HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-05-14, Page 4r. Hose's Stock Goods C. A. Campbell The Druggist 'INGHA`lilf. 13>:,A,UTY'S CHARM. Clear Skim, Rosy cheeks mist Haight Eye Compel Aamriratiou. No woman needs to be told the charm of a clear complexion. Na uiau eau blind to the beauty of rosy cheeks, or tit power of sparkling eyes. And eve woman --no matter what her features may be-ecau have a perfect complextou Bright eyes and tt perfect complexion come front pure blood --au' pure blood comes from Dr. Williams' Piuk fills. By enrik hing the blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give vigor, strength, health, happi- ness and beauty. Here is a bit of proof; "For upwards of three years I suffered from anaemia, says Miss Mary Jackson, of Normaudale, Ont., '•I had no color in ray face, my ]ips and burls wore blood- less and I grew so weak I could scarcely walk about the house. 1 doctere;l a good deal but got no benefit until I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Before I had taken them more than a couple of weeks I could see a change for the better, and coetuiuiug the use of the pills for some time longer my strength returned, the color came to my face, and I gained fourteen ponds in weight. I can re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to every weak, ei:ing girl or woman." These pills tore good for all troubles due to poor blood or weak nerves. floret take any other mediciue—see that the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pial: Pills for Pale People," is found on the wrapper around every bee. If Yu doubt send direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat., and the pills will be mailed at 50 cents per box or six boxes for $2.50. 0 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of..changes must be left at this office not lats r than Saturday noon. The copy for eninges must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted t? to noon Wednesday of each week. • TIIE SV ING1CAk TIMES MAY 14, 1903. .. \i“.044.01••••••;••• ••••••0 0•0041•00000100••••••••••••••••051111116000•••0911•06.0111•000* 4 Duff ,S.7, Stewart are shipping a car 1)14 of maple rollers this week. A meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Wedneeclay, May 20 th, at 2 3 p. in. at the %onto -of Mrs. J. Di. meat, A cordial invitation is exteuded to those who have not ns yet ,aimed the Institute, Rev, Jus. Coburn, the eloquent biity preacher and lecturer, will take work o PERSONALS. p Barrister R.Holmes has returned from Toronto. 0 EktT .B1 I`IHEIJ 372.ltr•-J Joyut, of Lucknow, was here on Tuesday. TIIE YiTIMES Mrs. Andrews and children pre visit- • ng with relatives in Listowel, �a R,„?txS,IOTT,Puttt,rsahuAfitYt?aoYLtiFmoR Mr, Alex. AI. Stewart spent a few LIt:VGSIIIE. We are sorry to state that Mies Jennie Ross is gradually sipkiug. prise Martha Adair, Of Westferttepeut Sunday in our village. Illiee l,1ggic Morrison welted friends in Wiugbiaiu last week. , Mrs. Huinpliritea viseteii old itcquaint- anccs iu Whitecliuri h last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cottle, of White• church, 1ltteacled servii;e at Tifiluie the Bluevale circuit on the coming Stu ehureh on Sunday last. bath, preaching in the I3luevale Metho- Judgic,g.frouu appearauces 'and pro• dist church at night, Mr. Cobarn will: lecture in the same place, ou Monday evening; at Johnston's Church on Tues- day evening and at Ebenezer Church nn Wednesday. A treat is in store for those who attend. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1903. EAST HURON LIBERALS. „The annual meeting of the Liberal As- sociation for the East Riding of Heron (Dominion and Provincial) will be held on Tuesday, May 26th, in the Towu Hall, Brussels, commencing at 1.30 .o'e;ook. Ia addition to election of officers and. receivin: reports, addresses are expected from Dr. IM,icdouald, M P., Deputy Speaker of the Commons, Arch. Hislop, M. P. P., ani others. A largo turn oat is asked for. G. F. Blair is the President. NOTES AND COMMENTS days in Toronto this week. lies. A. Cosens . was viriitiug with Listowel friends this week. Messrs. Talbpt and. Cumming, of •St. Thomas, were in to va last week. Mr.Irwin, traiumaster on the G. T. R. for this district was in town ou Monday Mr. H. Thornton, of Berlin was visit- ing With his parents in town over Sun- day. c1 Mrs. McCullough and visiting with friends in week. Messrs. J. A. Cummings and Small were visitors in Wiugham over Sunday. Rev. R. J. Garbutt and Wife of Gorrie, visited with VPingliam friends this autntitas. The "Davy Maxwell" grass farm, 7th line, liar beer leased by Geo. Best,. of Brussels, who will pasture a lot of a attle thereon this sumer.. A. new plank floor has been put down on the Sommerville bridge. It was bad- ly needed. The contract for 'the now Horse shed at Sunshine was let to Jas. Hill, of Blyth at $380. The building will • be 4a feet square enclosed. The old stied will be left, at least for a time, Chas. Pollard,is hui'dirig *Wing to his barn, stone stabhng tieing paienader it. He is also improving the Nein with drainage, etc. Ws quite a hustler. Mrs, Gilbert Speir is visiting her, grand daughter, Mrs. Wm, Bowinan,3rd line. The old lady is 86 years of age but is remarkably active for those years. Mrs. Alex, Nichol, 4th line, who has been ill since last November, continues very poorly awl- has not been able to leave her bed since the stroke of paraly- sis was received, Peter MeNab, Gth line, has added a half acre of new orchard this year to his farm, Mr. M eNab -has. also acquired quite a reputation as ahorse dealer and not unprofitably so either. The spirit of Neil McDonald, lot 16, con. 10, took its flight from the earthly tenement on Wednesday, May Gth. He had been poorly for the past year, ner- vous prostration being the cause and for about eight weeks was confined to his bed. Deceased was bore. in Argyle, Scotland, and collie to Canada with his father's family in 1847, locatingiu Elgin County for seven years and then moved to the farin in Morris in 1854 on which he died, the old homestead. Of late years be had not farmed to any extent as the place was seeded down and cattle grazing was substituted, Mr. McDonald was unmarried, two sisters residing with hits. Ile: was 56 years of age. The subjegt of this. eke tell was it lAberal in politics, aPresbyterian in relizinfi and a ntau of high moral type who was held in high esteem by the community at large, He was an Elder lu the Church at Blyth and was also a school trustee in the section in which his farm was locat- ed. Out of the seven McDonald brothers who came to Huron there are only two surviving now, vis.,Johu and Alexander, both well known residents of Grey township. children are Guelph this Thos. The appointment of Mr. George P, vveelt. Gitxham; editor of the Brockville ResMr. Richard Wilsen, ;of. Turnberry, corder, to the thalieutinship of the Pub- left by C.' P. R. on It o4 ayfor Alberta, h p Aecounts,CQmmi tee in the Legisla- T. W. T. e a€. St...Tho#nas tare is a.welicte"s'er�CeB?reca ;Willem Won -songs- ..: Mi:,: � IieB.9' .. ..: :"lt'i5'1•rded as an indication' spent. a few clays last week • visitlug his that be may be same day called. tipon to bike apiece in the Cabinet. That he has timber for such a position is admitted.