HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-05-14, Page 2TILE WINOlIA11 Tl, IES, MAY 14, 1903. illOTABLIKIED :STS. Cost Ontario Two Millions. Tues. Tho Ontario D apartutettt of A;rioul- r 1 ed au is grout bulletlu on �������� � ��'�� truce leas teen P Yoh „io tit 'nee ()Mario F. Weevil." Sa Pea ' ae ! i "Peas as and P •a W +y6.1t�L.1•('U'2"S 1't* s nR Atm i'ttnrxtltiTnR I fart tt is tate greatest pea -;;rowing seetien on THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1903, the cantiuent of America, aud since the crop is used. iu a great variety of ways, "s .. ------- - .•- . I this subject is more itnpartant than may NOTES AND COMMENTSappear; The pee crop has undoubtedly 1 It is reported that Mr. Borden, the er and Dir. M )nk aro a i.ve leader, laeery t annIni ti tour of Ontario in July, aud tstra anxt• rug that the Parliamentary ses- sion should closeabout the end of June. The saying that "the way of trans - rad specially for - tibia hast a E id �resaor tibio illustration iu the penalty visited on a New York man named Adams, who occupied a very ituportaut place tit the agriculture of Ontario. Acoordtug to the reports of the Bateau of ,Iudustries, the average ua'sr'ket value of the threshed peas grown in Ontario during the past tweuty years atu uuted to folly eight million dollars a pear. Iu 1597, no less than 895,735 acres Were devoted to the pea crop, this being ia' the largest eat area under peas in auy siugle year. Since Public Schools and High School Ex- aminations. The different .exatninatious will cout- menee on the dates giveu below:-- I3, S. Entrance: 24th Julie, 8 41 a. fit . at Goderich, Exeter, Zurich, B,;yfield, Hensall,-Duuganuou,li:iutttil, St. Helens and Oredition for West Huron; and at Clinton, Seafortll, Wingham, Brussels, Wroxeter, Fordwicli aud Blyth for East Huron. Junior Leaving Part 1I, Senior Lefty- tug, Martrieulation, Pitss and Honor, Cotumercial Diploma and Commercial Specialist Examinations, June loch, at Goderich, Beater, Clinton, Seafortll, Brussels and Wingham. lis$ made a fortn_e of five =lima dollars that date, however, there has been a by means of a fortn of g:tmbliug known gratuai decrease until the year 1902, as •'polk'y games." He was convened a tbreaking the criminal law of the State WI seat to Sing Sing handcuffed as an ' oerdivary convict. II may by means of • 'itis wealth find some loophole of escape from prison, but the social stigma can never be effaced. Dr. Britlreland, Liberal member of the Ontario Legislature for Muskoka, filed at his home in Bracebridge on Wednesday of last week. The doctor bad been ill for six mouths, and was removed home a few days ago. The cause of death was Bright's disease. He Was 55 years old, tu.i a graduate of Qaeeu's University, He was far=t elected to Parliameut iu 1893, and was a supporter of the Ross Government. He leaves a widow aucl three daughters. when only 532,63e acrea of peas we:e grown. This decrease is undoubtedly due to the great damage dine to the crop iu loath-,vesteru Ontario by the pea weevil, commonly known as the "pea bug." The total direct loss by the agency of the pea weevil in 1903 is estimated at over two million dollars. 'the plan of having professional judges of stock at the township faits wasfound to work well at the Ancestor fair and at the other fairs which availed themselves of the offer grade by the Ontario Government. The plan is being extended. This year $3,000 has been set apart for the purpose, so that every fair which desires may have professional judges who will be able not only to decide ou the best animal bet to give The Canadian Apple. The finest fruit that grows is the Cana- dian apple. If anybody doubts this let him travel the world over, aud he will come back convinced of it. He may vis. it th3 orange groves of the South, and on iuto the laud of the bauaua; he may tour the grape countries, and pull figs and cocoanuts where he can fiud them;` aud if he stay long enough at each point in his jonrueyiogs, he will tire of the native fruits, nud come home fully persuaded that the apple is the leader of them all. We do not properly appreciate the Cunadiau apple. Only those amoug us who have lived abroad know what a fine thing we have iu our apple erop, and what a deprivation it is to be unable to put forth a hand and pluck fruit from au apple tree. c e The orange, the bauana, the grape, the it',teliigeut reasons for their decisions. fig are nice for it change, but the good Nobody in the world wauts to keep down ability. Everybody has an ont- stretched hand for it. with i it