order fhorom the me." for 1 love him 5o! Raymond may He wanted to never ilnd it. out. I-willbask in the motley crowd to have- time to think. sunshine of his love from day to "(creat clod!" ate ntutteled, "when (lay• T nut so; clung tti live such a EI think of that sweet little creature, long lonely life 'without him. Oh, possibly at this moment in the pow- my luve,' toy lore; is could not do it; er of those wret(he5, I weirdo., that 1 could nota" : ,;•'. - '.the thought does not drive me sumo. 1 ' it did scent hard, Most pitifully I vow that I shall never rest clay or hard, for such a sweet .young life to night until I find my little trees,- 1 o so cruelly blighted by 'the frost of tare!" he ca lad, brokenly, laying Itiss love. hot forehead clywlt upon his hands. 1 'Ile is the rock of hope to which I "I never quite realized before how cling," she sighed, blushing rosily, unendurable my lite would be with as if reluctant to admit the sweet (,truth, .even to her own heart. "ltay- `out any 11 tau flue -eyed. love." lie confidently believed Rosebud ; mond is surely my fate," she told would be speedily returned to him ou herself—"hos he not said so himself? the morrow 5vlarge the reward and does not her own heart plead its great love for hint?" She repeated ',claimed, .'for that mast undoubtedly 6' ,be the reason site was s1•irited the beautiful words of the poet to .away," he art;t:ed to himself. I herself, softly; those words that had I, Suciclenly a terrible fear crossed his more than once ,come to her thoughts heart — sharper than a dagger's since she had suet Ita;imoncl Leslie: thrust. Stnrtle.l and bew•i1dei ed, lie "Two shall be born the whole wide fairly leaped to his feet in 1111' coach. world apart, Could it 1,e possible Rosebud wish- And live in different climes, and havo cd to •escape hint, and had fled en her no heed, each of the other'° be - own aeeer.i? _ Or, more terrible still, ing. could it be ros. ileac she had a love And these front unknown lands over unknown seas shall cross, Ger"ITow foolish I ant!" he sighed, Escaping wreck, defying •death, end with a force 1 laugh, sinking back in all unconsciously shape every net, his seat. "No thought of love or lav- That one day out of darkness they •ers ever entered that child's heartshall inert; until I asked her yesterday to marry i And react life's meaning in each oth- ine. No one save. niyeelf hes evil' et•'s ey is red this is fate. I pressed a rapturousturous lover's kiss on As the last word rd fell fr onher those sweet, quivering, cherry -ripe caulson, tr aulO s lips, Rosebud lips. She is mine—she belongs to arose from the sofa. and hastened to 111C'" he told hitnee•f. "What would the window opposite, drawing beck the wal']d be to ine without Little Roseeud's love?" Even then he could f; el the. warm alts) of those white terns around his neck and the weight of that lovely, , flaxen -crowned head on his 1 rust, as 'he bore her from the grasp of death through the terrible, ecorcl•.iUrg heat lthat nearly Minded Rina—tmly to Toes flier. at lust. 1 CHAPTER XVII. 1 to • TILE WI.,lGIIAM ILS, MAY 14, 1903 CANADA'S RAILWAYS Howard to n,+ �„ '••• I door. ----- t+tlt+e i lays iuto any hand—I was wonder in+ how 1 cv»hl get ala o1)- pol'tul:ily of It(uiail f -tering the drug.", Ilis back wee turned toward hose- burl, and site did not ol,ser•vc that he Flipped the full .contents of a vial, which had hitherto been coeccaletl ilt the point of 1+ii hand, into the gob- let, wlttch the turned told handed Iter w•i 11 a low bow. Sunlight Soap wil not injure A moment later--Heavenher— your blankets or harden t11em. It she had raised the fatal drought to will maid them sort white and fleecy, 711 "Will you open t het floor, sir, or shall i be obliged to ('17 for help?" demanded rosebud, indignantly, try- utyr inghaughty mask of I at conceal ) ane t to cc t cc 1 1['h t, y pride the deadly fear' that was creep - leer lovely lips. CIIArTEIt