HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-05-14, Page 54110 '44444444444444* 4 4 .w .♦ .4 .4 .4 •4 4 • 4 t TINES, 31,k17 14, 1903 ,44.*44,0000000004000000000000000-00000000000000000000000000 444,0r' 'f0a'`+'xi404'0 '000Q'000q•00t' 0000o0' ro0000t000000000000 ete CROW ER IS THE LEADER IM LOW PRICES et The Men's Store Ne Biggest'Hit o the} Season a" 0 We purchased a Montreal manufacturer's samples,. amounting to Twelve Hundred Dollars, at about two-thirds regular price; comprising Boys' one, two and three piece Suits Youths' Suits—short or long pants. 'Men's Suits, in stripes, tweeds, checks, serges, :etc. 4° 43 See other people's Suits at $Io ; then see ours at $7,00 4Men's, Youths' and Boys' - Tweed Suits • 10 Men's Tweed Suits. sizes 35 to 44, regular ;A . price $8,50, sale .. 86.00 a 14 Youths' Suits, in nicetweeds, long pants, narrow legs, sizes 32 to 33, worth $6 and 4, i»7, sale price.....,..; ......... .... 19 'boys' 3•piece Salts In tweeds, stripes, blues, etc., sizes 26 to 88, worth $3 75 to ,4 6,00 ; salepriee 2,95 to 4.50 16 only Boys' 2.piece Suits, Halifax tweed, 4.sizes 22 to 27, regular 1.85, salt! 1.65 121 Boys' 2 piece Suits, Canadian Tweed, 4 made up from the short ends of suits, a sizes 28 to 30, reg. 3.00 and 3,50, ' sale 2.25 4 orking Men's Pant,. good Tweed• Pants, sizes 32 to 42, e I tailored and good wearers, worth e .75, 1,85 and 2.00, sale price - $1 35 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Shoes " $600.00 worth of Men's, Youths' and Boys'•5hoes, 00 . new and right up to date, all sizes, will be sold $11 all wool blue serge suit $7,75 14 only Men's heavy rib blue worsted Serge Suits, sizes 81 to 44, made np in the very • latest styles and warranted to wear well, -1 worth 11.00, sale 7.7;, • $2.25 Black or navy Blue Pants •4 $1.50 48 pairs Men's and Youths' black or navy 4t. 'blue Serge Pants, hard finish, short or long legs, well worth $2,25, sale 1.50 (only onepair to a customer.) • 4- $1,25 .Boys Wash Suits 79c. 4 42 only Boys' Wash Suits, ages 4, 5,. 6, 7 +,years, no two alike. well worth 1.25, sale price . .70 4 4 41 4 •4 • -4 ♦ 50c Brow Elie Overalls 390. Children's. Bate Rib Overalls, for all ages, worth 50c, sale price .39 at a stnall profit. Overalls and hmocks 008(1. heavy Moleskin Overalls.,, .79 " Blue Derry " .75 ' Buck Denim ,75 Cottonade Pants... .75 FURNISHINGS = Fit for a King at popular prices SALE.IR 'SHIRTS -In all the latest styles and colorings, colors guaranteed, .75, $1.00 and 81.25 Nobby young men wear the new soft° bosom shirts in fawn, green and blue. 81.25 Boys' Shirt Waists, with cutis S 1p1T5HiRirS5 to 13 .75 and separate collar, sizes 11 Summer. Underwear for Wien Batbrfggan Shirts and Drawers, good fitters .25 a2wo-thread Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers :,45<z. .1rliju4 ne11ette Ton Shirts ' 1. 2 pairs 'Alt -S do1'r86x for...... .. .. ...... ..25 • Meu's bard and soft Felt Hats .50 to $8.00 Straw Hats for tnen and boys, all the latest styles just in, prices .. 2a" to $1.25 a Boys'Catton Stockings, double knees,' alt sizes 6 to 10 ..... .. .20 a We are handling union label.suits made by factory • 834307. Watch our adv. in the Wingham Times if you want to save money. Even if you I live 25 miles from Wingharn it will pay you to come to see us and get our prices. o. air—BUTTER AND EGGS TAIFEE ' AS t7ASIL.. 40 • • •O 4 4 4 ♦ 4 44444044404444400444440444 0404444444044+4+++4,444,004 0480+06449440444440v^440040 0 0 coy your I•lood ie thin end watery is.. se "Ferrozone." f It supphes the necessary + elements such'as phosphorus wed iron. O auct quickly* *stores lost strength and O spirits. Ferre oue is an tluequalled re- *. staratim for the tired. the sick., and th ruu down down; it stemalates appetite, aids r1j 4 gest tote sooths..the