— Stratford Beacon, Mr. Graham has all the qualifications for a Cabinet Minister Med the Trees wouldbe pleased to see hum filling the position. The committee for the re -distribution of the Dominion Coo titnencies held a meeting oa Monday and this is part of what will occur in Ontario. The ridings of Bothwell, Brockville, Cardwell ut West Ontario disappear. Dufferin to the place of Cardwell, and Lennox an Addington are united. Muskoka and Parry Sound become separate consti u• enoies. Algoma gains two new membe • and Kent, Toronto, and Brant each. On the other hand, the ridings of Nor- folk, Middlesex, Brice, Wellington, Hastings, Durham (with Northumber- land), lose one each. Huron county Vaill retain the three members as at pres- reii't, but the ridings will be arranged in _:.sedifferent manner redis- ttibution. e. under the new DEATH OF HON. DAViD MILLS. Hon. David Mills, Justice of the Supreme Court died suddenly on Fri- * aysiight at his home in Ottawa. The causeofdeath is said to have been the bursting • of a blood vessel. Deceased was born tin the Township of Oxford, Kent County, in March, 1831, and grad- uated at Michigan University. He was called to the Ontario Bar in 1883, Made Q. C. in 2590 and raised to the Supreme Court Bench on Feb. 7, 1002. Ile held briefs for the Pitovinee of Outer - ie in many notabldc'onstitutfonalteses, beginnhig in 187;2 with the defenceof the r of northwestern bounds ythe e Pro •in r ce. In 1884 he ryas one of the counsel employ- ed in the case before the Privy Council, and later represented the Province in the oases relating to Indian titles and Queen's counsel. r MONEY To LOAN. Money to loan on As a Parliamentarian Mr. Mills Career notes, and notes discounted at reason - Was equally distinguished. Entering the able rates, Money advanced on mort- House of Commons at confederation as gages, with privilege of paying at the lnetnber for Bothwell, he sat continuous• end of any. year. Notes and aecouuts ly for that constituency until 1806, with collected. Oi]iceeaver Block, Wing - the exception of one session after the barn ---BRoar. MtiINnoo. • general election of 1882. During the TL'RNIIERR]t. Mackenzie regitne he held the portfolio The following particulars are taken of 'hello ter of the Interior from 1876 to from the 1903 Assessor's roll for this 1$7& lie was appointed Senator in 1696, township:—Population 2036, total mess - and in November. 1807, sucteeded Sir Oliver Mowat as Minister of Justice in Sir Wilfrid Lauricr's Cabinet, which post be held until his elevation to the Supreme many friends in town. Miss Kate Robertson of Wroxeter was visiting with ,Mrs J. S. Borden for a few days during the week. Miss Maggie Kennedy of Seaforth,. spent part of last week visiting her friend, Miss Tone Kelly. Mr. Charles Milne and family of Stratford, have moved here and taken up their residence on Minnie street. Mr. Orr, of Toronto spent this week in n visiting with his mother and sister, Mrs J. S. Borden and brother, Mr. Fred Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Porter, of Flint, Mich., are spending a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Porter. Mrs. Belding and little daughter, of El Paso, Texas, are home ou a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gor- don. Mr. Geo. Lowrey, a first-class brick- layer of Brussels, is here working on the new Holmes block as is also Mr. W. Westcott, of Seaforth, and others. Mr. R. 5 Campbell left Wednesday morning by the G. T. R. for Muskoka, relief to ine, as I was nearly worn. out He took a tourist ticket stopping off at losing so much rest at night. She cried ceediugs we are going to, have a mew church at Tiffin's, Mrs. Ephraim Taylor and. Master Ewart are recovering from severe attacks of la grippe. Alex. Campbell, who resided ou the farm now owned by Ephraim Taylor purchased Wm. Flemmii gway's fang on the Gtli of Culross. • Bicyclists arelameuting the sea condi- tiou of the streets and roads in and around Langside, the damage beiug caused by'heavy loads of slogs on their way to Mr, Mitchel% milVat Lucknow. The regular meeting of the Beef Ring was held Tuesday evening of .this. week. he cry of the people is Beef I Beef 1 •ue would think the people of this ueighborhood