XVIII. A. look of diabolical triumph flash - «I into Paul Howard's dark, spark- ling' eyes, as llc.seltud raised the r her lips. of pct to Crewed 1 1 6 •'I leave you to your own pleasant ing into her young heart. reflections, lovely flower, sweetest "I haven't the least objection to rosebud that crest• bloomed in the you r loudly asn your calling as lout � he kissing 11rIt ci lplease,h >cid t i 1 c 1' of J 1, (;menden 3 t1 J,t(, it t 1 Tow 1 c t i it •ncd I•: f pal to C It tfingers +"tae l Yl dear," 1 rl nee a . the tips of his t-. Y that inoc',ing, exasperating senile that struck such a subtle warning to Rosebud's heart. "There are plenty to hear you, lett none to heed you. ' u } n faltered 1—I don't understand," When Rosebud awoke to conrcious- i elesS, she found herself lying on a '.sofa in a strange darkened room. ) "I wonder where I-a)n, o1• how I • tame here?" she cried, gazing blank- ! ly around her, and sin inking quickly to her feet. At that moment her t c full l ht IloSC:n1d was on her knees at the eves fell upvn her singed dress, and l t d 11l with a look on her face 5v 11111 of _girl's feet,. .like a flash the horrible P1oceedingsr her tyronge run11)11tely Tuve way t.t Cne scorn that it quite ptirzled hint,. "Oh, is it true!" she cried, pit - of the previous night returned to finding hers If , e'•urely Ineknd int a yet she deigned no word in response. ' eously. ".1 hate hint anal loathe hila! e anti my cries for +aid; and 111111. any other crus ec gin wouldtt ( c rix n. have done, s int( down on the flout' you had hatter make,• (,lends with mother up in the blur* croute above us •tri It (t 1 letting cry, • ' me, I can le a5 cruel when aroused ai 1 fent e 11lase fou!" sobbrd itose- A mon:ent later the key turned in to anger as 1 can l.e Lind when ac- bud, tremulously, clinging to her the lace. 1 tan door strung. open tease 1 v love'' sl.irts. t( o (111, Lott klud you arc! cued luny. sho Ilashrd itugllly, for she 1 Haat it front your lips it will al- Ilcs �1lucL "ITow can I ever thank '0t) crtouglt?„ "In t•enloting you from. Paul ITow- nrtl's path 1 nett. only kind to any- «••1f," answered the girl, huskily. her. "in case you should take it into that willful little 'head of yours to n;•set my nicely arranged plans, I shall be under the necessity of turn- ing In he ing the ]icy in the lock again," Rosebud, her blue eyes expanding continued. "You are not to consider and darkening with .fear, and her yourself a Prisoner, however—simply face paling to the Whiteness of a a caged bird. An revoir for the pre- eno'.vdroP• r.•.'nt, charming .ono." "You might its well understand Rusehucl heard the key grate,itithe (h•st as lust that you are safely cag- ed 10(ie and flung herself frantically up- on in an asglu,tt, my 1 ratty bird— e,n 11e1• knees liy the door, uttering an asylum for the insane." 'wild sh. irks of passionate despair.. 110 expected Rosebud would fall She was almost beside herself with fainting at his fest. or go into t•i0� the hOVl'()r Of het ;)eery eiteation. lent hysterics upon.'hearing this an Scarcely heedliug what she did, she uouncenient. Ile was amazed to see s.t the eaglet down on the table, no other change route over the lovely running up and down the room like face than a deepening scorn in the one tread, alternately shrieking and blue eyes and a gradual whitening of tenting upon the lock door until the the tremulous lips. 1'o(,r little hands were 'bruised and "You brought me here; may I ask purple. why!" she demanded, in a low, clear • '•Ob, mother, •mother!" she cried, voice that made hilts more uneasy as stretching out her white toms to the to what was passing in her thoughts blue smiling brevet's, and laying her than. the utast intense angor would fact against the rusty iron bars, have Leen. °have pity and jet 1110 die!" "You are shrewd at guessing," ho She held out her hot white hand said, with a light laugh. I had to teach the goblet again. Iler head that honor. While your handsome was burning and her eyes were flash - hero went after a coupe, after safely itig like stars, but as she held it placing tho• treasure he had rescued n. second titre to her li' s the door upon terra firma, 1 quietly appro- was s eldenly burnt in with a crash. prfated the said treasure and con- '•1••or (loci's sake, hold!" ('rit'(I a Tho number of Stearn railways iu Can- a la in Actual operation last year, iriciud- ing the twofer )varument roads, was 1(i:p; the number of aurtte01:ing companies was 79. 