nervesand makes t nx.'t'tx Con. Sinan sold Messrs, Il't•ff.on linos, 16 lbead(d' tattle 1%thieh MOW$52,0. Mz Jamt's G:bsod, of M wits, has leen confined thin home of his s.nedialeW, Mr. J. IL Taint.», for several cloysherioubly n,erioubiy ill. We are please.1 pa tiara he is recey'view, although slowly. Olio of l3tyth's old landmarks has been tarn. down, It was the kitchen Motile Commercial betel Workmen are now engaged excavating aandbuildeng a, eviler.The a lai kit,+I.eu will be replaced ; by a large ceieeeut one.C + Dir. Devitt Selkars, who has been. em- pI eyed at the Gaud Trani;atation ini 13'ytit for the pest two years, left last week for Detroit, where he has secured a position with the Michigan Central r.tiiroad. The best wishes ' ,Af many friends go with Dave to his new home, Dr, J. S, . Jerome, who hies been practising dentistry iuBlyth for the pest rear and u .half, has dispq ed of his practice to Dr, G. E. Long, of Listowel, At the regdhr busiuess meeting of the I Young Peeple'e; Society of C'iristittn i Endeavor of St edrewseliurah, BBlythet'ie bellowing eesolutian was passed by a i itaeuitnous skidding -votes- "R'solved, t'zat the irte`inrs of the Y. P. S. 0. E. { of St. Aadreitl e ohurch,Biyth, do heart, ay- apnrove ` if. the action Mizell by Q:zeeu's noiv+:rsity, Kingston, in con -1 upon our beloved pastor, Rev. A. McLean, the honorary degree of D. D., as. a recoguitiOa of faithful and untiriu;g, services for sat assay years amongst us, and we wonld wish to be the first among the many societies connected'with our ehnreh to pab}iclyeougratulate Rev. Dr. McLean." • • The lu11:11 s as.tnk of Health Is lots of red. :and vitalizing blood to nourish and invigorate the body: I , t se system ystean too healthy for disease to exist, O No touic does so much good in a short • time as Ferrozone1 Get it to -day from O a a 4 0 ♦ 4 any cirnggasts for 60c. per box. or six box - se for $2 50, By mail from N. C. Poison & Co., Ifiugstdn, Out. Solt. by A. L. Ha -Milton. • Dc..Hauitltoa's.Pllls euro Constipation. CtruttoSS. . What was really a genuine surprise party was held at the residence of Dir, appearance. Francis Crowe on Friday evening- last. The anniversary services in connection Learning that ail Tuesday; May 121h,the with the Methodist church will be held family would lerge for their new home on Sunday next, Rev. A. G. Harris, of is the far West their many friends felt Lucknow will preach at 10.30 a. m, and that they could not see them depart from ' pilus. Oltonlay evening Rev. Joseph gible token w Philip, B. D,. of Kincardine will deliver Our midst without some tan of esteem Mid regard. Hence a very his lecture, "Jerusalem and environs." 8 ,.r Does it not M ytceffective fbrethe in %remed,cure c the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach? G eab11:74 d 1579. Caeca Wlt:I. Pott Steep It cares because the air rendered strongly Antiteptio as r:.rricd over the diseased sus - etre tis'tltevery breath, fivingprolonged n'r1 cit :_tt+nt treatirtent. It is iavalu- al4e to .1z:others with eerrea citiltl':e13'. L; a Le7ota to a thzrtaa(lcS. –ra--. lir tamp t Cour:b. n, onaat:s Creuv Cou,.,hs Catarrh, Cada Grippe and Few,+.: ever The Vaporittr and ramp ,high should last a lifetime, together with u I,n tleof Cresakcoa r 5c, JSstra supplies of a'rrwlene a' et r [ 1,4 Calk. Write f )r deScri rive.1 o eL : n # a"q tag bigbest mtttnony 0$ to its value., s:untaie+ vara turr.sotttag I4 ?n1.13 rr LUAUS t:1'G1;411,1MI,t:. V.Ipo.Cresoler,e CO. 15o ^upon ,Street Visr Notre Dame ,street New York hroutrear xil;L(i8 t.''a: The post office store is being ith a new roof. Extensive iinprovements are to be made to the English Chinch this sum- mer. A number of cars of egnare timber were shipped from this station during the