had been Weed through on the clippings of tits. Trout flnhing is .tile order cif the dear —from the small buy to,tlie gtoy headed marl. And if all stories ere tine regard- ing the size and quantities of some p !ople'a eatehes there must be setae of Lake Huron's sturgeon got strayed an the creeks aronud here. Your correspondent met Mr. Wm Tiffin in the village the other dayy and was very pleased to learn that his eye- sight is much improved., -One eye es peciaily is becoming suite distiuct in its sight and can discern objects a half a smile distant and eau recognize persons' some feet from him. He.says they are. steadily improving., BABY'S HEALTH. JOHN KERR JAS. H. KERR IC PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE* VerySpecaI 7HE NEtNEST AWDiEST STYLES IN DRESS GOODS • 0 • •. •• -, • • ,•1 }a;' . Aran's Overalls. blue nim, regular 40e and 50e, yourdechoice r for 300, •• Via'. Men's Overalls, cottonade. re. ,gular'75e and 90e a pair, retina,. • a. ed to 50e. • Men's Overalls. brown duck, • regular .$,1 00 for GOc. • •; • Alan's odd Vests, • all wool w } ; tweed, any size; your ehoice for ok $1,00, e. •,, Men's Shirts, well made, good 1,11',.- material, (regiil%tr " 121.c stripe shirting) ree'nla.r urice 60e. /Lc Reduced to 50e each. On account of the rain 'and the bad state of the roads,a week ago, Mr. Bu-' ebanan, teacher at Na. $, iyae unable to return to his school, he having wheeled to his home in Brussels on Friday even- ing. However the -pupils put in the day (Monday) as they thought very satisfac- torily, fishing, visiting,eto. Mr.Buchau an returned liouday evening and no doubt made Tuesday a busy day. Mothers all over the Dominion will ix: spared many an anxious hour if they will keep always at hand a.box of Baby's Own Tablets and give them to their little ones as occasion may require. These Tablets have saved thousands of baby lives and greatful mothers every- where acknowledge the good they have. done their little ones. Mrs. E. J. Mc- Parland, Wylie, Ont., writes:—"I can- not praise Baby's Own Tablets enough. When I got them my baby girl was very bad with whoopiug Bough, and cutting her teeth besides. With both these troubles at the same time she was in a bad way and sleptbut little day or night, After the second dose of the Tablets I found there was already a change for the Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. bettor. She slept well through the day heavy .... ........... 14 65 $ 5 15 and nearly all night, and this was a great Bulls heavy 3 75 4 25 Feeders • light,800 pounds and np- almost incessantly before I began giving wards 4 00 4 50 her the Tablets, but in a short time the Shortkeeps 4,50 5 00 cough ceased, she cut six teeth, grew Stockers . , .. 8 50 4 00 cheerful and began to gain wonderfully. Batcherte— In fact, I believe I owe her life to Baby's Choice . - . 4 25 4 50 Own Tablets, as 1 do not think she Medium • , 3 75 400 would have pulled through had it not Picked • 4 60 4 75 been for them. I can recommend the. Fair ........ e, 3 75 4 00 Tablets to any mother who has a cross, Cows 8 50 4 10 fretful, sickly obild. Hogs— These Tablets will cure all the minor Best . 610 ailments of little ones; they are guarau- Lights • 5 85 teed to contain no opiate, and can be - Sows...... 4-00 4 60 given with advantage to the youngest Stags .,. 2 00 3 00 and most delicate child. Sold- by all. Thick fats• 5 85 druggists or seat by Niall; .at -256.: +4;.bon, Sheep— by'writiug to the Dr. Willialnsiyiec kine Etport 4 50 5 00 Co., Brockville, Ont. Bucks .... . , . • 3 60 400 Grain -fed lambs 5 50 6 00 Do. bucks . , . , , 500 5 50 Barnyard lambs 3 50 4 50 Calves per cwt..... , .....4 50 500 Lost "Myhair came out by'he hand- ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. 1 tried Ayer's Hair Vigor,, and it sto,ppaLtiteeho ir0.0,4oln ins Ott and restored the Color."