0,i ,Tuna 30th, 1903, there wits a com- plered railway mil slLg+)of 1S,SC,g .(aa ereaso of 374 mile for tit i year) besides 2.830 miles of sidings; at this 047 miles was double trate1. The capital inV,3titetl hi these railways is placed :$1,003,852,206 81, Of this the )r :ivary share capital is $318.185,066; preference stook, $183,203,736.60; bonded' debt, $401,806,816 51; capital from other souroes,S11,082,307.97; aid from Gavern, ltl(iuts and municipalities, :$333,239,876.. 22. These fleures do not include land grants, cencessious of right of way, etas ,given by Governments and municipaji- ies t The working expenses of tate railways were $57,313,5`02; the gross earnings $83,661,502, leaving• net earnings $3•.1.- 322,911, The number of pa seugers carried was 20,670 074; freight, 4)2,370,527 tons;miles run by trains, 53,720,335. There .Clara were 2,441 locomotives, 2,020 passenger cars, 75,210 freight cars and 1.611 construction oars Of the cars :8,111 are eq ipped wits air brakes and 66,8S2 with automatic couplers. Canada held ou the same date 558 miles of electric railway in op aratioa , 160 miles being doable track. The paid np capital was $41,593,053, of which 2173,000 was muuioip.tl aid. The gross earnings were $6,4S6,438; working expenses, 83,802,855; net tarn - tugs, ii2,683,553 The number of pess)11gers carried was 137,681,402; freight 266,183 tous; car tnlleago ran, 35,833,811. Of the electric roads Ontario has 334 milts; Quebec, 140; New Brunswick,12 I''ova Scotia, 12; Manitoba, 13; British Colombia, 95. The passengers carried by the city street railways are thus given: Montreal, 49,85S,373; Toronto, 41,639,258; Ottawa, 6,088 370; Quebec, 4,102,709; Hamilton, 3,815,769; Winnipeg, 3,845,663; Loudon, 3,741.469; Halifax, 2,340,000; S. John, 1,771.522; Vaucover, Victoria and New Westminster, 7,670,4613. ' veyed you to my own domains. Now woman's panting voice; and ere ltoee- you have the whole history.. Per- 'bud -could c.,llect her scattered haps it will be a crumb of comfort senses, the goblet was dashed front to you to know that your handsome her hand and fell to the floor shat - young hero is almost demented at tere 1 into a thousand fragments. your disappearance, and has offered "You are So young,, and fair I could fabulous sums for any information of not bear the thought of knowing the your whereabouts," lie continued, tela f:)1e fate in stole for you. ,That lualt.iously. "•I;ut he- shall never water is drugged; ,' find you on this said of the gravo. I A terti!rle fear stole into Rosebud's will triumph over hint in a way he heart. Was the girl mad? She was k' leaf. tier long t•calus. ' r n111in like a c little d t ° g A relief too great for wort'fr had (11(011 hair fell back from a face pale filled Rosebud's heart to know that as marble, and the intense glitter of Rosebud. • rr had no •'• trued 1.c a do eve:, r vc heroic her black her brave, C IL , hand in' her outrageous abduction. '•I liatened at the door and heard Cod would show her some way of all he said to you," said the. girl, t!,° heavy curtains with her white escape, she told herself blindly. redacssly, "tend i heard hint tell you hands, little dreaming of the sight "You do not tisk what I propose to he loved you, and 1 made up lay which would meet her gene. clo, or, even attempt to make a treaty Bono if you looked kindly Upon hien v start- ti with n tsaid, �•tts) c-, • ) She dl'ew hack oP peach with ole,.' he ., 1 1 would murder you." u. led,, astonished cry. The window iously. Rasebud rec('iled with a low cry. tens. fastened and protected by heavy The Sv'itherin scorn of the glance iTer heart stood still. " Yes, surely g she' that I t e t a • together - e CX ' 1 ' • .lila 1. •s Deer�r s c iron 'bal. as t tshe flashed upon him from heresti,, creature 55 a• could not get even the palm of her I les:1. a blue eyes was more elo- 'You need not think me insane," • In n 1 -through theta.., . (tent than words. .. she went tine:with .ty.