this Many men are to be mot life who would have been great aud successful had the world rated theta at the value they placed upon themselves. Application for Entrauce must be sett to the Inspector on or before June let. The fee is $1 to be paid 24th of June. Applications for Junior Leaving, Sen- ior Leaving and Martriculation (High. S.;hool Forms II, I1I, IV) must be seut to the Iuspiotor before: May 24th, ac- companied by the necessary fee. No application can be received by the In- spectors atter that date. Applications forms may be obtained from P. S. I i, specters or Principals of Collegiate Institutes. Those who intend to write at any examination centre in the Western In- spectoral Division of Huron must send their application, giving nano in full, to S. Elgiu Tom, I. P. S., Goderich, and those who iuteud to write in the Eastern Division to D. Robb, I. P. S., Brussels. Books containing writing or drawing are not to be presented as in former years at the Entrance examination. Caudidates will be supplied with paper and ink by presiding examiners; but they must bring their own pens, rulers, lead pencils, etc. Teachers are earnestly urged to use their influence not to let candidates who are not properly grounded on the work, come up for examination. Memo :-Entrauce Examination.be- gins Juno 24th, at 8.45 a. m. Junior Matriculation, District Certificates and Commercial Diploma, Part II, Jane 29th, 8.45 a. m. Junior Leaving Part II, Senior Leaving, honor Matrioulatiou and Commercial Specialists, July 2ud, 8.45 a. in. It is much the more satisfactory way. - Dundas Banner. One of Hamilton's 'earnest ministers was 1 etrayed into some rather sweeping Statemetlts as to the responsibility of the License Commissioners for liquor law in- fractions, autl, when he was called to ac- count by that body, he wrote that. "Poss- ibly a Celtic teniperatnent speakiug ex- ternporaueously might be led to wider statements than actual evideuce could support." All Irishman might wiggle out of responsibility for his words in that ivav, but what cover can the rest of us take to wheu we let our tongues aud temper run away from the facts? • old apple is as welcome as our daily bread. By the process of grafting we can produce apples of almost any flavor - either mellow and quick ripening for the fall, or hard and hardy to last through- out the winter. They can be produced in many varieties and flavors, and can be baked whole, madt.into pies, pud- dings, apple dumplings, turned into apple sauce, converted into apple butter, apple jack, cider, or eaten raW. The apple is the most adaptable fruit fn the world, and those only tire of it who do not know the many ways in which it can be served as afood. The maple tree is getting all the glory, but it is the apple tree that this country ought to be proud of, and we hope some patroit will write a soak to it. The Ontario Government has an- nouncedits intention of extendiug the time during which advantage may be taken of the offer of aid towards the construction of improved highways. As yet only one comity, Wentworth, bas made application for the grant, but there are several other counties in which arrangements for so doing are well ad- vanced, and. these must bo afforded the necessary time in which to coinplete their plans, It its incipient stages, the cause of good roads cannot make haste, as there are so many prejudices to be removed, but once the movement gets fairly started it will progress rapidly. :This has been the experience elsewhere, and no doubt it will also be the ex- perience in Ontario. Beep the 'Balance Up. It has b •en truthfully eaid 'that any disturbance of the even balance of health .cat. be causes notions trouble.. Nobody t too careful to 'keep this balance up. When people begin to lose appetite, or to get tired easily, the least nnpru,lelace briugs ou sickness, weakness, or debility. The system needs a tonin, craves it, and should not be dented it; aud the best tonic of which we have any knowledge is i ue What this mod c.n Sarsaparilla. W t Hood's has cloud in keeping healthy people healthy, iu Leepiug up the even balance of health, gives is the saute distinction as a preventive that it enjoys as a cure., Its early use has illustrated the wisdom of the old saying that a stitch in time saves nine. Take Hood's for appetite, strength and euduraneo. • Bowling on the Green. (Torouto News.) There is both health and humanization in bowling, health in the out -door exer- cise, and humanization in the congenial companionship which it affords. For many men the close confinement