week. Mr. J. B. Stratton, the enterprising proprietor of the hotel here,is renovating and improving the interior of the build- ing. We learn that steps aro to be taken to- ward the coustrnction of new grauolithie walk on the main street this summer, which will give our village a more busi- ness -like, prosperous and up -to date regaled large crowd of friends, neighbors and acquaintances gathered at ;lir. Croive's c i the. above %entianed evening. The re.il amo•itesulterethoefutay came not on at Bethel on Sundry, evening last. the arrival of Ihe' guests but when Mr. A M ircabso Taut arae hien instituted John Sullivan read the accompanying address and a presentation of a gold `watch for Mr. Crowe Arid a fur caab for Mrs, Crowe. vas made by Mrs. Joseph tkl:l:7�. Rev. D. B. McRis eondueted service at ltioncrieff. We are well kleasecl to state that John Orerar, an old and well known resident of the 9th concession, is able to get about Wellivood. After the presentation the quite nicely after years of undesired -sound of JobuKing's violin was heard holidays. e Cro Winghain, Ontario. EAST WA,%VA.N0Sul. Mrs. Win. Parden is sericusly ill at •present. Mrs, Jas. Henry is visiting her dangle- -tor, Mrs. Ramsay, near Guelpii. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Mil- ton Bruce, of the 9th, is reooveriung after a serious illness. Mr. Gordon Wightmate, accompanied by Mr, Thompson, of Goclorieh, Spent Sunday tit the former's home here. We are very sorry to learn of the re- cent death of Mr. Henry I4ZcOotert, of • Clinton. Messes. arts Morton, Marvin MoDow- • ell, Albert McKellar and Leslie Robert - 'son spent a day iu Ooderich last week :fishing, Mr. Herbert Campbell, Mr, and Mrs. XIlarvey McDowell, also Mr. Melbourne McDowell spent Sunday at Mr. 0. Camp- bell's. WALTON. Wm. Pollard is gaining strength slow-. ly alter a long siege of illness. We hope he will soon be convalescent. Rev-. Rural Dean Hodgens, of Seaforth eonduoted the services in St, George's church on Sunday lase. The usual quarterly meeting service was held in the Methodist church on Sunday' last. Do Vett Beloit Oa,,. If you have uneasy sensations in the stotnaoh a bad taste in the month, head. ache -remember that ten drops of Pol. son's Nerviiline in sweetened water is a tluiek and certain cure. Nerviline aids digestion, dispels the gas, makes yon comfortable and free from distress at once. Nerviline is jute splendid for Cramps, Colic, Dysentery, Stomach and Bowel Troubles, and costs oily 25e. Better try it. Dr. Hanniltou's '?ills euro Constipation, Now is the Time to Paint Your houses, barns and fences, before the files Come.We have the best Boiled and Raw Oil in the market. ?tire White Lead at lowest priees. Arse Aylmer Spray Pumps, with barrel, hose and nozzle, reg. $13 for $9.00 Blue Stone at 6o per lb. FISHLEIGH'S HARDWARE STORE t' Smith & p ethick's old stand. WINO -HAM iORD%Vlcn. At the annual meeting of the Epworth League held on May 1st, the following officers were elected for the eusuiug year,. President, Miss Peel; 1st Vice, Mrs. Rogers; 2nd, Miss Mahood; 8rd, Miss Cook; 4th, Miss Maggie McKee; Sec'y, EhnerFallis; Treas., Geo. Walkey, jr.; organist, Mrs. G. E. McKee. Supt. of Junior League, Mrs. J. McKee. The names of six tew inenebers were added to the roll. During the year $9.67 was contributed to the Forward Movement, and the Junior League contributed $6.37. League Anniversary Serviceswill beheld on Sunday, May 24th, at 10.30 and • 7. Ur. W. H. Kerr of Brussels will speak at both services. The Provincial Government will erect a monument to Sir Oliver Mowat. Pains in the Back Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or stagnant condition of the kidneys or liver, and are a warning it is extremely hazardous to neglect, so important is a healthy r a h