•1eitt1'r laugh. 'Yoe s ••i le drifted physician .01 the _asy- t •I alar only insanely jeal Cad's beau( Red •sun.l.l "L.aut the pays Y I ala not. I through them in a cloud of golden foul," he explained. ".Sty wore} Is ol:s of any our thatcomes between I • l nsnta. 5• , „ never t1 t, 1 (. 'sloe o it1. 1' and. 1 t• c a c 1(`1'Cn law 1g i '"1•t , 1 1 *i to ' r ills �'ecertificate and s dimly beginning Ilosehud drew back 1h( ct stat s have merely to ..leu 0 ce n Rosebud 5ut y b g with tram .ling fingers, then hasten- ed quickly to thedoor. It Would not yield to her frantic ellorts to 'trench it. open --it was securely lot", ed. it .s ,hu 1 had always been a brave, daring little creature. but 10 the 1'(u° of '':sari, an uulookec - or cilouenu , you will be detained in these gloomy comprehend the girl's meaning. walls for years. clow (10 yowl like "1 head you t:11 Paul Howard you the Prospect, my little beauty?" hated Lim and wanted to get away— .51::e stood be ide the table, one is .it true?" she queried. "11 it is Iland, so shall, white and fragile, perhaps I can help you." resting upon it, her slender, girlish In a moment Poor little frightened forret drawn up to its u height, •confused pingl. "I remember," terrible she strange room: She did exactly "You are in my power:, you scorn- Per the tete of heaven help me to triad gaspingly, "the terliblc ea of r t '1 I 1 ful feel c I warn you that "ret away from here, 0.11(1 my angel rhen I fell fainting by the window, aymond's voice calling Inc back to fe, his anus infolding me, and bear- ing me out of the intense heat into the ' cool night 'air. I must have Ifainted int bis arms," site thought, "Oh, Ilaynlond. my darling, my mogul ed Lila at once. Then she love, I owe any very life to you.. He would have made lee CSOUPe instants ways hate a hateful sound that will 1 must have brought me here,' she ll:r,l<>h the dour if he had not time in my ears all my life told herself, lovl.ing 011110U51Y around qkly lei a;l l.et• with one Maud, through," she burst out, vehemently. the room. "I 5vtr)l(ICr what plate quitier• a.n+her amused hint vastly( this is? I expect ho will come to and a i iyo your after hint. "I expect we shall have some very ;'tell me all about the fire this morn- "What is your ohjcrt, 111, in Evac- !fine di courses upon that subject,,' • ing, and, oh, dear, there isn't a her; your obnoxious ple;cncc where he an5weretl. "I expect to give you g • looking -glass in the room, and I'm I (Toronto Stay.) The freedom.of the press is not ques- tioned by the calling of the editors of• court of co t the r Ueiora v e a e s 5 ( n tui t p P enquiry tete rbc Gamey charges. 'i ne r:gilt of the press to comtnent en the evidenaa and proceedi:cgs or tate court hes not been interferea; with in and -Heti ^ny tray since the Ca�Se opened, the press has exercised its rights to the Aa'iie,st extent. The two newspapers exoecded every r'ght that cagy rew,spaper •coukii bo given; by construing a theory of •gu':It against a man accused before the court on this ncn existing cv:denco end by drugging in the name of a�• Cant th'tt would not—are it turned nut —hive been brought into the proceed - :ng,' at nil. In Some way the two uew,spipers in question got knowledge I of i:n entry in the books of the Oat- uric Bink which wai being examined in the chance that unseful information night there