and the hard business applicatiou of the winter months breed physical weariness and mental irritability. We freshen again with the tonic of the spring air, and re- new oar youth with the growth of spring verdue, the blossoming of the Sowers, and the radiant dressing of the fields for the time of summer. But if we would receive the healing of nature we must Judge Pollard, of one of the at. Louts i seer her presence, and seek her with a police courts, is trying a new plan of serene temper and a careless mind. If reform on the'prisoners who come b)fore we but walk out into the field in delib- fatm:"' He le not a drinking roan, but he erate pursuit of exercise we are likely to is willing to accept the excuses of prisoners that t}.ey were drunk when they committed offences. His method of accomplishing reform is> peculiar, bat it may be effective. He imposes a fine, then makes a few remarks about the consequences of over itldulgence in bowling green, in the clear air, and nn - liquor. He asks the culprit whether he 1 der the open sky, all our cares and wor- will abstain from drink for a year, or go ries take flight. We forget the down- otom workhouse, where it is impossible town office, the account at the bank, the ,� to drink. Of course the prisoner says condition of the stock market, and all the other grave and insistent obligations which mortals must meet and carry, and give our whole miud aud heart to the bowls and the jack. We could not do otherwise if we would. While the sport gives a sereno contentment, it yet makes an imperative demand upon its votaries, and forbids all I serious and. vexing, tl}iugs, to obtrude: Lord /Toughton in one of . hispoems speaks of the :nen,; f, oki • as .blending their souls' sublimest needs with tasks i of every day, and as going about their Mit. John Harvey, Mayer of Arnprior. 1 gravest deeds like noble boys at play. Ont.. states: -"Only 'persons who have 1 It is in some each spirit as tins that the ext atiesuced the torture of itching piles 1 bowler pursues his cherished sport and can form any idea of what I suffered irorn } he is blessed t'1 the thought that his la tltia:luorrilate disease. I was advised to try 1play- '1 Ointment, and tan positively time on the green may extend to three - it has tofngletely cured ale. I l score years and ten, and beyond. It is true that the restless and the noisy eietuent of his kind gibe at his game as slow and gentle, but he minds not at all. CURIOUS FACTS TOWN DIRECTORY. BAPTIST Cgvztori-Sabbath services at 11 a to and 7' p. In. Sunday School at 2:30 p fit. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Bev. J.J. Pat- terson., B.A.,pastor. W.J.Chapman, S,S. Snper•iutendennt. MtrfJxOAIST CHURCH -Sabbath services at 11 a it and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:80 p m. Epworth League overt' Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting ort. Wednesday eveuings. Rev, Richard Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. 5, Sup- erintendent. PRESBYTERIAN Cinnto 3 -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:90 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrin, pastor and S S. Superinten- dent, dent, P. S. Lneltlator and L. Harold, assistant 5, S. Superintendents. Sr. PAUL'S OIiURCH, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 it m and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:30p m. General prayer meeting on. Wednesday evening. Rev. Wm, Lowe, Rf oro-, F. Shore and asststaut S. S. Superintt nde its. In a paper read before the Royal Stat- istical Society, it was pointed out that the average income per head in ItaIy was but £9 17s. ld. Yarmouth Guardians wonted a store- keeper at a guinea a week for the work- house, aud received 100 applications, 50 of which cane from returned soldiers. John Kay, the inventor of the fly - shuttle, who had to flee f.ora Bnry ou account of the hostility his invention aroused, is to have a monument erected to him there. The remains of a number of bodies supposed to be those of Protestants who fell victims to Qneen Mary's persecutions have been foaled at Colchester Castle. There is only one way to cure tramps, said a government inspector tit Crediton, Devon; keep them in separate cells for two uights and give them a hard day's work in betweeu. Mr: Carnegie's Advice. , Put all your eggs iuto one basket and then watch that basket. Do not be particular; take what the gods offer. Iu toad of the question, "What must I do for my employer?" substitute," What can I do?" You will often hear the •false axiom, "Obey orders if you break