aeries of these organs They are commonly attended by loss of energy, lack of courage, and SOMA - times by gloomy foreboding and de- spondency. "1 was taken 111 with kidneytrouble, and C became so weak 1 could scarcey get around. I took rnedielne without benefit, and finally decided to try }rood's Sarsaparilla. Aster tete first bottle 1 felt so touch better tarot 1 continued its use, and six botfles made me a new "woman. When poly little girl was a baby, she could not keep anything on her stomal, and we gave iter hood's Sarsa a• rills Willett "cored her." WS, Mb:WAS IN - .ins, 'Vallaeeburg, ont. filling the room. and the assembly again. verified Byrou's well knowu lines "No sleep till morn whew youth and S. R. Crerar is home from the School of Science, Toronto, for his vacation. He has been working hard, so will likely pleasure meet, take it easy for a portion of his vacation To chase the glowing hours with flying at, least. feet." - . The following facts concerning the The following is self-explanatory; township of Grey aro taken from As - To Mr. and Mrs Francis Crowe; sessor Rayenano's roll: --Children be - Your many eriendsin the neighborhood tween 5 and 6, T67; children between 8 in which you have so mauy years resid- and 15, 297; total acres 64,759; total od, having learned of your contemplated acres. clear, 48,590; value of reatproper- departnre for the West cannot permit ty, $1,774,225; value of personal property you to do so without testifying to you $3,100; No. of male persons between 21 some tokon of their esteem and. regard. and 60 years,752; total populati on,3,201; During your residence amongst us you have always been kind, obliging and agreeable neighbors and we can assure No. of cattle,8,985; No. of horses, 1,999 No. of sheep, 2,432; No. hogs, 3,590; No. births, 43; No. of deaths, 20; acre you that your departure will be keenly woodland,' 4,721; acres swamp an felt by all. The interest manifested in waste land, 11,448; acres of orchard educatioual affairs by Mr. Crowe has 581; acres fall wheat, 3,264; steam tended much to :the advantage of our boilers, 13. school of which 10 many years ho was. an eiidcieut trustee. We trust that to your new home in the great West, still F� c 4 ,$„� ,,�, under the flag of freedom you acid your •'.i + !SAM lila LeadingStore >iSARO'$ SPECIAL SALE Whiie wea r Waisis and rappers:.. We keep in e'033 touch with latest styles in all kinds of ladies' waists, Wit•appers and whttewear. Intending purchasers in any at above lines will de well to see our large assortment' of xnadeup material before staking their selection.. WHITE IINIJt tSIKtRT$, a special line of ladies' fine, e+late unrterskirts. well made, •uicely trimmo.l,with dust frill,full width, fine cambric, good value at $1 23 --sale price $ 5.00 LADIE$' NIGHT GOWNS, two dozes nightgowns, t refine o.sw lrie, fait s'zi,uicely trimmed and tucker. yoke.rugular vahte $1.00, onr special prise while they last only . .73 LADIES' WAISTS, f� line of nice pattern print waits, nicely made, fast colors, worth 75c, our sale price - .50 CORSET COVERS, a•Iarge assortment to choose frotn,inade the latest style, nicety trimmed with lace and embroidery prices are 153, 25c, 35e, 50e and lac, see our leader at - ,25 WHITE UNDERSKIRTS, special values in better lines, made with deep embroidery and lace insertion, prices are • $1 50 $•5 00, ;2 50, 8 50 WHITE WAISTS, a large range of ladies' 'write waists, z'iglet up to date, trimmed with fine lace autl embroidery inser- tion, nicely tucked, all good fitters 81.00, $1.25, 81.50, 82.00, $2.50, 3.50 LADIES' DRAWERS; Special values in all sizes, cicely made and trimmed, prices range thus - - .23, .35., .50 LADIES' WRAPPERS, made with full wide skirt, dee» frill, choice new patterns, fast colors, trimmed yokes, special values at - - _ - $1.00 and 1,25 ....... .