be ,secured, end this entry these newspapers enlarged , upon, (11 swing from it false and injurious ccnclu'sions. Tiley were not com- tnelating to evidence, but minuPactur- g it, and ascribing it to the enquiry «'h:cat is not a, form of newspaper enterprise which the press can be expected, as a whole, to rise tp sand defend. There is no ``gagging" of the press 'a) this case, for the newspapers have exofetised the fullest right of colo- ncuts • - ' i'nbiasse1 Sentiment will cave with: env the Star ha,s said. The two h vers whose editors were called ho- ne e the Commission, overstepped the nark in a manner only attributable to wicked partizan motives. Nows- p:,pers everywhere find an exacting public, but "enterprise" such as cx- blbited by the Toronto papers Irl 'gt:es- t:on can only bring discredit upon themselves. The jaul'n llistic :scope is enifficicntly broad to deal honestly and rattly with nil matters that come, SA i th i ill ttSs5CPCl l when it •comes • t..., Yiisurp,nt; thv �iglits or otters :to cr 1111 •c ev 1 z a•tion 3rJ1 r d v 1L' . , t xq. . ) 1'iit r make he object act o f m. k With t stt•1 cr xastlLctlon 1 r a target of any man's reputation o: the reputations of any body of men, nnw,sp.Iper•s who do it are carrying ar::tters too fai,and they cannot pope tor the defence of those papers whose arid - a t ' the e intaln ` is to ma :Stlbition it .rd of Canadian journalism. ' u' ) ; . 'nuc .e oc • ), l admit 1'iu.1 's. arh.. •'I Len' Ire you," said the girl;- "T1on`t pollute the word love, I beg 1 you." Rmsabrd 511rllllg to her feet in dis- f you," tenet Rosebud, angrily. "If c; tly, "and I will help sure 7 must look terribly in this burnoc} and Singed dress." Even to a nature so unsephisticat- od as Rosebud's, the thought sud- denly oceurre(1 to her: "Raymond. i Lest:O Hurst certainly love me very ' dearly indeed to have risked his life i o save urine." She remembered With a painful blush the great flood ',of happiness that rushed over her • heart, es she met the calm, stead- fast glance of these dark, pionionwte tris warns. tautilling ,Severe Pales I in L i n�1 � Mr. tills Gallant, Paquetville, Glances- -ter "I feel it my I•ter Co., eluty to write you, as I have received much. E benefit from the use of Dr. Chase's ha cs Kidney -Liver Pills. I was taken ,years ago with a pain just below the ribs o£ the left side,e , and right over the kidney, , suffering. • ori se rite m didnot eau At fir st it "but a,year ago the pain, at times, was very , severe. " After hearing repeatedly of the value ef Dr. Chase's Itic+noyLiver Pills, I dle- N , Ceded to make a trial, and after using two boxes the pain had completely disappeared and I am well, thanks to this remedy. T ) have also used Dr. Chase's Ointment, and found it worth its weight ht in gold. ld. You you 1i1:0 as it otter if thisl, .publish may � may induce some other sufferer to profit 'by ray experience." You cannot possibly Make a mistake in usin Dr. Chases ltidney-Liver Fills for • derangements of the kidneys, liver and bowels. It has proven itself worthy of the most hearty cndorcertent of 'thous- ands of people. One pill a dose, a5 cents a box, et all dealers, or Ed:rr anon, Bates .& Co., Toronto. 1,'it1 Gam. Dr Chase h :gjd iey'�'Li• ea ons you're not waiited•)'' panted Bose- ' a great many lessons in the art, for bud, i ulignnntly. Open that door , at mire. I know you 1,r,' a very 1 bald y0t ti Lilian, and I will not have a w'cl•.1 10 say to you. "II h. w: what a fiery little vixen it is." cyniCally COilili(C,lte(1 Paul lIow- ard. Then 110 seated himself upon a sofa, the oily article of furniture of wlticlt the room boasted, .