owners." Don't you do it. Always break orders to save owners.' Remember President Garfield's doc- trine: "The richest heritage a young man can be born to is poverty." Do not forget that liquor and specula- tion are the Scylla and Charybdis of the young man's business sea, and endorse- ment his rock ahead. , go with our minds fulled the cares and worries of business. If we bat pass along the shaded streets in the usual routine of life, we never get far from our daily con- cerns, and never quite escape from the serious problems of living. But on the ESTABLII311ED 1872 THE WINGuAh, Mmes: IS EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times O111ee, Beaver llloek WINGHAM, ONTARIO. TEltacs Orr Stn scnur`inON-$1 Jit per annum in advance, $1.50 if not so paid. , ;co paper discon- tinued, till all arrears art, pard, except at'th(r option of the publisher. ADVenrnsiNO RATES. - Legal and other casual advertisements 8c per Non )arielline for first insertion, Ile per line for trach. subsequent insertion. Advertlseuronts in longi columns are charged 10 eta. per lino for first insertion,. and 5 cents per line for each subsequent! insertion. Advertisemonts of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for nisi r u'bs • month and 80 cents for each subsequent ueut month. RACI RATES -The following table showsCoNT our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods: SPACE. 1 Yrt. 0 eco. 8 ate. 1 arm Ono Column $00.00 $95.00 $15.00 $0 t l' Half Column 08.00 18.00 10.00 4.W Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 0.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid form advance. THE Jon DEPAATMItNT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate cuts for alt styles of Post- ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the liner classes of print. ing. H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher SALVATIoN ARMY -Service at 7 and 11 a m and $ and 8 p ni on. Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST OFFICE -Int Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:80 p m. Peter Fisher,, postmaster. 14IECHANICS' INSTITUTE -Library and free reacting room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:90 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. Towel' CovNCIL-R. Vanstone, Mayor; A. Dultnage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- Iudoo, J J. Elliott,. W. F. VanStone, S. Bennett, Coaucillors; J. B. Fer- guson, •Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Win. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets' first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Next year will be the 700th anniver- sory of iucorroratiou of Chesterfield, the first character being ,.;ranted by King John in 1204. The townspeople will celebrate the event. • While herring fishing off Cornwall just now is bat poor, the German fisher- men at the north of the Elbe aro taking such catches that they are selling fish by the ton to farriers for manure. Iu one mouth 658 dinners for poor childreu were provided for by "ceiling collecting" at a Liverpool hotel. A coin wrapped in paper, is flung at the wooden ceiling and adheres by means of a tin• tack in the wrapping. An electrician in Vienna has invented an •electrical machine for extracting teeth It is a great mistake to thick that the man who works all the time wins. Have your amusements. There is always a "boom" in brains; cultivate that crop. If tempted to speculate. say to the tempter that you would prefer to go to a. well-conducted house where they cheat fair. An honest day's worst well performed is not a bad sort0 f prayer. er. p y I would almost as soon leave a young roan a curse as burddnu him with the al- mighty dollar. All pure coins have their counterfeits; the counterfeit of business is speculation. It would be a great mistake for the community to shoot the millionaires, for they are the bees that snake the most hooey and contribute most to the hive. Family influence passes for nothing. True education out- side ' n can be obtained side the schools; genius is not an in- digenous plant iu tho groves academic, but a wild flower found in the woods all by itself. he Will quit volantarily and he is made to sign a pledge. Theft the fiue or seu- tenee is suspended, to become operative if the man breaks his pledge. Tho idea is certainly worth giving a trial. The Torture of -Itching . Piles very zany so•called cures for piles, forth chs truthfully toy that there is no remedy oar the fate of the earth like Dr. ,Chase's Ointment for this purpose. I would Dot be without