— Mrs. M. D; Gay, No. Salem, Mass. Thereg a p%easiire, in offering such a ;prepara- tion as dyer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The ' hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And yotifeel so secure in using such: an old ?;,-1 reliable ,prep ara- ii011. $LE, a bailie. All dranists, If your druggist cannot supply you, I t :wad ns ono dollar and we will ex; cess you a bo toe. lie sure and give tea mamo t of your nearest express otliec. n,lliresu, , J. C. AYtit CO., Lowell. ;bass. f Values Sore Broken fines to clear Them, But. tfen's:Ties:'a quantity of knnt and four in hand Ties, regular •' 25c. Price to clear 10c each, O •• iD • °• • • • r Ladies' Skirts, tailor made, s' Food material,neat fitting, flared Skirts, 25 per cent, off. • Dimity Prints,ahout 200 yards. dark colors. Ree'niar price 12?,e yard now only 10e, a yard. • O• ■Svc Stook Marr etc. Toronto, May 12.—At the'Western Cat- tle Market to -day trade was moderately active in exporters, brisk- in butchers' good in stockers and feeders, and Steady in sheep, lambs, and calves, Toronto, Cannington and Beaverton. Rev. J. J. and Mrs. Patterson left on Saturday morning for their home in Baffalo, where Mr. Patterson will enter work on his new pastoral charge on Sun- day next. Dr. Macdonald, M. P., was home from Ottawa for a few days during the past week, visiting with Mrs. Macdonald, who, the TIants is sorry to learn has not been enjoying good health for some week Me. Peter Lbik1'ater, who has been working in Listowel for some time past was visiting in town for a few days this week. He left on Wednesday morning for Mt. Forest, where he has secured a good situation. ,••� • v1en's and Boys' ready made Suits, wool ':tweed, at your own price. If you: wait a suit cheap oza JOHN KERR •• FOR SUITS, WAISTS AND SKIRTS ARE SHOWN AT THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STOREI French Crepille Sole, lstest colorings 85e French Wool Blousing, fancy stripes, per yard ......... 50e. Paris Lace Brocade for waists per yard ... .. ........ 35e. Fine Wool Delaines for waists per yard , ........50e French Wool Satin Cloth,new- est shades, for waists or suits per yard 50e Stripe Silkine Blousing, very pretty, per yard 50c Fancy Stripe Silks for Waists per yard.. . 50e to 75e Black Silks, plain and fancy openwork stripe,for waists, coats and suits. Fancy Dress Muslins Fancy Basket Cloth ° Plain Batiste &c. Black Broadcloth Black Cheviot Venetian Worsted Black and Navy Sergees Black Russel Cord Black Grecian Cord Homespuns GROCERIES Always Fresh and Pure Prompt Delivery. 1 • •• • Sugar has advanced in price, but we are still selling lit old prices Redpath's granulated Sugar 22 lbs for 51.00 °Dal'k Sugar 30 lbs for $1.00. COAL OIL Remember we keep in stock the very best American and Canadian Coal 011. FLOUR, ETD. Our Bread Flour is the best and most economical that you can buy. It will make better bread and more loaves to the sack than any other flour on the • market. Those who have tried it say so. • d • • • • • • • • w 0 • • • • M • 0 0- • • SEEDS • • Mammoth Long Red Beet Seed—nets seed per lb 150 - arden Peas per ib 15c Package Seeds, all new seeds 2 packages for 5e Cash paid for Eggs. move gulch; . •emeoceste••coeae0oseeseoe seeoe seetmese000000•••s® c0e000®•••••••®••00•••s••• • r t• • a • • a. dM 0 a ss. 0 0 0 • • • 0 0 • MACDONALD BLOCK, WIN• G H A M • s • 940 •.$ •••••000099,0000110•000•11•••02•80009••• coefee•eetae000000001100•0000 :_. vY*VVVYYYV* !