<•ave the table at the 101 thea collet. "Who })rough( me here and locked you, me in this room?" denulndecl Rose- 10� 0 • • I assure you love-mali:tg is fine tat, You aro loo young to know anything about it except what 1 s1 11 teach you." "Your insolence is un1:•carabla!" cried 1tc:sel)n+:l, trembling with rage. "Tf you were not 1110011 and unprin- ci 1,(1 your honor would not. Allow you to torture an unprotected girl ail e this. I do not want to love sir, end I do not • Want you to 11(0; I only -want to get away." lh0 lot0. taunting laug}t that broke from Paul Iloward fro:'e the words "I do not wish to leave this en her Ices. i•lilre," she nns5temCd, quidUY; and a "ITonor and I parted company heart -\;,rung sigh drifted over her years ago," he 9:10, ''end as for pale, tightly set lilts. ttiaway • ftOi t nie that is ial- "Why?" 15 >surprised- bud, a,s,:e d1.OSe Ud, S tl r1 C dbut, iter cheeks flushing angrily and her 11110 eyes fairly ',blazing, "Supposing that I should answer 1iavill(ucl Leslie," he answered. tock - 1n tt, "what Shetld. you any, y p etty little fury ? S 'un- truth i t tl � 1C worst 1 honklsnvttwa, t) truth you ever uttered, and T should not believe it. up. Leslie salved rue from. you 0nee, Hud he would not willingly plaice 1110 iu your power again.'' 'ITh. iia.! s the Wind bows in n that qnatterr, ell? You're• in love with Leslie. Ily Jove! that gives additional spire to the affair!" he chuckled, while the ominous. flash in his black eyes deepened maliciously. "You may as Well desist in your ef- forts of trying to force that door op- en; it 15 a spring lock, and I alone p0ssees the key. You may: ars well (11 this sit ) fret and come e sofl 1)e.ldle ma, I'm not an ogre,re, and I won't eat you. I'm too much in love with you for that. I simply wish to have a Iittle chat with you (oncel•r:ing our future," '.fly future is nothing to you, sir," cried 1tc.l:e?)t(1, proudly cresting her little head. "If I had a father or e Lrothcr Using you should answer lot this." 'Onion ley word, it is a revengeful little s; i 11, too," retorted 'Howard i,t:lnl:'itt�*lt. "I aril h)'nwing more "Von must. not thank ane, only pity my wretchedness, and never cross Paul Howard's path again. That is (.11 1 ask." liesebnd lifted her startled l.ltte eyes in dee;) 5vunner. Surely this f irl must Le luucl.ing iter. if escape were oo easy, why was she lege? "Could we not ('5eape together?" said Rosebud, timidly. "I would not think of leaving :met fat a place li..e this," she said, get ing a qui2lc, startled glance tu'ound her. SIie could n It understand the quick, startled 1.l:rah that broke ov- er the girl's pule olive face. g i` • leave Rut • t'S•ct1 Possible. You shall 1 ( ala '11 int tomb, I have had a ninguili- Cent suite of apal'tnlents fixed up for you in .another wing of the building, to Which you shall soots be conduct- ! eel. I t5 ill give you two days to yotuself• At the end of that 11. a, it ne- i r • • me—by force, n) se, ll marry y yeti ce: s try." 1 .1 tart- }.o:•e')ucl drew back,. tremb- lir;u; aril f:iiht0nul.• 1 "Steely- it was but an idle jtst," ' she told herself. ''[Te only meant to t tcte ''1 j there. t• tit I e.in do to ••ls theta anything tg more ma` e your 1.1 went (luurt0rs tt m c.1nf,lrtitl,Ie?" he asked, coning ro she could • ul stool} • where Rosebud n a Roost feel Lis hot l.rcat11 on her face. "I—I—would like--a---at•• •gloss of teeter, please," site replied, faintly. "1 would like denc'e;lly well to lies 1 c 1' , thvt ri t the Pmlisli- 1 1c.,0 1(L y Ip• , ((l till(,in, geeing longingly into the • lre(ultiii,l flower-'ike face 1 clove 11tH; but these was something in lite 'bine ('yL clerk. as Pat•yrt•s that warned Lila 1101 to attempt. it just then. i Ile pulled the bell -rope, and a Mo. - Went later -taw :vivant uppearetl with ,.., ,r. ,.a tt:a; t. 5t9ar1, 5).,.,a rat l t'ly i1) ,05 0 05 t ry 11oinolt." 