it for any amount of A good many botWlere have both girth Oandd can heartily recommend it to rem, u it is the best thing I ever and \weight, and hence in their eyes the seed.'" l' qualities which are trade its reproach are r 1 imitations of Dr. ! really its virtues. They know that on mere are several a Ott Ointmeta, tut so far it isthe 1 the green they get health, and friends, ' �ationextant which isa positive e,.renity of mind, and length of days, and oertalta cure for ger of every form. , tt hat else has life worth the giving? You turn rely on it absolutely, and it Is lienee they will be found on the green as oily A rnon�a to try Of yore, eager as ever to lie t edido the wasWt of time find y g wlatmtes. 6e cents abox, at all daler. jask exultant n a bowlWell played, a or �•oo, Batu a 11: Ca., Termite. shot well made, d guard well placed, ' modest in victory, serene in defeat, care - lees sometimes of their dignity, even Chase's Iboisterous now 001(1 then, and regardless Ointment ,.tiity iu his air and tread. de wttlt joss ft suggestion of superior• SCHOOL BOARD. -J: J. Homnth, (chair. man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Douglas, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Win. Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tnesday evening in each month. Pt1BLIC SCHOOL TsicHErs.-A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Fargetharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD of HEALTH -Mayor. Vanstone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, 4. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. Cats and other beasts of prey reflect fifty times as Much light from their eyes an human beins. • By the sale of stray dogs the North- uuiberl dna. Englaud, county council made £22.50 last year. William Ahket, a Chinaman qualified as a barrister and solicitor at the law examinations in Melbourne aud received the supreme court prize. As the Italian government declines to contribute. the whole cost of recou- structiug the fallen compauillo of St. Mark's will be borne by the Venice municipality. MISS DELIA SPARLING A. T. C. M. Teachfd,enidrtenusicMethod, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. TP KENNEDY, M. 4).. M. C. P. S. 0 • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p. m BRITIOS WARNING. DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE of.London Conservatory of Music, will be pre- pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar.. . Residence --Stone block," over W. G. Patters son's jewelry store, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY. Will Mai in Pre -Eminence in i Rets an Gulf. he. Ontnrio. FOREIGN SECRETARY SPEAKS. No Other lower Will Re Allowed to En. tablish a Naval Mase or Fortified Fori --His Remarks Meets Generally With Approtill-Sixty Bulgari- ans Itilled by Turks In sharp London, May R74-ttIle. reign Secretary,etaI Ya Lansdowne has proclaimed a British Monroe doctrine in the Persian Gulf, and has practically notified the com- peting powers that any aaftempt on their part to establish a naval base or fortified post in those waters means war with Great Britain. "I say without hesitation," said the Forel ell Secretary, dealing with the subject in tide house of Lords last evening, 'that we should regard the establishment of a naval baso or a fortified Mort in the Persian Gulf by any other power as a very grave menace to British interests, and we should certainly resist it with all the means at our disposal." Lord Lansdowne's attitude is this Matter generally meets with approv- al, although the answers thereto of the other powers interested in the Gulf are awaited with some anxiety. A„ Engagement at vain-Itxa. Saloniea, May 7. -An engagement is reported to have occurred at the village of Van-ltza between Turkish troops and a Vulgarian band, in which sixty Bulgarians, including their leader, DeltzefT, were killed, while the Turks had four men killed and three wounded. Thirty houses in Van-Itza were burned. A Bulgari- an band, led by Pctr•ofi, has been routed at Krapestza. Seven of the. Bulgarians were killed, A number of dynamite bombs were captured here, and martial law was proclaimed in Saloniea Tuesday. The . battleships Sandegna and Francesco- arforosini, the cruiser Car: to Alberto, and the torpedo cruiser Calat Fimi of the Italian navy have arrived. rtniaarla warned. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Sleek, over .T. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. and member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instrdctian on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Patter - son's jewdlry Store Wingham. r W.G. A new temperance movement which, is said to be gaining strong support from English clergy and temperance workers provides a pledge requiring .abstinence fromal choi drinks except ce tat meals. The telephone germ is now in evi- deuce. He roosts iu the transmitters of of telephones, clepcsited there from the mouths and throats of unhealthy per - sous and ready to leap into the neck of of the next person who uses the in- strument. - - Otto Gildmeistor, three times mayor of Bremen, made that city a seaport and had time besides to devote to study. He translated Shakespeare's ] of •ato d sone t dreams, all of Byrou's works aud Dante's "Divine Comedy,'-' this last especially being au excellent piece of workmanship. of the golfer who pts by on the other Jim Dumps haat tried some time in vain To ease an after-dinner pain Which gnawed at him his belt below, And filled his world with indigo. C4 Dyspepsia now can't bother him, For " Force" has made him "Sunny Jim." eat litany-to.5crvc Carat gine'; work 0 weak digestions and supplies the energy. A Poi to xndideattorn. "Every summer I have had to take tomes, but now I tree Force.' I nln enjoying excel- lent health ; it has built nut up. I at 'Force' at night aud it gives s Inc a restful sleep. It builds up, :.atis,les midispleea- ant to e,tt and: it, foe to itdt- gestion. "etas. Erre W. Dow aseilettnetest "itis• -2 FARMERS T. CHISHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM Gad., -At o.r.s.o. un,un,ox.,uo-es 0. :„ DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS. ETD. . OFFICE -Chisholm Block,Josephinestreet. REsthExcs-In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will he answered. R • VANSTONE: BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate ofintorest.---Noenmc sd).t&tar411 ort• gages, town and farm pproperty bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. JA. MORTON, • BARRISTER; &c. Wingham, Ont. and anyone having live. stock or other articles they wish to' dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TrarEs. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed of you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because youmay ask more Por the article 4r stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Tones and try this plan of disposing of your stook and other articles.• WANTED -FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAV- el for well established house in a few counties calling on retail merchants and agents. Local and expenses, tri Salary`f1024 a year territory. t and expenses ad- vanced. $10.70 a week in sits•1r Position permanent. Business suc- cessful and rushing. Standard House, 834 Dearborn St., Chicago. JOB PRINTING E. L. DICKINSON DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY To LOAN. Omen: Meyer Block, Winham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvanir Dental College and Licentiate of the Roval Collegeof Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 011lcf over Post Office, Wingham. VYT. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., • L.D.B. Now method for painless ex- traction. No Cocaine. Special attention to the (rare and regulation of children's tenth. Moderate prices, and al' work carefully and skilfully performed. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham. including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on s bort notice. leased to announce - e are iT'Drxo. W p Ban thatt any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding,will have oar prompt attention Prices fr Binding in any style will be given on applicgtion to Tilt TIbIES O , ,ICL'', Wingham. 50 YCat2S' EXPERIENCE Ttvtbr !dAI%KS DESIGNS COPYRIGi-rrn &C. Anyone sending a sk('tell and description may quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether as Invention t• probably pateetable. Communise Clens strictly confidential. Ilnndhnok on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for •teuring patents. l'atcnts taken t arnncb Munn It Co. raisins tpte:,atraoltec, without charge, iaggtho ¢�gg S knhiik Muir ailler A handsomely lllne•trnted weekly. Largest dr. calatien of any eclentr3e ).,ureal. Terms. i9 5 year: tont menthe, il. seerse nil newseealers. LIN I & Co °61Broadw'ay, Now York laraneb Office. t n tr et..'tlnPhln, rn,r. D. C. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. Constantinople, May 7. -The situa- tion in Turkish. official circles against Bulgaria is constantly growing mora acute, and the Government of that Principality has been formally noti- fied, otified, in rigorous language, that the Porte holds it responsible for the outrages arising from the freedom of action which the Macedonian agita- tors living in Bulgaria have been al- lowed. It is reported that the Porte has decided to mobilize the whole of the Second and Third Array Corps, sta- tioned at Adrianople and Saloniea, respectively. is lureislt COMM! Murdered? ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER - For the Conntp••of Arron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. • JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. [;ales of Farm Stock and Implements n specialty. All orders left at the Trsas office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. F S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Le prepared to conduct sales in this section. Special attention given to sales of faun stock and implements. Dates and c orders a always n ed S b0 arranged at y g the Timms office. Wingham. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. GRAND TRAINS LIAVE rim Condon '0.50 a fit ., 8.10p.m. Toronto & Easb0 a.m0.53 a.m.- 0 05p.m. Kincardine..11.1.0 am1.40 p 7n.... 8.38p.m. Aftn!VE triton Kinrardlne ....0.10 a.m0.00 a m., .. 4.0.E p.m. London 11.10 s ttr.... 7.55 p.cn. Palmerston 11.10 a.m. Toronto & E:tst1,40 pan,- 888 PAH. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADCANADIAN PACIFIC; 1bA1LWAif, IAN 'rlanr Cs r15Av1t Iron Toronto and East0.57 var.". 8.43 p.nt. Tecswater 1.17 in...19.43 p.m. Attnlvn vadat Ter.....0.57am.840pm, t t© EDi1Kf. Agent, Wingham. COI Termite mv Vienna, May 7. -An • unconfirmed rumor is current' here that Albanians have murdered tho Turkish general of the Uskub District. Asea Aieat tell in Morocco. Madrid, May 7.-A despatch US` Tho Itnparc1al from Melilla, Moroc- co, says it is rumored there that the pretender has been assassinated in his camp at Zclonan. Au Awful D.•ath. Toronto, May 7. -Fatally scalded, Frederick I.clloy was yesterday found by fellow -workmen struggling, out of a vat of boiling water at the Swansea Bolt Works. Isis loud, ago- nized cries attracted the attention of the other employes, who quickly took hiin out of the water and ad- ministered what aid they could to re- lieve his awful suffering. LeRoy was stripped of his cloth- ing and his body wrapped in cottori batting, soaked in oil. At an early, hour this morning he was reported to bo :n an exceedingly critical con- dition, with no hope held out for. recovery. Leltoy is 21 years of age, and has been in the employ of the company for only three months. ITe lives with his parents at 21 Sorauren avenue. There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings poo• ple back for another pair. Transvaual Lo n Passed. London, May 7. -In moving in the. Ilouso of Commons yesterday a for- mal resolution guaranteeing the Transvaal loan of $175,000,000, Co- lonial Secretary Chamberlain deliv- ered a lengthy, optimistic speech an fri •nth A the future of the new South kan colonies. IIo explained that it had been decided to purchase all the ex- isting railways, which would absorb $65,000,000 of the new loan, and $25,000,000 more will be expended as quickly as possible on the devel- opment of railways: $3.2.500,000 would be spent on land settlement, and 510,000,000 on public works. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Ritchie, declined to reveal the rate of interest in advance of the issuing of the prospectus. After some de- bate the resolution was agreed to. Then there is the law price and better qualityof cloth put thetn-cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. 7•'nll ICIII+ Your Workmen. St. ITyacinthe, One., May 7. --Four bricklayers, employed at the. nein St. Ilyacinthe Distillery, were work- ing on a. in irk chimney, when the frail scaffolding gave way at one encl. - The four fell a (distance of about 63 feet. .T. A. Roy and his son, from La Providence village. were instantly killed; the other two. Robert and Pariseau, were picked up in an unconscious state, and will die. Damage About $tO.000. Montreal, May 7. -Damage esti- mated at between S10,000 and $19,- 000 1.9,000 was the result of a fire in Lougee Pointe Tuesday night.. 'l'lte fire wits in a wooden frame building on the grounds of the It roams.). Lo+ Company. comotive and 'Aratrhine Gompany. I:fnrerOt• r , a•ves florae Rome, 'Dray 7.•-•1'tnperr r 'Cl illiont lunched with the Queen Mother, and left tonne yesterday afternoon. 'there was a briliisnt wee at the railroad I:tpitiuu '[then IIidl Iftajt•t•.l3' (1e11411 tea. i 1