` rrvvYYVVYYVY♦ vvvvvvVVVVVPYVYBYVY'vvvrio'YY o. * :•4 Special ment $1,318,635,70. of days staatute labor 2476, doge and bitches 336, horses, 1049 cattlo 4814, sheep 1948, hogs 3273; total acreage 35,580, acres cleared land 24,108. acres hardwood land 2.287, acres 7, a swam 8 705 aeres orchard and garden Court Bench on Feb. iJO . acres + Mr. Mills repreAeuted Canada at the 12, achoolcliildren wheatll to 8,years 767, steam ilerti ooiontaa wife renee in tension in 1001, 1►Lllm repreeentatives were called to. tousles, cards, iteatieness, end ether threat Ater to oonsider the establishment of yitmrnts Met grifrkl* reliared u* Crc 501ene a met Court of Appeal for the Empire, iat,kte•tteueesite>7ertwx. d1Idrata to ----.--- Two Presbyterian ministers well known in all parts of Ontario, and, in- deed, throughout Canada, died Tuesday night, the Rev. Mingo Fraser, D. D., for many years pastor of Knox Church, Hamilton, and the Rev, John Thompson, D. D., of St. Andrew's Chetah, Sarnia. WINGILlatY NA.RKEIO IMPORTS Wingham, May 13, 1903. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Cassels & Carr. Floor per 100 lbs..... 166 to 2 50 Fall Wheat ,... 0 66 to 0 70 one Common Cause or Headache'. Spring Wheat...... 0 00 to 0 00 Perhaps the most general cause of head- Oats, ..... 0 25 to 0 30 Oho and pain across the eyes is nasal Barley .. ..... 0 85 to 0 40 catarrh. The simplest cure. is to inhale Peas 0 65 to 0 70 the medicated vapor of Catarrhozone Turkeys, drawn0 11 to 0 12 which traverses every air cell and air Geese, " 0 07 to 0 08 passage of the throat, lungs and nose. Ducks, per pair ,0 60 to 0 75 It kills myriads of germs at every breath; Chickens , 0 80 to 0 60 clears away mucous diseharges, preserves Butter...... ............ 0 le to 0 15 and heals the membrane. Catarrhozone Eggs per doz .. 0 12 to 0 12 is just a splendid remedy for headache, Wood per cord .. 2 00 to 2 50 and its action is certain and unfailing in flay, per ton.......,..... 700 to 800 0 50 to 0 60 discaspe of the Throat and Longs, Deaf- Potatoes, per bushel nese, ii rs n +hitis, Asthma and Catarrh. Apples, per bag .....: , 0 30 to 0 50 Atrial wiil convince the most skeptical Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 06 that C;atarrhozone is all right. Large Lard , .. • - 0 15 to 0 0 04 to 0 5 size, $1.00; trial size 25e. Druggists' or Dried Appleaper lb,,,,.. • Tolson & Co., I•tin stop, Ont. Wool ...,.. 0 13 to 0 6 1 4 Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. Live Tlogs, per cwt, 5 76 10 5 75 Prices —RINGS WATCHES —BROOCHES BRACELETS and all lines of Jewelry until further notice. Halsey Park Jeweler and Optician. tti-- ����t+,t• Medium -weight Overcoats Everyone shonld possess one. It's a good investment—for there's years of service in them ---and the price paid needn't be beyond any- body's reach. Spring Overcoat --•light in weight --- light in color --heavier in weight— darker in color -<-from any Over - coating material that yon wish— perfect fit ---moderate in price—cor• rest in everything—'made right because made here. R. MAXWELL. num Ald TAILfait,. is IN e I II t 4 4 is ®t t T. A. MILLS has completed his stock of silage and 1 c. maturing corns. I have exercised the greatest care to a have the best recommended kinds for silo. t, ® White Cap Dent, <<d 0. 90 -day Learning, 1te . Mammoth Cuban, 4 t>• Butler Bailey, 3 C Clark's Early Mastodon, W. Cloud's Early Mammoth Surprise, s H Compton's Early, D Saltzer's North Dakota, rAnd several other kinds well ripened and of magnificen t 4 ► quality. s le 4 4 le 4 De le 4 e Peas without bugs, 4 Speltz, Buckwheat, e Millet,—Hungarian, 3 0- New Seed Potatoes, 1 Mangels, 4 ► Sugar Beets, - Field Carrots, It Garden Carrots, A le w Turnip Seed—several special kinds now here. s0. 1 All kinds of Garden Seeds it Including Peas, Beans, New Black Beet, Sunflower, 1 Pumpkin. 1 have every kind of seed that you want, and 1 0. intend this place to be headquarters for seeds, as 'i give special attention to the seed trade. Call and be convinced I cart serve you well and save you money. Ti A • MILLSI 44 AAAU►AAAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. AAllllAAAALUAAA AAJAAAAAAX • I j l 1- �/ I)