-r SILK WAISTS, Ladies' black silk waists in good quality silk, nicely trimmed and made to wear well prices are - 84 00 to $5 69 LADIES' TOP SKIRTS, we are showing a fine range of top skirts for summer wear in duck and linen, made iu gond style, well stitched and trimmed. Seo our two dollar value - 1.73 E. ISA Co. 011llasite Bank Of Hamilton Highest panpaid far Produce I. semelati 4 ••4 4. •4, + 4 4 4. 4. a t We have just received another barrel of Maple Syrup, same as the last, and yku all know how good that was. This will As we are going to move in a few days into new quarters, before doing so we intend giving a DISCOUNT of 20 PER CENT. off all Crockery and Glassware, and 25 PER CENT. off' China — good for onr, week only. 4 be the last for this season ' 4 NE F000 • • AT GRIFFI faintly may be blessed with health and pr.•.sperity end. We- can assure you that your success wilt always be a theme of Soft and crooked bones mean pleasure to us, And now bidding you a bad feeding. Call the disease kind and cordial farewell we in behalf j rickets if you want to. The of your friends, ,and neighbors beg of growing child must eat the you to accept from us these gifts trust.ri lit food farroYvth. Bones Ing that they tinny' be pleasant retnem- a brances of sour Many friends in Culross, must have bone food, blood Segued -=Jose 'ss Mout, must have blood food and so TosErnt Wnttwoou, t)11 throucrh the list. Culross, May 8th, 1103 an PALCo�n it. Scott's Emulsion is the right The following is the report of S. S. treatment for soft bones in No. 3,Calross, for the month of April. children. Littledoscs everyday Names in order of mnerit, give the stiffness and shape Part II Jr Leaving--Mary'ergtison, that healthybones should have. Bessie Ferguson, Mary Porton.' Entrance-Emina Strome, Ilan Pal. Bow legs become straighter, cont.r James Di ir, f 0 loosejoints olX grow o�v strop. c.r and Jr, 4-ltaehel Gorton, John l<alconer, I � b Josephine Woodcock, firmness Gomes to the soft 8rd—•Leda Welwood, Albers Berton, heads. Russel Me ay, Marjorie Martin, Earl '^-.:7.- Crack. Wrong food caused the 2nd- -Bert Borten, Chris MacDonald, trouble. Right food will cure it Jennie Dowser“chic Walters, Annie . Stapeltott, I;rvia Strome. In thousands of cases Scott's Part 2 Sr -Lillie Bolt, Arehie ltfe. E,muision has proved to be the I intion, Sautes Mei .mien. Olive Boit. Part 2 .114.• -•-Alfie Falconer, Emma rightfood for soft bones in Walker. ehildty 100d. Part 1 'Sr. -Harold Borten, Philip Dawson, J•atnea Staptaton. Send for tree sample. Part 1 Jr, -Stewart T10I1ay, Annie gcO'r'I' at BOWNE, 'Chon'tlste, I3olt, May Stappelton,'John Stronte,.Tolin Toronto, Orttarlat MuclIinuon. , Adiie Dawson, Henry Bor- fcr.aria $:.00;stndruggists. lo X. J. Beaton, `cooker, Hood's Sarsaparitia Cures kidney and liver troubles, re* Heves the backs and builds up for Whole System. 4'+++++++$4++++a4i++4•++4+4 .4 4.►444•+++++++P4404#++irt+4s PROF. DORENWEND OF TORONTO, The famous Hair ioods Artist' IS COMING! He will be at the 4 ootet.I\1 �s Brunswick Hata Wingham, Friday, May 22n With every kited and style of tidies' and Gentlemen's Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Wavy and Plain Fronts, Switches of all long hair in every length and sbade. Ilia Art Styles aro known and worn by all ctasst's' everp where. 33e sure to 'visit his show Vomits at the hotel and see his new designs. no will, free of charge, demonstrate by fitting you what is the most suitable and becoming to yen. Their use adds health, comfort and yoanger appearance. Gentlemen who are bald should investigate tend see ).tis l;+'>aA'TliEli, WBIG13T'TUUBLBS and WIGS 'worn on over 65,000 heads. PLEASE REMEMBER DAY and DATE. wiugham, Brunswick Hotel, friday, May 22nd