1v. , .l, , c 11$ ` The (i tate I l,o (inutivu thts,t ..twine g neck and 1:ro5v for an instant, which her trembling fingers but half con- cealed. "Because the light of my life is within these walls!" She exclaimed, tts)Crrttdt, mishit;her head proudly toll �, like a hunted neer • brought to bay. "1 will tell you the truth," she said, in a thick, husky voice: "I love Paul ITowurd. I eculd not live away front his presence. Ile alight beat Imre, south me, yet I should still erat5 0 to be near .1,1m. "I know he. would kill me if he ,. l- , •' u(, he only to ria U rI y be , 1 1 t() ) cif( c) , fears , a•'s0nc0 because he ((art:( my Iii me; yet once he loved m0. "Iie dared bring you here, and op- enly defied tile, vowing he would make you his wife. I spoke no word, but my brant grew hot and dizzy. He thought I was reconciled, but I was planning' how 1 could rid you froln my path. No fairer, younger face must w•itl hftu from me '-elw should surely die!" Rosebud was so frightened she 000X1 'scarcely control herself t^" - (To bo coutiumail What 'i s Castoria is for Infants and Chi.ldre . Castoria is a, harmless substitute for Castor 011, L aregor1c, Drops n Soothing $`rti s. It contains neither' ,:Opium, and es 3 Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is _Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions or Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and' Allays Fever•'ish- x cess, Castoria cures Marrhma antl'Wiwi Colic, Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, Castoria assilllilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and I1owels of infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria,a is the Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria, "Castoria r is an excellent medicine for (' Castoria Is 10 well m11,0ted to cliildrell children. Mothers have repcat,;(t;y toll me , that I recommend it as superlur to any pre• of its good effect upon their children" scription known to me." Ds. G. C. 01)000n, Lo rY11, Afars.' II. A. Aaextu t, M. i)..Orookly'r, N. Y THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Ig APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE pC��,.E, �NTAUR COMPANY,TT MURF'.Y GTRCCT, NEW Y,'R% C,TY. BEEMERSEMEZ. rli~i s a .t 613 .746: rii �r Page Meal 'Gates Single or Will not or get rickety.loFittted - with self•aeting latches, which open either way. A child can open or close in a strong wind—no surface to resist Best farm gate - made. Use Page Ponces and Poultry Netting. The PageWirePence CO.,Limited,Walkerville, Ont. Montreal, P.Q., and St. John, N.E. le civic. Got the Litter. A fox walla litter of ten pups was caught the other day on the farm of Mr. Hayes, cou. 15, Loudon Township, sli P+ and therewith ended the mysterious dis- appearance of turkeys and chickenswhtuh had been going on in the vicinity for some weeks. It was supposed by the fai m• ers that thieves from the city or another section were at work, bat the first clue was obtaiued when Mr. Hayes saw a large fox run under his barn. A number of neighbors were called iu, and by a clover rase they succeeded in getting the old 3 Into f u litter o ten pups nd her entire l fora a box. The young ones were apparent- ly not over two months old. Tho dis- covery of the fox's quarters solved the mystery of the disappearance of the poul- try. hi or recent� The provisiens T's' ns lQ a introduced in the Legislature by Preston of. South Brant :—impose a re- gistration fee on motor vehicles, the meclt:nes to be numbered with big AN bite figures; every m elflne=must • 1 have en ejarm signal and lamp, nd ,shali not be run in centres or popes Litton et greatersP�d th a u 15 miles las pet hour; the mach:nes shall not be. need on the publ'e highways for racing ar nd when horses ore frightened by' motor vehicles the latter must stop. Violation of .any of the provision% leaves the offender liable on convic- ticn to a fine of $50 for the first offence, for a second or subsequent offences to the same, fine With six nicnths imlprieonnlent er i?oth1, Military Instruction. Camps of instruction of the same character as last year are to be held in Ontario this year at Leaden, Kingston and Niagara. The London camp will open on Tune 9, and Lord Dundon- ald will inspect each of the three 111 turn. The militia act, it is stated, will make provision for establishing, arming and traiuing boys' brigades in connection with public schools. The matter has been brought before the attention of the department of the boys' brigade at St. John, N. B., and other points. It is said that Lieut. A. C. Caldwell will command the company of guides to be established under Lord Dnldonal l's mint's. reform scheme. ?eter 13 11, Canadian agent •in the M• :i::n1s, states that English mercies :ants are keen to know flow to do busi- nes", with Canada. Itlr. Ball thinks that Canadian apple shippers ought to ehc•ndon the use of barrcli and, adopt instead bushel boxes, with each apple wrapped in paper. Apples are a luxury in England, and nothing common is wanted. Be regretted to see at bar- rel of Canadian apples in. Birminghstin which was bad in the middle. lin censider,s that there are spleltdit'1 op.nings for' canned and tinned fruits and meat. •" The merican' bar( new got i,he market. Mr. Ball advocates the establishment of •;;tor- gc. warchoteses; in the principal cen- tres. Results That Astonished Relatives and Friends114 Advertising Suggestions. The McLean newspapers of Montreal a•id'lbronto—The Hardware and Metal Merchant, The Canadian Grocer, The d The Dry o and Lh D u(1 Stationer13colcseller a Goods Review—have introduced a de- partment of advertising suggestions an ,)riti0isul, edited by W. Arthur Lydiatt, lata of Printer's Ink,New YOrk,aUd busi- ness Snell who desire modern and valuable suggestions regarding advertising can- not dao better than read this department 1n ono of these palters. The time has come when t, knowledge 01 advertising methods is essential to sit"cess in busi- ness. Miss Barbara M. Stanfold, a victim of Anaemia, Imperfect Circulation and Debility is Cured by ME'S CURNlPDUNU In the mouth of May, it is an absolute necessity that the body should ba fur- nished ur ui led with a purer su n1y of blo a - the e5tablishmeut Of a healththat can successfully cope witli the enervating effects of hot summer weather. Poor blood in May produces listless, ambition - less, sleepless and sallow -faced men Sri wonle)1, who quickly become victims of Some organic disease that ends life. Intelligent people recognize thio no• eessity of cleansing and. fortifying' the «. G 'l r .1 I sines y . May usl 1110 illby system y Coupouud,y lick speedily dil rt uot(s all poisons from the system. gives to the thus watery blood a larger Proportion of red corpuscles, and arouses all the °mane of the body to healthy action. Paine's Cel- ery o g ery Compound (foes a work for victim. of impure, watery and stagnant blood that commands the attention 'o,. the most ('111itlent medical 111e11 in the world, Miss Barbara left. Stanford.1ianlil- ton Ont., says:--' "For over a year my health was in bad condition, and I became very weak and much depressed in spirits. My troubles arose from poor and watery blood and imperfect circa l at iou. My appetite was almost oue,all Iwas afi ated with insoinsomnia.A - After •r s „t era 1 doctors s had dmne all they eoald for me, Iwai weaker than When they first began to treat me, and try family became anxious about my condition. A. neighbor ad- vised my mother to have me use Paine's Celery Compound. Before I finished the second bottle, my appetite was better, I felt stronger tend could s.eep sound ill ve or sib hours each night. I had so much faith the wonderful 1 COnonudt data perfectly •'iC 1 nU til I 5t . lithe continued v Ca illi rnred. Today, after using, six bottles, 1 am as well aud strong as ever before. I thank you with all my heart for such a medicine; it saved my life when other m0(11011105 failed. All my friends Ara astonished at any happy cure. If you are in need of free medical ad• vier, write to Consulting Physician's sician s De- pattlileet, The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, Montreal, Que. All eotres- pondcnce is sacredly conlielentlttl.